3 f -f 4--f 4- 4 4 444444 CITY N0TICE8. 444-444444444444444 4444444-t 4 4- 4 tt t 4 4 4 4 J'J 4 4E44 4 4 4 4444f4444444444444 CITY NOTICES. 444-44 4 4 4444444 4 4 4-s 44f4 4444 4 4 44 44444 4 CITY NOTICES. 4,4 CITY NOTICES. ---- i - - - - - - TOE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1910. OltDINANCIO NO. 301. All onlliHitii'it HroiiHliiK and roii lutliiK iiii'lulii cIiimh'm of Undo, IiiihN ii"hh mill onMipulloii, mill vnciitlniiH In (ho clly of Mmlfonl, OroKon. Tint clly of M'ilfoiil ilotli uriliilii nn followir HcctloM I. It hIiiiII lio iinluwful wltliln tin city of Mi'ilfonl, OrKOii, after tlio 1 Nth day of Koliruary, 11)10, for any iinrwon, firm or corpJi'ntloii, to do, prforin, rnniliict or rarry on any of Die trailoH, ImihIih'iihom, ocoii pniloiin or iiriifonHlotm or vocatlouii licri'lnaftor intuit Inni'il without liuv ItiK flrHt pnlil to tin city rt'rorilnr of xnld city for IIciiiihii ho to do, tint aiiioiiiit of llruiiuo not oppoHltu thn nxpictlvii niuiii and description of mini tradn, iiiiHliicHH, occupation, pro fi'HKlon or vocation In tlio hcIumIuIo following, to-wlt; One-rltiK ell cum, oiio exhibition, inr day , . f 2ft Two-rliiK clrciin. oni oxhlltltloii. nr day 50 TliroK-rlnic clrciiH. ono oxhlbl tlon. per day 100 Oiii-rliiK clrciiH and mmiiiKorl, oni exhibition, per day ... Sft Two-rliiK clrciin and liii'iiiiKorle, (inn exhibition, per day ... f0 Thri'it-rliiK rlrniK and uiennco rli, on' exhibition, per day, 100 Oni'-rlnc circuit, two exhibition! per day , 40 Two-rltiK drain, two exhibition!! per day 100 Three-rlnit nlrcim, two exhibi tions per day lftO One-rlm: droit and mimaKorlo two exhibition!, per day ... 40 Two-rlnK clrciiH and inunnKorlu, two exhibition, per day.... 7ft Three-rltiK clrrim and inennKorlu two exhibition!, per day ... 150 All other hIiiiwh under ranvam, acrordliiK to Mxe, at the din rretlon of the city recorder, per day, from $20 to JGo CompanleH or troupea mlvertlH liiK or NitllliiK patent medi cine, proprietary remedies or other mcrchnnillni), yearly II renmi 2G0 Street hawkorn or vendor, year ly llccniio 260 Toot peddlern, yearly Ilcenuo. . 2ft0 I'eddlerH with wnRon, yearly II- ceiiNe 300 Draymen, with one horse, each, icr (juarter , . . . 3 Draymen, with two home, each per iiiarter ft Kxpretet or delivery waKonn, one home, per uunrter 3 KxpreHH or delivery wajouH, two home, each per quarter .... 5 Milliard, pool or pigeonhole ta Min, enrh table nor qtinrter. 5 HowIIiik nlleyn, each, per nuar ter ft Aiietloni-ern of necond hand hoimehold kooiIh. farm ma chinery and hontoH, per day, (2, per quarter 10 Auctioneer of all other article, yearly llcenm KnrluiHi toller, i-aeh. per day Lunch wiikoiim, for (Mich variety of food or ilrlul: nerved, per quarter Ice cream itandn or wiiiion. P"r uioillh GO . . 4 . i.. . court on linen not lexa Minn ion noi- 1 1 a I'm nor morn than threw hnndrod dollar, and mIimII pay tlio cohIii of 15 1 PI'omccuIIoii, and In default of pay- (nienl of much fine anq kucii vmw, till tin cniiiiiillieil to and confined I li the city Jail of mild city, one day for each X'i of Mich line unit cohIh Hectlon 2. Any perHon, firm, com pany or corporation, or tlio aitent thereof, upon the tender of the II Celine fee herein provided, may In tlio dlnerctlon of the clly recorder, or (he city council, he llcenaed to do, con- .ln,.f ,i.ir,iii hi. iM.rfv iti unrtli Irfiftn. IiiihIuchk, occupation or vocation 1 133 and Ift2 of th orlKlnal jjerlei. within mild city, mibjecl. to nil of tne i"i rumiiiir-n, mm , . , -, . roinalnltiK unpaid. And every repe tition of mich violation nhnll roriHti ttite n weparato offonnu under thin Hectlon. Hectlon !. OrdlnnnccH numbered lawH, ordlnaticoii a ml pollen retalia tion: thereof; provided that nil ex- hlbltloiiH and perforinanreH or n de biiHliiK character and all ptiKlllntlr conteHla an prohibited. Hectlon 3. Any exhibition conduct oil wholly by roHldontH of Medford or vicinity, may In the dlncrotlon of the city council bo permitted to be Klven In ald city without payment of f,.rt nn,i nemmer nyc, anv llcenue therefor. 