Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 16, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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A consolidation of ttu Medford Mull. established 1888; tho Southern Oreson
(an, entiiDllahed 1902; (he Democratic Times, established 1STS; the Ashland Trlb
wnp, established lf,St. nd the Medford Tribune, established 106.
l nffirial Paper of the City of Medford.
GEORGE PUTNAM, Editor mid Mnnngor.
Catered ns second clsss matter November 1, 10P. at the poatorflce nt Modford.
OreROn, under the not ef March J, 1379.
Tne year, br mail.
15.00 One month by mail or carrier...
,1 .50
COKYALMS, Or., Fob. 10. At
mooting of tho Corvallis Commercial
club, Hon. V. M. Colvij? oC Medford
said: "I nm proud of nnd loyal to the
grand old state of Oregon. So proud
of being known as an Orcgoniini and
so loyal to what I believe will bo
tho grandest star in tho nation's
galaxy, that 1 have spurned an offer
to bo niado the first United States
senator from tho proposed state of
Siskiyou, if I would consent to secede
from Oregon and work for tho form
ation of that now commonwealth."
tlFrom Death Bed, ;o Pie and Coffee
Is the Experience of Quincy, C2I. Man
Inquiry today nt tho headquarters
of tho various political organizations
of the new stnto failed to throw any
light upon the tender of that high of
fice to Judge Colvig. Republicans
"She flies with her own wings" is the motto of Ore
gon. "But she doesn't. She crawls. Her wings are either
atrophied or else, like those of the booby, too small for
use. But fho worst of it is that Oregon not only doesn't
fly herself, but refuses to permit any part of her to get
out of the snail's pace.
Bound by the red tape of an obsolete constitution that!
eXfectuallv blocks progress and retards development andinnU and pro assembly Democrats
cursed bv the reactionarv ultra-conservatism of inoss-i,So,ciaH8,tsnnd pPuUstn9 "J1.1??
. iionnccd tho report Prohibitionists
backs, Oregon alone among Pacific coast states has 'alone are noncommittal,
"marked time" for years instead of marching forward.; nD .pc
biie lias nopetessiy tagged oemim nor sister sraies m ae-1
Telopment. Richer than all in opportunity, she has not !
had the couraire and the cnternriso to fulfill her destinv., Washington. Feb. m.-Wnsh
The great Willamette vallev. which mav be called thelintoVocie,5HkM !.t9 beef "high,"
1 1- c r : k 1. c 1 i ".i. ...i 4.1. 1,4. ncconling to tho testimony given by
f.ui uu-iiuiucui uii-iuuuaiMiiiuui;uui- Food Inspector Dodge of the local
bed Of provincialism. Hie atmosphere 111 the State's cap- health department before the Moore
itaJ is openlv hostile to innovation and progress. Hence sub-committee of the house district
"we see every effort at reform blocked from this quarter j committee today. They like it when
tV mmi fnn'nni-i-nn- in vnnlivn flin iinnn- flint- nvn Irtirtrr 5t is j"55 nuo"t ready to fall to
"Hm state. SupIi nfmnsnliPV" siivrnnnils thn simrnio nrmrf !,nf,tf.' . .
, . ., . . .; 7. .. V . : nncn loionei Kooscvelt wn
Ana its membeis tnmic it is tne sentiment ,ot the state. , president." said the inspector, "thev
The rest of Oregon has progressed faster than this silu- used to buy a wholo quartor of beef
nan section. Southern Oregon has developed swiftest off?? nn"K u "p " BOt tem,cr
all. Hence the snail pace in progress set by the Salem I Vevervav "off 2 tFr
mossbackg is extremely irritatintr to the balance of the!finci,r into n.nnn-3rw?ennit was good
state ana loua ana many are the protests. Jlence the i and soft he would cut it into steaks
talk Of Secession. nl roasts, but not before."
The constitution, as interpreted bv the supreme court, I f 'V- "H, ,tho n,nrku,s cncring to
lorb,os the state from building a highway to Crater L:ike; l;Th. p ctice to until i
At. ujsju xuruiua euuuiii-s 10 issuo DOIUIS or go ill aeni, SO lliaC'was quite black, because the custom-
me county cannot ouua it. now. then, is it to he buiitY rs wanted it that way.
