-m THE BEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MflDEORD, PRIMON. FRIDAY, .1MMUUAUV IS, U)10. 2 PETROLITHIC 18 HOT SATISFACTORY City Enrjlnccr Hamlin of Los An odes Says Oil Pavement Is Not Satisfactory Wlicrc Pave ment Is Needed. EAGLE POINT EAGLETS Bv A. C. Howlett On account of the desire of Med forA to (uuniro dumper pavement tliHii bltulithio. considerable inquiry line boon mnde into the various classes of pnvemont with the view to Sfeeriijr n cheaper substitute A grcnl ileal of talk hns hoen honrd rou'dnliup l'otrolithir or orudu oil pavement, which 1ms hocn used with success on tho roads of Southern California. Letters received in ro Piwiiic to inquiries, however, do not indicate that Potrolithic has been much of n success as a city pavement. A problem in connection with Pot rolithic is whether U would stand the climatic and soil conditions of this section satisfactorily. Wher ever tried in the northwest, as at The Dalles, it has proven n failure, but ns the Southern Oregon climate is more like that of Southern Cali fornia, not having the amount of frost experienced further north,' Pet rolithic here would be wholly experi mental. A letter written to the city engin eer of Los Angeles asking whether or not Potrolithic was considered a satisfactory pavement was answer ed as follows on Febmnry 2. 1910: "We do not regard this class of construction ns n pavement, but rnthor ns a specie of oilod road. Our experience hns not been very satis factory. (Signed.) HOMER HAMLIN. "City Engineer." In response to the following in quiries City Engineer Hamlin replied-ns follows, the replies following the question: Q. How much Petrolithic nave men t hns been laid In the city of Los Ann-eles proper, and how long has it been in service T A. "Several miles of petrolithic streets have been improved in Los Angeles some of it hns been in sen-ice over two years." Q. What is the character of the traffic over it? A. "Used on residence streets; traffic is moderate and light. Q. What is its present condition? Apart from the question of stabil ity, is jt otherwise satisfactory? A. "Generally unsatisfactory, ex cept on unimportant residence streets. It is not n pavement in nny 6ense, and is not satisfactory where pavement is needed." Q. Docs an oil dust accumulate on tho snrfnee nnd is this dust ob jectionable? A. "Dry oil nnd dust accumulate on the surface in the summer nnd it becomes muddy in the winter. The dirt is, of course, objectionable." Q. Does tho city of Los Angeles accept this pavement as n satisfac tory pavement for business or resi dence streets on which there is con siderable traffic other than plensure driving? A. "We use this clnss of improve ment only on residence streets nnd are recommending a hotter improve ment than petrolithic, even for such streets. There is a great differonce in tho chnrnoter of the results ac complished under this process, even on the same streets, due apparently to different texture and character of soils." CARD OP TIIAN'KS. C. V. Dolln ot Medrord, formerly I foreman of n pan of men In the con struction work of tho V. & H. U. U.. but now lmvlng charge of another gang construction a largo building In Modford, and Mr. T C. Fair of Kan sas City, Missouri. were pleasant call ers tho flrtt of tho week on their way up tho line. They wort looking tor something In tho orchard line, nnd on thoor return the next day. Mr. Klr repressed himself as hlshly pleased with our country out bore and es pecially with our climate. Thoro was another accident report ed In one of our railroad' camp the first of tho week. In blasting on Ihe right of way, a large Mono lit on oue Jot tho tents in which thoro wer some or at least one Hindoo, and he was so unfortunate as to have an arm and I a collar bone broken and otherwise I was badly bruised up. He was taken to the Modford hospital for treatment. .Mr. C. . Webster of I'oyton came out a few days ago and went to Mod ford to consult with D. Conroy with regard to his wife's health as she has been under his treatment for some time. Mrs. X. S. Thomason and her daughter, Mrs. Itosa Tudor came nut form their camp near Vestals last Monday and stayed over night with us and Tuesday went to M.edford and that night Mrs. Tudor went to Port land, Mrs. Thomason returning Wed nesday morning, and proceeded ou her way home. Mrs. Thomason re ports that the roads this side of Ves tal's are absolutely Impassable and that in coming out they hnd to travel In tho bed of Rice creek most of the! way down. George Daley gave another dance on the Htlv of this month. There was not tho attendance that there used to be but onough to have a good tlmo. S. B. Holmes is having the tall race ot the mill cleaned out and is getting ready to grind again. Mr. A. J. Braash of Santa Mater, Col., stopped to.