Til' MJaPFOKD MAIL TRU3UNE, MEDFOBO, OREGON, THURSDAY, FBBIIUAHY 17, 1010. Want Ads Not Only Hunt For Buyers But Find Them 4 44-4-444-44444-444-4-4-4-4-4-4-44-4-4-4-44-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4- 4 44 4 4-4 4-4-4 4-4 4-4-4-4-4-4 4-4-4 4 4 4-4-4-4-4 4-4-4 4-4-4-4 4-4 4-4 ADVOCATE OF LAW OF LOVE IS HERE Mrs. Charles C. Wliltnoy of Maiiliall, Minn., Urncs All to Be Their Own True Solves. SPOKANE, Wiif.li., Fli. 17. Mr. Olniilc ('. Wliltnoy of MhihIiiiII, Minn., pliilanllinipiHl unit advocate of tlio law of lovo for ovary Html, who wiih in Spoloino tlio ollior ilny mi I h wny lo Modford, Or., to vixlt luir mod, .1. W. Wliilni'y, mild in tut interview Unit no mini or woman in froo iih long 'in lu or hIio Im nnilur an othi'f intin'ri or woman's niitliorlty. In explanation of what nlio IioIIovch, Mr. Whitney nniil: "Be your own trim Hulf good, lenn in body and muni. When yon nc a prion!, doiioon or minister roll itig hi eye and pointing honvcii wnrtl, look out. "The Hiiiim great blue above 1 jiixt the hiiiiui hlnu below tin. Wo nro a inprry-go-round in tin Iioiivoiih, hav ing a glorious opportunity to onjoy everything. It m all our without iihk iuu'. What hIiiiII wo do to he free r to know the trutht Why, you ilon't havi to lo nnytliing if you Keep g' ilig, hut if you slop, tin1 devil in to .pny. "'Hilly' Suuilay. rhapiiitiu. I.owry anil all llione follows learned the Maw ot motion. I hoy koop going anil tin' 'miekorH' pay 1io hills. .Iouh kipt u'iintr. anil really it ih an cny way to get ultiriK 'TonfcHH your faults to your fain lly, tint cat, dog, horson, cnttlo ami lioip ami then do hotter. They will know if yon nro trineon; without your Haying a word. Loam tho law of lovo of ovory soul." Mrs. Whitnov has six ohildroii ami says hr hoavon is hor homo. . Mrs. Whit wy is now in .Medford visiting with hor sou. .OFFICER REFUSES TO DISCUSS EXPLOSION VAM.KJO, Cnl., Fob. 17 Navnl 'Constructor Hvans, who returned horo Inst night with his tirldo from tlio oast, refused today to discuss tlio ox 'ploHton of tlio holler tube on tho tor poilo tiont destroyer Hopkins nt Ban DIoro yostorday. although tho tubos of tho bunt's boilers woro found to have boon stuffed with rubbish whon It wns under repnlrs nt tho navy yard :hore. - - "1 rnnnot toll whothor tho explo sion might hnvo bnd nny connoctlon with tho Imldont horo until I lonrn which bollor oxplodnd," until FJvnns. "Only ono bollor wnn nffortod by tho affair to which you rofor." .Tho Muffing of tlio tubes of tho JInpklns wnB "tho tnlk of tho ynrd" tndny, nnd thoro woro mnny who ex pressed tho likelihood that tho In vestigation would dovolap n Bonaa lion. Honr Admiral Phelps, In chnrgo of "Mnro Inlnnd, nnld Hint tho Investl gntlon would bo hold at San Diego, where tho explosion occurred, nnd ro. fused to discuss It In nny wny. Tho Ronornl opinion provnllit thnt tho stuffing of tho tubon could not hnvo boon Inspired by any known purpoHo other than tho possibility of n doalro for vongonnco growing out of .tho fnutlonnl difficulties nt tho ynrd. Thoro'a n boom onIn wlmtT In ' nuioks. vynr MEDFORD TIME TABLE. ..4. "? " "p" NorllilKiiiTTil .No720fPortlnnd T.ocnTTTTf "RTbTKTnT To. iniOregon I3xprcs,.. R:24 p.m. ' No. 14PortInnd ExproBa.j 8:30 p. in. J Hoiithbouiul " No. UiCnllfornla E3xproflB10:3B n. m. ' No. l.ljs, F. BxproBH. . . , 3:32 p. in, '.No. 19AtmIand Locnl. . . ,11:22 p. m. ftfwjfonl to Jacksonville. ' Motor car Jo.ivob SToO a.'m'. Trnln lonvos 10: 4B n. in. 