THE MEDFOttD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON. SUNDAY, EEBRARY 20. 1010. 9 MAY GET BIG HOTEL "Will Cest $1,000,000 and Will Be Erected on Morrison Street W. C. Bowers Manager. PORTLAND, Or., Feb. 19. At no XOtlaUoss bow under way arc con summated, Portland will goon hare nother modern hotel, tho cost of whlck will be between $1,000,000 and Sl.250,000. It will bo built by Charles Sweeney on Morrison street between Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets and will be controlled by a -eyndfeato of local capitalists, which Is being organized today by Theo dore B. Wilcox. J. C. Alnsworth and H. C. Bowers, present manner of the Portland hotel. The syndicate repre sent largely tho sellers of the Port land hotel stock, which was trans ferred recently to the Norman Broth ers and other Spokane capitalists. Bowers la to be manager of the ho tel. HOME TELEPHONE TO GOVERNMENT TROOPS 1 M'VEAGH MAY SOON BUILD OVER STATE ARE PUT TO FLIGHT, RESIGN HIS POST Director Announces That Extension ( insurgents Under General Mena Are 'Secretary of tho Treasury Is In Poor of System Will Be Undertaken in the Near Future. Successful In Campaign Against the Administration Troops. BLULT1KLUS, Xicnrapia. Feb. VX Dispatches from tho front today Health and It Is Predicted That He May Hand Resignation. WASHINGTON, Feb. IP. Th ron Ipnatlon of Franklin McVenph as sec- PORTLAND, Or.. Feb. 10. Ac cording to n statement by Samuel Hill, one of the directors "of the tlome Telephone company 01 rori-r"-', , r ... hero totlnv. . . . ,eroi .ueuu nave unvcu mu uuiiui. , land, that company has under con- -"under Vnoinu from .The secretary hap boon confined to siderntion the extension of its lines!"".1"" u" ' 'his homo for tho Inst month from 111- fh nt n nA 0,.. mr iwsiuiun near vu.Mif. say that the insurants under Gw- rtnry ot tbe easury was predicted Mena's divisiou is mnrohinR catty all the fanners' lines in the!?01'1 General Matuty s command. U (0 health resulting from over work, CHICAGO. III., Felt. IP. The price of hops jumped today to $0.51), 5- . .1... .1. . . !.. reKion completed. Work on this n , ' T . m u s j: elude nn immediate junction ot tins o.u- k A nc with Chnmorro's corps. thi ; iunkinB a new high record and sur idlv'ns rto!5ible " 's rnrl Estrada's general plan for passing the soaring prices of yes if ? h rMnn'n,"! nuvnuee upon .uanaKnn. late.ierony. iue market was not espt- K rrA. v- w ih. f probably will be bepun nt once. cially active, however, the price be- PORTLAND CONTRACTORS GET DEPOT CONTRACT Advices were received today by A. B. Rosenbaum, the local agent of the Southern Pacific company, to the ef iect that Portland contractors bid considerably lower than local con tractors and secured the work of erecting the Medford depot, and also the one at Grants Pass. It is under stood, however, that these Portland contractors" are fipirinp on sublet ting a large portion of the work of the several kinds to local men. Some of the local men have been in touch with the Portland 'contractors bid ding on the work. M Quake Hits Crete. CANEA, Crete, Feb. 19. Crete' tbs shaken by a severe earthquake "today. Many buildincs were dam aged. Although no loss of life was re ported here, six bodies have been taken from wrecked buildings in the city of Vatropo, where tho shock is dieved to have been1 the most se xere. , Reports from the interior indicate that the temblor was the heaviest that has visited the island in many jears. directors will be unusually heavy and that the work of connecting up the surrounding district with the Port land exchange will be started- as soon as the expenditures are authorized. In tho engagement near Acoyapa. forced up by "scalpers" and Vasouez's forces, are reported1 to i shippers, who had hoped to "sky have lost heavily. Mena's field ar tillery,- under the -direction of Amer ican gunners, are credited with the victory; The insurgents' losses were light. r. MANAGUA, Nicaragua, Feb. W. The continued activity of Madriz R0SEBURG GUk, AGED 16, WEDS SEATTLE MAN SEATTLE, Wash., Feb. lO.