2 THE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, ACEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1010. CONTRACT GIVEN , NEW RAILROAD ,fNcw Gold Kill Road Signs Up to Haul Limestone for the Carter v Hughes Klin From Kane's Creek Quarry. .- GOLD HILL. Feb. -1. "I sjgncd lip 'yesterday with R. H. Iltirris to enrry the product of our quarry to Gultf Hill, mid also to furnish us with all the wood we will require in the burning of lime at that point." 'writes J. P. Hughes, one of the own ers of the Kanes creek lime ledge, from Salem to J. L. Hammcrsly. "I have just writtten to Mr. Stino brinfr, our foreman, to stop any fur ther work at the quarry that we were doing with the idea of locating the kiln at that place, as we will now ni ter our plans. Get word to Mr. Stinebring to leave the kiln in Gold Hill. "Mr. Harris seems very sanguine as to the building of the road, and, iin fact, has entered into a written contract with us to do tho things mentioned. His plan is an ideal one. and should be encouraged by the people of Gold Hill with all tho boost jspirit and energy they possess. He seemed to think the acquiring of our 'to'nnn'ge was the one thing riecessary to assure the building of the road. "We are assured by the people in Portland," writes Mr. Hughes in the same letter, "with whom we negoti ated about a year ago. that the offer they made ns to take 220 barrels of lime per day, was still open and would be ready for our acceptance whenever the kiln is in operation. If we accept this contract, it alone, not counting other business, will afford a business for the Gold Hill railroad of approximately 725 carloads of 20 tons each per annum." Discussing the probable effect of the new railroad on the future of Gold Hill. Mr. Hughes says: ill hope .you people will go right after this xoad, as it eventually means an ex tension of the same to Grants Pass and a rapid development of the coun try around Gold Hill. When the elec--tric line was built from Salem to "Portland many people thought it would ruin Salem by diverting the business to Portland. On the con trary, it has operated in just the other wav; and the line has done more to build up Salem, than any other dozen things that have oc curred in the life of the town." .Mr. Hnrfies is expected to arrive in Gold IIUl shortly to take active charge of the installation of the big -new. kiln, a site for which will be se lected at a iwint convenient to the new line of railroad. tCUBANS TO UNITED STATES I . TO PLAY BASEBALL "HAVANA, Cuba, Feb. 21. The Cuban, nil-star baseball team that will tour the United States this sum mer has been picked definitely, ac cording to an announcement today by.Mannger A. M. McAllister. The following players will make the trip: Mendez, Mnnos, Pendrezo, Valdez, Hidalgo, nernatidez, Pnrpetti, Villa, Padron, Moran, Gonzales, Habannes and Santa Cruz. Falls Seven Stories. TACOMA, Wash., Feb. 21. Geo. Jole, a structural iron worker em ployed by the Thompson-Starrett company, fell seven stories from the top. of tho 12-story Fidelity building, tinder construction, to tho roof of . tho Pioneer building this morning about 10 o'clock. He is not expect--ed to live. Medford, Oregon: This certifies that wo liavo sold Hall's Texas Won dor for the cure of all kidney, blad der and rheumatic troubles for ten years, and have never had a com plaint. It gives quick and permanent relief. Sixty days' treatment In each 1)ottle, Medford Pharmacy. ARK YOU GOING EAST? Have you a friend coming west? You ought to bring ono to Med ford. Call and see us, The colonist rates will bo effect flhortly. Let ub talk routes and rates with you. Information cheerfully furnished. Phono, address or call on Southern Pacific Company, A. 8. Roeonbaum. at Medford. Singer and Wheeler & Wilson sew , lug machines for sale and rent. Sup plies and repairs for all kinds. Ad dress 244 S. Grape. Get -your ticket at Haskins' early for the boxing oonteet. 280 Chin aware at Goodfriond's. Wear Kidd's Shoss. ITHIS SERMON IS Ooo 'PEOPLE'S Sermon by CHARLES T. RUSSELL Pastor Brooklyn Tabernacle. Ooo Tampa. Fl.i.. Feb. 20.