orennn llUtorlnal iw! UNITUD I'llKHH AHHOCIATIO.N Full Ivacd Wlrti Report. Medford Mail Tribune TUB WEATHER,- fiv . Tonight and Thursday Part ly cloudy. Tneaday's Temperatures High 58, low .18, range 51. Thu (inly paper In tlio world PuIiIIhIkmI In u city tho nlxtj of Medford having ii lunHoil wlrit, FOURTH YEAR. MEDFORD, OKKOON, "WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 23, 1910, No, 200. 750 CARS WRECKED THREE DAYS RIOTS COMPANY IS JACK 1ACHE; OPERATING NABBED BY TODAY OFFICER No Tannlule Efforts Havo Been Mndo to Settle Differences of the Men anil Company Penrose Will Try and Keep Mllltla Away. TRANSIT COMPANY IS STILL STANDING PAT Dissatisfaction Rumored Among the Carmen of New York Gompers Stands Back of Men. PHILADELPHIA, Pit., Kill.. 23. A total of 7f0 wrecked HtrootcarH In tlio rosult of tliroo days of rioting nud pillage attending tlio Htriko of tlio strootcar men hero. OffieialH of tlio Philadelphia Rapid TrntiHit company declare tlmt tlio company is operating rnoro earn today than at any other timo niiioo tlio Htriko began. Tlio Htriko n itHdvrt that the com pany's failure to rim nn adequate number of earn will win tlioir fight for tliotn. . No tangible efforts havo been made to nuttlo tlio differences of tlio men nnd tlio company, anil it wiik predicted that cacli elde would fight for principled It considora vital to its wulfnro. Tlio city was qtiiot dur ing tlio night. No bars wore operat ed after 0 o'clock, howovor. At the enr lianiM, where hundreds of strike breakers arc ImiiHud, thoro wnn lit tle or no diBordor. A committoo of lalior leaders ar rived hero from Washington after a conferonro with Senator Pcnrnso of PoniiRylvnnia. Sonntor Penrose promised to no his influence to pro vent tlio stnto militin from being called in to do police or Htriko duty In Philadelphia, provided present conditions grew no worse Tlio trntiHit company official to day reiterated their aniioiiiiconwtt that they will not Biibmit thotr dif foronooH with tho men to nrhit ration New York Cnnneii Son. NEW YORK, Fel. 211. Following rumors of dissatisfaction existing among tho cannon of thin city, Sam uel Gompcri, profiidont of the Am erican Fedoration of Labor, is horo today conforring with local union lendors. . Tho prcsidncnt of tho American Fedoration declared that ho had come horo to sottlo jurisdictional disputes. In the course of his remarks Gom pors paid that ho boliovcd that tho Philadclphin cannon would win in their fight against tho Philadelphia Rapid Transit company. Ho added that tho Htriko wns ordered without his sanction, but that now that it in on it should bo fought out, Gompors doolnrod that tho Htriko resulted from what ho called at tempts of tho transit company to dostroy tho camion's union. Ho said that tho Htriko was forced by the company in ordor to crush tho un ion. Gompors said that it is hnrdly likely that a gonoral Htriko of unions in Philadelphia would bo called, but that tho unions will glvo finauolal and moral aid to tho strikers. ALIHON, Wasli,, Fob. 23. Practi cally tlio ontlro business part of Al bion was dostroyod last night by a flro which nlBo burnod Bovoral resi dences, driving tlio oceupantB out In tlio midst of a blizzard boforo tboy could Bocuro Biifflclont clothing to protect thorn from tho zoro tomporn turo, Tho blazo was dlBcovorod In tlio Albion hotel by a telophono operator, who gavo tho olarb, and tho farmers nonr town woro told of tho flro by lior. Man Who for Past 18 Months Has Been Porter at Hotel Nash Is Placed Under Arrest for Jumping Ball In Milwaukee. HAS BEEN FUGITIVE FOR PAST FIVE YEARS Clover Vork of Sheriff Jones Re sults In Arrest Accused of Burnlary While Policeman. John E. Itoache, who hns boon a porter at tho Hotel Nash for the pat 18 months, was arrested Tuesday night and will he taken back to Mil waukee to faco a chargo of burglary as woll as one of jumping bail. Itoacho has been u fugitive from justice since March, 1005. Ho waft nrrcHtod by Detective Moloney, who camo here from Portland with Sher iff Jones. Tho Miunff wns positive Itoache was the man wanted, but had Mnlony como down to mako the ar rest nnd identify tho man beyond a doubt. In Murch. 