1 A vi.rlinrv iuih mm W. H. CANON, Mnyor G4 and GO of the pronent hoMoh and all other ordlnnncc and pnrtfl of or dlnnncen In conflict herewith are liuroby repealed, The forcKoIni; ordinance wan pann ed by the city council of the city of Medford February 18th. 1910, by the following vote: Welch aye, Merrick ayi, Kinerlcltiiiye, Wort man aye, Rl- ItOIIT. W. TBLFBIt. City Recorder. Hectlon Nothlnit herein contain ed m It ii I ) he coriMtrued to prevent n- Al(r . . IdentH of Medford from flttltiKly nd-! AU,ni rtlnlni; their own biiHlncHn or waren without tlio payment of any HreiiHel ree: provided inai no permm or p r-1 HB80LUTION. noun, firm or corponitlon hIiiiII be; .. , . , ., permitted to write, paint, or other- 't resolved by the Clly Council Uo Inncrlbe any nlpn or advertl- of ',1",,tV'' , MndfoM. Oregon: liiK matter upon any nldewnlk or I That It In the Intention of the coun pavement, telephone, telegraph, or,c ,to ,n "Ix-lnch water main on I'leclrlc llKht polcn In or upon any Jkn ulreot from tho end of the of the HtrcetH or alleyn or other pub- J'fwnt ma n to Vermont Btrcot, and lie placcH of tin mild city. ,0 awoM the cost thereof upon the Hectlon ft. No HhootliiK Kallerlen Property frontln mi irld portion of xhall he perinltleil to remain open In Hnl(1 trcnt In proportion to the front mild city after the hour of 10 o'clock nB" of nUi l'tro.riy .... 44444444444'444444- Tho foroKoln); resolution wan pass ed by tho city council of the City of Medford on tho 15th day of February, 1910, by tho following vote: Welch, fiyo; Merrick, nyo; Bmrlck, nyo; Wortmnn, ayo; Blfort, nyo. and Hum mer, ayo, Approved February 10. 1910. W. II. CANON, Mayor, AttcHt: HOHT. W. TBLFBIt, City llecordor. on Hunday, and In the event that any nhootlnit Kaltory be kept open after mild hour, or upon a Sunday, the llcetiHo of mich Hhootlng gallery chamber In tho city hall In Bald city on March Int. 1910, nt 7:30 p. m., at which time nil protentK agalnHt tho laying of ald water main on nald por tion of paid itreet nnd tho nnsiwimcnt may bo forthwith revoked by tn0f tin, Cot thorof upon tho property ..u, i.iiiii.u xKiiuiii limn. yi " fronting thoroon will bo heard I'nwnhrokerH. per quarter .... Rkntlng rlnkn. per quarter . . . Hill, nlgn and ndvertlHement pontem, per quarter HhootltiK KallorlcM, per quarter 300 GO 30 6 10 proprietor or iiemonK In charge of mich nhootlng gallery. Hectlon li, For tho purpone of thin ordinance, draytneu are defined to be pemoiia who keep any dray, wag on, cart or other vehicle u'il for tho conveyance of freight, merchnmllne, telephone polo, brick, dirt or grnvel or other goodn In quantity, from place to place In nald city for hire, and exproKH or dellvory wagons an defined to bo wngoiiH or vehlclen imed for the delivery of goodH, wnroH and morchnuillHo no Id by merchnnts or othorn In nald city, for hire, or for tho convoynnco for Jure of parceln, packngen. trunku or hagKago, with in Halt! city. Section 7. No f"e or clmrgen oth er than thoxo herein provided nhnll he Inipoiied