the medford mail ' fRIBlTNE, MEDFORD, ORKCION, WIODNlfflDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 3010. ELKS SHOW GETS BEIIERMCH DAY "Tlio Great Klilmipliw and Breach of Promise Case" Promises to Make Much Fun. TESTIFY AT Says Ex-Sultan Alive. ! ('ONHTANTINOI'LB, Ki-b. 23." (JcMiorul Chcl'lnil PriKlm, rniiilHtor of 'war, lodny iimioiini'ed (hat Abdul 'llaniid, l(iiNC(l Turkish Hiiltnii, n iilivo lit liiM piiliicc in Hnlonim. 4- CITY NOTICES. Officials of Moriiari-Guuucnhcim Synillcato Ask Nelson to Allow Tliem to Qlvc Testimony. ThlH Ih .Morrlninn n "Happy Ho1 lirnii." tln tramp, In tin Hcn-ninliiu nfirpli'ci, "Tim (Iroat KlilnupliiR and llniarli of I'romlMt Ca." In thu Klkn l'tittrlfHM MlimtrolH at Modfonl opera lioimo Monday and Tiiwdny nlRlilit, Vubruary 2S, and Martli Int. Hero I what tint Wnllaro, Idaho. Dally I'K'Hit tmld alioiit tilth whirlwind aft 'rph'in: Tim nflurpUa-u wan a combination of n rrlmlnal artlon and a civil null liruiiKht In a kuimaroo court. An nwri writ wan charRml with kldnnp- Inn a buxom iiiInh and carrying lior four nillcn In III aniiH. Hllon Orn liain wan tlm uVcnipli dofvndaut. Mr. Ilurku an JudRii Wlnohi-ad prt- nldfd In ntylu and lined hid mnllot or jsnvi'l with much frequency. Frank l'ri'HHly wax thu Jrliih court lialllff And loohfd thu part. It was wondor f ul how becoming tliono red whlnkom iind hair wtrrw to thu jonnn banker. C. I). HN'phonn at lawyer Funityboy Mhowud plainly that he had iiiIhhimI hi ralllnc and ahould hnvo entered the legal prof!lon. 111a appeal to tlio hearta of tlio Jurors wih pnthutlc nn nnn th awldi? to hla client, "tveop. Hon, lll' tlio very devil, iiow'h the thn." Hd Kumt an Lawyer SnaiieaHli .wan not a Hyiiipatliotlc lawyer, lie appealed entirely to the rold and cal culating portion of tho Jury nod Nuni? around legal terma mich 'ale riompor tarantulun liemntltcliod overall" In n way that overawed and demoralltcd tho court. Me waa eloquent, too, thoro Ih no KalnnayliiK the fart. Mr. Sheetn In the role of tho rnnch nluiHed widow lady waK ureal, flhe no far forgot humelf nn to pull a powder puff out of her Mocking while tho court wa In aeioilon and tho audi ence Rave tho fact away, J. A. I'arnoiifi as Amelia Iledella Arrowroot, a wltnenH for the plain tiff, Mm. Trimtloy-Slicct, made n graceful and charming flguro and wan a aurceHB on tho wltnnaa ataiid. If tho Htnndnrd Oil magnates had neon her thoro Is no queatlon hor service would have been hired In Htnntly, She confined her replies to yea" and "no" and was not n bu reau of Information. Tho Jury was a nondescript one, tery. There was (Haron) Oraunu as I.ovl Honkholmcr, a Jow with an oyo to hiiHlneiis. Ho wan kept busy trying to make mile, He was miaplclouii of the lawyers, as could be aeon by tho way ho hid his wares whenever they approached him. Frank Vunnblo jib tho now woman, wns active In keeping the Jury lu, or der. Mr. Vonabla was an attractive female- and novoral of tho court soom od anxious for a kiss, Paul Tlco was n colored harbor who shook dlco and gambled on tho sldo. John Ilorg wan a CJcnnnn butchor. Ho wna roullHtic In appearance and acting ,nnd talked broken English Just as If ho wasn't born to It. Itoubun Fulor an Hooligan look ed tho part and acted It well. Horry IJnrd waH a stranded actor. His fro quent nuuoiing ovor marked him as a real track walkor hamstarmor profesnlnnal. WASHINGTON, 1. 