-rastor C. T. itussell of Brooklyn Tabernacle iroaeli ed twice here today In our largest nit - dltorluru to the "Ulble Students' Con - ventlou." The large audleuce seemed deeply lutcresteti. He said: Some apply the tlrst text only and think of tho Divine rroj;rniu as belnc merely an endeavor to rescue mankind from sin and death to rhrliteousnosi and eternal life tu the ptvstu time Such ns hold this view arc muili cvn fused, because It must be ackuowl edged that comparatively little bus been done, or Is now berni: doue. for man's uplift. After six thousand years It Is still true that "The whole world lleth In tho Wicked One;" "Darkness covers the earth and gross darkness the heathen." In order to have any confidence nt all In this theory those who hold It are obliged to greatly low er their standards. They are forced to hope that God will admit millions of until people, crude, rude, lguorant and wicked to eternal life and happiness. or iHrcbauctt provide for them Purga torial experiences, to make them At. righteous and acceptable for life eter nal. As a whole. Christian people are greatly bewildered. The teudeucy of their bewilderment Is toward doubt, skepticism, atheism. The other view briefly stated Is that God never Intended the salvation of the world, but merely the salvation of the Church, elect according to the fore knowledge of God through sanctlticu tlon of the Spirit and belief lu the Truth. Those who hold this theory have great confusion also, because It seems Incomprehensible that God would make no provision for "thou sands of millions' of Adam's race, but arrange for them to be born In sin. xbapen In Iniquity, and to go down to the tomb (or worsei without a clear knowledge of God and his purposes and will respecting them. As we have already frequently set forth, both of the described theories are erroneous. The Scriptures set forth two salvations, entirely separate and distinct. They are different as re spects time. In that the one "salvation began to be spoken by our Lord" at his First Advent, and began to be ap plicable to his Church at Pentecost, and will wholly cease at his Second Coming lu the eml of this Age. The other salvation uelther applied before our Lord's First Advent nor during this Gospel Age. but will apply to all mankind, except the Church, during the Millennium the thousand years of the reign of Christ and the Church, specially designed for the blessing of the world aud Its uplifting out of sin and death conditions. These two salvations are distinctly different as to .kind, as well as respect their plan of operation. The salvation of the Church during this Gospel Age xiuce Pentecost means not only a deliverance from sin and death condi tions to eternal life, but provides that the eternal life will be on the heaven ly or spiritual plane and not ou the earthly or human plane of existence. Thus tho Apostle declares that our "In heritance is incorruptible and unde nted and fadetb not away and Is re served In heaven for us, who ore kept by tho power of God through faith unto salvation" (I Peter 1. 4. 5). Our Lord also told that in the resurrection we shall be like unto the angels. The Apostle also declares that ultimately we shall be partakers of the divine nature and like our Lord and Redeem er. Hence, all who participate in this salvation of this Gospel Age are Scrlp turully spoken of as New Creatures In Christ Jesus, whose "citizenship Is In heaven." These are assured that at the Lord's Second Coming they will constitute the First Resurrection class. They are guaranteed that only the blessed and holy will havo part there in, and that all participating in that First Resurrection will be Royal Priests unto God and tinto Christ, and reign with him a thousand years (Rev elation xx, 0). They are assured that the transformation of mlud which they now experience through the be getting of tho holy Spirit will, In their resurrection, result In a complete transformation, providing them with spirit bodies. Thus it is written of their resurrection, "It is sown in weak ness; it is raised In power: It is sown in dishonor; it Is raised in glory; It is sown an animal body; It is raised a eplrltual body" (I Corinthians xv, -12-44). Of those who will share in the Church's sulvatlou the Apostle says, "We shall not all sleep, but must all be chauged," because "flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom ot God" (I Corinthians xv, CO, SI). The world's salvation which will fol low will be wholly different from this. It will not Include a change of nature from earthly to spirit nature. It will mean a rescuo from hIii and death to the earthly perfection of the original man, lit the linage and likeness of his Creator, and surrounded by ev ery necessary blessing for his com fort. Human perfection and the Eden homo were lost through dlsobedlenco to God. The DJvlpe arrangement Is jthot the merit of our Lord's obedi ence unto death, when ultimately ap plied for mankind, shall fully can cel the death sentence upon blm. More and better than this, God ban prom- A REGULAR WEEKLY FEATURE ooCH PULPIT... THE TWO SALVATIONS "Cud to loved the wotltl tht he gave hU only bejoltrn Son, that wliototvri llwrlh in him ihouU ntX rtroh, but haw rvrtlatting Ue" (John iu. 16). "Chnu lo locd ihe Chuth nd gave him. ell (or it, that