"ST"" UtE MjAfORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1010. - 44 - ---- -- i Want Ads Not Only Hunt For Buyers But Find Tlicm - ---- - --- -- -- -- - 4 TO IMPROVE FRUIT PACK CAL DECIDUOUS FRUIT GROW ERS TAKE ACTION. At Santa Rosa, Placcrvlllo ami So - U Innn Slnmlnrd Pnek Hn Ronn Adopted at Recent Meetings ... Oilier Improvements. BAfHAMKNTO, Cal., Fob. Ifl.-A tjonvonlion of ropreRcntutlvo fruit growers of Sonoma county wiih hold at Santa Kohh, .Statu CoiumiHHlonor Jeffrey pniHidifd. Aftor an oxtuildud tlUiMiHNion tlio fruit grower iinnni iiioiinIv voted to adopt tlio Mandatd Ir.atitiu of ail kinds of fruit, a Hiini lar notion to that taken in tlio ctiiiu tii'K of I'liKMirvillij and Holauo, and which will rulo throughout tlio Htaf an -oon ih tlio urgnnimliniiH can Ik formed. It wiih iiIho dooidod to standardize dried fruitH and a com mitten wiih named to moot with tlio committee from tlio xtato driod fruit jUHiiriiitioii. A Ktaudanl box for np pics nlo will lio providi'd for In a conference with tlio northwest anil "Wntnonvlllo applo nHHOoiutioiiH. A resolution also wan passed asking for a doparlmout of farm economic in the state university. Luther Bur 'hank, who was one of tlf o Hponkors, 'heartily indorsed the action taken regarding tlio furthering of tlio fruit industry. Bonator I'rico nddroiwd the moot inr on fruit-growing lcgiHln ,tion and favored the hondiiiL' of the state for tlio building of Htato high- ways. Tho convention also voted in favor of the enforcement of tho hpmyiug law and the itiHpoctiou of .fruitH. 1B0XED APPLES SELL WELL. Fancy Prices Arc Paid for Product From tho Northwest. WRNATCIIKE, Wash., Fob. 10. -Statistics compiled from reports by grower and handlers show that the production of -commercial apples in "1000 wns a matter of 22,7.15,000 bar- rels, of which 2,135,000 barrels, or 7,305,000 boxos, wore marketed by wentcni orehardistH. California and 'Colorado report crops of 80 and 1)0 per cont respectively, while tho yields In the other western states arc given at from 35 to 40 por cont. Tho crops in Washington, Oregon, Idaho nnd Montana woro shorter than nt any time ill tho laHt five yenrs, but tho growers received more money for thoir fruit than in either 1008 or 1007. Thoy also rccoivod moro than tho growers packing thoir nppleH In barrolH, na ih ovidoncod by reports from Boston, Now York nnd Chicngo, showing winter npplos in bnrrelH soiling at from $3 to $0 n 'barrel wholoHnlc, while boxed npplos aro quoted nt irom $2.00 to .?r, with fancy soiling aa high as $7.50 n box. "WEEK'S TRADE NEW YORK GOOD "Western Box Apple Market Steady to Firm. Was NEW YOnif, Feb. .10. Trade in applon thifl wcok was tho rovorso of active notwitliHtandiiiff fnvornblo woathor conditions and no mntonui incronso in tho rccoiptfl. The mar- lcot was Btoady to firmor on fancy fruit, but wonkor on low grades, which woro in burdoiiBomo Btipply. Evidences woro nRiiin nlontiful that the trado iH willing to pay n hand some prioo for fancy fruit, and will not haKRlo ovor fiRurcfl that nro doomed Bomowhnt unrenfionablo, but it is reluctant to handle poor npplos except whon llbornl concesBionB nro -mado. Tho woRtom box npplo mnrkot was ntondy to finn nt full Into prices. Nowtown PippiiiB Hold nil tho way from $2 to $2.50 por box; WnHhliiR--ton Gnno aj)ple8 brought $2 to $2.25; Colorndo Oudob, $1.50 to $1.75; WinosnpB, $3 to $3.25, nnd Spitzon borgs, $1 to $1,50. Tho lnttor wan in very light Btipply nnd in good do mand. PROSPEROUS FRUIT YEAR. $1,070,000 Aro Paid