'Trnln lenves , , ,' 3;3B p. m fjrnln lonyea j (1:00 p. m. Wotor enr lonvos 9:30 p. m. .Taiksouvlllo to Mcdford. Motor lonven 7:00 n. m. -Trnln loavoa 8:45 a.m. Trnln lonvos 2:30 p. in, Train leaves 4:30 p. m, Motor enr lonvoa j 7:30 p.m. 'VACIPIO 'ib HA8THHN ItAlWAY. N. ljl.onvoa Medford . ,. 8:10 n. m. No. 3 Il.onvos Modford ... 3:00 p. m. Mo. 2 No, 4 lArrlvos Modford , . 10;10 n. m. Arrives Modford ,, B:00p. tn. No. 1 jArrlveB Knglo Polntl 8;4G n. m. ILonvba Rnglo Point 0:0Ba, m. No. 2 No.SArrlvoa Baglo Polntj 3;4Bp. ra. vo. 4LonvoB Englo Polntl 4:00 p.m. SHORTER LIKE PLANNED ANGEL CITY TO EAST Now Company Will Cut 250 Miles Off of Present Route East From Los .Angeles. DKNVKIf. Colo., IVh. 17. -Several humlroil mill's of tiiiokiip will ho out from the prosoul railway route be tween horn unil los Angeles, aeeord- ing to represeutiitives of the Arizo'iu Kiistern Itailrond ooiupuny, who me here today. The Arizona eoiiiimnv was incur. poraleil last week with a eapital of 1.0(10.0110. Allhoiieh it will hnvo for its main object the hiiililing of a line from Vuma to Duniiigo, where it will eohneet with the Denver Kin (Jrauile, the ooiupauy will ulti mately use the now route a a part of n transcontinental road through Arizona. This would furnish los Anireles with the shortest eastern route through Denver ntul Oninha to Chi- en co. It would save at least l.'O ami possibly '-T0 miles over the pre-eul shortest route. Bill Up Soon. WASHINGTON. I). (.. Feb. 17. -The exclusion hill, introduced in the house of representative by Hayes of ( iiliforuia will soon come up for no tion. One clause of thhe measure reads: "To oxelude persons who, under the provisions of the revised statutes hi i lie lumen Mute, are ine iiri u o to become eitieus of the United States unless they are merchants, teachers, students or travelers for curiosity or pleasure." 4-4-4-4--444-44- 4----f-f PORTLAND MARKETS. 4 4-4- 4-4-4-4-4--4--t- Hops, Wool niul Hides. HOPS 1308 crop, cholco 15c; prtmo to cholco, lflc: prime, 16 Mc mmltiim. 15c: 1909, cholco. 21c; prime. 20c; medium, 16 10c, WOOl Nominal, 1909, Wllln- motto valley, 20 21c; enstorn Oro- goti. 2O0,23c SHKEP8K1N8 Shonring. 10C25C each; bort wool, 2rffr0c; medium wool, QOcifTIl each; long wool, 75c( 91.25 ench. TALLOW Prlmo, por lb. 3 4c: No. 2 nnd grcaso, 2(?2lic. MOHAIH 1900, 23?24c lb. HIDIJS Dry hides, 1718t4c lb; greon, 910&c: bulla, greon salt, 7c lb; klp, lOlOWc; cnlvps, groon, lC(fflSc pot lb. Itutter, lCggs mid Poultry. HOaS Locnl, cnndlod, nelect, 27 T28c; local storage, 27c; eastern atorngo, n& 18c. HUTTKll Hxtrn creamery, 37 39c; fnncy, 37c; atoro, 25c. POULTRY Mlxod chickens, 18c; fancy lions, IS He; roosters, old 13 H; gooso, 14c . for llvo, 16 18c for drosflul; ducks, 22 l-2c; tur keys, allvo, 22o; dressed, 2 7 (IT 20c; pigeons, squabs, $2.50 dozen, dress ed chtckon, I 2c pound highor than allvo. Grain, Flour and liny. IIARLKY Producers' prlc) 1909 Food, $31; rolled, $33; browing, $30.50, WHEAT Track, club, $1.06 3 1.07; bluo stom, f 1.16; rod, $1.08; forty fold, $1.10; Wlllnmetto vnlloy, $.06. MILL8TUFFS Soiling prlco Ilrnn, $27; middlings, $34; shorts, $2627.50; chop, $22f29; nlfnlfa monl, $21 por ton. FLOUR Now crop, pntonts, $6.