8 THE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, K13BRUAR.Y Hi, fa 10. f JAPAN KEEPS HER EYE ON RUSSIA Army Officer Says Nippon Would Not Dare at This Time to Fool With Uncle Sam. 4 SAN FRAiWrSOO. Cal.. Feb. 16. ' Thnt .Tnpnn is uinj; all her energy in keeping informed ol tlio move ments of Russia nnd vronld not dure to attempt to quiet mobilization of n i .citizen-soldier force in the Philip- pines 'was a statement mado today to j the United Press by a prominent amy officer recently returned from the Orient, who for official reasons1 asked that his name be withheld. "The mills of Vladivostok are run-! ning day and night," declared tho . A army man, "pinnc up supplies ior an t army of 500,000 Russians whieh is now gathered in the eastern portion f Siberia. more than to see Japan beeome en-J xangiea wun a lorcign power, and Jnnn knows it. Russia is laying for a chance' to whack Japan, and Japan is not going to give them the chance. by becoming involved with tho Unit ed States by landing either arms or men in the Philippines. "Japan has men scattered through the Philippines the same as we have men gathering information in Jnpa. But there is little possibility that Ja pan would risk the discovery that they were smuggling in rifles," The officer's statement was made in a discussion of theUnited Press dispatch from Manila intimating that thousands of Japanese rifles smnggled into Luzon rfwere placed there by Japanese emissaries. Tho A SUIT WINDOW That Will Certainly Surprise You You will want to have one look at this window, tor if ou want a suit, no bettor opportunity to save will ever be offered again. SUITS WORTH FROM $20.00 TO $35.00 FOR. You should eome and see these suits and choose one right now. Almost all sizes; all colors; good durable materials, and good styles; styles that most peo ple will prefer right now and for the coming spring. The Hutchason Co'y Formerly Baker-Hutchason Comp'y $9.95 NAVAL BOARD IS PROBING DISASTER Trying te Fix Blame for Explosion en Terpeds-Beat Destroyer Last-Monday In San Diego. BROTHER-IN-LAW OF ;QNLY $28,000 E SUICIDES1 mi tavcq PAin III 1HALU I ftlUi Shoots Himself With Buckshot- First Given Out He Died of Heart Disease. SAN PEDRO, Cal., Feb. 16. Tho naval board investigating to ascer tain the cause for tho explosion on board tho torpedo-boat destroyer in itul? Monda7, which resulted ZZ T tho death of It. E. Taylor, a fireman, were responsible, but that nlannisis j n. .u j . m .r 1111 h JilKIII "was at tho bottom of tho affair. JACKSONVILLE AMD VICINITY. ' Mrs. P. H. Dallr. who Is success fully engaged In teaching school at Uagle Point, came over to Jackson ville last Tuesday to assist In the ex amination, being one of tho board of 35amluer9. She was accompanied by ere in tho Cro-room, who wore scald ed by steam, was continued today aboard the flagship of the flotilla, which is in the onter harbor two miles from shore. The . probing is being conducted secretly. Officers of the ship are disposed to blame the accident upon faulty construction of the boilers or tubes while the vossol was under repairs. The Sheriff's Office Is Taking In Honey for Taxes Slowly, But ' Taxes Are Being Paid. " " 1 1 " Sheriff Jones reports thnt up to her little daughter, Marjorlo, and!Nono TCntured a decided opinion nnd Miss Mary RaypholU. who has. tjeen'overy ono conccrncd showed a strong stonnlne with hr fnr r j disposition to await the decision of While here Mrs. Tw w board concerning tho matter. Vr a- nfher (fr Ur, iwJ Lieutenant Frederick, commander lor Burch, and Miss Mary Is spending '.of the Hopfanifr stated that it was tho week with her parents. I impossible for him to discuss the Mrs. Ada Wallace Unruk. state an?Vx b1Io.won.t owi.nS the president of tho Orcuon w. r. T tt fnct that ' 18 bciDff investigated. He gave Interesting lectures at the M. 17. church In Jacksonville both Friday evening and Sunday morning, and Sat Brday afternoon gave a special talk to young ladles and girls, and formed a club, which Is an auxiliary to the ladles' W. C. T. U. A large and ap preciative audience attended all tho neetrngff. . Mrs. E. J. Roberts Is setting out an -orchard on her ffno farm adjoining the Dr. Clancy orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Neidermeyer