Are we of southern Oregon to sit idle noid with tho world's! 0l-v a w " ngi." said the
greatest natural wonder in our midst, and permit it to h lfct1or' "x ',r,tl 1cxnmIncd n 1.narter
rAn,'n iv,o M 9 1 !of s,,ch mcat n.nd s preparing to
u,w'-r . . Pour kerosene on it when along came
uiuuoiiuu uiuia uu. ire iil uiuiu tiiiit uiimwHV vtil, mo Dtucner and crabbed it nwnv
and make the state bear its share, too. How to do it and !from 010 and cut off a roast and sold
the Wavs and means will bo dismissed nf tho nmriTrmrninl lJt to ono of s richest customers."
"Waugh!" exclaimed Representa
tive Johnson of Kentucky, a member
of tho sub-committee, "that is the
gratification of a canine appetite."
He then demanded to know if the
putrid meat was kept in the same
box -with tho fresh meats.
The inspector then explained that
a great many fashionable homes in
Washington refused to purchase any
otner sort or beef.
Mini meatly iiiiiuovoil, well hiiUhHihI
jinil liappy and pralso llmlr Hklll ov
!ry day of my life for navlug me from
' tho huikcoii'h Idilfc.
Nui-so Says: "Taking Life in Your Own Hands," Wholl!WAI,KK,, ox VAli
mr. iviiKe ivasovncn was Carriod Out of Hos-
pital to For-Don's Medical Experts.
the ways and means will be discussed at the Commercial
club meeting Thursday evening.
Cain, the murderer, pleaded that he was not his broth
-er's keeper.
The householder of Medford cannot advance the same
plea regarding keeping his premises in a sanitary condi
non. Whether or not you believe it; whether or not you like
it you are your brother's keeper.
You are his keeper, too, in the broad sense that com
prehends the entire community, whether the man next
door or the man on the far side of the city.
No Medford resident with a conscience can evade his
civic responsibility.
No man with a reasoning mind will try to evade his
civic responsibility.
For, quoting again liberally from the Bible no man
lives unto himself or dies unto himself.
Your family may escape the death dealt by the earth
closet in your own yard. There is no guarantee the man
next door, his wife or his children, will escape it.
Perfect sanitation, screened windows, closed garbage
can, scrupulously selected food and milk in your own
case may lure you into indifference toward your fellow
residents not so situated.
But the unsanitary home of that fellow resident not so
J 1 I r . a n m m m a
iorcunate as yourseir may stretch the tmger ot death into
your own carefully guarded household.
You cannot tell where the flv-with-death-on-his-feet
had his original interview with tho fJrim Romor.
Perhaps it was several blocks from vour home, in some
my-ienaea, squaua section.
That makes no difference to him: it doos to vnn!
His germ-laden and filthy feet track over vour food,
so religiously selected. Disease enters a tiny joint in the
mi ! .til . .. " " . .
iuinor. men it s tne doctor, perhaps the undertaker.
Don t deceive yourself. Most decidedly, you are your
brother's keeper. Also, he is your keeper.'
Residents of a city are like man and wife living in a
buuu mac aoes not recognize divorce. l'or richer or poor
cr, in sickness or in health, under their own nvntesf. rn
gardless of their permission, they are bound together by
u uiuuHuuu unDreaiong ties.
It should bring a blush of shame to the cheek of every
resident to know that the city council has been forced to
consider an ordinance enforcing connection with sewers
Tho man who so neglects his civic responsibility is vol
untarily menacing his own hearthstone.
Tho ladies of the Greater Medford club have taken
up tho great and good work of civic sanitation.
T"J l 111 il l
it snouia po tne pleasure as well as duty of every resi
dent of Medford to unite with them on this move, based
upon common sense.
Medford is blessed with natural conditions which tend
to keep her death rate low, and it lies within the power
of her "residents to keep it so.
Tho sympathy of the' entlro com
munlty of Table Rock Is extended to
Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Adams In their
sorrow over ihe death of their little
daughter, Helen J., who died Febru
ary 13, aged 2 years. 8 months and
23 days, ot pneumonia.