- 15; Btrntght, $5; bnkora', $G:95 1G; Wlllnmotto vnlloy, $5.70 bbl.j oxport grades, $4.50; grahnm, l-4s, $5.70; wholo whont, $5.75; ryo. $5.75; bnloa. $3,15. HAY Producora' prleo Now tim othy, Wlllamotto valloy, fnncy, $20; ordlnnry, $19; cnatorn Oregon, 20ff21; mtxod, $15; clover No. 1, $ir.50a10; whont, $105ri7; cheat, $lCa17; nlfnlfa, $17. OATS Spot dellvory, now, pao- ducora' prlco Trnck No. 1 whlto, $31dT$32; gray, $3O031. Fruits and VonefaMes. FItlOSH FUUITSOrnnges: Now navels, $27.3.00. Uannnas, nff5l4c Hi; lemons, $5.50(06.00 box; grnpo- fruit, $t; ,ioar8, $1,25; grapes, $1. 75. POTATOES Soiling, now, $1.15 1.20; buying, pastern Multnomah nnd Clacknmns, 80 85c; Wlllnmotto valley, 70075c. ONIONS Jobbing, $1.50 por cwt; garlic, 10312c por lb, .APPLES $1.25 $3.50, DEANS Small whlto, $5,50; largo whlto, $4.50; plnlc, $4.85; bayou, $0; Limns, $5; rods, $8, OATTLE Boat atoora, $5.5005.- 4 4 4-4-4-4-4-44-4-4-4 4 4-4-4-4 4-4-4-4-4-4 4 - Some of the Want Ads "Were Written for You" In tho course of a year a certain number of want ads are WRITTEN FOIt YOU. That Is, they hnvo a greater Interest for YOU than for anyone else In the city henco aro. la effect, "written for you." Horo'a tho tantalizing part of It: You cau't possibly know when they aro to bo rrlcted un less you pny tho prHv The prlco la Intelligent vigilance In reading tho classified ads. No ono can do It for you and find tho ads' that wore "written for you." You must do It your selfor miss them. And to koop missing tho nds thnt were "written for you" Is to keep aloof from tho atmoa phoro of success to keep your r.elf out of toui with the prosporfng people, the winning pooplo, the worth-wJille people. After vou find a few of tho ads that woro "written for you," you'll begin to find some of the cl.ai.ies nnd opportunities to prospor which dally Jlfo In this city bold FOIt YOU! Ono cont n word. Six Insertions fo rtho prlco of five. 4-4 4 4-4-4-1 75; good Btccrs, $5; common stcors, $1.25; medium, $4.35 04.50; fancy heifers, $4.00; medium cows, $4.00; poor cows, $3.003.50; bulls, $2.50 3.75; stags, $2.50 (tf 3.00. HOGS Dost east of tho mountains, $9.009.25; fnncy, $8. 6008.75; Mockers, $7.00; pigs, $8.00. SHEEP Debt wethora, $6.00; or dinary, $5,50; spring lambs, $6.50 6.76; straight owes, $S.255.50; mixed lots, $5.50. CALVES Heat, $5.75 6.00; ordi nary, $5.00 5.25. t f-f-f-f-f--4--f--4----f---f---4 urnrnnn mark ft c; Fruits nnd Vnrotnblcs. (Prices paid by Medfrod merchants.) APPLES 2 4n lb. Potatoes, 1 :'c lb. nt.lon. $l0 cwt.; cabbage, 2c; turnips, Mic; parsnips, 1 tn 1 l-'-clb,; squaii". 1 to $1.25 dozen. Mutter. Kggs nml Poultry. (Prices paid by Medford merchants) Ranch butter. 32V4c; fancy cream- r cry, hoc. Fresh ranch eggs, 25c. Mixed poultry, 10 14c; spring chickens, 15 18c; turkoys, 17c. (Prices paid producers.) Ilny Timothy, $16; alfalfa, $16; grass, $14; grain hay, $16. Grain Wheat, $1.20 buahol; oata, $36 ton; barley, $30 ton. Roof 3 1-2 tn 4 l-2c; pork. 7 1-fc; mutton, 7c; lamb, rc; veal (rtrosi-.l) 7c. (Soiling prices.) Rolled barley. 2 cwt., $38 ton; bran, $1.07; middlings, $1.S51.90; ahorta, $1.S01.85. FOR SALE. FOR SALE Cheap, 1 bay maro; sound, good to work. It. A. Harvey, corner C and Clark streot. 