have re turned homo after a lengthy visit to California points. Their daughter, Sirs. Conger, took caro of the younger children durlDg their absence. Roscoe Iteger has recovered from n severe Injury to his head, received by being thrown from a colt, which he was riding bareback. sir. and Mrs. Taylor Durch and children and little Marjorlo Dally went to Medford last Saturday, where thoy were Joined by P. II. Daily, daughter Fern and son Orris, who had com over from Eagle Point on the P. Sb E., and In the evening by Mrs. Dally, who eamo down from Jaek sonvtlle on the train, and thoy all went together and spent tho night -and Sunday with relatives, and a grand reunion. Miss Grace Raypholts, ono of Cen tral Point's popular teachers, spent Saturday and Sunday with home folks. Miss Maud Harr was aueat at tho nemo or Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Bnreb last "Wednesday night, and has also feeon visiting friends in Jacksonville for several days. Mrs. Johnson, who Is nursing an Invalid lady In Medford, spont Sun day with her husband and daugh ter and incidentally attended the lec ture by Mrs. Unruk. Kev. lloxio gallantly gave up his . appointment at the M. E. church last Sunday In favor of the famous W. C. T. TJ. lecturer, but will hold services aoxt Sunday, February 20, at 11 a. m. and the following Sunday one of his Worlds, a superannuated minister from California, will hold services in the morning. Baicks are the rage. Cutlery nnd glnsswnro at Good asserted, however, that there was no basis for the suspicion that the tubes were tampered with at tho Mare Isl and navy-yard. CARRIED BULLET IN BREAST FOR NEARLY FOUR HOURS SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 16. Call ing casually at the offlco of Dr. Hick oy, E. Mitchell, 'a barber, today had tho physician dress a bullet wound in his breast 24 hours after tho missile had entered his body. In the 24 hours Mitchell shaved many patrons at hla shop and went homo to enjoy a quiet rest. Then, after a refreshing sleep,, be called upon the doctor to have the bullet removed and tho wound dressed. Dr. Hlckey discovered that tho bul let bad pierced tho body above tho left breaBt, ranged downward, been deflected by a rib and emerged at the back. "Thoro is no use worrying over lit tle things," said Mitchell. "It was a .busy day at the shop and I was tired afterward." Mitchell explained that he had been scuffling with a fellow barber and that his finger caught in tho trigger guard of a revolver causing tho woHnd. NATCHEZ, Miss., Feb. 10. That Vidnl Davis, brother-in-law of Sen ator Chamberlain of Oregon nnd of.Jnst niRlU but $28,000 in taxes had President Finley of tho Southern uucn rucoiveu ay nis ouico on im railway, committed suieido in admit-!?00? assessment. This small amount ted here today. ,1S uno no "0,,ot to iuo tact thnt It was first renorled that Davis. banks aro authorized to mnko collec- died of heart failure, but it has de-Hons tho different towns for tho volntiPd stihsomipntlv dint 1m lmt convenience of tho tnxpnyer, saviiug himself at his homo at Cnnnonsburg, , him a triP lo tho county scnt- Tllj ; .... ; i !n 11. t . i Miss., with buckshot. ,uiujr u rewncu wm uKeiy oniy Business reverses, involving thojbo rcm"ed to tho sheriff .in titno to loss of a large sum of money, are Rot .tho "bate, and a big jump in believed to have caused him to take; "ccipls mny 1)0 cxPcctctl about t,;0 i:f ..uarcn 10. ONE OF VASHINGTON'S CREW DIED OF SMALLPOX Mrs. Soreckels Dead. caw umvpicrin ri v-. i.- M iuuivicuv, w(u., rcu. ju,- Mrs. Anna Christiana Snrecklcs. 1 PORT TOWNSEND, Wash., Feb.jwiJow of luo Iato 8UKnr king, died, lG.-The cruiser Washington Is an-!1; nt ,th Sprecklcs homo- A. ,.,: I stead in Ilownrd street. She was 70 ctored off the United States quaran- :ycara 0f aK0. tine station today, her flag at half- I . mast, one of her crew buried in the quarantine cemetery and four more In the hospital seriously 111 with smallnox. 