THE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY in, 3910. I Minim mmmm I NELSON AND WDLGAST I UUUIIIL III1U I LI1WUIIIII. i tilin T(ih nt (lomlfriantl'H. Kliilimioiy, ot'Muo anil huIiooI mitt plioh ut tho Mnrrivolil Shop. WW KIiIiI'h HIiuoh. .lolni II. Cm kin, attorney ut Imv, ovor iliiolciioiivillo Hunk. Mr. ami Mih. V. II. HuiiiHforil wo lo in Iruin tliu ItitliiNi'ord ranuli 'Tutmiluy. W. H. Iliiinpliioy wiih a biiHlnuriH vlnltor at UrniitH I'iihh WeilnoHdiiy. (Jcoi'ku l'litiiaia wiih at UrantH I'iihh on IhimIiiimm WodnoHiliiy. K. C. Colo of Kiikiiu, illHtriul truf fle inaniiKur of tliu Pacific Btntun Tolophouo Co., wiih huio Tiioiiduy on official IiiihIiiuhh. Ho loft for tlio north WudncHilay inorniin;. BpriiiK MkirlM, Maokor'H. U, II. llarriH returned Wednosday moniiiiK from Portland. Mm. liar Hh mot liiin at Qold Hill. W. 0. Welch of Waterloo, la., h horo on a vinit to Dr. F. IC. 1'auo and family of Mudford and T. A. Wator iiian of llrowimboro. J. C. l'undluton wiih in Medford from Tablu Hock Wctltieadny. phono (100, tho Medford QrcoiihoiiHo, for lottneo. 1287 AHeHor W. T. Oriuvo wiih a Med ford vinitor Vcdiienday. L. Sirnrkn of Portland, olio of the prominent pcoplo nmonif tho fruil tnou of that end of tho fttuto, won in Mudford a few dny wince. Phono '201)1, OoodfriondV. Clertrudo U. Norton of Jacknon villo hpont TuoMduy iiIkIiI in Jack sonville. Kd KiiiK and Mack Adatnn, who left several monlliH no for Panama, tro now in St. Iotil on their way buck to tho coiiHt. After a very few dap in tho land of rovolutionn and crciuerH tho kooH old United States lind nUruotioiiH It never had bo fore? C. C. Wnlkor rotunicd to hU homo nt AhIiIuikI Wednesday after a bim iiMss visit to the county neat. Hoicks Ichh. OeorK'o Younj; loft WodnoHday morning on a pronpeotlnK trip to tho jiortlioni portion of tho county. A. It. MorgAn, who is extensively Intorcfltcd in the conl depositfl onHt of the city, was in Medford Tues day. Hoicks win th? races. ' Mrs. Hohinor of Foots creek, who linn boon visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. S. ItoHciibaum, returned homo on Wednesday morning. Sheriff W. A. Jones was in this city Wednesday on official business. X. E. and J. N. Downs of Hir mhiKhati!, Ala., nro in this city look ing over tho country. (.Njuials at flnoilfriond's. E. Itoichmann of Fort Jonos, Cal., wan n Medfonl visitor Wednesday. Thomas Jackson hns recovered from his recent illness and is once 3110 re nt his oat at tho Oaks. See tho Morrivold Shop for books, niiumzitip ami fine cnirruving. Died At his homo on West OIntk atreot nt 2 o'clock n. m,, Februnry 10, Ilichnrd A. Harvoy, aged .12 years, 2 months nnd 7 days. Tho remains havo been shippod to Sent Ho for intonnont. Full n.isortmont of Whitmnn's cu lic nt Tho Mnirivnld Shop. C. II. Piorco of Ashlnnd wnn n fedford business visitor Wednesday. Mr. Piorco expects to havo a largor output than ovor from his ennnory 1his year, and is making prepara tions for such n contingency. Mrs. A. C. Poolu of Portland, who tins been visiting hor sister, Mrs. II. 'V. Monde, for tho past sovoral weeks, returned homo Wednosday. Iloraco Pclton of Gold Hill was in Medford Wodnosdny nttondtng tho mooting of tho horticultural commit too. W. E. Gnlo of Morlin was In Med ford Wodnosdny na a mombor of tho horticultural committee W. Thurman, who rocontly roturn od from Alaska, was in Modford Wednesday, Mr. Thunnnn fonnorly resided in .Tncksou county, nnd after flovoral prosperous yoars spout in tho frozen north, concludod last fall to return to a country whoro tho lifo was not so strenuous, nnd more worth living. 