1-Vli. - AilliermilM of ImiIIi mIuh in tlio Hnl- linger-riueliot eontroviiiM.v uro hmi tiluthiif today upon llie MiKiilfieiiuce of the ieiiiet of rupronmiliilivcrt of the MorKiui-OugKenlit'iin Kyiiiliiiatu that thoy could he heard hoion) lh OOllgieHMlOliai COIIIUIHieo mvumiKm- iiiK tho liiiid olfieo row. Stephen UiiiKH, iiiiiiiiil;K director of tho Hynilieale, and John N. Steel, tienenil eommel, addreHhed a letter o Chiiiriiuui NelHiui in llie.v nuked perniifhion to toMif.v. 11 iH helioved that the K.viiilirnle men wmh to prnaeni ii'kiiiiiiui.v id- Kimlintf their holding- and uetivitien of the Morirnn'Ountfeiiheini prople in Alanka. Thin belief in Htieiiglheiifil "I'liACKKVIIil-li MAN." HACItA.M I3NTO, Jan. 10. Jl10. About Ihree ywrs ago I had my feet poisoned, having sore foot. I tried two doctors In 1,'lacervlllo and thoy did not do me any good and I came to Hacraniento and went to Doctor Hliig, Chlneno Physician, 72C J atreot, and ho cured mo. Thoro has been no return of tno complaint. Again I got kicked by a homo Juat above tho ankle and got blood pol honlng. This Umo I wont straight to Dr.. Illng and sought relief. Ho Im mediately cured me. This wnii while I wn employed by K. (J. (lunch of Placervllle. for whom 1 worked seven yearn. I was born and raised wont of Placervllle. Dr. Hlng's ability was called to my attention by testimonials of those who had been cured of appendicitis without uno of knife. I will be pleased to verify ahove property fronting thereon will be heard. , Tho foregoing resoln'lon was pass ed by tho city council of the city of Medford on the 18th day of February, 1010, by tho following vote: Welch aye, Merrick absent, Hrnorlck ayo, Wormian nyo Ulfcrt nye and Dommer Approved February ISth, 1910. W. H. CANON', Mayor. Attest: HOBT. W. TKI.FHR, City Itocorder. JtEBOMJTION. Ho It Hofolved, by the city coum-ll of the city of Medford. Oregon: That It Is the Intention of tho coun cil to lay a 4-Inch water main on Queen Anno avonuo from lloosevelt avenue to Phlpps street, and to asses tho cost thereof upon tho proporty fronting on unld portion of said street In proportion to the frontage of said property. Tho council will mat at the coun cil chamber In tho el'y hall In said city on March 1st. 1910. at 7:30 p. in., at which time all protests against tho Inylng of raid water main on said portion of said street and tho assess ment of the cost thereof upon the (property fronting mereon win dc CITY NOTICES. . 4. . 4 4 4-f-f--f. : snnri! to roN'TriArrronH. . Tho city council of tho city of Med-! ford, Oregon, will receive sealeil pro- I posals for tho construction 01 an lat eral fewers which will be requireii constructed by said city during the year 1910. All bids must no ineo wun mo city recorder on or before 5 o'clock p. m. March Rth. 1910. and accompanied by a certified check, payable to the city treasurer of said city, equal to rive per cent of the amount bid for. Dated at Medford. Orogon, this 21st day of Fobrunry, 1910. HOBT. W. TELFER. 292 City Recorder ,1 B. ENYA'in. I'residen. JOHN S OUT I J J A. PERKY. Vleo-I' W R, JACKSON. Atm't CnahiPt THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL SURPLUS . Safety boxes for rent. fCO.OOf S 10.060 A icneral Banking. Business transacted. We solicit your patronage lii'fird. ,y Ihe fa,, that the repre.enlntiveH !s,e,.,,s to anyone calling on mo , Tno 3;- liavo iiKked pennihpioii ( Jippearjnt 2 1-- J atreet I Medford on the 18th day of Februiry, h helore ihe cenale eomiinttee on ler ritorien when it eonnhlori the peiul iiiK hill for tho erenlion of a lorn lorial council in .Alaska. TWO NEW BUILDINGS FOR STATE UNIVERSITY EMPLOYMENT AND BUSINESS CHANCES IT.VIVKHKITY OF OKI-XIOK. Ku jjene, Feb. l.