to Grand Junc tion Fruit Growers. nilAND JUNCTION, Colo., Fob. 10. The annual report of Mnungor John F. Mooro of tho flrand Junction Fruit-flrowoiK' nHHoeintion bIiowb thnt tho iiHsnoiution did tho biggoHt buBinofls in Hh hiHtor.v in 1000, nnd that it poourod for itB niombors tho liigliont pricoB of tlio world's markots pnid for npplos, ponrn, penohes nnd , Bovornl other vnriotios of fruits. Tho roport shows Hint to 20 difforont ntntos mid cnuntrios honvy shipmonts of this vnlloy's fruits woro inndo Inst yenr. Among tho honviost buy ers of Grnnd Valloy fruit woro tlio fnr-fnmod fruitgrowing stntes of Missouri, Oklnhomn, Now York, Toxns nnd Onlifornin, nnd in evory ,0110 of llii.'Ho Hta(uH tlio Qrnnd Valloy l'nfit wiih in greater dumand and r jooived fur "greater prices lliuu tho . homo product. ' Tim niiiomit paid tlio growers was ll,070,.8()J8, agaiiiHt m l,0M18 in 1 11)08, $700,025 in 1007 and $BB.V 8,;'';M 1,1 30,00 A" llumboi bur of oars shipped amounted to 1850, or M27 more than 11)08, (115 in excess of 1007 and 008 moro than 1000. On January M, tho asHooiation ban 00 earn of apples In Btorngo. Tho stockholders iinniiinioiiHly vot ed to iucroaHo tho stock to $200,000. A 30 par cent dividend was declared. Hotel Arrivals. Tho Nash T. Cole, IJorkeley, Cal.; C. E. Undo, A. It. Morghii, Portland; W. W. Cardwoll, Rosoburg; L. Wood ford, city; W. It. McCaron, Los An geles; C. A. WoHthitfer, Portland; E. E. Itiockmau, Sllgor; S. C. Mott, Now York; C. McCarthy, San I-'raneisco; F. Culler; W. II. Yorison, Portland; M. Iluynemauii, Ban Francisco; II. E. Decker, Now York: A. C. Moffntt, Portland; C. M. Specks, W. E. Dray ton, 8MkiiiiQ; S. W. McFarland, Portland; J. M. Wilson, Fremont, Or. Uio Mooro C. C. Woidomnnn, L Koonighum, Portland; Uelbert Bu vir, Tulont; Mrs. D. M. McNaHHor, Miss Kit Packard, Miss EruucoH Mc Nasser, Albuquorquo; W. I). McKay and wife, Hramnrd. Minn; E. S. Til liiiKhnrt and wife, Milling; Claude C Downing, AhIiIiiimI; A. II. Webor, F. 1). btephention. T. Irvino. Portland II. M. Ireland, M. O. Evans, Jr., Eva J. EvaiiK, Oakland. PORTLAND MARKETS. Hops, Wool nnd Hides. HOPS 1908 crop, cholco lCc; prlmo to choice, lCc; prime, 10 Mc; modtum. 15c; 1009, cholco, 21c; prlmo, 20c; medium, 16819c, WOOLr Nominal. 1909, Wllln motto valloy, 20Cr21c; onstorn Oro- Kon, 20 iff S3c. BIIEEI'SKINS BhcarltiR, 10fl2Dc each; sliort wool, 25J7 50c; medium wool, 50cff $1 each; ions wool, 7fictff 11.25 each. TALLOW Prime, por lb. 3 4c; No. 2 and grease, 22lc. MOHAIR 1909, 232c lb. HIDES Dry hides, 17dri8M,c lb; croon, 0 Q0Vjc; bulls, green salt. 7c lb; kips, 10O10Vic; cnlves, green, 16TlSc per lb. Mutter. KgK" and Poultry. EOaS Local, candled, solcct, 27 hi 28c; local ntoraRO, 27c; eastern stcraRo, 17? ISc. 11UTTER Extra creomory 37 39c; fancy, 37c; storo, 3 fie. POULTRY Mixed chlckons, 18c; funcy hens, lSV&c; roosters, old 13; goose, He for llvo, 1 6 18c for drcss'jd; ducks, 22 l-2c; tur keys, ollvo, 22c; dressed, 27029c; PIkooiih, HQiiatis, $2. CO dozen, dress ed chicken, 1 3J 2c pound Inglior than alive. Grain, Flour nnd liny. I1ARLUY Producers' prlco 1909 Feed, 31; rolled, $33; browing, $30.t0. WHEAT Track, club, $1.00 1.07; bluo atom, $1.1G; rod, $1.08; forty fold, $1.10; Wlllamctto valloy, $.00. MILLSTUFF3 Soiling price Dran, $27; middlings, $34; shorts, $20(0)27.50; chop. $22 B29; alfalfa meal, $21 por ton. FLOUR Now crop, patonts, $C 15; straight, $5; bakors', $5:95 G.1C; Wlllamotto valloy, $5.70 bbl.; export grades, $4.50; graham, l-4s, $5.70; wholo wheat, $6.76; ryo, $5.75; bales, $3,15. HAY Producers' prlco Now tim othy, Wtllninetto valloy, rancy, $20; ordinary, $19; oastorn Oregon, $20 (IT 2 1 ; mixed, $15; clover No. 1, $15.G0?10; wheat, $1617; choat, $10017; alfnlfn, $17. OATS Spot dollvory, now, pno ducora' prlco Track No. 1 whlto, $31T$32; gray, $3031. Fruits nnd Vegcfablw. FRESH FRUITS Orangos: Now nnvols, $2Z3,00. Itananns, 55V.