THIS MEDFOKI) MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, FEBRARY 20, 1930. 15 Want Ads Will Retain Your Luck CARRY PLAGUE GERM i ; Malthid SQUIRRELS You cannot get n Rood weather and waterproof roof for your building from a poor roofing. The roof of your building is the most important part of it and unless your roofing is right, there will he no peace of mind for . . those who live under it. A roof that leaks cfuses no end of trouble, besides a lot of damage. The best way to protect yourself from these unnecessary troubles, is to ' use Malthoid Roofing., JYIalthoid Roofing is made in the 'largest and best equipped , 'Tooling factory in the world. r.Thc men who make it haV'e been making roofings for twenty-six years and they understand what is necessary to make st roofing 4'which will give perfect satisfaction, .no matter how it is used, where it is used or tinder what conditions. The makers of Malthoid Roofing guarantee it to be a perfect roofing to give perfect satisfaction and to last ns long as the building it provided it is properly laid ai ordinary care is taken of Twenty-six years of experience enables the makers to guarantee ' Malthoid Roofing under these conditions. ' To be absolutely sure that you have no rooting troubles, buy " Malthoid and lay it properly. GARNETT.C0REY Mad by Ite ?mtim Paint Co. hardware SMfrHdiaudlYtrytkre COMPANY Clocks Clocks All Kinds and Styles. I have a New Line of Traveling Clocks that is Worth Seeing. Martin J. The Jewler Have the Best Turnouts in the City You are trontod riht, thu price is right, the team U rifht in fact, everything is right. Come nnd seo. NASH LIVERY CO. HELMS LAND COMPANY Offers 1500 acres of BEST FRUIT LAND IN ROGUE RIVER VALLEY Any Size Tract Easy Terms Ad. HELMS 296 South Main, Ashland Ore. It's free I.n4 I.I Ik A MW Unit M llt "Cut of lloofititr." tU aitn.r "k.l rotiMwri.Mt Lijrtx n f tutMtr ribU rot I. ftkf brnir (II ( It J covers. and it. Reddy Near Post Office THE.,. NASH LIVERY GO. i Officials of Public Health Greatly ! Alarmed at Menace of the Common Rodent. WASHINGTON, Feb. lD.-Offi-I'inlH of the public hwiltlt itiidiiui rine hoHpitnl nurvlce uro iiliirmed at thu. Intent dweovcry of their agent in Culifoniln, Jlmt the wood rut ta a currier of bubonic pliiguc germs. It was known that the common rat anil the Hceohy ground mjuirrel were both subject to infection and could transmit' the dread disanc to hu man being, and thin latent discov ery fill the rfeieiitiMs with a new apprehension let the plngue become endemic in the United Stiitc. Already tliounudi4 of ground nqtiirrcln and rnts have been slaugh tered in Alameda and Contra Cot counties, California, to prevent the MH-ead of infection. 'It was in con- Motion with this campaign" of erndi-; I'nuoii iiini uie uifcuver.v win wniir that the wood rat wa equally culp able. ' . . - This makes a now link in Ihe plnguo chain and alarms the scien tists for two reasons. Firnt, the wood rat may act as an intermediary in the tmnsminsion of disease to other animnls, and then, because lliey do not ordinarily como in con- FOR SALE 40 acres of good timber tact with squirrels, it may be that ' nvc mitea from Medford; all down some other animal, not now fuispeet- i,m. Mat Calhoun, Phoenix, Ore ed, with which they nre more closely g0Di RMocinleil. is also infected. FflU SALE Or exchange, good se So far only one case of a plague-, cure, w exchange for 8maU twarmir wood rot, which is n tin- , fllP,i ,,., a,i. live and (in true rat, whic ltffercut nrticle from thu h t imported, has-been dioovered Itl'.AL IvST.VTH TRANSFERS. W. O. Davidson to Farmers k. Fruitgrowers Dank, lot 13, block 5, Ross addition to Medford 800 Lottie L. Pelton to Howard Dudley, 360 acres, section S, IS, 22, township 36, , rnnge 1 W 3600 Stato to Dello Nickel!, 160 l acres In section 12, town ship 3S, range 1 E C. W. Palm to E. R. Vnn Dyke, lot 15, block 2, Whitman Park S00 400 E. R. Vnn Dyke to D. T. Van ( Dyke. lot 21. block 1. lot I 10, block 2, Whitman Park 1 I William Anglo to George W. I Nichols, half Interest, In lots 1 7 nnd S. block H, Medford 20 A. D. Helman to Lucy E. Payne, land In Ashland . . 