The funeral was held Tuesday, tho
services being held at tho home, and
the Interment being made In the Cen
tral Point cemetery.
During the short Minna of the little
one everything that medical skill or
tender care could suggest was done
to relieve her suffering, but without
Mr. and Mrs. Adams express their
slncero appreciation for the kindness
and iielp of their neighbors.
"Down sick In bed, burning with
raging fever which ceehtod tu
scorch my very entrails and body each
ilny, tearlut; away my strength and
Vitality: so that for 15 Cays I was
unable to cat a morsel ot food; lying
thero In tho hospital In a helpleos
condition with a deali'dcallug disease
which baffled physicians who were at
tending me, friends gave mo up to
"Of course, I was'past thinking for
myself, but friends thought for me,
and seeing my condition getting
weaker and I was nearlng death's
door, they satd: 'It In useless for-you
to die bore. I have beard wonderful
things about Fer-Don's Medical Ex
perts. You have given these doctors
hero a trial and they can't euro you.
Now you are going to neo Fer-Don's
Medical strff and learn what they
can do for you.' I wps taken from tho
hospital and carried up to see these
eminent physicians and after a thor
ough examination they told mo I was
a very sl-k man, hut they said:
'Death has not got you. W can re
store you back to health.' "
This !b tho olmplo etory of Mr.
Mike Kaiovltch, who lives at Quincy.
"Fer-Don's experts aro all right,"
exclaimed Mr. Kasovltch, as ho was
getting ready to go out fpr a walk.
'They cortalaly saved my life. I owo
thorn a great debt of gratitude. I was
almost In when I was brought beforo
theso master experts. For days and
days I was In tho hospital suffering
untold misery, taking different kinds
of. medicine night nnd day. I was
getting worso every day, and Just
think, I couldn't eat a blto of food
for 16 days. Some of my frlonds
read In the dally papers about For-
, Mrs. Hlloti Decker, at S 1 II street
ttaiirnmimto, has been suffering with
a horrible affliction known through
out tliii medical profosHlon as Helatl
i llhuumatlHiii, for. the past two years
41 Vlitjli...... i I ...... I .... It.... "
" Hhu has been unable to walk without
lualile, Worthy .Man, Who Would ( tho use of a nine. She has doctored
Not Intentionally Tvll n Fnlxchooil. j with many physicians nnd received
.no benefit from them. She bud given
Mr. I'. P. Ilelurlcli, while employed flip all hopes of ever being able to
t . I.I. ... . I .atai
in ins meat mai'Kci uuxinees at win-i
tors. Cal., about two week ago, In
jured hts left hand. At the time very
little attention wus paid tu the Injur-
4'd member and In fact It bad almost
been forgotten until, white In San
Francisco attending the I'ortnla fes
tivities, his hand began to swell and
pain him so sevrely that he was un
able to stny until Saturday, tho last
day of the entertainment. Having
.read In various dally newspapers of
the wonderful cures Fer-Don's Med
ical Kxperts wen; mnklug dally at
their offices, he concluded to come at
once tq, them for treatment. Ono of
the experts, after carefully examining
the hand, said Mint blood poisoning
had set In, owing to the fact that the
wound bad been neglected so long
but said "It would only bo a few days
until Mr. F. P. Helnrlch Is now able
to usq bis hand nnd In n short time
he Is confident that a complete cure
will be effected, and ho In loud In his
praise of what tho Fer-Don Medical
Kxperts linvo done tor him and nth
ers, and wants alt his friends to know
ot the wonderful results.
walk without a cane or even being
i benefited In the least. (ir many
friends persuaded her to cull and sco
Fer-Don's Medical Kxperts and be
examined by them. This she did on
September IP. U01, and went undo
their treatment at once. Now she Is
walking without the use ot a enne
something she has not dune for two
years. 8lie cannot say too much In
prnlso of Fer-Don's Medical Kxperts
POMONA Nt'ltSK 8A'i:i
Mm. . . Moore, Who I.lvr at
!.1H K Sttvct, Sacramento. Wants
the World to Know What IVr-
Doii'm Mcdlt-nl KiHrts Have Dom
for Her.
