3 I' I I l J HI. VIIJ.V ltl I IJ I. I V I IJ J XJ U, If I I J J 1 V J l tJ IH'JllVi.l, TT I J I IJt Jli J f I illtj. .1 W, ItIV. J. THORBURN MUST GO TO JAIL Siiircnio Court Denies Petition for Rcliearliin nnd Banker Must Servo Flvo Years. mil iii uio ri i lo uiinniMtiio n. i rum . - , .. .. i...y, which fulio.i I., tho mil of I of 'mo'''" n!,llR.r ,,,n," 7 n.ul of which at (ho tl.no ltoM "lor'.. ,ho ",0lc HALHM, Or., Fob, 10. J. Tlior litirn INihh htm loHt In tlio hlKhimt roiirt In tho Htiito mid imiitt imrvo flvo yimrn In Iho Hlitlo prlnon for tho om- licirliiiiM'iit of 288, 420. 87 holoiiKlnu j to tliu mute of Orouon which was on iloi'onlt In' tho Titlo Oiinnuitoo & TriiMt com 1007 whh pronliltMit. A polltlon for ii ro Inmrlni; of tho cunt wiih ilonleil liy tho miiiromo rotiit yoHtunlny In opinion wrltttm hy Aoiuicluto Juutleo Knkln, Juntleo KIiik whh un.ililo to ngroo with tho ninpjorlty of tho court ami roconli'd :i illHHtttitliiu opinion. Tho former opinion In tho cnxo ion (lend hy tlin court In nfflniicd In tho opinion today oxcopt that part rolnt Itii: to tho fine. TIiIh hnn boon roiult to mi tho ('.round that It wiih oxcch mIvo and (hondiy Inhibited by tho con-1 ntltiitlou. Hoxh wiih nontoncod to jtnyi i lntiilly liloly, ntill tlio mnyor'H no-' linn, liocniiHo of tlio iiicouipolt'iicy of ,llio ctiKinoor, may lio Iho moaiiH of, jKi'cat net wiving to Uio city, not williHlnndiiiKi iiimI nobody can fairly coiiIiiihI Hint Ilic mavor, backed by tin ciniiicil, in removing tMigini'or 1 1 I not lioiii'Mly do IiIh duly by 1 1 1 public. Tlint tlio mavor "Iiiih hIiowii IiIm fiivoriliwn ami iiicouipclonuy in f tho appointment of curtain cuuimil IccH for tho ourront your." In up pointing ciiiiiinlttccM, Uio mayor Ih nofCMHiuily coiifinod lo tlio inomborK of Iho council, and alleging Hint miicIi uppoliilmcnlH arc ovidonooH of in compoloncy on tho pail of tlio mayor Ih cipilvnlcnl to wiving Dial tlio noo ilo oloclnd iiicompftcnt .'oiinrilmi'ii, nnd would nppoar (o bo an indict- BENSON S R A DHAIMQ un tun iu FREE - - FREE MAGIC HVH-OLAHH CLKANHK for the nuking lo nil ncr of glnsitcji Dr. Goble's Optical Parlor CJIihhcx MIIimJ, rpnl'',il, He. Ilrnken Ion dtiplicntcI "WK HAVI3 NO OTHER HU8INKB8." IH WKH'V MAIN HTUKKT PIION'H 1011 Iho cotincilmi'ii knowing that tlioy iiiiihI Horvo on nomo of tlio commit ioiM, worn ontlllod to liavo (lioir jmlg incut ti'Htcd. Tlio renin rknliln improvement in AhIiIiiikI over n year ngo npcaks vol iiiiioh iu favor of tlio pronent nilinin iHtrntion, including tlio miiyor. The present mayor during IiIk term of of fice, for tlio munifiecnt wilnry of $100 per year, luw about put in nil liix time in Nerving tlio city of AkIi land. Nobody neeuneH him of graft or dinhoncfity, nnd all fnirmindod If you want a bargain and a nleo' homo, lot iih hIiow you a modern flvo. i -room eottngo, lot 50xH0. oast front, n HeniU atrcot, for I' U'rm iinnrtln if IIia .tfv n.i.l nil .1iul.it.t. !Vr,V' U, ll,V,"n0' "T X""1, "ri"Hted oberverH outmdo of tho oity &7,(.f,n.74. iiIho to Horvo flvo ynr.l , ,, coHCflo , , Iho enormom, flno wa l.npohi,! by K( Jo enrnmily mu, fnilhfUv ,eorKo II. Harm, t, boforo whom ho K m.,0ItpiHlim , POnjlim,1i1H irlKonor wiih tried had no ltorntlvl , , , . J In pronouucliiK Hontonce l -f 4- 4 COMMUNICATIONS. 4--f4 -f The preeut ndminiHtration wiih elected by tlio people, nn wo uudor Htnnd it, to mnko iliiw n progressive nnd iip-to-lalo town nnd to erect a miniielpnl electric light plnnt. Did they think ihnt thiw could he nrcnm pliHhcd nnd that tho tax rat cm would TU , i continue to he no higher thnn in the THE tlEUALL PETITION. .farming enmmiinitieR. Ih it n crime Kditor Mail Trihuno: !to improve your city nnd to trv to It U KOiuowhitt difficult for tho, keep nbreiifit of tho timeH? Do'von newer ronidcntH to fully undcrHtnnd think you enn eontiniio to nk nnd re tho municipal political mtunlion. Tlio.ocivo enonnoiiR prices for vour prop Anhland without prop- nf f rr!nf I ' r .t ... i ti.i coino iiiuiiccmcniK m ouyerHi