1 Ciaion C. Davis of Portland Is nmong the recent arrivals at the Mooro. S. T. Wilson wns in Medford today on business. I. O. Ilarring is a rocont arrival in Modford from Tduho, who Is looking for a suitable location. Q, A. Damon of Portland Is nmong tho gnosis at tho Nash. E. P. Ferguson of Cinolnnnti, O., ' Is. nmong tho roeont nrrivnls In Mod ford. John T. Stover of Snlom is hero on a business trip. E. F. Saylor of Eugono visited friends in Modford Wednosday. Mrs. M. Lovn of Viscount is reg Islorod at tho Nash. C. F. Dyrno of Portland is regis torcd nl tho Mooro. Preliminary work hns comnioncsd on llui Modford nntntorium in tho way of clonring tho lnml and gottlng It in shnpo to moot tho plans of the promotora of tho ontorpriso. ( L VILE EPITHETS Fans Now Asklnii If Pretended Hat red Between Two Is Not Just Advertising. Stunt. SAN V'HANUISCO, Cal., Feb. 10. -Is all this fond that Uattliug Nel son and Ad Wolgast aro handing out on tho level or Is it tho samo old lino of bunk disbud up for tho bmiofit of tho box office T That is tho question that fight fnns nro asking themselves, but If they would rollovo tholr minds of nny doubt it is only necessary to go to tho figlitors themselves and tnlk it ovor. .Just a fow seconds' conver sation will entirely convlnco them Hint If ovor a pnlr of boys hated each ! other thoy aro Nelson and Wolgast. Mention the nauio of one to thu other and thoy 11 aro up like a bulldog nt sight of a tramp. Nolson, usually of calm and equable temperament, fairly explodes when ho reads Wol gast's "cooky" statements. "I see whoro that little rat is go ing to let mo stay lfi rounds if I don't stall," said the Dane today. "I wonder how long ho is going to let mo stay if I do stall t" "It's awfully kind of him to let me go as far as lfi rounds, but I'm rather inclined to the belief that ho will be mighty lucky if he manages to stay that. long. If ho does man age to get through ho wilt bo the sickest boy after tho fight you ever saw. "In all my battles I have trained with but aslnglc thought, nnd that was to win, but I am making an ex ception in this case. I nin in' good condition now nnd could stop into tho ring tomorrow, but I want to bo bettor, not because I rato Wolgast highly, but because I want to give him such n whipping that ho will uovor forgot it tho longest day ho lives. And he's going to get it. "I havo always made It n point to Inflict as llttlo punishment ns pos sible -just enough to win but this kid Is going to got everything that I havo in tho shop, nnd whatever he gets ho will havo only himself to blnmo. If ho bad kept his mouth shut and not bragged so I would havo into the ring with him, fooling ns I have felt toward nil my opponents." And Mr. Wolgnst holds similar views, so if tho boys fight as thoy talk, what an nwful battle they will put up on next Tuesday afternoon. : BUSINESS LOCALS Woar Kldd's Shoes. V'ou need n Huick. Extracts at Goodfriend's. ' Iilnens on unl uai M'kor & Co.'s. Kor wood of all klndi), boo tho flqunro Deal Woodynrd. Phono i! 001. Kir strcot, liotweon Becond anil Third streets. Gould & Llndloy, proprietors. 01 8plcos nt Goodfriond's. Huicks aro durable Oueon Anno is cotiilnir Into its own. The names of the host of buyers in that addition during the past two weeks spell exclusive homos. Don't let somoono else get tho lot you want. Ilulcks nro worth while. Tho whitest, hrichtost. safest, cheapest light In the world demonstrated evenings at Aylor Uarnott'K ronl estate office 283 Ffnhtlnn Over Children. LOS ANORLKS, Cnl.. Fob. IC A legal tmttlo ovor tho possession of three children of tlio Into Mrs. Julln Fletcher 'ilnrnnrd, who left nn estate of inoo.OOO, Is In pronpoct today. Tho children woro snld to tie In tho cus tody of Stnto Scnnntor Loroy A. Wright, who, It Is believed, acted for Mm. Hooth Tnrkluglnton, tho