Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 21, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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Wonr Kltld'N Shoos.
S. W. McC'lun.loii of Child Hill wum
'In Mudl'ord on IiiihIiiuhh Monday,
IliiWtkH run nattily.
(Juoiko V, Tlmrry of HorkcluV,
-Cal., wuh a Mudford vlnilor Momliiy.
HulukM nro iiuuchhUIoh,
. SitiKur howIiik muuhitiuH, 12 1 1 S, 0
truut. iMionu '.Mini. 31-1
(JniiittiMviti'tt ut (Inodfriond'H.
E. C. Culluy of Tncomu is n Med.
ford visitor IIiIh wcolc.
Wmir Kidd'H Bhotm.
Mr. Prniik MoKoo of Alhuriuorquc,
N. M., in rejrititored nt t ho NiihIi,
TVan at Ooodfrvund'M.
Mr. and Mm, C. II. Chadwick of
Chlcniro nro roirtHlorcd at tho Monro
Kt-o tho Morrivold Shop for books,
mnmiziiitw and fino einrrnvinir.
D. K. Whooler of MoMiiinvillo, Or..
l In Mudford on a 1uh!iiom trip.
Mtiieka cont Iohh.
II. II. Fox of Cottnco Orovo wn
ln thin city Monday.
Full n.tMiirtinoiit of Whitman' mo
litw m Tho Mm rl void Shot).
Dr. A. J. Swuok of Ashland wn in
'Mndford Sunday ovrninjr.
f-Il ComctH nt MockorV.
D. I Wl Inr of McMinnvillo, Or.,
In roirintured at the Monro,
OmnlH at Goodfricnd'fl, '
F. M. Httwart wiih at Jacksonville
Monday on prohato IiuhIiichh.
Rtiirkn do tho work.
A. F.. Wool vert on ninth Jncknon-
tIIIo a IiumIiickh vIhU Monday.
McCall FattoniH. Mookur'H.
Arthur Urowu wn nt Jacknoiivillo
John II. Carkin, nttomoy nt law,
-over JaokHon County Hank.
Frank E. Hyhoo wan a Med ford
'viHitor Monday.
Phone 2001. GoodfrieodV.
John Ij, Ctilvit: of Grant I'hh
flH!iit Sunday niht in Modford.
Spring Hkirtn. MookorH.
Oih SnmuelH returned Sunday
tfrotn ii trio to Portland on huMiiPM.
Stationery, office and school ituo
pliert nt the Morrivold Shoo.
Fred IVniiiKor of Central Point
-wan in Modford on hutunoHR Monday.
G. C. Mnlonay of Spoknun in
.Among tho recent nrrivnln in Mod
"iortl. OoorKO W. Mnrhnll of Tacotna,
Wnnli., I in the vnlloy on n tour of
Onwald Wortt, tnomhor of tho Htnto
milrond cominlsHlon, in lioro on of
ficlnl huHlnens.
E. V. Switior of San Joho in In
iho vnlloy looking for nn invoMt-ment.
Mr. and Mm. J. F. Smith of
Cherry, Wntdi., nro in Mcdford junt
looking around.
A. J. Urnnsil of San Mntoo, Cal.,
.In in Modford looking ovor tho pom
nihilitiort of tho IloRtio Rivor vnlloy,
Mr. mid Mrs. II. Hofmoistor of
White. Lake, S. D., nro in Modford
tlookiuK for a location.
Will Schmidtlinjj of Portland i in
"Medford vtHitinu rolntivon and
friondrt on his return from a trip to
Snn FrnnciHco.
Mrs. F. W. Cnrnnhnn, who linn
"toon visitinff in this city for novornl
montliH, loft Monday morning to join
'her hinthnnd at tho Who Lodge
Judgo F. M Calkins was in Mod
ford Monday morning on his wny to
Jacksonville) to open his first torm of
-circuit court.
Attorneys 0. C. DoggB, Willinm
Colvig and Guh Nowborry wore nt
Jncknonvillo Monday to nttond cir
cuit court.
Mntirico Wintor of Portland, tho
-well-known commorcinl mnn, is In
terviewing hifl ouatomors in tho
Itoguo Rivor vnlloy.
Goorco Lyman of Gold Hill was in
Modford Monday. Mr. Lymnn is ono
of tho progrosslvo fruitgroworn of
thnt vicinity and linn on his plnoo tho
lnrgost chorry troo in Southorn Or--ogon.