-Two new huildUigK, made neeeowiry hy the rapid growth in enrollment, are lo he at tho University of Orepin, necord ing to tho leeiKion reached hy the hoard of regent at their Hcmi-nn-nual meeting beld ill I'ugeiie lant Saturday, The fimt of thene will he an admiuiHtration building, to eon tain the prenidentS, Ihe university Ktewnrd'H ami the registrar' officer on ihe first floor and an auditori'iui on the second. The second huihhi.i! will consist of classroom delusive ly. 'Hie regents found that with the present enrollment a number r in. Mructorx have no permanent recita tion room, but hold their clashes in any mom where opKrtunity will permit. The erection of an ndmin it ration building will leave all of Villnnl hall, in whirh the present of fices are situated, free for addi tional class rooms, and tho Condon geological collection, the most valu able of its kind on the Pacific coast, which is now crowded in a room ontainiug about one-third the space needed, win proiuiuiy oc iwaceii in the present assembly hall on tho see- Hid floor of Villnrd. INVESTIGATING TEACHING SOCIALISM IN WISCONSIN MADISON, Win., Feb. 23. An inquiry into tho charges that Kooial istio idons nro hoing taught in (ho University of Wisconsin is in prog ronB hero today, hy n spooinl com milton of tho hoard of visitorfl. Tho investigation, It la understood, is he inp; conducted to ascertain whether thoro is any truth in t)io statements and if this is not thu ease, of clear ing tho reputation of tho university in tho minds of those who have given orodonee to the charges, It is likoly that tho investigation will also doal with tho hmma Gold man incident, when, after hor post ers had been torn down, n professor nt tho university is said to hnvo an nounnctl hor lectures in tho class room, Several students nppoaretl boforo tho committeo today nud gavo testimony. Since-.' mid Whoelor & Wilson bow- Ing innohinoH for snlo and rout. Sup plies nnil ropaira for nil kinds. Ad dress 244 8. Qrnpo, Phono 2054. SPINELESS CACTUS FOR USE AS FODDER California Man Orders Bulbs From Burbank and Says It Will Take the Place ot Hay. For kale- 2 lots on OaU'Jai 1 aveiiuc, 12000. For reut S-room and f.-room Kus-. Wanted Three ancr- handa. Wanted Two srW ul onco; no uouc work. Wanted Woodch iopera, 2 f.0 rfr cord. For sale 4-roon hous.. half acre 1250. For lule 7-rojm liouso. . J-;0 acre, $2500. For sale I acre uear Phoenix, $750. For salo 6 acre, $600. 1 can furnish you help to work by the hour or by tho day at odd Jobs. Wanted Ilnjiclt.hand, $45 per month no bourd. Wanted Itnnch hand, $1.25 and board. Wanted Hanch hand, one that can hatidlo four hor bus. WantedJUIrU for general housework. For salo 7-room house, lot 90x200. $3000. For Halo Two houses, lot &2xl2C, $1100. For .falo 12 acres In hearing. For sale half acre, bouse and nam. terms; $1500. For sale 9 acres in fruit; $9000. Forsnk 18 acres Improved, 10 acres Irrigated, S In alfalfa. For sale Lot 83x100, water main; good location. For sale Lot, 50x100; Mistletoe; fine location; $900. For salo C-room cottage, modern, on Oakdalo avenue, $3500. For nalo 2000 peach trees, cheap. E. F. A. BITTNER. 