-c lb; lemons, $5.50(0)0.00 box; grapo frult, $4; oars, $1.25; grapoa, $1. 75. POTATOES Soiling, new, $1.15 1.25; buying, onstorn Multnomah and Clackamas, 8085c Wlllamotto valloy, 70 75c. ONIONS Jobbing, $1.50 por cwt; garlic, 10012c per lb. APPLES $1,25 0 $3.50. DEANS Small wliUo, $5.50; largo whlto, $4.50; pink, $4.85; bnyou, $G; Limns, $5; rods, $8, CATTLE Dost stoors, $5.5005.- 76; good fltoors, $5; common stoors, $4.25; modlum, $4.3504.50; fancy bolters, $4.00; modlum cows, $4,00; poor cows, $3.0003,60; bulls, $2,50 3.75; Btngs, $2,5003,00. HOGS Dost eflBt of tho mouutalns, $0.0009,26; fancy, $8.5008,75; stockors, $7,00; pigs, $8,00. SHEEP Doit wothors, $0.00; or -- - Some of the Want Ads "Were Written for You" In tho courno of a year u eortatn number of want adH aro WRITTEN FOlt YOU. That Ih, they have a j-wtter IntorcHt for YOU than for anyone olse In the city hence arc, In effect, "written for you." J $4 MWkfl Horo'a tlio tniitallzlnj; pnrt of It: You enn't poanlbly know when thoy aro to bo printed un less you pny tho prl . Tho price Ih IntolllKont vigilance In reading tho clannlfled ads. No ' ono can do It for you and find tho adH that were "written for you." You muHt do It your self or m!8B them. And to koop mlmilng. tho adH that were "vrllton for you" Is to keep aloof from tho atmos phere of nucccss t ) koop your nolf out of tou'.i with tho prospering people, the winning people, tho worth-wlillo people. After roa find a few of tho adB that woro "written for you," you'll begin to find" some of tho cl.ai.Los and opportunities to prosper which dally life In this city hold FOK YOU! Ono cent a word. Six Insertions fo rtho price of five. - - dinary, $6.50; spring lambs, $G.50 0.75; straight owes, $5.2505.50; mixed lots, $5.50. CALVES Dcst, $5.75 00.00; ordi nary, $5.00 05.26. 4--f -f 4 -f -f -f -f 4- 4--f -f -f I MEDFORD MARKETS. i 44444444 4444444444 Fruits and Vt-nctntilcs. j (PrlceB paid by Medtrod merchants.) APPLES 2 04o lb. j Potatoes, 1 -:'c lb, olIoo. $l.r0 cwt.; cnbbago, 2c; turnips, lMc; parsnips, 1 to 1 1--c lb.; squnb. il to $1.25 dozen. ' Hutter, Kn nnd Poultry. i (Prices paid by Mcdford merchants) Ranch buttcr; 32 &c; fancy cream ery, 40c. I Fresh ranch orbb, 25c. 1 Mixed poultry, 10 014c; spring chlckons, 15 018c; turkcyB, 17c. , (Prices paid producers.) Hay Timothy, $16; alfalfa, $15; grass, $14; grain hay, $1G. Oraln Wheat, $1.20 bushel; oats, $3C ton; barley, $30 ton. Deef 3 1-2 to 4 l-2c; pork, 7 1-rc; mutton, 7c; lamb, f-c; veal (drsi.l) 7c. (Selling prices.) Rolled barley. 2 cwt., $3S ton; bran, $1.07; middlings, $1.86 01.90; shorts. $1. SO 1.85. FOR SALE. FOR SALE Cheap, 1 bny mare; sound, good to work. R. A. Harvey, cornor C aifd Clark street. 