upon any of tho trades, biiHlueHflcn, occupations or vocations hero enumerated, (n) All licenses heroin designated uh yearly licenses shall not ho Issued or taken for a less lino than a year. Section S. Any person or persons, firm or corporation, or any ngont for such person, firm or corporation, or any employe thereof, wl-o shall violate any of tho provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction of such violation beforo tho mayor's Tho foregoing resolution was pass ed by the city council of the City of Medford on tho 16th day of February, 1910. by tin following vote: Welch, nyo; Merrick, aye; Bniorlck. ayo; Wortmnn, aye; Blfert, ayo, and Dem mer, nyo. Approved Fobruary 10. 1910. W. II. CANON. Mayor, Attest: HOI1T. W. TBKFEIt, City Itocorder. HBSOLUTION. Ho It resolved by tho City Council of the City of Medford, Oregon; That, It Is tho Intention of tho coun cil to lay a four Inch water main on Thirteenth street from Newtown Htreet to Peach strt, nnd to nsposs tho cost thereof upon the propel ty fronting on said portion of said strcot In proportion to the frontage of said property. Tho council will meet at tbo council chamber In tho city hall In said city on March 1st. 1910, at 7:30 p. in., at which time nil protests against the laying of-snld water main on snld por tion of snld strcot and tho assessment of tho cost thereof upon tho property fronting thereon will bo beard. HBSOIiUTION. Ilo It rosolvod by tlio City Council of the City of Mod ford,. Oregon: That It Is tho Intention of tho coun cil to lay n four-Inch water main on Fourteenth street from Newtown street to Peach (street, and to assess tho cost thereof upon the property fronting on said portion of said street In proportion to tho frrntago of snld property, Tho council will moot at the council chamber In tho city hall In said city on March 1st, 1910, at 7.30 p. m nt which tlmo all protests against tho laying of said water main on said por tion of snld street nnd the nssesmcnt of the cost thereof upon the property fronting thereon will uo hoard. Tho foregoing resolution was pass ed by tho city council of tho City of Medford on tho 15th day of February, 1910, by tho following vote: Welch, nyo; Merrick, ayo; Bmerlck, ayo; Wortmnn, nyo; Blfert, aye, and Dem mer, ayo. Approved February 10, 1910. W. II. CANON. Mayor, Attest: HOHT. W. TELFER, City Recorder. of the City of Medford, Oregon: That It Is the Intention of tho coun cil to lay a four-Inch water main on Almond street fro-n Enst Main ntreft , South, to end of snld street, nn.l lo ' . .1.. .. . ll. . . . V. . iinneHH witj cum ui'R'Ji l'iiun uiu 'iui- erty fronting on aid portion of said street In proportion tc tho frontage of said property. The council will meet nt tho council chamber In the city hall In snld city on March 1st, 1910, at 7:30 p. m., at which tlmo all protests against tho laying of said water main on said por tion of said street nnd tho assessment nf tho cost thereof upon tho property fronting thereon will bo heard. Tho foregoing resolution was pass ed by tho city council of tho City of Medford on tho lGth day of Fobruary, 1910, by tho following vote: Welch, i nyo; Merrick, aye; Bmerlck, aye; woriman, nyo; i-jnen, aye, nna uom-j hum , uu. Approved February 10, 1910. W. II. CANON. Mayor, Attest: It OUT. W. TELFER, City Recorder. Wm. E. STACEY & CO. REAL ESTATE AND EMPLOYMENT. District Agont for ALADDIN LAMP Local agonts wantod. Lamp on exhibition and for sale at the following places: Modfcrd Onrago, Allen & Reagan's, Wnrnor, Wortrnan & Goro's, Hussoy's Cash Storo and Medford Furniture Co.'s storo. MEDFORD, OR. ADDRESS BOX 828. RESOLUTION. Ho It rosolvod by the City Council of the City of Modford, Oregon: That it Is the Intention of the coun cil to Iny a four-lac.h water main o.i North Oak street In Gray's addition from Jnckson strict. North, to en.