6 THE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, iMEDFORP, ORKGON. THURSPAV. .10J3BRUAUY 17, .10.10. The fourth ESTATE Frederick t Toombs Eroxnt the finest Play of the Snme Name by Joseph: McdlU Patter o.snd. Htrrtct Ford. Ctwrrtflttb tlXDl hy- JUneph Mcdill iflttuaiK nut rtatxiet Tnl. w Urals nnd Uro'up to your IiIrIi pur- poceti in every oilier way, nut you must not nttnek him. Promise mo that you'll never do It again. Won't you promise me that? Ami you'll re tract that article you und this morn in. You'll do this for me. Just thlsr "Judith It's the truth-and, knowing that, would you hare mo retract It?" -Tet." -1 can't." Judith began to take off the encase meut ring Brand hud given her. "You don't mean to do that!" he cried In amncement. "I most certainly doi" He tra almost frantic. He grasped her hand. "I won't let you mean It. I cau't let you so without your ring. You may bo Judge Bitrtelniy's daughter, but you are going to bo my wife. You've worn my ring for a month, and you must wear It forever."' The girl passed his passionate an- '"Hclpl" sang out McHcnry. "I'Tt been getting that all dny." "It's no Joke. Mclleury," snnpped Dnpuy. "It wni a mistake," responded the managing editor. "Mistake! Who was responsible for It?" leaning forward. "Oh. It Just slipped through In tbo rush." "Tell that to the murines." retorted Dupuy sarcastically. He paused, "Who slipped It through?" There was another pause. McHenry begsu to assert himself. "Kxcuse me. Dupuy," he naked point edly. "Hut how does the Hartcluty story affect you?" "Some of my clients have a Terr high regard for the Judge. Your otory grossly misrepresent blta." "Yes. I nuppose so." ctrArTEre n. , ttw glrX an twrr uls own FLHf J10"- Se tossed ' I.... ,. . . bark her pretty head defiantly, snatch- .v,.-V.. -- k " ' k k ed the ring- from her finger and threw loeTn,. comfort, forth etrt of his M ' ' h n"?"SJ ?ltor . des 11 to take her , His arnvud. wipe away- It.' tears, but ho knew that she would repulse htm. He thtoooed with- tW dndrv to prove to hetr hi love by- rx urine her that the- ntbtcfc om her fatbur was ceded bur hit dnty vrbhsrtO, -Kc. And ttvhlfisicU bw repeated the "No." for he- ruust go- ou, sad k' sot ea- aurc and tfie Judge- snt pay the price. . TrtA.nnlA, a! m syl baaoIa hail BDokw tnrouglt the pea f Wheeler Independently, caught her skirt Brand, and- be- wt ea of lhee saea to yonr senses." So expressing herself he stalked majestically across the room. "Judith!" called Brand in despera tion, fearing that she was about to leave him. Will you do what I ask?" the i queried Imperiously. "I cannot." he answered simply. The Judge's daughter tossed her strong enoBcb; to rxtimt to take the ydce- C silitoce: He- Icdi the- girt he- tared to a chair, 'pen aa- she- sobbed sad whimpered. "Wbecleis WfeeUr. Wseeler." endear ingly from her bearr depths. Brand looked dowa on her with a w&rkl of sadness: Id. hi eyes. He well knew, .and tbo-worid wo aid 900a know, that those' who sic la the- high places Bust pay the- penalty for sfea even as the lowliest among: u who. tenure blindly goes astray. Judith Darreltny- bad been long enough.