289 FOR SALE 5 and 10-ucro tracts just within and adjoining city lim its, nt a bargain, on 5 annual pay mortfl. Address P. O. Box 418. FOR SALE Eggs, thoroughbred nugg Orpington Bettings, $2 per 16. Address Pino Treo Poultry Ranch, Gold Ray, Orogon. FOR SALEChoico business proper ty at a bnrgnin, on long time; easy terraB Address P O, Box 418, OR SALE Oak, fir nnd pino cord wood, 12 nnd 10-inch; also dry rail wood; dry pitch for kindling. Phone order to Main 420) FOR SA"Ll$Wlll soil ray black maro 11 years old, 1200 pounds; good to work; flno under saddle; porfectly sound; only $150 cash. Call at 1009 W. Main street. C. T. Har mon. F(5r SALE 40 acres of good timber flvo miles from Medford; all down hill. Mat Calhoun. Phoonlx, Oro gon. FOR SALE Flno now 6-room bunga low nt No. G41 North Rlvorsldo nro nuo; houso nil modon. nnd oast front; maplo floors; corner lot; prlco $2000; half half cash, balance torms. This will mako you n flno homo nnd la nn extra good buy. O. II. Plorco & Son. 28G FOR 8 ALE Or trado, 40 acres on Antolopo orook, bait bottom land; tblB Is undeveloped fruit land; will trado to half valuo; price $800. C. C. Plorco, Modford. 286 FOR SALE GO acroo, finest building slto In tho volloy, lucludlig 30 ncrea good fruit land; cheap and terms right. H. C. Mnltby, Palm Dldg., Mnln and Front. FOR SALE Household furniture. Inqulro 214 W. Jackson st. 28G FOR 8ALE Ono brand now Oltvor typowrltor, with nil tho latest Im provements, $85 cash, cost $100; this nmchlno Imn not boon usod. Ad dress K, caro of thla office L. L. KInnoar. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Rbodo Island oggs, $2.50 for 15. W. Thoo. Matlock, Wllllo streot. 285 FOR SALE A nearly Inch wagon, comploto. 724, Modford, Or. now, tliroo AUdrosa Box 285 -- - -f 4 f FfIR SAIP. -'--.f-f'f-f-f-f-f, FOR SALE 75 acres best fruit land ! In north end of valley; 4 miles from ! railroad; 1-2 mllo from school; about 15 acres cleared; some fruit In bearing; Irrigating ditch runs through mlddlo of It; plenty of vra tor; with houso, barn, well and spring and 1000 cords of wood on It; a No. 1. road In all directions: $45 poi acre; buy of owner. See Cole - man at cigar factory. 268 FOR SALE Or exchange modern rcsldeuco, seven rooms, bath and ! basoment, Portland Heights, Port land, corner lot, magnificent view. Will sell on terms or exchange, tor Roguo River or Medford property. Inquire Q. Putnam, Mall Tribune' office FOR SALE A beautiful homo In a good locality; a well finished nine-, room houso; nlco lawn, email or- chard, shudo trees, good barn and windmill; plpellno on ono cornor. Inquire ot F. X. Musty, Tolo, Or.304 FOR SALE On North Rlvorsldo Avenue. 5 room house, barn end ,ono-halt aero of good garden land all for $1500. AddrosB P. O. box. 878. Mcdford. Or. FOR SALE Timber. How would you llko to got G40 acres with 10 million foot of saw timber for $7000? Wo 1-svo It for sale. C. H. Pclrco & Son. 284 FOR SALE Jersey cow at 1306 Cen tral avenue, North., Medford. 288 FOR SALE Or exchange, good se cured paper to exchango for small ranch or Medford city property. Ad dress I. V. N., caro Mall Trlbuno.2SS , FOR SALE -For a fow days, 6-room house ono acre cholco lond, well located: a money maker at $2S50. j Let us show you. Wright Allln.2S4 , FORSALEOno aero, ono block from Mnln; half sot to fruit; dandy cardon: grauos. berrlos. cherries, cholco location for chickens, $3500; torms. Wo can show you. Wright & Allln. 128 E. Main. 284 FOirSALE Good lot In splendid rosldonco section for less money than a smaller lot will bring a groater dls tanco from business section. Ad dross Y, caro ot this office FOR SALE Good steam wood saw. Address L. O. Van Woven, Modford, Ore. 993 FOR SALE Now 8-room modorn houso.v furnished complete, east front, a flno homo; also one small houso and lot and ono nice vacant lot; will sell part or all at a bar gain, Apply at 203 Olson st 284" FOR SALE 80 acres 3 miles south ot Medford on Phoonlx road; Im proved; 12 acres bottom land 4 acres fair orchard; 4 acres olfolfa 20 acros In cultivation. J. S.Von drof, Phoonlx. 