100.r, Hoacho was ar rested in Milwaukee, according to tho cironlnrs sent out by tho author ities of that city, for burglary. He was at that timo serving on tho po lice force Ho wxr released on bail and jumped his bonds. Since then ho has been Bought by tho authori ties. It is stated that Roacho got into troublo in Portland two years ago while ho was going under tho name of Edwards, but escaped and paid up. Roacho was a likonblo chap and made many friends in Medford. lie has boon conducting himself in an exemplary manner during tho months ho hns bcon in this city. HEAVY STORM 18 EXPECTEDJON LAKES Storm Signals Hoisted Along Shores of Michigan and Mariners Are Warned. CHICAGO, Fob, 23. Tho weather bureau horo today ordorod storm Bie nnis hoisted along tho shores of Lake Michigan and accompanied tho warn ing with n prediction of a groat bliz zard which will swoop through tho northern Boctlon of tho Unltod States. Within 18 hours tho mercury drop pod 35 dogroos and tho worst bliz zard of tho yonr-Chlcago has export oncod brought tho thormomotor to six dogrooB bolow zoro today. Storm signals aro out for northern Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Mich igan, Iowa and Nebraska. Tho blizzard was sweeping down from Canada through Montana and tho Dnkotns this afternoon, ANNA GOULD BECOMES A SERENE HIGHNESS PARIS, Feb. 23. Charlos Will iam Frodoriek BoBon do Talloyrnnd Porigord, fourth duko of Talloyrnnd and father of Prinoo do Sugnn, who mnrrlod tho Countqss do Castollnne, formorly Anna Gould, 'diod today, Tho duko sufforod a stroke of par alysis aH tho result, of his oxporienoo in tho charity bazaar fire. With tho duko's death, Princo do Sngnn sue coeds to the titles of Duko do Tal loyrnnd and Ilorzog Zu Sngan. and bocomos a serono highness, Philanthropist Giving A vay His Last Million; Other f en Who Figure in the News. By April 11. hU ninetieth birthday, Daniel K. Pcnrsoos expects to have given away his last million. He Is the famous Chicago philanthropist who hns dotinted over $4,000,000 to colleger and iburltle:.. One of Emperor WIIIIiuii'h mont highly prized possosKloiis is a large oil painting of himself by Philip Laszlo, a Hungarian iirtlKt. He has Juki sent n largo photograph of the painting, wltjj bis autograph, to Herman Rlddcr, the New York publisher, who was acting president of the Hudson-Fulton celebration. Valmn Nullmndliui, alias Frank Jones, an Armenian. Is under arrest in Uuohaivxt. Bulgaria, on suspicion of hav ing murdered Minus Noonjtnii, a countryman, in I-ynn, Mass., Inst July. Nnlbnndlnn will be extradited. Patrick Calhoun, called upon to face trial again In San Francisco on a charge of bribery of public officials In connection with a street railway franchise, is one of tho most prominent of America's lawyers and street railway men. The lurv disagreed after his firm trial. He Is a urandson of John C. Calhoun, the famous statesman. CITY CASE UP IN COURT NEXT WEEK Attorney Robert G. Smith Has His Brief in Hands of Printers and Expects Soon to Be in ' Court' With It. Robert G. Smith, who, owing to tho Illness of City Attorney Portor J. Noff, is in chargo of tho city's enso agatnBt M, F, Hanloy, which Is now ponding In tho supremo court, an nounces that tho enso will be heard on somo day during the coming week. Mr, Smith hns completod his brlof and It Is now In tho printers' hands. Owing to tho urgency of tho case, It Is thought thnt tho court will hand down nn early