-! of nald street, and to ncsess the ?ol thereof upon tho pioperty fronting on said portion o' said street In pro portion to the fnntago of said prop erty. Tho council will meet nt tho council chamber In tho city hall In said city on Mnrch 1st, 1910, at 7:30 p. m., at which tlmo all protests against the laying of said water main on said por tion of snld street and the assessment of tho cost thereof upon tho property fronting thereon will bo heard. The foregoing resolution was pass ed by tho city council of tho City of Medford on tho 15th day of February, 1910. by tho following vote: Welch, aye; Merrick, aye; Bmerlck. aye; Wortmnn, aye; Eifcrt, aye, nnd Dem mor, aye. Approved Fobruary 10. 1910. W. II. CANON. Mayor, Attest: ROnT. W. TELFER. City Recorder. RESOLUTION, no It resolved by the City Council Granitewnro nt Goodfriend's. EMPLOYMENT AND BUSINESSCHANCES T i RESOLVED The best resolution for you to make is to come to us (or your next suit, if you wnut something out of the ordinary. We do the best work nnd charge the lowest pricos. W. W. EIFERT THE PSOaESSSIVS TAILOR For sale Furniture for 6 rooms and house to rent. For sole Tent house and furnltui ;, a flno buy. , For sale 5-room cottage i'-JSO). For sale G-rooni bungtioc, 2."0. For salo 2 lots on Oakdul ! avenue, $2G00. For rent 9-room and 6-rooni l-'iunc Wanted Three -ancb hands. Wanted Two dining room girl. Wanted Two cojkifor boarding houses. Wanted Two glrlf at once; no houe work. Wanted Four "vonicn for general housework, Wantod Woodclnjiperj, 50 r?r cord. For sac Horse 4 yearo old. Fop sale One team. For sale 4-room houso. half acre $1250. For salo 7-room house, 1-5 0 aero, $2500. For sale 5 acres near Phoenix. 750. For salo 5 acres, $600. For sale 2 acres, dome in, i!0. i E. P. A. CITT.NER, j 208 Taylor & Phlpps liulldiu-. Phoii'. Ml E, F. A. BITTNER, 203 Taylor & Phlpps Bin. Phone 4141 DRIVERS: that know the country RIGS that cover the country QCICKLJ AND WITH CO.W RTT TO YOU ARE ALWAYS TO 1J FOUND A t THE FARIOW & DOWNING, PROPRIETORS. WEST SIDE STABLES PHONE 2431 8. (JUAPE STREET GOLD RAY GRANITE CO. Ol f ice: 209 West Main St., Medfoid, Ore. Operating Quarry at Gold Ray, Oregon DEALERS IN BUILDING, MONUMENTAL AND CRUSHED GRANITE 3,650,00 LOTS SOLD BY NEW CORPORATION Boom Continues in Full Blast in the QUEEN ANNE ADDITION Buy real estate where values are sure to advance. The ideal heme sites, with improvements, are found in the QUEEN ANNE ADDITION to the city of Medford. If you don't know about real estate investments in the Rogue River Valley, and especially that part of the city of Medforu which has never before had its boom, ask your real estate broker. You can't go wrong. Get in while prices are low. . 1. The Following is a Revised List of Purchasers ALLEN, JOHN R. AITKEN, WILLIAM A. ALDENHAGEN, W. G. ANDERSON, A. L. OONROY. DR. R. J. CLANCY, DR. R. W. COOK, P. H. CAREY, MRS. A. M. DAVIS, E. B. PIERO, A. CONRO FRITZBERG, R. T. GERIG, WILLIAM HARMON, W. W. HEARD, JEFF D. KELLY, E. E. , LYON, J. W. MILLER, A. H. MALBOEUF, C. A. McINTOSH, J. A. PUTNAM, GEORGE REDDY, DR. J. P. SMITH, P. A. SCHOOL BOARD TURNER, WILLIAM P, HIGH GRADE INVESTMENTS LOW PRICES AND EASY TERMS QUEEN ANNE ADDITION, Inc. 18 North Front Street MEDFORD, OREGON M i