Got roady for tho spring rush nnd
tinvo your wntoh clonnod nnd put in
good running order. Vnn Do Cnr &
jnHmnnn will tnko good enro of your
work nt a roasonnblo ohargo for good
workmniifihip. Phlpps building, Mod
ford. 288
. Wonr Kidd's Shoos.
Arohdoacon Chambors roturnod
from Portland Monday, whoro ho has
beon porfuoting tho plnns for tho lay
Incr of tho cornorstono of St. Mark's
Episcopal church, which coromony
will occur on March 1,
Pitiicks nro tho rngo. .
Mayor Cnnon loft Saturday night
for Spokano and othor northern
points. Mr, Canon's journoy has as
nn nb.iootivo tho study on muniolpal
oonditioiiH, pnst and prospootivo,
bonring tinon growing citios like Med
ford. Duioks win tho raoos. '
F. V. Dodgo of Gold ITU! wns n
Modford visitor Mondny. Mr. Dodgo
la suporintondnnt of tho famous Cou
tonnial mine nonr Gold Ilill, nnd re
ports that tho wlntor's work hns boon
vory sntisfnotory. Tho ContonninI
has n drodging mnohtno installed, hut
ditring tho pnst sovornl months tho
wntor rights npportninlng to tho
proporty hnvo producod sufficient
, -wntor so thnt the giants could bo
'worked to good advantage.
Maglo eyeglass cleaners froo "t 1 OT A UPl IU I IUC CflD
Dr. Goblo'H, 18 W. Main st. 280- DlflHU IK LIBt f U l
in Modford Novorul inontliN ago for
tho first I lino, nnd was ho much im
pressed with tho outlook for good
iiivuHlinoiits that h has roturnod.
Mr. Dodgo has alruady a nuinhor of
investments hero and his rofltrn In
dicates an iucrouHo.
i ! pU
Land-Scckcrs Line Up Before Land
Office to Await Coming of
March First.
Frisco Fistic Fiends Find Favorite
Fellow Fully Fulfilling Fond
est Faiths.
This is Art Hurgo's'j as Pat Gill
fillon, officer of the court, in "Tho
Groat Kidnaping and Uroach of
Promise Cnso."
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Feb. 21.
Despite tho order of Secretary of tho
Interior Dallinger to tho effect that
all applications for lands on tho
Yuma irrigation project, would bo
considered "simultnneouHly" on tho
morning of March 1, tho lf0 persons
who hnvo boon in lino for five days
waiting for tho distribution of tho
t0-ncro fa nils have decided to hold
their positions in the line nnd not
chanee a "grnnd rush" with later ar
rivals. Tin loral land office, in n circular
that is in tho hnudR of the Innd
freukors today, suid in pnrt:
"Tho agents of the building in
which the land office is situated will
not permit anyone to remain in tho
building at night. As a consequence,
nny line which inqy bo formed prior
to tho date of tho opening will bo
formed on tho street and will be un
der the supervision of tho polico de
partment. Tho head of tho lino will
be allowed to enter tho buildini; nt
inn early hour on tho morning of
March 1. and tho line formation will
he. maintained in the hall of the
building until tho Inst farm has been
disposed of, the rule of "firstorno,
On account of so many mombors , first served," being strictly enforc
of tho lodge being tinablu to got ed."
nwny from businoss, tuo minstrel I As a remilt of tho announcement,
committee thought U ndvisnblo to the Inndseekers took up their stn
ehnnge tho dates of tho show to.tionR in the lino enrlv in the week.
Monday nnd Tuosdny evenings, Feb- Und. despite the rninshnve held them
ruiiry Jo and .Marcii I. bent rcsor- ny and night.
vations will open at Huskins' dnigj "
store, Saturday morning, February, WILL SHOW APPLES IN EAST.
20. I
"Tho Minstrel show given bv the I (Continued from Pngo 1.)
Elks of Pullman Mondav and Tuos- j -
dr.y nights under tho direction ofiw" set forth tho advantages of
George T. Wilson wns a success from, Washington. Oregon, Idnnho and
every standpoint. Montnnn as fruit states.
"Moth performances were attended; Committee Report Soon.
by largo crowds, there beiny many. The committee which investigated
SAN FRANCISCO. Cal.. Feb. 21
Public opinion here today scorns to
have it that James J. Jcffrios is in
100 per cout better condition than no
wns when ho nppenrod at a local the-
ntcr n year ago when he began his
A good-sixod crowd wntehed the
big boilennnkor at Jack Glenson's
show- at Recreation park yesterday.