284 FOR SALE Ninety nens. 30 tn one year old applo and poar treos, 100 Inchos of water, 2 1-2 miles from railroad station. For torms wrlto "Owner," caro Mali Tribune 201 FOR SALE 461 acros of the vory best free boII land In tho valloy and only 5 miles from Modford tor $65 an acre. A beautiful homo of 8 rooms and 4 acres ono and onerhalt miles from Medford, n boaufy and cheap as dirt. D. II. JACKSON & CO., Opposite botol Mooro. FOR SALE Roguo Rlvor Valloy land of tho host pears, apples, poaches, Tokay grapoo; $15,000 (bnlnnco tlmo) Will handle ovor 200 acres; closo to railroad; about 27 acres in 12 and 2-year-old orchards; unBur passod, ldoal locution for fruit or alfnlfn; has rlvor trontngo; wator rlghtB; boating, fishing and Irriga tion on place Addrosa Dox 23, enro Modford Mall Trlbuno. -- - - Fnn sai f i FOR SALE 40 fine sotting turkey hens for sale. Inquire of John An derson, manager Westerlund Or chards. Telephone Farmer 83. 299 FOR SALE Mimeograph for dupH eating letters, in good condition, cheap, at office of Condor Water & Power Co. 283 & : 4- 4 4 4 4 .t """f g"" l?. .! WANTED A man who wishes to work a ten-acro tract of land, ctoso In, for truck gardening. Call at 141 North Fir street. ! WANTED To buy or rent, house of flvo to soven rooms, with one to five acres of ground. Address H, Mall Tribune. 285 WANTED Driver for tea and coffee route. Apply at once to S. Kemp thorn, 237 River Mj avenue, phone 3871. 2?7 WANTED Experienced atone cutter and quarry man. Call at Condor Wator and Power Co's. office. WANTED Competent girl for gen eral housework for family of three. P. O. Box 087. WANTED About 10 acres good ap plo land wanted from owner. Glvo particulars. 32, care Mall Tribune. 284 WANTED Housekeeper nnd cook, middle-aged lady preferred; seven In family. Address or apply to S, G. Van Dyke, Phoenix, Oo. WANTED A lady solicitor to sell electric heating, cooking and light Ing devices. Apply t.t tho Condon Water and Power Co. 'WANTED A position on a farm by ; an experienced lady cook, to take charge ot iho culinary department; also for n practical man to do farm work. Address N, caro Sunnysldc Hotel. Eagle Point, Or. 'WANTED Customers In Medford for (lUU i I it 14 UV1 eVJ llllin. Ufc X V quart; mornh delivery. C. A. Orr, Central Point. Or. 288 WANTED GUI to work In printing shop; no experience necessary. Ap ply Dawson Ptg. Co., IS N. Grape streot. WANTED A man experienced In the handling of Incubators and turkey raising. Apply at oftlco of Condor Water & Power Co. 283 444444 4 44 4--444444 FOR RENT. 4444 444444 444 44 4 4 FOR RENT Sovon-room furnished house, also furnished room. 322 So, Central avenue 287 FOR RENT Tracts of land from one to forty acres; with water for irrigation, suitable for raising po tatoes and gnrden truck, also suit able for chicken nud turkey raising. Owner will furnish a reasonable amount of lumber nnd poultry and otbor fencing for improvements if lessee porform labor of orecting snmo. Call nt offico of Condon Water nnd Power company for par ticulars. FOR RENT Farms, from 40 acres upward, suitublo for fruit, alfalfa, stock or general farming. Inqulro at offico Condor Water & Power com pany, 209 W. Main Btreet. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms 45 North Bartlott stroot. 285 FOR RENT Sovon-room modorn houso, closo In; also four-room house, $8.00. 