289 FOIt SALE S and 10-aore tracts just within nnd adjoining city lim its, at a bargain, on 5 annual pay ments. Addross P. O. Box 418. FOR SALE Eggs, thoroughbrod Rugg Orpington settings, $2 por 15. Addross Pino Troo Poultry Ranch, Gold Ray, Oregon. FOR SALE--Choice Lusinurfs proper ty at a Imrgnin, on long time; easy tonus Addreos P Rox 418 FOR SALE Oak, fir and pine cord- wood, 12 nud 10-iuoh; also dry rail wood; dry pitch for kindling. Phone ordor to Main 420) FOR SALE Will Boll my black maro 11 yoars old, 1200 pounds; good to work; flno undor Baddlo; porfoctly sound; only $150 cash. Call at 1009 W. Main atroot. C. T. Har mon. FOR SALE 40 ncros pf good timber flvo mlloa from Medrord; nil down hill. Mat CalHoun, Phoonlx, Oro gon. FOR SALE Or trndo, 40 ncrea on Antelopo crook, half bottom land; thlB ta undeveloped fruit land; will trado to half valuo; prlco $800. C. C. Plorco, Modford. 286 F0RSALE--:66 ncroa," f lueet building slto In tho vulloy, IucIikUle 30 ncreB good fruit land; chonp nud tonus right. II. O. Mnltby, Palm Dldg., Main and Front. FOR SALE Household furniture Inquire 211 W. Jackson ot. 2 SO FOR SALE Ono brand now Ollvor lypowrltor, with all tho latest Im provements, $85 cash, coat $100; this mnchlno hni not boon usod. Ad dress K, caro ot thl3 offlco. L. L. Klnnonr. FOR SALE Thoroughbrod Rhodd iBlnnd ogga, $2.60 for 15. W. Thoo. Mntlock, Willie atrcot. 285 FOR SALE A nonrly inch wngon, complete. 724, Modford, Or. now, throo Addroas Box 286 4 - 4 - 4 44444444-4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 - t ' f f FOR SALE. - 4.-f--4-f-f-f44. FOTTSALE 76 acres best fruit land In north end or valloy; 4 miles from . . . . . , . 1 , . railroad; 1-2 mllo from school; about 16 acres cleared; some fruit in bearing; Irrigating ditch runs through mlddlo of It; plenty of wa ter: with house, bnrn, well and spring and 1000 cords of wood on It; a .o. i ruuu 111 uu uiiucuuua, noi aero: buv of owner. Bee Colo-1 man at cigar factory. 268 FOlTSALE Or exchange. mode?H resldonco, seven rooms, bath and baaomcnt, Portland Heights, Port-! land, corner lot, magnificent view. n, for truck gardening. Call at Will acll on terms or oxchango for 141 NortU Fir street. Roguo River or Medford property. WANTEDTo buy or rent, houae of Inquire O. Putnam. Mail Tribune. 8evcn onQ offlco five acres of ground. Address H, FOR SALE A beautiful home In a( jIalj Tribune. 285 good locality; a well finished nine-: ! room houso; nlco lawn, email or- WANTED Driver for tea and coffee chard, ahudo trees, good barn and, route. Apply at ouce to S. Kemp windmill; plpollno on one corner.' thorn. 237 Rlveri'dj avenue, phono Inqulro of F. X. Musty, Tolo. Or.304 j 3871. 291 FOR SALE 40 fine setting turkey bona for aale. Inqulro of John An-, dorson, manager Westerlund Qr- chards. Telephone Farmer S3. 299 FOR SALE Jersey cow at 1306 Cen tral avenue, North., Modford. 288 FOR SALE Or exchange, good ae- cured paper to exchange for small ranch or Medford city property. Ad- dreas I. V. N., caro .Mall Trlbuno.2SS I FORSALE Good lot in splendid residenco section for less money than n amaller lot will bring a greater dla- tanco from business soctlon. Ad-! dress Y, caro of this office. FOR SALE Good steam wood saw. Address L. O. Van Woven, Medford, Oro. 293 FOR SALE Now S-room modern house, furnished complete, east front, a fine home; also ono small 1 houso and lot nnd ono nlco vacant j lot: will sell part or all at a bar-i gain. Apply at 203 Olson Bt. 284 j FOR SALE N'nety aens. 30 In one year old applo and poar trees, 100 Inches of water, 2 1-2 miles from railroad station. For terms wrlto "Owner," caro Mall Tribune. 