208 Taylor & Phlpps BIq. Phone 4141 mono Hi' GItASS VALLEY. Feb. 23. That spineless cactus will provo n splen did succosfl hero ns a fodder is the belief of W. J. Mitchell, who has been ranching and conducting a meat mnrkot in this city for years. lie has now five variotics of cactus at his homo here, nwnitinf tho ad vent of Bpring to set them out, hav ing received tlio bulbs or roots from I.ulhor Jlurbnnk. It is his opinion thnt onctus will oventunlly solve tho hay problem in this end of the county. On the Inru'o ranch which ho sold soveral months ago tho purchasers have sev eral score of tho real spmoless plnnt8, most of which aro thriving well, though somo wore frostbitten luring tho recent almost unprece dented cold snap, though tho mots wcro not injured. It is tho intention to tnko up tho plants when spring approaches and Bet them out on a ilrior and sunnier Blopo. MAN INHERITS $3,000,000 FROM HIS INFANT CHILD TORONTO, 'Out., Feb. 23. Chas W. MoLean of Hroekvillo, Out., has fallen heir to $3,000,000 ns tho re suit of poouliur eiroumstancos at tending tho birth of his child and its death one weols ago. Mrs. MoLonti, fonuorly Mrs. Qoorgo A. Shoriff, was n daughter of tlio Into Senator Kulford. Shb died a weok ago and hor chihl survived hor only two Mrs. McLonn's estate, ao rording to tho terms of her fnthor'f. will, amounted to only $13,200, but if a child was born it was to inherit one-third of tho whnlo estate. Tlio ostato is now valued at ovor $0, 000,000, and tho infnut thoroforo was heir to $3,000,000 during its lifotimo of two hours. Tho fnthor will now inborit its share under tho law. Chinawaro at Gootlfriond's. 1910, by tho following vote: weicn aye, McrrlCK auseni, r.inencK ae. Wortman ayo Eirort aye ana uemmcr aye. Approved February ism, m 10. NOTICE TO CO NT It ACTORS. Tho city council of tho city' of Med ford. Oregon, will receive sealed pro posals for tho construction of all wa ter malna which will bo required con structed by said city during the year 1910. All bids must bo filed with 'he city recorder on or before 5 o'clock p. m. March 8th. 1910, and accompanied by a certified check payable to the city ! treasurer of said city equal to five' per cent of the amount bid for. 1 Dated at Medford, Oregon, this 21st: day of February. 1910. KOUT. V. TELFER, ( 292 City Recorder. PLUMBING SIEAM AND HOT WAIER HEATING All Work Guaranteed IMcuh ReiiPonable COFFEEN . PRICE 11 North 1) St.. Medford. Ore. Phono 303 Attest: W. II. CANON, Mayor. ROUT. W. TELFER. City Recorder. RESOLUTION. He It Resolved, by the city council of the city of Medford, Oregon: That It 13 the Intention of the coun cil to lay a 4-Inch water main on Ileulah avenue from Roosevelt nvenue to Phlpps street, and to assess tho cost thereof upon the property fronting on said portion of said street In proportion to the frontage of said property. The council will meet at tho coun cil chamber In tho city hall In said city on March 1st, 1910, at 7:30 p. m.. at which time all protests against tho laying of said water main on said portion of said street and the assess ment of the coat thereof upon the oronertr fronting thereon will be heard. The foregoing resolution was pass ed by the city council of tho city of Medford on the ISth day of February, 1910, by the following voto: welch aye. Merrick absent, Emerlck aye, Wortman aye Elfert oye and Dcmmor ayo. Approved February ISth, 1910. W. H. CANON. Mayor. Attest: ROUT. W. TELFER. City Recorder. NOTICE TO PAVING CONTRAC TORS. Tlio city council of the city of Med ford. Orecon. will receive scaled pro- rosals for the paving of certain streets with a hard surface pavement and ror the placing or cement euros on both sides of said streets. Plans and specifications on file In tho office of the city engineer. AH bids must be accompanied by a cer tified check or bond for two thousand dollars ($2000.00), made payable to I the city treasurer, and bids to bo filed with tho city recorder of the city of Medford on or before 5 o clock p. m. on the 8th day of March, 1910. Dated at Medford. Oregon, this 2m day of February. 