THE MlflDFOKl) MAIL Til IB UN IS, M10DFORD, OREOON, PRTDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 10J0. g SOCIAL ANDPERSONAL Htutioimry, officii ami khIiooI hud plltm nt llm Miirrivolil Shoo. Mllo Chapman anil (1 no 10 Arcnz nrrlvud l'iun North Valiiiim to liiko tip iiiiKlunoriiifr in llio oily. KpiiiiK hWiIh. MooktirV. MiH, 8. II. (linn, noiioiiipiinloil by 1 lior two ilnunhluin, Mm. Deiirinmi mill Mrn. AhIuhv, i'iiiiih ovor from , Munich) Wi'iliiooilny, llm fonnor for tncilii'iil inul mill llm Inltur Mlmp- I'liomi (Inndfrioml'h. Mr. mill Mr. I,ivi mid ohlldrmi, who liuvo oooiipUid tho II. Mutr. now nmlilonco on North Hnrllntl Htrout for thn pun! two monllm, havo mov ed to thulr homo I hoy rocontly no quired In Gold Hill. MoCall I'attoriiN. Mcoknr'H. ' j Tho pretty rosidonco of Mr. nndl Mr. I. ,. Hamilton and family of Ninth Control avonuo nru HtirpriHod nnd dolijjhtml with a wuleomo vMt from Mr. llniuilton'K lirolhor, oflporlM Whom tllOV havo not met for the KumlliiluH for imranrv pant 'JU yoaix. ( 01.11N at floodfriend'a. Mm. .Johho IfiohardHon of North Front ntroot, Aroilford, it vinltiiif; with hor duimhtnr and family, Mr. and Mix. Carpontor of Talent. Mrn. Cnldwoll rotiirncd to hor ' homo 011 North Control avonuo to day, hnving spout a moot dulinlilfiil visit with hor tun dnujchtorH in "WnwhliiKlon and Idaho. Full 11 'Mirtmont of Whitman' on-dlo- at Tho Mmrivold flhop. Janper N. Millor, tho votorau toaohur of Jaclcxon county, mado J. '0. Martin and family a brief hut plcanant rail Wednemlny whon on routo to IiIh homo at Butto Faln. Ho TeHirtM lioinjf an uiiHUpronnful appli cant for a cortifionto at tho lnt teachers' examination. Thin wo ro Krot to hoar of him bolnc deprived in. this late day from cuORinf; In liin lone work of plain, praetieal method of toaohiiiK Hohool, mid none will miss him more than tho parcnlH mid their children of the thinly nettled. Isolated mountninoiiB dintricts of whirh ho him been identified with a d'!Cro of MioecHH for tho past 2." yearn, nnd to his untiring effort thoio dlstrictH havo been able to draw their Nharo of pohool ft)id nnd tho children renji nomo school ndvnn- injees. I.0l-u phono flOfl, tho Medford wOroenhomc. for leltiieo. 287 Fred Furry of Phomiix was a Mod ford vWtor Thursday. Lee Ingram of Contrnl Point wa In Medford on litminofln ThurHilay. John Wntklns of Kapln Point was in MonTon! Tlinrfldny on business Ho'eki ooMt Iomh. CommtHHioiiijiH Patlui'Hon and Ow ohm wuro at Wnodvillo Friday In MpooliiiK the now brido over Kojptu river which Iiiih jiml heoii completed. Kohoil (!. Hinllli of (Irani I'ihm ih In Medford lookiiiK after IokuI mal torH, Mnuiu oyeL'liiHH oluaiiurH free at Dr. (IoIhVh, IH V. Main Ht. MW Wonr ICiihl'M Kline. It. Manning, who purcliunvd tho Allien property, near Conlral Point, thin weelr, retired president of tho Wlldor-Mnnnlnic Tniinini; company of Chicago, Is oiio of the mont onthlixi aittli! booNlers the valley Iiiim. lie Iiiih already wiied his huh to come out to Oregon and has written a liiimhur of IiIh frieiulM of the deliirhU of the Kojjiio Hivor valley, Mr. and Mrs, It, K. Hmiey of JnekHonvillo wcro Medford Iiuhuios viHitom Friday. Hiiloks aro worth while. N. S. Monnott of tho Kdon Vnllcv nurHory reports tho salo of M.flOn lioar IrceH for immediate dolivery. These trees ro to one prominent or chardman who will plant 200 aetvs this soason. Mr. Dennett also ro- the receipt of 100,000 pear stock. l Last Day Grand Finale Tomorrow-The Cleanup ofthe Elwood& Burnett & EUer&ock HIr fistio carnival evening Fchrii a ry 22 at old skating rink. 281) Fred .1, Hlakscly of Itoxohuri; is in Miwlford looking after IminIiionh mat tors. Oranllowarc at Onndfricnd's. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Lnngslaff of : Portland are hero looking mer the vnlloy. .Something doing at old skating rink February 22. 8:110 p, m. Potter be there 280' Oeorgo II. Li I lord of Denver is ' registered at tho Nash. Colonel Oeorgo P. Mims of Seven Oaks was In Medford Friday on a business trip. .1. C. Murray of Portland is ho re on his regular visit to his trade. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. F. Porter of Se attlo aro nmong tho rccjent arrival) in this oitv. Puieks deliver tho goods. .1. C. Kmery of Scattlo is register ed at tho Nash. Kvery one interested in the Amer ican Woman's league Is requested to ho present at the HnntM church at 2 p. m. Knturdny. Mrs. jr.vors will givo an informal tall: on the plnim and work of tho loague, W. V. Wolf is among the recent arrivals from Spokane, Wnh., and is looking over tho country. ' Sonts on sale at Hnskius' for boxing contest; $1. $l.f0. 2S0 Mr. nnd Mrs. T. Vogol of Seat!!! are rogiitcrcd at tho Nash. It. E. P0I0117.0 of tho Mondows ilis. TOMORROW IS THE LAST DAY YOU WILL HAVE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE MOST SUCCESS FUL AND M9ST LEGITIMATE AUCTION SALE EVER INAUGURATED. TOMORROW THE PAIR OF DIAMOND EARRINGS WILL BE GIVEN AWAY, AND IN ADDITION, WE HAV7 CON CLUDED TO GIVE AN EXTRA PRESENT OF A DLVMOND RING. BE SURE AND ATTEND AND BRING YOUR COUPONS, AS WE WILL DELIVER THE PRIZES ONLY TO PERSONS IN ATTEND ANCE. THIS IS YOUR LAST OPPORTUNITY. IF YOU HAVEN'T AS YET ATTENDED THIS SALE, YOU STILL HAVE ONE LAST OPPORTUNITY. EVERYTHING "WlLL ABSOLUTELY BE SOLD OUT t LAST SALE BEGINS AT 7:30 TOMORROW EVENIN G. REGULAR SALES, 10:30 A. M. AND 7:30 P. M. M. M. Lichten&ein Auctioneer LOOK FOR THE RED FLAG 115 EAST MAIN ST. tnct wns In Medford Fridnv on n bimincss trip. Baptist Church. Hot time at tho boxing cnntosl j Tho regular preaching services lienor no there. 280 ' will bo held din tho Haptist church E. P. Hatfinld nt RnnMlo t ... . f . . . : ' -.-.v- j r- iifi Jieims, wno iiouis tho record ( Me.Iford .taking a look nt tho Roguo; Sermons by the pastor. Sund-.y iinuo mur years ago ior tno crop Uiver valley. from eight acres of (nnd, was in Hoicks aro necessities. -Meiitonl lrnm Ashland Thursdav. The crop in quostiou sold for cloe to $12,000. Rco tho jrorrivold Shop for hooks, inogaWiics nnd fine cmrrnving. Offioo supplies, Including type writer, pnwr, carbon paper, i"nk, Teneils, files, postnl scales, oto., at 'The Morrivold Shop. 280 Mrs. Agnos P. Grant of Now York is hero on a visit to hor sistor, Mrn. 71. M. Forteseuo. of Gold Pay. Mrs. Orant Is an nrtlst of ability and will exhibit somo of her work during hor finy in .McoToni. nuleks win tho rncos Judge J. n. Nell wan in Medford J-riilav morning on his way to Wood -villo on official business. O. F. Hillings of Ashland wns nt -Jncksonvillo Friday. John II. Carkln, nttornov at law, .. T , .,, ' r iioKnonvino uanK. E. D. Aehoy, who hnH boon super intending ho construction of tho oodviIlo bndgo, wns in Modford nilav morning. t Mrs. flcorgo E. Noiihor of Jack sonville has returned from Cnlifor- Tila, whom sho haR been visiting .frionds. nuicks do tho work. - County Olork Coleman nnd Trons iiror Cronomlller worn Medford visit ors Thursday aftornoon. nir. nnil Jtrs. Frank Prown af J'.nglo Point worn Medford visitors Thursday. C-P, Corsets at Mookor's. E. F. Guthrio of Englo Point spout 'Thursdav night in Modford. Mrs. J. W. Murphy of EnpJo Point -was a Medford visitor Thursday. Wonr Kidd's Shoos. M. E. Priggs of Ashland spout 'Thursday night In this olty. I?ov. W. F. Shields wns' at OrantH 'Pass on buslnoss Friday. City Suporintondont U. O. Smith wur n visitor at Grants Pass Fri day. Fril7; ITnmmorsly of Portland, for merly of Gold Hill", Is visiting rela tives nnd friends in this soetlon, no companlod by his hrldo. Tons at Gondfrioiid'H. Goorgo Fridol of Vnlloy City, N. D Is in Modford on a visit. Ho is an old frlond of J. E. Watt, S. A. "Nyo nnd othors of tho North Dakotn contingent. Mngio oyoglass oloanors froo nt Jpr, Goblo's, 18 W. Main at. '280 school at 10 a. m. Young People's mooting nt G:30 p. m. A special in- Rav S, I.acoy of Visalia. Cnl., i j vitation is o.xtoudod to any nnd all looking ovor tho various features of ,strongors who are in the city nnd tho vallov with a view to locating. John H. Eaton of Baldwin, Kan., is registered nt tho Moore. Albert Walker, n prominent stock mnn of Ply, spent Thursday night in Medford. Got vour ticket nt Haskins' enrly for tho boxing contest. 