1 Victoria A. Smytho to A. H. Dlnkron, lS3vaoros In sec tion IS, township 33, rnnge 3 W C600 ADMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE. Notice U hereby given that the un dersigned has been by the county 1 court 6t tho state of Orogon for Jack son county, duly appointed executrix of the estnte of J. W. Harrell, de- FOR SALE Mimeograph for dupli ceascd. eating letters. In good condition, All persons owning or holding clien' at offlco of Condor Water & 1 claims against said estate nro hereby Power Co. -S3a I notified nnd required to present the FOR SALE Just enough trees for same, duly verified, as required by a famHy orchard If taken soon, also law, to me or my nttornoy at Modford, I Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated nt Modford, Oregon, Febru ary IS, 1910. PIERE L. HARRELL, Administratrix of. the Estato of J. W. Hnrroll, Deceased. W. E, PHIPPS, '-5; AtWney. Date of first publication hero Is the 20th day ofFebrunry, 1910. N ARE YOU GOING EAST? Havo you a friend coining west? You oUgh"i ' to bring one to Med ford. Call and see ns." Tho colonist rates will bo effect ihortly, Let us talk routes and rates with you, Information cheerfully furnlshod. Phone, address .'or gall on..Sduthorn Pnctflc Company, Av'.S, Rosenbaum at Modford, Wonr Kidd's Shoes, 4-.f FOR SALE. . 4-4.4-4-4- .4- 4- 1 FOR SALE-r-Cheap, 1 bay tnnro; 1 sound, good to work. It, A. Harvey, corner C and Clnrk street. 289 I FORIjALE fi uud 10-ncro trnota just within and adjoining city lim its, ut a bargain, on 5 annual pay mortH. Address P. O. Box 418. J FOIt SALE- -Choice business propor I ty nt 0 bargain, on long time; onBy tnnH Address P. O Box 418. FOR SALE Jersey cow at 1306 Cou tral avenuo, North., Modford. 288 FOR SALE A nearly now, threo Inch wagon, complete. Address Box 724, Modford, Or. 285 4- 4- 4- FOR SALE. 4- -f 4- 4 4-4 4 4 4- 4 4- 4 4 i-'Oll SALB 7Bncrcs '"t fruit mm! la north end of yalley; 4 miles from railroad ; 1-2 rnllo from school; r alout IS acres cleared; some fruit In bearing; Irrigating ditch runs through tnlddlo of It; plenty of wa- tor: with house, barn, welt and spring and 1000 cords of wood on It; a No. 1 road in nil directions; (45 . i.,.v f nwnor ri. man at cigar factory. W FOR SALE Or exchange, modern , residence, sovon rooms, hath and basement, Portland Heights, Port-, land, corner lot, magnificent view. FOR SALE A second-hand type XVIII sell on terms or exchango for! writor for sale at a vory reasonable Rogue River or Mcdford property, figure. ( The Merrivold Shop, 131 Inquire O. Putnam, Mall Tribune W. Main st. office. p0K SAnE A tfWu(ini home In a! ,,.... a wo fibed nine-1 room houeo; nice law:i. email or-' chard, shude trees, good barn and windmill; pipeline on one corner. Infjulro of F. X. Musty, Tolo, Or.304 FQR SALE 40 fine setting turkey, liens fur lo. Inquiry of John An-? dorson. manager Westerlund Or chards. Telephone Farmer S3. 299 dress I. V. N., care Mall Tribune 28S FOR""SALE Good lot In splendid residence section for less money than a smaller lot will bring a greater dis tance from buslnoss section. Ad dress Y, care of this office. FOR SALE Good steam wood saw. Address L. O. Van Weven, Medford, Ore. 293 FOR SALE New 8-roora modern house, furnished complete, cast front, a fine home; also one small house and lot and one nice vacant lot; will sell' part or alt at a bar gain. Apply at 203 Olson st. 284 FOR SALE N'nety aens. 30 In one year old apple and pear trees, 100 inches of water, 2 1-2 miles from railroad Btatlon. For terms write "Owner," carq Mall Tribune. 