Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 17, 1910, Image 1

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Pull LiNiHcd Wire Report.
Medford Mail Tribun
Tonight and Frlilny Partly
Wednesday's Tomporaturo -High, low .18, rnngo 62,
Tint (inly paper In tho world
published In u city tliu slzo of
Modfoiil having n leaned wire.
ikdi-(ii oijhdoxnirjiSDAyKioiiiavvitv 17.1910.
No. 285,
500.000 PAID FOR
Suoknnc Men Arc New Owners Or
chard Is Ono of Best In Entire
Northwest Largest Deal Ever
Consummated In Northwest In
Bearing Orchard Property.
t C. M. Spook of Spokane nnd u
BOciutuK imvo puri'liiiKud tho 005.
ncro orchard tract owimd by Cap
tnin Gordon VoOrhios, a prominent
clubman of Portland, known ns tho
Uurroll orchard, paying $ftU0,HI0.
The dual wan cIommI Into Wednes
day uflurnoon. Tho new owners
will tnku poHMUHtiion on or about
April lf. For a month pn-t ncgu
tinlions Imvo been under way. John
I). Olwoll of thi city made iho mile.
So far an in known, this is the
largest deal over consummated in
tho northwcHt in bearing orchard
property. Tho Uurroll orehnrdH whip
moro fruit than any other single or
chard tract in tho Roguo river val
ley or entiro northwest, and hold
many splendid records for produc
tion nnd quality. For tho pnst five
yenm tho bookn of tho compnny
show u net return of $700 an acre,
while many of tho acrcH havo pro
duced iih high "h 1500 net in a
single senson. Ono block of Now
townH is especially fino and is prob
ably tho moHt valuable piece of or
chnrd proporty in tho northwest,
consisting of 80 ncres of 8 nnd 0-yenr-old
trees situated on the rich
est of noil nnd producing almost
fabulouB rotnniH.
Two Mite l'Vom flfril.
Tho orchard is located within
two miloH bf tho paved streets of
Medford nnd iu ideally situated up
on what in known ns tho finest noil
of tho vnlloy. Tho orohnrd differs
from moHt of tho pioneer orchards
innHmuch as it was planted with an
oyo to tho future Nothing but Iho
choicest vnrioty of ripples nnd pears
wore Net out, making it especially
vnluablo to tho growers of commer
cial fruit. It is known as tho pio
neer commercial orchard of the
It was to this tract that J. II.
Stewart, known as "tho fathor of tho
fruit industry of tho north wast," do
voted much of his lime. Tho ideas
hiid down by him Imvo never been
dovinted from iu its care. Much of
it' wns planted undor his dire at su
pervision, To Hell Off TrnctJi.
Tho Halo is ospocinlly of value to
tho Roguo Rlvor valley inasmuch us
the new owners intend to soil off n
numhor of tracts and, thus are loud
ing their aid to tho movement of cut
tine; up tho Inrgor orchnrd proper
ties and placing thorn on tho market
in smaller holdings.
One of Mr. Spook's associates in
tho vonturo is II. Q. Nooly of Spp
knno, known ns "tho father of the
National Applo show." That Mr.
Nooly should turn his attoution to
tho Roguo Kivor valloy is an indica
tion of tho attoution this section is
attracting through tho world it t
Owned by Captain Vonrhlcs.
Tho orchard was reeontly taken
over by Captain Gordon Voorhies
from tho Uurroll Investment com
pany, who rooontly announced his
intontion of spending a portion of
onoh yonr porsounlly ovorsooiug tho
.proporty, hut owing to its salo ho
will doubtloss ohnngo his plans.
Tho orchard holds many splondid
rooonls, hut it is ncodloss to go
bnok fiirthor than tho season just
closed to gain an idoa of its tromon
douB producing qunlitios. During tho
Bonson'tho orchard broke all records
(Continued on Pago 8.) ,
0 S
IS 0
Mass Meeting Called for March l2,)Season 0pens With a Rush Many
at Which Time Board of Directors! LarDe Sales Are Reported In Va
of New Union Will Be Elected forj rjous sections of the Valley
the Ensuing Year.
-Timber Land Is Sold.
After Week of Work Committee Ap- 4000 Acres of Timber on "Foots
pointed to Draw Plans to Form
Union Is Ready to Report.
Creek Sold for $125,000 Log
ging Road for Gold Hill.