- In; society to Imn the art of the con trot antt the- concealment of amotions- under many- trying clrcuni stances. Probably la any other slrtxa 'Mod, than- in one where bw father and' the man- she- lucd were so deeply concerned; as la the- present, she would' hnve-beeuabtv-t retain a larger degree of self composure. Several aalDures passetp before- she- was able to speak in evenly- balanced tones. "Wheeler,- she- fiaallj- dd. -if any one' bad told me- that you wonld or could" do- wHatJ yotr hare- done against iy father, against ny lairfly" her olco began to break: again -a gala at Bar. X would) not. have- bettered It. And you have not- luid n that you will tiie your attack-. itrandi thought to paHhtte her, He euted hiffiam on. a, corner t tbo mun. glng, edltofTn. (itt ajoA beat toward ktfrafruhifsabUittchair ex him. v "Now, Jitdilhi. let uie try to explain." lie ftuld entreatrudyi t think can sunke you uuderstuxid. Ton see. the pausing Irou. coruimuy owned a lot of nuuiuiib nnon,rtSis m ranen. raa chltiern; rallruadi traviag etc. If it Bi hoeni muiiaced halXway H weald Bow be a wealth producing feniineaa. bht some ot our speenfafors down tuu. were trying, to get buid of It to gamble with. ShaF wanted to milk it. a4 the saying is. by watering It They did.' tutve a. stock, market battle r two, wfiftn profltft tuobody bat the lawyers on botbi sides. Brat they 8 sal ly got It. by Juggling: it loto a recelr ehh. whrcb rbey neTer ctrak) bare Tone If a United States Judge bad not been willing, to. exi-eed. bis fanctlons. That Judge was yonr- father. -Since the works- ahnt linwo. be "weuL om struiiRly "tb nsen tiro out of employment, and the- gamblers hare ot rich because the company's gone "broke.. That's Just what happened. bT tQat'ka))' 1: saiihr "Hut it wasnt yoon tacts. 1 tcU yon. It was your- lnslnnattoa, that was talae." "Not Insinuation interpretation." "lint it wasn't true R wasa't true." "Ob, yes. It wa tmtv aud more." Judith, varged. on: ttle hysterical egalii;. "IS yon Itrrtd rxtv wr yon pretend to, bo matter it yon thought It trse or not. you could: not hsie wrltu-n that article-" "Chn'f yon sevtttaT I wasaTt nrritlsg ebout your father, hat abemt a Onlt4 Statvft Judge- who Shit movedifiirrbersnrtcr tntm tdm. "TUat'a- splitting: haink Wheder." He walked, n. beirsilei "Judith, plerae-jOmum- tefs oacrali about this.' Th' girl tnr-Mdi b biai faegmhdrety. "Oh; VMlt w- m a the verge- oC k; woovBt wr He cast his urius- aroond. bee. "Ywre orry, aronlt you.?" She- kookvA loedly Into his. faca- "And- you uciU take back that; article woefb yotrf "You- Bamttn'fc aafc xe- to do that; I satn'C looking. r hr eaxseaUy. -Son oannvf "No.! Judith- drew a-wary Sroio him n step r two. She- tmx eyetS bian coldly. ; "WbetiUr. U ovuno- licit thinking only of my. father bat 1 suihUrdy find my self f wring, a, znocb arte- ocr&ous acs tlon not wfcftt kirxi ol a mu be Is, but what kind ol a iuslx V you." Bniud. was deeply cut by ber manner and hvrlntonaUu. MJudiUu.lt you only fc&w the truth, all of it. things 1 ca&'t teU yoa. you'd be wltb me huttrt autd tteul fin -u-bat I'm toying to-dof He caught heir in. sras nguln. "AVbateTer I've dosv r wbaterer t may do 1 love- yen." be Quduted pas aioaately. Jttdllhi shorwed. xskX Stinw as sbo taMc "Andt yon're ooon- ft eb than my father, bat toe my sake yew saustn't work against kJOj. Bow oerud wo ver be- happy tetfcr K yoc did? Yew'U . this, tu oaav Wblw. J&st ilU? 1 ,va6 ya 60 nry out ytwr In her band, turned her back swiftly on Brand ana waiicea inaignanuy from the room. Wheeler Brand, daxed. heartsick tnd discouraged and torn by the emo- t'ntiH tlt wellwl within him. leaned helplessly agnlnst the desk. After all. he reasoned, what did It all matter? There were lots of evil men In the world, always had been, always would be. Whut barm would It do If-one dis honest Judge were allowed to go un- molested, even If he happened to be a j United States Judge? Surely there were other dishonest Judges, and he 1 could not drive all of them off the ' bench no. Indeed. And. moreover, this thankless tusk he bad shouldered j wouin ir be succetuea rop mm 01 me judiciary Into disrespect Is a duncerous girl he loved, it would rob him of