nere h the city on the coast of niiylhing ii ko me size oi ahiuiuki wiuelt is truo hiHtory of tho old "grouchoV.orty in Horen nnd disnppointments, polit ical, fiiiaiiciul, social or whut not, wo ennuot know except tin others ro- Into thorn to iih, nnd, whilo porhnps ibiddintr for nn inoronso of populn ttioro might bo no intoiilionnl miMrop-ltion with no better improvements rcsontntion, it's hut nnturnl Hint un-llhnn wo hnvef Arc tho people after consciously tho story would ho some- j one year's efforts at improvement whnt binned ono wny or tho other. already wenry of well-doingt If so, Hut, whilo thoro mny bo many of'got rid of your present progressive theso old maltors nhout which wo j mavor nnd councilmcn nnd turn the have no oxncl knowledge or none nt city over to tho ronetionnries that we nil, thoro arc some very obvious mut ters in connection with tho mayor nnd tho recall that stand out so plninlv that "ho who runs muv road." Wo have no doubt thnt tho newer residents of the city, coming from other parts of tho country whore may nlwnys ho nn overgrown village with qunginires for Btreels, eow pnths for sidewnlks nnd lightning hugs for street illuminntions. Climate nnd beautiful scenery nlono will novor mnko n city, nlthough they mnko fine enmping grounds. There nro ninny other beautiful such Inws nro not in force, nro glnd. places on the coast nnd most of them like tho writer, to finally find n home j have people who nro "doing things." where tho people nro ndvnnccd Advertising our city nil over tho enough to hnvo tho initiative, refer-j country to induco people to come endum nnd roenll, but it never oc- hero must soon ho supplemented Jiy ourred to us thnt the recall could he Homo inducements for thorn to ro used for tho purposo of venting petty mnin when thov erot horo nnd invest spito or for tho purposo of injuring, their monoy, othorwiso wo will soon discrediting nnd disgrncing nn offi-havo slaughtered the gooso thnt hns ccr mereiv oeemmo oi persnnnl en mity. Wo suppoRed tho recall wns nu oxtremo mensuro to bo used for tho good of tho puhlio in removing boon laying tho golden eggs, nnd land buyers in Ashland will bo ns senreo ns "snowballs in hndes." Wo aro not writing this articlo to nu otticer who was corrupt, dishon-jdofend tho mayor. So fnr (is wo nre est or morally delinquent, or because ,ahlo to lenrn, ho don't need it. Hut ho refused to enrry out tho nolicv favored hy n mnjority of the people, hut nono of theso objections apply to Mnyor Snoll, nor nro thoy even urged by tho supporters of the recall peti tion. 1 In exnmlning tho roenll petition recently filed we find that the ho doos dosorvo tho commendation nnd thanks of tho poopio of this community. Wo nro nwnro, however, thnt thoughtless persons nnd outsid ers nro nlmost suro to got n wrong impression of our people nnd our city and Iho vory fact that tho roenll proceedings hnvo boon instituted will, chargos therein mndo ngninst the, in Homo qunrtors, torn! to disgrace mnyor nro moRtly "glittonng genornl- tho city nnd its chief executive itios" without speoifiontions to on lighten tho public, or in relation to matters that tho etiy council control . nnd whoro tho blnmo, if any is due, would properly fall on Iho council instead of Iho mnyor. No intelligent nnd unprejudiced votor would onst n ballot ngninst tho mnyor hecnuso of the informntion (?) furnished by tlio petition. Look nt it. Tho 'first charge is general Incompetency. Any onn's enemy enn mnko thnt charge ngninst you with perfect snfety. That hns been snid nhout somo of the nhlost men who ovor lived, notab ly Lincoln, Grant nnd tnnny oUior. Rueh genornl stntemonts nro n con fession of wenknoss, precluding tho fuct thnt they hnvo nuy real clinrgo to mnko ngninst tho mnyor. As to tho soeond clinrgo, thnt the mnyor "hns boon instrumental in im properly oxponding tho public "funds," nothing could ho moro ab surd, boonuso it is tho council that directs tho expenditure of public funds nnd npproprintes tho public money. Ah