18 Li
Amid Enthusiasm, Gold Kill Com
mercial Club Starts Upon Career
of Usefulness Ladles' Auxiliary
Also Placed Under Way.
Four Men Are Missing and Fourteen Are Known to Be Seriously In
, Jurcd Volunteers Working Hard to Prevent Spread of Flames
I Hundreds of Persons Are Stunned Buildings Near
! Works Shattered Fire Adds to the Terror.
Will' an Initial membership of M,
nmld isroat enthusiasm, tho Gold H1U
Commercial club was orgnnlzod Wcd-
ncKdny evening at a booster meeting
which packed tho opera hoitBo, At
tliu snmo tlmo n Indies' auxiliary, tho
(lold Hill Progress club w;s launched
with a momboMhlp almost as largo.
Aetlvo publicity work will bo under
taken nnd tlio many resources sur
rounding tho old mining center ex
ploited, niul an era of progress and
development Inaugurated.
Organization followod a numbor of
nddroHses by citizens of Gold Hill,
Sums Valley and Medford, nnd mu
sical numbers by Mrs. McDonough,
Mrs. Potoinon nnd Mrs. Lnmpmnn.
J. L. HnmmorHley presided as
chalrmnn, and glowingly set forth tho
nosBlbllltloa of Gold Hill. Ho rend
a lottor from Portland capitalists
promising speedy development or tn
lime denoslts adjacent, stating that
contracts had been entered Into to
dollver several hundred carloads a
year of this llnio, which Is pronounc
ed by Professor Dlllor of tho United
States geological survey to bo tho
purest In America. .
JiuIko W. M. Colvlg, president of
tho Medford Commercial club, deliv
ered tho principal talk of the ovenlng,
tollltiK whnt tho Commorclal club had
dono for Medford npd what nn Im
portant fenturo It could bo made la
ovory community. Ho urgod all cltl
zons to Join tho new club and work
toKother for Gold Hill's prosperity.
.promising the active co-oporatlon nnd
support of Medford.
E. W. Coopor mado tho hit of tho
ovenlng In a vigorous nppoal In which
ho snoko for Bnms Valley, promising
a largo membership from thnt sec-'
tlon. n. II. Harris of Medford told
of tho sale of a largo block of timber
land on Foots crook nnd announcod
tho Immodlnto construction of n log
ging rond up tho canyon to tho tlm
bor bolt. Ho told of tho vise of Grand
Rapids and said thnt Gold Hill could
havo a similar futuro, ns a lumber
manufacturing contor.
Other tnlks wore mado by H. D.
Rood, Mr. Dodgo, R. II, Lampmnn,
SAN LEANPRO, Cab, Fob. 17.
,With four men missing, fourteen
known to bo seriously injured and a
, score slightly wounded ns n result
of tho terrific explosion at the Tro
jan powdor works at Roberts' Land
ing, hundreds of volunteers are
working desperately this afternoon
to prevent the firo from spreading
, to other mngaxiues which are near
ly and nro iu imminent danger of
lotting go.
Tlio known injured were conveyed
to tlio county hospital in wagons,
automobiles nnd somo were taken on
11 train which was stopped near the
scono of tho necident.
Hundreds Stunned
Tho foreo of tho explosion was so
great thnt hunddreds of persons who
woro in .tlio vicinity wero stunned,
nnd it was several minutes before
any ono was able to discover the ex
tent of the damage.
The buildings in tho immcdinto vi
cinity of tlio explosion wero shat
tered, nnd fire, which immediately
broke out soon wns burning. fiercely,
omitting n great column of black
smoke that could be seen for miles.
Many windows in this town nnd in
farm houses for several miles in ev
ery direction from the powder plnnt
wero shattered.
Many Injured.
A largo foreo of men and somo
women wero at work in the plnnt at
the time of the accident, nnd the
confusion thnt followed was so
great that it was impossible for the
officials .to form any accurate esti
mnto of tlio number of thoso injured.
Tlio four men who nro missing
wero beliovcd this afternoon to Imvo
been in ono of tho buildings which
wns destroyed.
Tho first victims tnken from the
binding buildings woro burned nnd
maimed. Sovornl woro found ns far
as 100 yards from the plnnt, having
been .hurled through tho nir by the
foreo of the explosion."
CHICAGO, Fob. 17. Tho hog mar
ket todny reached tho highest point
that has been recorded In 40 yenrs,
wlien tho price Jumped to $!M0 per
hundred weight.