1910. ROUT. W. TELFER, 292 City Recorder. FREE - - FREE MAGIC EYE-GLASS CLEANER for the asking to all users of glasses Dr. Goble's Optical Parlor Glasses fitted, repaired, etc Drokea lenses duplicated "WE HAVE NO OTHER BUSINESS." 18 WEST MAIN STREET PHONE 1041 Coffee at Goodfriend's. A. L. VROMAN PLUMBING & HEATING CONTRACTOR No job too small, none too large. Twenty-five years' practical experience. Residence: No. 437 South Fir Street Wm. E. STAGEY & CO. REAL ESTATE AND EMPLOYMENT. District Agent for ALADDIN LAMP Local agenta wanted. Lamp on exhibition and for sale at the following places: Medfcrd Garage. Allen & Reagan's. Worner, Wortman & Gore's, Hussey'o Cash Store and Medford Furniture Co.'s store. ADDRESS BOX 828. MEDFORD, OR. GOLD RAY GRANITE CO. Olfice: 209 West Main St., Medford, Ore. Operating Quarry at Gold. Ray, Oregon DEALERS IN BUILDING, MONUMENTAL AND CRUSHED GRANITE It is a watch become I clean and nuUI-KSnUTTirf ft Ft K XZhNr I r.ot.d worth! ftiaafS western wheat- sS m than JPRflim if 11 XfcJf I 1 Now is the Time TO GET OUR FIGURES ON WIRING, ELECTRICAL FIXTURES, ETC., ON THAT NEW HOUSE. DYNAMO REPAIRING A SPE CIALTY. FLYNN BROS- r WEST MAIN STREET AT YOUR GROCER'S -"'1' CITY NOTICES. RESOLUTION. no It RoBolvod, by tho city council of tlio city of Medford, Oregon: That It la tho Intontlon of tho coun cil to lay a 4-lnch water main on Roddy avonuo from Roosevelt avonuo to Phlpps streot, and to assess tho cost thoroof upon tho proporty frrint Urn on said portion of said stroot In proportion to tho frontage of said proporty. Tho council will moot at tho coun cil clmmbor In tho city hall In said city on March 1st, 1910, nt 7:30 p. m nt which tlmo all protests agnlnBt tho laying of snld wntor main on Bald portion of said stroot and tho nssoss mont of tho cost thoroof upon tho r k for1! m 1 pleasure to the toast crisp and brown, and then re move it from the G. E. Radiant Toaster at t h e precise moment it is done 70 General Electric Radiant Toaster produces crisp, delicious toast, on the dining room tabic. It makes toast by radiant heat the correct way. The center of the bread becomes heated before the outside is browned over, thus allowing the necessary chemical changes to take place, without which toast is soggy in the middle and hard on the outside. The General Electric Radiant Toaster lightens breakfast tasks and quickly pays for itself by saving time and bread. Come and see a demonstration of this electrical convenience. 1U8 ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Medford Iron Works E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. Foundry and Machinist I All fn of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ma chinery Agents In Southern Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. RESOLVED The best resolution for yon to make is to come to us for your next suit, if you waut something out of the ordinary. We do tho best work and charge the lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT TUB FKOa&JbSSTVE TAXLOK DRIVERS: that know the country RIGS that cover the country QUIOKLV AND WITH COSiF MOT TO YOU ARE ALWAYS TO HW POONO A I THE FAKLOW & DOWNING, PROPRIETORS, WEST SIDE STABLES PHONE 2431 s ORATE STREET WANTED Timber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. IK. n. narris o. MFDFORD - - - - OREGON Office in Jackoun county Bank Upstairs 1