he Might uactily and cleanra U by the (thing ol vtaler by the word) that he might present U to huniell a glonoui Church, not having tpoi, or tmUe, or any inch thing; but that it uioukl be holy and without blem. tth" (Epheaiana 25-27). ooO" feed that the same Stti-OfTcrtnjr shall seal a New Coveuunt between hlin 1 sol' aud mankind. Tho blesalupi of 1 that New Covenant arrangement will then immediately beglu. The great Redeemer will thenceforth be the great Mediator of that New Cove nant. The whole ,world of mankind will be fully under his supervision and government for their blessing, their correction In rlghteoustieas. their upltttlug out of sin aud death con dltlous back, back. back, to all that was lost In Eden. All of this was the original design of the Great Cre ator. All of this will be outworked through the Great Redeemer. All of this was secured or surttlcd by his death, finished at Calvary (Hebrews vlU 22). St. Peter, polntlug dowu to that glo rious time of the world's blessing, calls It "times of refreshing aud times of restitution." He tells us that all the holy prophets described tho blessings of thos restitution times the thou sand years, the Millennium (Acts ill, lt-21). When once wo get the eyes of our understanding opened, wo find the Apostle's words thoroughly corrobo rated by the Divine records, which de scribe the wonderful blessings that are to come when the earth shall yield her Increase. Then Paradise Lost shall be Paradise Regained. Then God will make bis earthly footstool glorious. Theu the blessing of the Lord shall make rich aud be will add no sorrow therewith. Then streams shall break forth in the desert and the wilderness and solitary places shall be glad. Out most glorious will be the change In hu manity. The Lord promises to turn to the people a "pure message" Instead of the contradiction of creeds of hea thenism and Churchlanity. Ho prom ises that Satan shall be bound for that thousand years, that he may deceive the nations no more. He promises that then all the "blinded eyes shall bel opened and all the deaf ears shall be unstopped" (Isaiah xxxv, S; II Corin thians It. 4). Two Salvations Ona Savior. Doth of these salvations, according to the Bible, result from the death of Jesu.s our Redeemer, who died In obedi ence to the Divine will, "Died, the Just for. the unjust, that he might bring us to God" (I Peter 111. ISi. The Scriptures clearly show not only the two salvations, but also two parts of the Redeemer's work, distinctly sep arating his work for the Church from bis work for the world. In his death there was a Divine general provision for the sins of the whole world and a special provision for the sins of the Church. The two thoughts are fre quently brought out In tho Scriptures. One text distinctly declares, "He Is the propitiation satisfaction for our sins the Church's sins, und not fqr ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world." His death constituted the sat isfaction price. The Redeemer ap plied that merit for tho Church's sins, "for us," long ago, eighteen centuries before we were born. Only when wo became believers and entered into a Covenant of sacrifice did we obtain our share In the merit of that great sacrifice. The world has not yet re ceived Jts share of that promised blessing, but the operation of the Di vine Plan is sure and will bring It to them "In due time." as St Paul de clares (I Timothy 11. 0). The drawing and calling of the Church has not been along the lines of human perfection, for all aro sinners and none righteous or perfect. And many of those drawn of the Lord were by nature much- more fallen and de praved than some who give no evi dence of the work of grace In their hearts. The Lord's calling and draw ing seem to be along the lines of Jus tice, love of righteousness, faith, hu mility and obedience. These quali ties will all belong to the perfect man. Out all have lost tbem in varying de grees. Such as respond to the Lord's call now are accepted as being In the right heart attitude which, If they bad perfect bodies, would constitute tbem perfect men. In other words, they have qualities of heart whicb, if brought to a knowlcdgo of tho Truth, would prove somo of them to be pure in heart and such as the Lord would deslro should have eternal life and all of his favors. Hut more aro called and drawn by God's providences and the preaching of his message than be de signs to save- In the present salvation. He Is choosing a very select class for a very special purposo and thereforo makes tho terms and conditions of their salvation extremely difficult. An a consequence we read, "Many aro called, but few chosen" under this "high calling of God In Christ Jesus." Term