322 South Central avenue, 287 FOR RENT Nlcoly lurnlsned rooms for rent with board; translonts ac commodated by tho day or wook. No, 10 North 'Grape Btroot, next to Fruit Growers' bank. FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms. 525 South Ivy street, 285 f ttt'tf FOR RENT. FOR SALE A bnrsaln In 200 acres best fruit and alfalfa land in valley; Hi) acHS in cultlTftl'c-o. FOV par ticulars boo owner. Box ?8. 2S7 FOR RENT Only hotel in town of 1000 population. Call at Condor Water and Power Co., 209 Weet Main street. fOR RENT 5-room houso In good locitlon. Call on W. 100 N. Front st. L. Caosocka, 285 444444444444444444 LOST. LOST A Jersey cow. No. 1115 West Main. A. V. Walters. 289 FOUND Watch. Owner may have same by Identifying and paying for this ad. C. C. Pierce, 128 E. Main street. 2,9 FOR EXCHANGE. 4 4 44 44 r 44444444 4 4 4 fuk exuhanoe i&-acre young orange and lemon orchard, In beat condition, near Los Angeles, Cal.; want land In Roguo River vsiler; object, must change climate; what have you? Address J. W. Arm strong, Covina, Cal. 285 4 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 44444444444444-44 Tea and Coffee Houses. GRAND UNION TEA CO. Any va riety of tea or coffee grown can he had from thoir agent, S. Keap- thorne, 237 Riverside avenue. Phone 3871. Tickets givfn with every purchase. Restaurants. CHOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDI CINES will cure rheumatism, asth ma, paralysis, sores and private dis eases. These remedies may be pro cured at the store of Wah Chung on A street, Ashland, Oregon, where they will be sold by the proprietor, Chow Youne. Tin Shops. J. A. SMITH Tin shop. Tin and sheetiron ware on hand and made to order. 128 North G street. Attorneys. WITHINGTON & KELLY Lawyers. Palm Building. PORTER J. NEFF Attornoy-at-law. No. 9 D street, ground floor. COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col vie, C. L. Reamcs. Lawyers. Of fico Medford National Bank Build ing, second floor. B. F. MULKEY Attornoy-at-Law, Offices Room 30, Jackson County Bank Building, Medford. Transfer and Drayago. H. S. BRUMBLE D ravage and transfer. Baggage stored. Offico C and Seventh. Real Estate. BENSON INVESTMENT CO. Real Estate, Loans and Fire Insurance Office, suite 205-206, over lrruit erowers' Bank. Phone 541. ADAMS & BRIGGS O. Adams, C. P. Briegs, real estate, insurance, farm and city property, timber. Butte Falls. Or. Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has tho best equipped job office in South ern Oregon; Portland p. ices. 37 South Central nve. Opticians. DR. GOBLE The only exclusive op tician between Portland and Sae rnmento. Offico on West Main Et and railroad. Brick Companies. G. W. Priddy. J. T. O'Brien O. D. Nagle. THE MEDFORD BRICK CO. Brick manufacturers and contractors; also limo, cement and plaster in any quantity. Office, Mcdford National Bank bldg. Phone Main S45. Undertakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day phone 351. Night Phonos: C. W. Conklin 3601, J. H. Butler 3571. Photographers. MACKEY'S STUDIO "Pose with Mnckoy nnd die with joy." Over Al len & Reagan's store; entrance on Seventh street. hospitals. SOUTHERN OREGON HOSPITAL " 344 South C st., Medferd, Or. E. W. Hisey, Mntron. Official hospi tal P. & E. R. R. Dentists. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOC, DentiBt Office iu rooms 203-204, Fanners' & Fruitgrowers' bank building, west of the tracks. Stenographers. ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block. Stenographic work done quickly and well. TttlSINESS DIRECTORY. f t t K MISS JENESSE BUTLER Piano instriicti?p And musical history. Studio, tfd S P.B St. Phone Main 2101. """'" " .... "l - HARMONY, sight reading, musical form. Mrs. E. E. Gore, Metropolitan Colicgo of Music. Miss Flora Gray. Studios, 144 South Central avenue. Phone 403. Clvfl Engineers. WILL take by contract, on reason able terms, all kinds of work; also irrigating, planting and cultivating, etc. Landscapo gardening. First class references. William Peters, Civil Engineer, Phono 1801, 322 B. Main street, Medford, Or. BKi Pesters. VEBNE T. CANON Bill Poster and Distributor. All orders promptly ' filled. Roem 7, Jachson County Bank Bailding, Medford, Or. Bfttiard Farters. S. T. BROWN & CO, Billiards, Ci gars and Seft Drinks. Up stairs, Yong & Hall building. A nice cool place to spend the hot afterpoons. ArcMtects. J. EL A. BILES Architect and Builder. P. O. Box 486, Medford, Or. Yonr building respectfully so licited. JOHNS & TURNER, Architects an8d Builders, office 7-8, 235 Main. Phone Main 3471. Residence phone 247L Carriafts ami ftata PaintlHj. VALLEY .SIGN AND CARRIAGH WORKS High-class work guaran teed. Signs. Riverside aveaos. Phone 86L - FumMure. H. P. WILSON & CO.. dealeia ki new and second -hand farnhare and hardware. Agents for Moaad City kitchen cabinet. 323 E; Seventh st MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly sts., Medford. Mission Furniture made to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cook Stoves and Ranges. New and Second-Hand Furniture. Eads' old stand, 18 W. F st South. Phono 91, Medford, Or. QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are bndded, not grafted. Our stock is not irrigated. We guarantee av erything put out. We aro not in the trust. II. B. Patterson, office in Hotel Nash. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY Growers of high-grade uursery stock, a P. Cook, lrop. R. R. V. depot P. O. Bex 841. Phone 1201, Medford. Cement Workers. B, J. ADYLOTT Ail -work guaran teed strictly first-class. Residence No. 466 Beatty street A card will brmg me to yon. MUSIC MRS. E. E. GOSE Piano instruction Metropolitan College of Music. Miss Flora Gray. Plrvne 483. 144 South Central aveasa. BuHglng anfl Loan Association. JACKSON COUNTY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION O. C. Boggs, Acting Secretary, 128 East Main street. F. E. HILL -Will furnish plans and list of all timber to be put in build ing. Medford, Or. 57. G. HOLMES Contractor and builder; plaas and &tunate4 furn ished. Inquire Star rest au cant er address Box 18. Physicians and Surgeons. R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposite Jackson County bank. Night calls promptly answered. Office and resi dent phone Main 3432. S. A. LOCKWOOD, M. D. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Offices in Haskius' building. Phone Main 1001. CONROY & CLANCY Office ia Stewart Buildings Physiciaus and Surgeons. Office phone Main 341, private phone Mam 612. S. It SEELY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Modern -equipped operat ing rooms. X-Ray. Office hours 10-12, 2-4 p. m. Office in Jackson County Bank Building. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW 0teopaty3 Physicians. Mission Block. Psoas 201. Medford. Cfrars aad Tfeaoc6. IRELAND & ANTLE Smoke Ho awe, dealers in tobacco, cigars and Brok ers' supplies. Sxd&sivs agents of Lewis Single Binder, El Merita and El Palencla. 212 West Main street MESSENGER. KtWlCK Messes sera furalshed at all hevra ot day and till 9 p. sr. to a ay yjirt of city, (rortt Me t ISc. Phes Uuia 18UL