the j symptom of the unrest beueatb th Iotc of the girl who loved him. surface." spoke Dunuy nomnously. Then the thought of the enthusiasm .rhe federal bench Is the ultimate "Well, there's the uiiswer," exWnlm cd Dupu.v itliiiutlmiitl.v. "Ah 11 itmitet of htHiu'MM. .Mellenr.v, If you 11 iv not friendly to my clients, .why, you cmi hardly expect t ttoiti to 'lie friendly to I you, and I. shall explain to Hie new j proprlelor of the Advance. Mr. Nolan, the reasotm rtir the xmldoti drop lit his advertising, lie Is u rich man, ami he probably will not like to know dial he Is In the way of loxlng 0 good ileal j of money to further a radical propa 1 gatula which lie probably abhors, I Conie, Mclleury. fur your own sake be reasonable. Who wrote the Htory? Surely you arc not going to consider a men rcorlcr In a matter so vital to our IntertwK Who was It?" Molleiiry surrendered. "A young fellow named Wheeler Urnnd." Dupuy rose and towered above Mc lleury as he sat at his desk. "1 thought so I ouly wanted to make sure." he said "lie's a danger ous type. Comes from good enough people, but nmbltlous to get Into the limelight by stirring up the mob. Thought he might hnve learned sense ' by now, but It seems he hasn't. Guess he never will; these fanatics never do," 1 "We consider htm the best Investl- 1 gator In town." warmly, in pralso of Brand. 1 "He's entirely too zealous. Do you 1 catch me?" asked Dupuy. leaning over McHcnry and gating significantly into ; bis eyes. The mauaglng editor caught Dupuy'a meaning und stared at htm blankly In his surprise. "You dou't mean"- Dupuy smiled coldly. "Yes I mean-get rid of blraP (To Bo Continued.) ! Cutlory und glnsswnro friend's. nt Qood- AltlC YOU GOINO KAHTV llnvo you a frlond coming went? You ought to bring otto to Mod ford. full und seo us. Tho colonist rates wtil ho f foci shortly, Lot us talk ronton nnd ratca with you. Information cheerfully furnished. Phono, nddross or call on Southern Pacific Company, A, S. ltosonlmtim nt Modford. REAL ESTATE SNAPS 30 acres frit't laud, 20 planted to poars, w'th ponch fillers, closo to pchool ttnd pentoftlcc, JSG00; one third, balanco long ttmo: no Im provements. 1G2 acres, 7 miles from Modford, $126 nn ncro; good Irrigation ditch: one-third down, tnlnnco long ns wanted. a Qood city lots, closo In. Monoy to loan. j 12 ouBt front lots, 50x108, half, block off of street to bo paved this year, $300 each, close In, half down, balanco ono year 8 por cent. 1 SiskiyouLandCo 206 Phlpps Building. Mcdford. Or. Savoy Theatre TONIGHT LORD IN LIVERY ' (Torrent of LiiukIih) WHAT THE CARDS FORETOLD (Whirlwind of Mirth) DANCING GIRL OF QUTTE (A nioKrnph 'Nuf Sod) Excollotit Music. Ono Dlmob ----- ---1 PLUMBING Steam and Hot Wator Hoating. All work guarantood. Prices roaaonablo. I. P. MOORE AND E. E. SMITH Old Tribuno Building. Phono :;931. Air. X)ux)uu inn innuinfr,. 1 nfs growing tenoency TTT nnng our that had buoyed him as he wrote the torr that had exposed Judge Ilartel my came to him and cluug to him. The inspiration In doing u strong man's work for the public gimd entbuxed the spirit of Wheeler ttrnnd. captured bis souL The steudy light burm-d once niotv In bis eyes, lie sbook blmselt, together fastened his old time .grip on hllumMf. h for Judith, he would do his duty, and he would wlu her yet. hen the managing editor of the Ad- ranee re-entered hU office nnd walked briskly toward hi desk be found Wheeler Hmnd lotiklug eagerly over a notebook which, quite unknown to Mc lleury, contulued tb data for uu ar ticle on the Lansing irou c-use even more damaging to Judge itartelray tbun tne one already printed. "Well, did you settle itr asked Mr Henry. It rand looked up