of Salvation Differ. Of course, theso different salvations Imply different terms or conditions, God's requirement of Adam, that he might continue to live forever and everlastingly enjoy Divine favor, his Eden Home, etc., was obedience to reasonable, Just raqulrcmcnts. It was bis violation of the Divine Law that brought upon blm tho sentence of death "Dying thou shalt dlo'V-wlth all that this has Implied to blm and bis posterity of mental, moral and Ibysical decline, weakness, death, Tho requirement or God for the world of mankind during the Millennial Vge will Nltnllari.v lie- oImhIiwu e to GodV Just, reasonable regulations, laws, Whoever thou will rentier obedience inny Willi proportionate rapidity go up on tlir hluhwny of holiness toward perfection at Its cud. Whoever tc fuses obedience to the extent of his ability will lull to make progress and ultimately die the Second Death, from which there will bo no redemption mid no resurrection. Such obedience ns will be required of mankind In the great Mediator's Kingdom will Include their en-opera tlon lu the resistance of their own fall en weaknesses. It will Include the exercise of patience and kindness to wards their fellow-creatures, fellow sufferers. The Divine Iaw of lovo to God with all the heart, mlud, soul, strougth aud for the neighbor as for one's self thoy must learu fully. As they will realize tholr own blemishes and strive to overcome them and ask, uot the Father, but the Mediator for forgiveness, they will be obliged to follow the Divine rule of exercising towards others similar mercy and for giveness to that which they deslro for themselves, lint they will not be re quired to enter Into the covenant of self-sucrltlce. self-denint, etc. All the blessings of God ou tho earthly plane will be for them fully and freely to use and enjoy, In harmony with the Divine regulation. The conditions governing tho salvo tlon of the Church ore wholly differ ent from those which will appertain to the world The Church is called out of the world under a Divine Invitation to suffer with Christ In the present life and during this Gospel Age and then to rWii with Christ during the Millennial Age. participating In his Mediatorial Kingdom for the blessing uplifting, salvation of the world. It Is not In valu. therefore, that our Lord aud tho apostles, lu setting forth the call of the Church during this Age. specified particularly and frequently tho necessity for all who would share In this salvation to participate with the Redeemer In his sacrificing. In "til death," and consequently participate In "hi resurrection" aud In his relgu of glory. Hark to the wools. "He thou faithful unto death and 1 will give thee a orowu of life;" "To blm that over cometh will 1 grant to sit with me In my Throue;" "And whosoever doth not bear his cross, aud come after me. cannot be my disciple" (Luke xlv, 27). Let us remember our Lord's words to the disciples Jamrs aud John, respect ing a place In his Millennial Throne. He Intimated that tho getting to the Throne at all, lu any place, would Im ply great humility and self-sacriflcc. Ho asked the disciples. "Arc ye able (willing) to drink of the cup that 1 shall drink of and to be baptized with the baptism (Into death) that I am baptized with?" (Mark x. 33.1 Heark en again: This cup of which ho tells us we must drink, If we would sit in his Throne. Is bis communion cup. It Is offered, not to the world, but to his consecrated followers. . It Is not another cup. but "My Cup." The In vltatlon was, "This Is my blood of the New Testament, which Is shed for many for tho remission of sins. Drink ye nil of It" (Matthew xxvl. 28. 27). it must all be druuk before the many, the world, can get their sharo of the Intended blessing through the New Covenant, which this blood seals. And only the disciples of Christ, only those who deslro to walk In bis steps, aro In vited to drink of that cup. All of them are so Invited and they will drink all of lu None of It will be left for the world durlug the Millennial Age to drink. It Is a special privilege to drink of this cup. With the drink ing of It (Ves the special blessing of tho special salvation of this Gospel Ago. Except we cat of his flesh (ap propriate the merit of bis sacrifice), and unless we drink his blood (Join In sacrifice with bimi, we have no lle In us Inherent life, Immortality. So far as our hearts and minds are concerned at tho time of our consecra tion they must be fully given up to the Lord ere be will accept thorn. We could be no more fully consecrated If we had absolutely perfect bodies and were absolutely free from all the en tailment of Adam's condemnation. But God's requirement la that no sacrifice may come