280 Wo don't enro whom you bought your glnsscs. Got tho Magic eye glass clcanor at Dr. Goble's. Free. 18 W. Main st. 2Sfl BIG BRICK MANUFACTORY OPENED AT GOLD RAY A doposit of clay Is boing opened up at Gold liny for tho purposo of manufacturing briok, tiling and oth er products of tho kind. Tho clay in that vicinity Is admirably adapted to that purposo, and n ntimbor of deposits of tho propor qunlity aro known to oxist. Modoro machinory will ho inBtml- od and tho fnctory will ho operated on n Inrgo commercial sonlo. Thm factorj- will ho plaood on tho lands I ,of Dr. F. II. Ray. havo no church preference nnd to any Paptists who havo not yet unit ed with tho church. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. WANTHD Man anil wife, man for KnrdonlnK and wife (or general housework. Apply Condor Water & Power Co. WANTED Flrst-chiHS pardoner. Ap ply Condor Water & Power Co. FOR SALE Full blood Plymouth Itock rockorolH ami eggs; hay. Phono Farmer 703x3. VOW KENT Furnlatied rooms; pre fer men only; rooms largo enough to accomiuodato two pooplo. Apply at 203 Olson stroot. 2SS Have You Seen Sutherlin Terrace The Late Styles PuickH aro tho rago. H I BUSINESS LOCALS Woar Kidd's Shoos. You nood a Buiok. Extracts nt Goodfriond's. Magio oyoglass oloanors froo nt Dr. Goblo's, .18 "W. Main st. 280 LlnoiiB on sal out Moolor & Co.'a. For wood of nil klndo, aeo tho Hanaro Deal Woodyard. Phono 2(101. Fir ntroot. hotwoon 8ocoikI and Third streets. Qould & Ltndloy, proprietors. 2G1 Iluicks nro durnblo. Quoon Anno is coining into Ub own. Tho nnnios of the host of buyors in that addition during tho past two wooks spoil exoluaivo homos. Don't lot 8omoono olso got tho lot you want. 280 Wo don't cam whom you bought your glnssos, Get tho Magio oyo glass oloanor at Dr, Goblo'a. Froo. 18 W. Main st. 280 in our Spring Hats will givo you tho propor nppoaranco-ryou don't feel right unless your lint is right in ov ory way. Our woll-soloeted stock of Men's Trousors appoals to ovory man. Our linos of Men's Dross and Work Shirts plcaso and do tho work. Wo'vo got gloves, suspenders, neek woar and ovorything of that sort. OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT Roniombor, wo havo n regular shoo atom nsido from men's furn ishings. For QUALITY and stylo seo our shoos. "Wo do things somo stingy pooplo won't do for you." ''The Wardrobe" 210 WEST MAIN. Farmers' & Fruitgrowers' Building, It comprises sixteen 50xl30-foot lots, lying be tween Thirteenth and Fourteenth and Peach and Xewtown street. This is one of the highest points in the city, assuring good drainage and water and sewer mains have been ordered laid. These lots are surrounded by beautiful somes and we have placed a building restriction upon them which will assure a good class of buildings. If you are looking for an ideal site for a home, these lots will please you. The price wo havo placed upon them $100 for in sido lots and $550 for cornel's, $50 down and $10 monthly will close them out in a hurry; so look this up at once. This locality is bound to bo tho best residence sec tion of Modford and theso lots will easily double in value in a year. Come in and lot us show you. I La Call We have about 100 fancy Yalentines that we sold at j 25c, 50c, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 each. We are going to I close the entire line out tomorrow at, your choice, 15 & 25c Each 2000 VALENTINE POST CARDS 12 FOE 5c. on sale Saturday only. NAP-A-ITE men's gaunt let Gloves, $1.50 to $2.00 quality, $1.25 a pair 1000 cakes fancy Toilet Soap, on sa le tomorrow 3 Caks for 10 cents City Property Orchard Tracts Timber Lands BENSON INVESTMENT COMPANY Fire Insurance Automobile Insurance Fidelity ' Bonds 200 ROLLS TOILET PAPER, EXTRA QUALITY, 10c EACH, 3 FOR 25c. HOSIERY I Choice Tomorrow 25c for any men's, ladies' or misses' fine cashmere wool Hose in tho store; regular 35c to 50c qualities 2 for 25c 100 dozen men's, ladies', boys' and misses' seamless fast color Hose, any size. 2 for 25c. 2000 yards of Laces Saturday at lc and 5c a yard, worth in a regular way from 5c to 15c yard, but you must buy them tomorrow. p 5 1