and started toward the door. Yes, sir," be answered, and he wan gone. At this Juncture Downs, the city ed itor, came Into the managing editor's room. lie addressed slcuenry rapidly "Water main burst on Morton street. drowned seven dngo kids lo the base ment of a tenement; mothers, scrub women, gone out to work nnd locked them In; water rising," lie drew closi to the desk. "Children, climbing Ktuli to escape, found huddled In each otb er's arms on top step, drowned! Ah but the youngest hanging on to 11 string of beads; must have died pray lngr Tbe managing editor's face Immedl ately lightened, and be pounded his desk enthusiastically. Good! Good! Dy glory, that's a dandy! That saves our lives! Now we'll have u paper tomorrow! We'll go the limit on this. Did you send u photographer?" Yea. air, I did." McHcnry seized the office telephone. Night editor! Oh. hello! Cut three columns more out of those shavings. We're got a live one. Seven dago kids drowned. First time they ever saw water in their lives. Hun tbrco col umnar' He bung up the receiver and turned to the city editor. Put In three leads and make it stick out like a sore thumb. And, say, put In a black faced bulletin saying the Advance will receive subscriptions for their families." Durkln entered wltb a bundle of proofs. And. say, Downs," added McHenry, "print In bold faced type that the Ad ranco will start the subscription with $100." Mr. Dupuy Is downstairs," announc ed Durkln. The managing editor could not sup press a .sour expression which crept across bis face. "Dupuy. eh?" he grunted half audibly. "Wonder what be wants around here now? He's a regular buttinski." McHenry knew Dupuy in a business way, knew he was counsel for several of the big mercantile establishments which advertised In the Advance and that the lawyer had represented vari ous corporations ut the state cupltul. Well, 1 suppose I'll have to see him," be dually resolved. "Show Mr. Dupuy In," be called to the hoy. "Good evening." was Dupuy's greet ing to Mclleury as be entered and placed hla overcoat on a chair. Good eveulug, Mr,. Dupuy, What can I do for youV". The visitor seated himself at itL, right of Mciienry's desk. "McHenry." begnu Dunuy decidedly. Homebody on your pptr Uns been staking bad breaks ir.tely, particularly tbo one tblH morning." "What one this morning?" "The Judge Hurtclmy story, of ettrsa." bulwork." McHenry laughed. "Oh. capital lu distress! Yes. I know all about that." Dupuy stirred Indignantly. "There was 110 occasion for that re mark." he shot 'forth tartly. Mclleury saw that Dupuy was very much In earnest, and the management of the Advance, us he had previously knowu It representatives of an In surance company would have desired to gratify the wishes of the powerful FREE - - FREE MAGIC HYE-GLASS CIjKAXEK for the asking to nil users of Rlnsses Dr. Coble's Optical Parlor Glasses fitted, repaired, etc. Itrokcn lenses duplicated "WB HAVE NO OTHER BUSINESS." 18 WEST MAIN STIIEET PHONE 1011 Medford Iron Works E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. Foundry and Machinist All v-, nf Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps. Boilers and Ma chinery Agents In Southern Oregon for FAIRBANKS. M0PSE & CO. You Couldn't Head It Off With A Gatling Gun Medford will have 25,000 people in 1912. The point is: the 30-aure tract we offer for a song adjoining townsite now, is the snap of the year. See us at once. We have two good business oppor tunities. THE ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY Fire Insurance No. ! 