Mrs. Moore states: "For years I
havo suffered untold misery and pain
Don's Medical Exports and tho won- ,thnt any woman on enrth could suf-
dorful cures they havo mado. and lifer. I bad sovere bearing down pains
mado up my mind then and there to
go and sco theso experts. My nurse,
said I would be taking
my life In my hands.
If I attomptcd to leave tho hospital,
as I was In a dangerous condition and
was not able to bo moved. I said 1
might as well tako a chance. So my
friends Immediately mado arrange
ments to tako mo to For-Don's ox-
ports. I was then carried to their of
fices whore they cxamlnod mo care
fully and found my fever was 104.
Fer-Don's doctors watched my case
closely, and after two days' treatment
my temporature was normal. I was
able to sit up and ate my meals. I
havo beon taking trcatmont with
Fer-Don's oxperts five days now, and
I am cured. I eat regularly and my
fever 1b all gono. I owo my recovory
to Fer-Don's Medical Experts."
P. Helnrlch, a Prominent Ilutchcr
of Winters, Cal., Known Through-
For sale Furniture for 6 rooms and house to rent
For sale 3-room house and lot, $G00.
For sale 4 bungalow and lots, $1150.
For rent Housekeeping rooms.
For sale Tent house and furniture; a fine buy.
For sale 2 acres, close in, $325.
For sale 11-2 acres, close in,4900.
For sale 20 head of horses.
For sale or trade 22 special Winchester rifle, trade
for chickens.
For sale 5-room cottage, $2300.
For sale 5-room bungalow, $2250.
For sale 10-room bungalow, $5000.
For sale 2 lots on Oak street, $1C00.
For sale 2 lots on Oakdale avenue, $2500.
For rent 9-room and 6-room house.
Wanted T hrce ranch hands.
Wanted T wo dining room girls.
Wanted T wo cooks for boarding houses.
Wanted Two girls at once; no house work.
Wanted Four woinen for general housework.
Wanted Those who wish to borrow money to call
In the uterus nnd all around tho re-
.glon that could be In sympathy with
,tho afflicted parts. In fact I suffered
death and did not caro whether I
died or not, for tho doctors hnd dls
couraged mo bo by tolling mo tbnt
I had cancor of the uterus. I had
given up all hopos of over being cur
ed. After reading ropeatodly In the
ipapers about For-Don and his mas-
tor spoclallots, was at last persuad
ed to go to thorn and sco what they
really could do for mo. When I call
ed I found their offices crowded nnd
hnd to wait sqmo tlmo beforo I was
ablo to sco thorn. I was ushorod Into
tho physician's prlvato otflco and was
then thoroughly examined, and to
my surprlso and oxtromo delight I
was told thero was no cancorous
growth, as clalmod by other doctors.
I immediately asked them If they
could euro or ovon bonoflt mo and
tho doctor ropllod: "I don't think I
can, but I know I can," So I placed
mysolf In their chargo and began
treatment nt once. I wont to thorn
or. October 22, 1909. Now I don't
feel like tho samo woman, as I now,
Mrs. II. St. Peter, who Is well
known ns n nurse nt Pomona, Cal.
came Into the offices of the Fer-Don
Medical Kxperts at 1010 Eighth
street, Sacramento, and made the
following statements to newspaper
"I nave been almost a norvoiiB
wreck caused front complications of
diseases. Stomach would bloat at
Him'; pains around the liver, which
nuuuycd pie considerably. My liver
caused mo most of my trouble, as I
was sallow and at times had severe
pains In the head. I consulted many
doctors nnd spent almost a fortune
doctoring hero nnd thero, nnd In fnct
had almost given up In despair, when
ono of the Sacramento dally papers
came to my notice nnd then nnd
there I snw of wonderful cures per
formed by l; or-Don's Medical Kxperts
In Sacramento. I had heard of Fer-
Don and his Kxperts before, as my
friends and neighbors had been cured
nnd referred them to me, Hut I kept
putting It off. After rending more
and Investigating, I made mi my
mind to go to Sacramento nt once.