- dinner last Monday. He said that he wa3 up here last fall to see the country and now he has come to buy land. Ho says that our land may appear high to us, but there Is not In his opinion, an acre of land In the vicinity of Eagle Point an acre that Is not worth now $100 an acre and that It will in crease In value for some time to come. Mrs. Ada Wallace Unruh, tho pres-' Ident of the W. C. T. U also chair-1 man of tho United Committee to try to secure tho adoption ot the const!- Wo wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for their kindness and asslstanco during the sickness nnd death of our Httlo daughter, Helen. MR. AND MRS. 8. K. ADAMS. ARE YOU GOING EAST? Have you a friend coming west? You ought to Lrlng one to Med rord. Call and see us. Tho colonist rates wnl bo effect shortly. Lot us talk routes and rates with you. Information cheerfully furnished. Phone, nddrcss or call on Southorn Paciflo Company, A. S. Rosonbaum at Medford. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that tho un dersigned will apply to tho city coun cil of tho city of Modford, Oregon, at tho mooting thorcof on March 2, 1010, for a license to soli splrlt ous, vinous nnd malt liquors in quan tities loss than a gallon, for the pe riod of six months, at u!b placo of buslnoss at No, 31 Front streot South, In snld city. R. 8. RADCLIFF & CO. Dntod February 17, 1910. Phone 2091, Goodfriend's. tutlonul amendment making Oregon a dry state, spoke here last Tuesday evening to n largo and enthusiastic audience on tho work of the W. C. T. I'. In the t'nited States during the past thirty-five years. She also gave an address In the afternoon to the ladies and especially to the girls that are Just coming to wonionhood. She Is a very forceful and Interesting apeaker and rvo general satisfact ion. Our .school Imard met last Tuesday afternoon and made the necessary ar rangements to secure the same teach ers that we have now, Prof. P. 11. Daley and wife, for another shoo! year at n slight advance In salary. And now the talk Is that we will have to finish oue or perhaps both rooms upstairs nnd employ another and per haps two teachers, thus the world doth move nnd Eagle Point Is Jogging right along with the rest. We are gradually shaking off the old moss hacks and are taking our stand whore we belong. In tho front ranks. An amusing Incident occured In the pri mary department ot our school last Tuesday, when Mrs. Daley, our pri mary teacher returned from Jackson ville, whore she hnd been assisting in the teachers' examination. As she passed by tho school house on her way home, some of the children In her through the window and they wore so pleased that one had to tell the other until there was a regular dem onstration. . Tho little fellows craned their nocks, clapped their hands nnd showed all kinds of "Joy over her re turn. No wonder the directors en gaged her for another term. Mr. Doughton, son nnd daughter came out last Tuesday and took tho train for Texas. Mrs. Uroughton will remain until the close ot tho school at Butte Falls, when she will Join her husband In their new home. I. B. Williams who has heento see the country In Josephine county, es pecially the Illinois valley, returned to his room at the Sunnysldo last Tues day. Whllo gone ho bought property In Grants Pass and' expectes to go there to llvo In tho near future. We have had another chnngo Inn renl estate here. A. B. Zimmerman, one of our merchants, having pur chased the store building and land adjoining on the west and north, from A. J. Daley. The price Is not given out. Bert HIgginbootham came out and spent the night with us last Tuesday. Ho