well Iny tho oxtrnvnganco of tho legislnturo to tho governor or that of congross to tho president. As to tho dismissal of tho engineer of tho oleotria lighting plnnt, it is not shown thnt such notion was not with in tho powors nnd duties of' tho mnyor nor thnt such notion wns not oommondnblo, nnd for tho good of tho city nnd tho botformont of tho olootrlo light plnnt. Tf tho onginoor Jins nny "vostod rights" in tho job which would ontitlo him to dnmngos boonuso of his romovnl, which is If tho recall over comes to n vote, we hnvo no doubt tho good pciibo of tho people will enuso them to bury it beyond rosnrrection. GEO. D. PRTEHS. THK THUK TH8T. Tried In Mcdfonl, It Has Stood the Test. Tho hnrdost teat Ib tho tost of tlmo, nnd Donn's Kldnoy Pills havo stood It well In Mcdfonl, Kldnoy sufforors enn linrdly obU for atrong or proof thnn tho following: Mrs. J, II, UotiBsum, Central nvo nuo, Medford, Or,, snya; "I wns so bad off with kldnoy troublo thnt 1 could not do my houuowork, My back wns woak nnd painful and In tho morning whon I got up I wns lamo and soro. Tho kidney soero tlona pnBiiod Irrogulnrly nnd my honlth steadily ran down until I wns hardly nblo to got about. While In thnt condition, I rond about Donn's Kldnoy Pills and got n box nt Hns Ulns' drug ttoro. I folt bottor from tho tlmo 1 commenced tholr us and It wna not long boforo I wns curod. I am In a position to roconunond Donn's Kldnoy Pills highly to nnyono afflicted with Kldnoy complaint," (Statomont glvon Soptomuor H, 1907.) Tltoro'a a boom on in whnt? Buiaks. In Wo wrlto bonds for contractors with reliable guarantee company of Portland. 20 ncrcs orchunl, 1C acres In 7-year-old Nowtowns, A acres 2-ycnr-old Hnrtlotts, 4 foot black loam soil, 3 mllcH from Medford; prlco SI 30.000 : half eashj best orchard buy In tho valley, Coniiorvntlve, far-nlghtcd men hnve prophenlcd thnt 1000 houses will be built In Modford thin Benson. If this Ih true hadn't you hotter get busy. Put $10 a month Into a lot; perhaps tho other follow mny want your lot to build his houBO on. Nino room bungalow on North Ornngo near Oakdalc nvenuo. -Large lot. Prlco $38C0.. Terms. Flvo room modorn bungalow on West Tenth Btreot, $1350; at front. Half cash, balance In ono yenr at 6 tier cent. Tenth street will soon bo paved. Wo aro ngonts for Snowy Dutte ten-ncro orchard tracts. Theso tracts aro In different mages of develop ment from undeveloped land to full bearing orchard. Theo tracts nro near Central Point station. Tole pliono 041 for nppotntment or cnll nt our offices over Fruitgrowers' bank for prices nnd terms. Lot 50x220 on tho East Side; Ideal for a home, $550. Lot 100x100 on South Orange, with miiall house. The street will bo paved this year. This Is a cloo In property nnd Is n Hplendld location for a good hoiiHo. This Is cheap nt $2200; terin3. Flvo room houBO In Benson addi tion. Lot 50x125, facing cast. Prlco $S00. $400 cash, bnlanco $20 monthly. JuBt complo'.ed. Best Groceries At Prices Strictly in Keeping with the Quality of Our Stock which is Unexcelled A Trial willConvince You J K KNVA'Hl, I'roxiilom JOHN S OIITII. ' J. A. PEB11Y. TlM-PmMont IV. U. JACKSON. Ana't Cbli THE MEDFOKD NATIONAL BANK UAPITAL $60,000 SURPLUS $&,O0G Safety boxes for rent. A general Banking Business transacted We solicit your patronage. I Allen Reagan The Square Deal Grocers 5-room modern houso, good lot, on South Fir atrcot; a snap for a closo In homo; wo hnvo this for a short tlmo only nt $1S00. 9 1-2 acres near Central Point. 3 ncroa of which Is In 2-yonr-old Dart- lctt pears. Prlco $2850; 1-3 cash, bnlanco 1, 2 nnd 3 years nt C per cont. Aro you n consorvntlvo Investor? Do you know values when 'hey Btnre I you In tho fnco? If bo, wo want to, meet you and show you thnt we aro , soiling good rcsldonco lots for $250, that aro ns doslrnblo from ovory' stnndpolnt If not moro so thnn lota being offered for four nnd flvo hun dred dollars each. As an extrn In ducement wo will only ask you to pay $25 down nnd $10 monthly. It will pay you to seo us. DO IT NOW. You Couldn't Head It Off With A Gatling Gun Medford will have 25,000 people in 1912. The point is: the 30-acre tract we offer for a song adjoining townsite now, is the snap of the year. See us at once. We have two good business oppor tunities. THE ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY Fire Insurance No. ! 