Well, I arrived at tho office at 1010
Eighth street and found a large crowd
waiting. In 'act, I was surprised to
see so many waiting to nee tho doc
tors. I did not think tboro wero so
many sick people In Sacramento. I
wns told to wait for my turn, ns thore
woro many before me. Well, at last
I was ushorod Into tho presence of
Fer-Don's export Dlngnnstlclnn, and
would you bcllovo, be told mo In less
than threo minutes what my dlscaso
Iiouim' time. I am thankful to these
exports for what they have done for
Fer-Don's Medical Wxperla are per
manently located at the Monro Ho
tel, Medford, Oregon, upstairs, Office
hours, 10 to 12 a, m., 2 to I and 7 to
8 p. m. Consultation fee. one dollar.
Mrs. Whitney arrived from Wis
consin to join her sou, James Whit
ney, of this olty.
I'Olt HUNT Or sale, twicroom fur
nished house. Aylor d Harnett.
FOR SALE The blgKest nmip In
Medford In a n-room furnished
hiiiiHO and two large lots, Do not
hiMltiite. See tin at once, Aylor &
Harnett, next to Mall Tribune. 28.1
I'Olt KlWT--irouso.MiiflinTflur""-nlHhed,
t! rooms, large garden spot,
electric light, telephone, ham, hen
hoitsi. wood In shed, lawn, city wa
ter. J. K. Payette, P. O. Ilox 742.
B & C
Cash Store
Hams, count rv, cure, lb. 17c
Shoulder, country cure, per
pound 13c
Lard, home made, 10-pound
pails, each S1.60
Lard, home made, 5-pound
pails, each 80c
Lard, home made, 3-pound
pails, each .' 55c
Modford's Best Grocory
Seeds, all kinds in bulk
iluc grass, white clover,
awn grass. Buy your seeds
ici'o and you are sure of gct
ing fresh seeds.
Maldwins, second grade, per
hox $1.00
Baldwins, fair grade, per
box $1.25
Spitzenberg, extra choice, a
box $2.50
Jon Davis, extra choico, per
box $2.00
Pineapples, bananas, to
matoes, colerv, lottuce,
sprouts, spinach, onions,
)arsmps, beets, turnips,
mi'sley, salsify, grape fruit.
Small size, dozen 15c
Medium size, dozen 30c
wnu nml nlnno.l l,U I...J -I.. I ,J,Jl ni.l, MUli
tho dofoctlvo part of my body. In fnct ai'ge extra choice, doz..50c
I am sure If thero Is nn ncho or a Southern OrailgCS, and BWOOt.
The Storo that sorves you
best by telephone 2351.
pain or a defective spot no longer
than n pin, this man can find It. Ho
told mo my condition nnd I told him
that other doctors wanted to send mo
out to the hospital to opornto on me.
Hut For-Don'fl Export told mo that
an oporatlon was not necessary. I
placed myself In Fer-Don's Expert's
hands and Immediately commoncod
Inking their pooullar and strange
treatment. I can say this much, that
I am now froo from pains nnd was ro-
lleved of ovor ono hundred and fifty
gallstones In less than twenty.four
B & C
Cash Store
223 W. Main Street.
No Auction Here
It is not necessary to hold auctions to dispose of first-class stock, but wo can
sell you an Elgin or Waltham Watch
7-.jcwel, 20-year gold filled case $10 00
17-iowel. with 20-vear case .' $1450
15-jewel, with 20-vear case $12 00
Solid gold cases JZZZZZZZ $2500
, . . . in either movement.
'i111",8 in """onds, Out Glass, Gold and Silverware.
IN ADDITION TO TH rS, 1 E MEMBER we aro pornuuiontlv- located in
Mcdiord. Ihe money wo uake is .copthere to help upbuild the town. Besido
we keep your watch m good repair free of charge and if at any timo your watch
or jewelry does not prove to bo as represented wo aro here to hold tho manu- '
lacturcr to their guarantee and see that you receive satisfaction.
Reliable movements are sold the world over at stated pricos, and vou train
no advantage m buying one for a cut price, as they aro not sold by roliablo
dealers for less than the established price, and what is more, if you stand bv
your local dealers they will stand by you. 'in this way you keep .your money
at home and thereby receive a double benofit. y
Van DeCar & Jasmann