novel ists' wlfo, In looking after their wel fare. Wright Is alleged to havo tnk on tho children to Illvcrsldo, whoro they woro found rocontly by Miss Hot on nnrnard, a relative of tljo dead woman. Mrs. nnrnard's husband, who lives In Ilrookllne, MnBs., tolegrnphod C. O, Wells, general innnngor of tho Santa Fo road, to obtain lottors of guardianship of tho children. This ho did, but found thorn with Mrs. Harnnrd and will ondoavor to gain possession of thorn. No Word of Tun. nOSTON, Mass., Fob. IC. Al though tho whnloback stenmor Ray vlow roportod that It spoko tho gov ornmont tug Nina off Mauntaulc Inst 8unday, no word of tho llttlo vessel, which m boon missing r.lnco Fobru nry 0, was iccolvod nt tho Charles ton navy yard today. Tho navy yard officials figured that If tho tug was off Mauntaulc .Sunday sho should havo reached horo Into yestorday or oarly tnla morning. Thoy aro of tho opinion that tho 6fflcors of tho nayvlow spoko anothor tug, resembling tho missing vessel, I Tho Nlnn rnrrlnil n nrnu' nf 5fl nmn ' For four days rovonuo cutters and ships from tho navy yard havo boon searching for hor, nnd hopo that any of hor crow havo boon rescued hns practically boon nbandonod. 280 simplest, NEW FIRE DISTRICT. --- (Continued from Pngo 1.) Pines Lumber company to build a small store building on Fir nnd Sixth strcots. Permission was also given E. Hof Icr to build an ndditlon to (ho Mis sion cafo. An ordinnnco was passod vacating blocks 2, 3, -I, ft nnd 0, Hivorsidc subdivision to West's addition. The communication of E. C. Sharpo announcing that he had transferred tho tolophouo frnnchfco to tho Homo Telephone & Telegraph Co, of Southern Oregon was read and placed on fdc. Tho mayor was instructed to np loint a city stenographer. The report of tho fire chief was placed on Tilo. Tho matter of regulating barber Indus was referred to tho street and road committee. Plats of Summit Heights and Sis kiyou Heights wero accepted. Tho city attorney wns instructed to draw up nn ordinnnco regarding tolophouo companies using the same poles; also to draw up plumbing or dinnnco similar to that of Portland. Bond of Medford National bank accepted. Hid of Jamofl Campbell for .32.j0 improvement bonds accepted. Tho nlat of Crescent subdivision accepted when corrections nro made. DISCREDITS OLD-TIME LEADERS; IS CENSURED BOSTON, Mass., Feb. 10. Tho homo of tho rovolutionnry horo and tho haunt of tho coloninl tradition is ngog with wrnthy comment nnd poovod pride todny. Joseph Henry Stark, reputedly n historian, accord ing to his crititcs, is n tnrget for in- dignntion and abuse by tho descend ants of rovolutionnry heroes follow ing tho publication of his latest book, "The Ioyalists of Massachus etts nnd tho Other Sido of tho Amer ican Revolution." Johnny Adnms, n designing poli tician; Sammy Adams, n defaulter; John Hancock, a defaulter and a smugglor; many of tho signors of tho Declaration of Independence, also smugglers; Heiijnmin Franklin, n riflor of mail boxes, nnd Patrick Henry, nn irresponsible, is tho "low down" information in the history edited by Mr. Stark. In fact, Georgo Washington appears to have boon tho only honest man in the col ouioB nt tho timo of tho rovolution nry war. "In Virginia," writes Stnrk, "tho rovolutionnry movement of tho poor white soldior "Crackers," led by Patrick Honry, was against tho plantor nristocrncy. Pntrick Honry was ono of tho most unreliable men living." Iluicks do tho work. HURRY! HURRY!! HURRY!!! IF YOU DESIRE TO AVAIL YOURSELF OF THE GREATEST OPPORTUNITY EVER PRE- t 'SENTED TO YOU TO SECURE SOME OF THE MAGNIFICENT BARGAINS NOW IN FORCE AT THE GREATEST Bankrupt Auction Sale EVER KNOWN IN SOUTHERN OREGON, WHERE STANDARD GOODS ARE BEING SOLD J FOR