upon tils altar, excopt such as Is without spot or blemish. Hence be could not accept our offering, our consecration, oven though it were as completely and fully mado an was our dear Redeemer's. Hence bis first pro vision was that the righteousness of Christ should be imputed to us on ac count of our faith, and obcdlonce, In order to permit us to offer sacrifices holy and acceptable to God (Malachl Hi, 3; Romans xil, 1). This view of our participation in the Redeemer's merit separately and apart from tho world's participation In It by fulth and Imputation of merit and not actually the illblo declares to be a "mystory," which uot many are ablo to discern only tho spiritually-minded only the splrlt-begottcn. Those who can see und bear and understand the terms and conditions of this great sal vation of this Gospel Age aro specially blessed "Blessed are your eyes, for they see, und your ears, for they heur" (Matthew xlll, 10). To seo, to bear, to understand, that glory, honor, Immor tality, eternal life on the spirit plane, are tho rewards of a few years of self denial and. self-sacrifice. Is to bear of a pearl of great price, of which few know, And to know of that pearl and not to bo willing to sell all that we have to obtain it would demonstrate to tho Father our unworthlness of life on this high plane. Wo exhort so many as seo and hour and appreciate, In tho words of the Apostle, "Let us make pur calling and election sure" by a full and hearty compliance with the gra cious high calling of which wo have learned and which our hearts have ac cepted (II Peter 1, 10), --------- - BPO ELKS jjf "MINSTRELS On account of many members of. the cast being unable to leave business on Saturday, night, the dates have been changed to Monday snd Tuesday. Seat reservation dpens at Has kin's Drug store, Saturday at 9 a. m. Feb. 26. Prices 75c, $ 1 .00 and $ 1 .50 No Auction Here It is not necessary to hold auctions to dispose of first-class stock, but we can sell you an Elgin or Waltham Watch 7-jcwel, 20-yenr gold filled case $10.00 17-iewel. with 20-vear easo $14.50 15-jewel, with 20-vear caso $12.00 Solid gold cases $25.00 in eithor movement. 1 Special bargains in Diamonds. Cut Glass, Gold and Silverware. IN ADDITION TO THrS, 1 E MEMBER we are permanently located in Medford. The money u nako i.s .reptherc to help upbuild tho town. Beside we keep your watch iu good repair free of charge and if at any timo your watch or jewelry docs not provo to bo as represented wo are hero to hold the manu facturer to their guarantcn and seo that you receive satisfaction. AGAIN Reliable movements are sold the world over at statod pricos, and you gain no advantage in buying one for a cut price, as they are not sold by reliable dealers for less than the established prico, and what is more, if you stand by your local dealers they will stand by you. In this way you keep your money at home and therebv receive a double benefit. Van DeCar 6 Jasmann MANUFACTURING- JEWELERS, PHIPPS BUILDING MEDFORD, OREGON The Jackson County Realty Company 604 WEST TENTH STREET, OR 124 KING STREET MEDFORD OREGON Office in residence, corner West Tenth and King streets. Always propared to show you tho best Jackson county has in the real estate line from the unimproved land to the best bearing orchards, farm land or stock ranch; also city property. Tho man ager has had ten years' experience in the county, which will aid the prospective pur chaser. Seeing is knowing. patrons. Following are Some of Our Good Buys 16 acres Newtowns and Spitz apples, $16,000 easy terms; just ready to bear. 10 acres Newtown and Spitz Jyof trees; $5000, easy terms. Several nice small tracts near town just coming in bcaring. NOTICE. Notlco Is hereby given that tho tin dornlgncd will apply to tho city coun cil or tho city of Medford, Oregon, at the mooting thereof on March 2, 1010, for a license to sell spirit oub, rlnouB and malt liquors In quan tities less than a gallon, for tho pe riod of six months, at his place of business at No, 31 Pront street South, In said city. D. S. nADCLIPF & CO. Dated February 17, 1010, Phone 2001, Goodfriend'u. - We also have modern rooms to accommodate 360 acres 1 1-2 miles north of Eagle Point, $18,000, easy terms. 9ftfl nnrnn nmifTi nf Tflnnrlo Point, $10,000, easy , ' ' J Jo8 House, two lots, well locat- ed; prico $1700; terms. THE ROADS ARE NEVER BAD, THE WEATHER IS ALWAYS GOOD, WHEN YOU WANT TO GO, CALL UP THE UNION LIVERY R. O. DUNCAN, February 28 and March 1 are the Dates --- - -, our 293 aores near coal mines, $9000, easy torms. Also agent for the Snowy Butte Orchard. Two lots, f i n o location, $1500. Several acre tracts, fine lo cation to subdivido into lots for sale. Proprietor.