261 FOR "SALE 4 6 1 acres ot the very best frco soli land In tho valloy and only 5 miles from Modford for $65 an aero. A bountiful homo of 8 rooms and 4 acres ono and one-hnlf miles from Modford, a beauty and cheap as dirt. D. II. JACKSON & CO., Opposlto hotel Moore. FOR SALE Roguo River Valloy land of tho boat pears, apples, poaches, Tokay grapes; $15,000 (balanco tlmo) Will Uandlo ovor 200 acres; closo to railroad; about 27 acres In 12 and 2-year-old orchards; unsur- nassod. Ideal locatloL for fruit or. alfalfa; has river froutugo; water I rights; bontlng. flshlns and lrrlga-1 tlon on placo. Addross Dox 23, caro Modford Mall Trlbuno. FOR SALE A bargain in 200 acres best fruit and alfalfa land In valloy; 160 acroa In cultivation, For par ticulars boo ownor. Dox 798. 2S7 FOR SALE .Mimeograph for dupll-, eating letters, In good condition, chonp, nt offlco of Condor Water & 1 poR RENT Housokoeplng rooms 45 Power Co. 2S3 j Xorth nnrUott 8tr00t. 2S5 FOR SALE Just onough trees for pg- nfixT Tlmiso, completely tuF a family orchard If taken soon, also; n,8hwl( G roomS inrB0 Bimjcn spot, Cholco resldonCO lot Close III. W. D. ' n,nMr,n ,.,., tolnnlionn. lmrn. hon- Harris, 132 N. Ivy at. 290 FOR SALE Frosh cow. C. 1). Wol vorton, West Main and Ross Court. 2S4 FOR SALE Flno now 6-room bunga low nt No. 641 North lllvorslde avo nuo; houso all modori. and east front; maple floors; corner lot; prlco $2000; hnlf half cash, balanco torms. This will mnkq you a flno homo and In au oxtra good buy. O. II. Plerco & Son. 286 4 - 4 - 4 4-4 i M4 444-4 4t44 FflRRAIF 4-4-4- 4"--f-4 poR gLE On North Rlroraldo Avcnuo, 5 room house, barn and ,ono-half aero of good garden land all for $1500. Address P. O. box 878, Medford. Or. ! I ....... VANJPl WANTED A second hand billiard table in fair condition. Address ! Sportsman. Prospect, Or. 286 WANTED A man who wishes to work a ton-acro tract of land, close WANTED Experienced atone cutter and quarry man. Call at Condor Water and Power Co's. office. j WANTED-Competent girl for gen oral housework for family of three. P. O. Box fi87. W AM uu Housekeeper and cook, middle-aged lady preferred; seven ,n family. Addross or apply to S. - Vfln Dyke. Phoenix, Oo. WANTED A lndy solicitor to sell electric heating, cooking and light- g devices. Apply ui tno oncon Wator and Power Co. WANTED A position on a farm by an experienced lady cook, to take charge of iho culinary department; also for a practical man to do farm work. Address N, caro Sunnyslde HQtol, Eaglo Point, Or. WANTED Customers In Medford for good, rich Jersey milk at 10 per quart; mornl delivery. C. A. Orr, Central Point. Or. 288 WANTED Git 1 to work In printing shop; no experience necessary. Ap ply Dawson Ptg. Co., 18 N. Grape street. W A NTED A man experienced In the handling of incubators and turkey raising. Apply at office of Condor Water & Power Co. 283 FOR RENT. FOR RENT Seven-room furnished house, also furnished room. 323 So. Central nvonuo. 2i87 FOR RENT Tracts of land from one to forty acres; with water for irrigation, suitable for raising po tatoes and garden truck, also suit able for chicken nnd turkoy raising. Owner will furnish u reasonable amount of lumber and noultrv and othor fencing for improvements if lessee perform labor of erecting snmo. can nt otiico . ot uonuon Water and Power company for par ticulars. FOR RENT Fnrms, from 40 acres upward, suitable for fruit, alfalfa, stock or gonoral farming. Inqulro at offlco Condor Water & Powor com pany. 209 W. Main street. houso, wood In shed, lawn, city wa ter. J. E. Payotto, P. O. Dox 742. 283 FOR RENT Nicely lurnlshed rooms for rent with board; transients ac commodated by the day or wook. No. 10 North Grape street, next to Fruit Growers' bank. FOR RENT Seven-room modorn houso, closo in; also four-room houso, $8.00. 