was after provisions for up In that healthy country, people patronize the grocer, miller and meat market In preference to the doctor and drug store. During tho pnst row days .two or tlireo families passed through hero on thler way to the hills but I was un able to get the particulars. t", II. Parker of Grants Pass called for dinner Inst Wednesday on his way to the Tronson and Guthrie orchard, lie Is eunvussluK for an orchard heat used for keeping off frost. Last Monday night while the danc ing company were enjoying them selves dancing In the hall some of the Christian people had a little social of their own at the residence of Mrs. .Mary Klnger. The party was given by our church organist. Mrs. Hlnger's daughter, Miss Mamie Wright nnd there was quite a number of young folks as well as older ones Invited and a general good time was hail. Tho evening wu spent until a late hour playing games. Interspersed with much vocal and liutrumontnl music EMPLOYMENT AND BUSINESS CHANCES For snlo Furniture for ll room nnd, 1 houso to rout. For- snlo y-rootn houso mid lot, ' $000. For sale Tout house and furnituro; n fino buy. For sale G-rootu cottngo, $'JU00. For sulo f-rooiu bungalow, S'J'-'oO. For enlo 2 lots on Oakdalo avenue, $2500. i For rout 0-rootn nnd ll-room house. Wnnted Three ranch hands. Winded Two dining-room girls. Wnnted Two cooks for bonrding houses. Wanted Two girls nt onco; no housework. Wnnted Four women for general i I llaiiMi'ii Tom Aloffni We tiiiike iiiiv UiihI mil myli I window NN '!, jIn- ol iiiiv .mf on IuiikI. Medford Sash & Door Co. old. housework. I1IUUII VTOM (Mill lll.UI WIIU'UlIll IllUnil ... . . ... , , ,i. , , , , ,i . i , i nu ed em Ichoppe , irJ.nH per and during the evening a light lunch . 11 1 served when all departed for their homes wishing Miss Miuule many happy returns of St. Valentines day. pie, Mr, Auatlu Oroon nnd Mlas Hullu MuuUby hnd iuIto nu oxiuuit'iico a j !..! I I I $2"d)0 oo rd. : Itiiuch bunds wnnted. For Mile -Horse, I years n ere Fill U.ltll -Oltlt tltlllll Two of our pronilsllng young poo-'., , , , . ' . ... ' .. iror sale l-rooiu house, fpjr.o. ln kinlit Ttnmti limii.i 1 1.111 iiju'iv .1....- i i.w. I n ii ' " . tun uiij u iiK1 (ill vuu umi iiwnr ness up in the neighborhood of whoro , p sae:,.room .ftl00. Miss Belle lives so he ve.T luuurnlly wlIor) wm. h oouix, $7o0. For sale " acres, $000. For sale 2 ueres, close in, $0."0. E. F. A. BITTNER, 208 Taylor & Plilpps Big. Phono 4141 REAL ESTATE SNAPS 30 acres fru't laud, 20 planted to mooting the young couple so he gottponrs, w'th peach fillers, close to In tl hurry and drove faster than was 'school and pontofflco, 3SG00, ono usunl and when the young couple nr-i third, balance long tlmo; no lm- called to see her and while there the nrrnugement ,was made If not before tor Miss Mnultby to come out to the valley with him so he arranged with tho stnge driver to meet htm nt old John Black's place ou the county road from Eagle Joint to the ferry nnd ho and Mr. Green would take a cut-off and save some six or seven miles travel so all was arranged nnd on the morning of the 15th thoy start ed from the homo of the young lady In plenty of time to meet the stnge. They crossed the river In a skiff and went on to the Blnck place, but that morning Mr. Wntklus, the stage driv er had hired another man to drive tho stage and forgot to toll him about A CHAFING OISH PARTY Another ploaouro that oomoo to tho homo llRhtod by lilootrlclty lo tho uo of an Eloctrlo chnfltiK dish. lAu a moans of nmuoomont, tho ohnf- Intf dish hns moro dolluhta storod V, nway for Its poauoseor than aimout any othornrtlcloln tho homo. Moro ovor, It Is usoful. A dulnty luncheon oraf tor thothoatro party, In faotmostof tho In formal affalrout homoaroonhuncod byltsueo. It can bo attachod to any olootrlo llirht aookot. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. already passed forty-five minutes be-' 1C2 acres, 7 mllos from Medford, fore and there they wore eight or nine $125 nn ncro; good Irrigation ditch;' miles from homo nipl no way of com-1 one-third down, balance long an municntlng to their friends, but Mr. wanted. Greon looked around nnd found n Good city lots, closo In. Money' lady that would lot him have n team to loan. I provided ho could find, catch and bar-1 12 oast front lots, GOxlOS, hnlf ness It, so ho started out nnd found j block off of streot 'to bo paved this nnd procured the team nnd nt night 'year, $300 each, closo In. half down, arrived safely at his grandparents, so , hnlnnco ono year 8 per cont, Miss Manltby Is resting n whllo with friends here and expects to extend her visit to Medford and visit more friends there. 206 Phlpns Building, Medford, Or. SiskiyouLandCo No Auction Here It is not necessary to hold auctions to dispose of first-class stock, but we can sell you an Elgin or Waltham Watch 7-iewel, 20-year gold filled case $10.00 17-iewel. with 20-year case $14.50 15-jewel, with 20-vear case : ; $12.00 Solid gold cases , $25.00 in either movement. Special bargains in Diamonds, Gut Glass, Gold and Silverware. IN ADDITION TO THrS, 1 EMEMBER we are permanently located in Medford. The money wo nake U .;eithere to help upbuild the town. Beside we keep your watch in good repair free of charge and if at any time your watch or jewelry does not prove to be as represented we are here to hold the manu facturer to their guarantee and see that you receive satisfaction. AGAIN Reliable movements are sold the world over at stated prices, and you gain no advantage in buying one for a cut price, as they are not sold by reliable dealers for less than the established price, and what is more, if you stand by your local dealers they will stand by you. In this way you keep your money at home and thereby receive a double benefit. j UJ3M Van DeCar & Jasmann MANUFACTURING JEWELERS, PHIPPS BUILDING MEDFORD OREGON A. L. VROMAN PLUMBING & HEATING CONTRACTOR No job too small, none too j large. Twenty-five years' practical experience. Residence: No. 437 South Fir Street CALIFORNIA THE MECCA FOR WINTER TOURISTS Its attractive seaside resorts, famous medical springs, magnlflcont tourist hotols, pIcturcBquo scen ery, delightful climate, and opportunity for all kinds ot outdoor pastime, such i.b hundrods of mllos of auto drives through orango groves and along ocean beach boulovards, mako this favored roglon TIio World's Greatest Winter Itcsort, reached via tho $$.$?.t$ffi$fo$l$ SHASTA ROUTE and "Hood of a Thousand Wonders" -'WfjfSOUTHER.N PACIFIC CO. Low round trip rates are In offoct from all points In tho Northwest, with long limit, stop-over privi leges and first-class accommodations, Medford to Los Angeles and Return, $47.50, With a final return limit of six months, and stop-overs In olther direction, First class, up-to-dato train with tho latest equipment, unexcoled dining car service, and ovorythlng that goes to mako tho trip pleasant. Attractive, Interesting and Instructive lltoraturo tolling of tho famous winter resorts of California can bo had on application to any O. K. & N. or S, P. Agont, or by writing to WM. McMUIUtAY, General Passenger Agent, PORTLAND, OltEGON GILT EDGE INVESTMENTS 33 1-3 acres, closo to Modford; 30 acres C-yenr and 20 acres 17yeor pears; best commercial varlotlcs; 20 ncros ready for planting; A No. 1 locality and undor ditch; $20,000; torms. -83 1-3 acroa fruit land; 2(1 acres poars, apples and apricots; CO acres under cultivation; nprlcotc will bear heavily this year; about half undor ditch; a. eafo buy nt $14,000; good torms. 5-room modern bungalow, Just fin ished; 4 lots," vory deslrablo locality; ono block from Oakdalo; a money maker at $3500; easy terms If takon at onco. Wo enn show you. Wright 6 A Hi ii 128 Ras Main Rtroot. For the Best In harness, 'saddles, whips, , olies, tents, blankets, wag on sheets, axle grease and tall cure, as well as all kinds of custom work, see J. C. Smith 314 E. Main. BOOM IN BUICK Five Sold in Two Days Everybody wants one the host cars in tho valley for the monev. See the various sizes now on exhibit at Hodson's Garage. MODELS 1G AND 17 MODEL 16, $1900 F. O. B. PORTLAND. This car may have equals for power, performance and , speed, but if so they will cost at least $1000 more than tho Buick. THE FAMOUS WHITE STREAK In Rumble, Surrey and Toy Tonneau. $1100 F. O. B. PORTLAND. Tho trimmest, staunchest small Touring Oar on market. Medford Buick Co. Tou Velle, Manager Hodson's Garage, Medford I