Tho soaring of quotations was ono
of tlu most exciting dnys ever known
In tho Union stockyards. Today's prlco
I? 5 cents nhovo tho high record of
ISSa. Tho highest marl; was re
corded In tho civil war period when
nt one time It reached IS, In 1870
under great pressure, tho prlco was
forced up to $10.
Tho oxeltomont todny Is believed
to hnvo boon mainly caused by tho
agitation throughout the country J
Georgo Putnam of Medford nnd oth
ers. Offlcors elected by tho club
woro: President J, h. Hammorslo;
.vlce-prealtlont, Hornco Polton; socro-
tary, R. H. Lampmnn.
Hlabornto refreshments woro sorv-
od by tho lndloa of Gold Hill at tho
conclusion of tho speaking and danc
ing followod until a Into hour.
Owing to tho illness of City
Attorney Porter J. Neff, the
city has employed Robert 0.
Smith to represent them in
tho now f anions water case, 1
which will come up in tho 1
supremo court on or about ""(
February 24.
Tho Medford Mail Tribune is in
rocoipt, through the courtesy of the
Jackson County Abstract company,
of tho official map of Jackson coun
ty, oompilod and published by the
company, Tho wall map is strictly
up to date, fl.4K feet in sizo, and
shows the present ownership of all
lands up to January 1, 1010, and is
oolorod to show tho forest reserva
tions withpi tho county.
Ways and Means Will Be Discussed
to Insure the Building of the Cra
ter Lake Road Every Member Is
Urged to Be at the Meeting.
A special meeting of the Commcr
cinl club will be held this evening to
discuss the building of the Crater
Lake rond. A full attendance is re
nnosted. A number of different
plans which will result in the build
ing of the rond nrc to bo offered
nnd the most feasible will be adopt
The Medford boosters never "lay
down." They have determined to
see thnt the rond is constructed,
and tonight they will tnko tlio firt
steps. As soon as a plan is decided
upon the other Commercial clubs of
tho valley will be asked to rally to
tho support of tho movomont.
Your presence is needed tonight
Let nothing keep you away.
The regular meeting of tho club
wns held Wednesday evening. Ron
tine business was transacted, after
which short addresses woro mado by
rrof. P. J. O'Gara and W. W. Eif-ort.
Naval Militia Proposed.
SEATTLE, Wash., Feb. 17. Tho
first company in tho proposed state
naval militia will bo organized to
night nt n meeting nt tho Nationul
Guard nrmory. Officers from tho
Pugot Sound nnvy-ynrd will bo
present to givo instructions. So fnr
about GO men hnve npplied for mem
bership. It is planned to establish
companies in vnnous parts of tlio
stnte, ns is dono in tho grcnt lake
states. Seattle will bo tho hend
quarters. Ono Doctor In Trinity.
WEAVERVILLE, Cal.. Feb. 17.
The examination of Abo Mnnsfiold
by the county insanity commission
will have to bo deferred until an
other physician tnkes his residence
in Trinity county or until ono can bo
imported for tho purpose.
Tlioro is but ono physician iu tho
county. Tho law says that every
one charged witli insanity must bo
examiuod beforo a commission com
posed of n superior judgo nnd two
reputable physioians.
After n week of deliberation the' six hundred nnd seventyfonr thoiu'
committee of 15 appointed to draw;pandf f,vo hundred do,,a Jn iargo
up plans and incorporation papers iorlmiI MlJtc dcaIs , 1C nogno Hlvcr
a fruit growers' union of tho Rogue , vMoy cl)angC(1 Iinndj( on Wednesday.
Hirer valley nas completed us moor Tl(J gca80 may ,)e to wvc opeH.
nnd are ready to report. Much has lj. AMo from thews reported, over'
been dono during tho week and all $100t000 additional sales havo been
or tne discusions nave oeen 01 me practlca11y closCd Bnd W1U bo an
most harmonious nature. nounced within a day or two.
The articles of Incorporation taavoj Tho sales nnnoanced Wednesday1
been filed with the secretary of state, i were: .
A mass meeting of tho fruit growers The Burrell orchards, 005 acreJ
of tho valley will bo held on March 12 j for $500,000.
nt at which tlmo tho work of the com-1 Four thousand acres timber land
mltteo Is to bo ratified, offlcors of ; on Foots creek, $125,000. '
the organization elected and general , Twenty acres la Orchard Homff
work gotten under way. In tho! tract, 0OOO.
meantlmo each member of the .com-1 Fifty acres near Central Pobit,
mlttee will take subscriptions to the $17,500.
capital stock of tho union.