-Ger-!111 strengthening tbVcapitol are die-1 rocket" the market. Toward the close there- was some weakness. Teas nt GQodfriend's. Bnicks are necessities. CONVICTED OF SWINDLING WOMEN OUT OF $13,000 trude McCann, aged 16, of Rosebnrg, Or., and Charles A. Aldrich, 24. as sistant engineer on the steamer In dianapolis, are wed today and the curtain has been rung down on a modern version of "The Two Orphans." Gertrude and her lS-yenr-old sis ter came to Seattle Wednesday to meet Aldrich. neglecting the formal ity of telling him they were coming. They wandered up and down the wa ter front while a heavy snow was falling, asking for the Indianapolis. ft?d no one could tell them where she was. A patrolman played the good Sn- ttnnritan and took them to the police station. He also found that the Iu diaunpolis was undergoing n day's cleaning up in the east waterway. Aldrich was Irought to the sta tion, the couplz were "mugged" in the Bertillioif room with its rogue's gallery, and were married at a min- I ister's residence yesterday afternoon with a patrolman, humane officer and matron as witnesses. The mat ron helped select the trousseau. Aldrich and Miss McCann had been engaged for a year. The par ents approved the match, but said she was too young. Magic eyeglass cleaners free at counting in the public mind the re ports issued by the administration concerning the victories of its troops in three days' fighting in the vicinity of St. Vinceutc. Both the administration and the revolutionists' sympathizers here arej claiming the better of the series of j engagements about San Vincente. It has been established, however, that the administration forces were th- aggressors and forced the fighting, although the rebels claim to hae ! held their own. ( The tentative agreement made be- tween President Madriz aud the rebel leaders to arbitrate also 'n.- " ed the feeling to become preuilont that Madriz is apprehensive of the campaign around the cnpitol. For the Best In harness, saddles, whips, obes, tents, blankets, wag on sheets, axle grease and gall cure, as well as all kinds of custom work, see J. C. Smith 314 E. Main. A. L. VROMAN DENVER, Colo., Feb. 19. J. H. Cashmere is in jail here today await ing sentence, following his convic "tfon on eharges of having swindled -working women out of $13,000. Cashmere announced that his at torneys would ask for a new trial, nd if that were denied they would appeal to the supreme court. It was alleged that Cashmere's operations netted him more than $30,000, although the indictment fonnd against him charged but $13, 000 swindle. Ttnicks deliver the goods. PHYSICIAN IS ACCUSED OF SMUGGLING PEARLS Western Educator Honored. ELLENSBURG, Wash., Feb. 19. Dr. J. P. Munson of the Washing ton State Normal school today an nounced he would accept n special invitation received by him to ad dress the international zoological congress next summer at Austria. This is a signal honor very seldom conferred on educators in the west. Dr. Munson is to do work before the congress on the porphology and physiology of the cell in the form of lectures. SEATTLE, Wash., Feb. 19. Dr. Richard Bert, a prominent physicinn of Vancouver, B. C, is in the King county jail today charged with smuggling five beautiful pearls, which are in the strong-box of Ross E. Chesuut, deputy collector of United States customs. Experts sayjbe pearls are worth between $4000 and $5000 and are finer than have been seen in Seattle in many a day. Bert was arrested at Blaine, Wash., the first station in