decision, so that tho city may commonco work ut nn enrly dato upon tho completion of tho grav ity wntor systom, which has been tied up slnco August. GREATER MEDFORD CLUB POSTPONES PROGRAM Tho opon mooting of tho ladies of tho Creator Modford club, which wnB planned for noxt Monday ovo nlng hns boon indefinitely postponed owing to tho Elks' minstrels on that evening. y. DEPOT CONTRACT TO PORTLAND MAN Robert Wakefield, Large Contractor, of Portland, Gets Contract for Building New Depot. . Tho contract for building tho now $50,000 Southern Pacific passenger depot in this city hns been awarded to Robort Wakofiold, a contractor of Portland. Mr. Wnkefiold's bid wns considerably lower than that of any othor contractor. Mr. Wakofiold has announced that ho will sublet much of tho work to local men. Work on tho building is to start within a very fow days. CITY OFFICIALS MEET TO STANDARDIZE PAVING CHICAGO, Feb. 23. Stnndardiza tion of paving specifications forms tho objoot of a convontion of city of ficials nnd city engineers of tho principal Amerionn citios, which op ened today and will continue during tho weok. Thirty-four cities nro roprosentod. Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Dav of Port. land are registered nt the Moore, LIMITED AGAIN LEAVES TRACK Engine Derailed at Oakland, But Train Comes Through, Being Only Four Hours Late. OAKLAND, Or., Fob. 23. The Shasta Limited, southbound on tho Southern Pacific, wna ditched a short distance south of Sutherlln station early today, but owing to tho slow apoed at which tho train w,as running ltttlo damage was done except to tho track, which was torn up for several foot. Nono of tho passengers or crow was Injured. The locomotivo left tho rails, but nono of tho coaches was ovorturned. Soft trnck caused the ac cident and traffic was dolayed for fivo hours. This was tho third wreck of tho llmltod during tho past two weeks. Two weoks ago the train ran into somo box cars at Roseburg and yes terday it was ditched at Jofforson, Tho limited reached Medford near ly four hours lato today. No. 15 camo In nearly on time. The wreck Tuosday nt Jefferson caused all of the trains to lose out on thqlr aohedulM. LAND GROWS HUSBAND IS VALUE i BUBBLE Tract of 55 Acres Just South of City Sold Two Years Age for $18,000 Has Just Been Disposed of for $60,000. MINNESOTA MAH BUYS ORCHARD TRACT Is Raiser of Blooded Horses and Will Bring Number of Animals to Tills Section. Fifty-five acres of land which wob purchased from J. A. Perry twn years ago by Anderson & Green and A. C. j Dorllne was sold Tuesday to Hon. A. K. Ware of Nortbfield, Minn., for 160,000. The land has doubled in lvalue each year. j Tho tract lies next to tho Dillon Hill orchard Just south of the city and is planted to commercial varie- ' ties of apples and pears. ' Mr. Ware was a member of the Minnesota legislature and is an old time friend of E. M: Andrews of this city. Mr. Ware is a horseman ofi some renown and bis stables contain some of the finest horses in Minne sota. He plans to make his home on the place and will bring somo of his blooded stock to this section. WANT VOTE ON BOOZE I Declare They Are Not Seeking Gen- eral Suffrage, But Would Vote on the Liquor Question. HONOLULU, Feb. 23. Tho wom en of Hawaii are an empbatlcTunit on tho question of being allowed to vote when the advisability of prohibition for tho Hawaiian islands comes up in a plebiscite at tho Instance of tho federal government The women de- claro they are not seeking suffrage, but maintain that when tho matter of prohibition is boforo tho public they has as great an Interest In the question as have the men and should havo equal say. The men are divided upon the question. Many favor govornment supervision of the liquor traffic, while others oppose government regulation ns a subversion