1 North Central Ave. REAL ESTATE Farmland Timber Land Orchard Land Residences City Lots Orchards and Mining Claims Medford Realty Co Room 10, JaGkson County Bank Building "IVt no joke. McHcnry. interests behind Dupuy. So far as ths now owner witn concerned, the man a King editor could not tell what bis at $12,525 Eleven acres in Cornice peal's, 10 yours old, nine acres in Bartlett and Anjou pears, 1 to 3 yenrs old; close in; good soil. Terms. $12,000 Eleven acres in Cornice and Bosc pears, 14 years old. These trees are in full hearing and will on the nrice asked. $24,000 Thirty-two acres in Bosc and Anjou pears; trees are from 4 to 7 years of age. Complete set of buildings. Close in. $7000 Thirty-five acres, of black sticky, three miles from Medford, all under the ditch and can be irrigated. rno Xcr." wres. close to Medford; eight chunBe the policy of the paper. Plain. , I aCl'CS in JNCWtOWnS and Spitzenbcl'gS 5 to 7 yOlll'S or age; 14 acres in alialla; three acres m peaches; two acres in berries; irrigated; buildings. $13,000 Twenty acres; 10 acres in 7-year-old New towns and balance in 3-year-old Bartlett. pears; no buildings. $7500 Ten acres, all planted to Newtown and Spit- zenberg apples, 7 to 11 years old. $18,000 Thirty-five acres, about 25 planted to apples and pears, in bearing. Trees are from G to 15 years old; buildings; four miles from Medford. $14,000 Thirty-five acres; buildings; exceptionally fine place for a home; twelve acres in apples u d pears 3 yenrs old; about an acre of bearing orchard: 11 acres in alfalfa; all fine deep free soil. $150 to $200 per acre Stewart aero tracts; two miles from Medford; tracts are from 10 to 25 acres in size. Fine building spots on all; can all be irrigated; cheapest tracts in the Medford neighborhood; easv terms. $300 per acre Finest five and ten-acre orchard and garden tracts in tho valley; easy terms, $35,000270 acres; buildings ; 26 acrcn in bearing Spitz, Newtowns and Cornice pears about GO acres in one and two-year-old apples and pears; fine or chard land. SELLING- AGENTS FOR SNOWY BUTTE ORCHARD TRACTS. RESOLVED The boHt reenlution for you to tuiiko (h to L'omo to tta for .votir next Htiit, if you wnut Mimutliiiifj out of tho ordinary. Wn do tho limit work unci olinnjo tho lowuHt pricoH. W. W. EIFERT Tim PK0QKMH8IVB TAILOR )y tbo course of window, be reasoned, i would be to act toward Dupuy as ho ' had m-ted in the past, when the luaur ntico company bad Innlsted that the papr bo operated on u purely com mercial basis. Yes, be would deal carefully wltb Dupuy that Is. wltb Dupuy'a clients, "No offpnue meant," explained Mc Henry. "Well, we'll have nothing more about Itartelmy. VIII tbat satis fy your people"" Tbuuk you. McIIfnry. Tbat will lo emlueutly xatisfuctory both to them and to me nn tbclr legal adviser." "All right; that Kettles that" "Ob. not quite!" said Dupuy, raisins bis bund warnlngly. "There's ono more point. Who was responsible for the story'" "Ob. let's pass that!" But Dupuy could not be turned aside. McHenry bad begun to give way to bltn, and the lawyer Intended to fol low up IiIh advuiituKi', "Very well; It's up to you," he said. "But i want you to realize, whatever happens, there Is no personul animosi ty lu the matter." "Wbat do you mean by 'whatever happens?' " aslced tho mauaglng editor quickly. Tbo visitor was n living picture of complacency. "How much advertising did you get from our coucern last year?" The managing editor began to dis cern more c-leurly the hidden club in Dupuy's words and demands, "Ob, I can't say as to that." "About sao.UOu worth, wasn't itr "Yes, 1 should think so," admitted Mcneurr. W. T. YORK & CO i Best Groceries At Prices Strictly in Keeping with the Quality of Our Stock which is Unexcelled A Trial w illConvinceYou Allen Reagan The Square Deal Grocers t t