'.Toff rifts hopped the ropo as nimbly
Ins of old, nnd the way ho danced
'around for ten minutes of fast shnd
'ow boxing filled his admirers with
Tho big fellow boxed three rounds
with Sam Bcrger. He showed thnt
his theatrical tour at least has pol
ished him off n bit in the more
showy side of tho ring nrt, but wine
fnns hinted thnt Joff nnd Bergor
have done the stunt together so many
times thnt each apparently knows
what lend was coming next. How
ever, his work made an excellent' im
pression upon Jho crowd.
Nelson nnd Wolgast, who fight for
tho lightweight title nt Point Rich
mond tomorrow, each boxed several
rounds at tho pnrk. Moran and
ITarlem Tommy Murphy, who will
ficlit late this month, also appeared.
conditions in tho cast will present to
tho trustees Wcdncsdny alternative
plans for holding the prirowinning
exhibit in Chicago or New York. It
visitors from Moscow present Tuos
day night. Local and college people
patronized the minstrels liberally nnd
nil foil thnt thoy had received full
value for thoir money. ,is believed tho committee's recom-
k "Tho progrnm was replete with mendntion will favor Chicago, bo
pleasing numbers nnd there wns n i cause more people in tho middle onst
lnugh every minute. There was not are interested in the northwest thnn
n dull plnoo in tho program nnd the in the far cast,
pudicneo wns kopt In eood humor. "I feel confident thnt tho Chicago
Throuirhout all of tho jokod were new project can ho carried out," said Mr.
and somo hud local application, mak
ing gront hits with tho audienco."
Pullman ITornld.
Ed Hamlin of Eden Valley was a
Phoenix visitor Friday.
John Mast wns up to Phoenix Frii
day morning.
E. O. Croy nnd wife wore in Mod
ford Thursdny on business.
Mrs. G. C. McClnin wns having
dentnl work done in Mcdford Thurs
dny. Announcements of tho Christinn
church nt Phoonix, February 27:
Morning subject, "Tho' Lost Christ
Discovered." Evening subject, n
continuation of tho subject, "Cross
ing tho Red Ron." Each Sundny tho
pastor is giving n ton-minute tulk to
tho children at close of Sunday
school. Storoopticon pictures in the
evening. Every ono is cordinlly in
vited to attend.
F. E. Furry, tho Phoenix lhory
mnn, mot with n von painful acci
dent Thursday evening. While oom-
ing out of tho old mill building,
blinded by tho light from tho outside,
ho rnn against n protruding timhor,
which had nn old nail in it, striking
his right oyo. Tho lower lid wns cut
nnd tho oyohnll scratched, but ho es
caped luckily.
We don't core where you bought
your classes. Get the Magic eye
clas rlenner nt Dr. Goble's. Free.
18 W. Main st. 280
Duicks deliver the goods.
Coffee nt Goodfriend's.
Van Dissel. "Wo looked into the sit
nation carefully nnd will havo much
information to submit to tho board at
tho meeting Wcdnesdny. I believe
thnt, with the assistance of the or
chard land companies, we will be
nble to give tho enstorn oxhibihon
nftor tho show in Spokane. The
railroad companies tnko such a
broad view of tho situation nnd have
extended such- n helping hand thnt
wo feel encouraged to go ahead with
our plans to make the third show a
greater success than tho second nnd
to broaden its scopo in so doing.
"An instnnco of tho interest in tho
npplo show occurred while "wo were J
in Chicago. Tho committee called
npon tho Chicngo Association of
Commerce to consult with the offi
cers on tho ndvinhility of making n
display, nnd at n meeting of tho ex
ecutive committee of tho association
tho snmo evening Chairman Tf. A.
Wheeler, voluntnrily took up our pro
posed plan, nnd in n strong speech
ndvocntod thnt the Chicago Associ
ation of Commorco go on record in
fnvor of tho project. Without a dis
pouting voice, tho oxeeutivo commit
too ondorsed flic mitvoment nnd gnve
instructions to Mr. Wlieclor to tnke
such actions ns ho might think nd
visnblo in tho promises.
"To reccivo such nn unqunlified
indorsement boforo wo hnd more than
tentntively submitted our sehomo vn
indeed flattering, nnd it indicates tho
coneral desire of Chicago peoplo to
further this movement."
For the Best
In harness, saddles, whips,
otoes. tents, blankets, wag
on sheets, axle grease and
gall cure, as well as all kinds
of custom work, see
J. C. Smith
314 E. Main.
Colorado Man Finds Ideal Spot In
Rogue River Valley for Future
Home Much Mud in Coos.