AN AVERAGE OF LESS THAN 20 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR OF THE REGULAR SELL- SM&i? ING PRICE. TKm Opportunity IlnocKs Btit Once AT ANY MAN'S DOOR AND IT IS UP TO YOU TO ACT QUICKLY, AS THE TIME IS SHORT AND A' DAY OR SO MORE WILL SEE THE FINISH OF THIS GREAT SALE OF THE COM BINED BANKRUPT STOCKS OF ELWOOD & BURNETT AND J. M. ELLER. consisting- of Diamonds, Cut Glass, Gold, Silver and Stirling Novelties, Flat ware, Hollowware, Solid Silver and Pearl inlaid handled Umbrellas, Field and Marine Glasses, Mantel Clocks, Gold and Silver Watches, Chains, Bracelets, Brooches, Charms, plain Set Rings in manj' and varied designs, as well as many articles which space forbids to mention, and presents many attractive opportunities to the prudent housekeeper and others to secure serviceable articles at but a slight fraction of their regular selling price. Remember Everything Goes to the Highest Bidder and coupons are given daily which mav be the means of securing on the last day of the sale the splendid pair of $50.00 diamond earrings which will be given away at that time. Come as the Time is Short and the Stock is Going Quickly M. M. Lichten&ein Auctione LOOK FOR THE RED FLAG 115 EAST MAIN ST. 1 Throw Up Your Hands ELKS PLAN TO HOLD BIG ENTERTAINMENT The Elks hnvc kicked over the truces mid nro climhinff into tho minstrel band wbroii. Elks pull well in tho hnrnoss until you start a coon soii(j or pick a ripo Newtown joke, then thoy always break looso and want to join in. This is T. E. Daniels, who was driving tho Elk wagon along smooth ly until he was rash enough to stun tho coon ditty, "You" Don't Know How Much You Have to Know in Ordor to Know ITow Little You Know," nnd tho nntlorod brother ex pressed a desiro to basso profundo for a fow measures, back in the harness He'll get him after n few Wf - breaks liko that and drivo the wagon in triumph to tho Opera honso on the evenings of February 25 and 20, Friday and Saturday nights. Paste the dates in your sunbonnet. The rehearsals aro starting off finely, with Gunson, Withington, Burgess, Andrews and Johnson sitting in the front pew and shouting "Glory I" . Thoy want a chorus of about CO I voices and are welcoming male; voices, whether Elks or not. If you would liko to "join in" como to the high school auditorium at 7:30 this evening and you will got the glad, hand and havo more fun than at nl St. Patrick's day picnic. I Buioks nro necessities. Phono 2001, Gooilfriond's. A. L. VROMAN PLUMBING & HEATING CONTRACTOR No job too small, nono too largo. Twonty-fivo yonrs' practical oxporicmuo. Residence: No. 437 South Fir Street bpo elkWHinstrels AUSPICES OF MEDFORD LODGE, NO. 1168. Featuring Tell Us Pretty Ladies 5 (Burlosquo on Florndora .Soxtot.) . "MY COUSIN CARUSO" (Clmrnctor Song In Costumo.) ' 'You Don't Know ITow Much You 11 nvo to Know in Order to Know llow Little You Know," "I'm Coin' Awny," "Down Among tho Sugar Cnuo," "Did He Run?" and the Whirlwind Afterpiece The Great Kidnapping and Breach of Promise Case Medford Opera House, Friday and Saturday Night, February 25 aud 26 Direction of GEO. T. WILSON 4 Prices 75c, $1.00, $1.50. Seat reservation at Haskins' drug store Tuesday morning, Fohruary 24. Laces, One Gent Per Yacd Laces, Five Gents per Yard WE ARE GOING TO MAKE A CLEANING UP SALE ON ALL OUR TORCTION, VAL. AND COT TON LACES TOMORROW AND FRIDAY. CHOICE OP OUR ENTIRE LINE At 1c and 5c per Yard HOSIERY All our men's regular 35c and 40o wool Socles, to morrow 25c a pair Choice 25c pair of all our ladies7 fine black cashmere Hose; regular 35c and 50e qualities. Men's Nap-a-ite Gauntlet Gloves, regular $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 qualities at, Choice $125 per pair HUSSEY'S