Its Pnnoses.
The new organization Is to be
known as tho Roguo River Fruit and
Produce association. It bos been in
corporated for $50,000, and Its In
corporators are C. H. Gillette of Ash
land, C. H. Hover of Phoenix, W. A.
Sumner of Medford. C. A. Hamilton
of Grants Pass and M. E. Calo of Mer
lin. The objects and purposes of tho
association as set forth follow:
To pick, grade, pack and to buy and
sell, direct or on commission, fresh
,and prepared fruits and other farm
products of all kinds.
To buy, sell nnd deal In fruit and
other farm product, packing material,
orchard supplies, sprnylng material
and machinery.
To buy, sell, lease, acquire and lm
provo such real cstato as may be re
quired In tho business of this corpo
ration. To buy, rent, lease, build and oper
ate packing housos, warehouses, of
fices nnd other buildings, railroad
Five acres opposite old
place, $0000.
Ten years ago I. J. Hanson sold
50 acres lying on the hlllsldo above
tho James Wright place in Willow
Springs district for $400; that was
about all it was worth then. Yes
terday tho deal was made whereby
Alva Alkins sold tho same property
to Randolph Manning of Cleveland,
O., for $17,500, cash p and no growl
ing. The land Is worth it, too; that's
tho beauty of it. The salo was made
through York & Co.
Henry Pohlman, ono of tho original
locators In tho Orchard Homo tracC
has sold 2Q acres of land, ten acrcst
of which aro set to Dartlott pears, to
Henry Glover for $6000. Joe Brown,
who made the sale, said: "If that man.
didn't get a bargain, there aro none
Tho Medford Pear-Apple Co., a cor-
poratlon composed of Portland men,
have jiirchased from, W. I. Vawter
and others 1413 acres of land lylngr
Just east and adjoining the Wester
tracks and wagon roads, and to lease . iund orchards on the slope cast or
or sell the same. this city, paying thorofor $50,000-
To buy, rent, lease, acquire, build 1 This proporty will bo subdivided,,
and opornto pre-coollng plants, Ice planted to trees and mado into beantl-
actorles, cold storage plants, dryors, (Uj jj0mo places. One of the first
canneries, and by products factories, things contemplated by tho company
and to lease or sell tho same.
To manufacture and sell Ico and
distilled water, spray mntorlals, boxes
and all kinds of fruit and produce
To fix such charges, tolls and com
missions on sales and operative work
as may bo required to meet tho ex
penses and other financial needs of
tho association,
Directors iu Charge.
Tho business of tho association is
to bo directed by a board of 15 di
rectors, who shall elect tho presldont
and other offlcors. Tho directors aro
each olected for a period of one year.
Each director Is patd $2.50 for each
day's attendance at a meeting, as well
as mileage.
Ono of tho principal mattors to bo
tnken up by tho now organization will
bo tho establishment of standard
grades of fruit nnd for Inspection.
One of tho most vital matters in
connection with tho association Is
that any member of tho association
may soil his fruit direct or through
tho association, provided ho soils all
of his crop of any ono fruit, such as
apples or pears, but tho association
will not hnndlo a portion of a crop.
This distinction Is made to provont
(Continued on Page 8.)
Is tho construction of a macadamized
road from tho prosont county road up
to and through the property.
B. H, Harris reports the salo of
4000 acroso t timber land In the
Foots Creek section by Dr, Fowlor and
associates of Cleveland, O., to John
Baxter of Walla Walla, Wash., the
consideration being lu tho neighbor
hood of $125,000. The new owners
purposo building mills either at the
mouth of Foots croek or at Gold Hill
and build logging railroads for tho ,
transportation of tho logs to the
mills. The timber is pine and fir,
with a preponderance of tho former,
and Is of very fine quality,
Mrs. C, II. Carey of Seattlo, Wash.,
who has already Invostod qulto heav
ily In Roguo Rlvor valley real estate,
has purchased five acros of land Just
ncros3 tho road from tho J. H. Stow- .
art place at tho Bouth ond of Oak- '
dalo avonuo from W. II. Mookor, for
a consideration of $0000. This prop
orty Is ono of tho choice tracts bor- '
dorlng tho city limits and Mrs, Caroy
will probably build a home thoro in
tho near futuro.
Roy Doano loft Wednesday after
noon for San Francisco to witness,
tho Nelsou-Wolgast go.