MFDFORP MAU TRIBUNE, MEHFORD, OKEGON. SUNDAY, FRBWAKY 20, 1910. ,- . - I" If The Famous Hamilton Orchard Tract is Ours Eycf since Ia& November, when Tronson & Guthrie exhibited their carload of Spitzenberg apples at The National Apofc 5&aw in Spokane, and in competition against 5 car loads from North Yakima, 3 from Wenatchee and several slier tM&s, and were awarded the Grand Sweepstake Prize of $1000 and the Honorary Title, "Quality Apple King; af America," people all over the world have asked: "What part of the Rogue River Valley did these appfes; eoase from?" . The answer was .... J TE 'MvMvA MvBvl BvBva J BvBva AwMvl AvBvl MVMm hvBvb wBvBM W avMvMf ' M AVMVMVMVMh BVMVMVMVM HVMwMwMwMfl BwMwMwMwM BwMwMwMwMb MVMVMVMVJ MwMwMwMwa wMwMvMwMX MwMwMwMwMv B Mr BMMMMMMMb mtt aBWMWMWMWMwA hWMWMWMWMV BWMWMWMWMwi HWMWMWMWMwl BVMVMVMVMwJ BWMWMwAr avMWMWMwflfl VMWMWMWMS BVMWMWMWMwJ tMWMWMWMWMm BBWMWMWMwA HH! Jm wAvAwflHHHHHL VAvAwflHHHi hVAHHHHHHI BVAVflHHBVA m BwAvflHHHHV BVAHHHHHH BVAHHHHHR BwAVflHHHHV ffABVflHHHHH BVAwflHHHHi BVAHHHHHHi M K OT BfAfAfAfAfA ffAfAfAfAfB BYaTaTaTaV BfAfAfAfAffl BYaTaTaTaH fAfAfAfAffl BfAWflBfH BYAYBYflBYflW BfAfAfAfAffl BfAfAfAfAfi ibTaTaTaB V An BfBYBfBfBfB BYBYBVAffl BfBfBfBfBfl BfBfBfBfBfM BfBfBfBTBfa VBfAfaYaYH BYBYBYBIbV BfBfBfBaBfil BfBfBfBvB BtkBWMWMWMWMwM BWMVMWMv BWMWMWMWMwi BwJlBVMVMwJ BWAWMwAwi BWMWMwAflV BWMWMWMWMVi TMWMWMWMwJ He IDreaiii of the TneEbgrw: jS&rer Orchard Land Go: finally" dacMtkr to secure if ppegiM'e' fcgr Hamilton tract. TKere-warermaarjrotlters, that we cmtM " have- secured cheaper; in facizthffi-wats By- far the highest priced; but after comsidering the nmitegJasaIagg tiae we decided th'e best: wax wme too good for QBE clMBfftS. MESSRS TEOKSON & GFiTTT-HJOjEV THE A P PLE KJHGBcOg'IWFTffTCA, have en-dorsad- omr yrowrty, and, we wonldTbf Ltd. t smd a copy of th'eir.IMtcaria iKteraatd parties. TEwk traciac ca jmrchased frwnr na: get. asarr terLS and ar ramgementit caiE 1j made wj,th us t' caxKfurryaiar teaet crrering a paarioif .of feryers. livery tract ir watered! frcaa: lottle Butte cacdfcairflragp:t3t mraf ditch that Rogue River Valley Two hundred acres of this tract are already planted to Spitzen berg and Newtown apples and Bartlett, Cornice and Bosc pears. The trees are 1, 2 and 3 years old. The land has been platted into 10-acre tracts, the number of trees and varieties in each tract is plainly stated on the plat' A beautiful building site of one-half acre on the brow of the hill over looking the orchard will be given free with each 10-acre tract. This car of Spitzenbergs was pronounced by judges the most perfect car of fruit ever exhibited. They were grown by Tronson & Guthrie of Eagle Point, Oregon, and won the Grand Sweepstakes Prize at the recent National Apple Show. waters the famous .Tronson & Guthrie orchard, which produced $1620 to the acre last year. If you aro interested and would like to know more about it, fill outj the coupon below and mail to us. 3fl 1 COUPON t R0inrxr.xircxB oxghabd land co., inc., J MEDF03RD, OB. i CaMtitowwir. Please send me full description and- $ pjtxiiailaxs:a psr Xagle Point Orchard Tracts. OMR PROPERTY IS ONLY ONE MILE FROM TRONSON & GUTHRIE. Rogue River Orchard land Co. Inc. 10 North Front Street, Post Office Box 598, Medford, Oregon