261 FOR SALE Rogue River Valley land ' of the best pears, apples, peaches, Tokay grapeo; 15,000 (balance time) w.ll handle ovc- 200 acres; closo to railroad; nbout 2" acres In 12 and 2-year-old orchards; unsur passed. Ideal location for fruit or alfalfa; has river frontngo; water rights; bontlng, fishing nnd Irriga tion on place. Address Box 23, care Medford Mall Tribune. FOR SALE A hnrgaln in 200 acres best fruit and nUolfn land In valley; 160 acres In cultivation. For par ticulars see owner. Dox 79S. 2S7 choice residence lot close lu. W. D Harris. 132 N. Ivy su 290 FOR SALE Two 20-acrs tracts, cholco land, 1 1-4 mlloa northwest of Central Point. Address W. J. Harvey, R. F. D. No. 1, Central Point, Or. 296 FOR SALE Business, paint, wall paper, ets.;st,oc.k aljoit . 16000; sales 160 per day; termi easy. Wrlto X Y Z., this office . 2S9 FOR SALE Barred Plymouth Rock cockorol, 1 year old, prlco $2. 525 South Riverside avenuo. 237- FOR SALEr-IIomestend . relinquish ments; we have n cruisor in the field nnd onti locate you on n good timbor claim. Benson Investment Co., office over Fruitgrowers' bank. 2S7 FOH SALE Onk, fir and pine cord wood, '12 nnd lfl-inch; nlso. dry mil wood ; dry pitch for kindling. Phone order to Main 4201 ' ' FOlTSALE GO acres, finest building elto In the volley, lucludli g 30 acres good fruit land; cheap and terms right. H. C. Mnltby, Palm Dldg., Main and Front. FOR SALE Flvo-room modern house and tjood lot, on South Fir street; a snap for a closo In home. Wo havo this for a short time only at $1800. Denson Investment Co. - 290 FOR SALE Townsond Creamery Co. of Portland will have a carload of work liorses from ,1200 to 1500 pounds. In Modford Sunday, L. N. Rtdor, Nash LI vory Stable. 289 FQlTsALE 1 to 5 acres, under Fish Lako ditch, 1 1-4 miles from post office, Splondld location for homo; flno (or borrlos and garden; S350 por ncre, Seo owner, No, 20 S. Peach street, or P. O. Box S42. 291 444444444444444!4-44-4-4-44-4-4-4'-t-4-4-4-4-4v--t- FOR SALE. FOR RENT. FOIt SALE On .North Illrorildo Avenue, G room h'un;, barn and .onMifllf nne of K"d garden laid all for $1500. AddiuJH P. O. box R7fl. totfnrA. Or. F0R-SALENew, itricily modern room bungalow, w. 0. Davidson, , lui w Tenth. 2S9 .,,.'-' , ! OR BALE Flvc-room bungalow, ! l"t completed in Demon addition; ' lot DQxizo, racing east; price isuu, $400 cash, balance )20 monthly. IJfDon Invostment Co. 290 FOH SALE Two Ire tracts of more than 400 acres '.Medford', suitable h each, clone to or Pnouiviumg into Umnll orchard tracts; good lo cntion and cheap; first-class ' 8- roorn horise and four acre? Inpd, 1 milos from jredford on main road; fine barn. This place com mands ono of the bestr view? in the valley very cheap and Rood' terms. I Some of the best ten and twenty- acre tracts, on ;;ood road, suitable for orchard or parilon. -pood ternri. Large or small, you will find it with D. II. Jackson & Co., opposite Hj tel Moore. FOR SALE Full blood Plymouth Rock cockerels and eggs; hay, Phone Farmer 703x3. 4- 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4. 4- - WANTED. 6 WANTED Married man to work on ranch, house furnished; prefer 'man whose wife would be willing to do odd Jobs In home of employer. In quire at old Elder Williams' ranch, 1 1-2 miles south of town. 289 WANTED Man and wife, man for gardening and wife for general housework. Apply Condor Water & Power Co WANTED First-class gardener. Ap ply Condor Water & Power Co. WANTED Girl for general house work. Inquire at CIS West Main. 2'jO FOR RENT - MoiWn fun i' d roomB at 601 We it 10th or 14 Tvln street. WANTED A man who wishes to work a ten-acre tract of landi close In. for tnxk gardening. Call at 141 Xortu Fir street. WANTED Driver for tea and coffee route. Apply at once to S. Kemp thorn, 237 RlverJ'lj avenue, rhone 3871. 