After looking over nearly the whole
coast country, H. A. Conrad, for
merly of Grand Junction, Col., has
found no cllmato so much to his lik
ing as that of tho Itogue Itiver val
ley, and has purchased tho Coffee,
property near Cold Hill, as a starter
for future Investments.
Mr. Conrad Investigated Calofornla
protty thoroughly and when ho ar
rived horo in January had heard a
great deal of the Coot Day section as
a dairying country. As that business
wbb tho one In which ho wlshud to
ongege, ho made a trip to Coos and
came back as quickly as he could.
"Thoro Is too much mud In that
country to suit a man of tny age,"
said Mr. Conrad. "It takes a young
man to wado through It. It's a great
country, though, and a coming one.
and Visited It at porhnps tho worst
tlmo of tho year. For my use, how
over, tho Rogue River valley seems
to be about the placo I bare been
looking' for."
which include some of the snapnicst styles
and lasts in boys' footwear ever brought to
Mcdford. Let us show you this now famous
Pat Cogan line of shoes. We have handled
them for years and know for wearing qual
thev cannot be exceled.
Magic eyeglass cleaners free nti
Dr. Goble's. 18 W. Main st. 280
No job too small, none too
large. Twenty-five years'
practical experience.
No. 437 South Fir Street
H-acro orchard, 7 acres Newtown,
4 acres Spltzenberg, 3 acres mixed i
orchard, In full bearing; nice 6-room i
bouse; electric lights; ilhone; one
mile from Oakdalo pavement; $12,
000. half cash, rest easy payments.
S3 1-3 acres, 3 1-2 miles from Med-
ford; 26 acres In pears and apples
and some bearing apricots; fine soli;
rbout half under ditch; a bargain at,
$H,5uO; easy terms. ,
"-room bungalow, bath, electric j
lights; A No. 1 locality a good Invest-1
mont at $3000; good terms.
5-room bungalow, new, strictly t
modern, close in; a lovely home;
$3000; reasonable terms.
Good list of choice lots at right
Wright & Allini
12S Ea Main Street !
We can fit most any kind of a
nose with Shur-On Nets.
Optical Parlor
38 West Main Street.
We have no other business.
All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable
11 North D St.. Medford, Ore.
Phone 303
Money on hand to loan en Real Estate. City and County
t Warrants bought. Fidelity and Indemnity Bends Furn-
f (shed. Fire Insurance.
t Phono Main 3231. 208 Fruitgrowers' Daalc BaUdlngX
Horses for
at West Side
G. L Schcrmerhorn
Savoy Theatre
A PAIR OF SCHEMERS One long laugh.
A TALE OF THE WOODS Selig thriller.
Wonr Kidd's Shoos.
You nood n Buiok.
Extracts nt Goodfriond'a.
Maftio oycglnBs olonuora froo nt
Dr. Gohlo's, 18 W. Main at. ' 280
LlnonB on Bal oat Monitor & Co.'a.
For wood of alt klndu, boo tho
Squnro Doal Woodynrd. Phone
2C01. Fir etreot, botweon Second
und Third strootB. Gould & Llndloy,
proprlotora. 201
Duloks are durablo.
Quoon Anno is coming into its own.
Tho namoa of tho host of buyers lu
thnt addition during tho past two
weeks spell oxolusive homes. Don't
lot somoono elso got the lot you
want. 280
It, 2. O'llrion has returned to
Modford nftor n sovoral days' stny
FOR BALE 100 buahola of yoltow
corn tor sood. Apply at onco aa it
ta going fnat, to Young St Hall, Mod
ford, Orogon. 205
Special Sale of Hair Goods
Owing to the fact that I leave for
Ashland the latter part of the week
I will place on Special Sale for - -
Two Days, Tuesday & Wednesday
the finest lino of hair goods over shown
greatest boautifior of tho age, and other prop-
MADAME ROOT Beauty Specialist
at H. O. KENTNER CO., who havo taken tho agency for my beauty preparations.
in Mcdford, all styles and colors, also my wonderful preparation for beautifying
mc skiu, "jjiooin or ltoses, tno greates
Said the Mistress
to Her Maid:
"You have no idea, Jennie, what a
snap it is to do the ironing with an
' electrical flatiron. It's twice as easy
and twice as quick as using the old
, fashioned stove irons. You need no
lire, never have to change your iron,
save all the footsteps between
board and stove, and there is no
soot whatever to soil the clothes."
We have the General Electric flatiron
for users of electric light to connect to
lamp lockets already in the house.
Let us send you one on trial