Washing ton on the Great Northern, coming from Vancouver. After a prelimin ary hearing at Blaine he was held in bonds, which he failed to furnish, fie was brought to Seattle last night and the news of his nrrest was made public for the first time. "I was not aware that having pearls in my possession constituted smuggling," he said today. "I act ed innocently in the matter.", Fur. ther than this he mnde no explana tion. Graniteware at Goodfriend's. Wear Kidd's Shoes. PLUMBING & HEATING CONTRACTOR No job too small, none too large. Twentv-five Years' practical experience. Residence: No. 437 South Fir Street Horses for Sale at West Side Stables G. L Schermerhorn WE GARRY DENT'S GLOVES The Hulchason Company's Specials for Monday WE CARRY, BUTTERICK PATTERNS AVe nre.flositii; out all our latlio.s' Suits, Coats, Dresses, at sacrificing prices. A nil yourselves of this wonderful opportunity. Conic now and look tho lincver. It will pay you. Prices are uot considered at this season of year. $25.00 .Suits, now $9.95 $50.00 Suits, now $23.47 $20.00 Coats, now $6.98 $40.00 Suits, now $17.50 $11.00 Coats, now $3.89 $30.00 Coats, now $11.29 Specials in Bath Towols, 10c Bath Towels, close 8c 12 l-2c Bath Towels, close 10c ,15c Bath Towels, close 11c 19c Batli Towels, close 16c 20c Bath Towels, close 3 for 50c 2.1o Bath Towels, close 22c Dress Goods Specials: $1.50 Dress Hoods $1.19 $1.25 Dress Goods 98c $1.00 Dress Goods .' r. 73c 75c Dress Goods 59c 50c Dress Goods ,..39c 35c Dress Goods .-. 23c 25c Dress Goods 19c Silk Dopartment. Our clearance in this department is one that will he long remembered. The following prices will surely move all silks quickly: 70c Poplin Silk, now 59c $1.25 fancy Silks, now 89c S5c Taffeta Silk, now, 75c 50c Jap Silks, now 39c 35c Jap Silks, now 23c See the tables in our center aisles. Remnants of Dress Goods, remnants of AVash Goods, at less than half price. See full line of our Embroideries, all at re duced prices. TheHUTCHASONCo. Formerly BaRer-HutchLason Co. Don't Read Tnis UNLESS YOU WISH TO BUY Lot, 100x100, large building, 3 blocks from depot; price $6000 Lot, 50x100, on AVest Main, cement walk, pavement on corner; price $1100 Lots, eight blocks from depot, 50x100; each $300 Two lots, 50x120, and 7-room cottage, fruit, close in $1700 Lot, 50x95 and 5-room cottage, on corner, five blocks out $1500 Six acres joining Medford; good small house; cheap, at, per acre , $600 Eighteen acres close in; Sacres alfalfa; 10 acres under ditch; good improvements and cheap, at per acre $350 Two hundred acres, 150 under cultivation, 100 under ditch, 50 in alfalfa; 8-room house; good improvements, and a bargain at price of, per acre $70 Come in and see me and list or buy through me. Wanted Houses to rent. CHARLES W. SBARPE CORNER FIRST AND MAIN STREETS MEDFORD, OREGON UB-DIVISION BEST AND CLOSEST IN. TRACT PLATTED IN MEDFORD; ALL FINE LOTS, JUST PUT ON THE MAR KET. COME EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH? FIRST HERE, FIRST SERVED. THIS MEANS YOU. COME AND GET YOUR FIRST PICK OUT OF THE BEST BUNCH OF 30 LOTS IN THE CITY. WE ALSO HAVE SOME OF THE BEST BUYS IN THE VALLEY IN ACREAGE FROM ONE TO FIVE HUNDRED-ACRE TRACTS. DO YOU WANT TO BUY A HOUSE AND LOT? IF SO, HERE IS YOUR CHANCE: 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, LOT 50x128, CLOSE IN, $1500 DOWN, TERMS ON BALANCE; SOUTH FRONT. THREE-ROOM HOUSE; MODERN; LOT 50x128; $1500 DOAVN, TERMS ON BALANCE; SOUTH FRONT. ! $2200 BUYS A SIX-ROOM MODERN HOUSE; LOT 50x143, IN QUEEN ANNE ADDITION; TERMS. $3000 BUYS A SEVEN-ROOM MODERN HOUSE ON ROSS COURT; HEAT; 50x132; HIGH AND DRY; TERMS. IF YOU DON'T FIND WHAT YOU WANT IN THIS, CALL AT OUR OFFICE AND SEE US, AS "WE HAVE LOTS OF OTHERS. THE SISKIYOU REALTY COMPANY PHONE 3311. ROOM 22 JACKSON COUNTY BANK BUILDING