2?7 WANTED Experienced stone cutter and quarry man. Call at Condor Water and Power Co's. office. ' WANTED Competent girl for gen eral housework for family of three. P. 0- Box 087. WANTED Housekeeper and coolc, middle-aged lady preferred; seven In family. Address or apply to S. G. Van Dyke, Phoenix, Oo. WANTED A lady solicitor to sell electric heating, cooking and light ing devices. Apply ut tho Condon Water and Power Co. WANTED A position on a farm by an experienced lady cook, to tako charge of '.he culinary department; also for n practical man to do farm work. Address N, care Sunnysldo Hotel. Eaglo Point, Or. W ACTED Customers In Medford tor good, rich Jersey milk at 10 per quart; mornl delivery. C. A. Orr, Central Point, Or. 233 WANTED A man experienced In the handling of Incubators and turkey raising. Apply at1 offlco of Condor Water & Power Co. 2 S3 WANTED Man 'with toam lo plow about 12 acros and plant to wheat; lnnd 3 miles east.;!!. C. Maltby, Pafm Dldg. Phone 1071. 292, WANTED Competent woman to do housework; good wngfM, Mrs, D. H. Harris, 23,0 St .Oi!Male nvonue. WANTED Position on raoeli by man with family; have had some experience in fruit. Charles Gib son, Homer, Mich. 287 444-44-4-4 4- 4 4 t FOR RENT. 444-4-44-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4- FOTt ITENT house, closo house, JS.00. avenuo. -Seven-room modern In; also four-room 322 South Central 237 FOR RENT Tracts of land from one to forty acres; with water for irrigation, suitable for raisiug po tatoes and garden truck, also suit able for chicken and turkey raising. Owner will furnish a reasonable amount of lumber and poultry and other fencing for improvements if losseo perform labor of eroding same. Call at office of Coudou Water nnd Power company for particulars. 4tt4 4 44 44444 I FOR RENT Only hotel la town ol 1000 population. Cat! at Condor Wafr and Power Co., 209 West Main street. r"OR RENT Nicely tnrnlsl,ed room for rent with board; transients ac commodated by the day or weelc No. 10 North Orape street, next to Fruit Growers' bank. FOR RENT Three rooms and bath; furnished tor housekeeping; aa small children. Mrs. Joe Thomu. 222 South Holly. PoTT RENT Seven-room furnished house, also furnished room. 322 So. Central avenue. 287 FOR RENT Furnished rooms; pre fer men only; rooms large enough to accommodate two people. Apply at 263 Olson street. ' 2S8 4- - - LOST. - LOST A Jersey cow. No. 11 16 West Main. A. V. Walters. 289 FOUND Watch". Owner t may bare same by Identifying and paying for this ad. C. C. Pierce, 128 E. Main street. 29 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4- Tea and Coffee Houses. GRAND UNION TEA CO. Any vs riety of tea or coffee grown can be had. from their agent, 8. Keajj thorne, 237 Riverside avenne. Paooe 3871. Tickets given with every purchase. Restaurants. CHOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDI CINES will cure rheumatism, astk ma, paralysis, sores and private dis eases. These remedies may be pre cured at the store of Wah Ckasft ei A street, Ashland, Oregon, where they will be sold by the proprietor, Chow xounsr. Tin Shops. J. A. SMITH Tin shop. Tin aad sheetiron ware on hand and made to order. 128 North G street Attorneys. WITHINGTON & KELLY Lawyers. Palm Building. PORTER.J. NEFF Attorney-at-Iaw. ?p. 9 D street, ground floor. COLVJG & RE AMES W. M. Col vig, C. L. Reames. Lawyers. Of fice Medford National Bank Build ing, second floor. B. F. MULKEY Attorney-at-Law, Offices Room 30, Jackson County Bank Building, Medford. Transfer and Drayage. H. S. BRUMBLE Drayage and transfer. Baggage stored. Office C and Seventh. Real Estate. BENSON .INVESTMENT CO. Real Estate, Loans and Fire Insurance Office, suite 205-200, over Frait growers' Bank. Phone 541. ADAMS & BRIGGS O- Adams, C. P. Briggs, real estate, insurance, farm and city property, timber. Butte Falls. Or. Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped fob office in South ern Oregon; Portland p.ices. 37 South Central ave. Opticians. DR. GOBLE The only exclusive op tician between Portland and Sac ramento. Office on West Main st nnd railroad. Brick Companies. G. W. Priddy. J. T. O'Brieu. O. D. Nagle. THE. MEDFORD BRICK CO. Brick manufacturers and contractors; also lime, cement and plaster in any quantity. Office, Medford National Bank "ldijv Phone Mam 545. Undertakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day phone 351. Night Phones: C. W. Couklin 3601, J. H. Rutler 3571. Photographers. MACKEY'S STUDIO "Pose with Mnekoy and die with joy." Over Al len & Reagan's store; entrance on Seventh street. Hospitals. SOUTHERN OREGON HOSPITAL 344 South C st., Medford, Or. E. W. nisey, Matron. Official hospi tal P. & E. R. R. Dentists. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOC, Dentist -Office in rooms 203-204, Farmer' & Fruitgrowers' bank building, west of the tracks. Stenographers. ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block. Stenographic work done quickly and weH. -f fiUSINESS DIRECTORY. 4-4-4-4.4.-4----f 4-4-4-4.4-4-4.4-f. Piano instruction. MISS JENNES8E BUTLER Piano inntrnction and musical history. Studio, No. 8 6. Orange SL Pkoiw JMain 2-191. IIABMONY, flight reading, tnnsical form. Mrs. E. . 'Gore, Metropolitan; College of Muoic. Miss Flora Gray.. Stodios, 144 Sooth -Central arena. Phone 493. (Civil Engineers. WILL taka by contract, on reason able -terms, all kinds of work; also irrigating, planting and cnldvatmir, etc Landscape gardening. Firai 'clasa references. William iFetcrs, Civil nginer, Phone 1801, 322 X. Main street, Medford, Or. mm PMters. VERNE T. JANON Bill Pdsfer an Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Boom 7, Jackson County Bant; Building 3Ieaford,. Or. fllfHard'Pariws. S. T. BROWN.. & CO. Billiards, Ci--grrs and Soft Drinks.. Up JBtaira01 Yonnf; & Hall building. A nice cca Dlaoe to spend the hot afternoon. a?cM.tCtS. , . . : J. K. A. BILES Architect an Builder. P. O. Box 486, Medford, Or. Yonr 'building respectfully lieitod. JOHi;S & TURNER, Architects aaM Builders, office 7-fi, 235 Mas. Phon Main 3471. vRcidonce-pkMS. 2471 ; VALLEY .SIGN AND CARRIAGS WORKS High-class work guanuL- teea. -Signs. .Riverside Phone 8L H. P.'WTLSON & CO-, dealers m sew and eeeond-thaad TP KTskare .wa& hardware. Ajsts .for Mesad. Cky kitchen cabinet. 323 E. SeVeatk stL MISSION 'FURNITURE WORKS Corner 6tk aad Holly sis., Medferi. Mission T'nTnitQre made to oraac Cabinet work of all lands. X trial. order -solicited. MORDOFF & WOLTF Cook Stove an Ranges. 'New and Second-Haa-FsrBksre. Bads' old stand, IS WL Saatfa. Phone 91, Medfard, Or. ttluffiafta QUAKES NURSERIES Oar tree are -budded, not grafted. Our stecir is not irrigated. We guarantee a exything put out We are not in tie trnsL H. S. Patterson, .office Ja. Hotel 17ash. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY Growers of highncrade nuTsery stock. C F. Cook, Prop. R. J2. V ept. P. O. J3ox 841. Jhone 1201, Medford. Cteit Warkers. B. J. ADYLOTT All work .guaran teed strtetly -first-class. -Resides ee No. 40G Beatty street. A card ritt faring tog to yon. music. MRS. E. E. GORE Piano .iutractioaL Metropolitan College of Music. Vise Flora -Gray. PWe 493. 144 Soukk Central avenge SvMcRbi mi Lean 'Asswfatta. JACKSON COUNTY BUIIlDENOr AND .LOAN ASSOCIATION O. C Boggs, Acting Secretary, 123 .Eacfc Main street. F. E. HILL Will furnish pUns aai Kst ft sUT4inber to be. pat M-cmRaV-ing. Medford, Or. W. G. HOLMES Contractor & bailder; -plans and estiaaatM tfora iaisad. Inquire Star .xestanraat 4C aadreea'Box 818. yjiyatefawg and :SnrgW. R. W. STEARNS,- M. D. Oppesita Jackson -County bank. Night aaJU. promptly answered. Office and rcei dent phone Maiu 3432. a A. LOCKWGOD, M. D. MYRTLE -S. LOCKWOOD, iL D, Offka in Haekins' building. PJioas? Main lCgjL O0IEOY & CLANCY Dffice ax Stewart Buildhi(? 'Phyaiciaas xni Sraweons. "Office phone 'Main 341;, private phone Main 612. S. E. SEELY, M. D. Physioiaa as Scrgeon. Modern equipped Gpsrab ing rooms. X4Ray. Offioe hoarat I-12, 2-4 p. m. Office in Jaotawss Ctcnty Bank 'Building. D3. F. G. CARLO W, SDR. EVA, H&TNS C&BLOW -OsUopatkia Physicians. 'Mission 'Block. Pkett. 281. Medford. Cfrprs and Traiwwg. IRELAIO ANTLE Bmoke Banc, dealemia tobacco, cigars and Hmak era tnipplies. tExclusive ageata -s' Lewtkj Single Bindor, -El Merite EI gialencia. 212 "West Main street MESSENGER- .iJKRVICB Meeeea- eera JurnliiiU -at xn home 4t fcC mxU till X 9. m. to any vt e( city. j i ' 4 a t