1 North Central Ave. LAL'IIKL 1'AKK Grnnltownro nt Qoodfriond'a. Is n now nddltlon plncod on tho mar kot for tho first tlmo Jnnunry 28th. It commoncoa ono block w,o3t of tho 11th Btroot Btoro, nnd Jolnu Highland Pnrk nddltlon on tho south. You will llko Lnurol Park. Wo ropresent flvo strong old-lino tiro lniurnnco companies, among i thorn bolng tho California InBiirnnco Company nnd tho Protector Undor wrltors, both of which paid Ban Frnn-, Cisco flro losses In full. Insure your uutoniobllo ngninst tiro nnd theft. i BENSON INVESTMENT COMPANY rhono SU. $12,525 Eleven acres in Cornice pears, 10 years old, nine acres in Bartlett and Anjou pears, 1 to 3 years old; close in; good soil. Terms. $12,000 -Eleven acres in Conuce and Bosc pears, 14 years old. These trees are in full bearing and will on the price asked. $24,000 Thirty-two acres in Bosc and Anjou pears; tvees are from 4 to 7 veal's of age. Complete set of buildings. Close in.' $7000 Thirty-five acres of black sticky, three miles from Medford, all under the ditch and can be irri- I . gted. $1.3,000 Thirty-two acres, close to Medford; eight acres in Newtowns and Spitzenbergs 5 to 7 years of age; 14 acres in alfalfa; three acres in peaches; two acres in berries; irrigated; buildings. $13,000 Twenty acres; 16 acres in 7-year-old New towns and balance in 3-year-old Bartlett pears; no buildings. $7500 Ton acres, all planted to Newtown and Spit- zenberg apples, 7 to 11 years old. $18,000 Thirty-five acres, about 25 planted to apples and peal's, in bearing. Trees are from 6 to 15 years old; buildings; four miles from Medford. $14,000 Thirty-five acres; buildings; exceptionally fine place for a home; twelve acres in apples ai d pears 3 years old; about an acre of bearing orchard: 11 acres in alfalfa; all fine deep free soil. $150 to $200 por acre Stewart acre tracts; two miles from Medford; tracts aro from 10 to 25 acres in tize. Fine building spots on all; can all bo irrigated; cheapest tracts in the Medford neighborhood; easy terms. $300 per acre Finest five and ten-acre orchard and garden tracts in the valley; easy terms. $35,000 270 acres; buildings; 26 acres in bearing Spitz, Newtowns and Cornice pears; about 60 acres in ono and two-year-old apples and pears; fine or chard land. SELLING- AGENTS POR SNOWY BUTTE ORCHARD TRACTS, W. T. YORK & CO WAA1ED Timber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING COxY TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. B. H. Harris & Co, IMFDEORD - - - - OSEGONI j Office in Jackouju county Bank Upstairs PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Guaranteed Pricea Reasonable COFFEErN e& PRICE 11 North D St.. Medford. Ore.' Phone 303 MORTGAGE LOAM Money on hand to loan on Real Estate. City and County Warrants bought Fidelity and Indemnity Bonds Furn ished. Fire Insurance. JAMES CAMPBELL 206 FRUITGROWERS' BANK BUILDING. Wm. E. STAGEY & CO. REAL ESTATE AND EMPLOYMENT. District Agent tor ALADDIN I4AMP Local aonts wanted. Lamp on exhibition and for salo at the following places: Medford Oarage. Allen & Reagan's, Wnrner, Wortman & Gore's, Hussey'a Cash Stare and Medford Furniture Co.'s store. ADDRESS BOX 828. MEDFORD, OR. THE ROADS ARE NEVER BAD, THE WEATHER IS ALWAYS GOOD, WHEN YOU WANT TO GO. GALLUP THE UNION LIVERY R. O.DUNCAN, Proprietor. I DRIVERS that know the country RIGS that cover the country QUICKLY AND .WITH COM' MIT TO l'OU ARK ALWMVS TO UK FOO.NH A I IIIK FARLOW & DOWNlXa, PROPRIETORS. WEST SIDE STABLES PHONE JM31 8. ORATE STREET GOLD RAY GRANITE CO. Office: 209 West Muin St., Medfoid, Ore. Operating Quarry at Gold Ray, Oregon DEALERS IN BUILDING, MONUMENTAL AND CRUSHED CRA'NITE