of their rights under the constitution. Tho women aro represented by 24 women's clubs throughout the islands representing social, civic, athletic and cultural organizations, nnd these in turn are represented by a control com mittee This commlttco has cabled Washington asking tho privilege of being allowed to vote on tho question. Sells His Lungs. DETROIT, Mich., Feb. 23. Bert Morphy, tho Chicago singor, today it carrying with him n pair of lungs nnd throat bolonging to tho Bennett Medical colloge. Morphy has com pleted arrangements, whore by his vocal nppnrntus nnd bellows will go 'to tho collogo after his death. In terest of modioal mon in the organs of tho singor was nrousod by tho fact that Morphy cured himself of tuberculosis by outdoor singing, af ter tho dootors had given up his oaso ns hopoleas. Morphy was pnid a goodly Bum by the collogo nnd was assured that his body, minus lnngs and throat, would be returned to his family. Wife of England's Premies Uses In fluence Over Him to Win Seclal Glories at Hands ef King Ed ward Is Severely Criticised. ASQUITH WEAKENS IN HIS STAND AGAINST LORDS This Is the Woman William Watson, Poet, Accused of Sacrificing Friends for Ambitions. LONDON, Fob. 23. A new sensa tion developed in the political situa tion which again brings Mrs. Asqulth, wife of tho premier, into prominence as wielding a powerful influence in the affairs of the empire. It Is alleged that for the prize of social preferment, Mrs. Asqulth, whose social and political career baa been one of the most remarkable t the age, bas induced her husband to weaken his stand against the lords. The king Is being considerably crlt- I Icized today for having Indirectly ex erted nn alleged Influence over tho premier with promises of social hoa ors to his wife. It is stated by Asqulth'a crlticlzers that he has turned from his bold stand against the lords to a vaccllat- flng policy which, threatens to result In nthe early dissolution of the new parliament. They assert that Mrs. Asqulth Juu always had great power over her hus band and that ha has become "oa of the most arrant political cowards that ever held tho high office of the ' premier." It was of Mrs. Asqulth that William Watson, the poet, wrote the now fa mous lines on "The Woman Dith the Serpent's Tonguo." In that sensation al poem he charged her with biTtes sacrificed her friends upon the altar of hor ambition. It has been rumored many times thnt the Influence of Mrs. Asqulth had much to do with tho advancement of her suband to bis present office. Before hor miarrlago she was a brilliant figure In society and rose from a rather mediocre position. Now the critics mako the opon al legation that through hor Boclal am bition tho king has played upon the premier and caused his change of front. JOSEPHINE COUNTY HAS STARTLING LIBEL CASE GRANTS PASS, Or., Fob. 23. Josephine is liable to have a libel suit thnt will equal tho famous one against tho World and News. Coun ty Judge Jowcll has sworn out a warrant for criminal libol against A. E. Voorhies and C. O. Coutant, of tho Rogu Rivor Courier, nnd both parties havo been arrested. The ar ticle that brought on tho crisis wns one in whioh tho county was accused of stoaling gravel and tho judgo's name was montioned, in connection with this. There has beenbad fool ing botweon the pnrtios ovor. county printing, tho county court paying 1 cent a lino and tho Courier trying to get 5 cents. GREENWOOD, Del., Feb. 23. Every morning n hon belonging to Edwnrd Listings flies to n kitchen window and peoks on tho glass. Tho window being opened, tho intolligont biddy takes possession of one end of the long wood box at one side of tho stove, and, hovoring down iu the darkened comor for a short time, reappears with a joyous cackle, which announces that a freshly-laid egg Is in the box.