322 South Central avonuo, 287 4 444t4tt4 f4- FOR RENT. FOlT KENT Only hotel la town of 1000 population. Call at Condor Water and Power Co., 209 West Main atrcot. FOR RET?T 5-room house Tn good location. Call on W. L. Casaau, 10C N. Front st. 285 FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms. 525 South lry street.285 1 nsr -f HUST Gray shawl, on East 11th at. Finder leave at this office. 285 LOST A Jersey cow. No. 1116 West Main. A. V. Walters. 28S FOUND Watch. Owner may have same by Identifying and paying for this ad. C. C. Pierce, 128 E. Main street. 2.9 FflR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE 16-acre yoanr orange and lemon orchard. In beat condition, near Los Angeles, CaL; want, land In Roguo River valley; object, must change climate; what have you? Address J. W. Arm strong, Covina, Cal. 285 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. -4-4----t--4-t--f-----t--t---4----f-- Tea and Coffee Houses. GRAND UNION TEA CO. Any ra riety of tea or coffee grown can be had from their agent, S. Kemp thorne, 237 Riverside avenue. Phone 3871. Tickets given with every purchase. Restaurants. CHOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDI CINES will cure rheumatism, asth ma, paralysis, sores and private dis eases. These remedies may be pro cured at the store of Wah Chung on A street, Ashland, Oregon, where they will be sold by the proprietor, Chow Tonne. Tin Shops. J. A. SMITH Tin shop. Tin and shectiron ware on hand and made to order. 128 North G street Attorneys. WITHINGTON & KELLY Lawyers. Palm Building. PORTER J. NEFF Attorney-at-law. No. 9 D street, ground floor. COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col vig, C. L. Reames. Lawyers. Of fice Medford National Bank Bnild ing, second floon B. F. MULKEY Attorney-at-Law. Offices Room 30, Jackson County Bank Building, Medford. Transfer and Drayage. H. S. BRUMBLE Drayage and transfer. Baggage stored. Office C and Seventh. Real Estate. BENSON INVESTMENT CO. Real Estate. Loans and Fire Insurnnoo Office, suite 205-206, over Fruit growers' Bank. Phona 541. ADAMS & BRIGGS O. Adams, O. P. Briggs, real estate, insurance, farm and city property, timber. Butte Falls. Or. Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped job office in South ern Oregon; Portland p. Ices. 37 South Central ave. Opticians. DR. GOBLE The only exclusive op tician between Portland and Sac ramento. Office en West Main st. and railroad. Brick Companies. G. W. Priddy. J. T. O'Brien. O. D. Nngle. THE MEDFORD BRICK CO. Brick manufacturers and contractors; also lune, cement and plaster in any quantity. Office, Medford National Bank bldg. Phone Main 545. Undertakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day phono 351. Night Phones: C. W. Conklin 3001, J. n. Butler 3571. . Photographers. MACKEY'S STUDIO "Pose with Mackey and die with joy." Over Al len & Reagan's storo; entrance on Seventh street. Hospitals. SOUTHERN OREGON HOSPITAL 344 South C st, Medford, Or. E. W. Hisey, Matron. Official hospi tal P. & E. R. R. Dentists. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOC, Dentist Office in rooms 203-204, Farmers & Fruitgrowers' bank building, west of tho tracks. Stenographers. ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block. Stenographic work done quickly and well. -.. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Plans IndriKtisn. MISS JENNE8SE BTJTLBR Tiano iiiRtmciion aod 'municAl history. Studio, No. 8 S. Oroago St. Pnon Main 2491. HARMONY, night reading, musical form. Mru. E. E. 3ore, MotropoHtaa College of Music. Mies Flora Gray. Studios, 144 South Central avssss. Phono 493. WILL take by contrast, -on tea em- able terms, all Idndn of iwotk; al irrigating, plsjitinff aad cnUiva(( etc Landscape Hardening. First elaas referenes. William i'twi, Civil EngiBeftr, Phone 1801, 322 K. Main street. Me4fora -Or. MNPMtsrs. VERNE T. CANON Bfll foster and Distributor. All orders .promptly filled. Room 7, Jackson Coanty Bank Building, Medfogd. Or. S. T. BROWN & CO. 'Billiards, -Ci- gars and Soft Drinks. 'Dp -sta'rrs, Toang & fhAlhwiimg. Ja.-niea oeo'l place te s&sbA tfce kot fleraoen. J. K. A. BILES Architect uai Bo&ser. P. O. Box 486, Medford. Or. Yost TxetftHa; respectfully so licited. JOHNS & TURNER, Arthiiecta aaM Builders, -office 7-8, 233 'Mass. Phone Main 3471. Hesidcnoo phe J247L Carriage awl fluta yafrdfof. VALLEY .SIGN AND 'CARRIAGE WORKS Hifcfe-elfies work -.guaranteed. Signs. 'Siversiee avenue. Phase SOL FmntHuet. TL F. WILSON & CGL, -dealtts in new and pecead-hasd iBmitare sni hardware. Agests fer Meaad Citji kitchen cabinet. 323 E. Sevan th st. MISSION FURNITURE WBKS Corner 8th aad Belly ate., Medford. Mission Furniture Bsade rto order. Cabinet work erf &1 kiads. A trial order Belieked. MORDOFF & WOLFF 'Cook fltovea and Ranges. New and "Second-Hand Furniture. EaoV -old -stand, 18 W. F st Searth. Phone SI, Medford, Or. QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are bedded, set grafted. "Oar stock is not irrigated. We guarantee sv ery thing pat eat. We are not 'in the trust. H. B. Patterson, offioe ta Hotel Nash. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY 17URSERY Growers of hij?k -grade nursery stock. C. F. Ceek, Prep. IR. IR. V. depot. P. O. Be 41. "Phono 1201, Medford. B. J. ADYLOTT AH jwerk guaran teed strictly frrst-class. Residence No. 486 Beaety txet A card will brag aac to yea. ftftJStC MRS. E. B. GORE PioB8 .instruction MetropeKtaat College of Music Miss Flora Gray. PWie 493. 144 -South Central aveaae. 9M9 am Lsw ftataclattan. JACKSON COUNTY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION-). C Bogga, Acting SecseUry, 138 OtUai Main street. F. E. HILL Will f ureyh ,pUns aut list of aH taaher to fee ,patun build ing. Medfpgd, Oc W. G. HOLMES Coateaotor an builder; plan s end es4k nates "f urn isbed. Inqwire fit c xestauraut or address Bog 18. R. W. STEARNS, NL .--Oppoaite JacksoB County bank. Night call promptly answered. Office and resi dent t)hoie Main 34S2. S. A. rXCKWOOD, VL D. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, 31. D, Offices in Haslrins' building. Phona Main 10431. CONROY & CLANCY iDffioo ia Stewart Building Physioiona Surgeons. Office -phone Main 841; private phona Main 012. S. R. SEELY, M. D. Physician .and Surgeon. Modem equipped operat ing rooms. X-Ray. Offioe uodtsi 10-12, 2-4 p. 03. Offioe -hi Jadkson County Bank Building. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia Physicians. Mission Block. Pbon 291. Medford. Cfears and Tbacoe. IRELAND A ANTOE Ssaefce IIoa, dealers in tobaaeo, -cigars and swk ers' Hupplies. ikelutiive agunts of Lewis Singla Binder, VI Merita aad El Paleaeia. 212 Went Main siraet. Uwmnwur Swvlo. MKSSENOER fHBRVfOM Xnhm gera furnUhed at all hours of day aad till . m. o any jtttt t eJty, fro 19c tot Jfc. S(m C-k 1813,