1 The Washington reached tho quar antine station last night. The dead sailor passed awny a few minutes be fore the cruiser dropped nnchor. The Washington was in quarantine at Honolulu, and had Just been re-! leased and ordered to Bremerton, when tho cases developed. Tho Ten nessee accompanied tho Washington from Hawaii and continued on to the Bremerton navy ynrd. Buicks delivcrthjgoodfl. GILT EDGE INVESTMENTS STOMACH TROUBLE AND TUMOR CURED. After suffering with stomach trou ble for eight years and having tried .three other physicians that failed to glvo me any relief, I was recommend ed to consult Dr. HIng, Chinese phy sician, nt No. 725 J street, Sacra mento. Aftor treating with him, I am completely cured, and I can cheerfully recommend him, as I know of several other cases that ho has cured. Among them Is Mrs. E. Fraley, whom ho cured of fiber tumor without a knlfo M. J. Stab), No. 1801 C street, S. P. Shops, No. 0. 33 1-3 acres, closo to Meaford; 30 acres 5-year and 20 ncrcs 17yenr pears; best commercial varieties; 20 acres ready for planting; A No. 1 locality and under ditch; 120,000; terms. 83 1-3 ncroa fruit land; 20 acres pears, apples and apricots; CO acres i under cultivation; apricots will bear! heavily thla year; about half undor ditch; a safe buy at $14,500; good terms. , - t 5-room modern bungalow, Just fin- Ished; 4 lots; very desirable locality; one block from Oakdale: a money-, . i iiiunur ui i ouuu; easy lurrca u mxon at onco. " ! We can slow you. Wright & Allin 128 Eaxt Main Street. KILLS SIX-YEAR-OLD BOY FOR TEASING HIS DOG OAKLAND, Cal., Feb. 10. Angelo Formecko, a 0-year-old child, is near death today from a bullet wound in tho head, while tho police of this city nnd San Francisco aro seekincr Charles Barromeo, believed to have inflicted the wound. According to Estnrita Polligrini, Barromeo became angered at the boy for teacing a dog. Tho girl, who is only 5 years old, said that Barromeo !md been cleaning tho weapon and that when Angelo endeavored to force a horseshoe into tho dog's mouth tho man fired at him. . The police believe that Barromeo only intended to frighten tho boy and that he becamo aghnst when the Bhot hit tho child. Angelo is in a crit- ion! condition. Tho bullet struck his. right temple, passed upward through tho bead and emerged at tho top. OO PER ACRE Buys this beautiful homestead in the famous Griffin Creek district. 190 acres six miles from Medford, three miles from Jacksonville. 35 acres ready for planting; 145 acres can be cultivated; the balance is heavily timbered; $1000 cash will handle this bargain. HUNTLEY-KREMER COMPANY 214 Fruitgrowers' Bank Building. In Case of vSicKness PHONE 3G41 MEDFORD PHARMACY Near Post Olfico All Night Servico Froo Delivery '" - ----- Coffee at Goodfriond's. r. U, .tiaiiseil. 'I'nm fnffnr We make any kind and style of windows. Wu carry Klaus of anv size on hand. Medford Sash & Door Co. PRODUCING APPLE ORCHARD Can you think of any place in the Rogue River Val ley whereyou can buy a 20-year-old bear ing orchard other than the Snowy Butte Tracts There are ten of these tracts in this orchard: every one of them has a sufficient number of 20-year-pld Newtown. Pippin and Spitzenburg apple trees to V guarantee a net profit for the coming season of from $3000 to $6000 to each tract. In three years time any one of these tracts will pay for itself The entire orchard is now heavily set with fruit spurs and there is every promise that the crop of 1910 will be a ' 'bumper." The estimated net pro fit, however is based on the annual yield. Many people do.not want to wait for an orchard to grow To fill this demand was why the tract was subdivided. For those who would rather pay less money and wait a couple of years for profits we have a dozen or fifteen tracts of 4-year-old apple and pear trees. These cannot be expected to do much until they are' six years old. As a matter of fact Rogue River valley orchardists will not permit their trees to pro duce until they are six years old, and some prefer for the good of the trees and to insure steady bear ing thereafter, that trees be not permitted to bear until after they are seven years old. Any one or more of these tracts may be secured by a payment in cash of one fourth the purchase price; the remainder to be paid in three annual and equal payments. Let ius show you these tracts Only three miles from Medford and a quarter of a mile from ship ping point. Medford Land & .Orchard Co. 18 N. Front St. See the Big Sign Medford I Bead the Waal Afe. Baicks ran easily.