THE aiEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. M13D.FOUD, PUISCON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1910. .HEW BASIS FOR MONEY JO END PRICE CHANGES Increased Production of Gold Is Blamed by Professor Norton for tho Present Conditions. LEW POWELL GETS BEST OE MEMSIC THE GREAT DIVIDE HERE THURSDAY Now is the Time TO GET OUR FIGURES ON WIRING, ELECTRICAL FIXTURES, ETC.; ON THAT NEW HOUSE. DYNAMO . CIALTY. REPAIRING A SPE- Mcmslc Shows by His Qrltty Work That Ho Is Fast Getting Into His Old Form. FLYNN BROS. P9 MAIN STREET UEV HAVEN, Conn., Fob. 16.- Tncreased production ot gold is tho' principal cause of high prices, ac cording to J. Pease Norton, prof os or of political economy at Yale uni versity. In an article in this week's Independent, Trofessor Morton snys: "When mining engineers and chem ists succeeded in devising method'? of extracting gold from ore as low in irrade as $5 per ton at a profit, tho potential supply of gold enormously increased. As a result of these sci entific discoveries, tho annual pro duction of gold began to mount at an increasing rate in tho '00s. "Brndstrcet's index of average prices indicates an advance of GO per sont in' prices since July 1, 1S90. In other words, a dollar's worth of poods today could have been pur chased for G2 cents in 1S96. During the past 13 years prices have main tained an average advance of 4- per cent per annum. "The gold inflation is world-wide t tind prices everywhere have moved upward in response. In the United States tho rise in prices has been in- tensified bv three causes, which probably are, in order of import ance, the banknote laws, the storage and cold storage development and the tariff. "At the present time popular clamor seeks to fix the responsibility upon nthe trusts, just as in Washing ton's day a similar agitation result ed in laws against 'forestallers and monopolists,' whereas the true cause lay in the depreciating continental currency. 'Not worth a continental' in the future may be substituted by the phrase, 'Not worth a gold dollar;' for how serious the situation may be come nobody knows." Professor Norton proposes as a remedy the adoption of a new stand ard to snpplant the gold dollar. He calls it the "Dill," which would bo an imaginary unit or basis of ex change whoso value would be equal to the purchasing power of one gold dollar of specific quantities of staple commodities as designated in Federal law. The plan would include also a central bank, which would issue on demand to banks and to a system of licensed storehouses "Dill" credit notes to the extent of 10 per cent! of the value of gold, silver or com modities on hand REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. O. L. Sargent to George O. Wolgamot, lot 8, block 4, Narregan a-idltlon to Med ford F. A. Dunk.p to Theo. Wol gamot, 20 acres section 28, township 38, ranse 1 W ,p. L. McNary to Oscar Talent, part lot 3, block 3, West Medford Louis Oliver to George N. Wolf, 20 acres D L C 57, township 37, range 2 W. . Francis I. Aiken to S. S. Al- ken, land In section 29, township 32, range 3 E. . O. W. Milan to Stacy E. Wright, lot 32 and pari lot 33, Montvlow addition to Ashland W. J, Albert to Agnes Head, lots 3 and 4, block 34, Cen 10 385 75 10 10 tral Point 350 wary A. Scott to Johu W. .Chandler, 160 acres In sec tion 27, township 36, range 4 W 10 A. - : : , . , . T TTTTTTTTt tt'f T -f MEDFORD TIUF tam e "Northbound No. 20jPortland Local... 8:04 a.m. To. 16Oregon Express. . .1 6:24 p. m, No. 14PortIand Express, j 8:39 p. m Southbound No. 15CalIfornla Expres310:36 a. m No. 13S. F. Express.... I 3:32p.m. No. 19Aghland Local. .. .11:22 p. m, Medford to Jacksonville. Motor car loaves 8:00 a. m. jcuycm , , . io:4B a. m. Train leaves 3:35 p.m. i'rain jeayes . , 6:00 p. m. "Motor car leaves 9-30 p, m. Jacksonville to Medford. itf-i . 1 11 Muiur ivHYfis I 7:00 a.m. Train leaves 8:45 a. m Tram leaves 2:30 p.m. Train leaves 4:30 p. m Motor car loaves j 7:30 p. m PACIFIC & EASTERN RAIWAY7 ti. lLeavea Medford ... 8:10a.m. Hp. 3Leaves Medford . . . 8:00 p. m. No. 2 j Arrives Medford ..10:10a. m. No. 4Arrlves Medford . , 5:00 p. m. No. ljArrlves Eaglo Polntj 8:45 a. m. No. 2LeaveB Eagle PoInt 9:05 a.m. Wo.3 Arrives Eagle Polnt 3:46 p.m. o. 4 Leaves Eagle Point) 4;00p. m. j , f . inn inn mn Al I 0 Kllullll Ml IT flLL flUUnllU I Ull GARDEN OE EDEN!. Such Will Be Announcer's Cry When New Railroad in Turkey Is Completed. CONSTANTINOPLE. Feb. 26. "Ml aboard for Eden. Step '.his way, la- dies and efintlemon. for iho Adnm nm! Eve First Centurv Limited. AlM,n 80C,al Washington today, follow a-bo-ord!" Such will be the announcer's cry. doubtless. when the station of thc!worth Eavo ,n nhonor ot Mrs. Cor proposed C. & G. E. railroad is butlt here the Constantinople and Garden of Eden road. Sir William Wlllcocks, British ad visor to tho Turkish ministry of pub lic works, recommends that the road be built. It is not impossible that ih old original garden will become a popular riverside resort, with a rib roast restaurant, a snake-house, an applo orchard and a permanent ex hibition of female habiliments show j ing their slow evolution and develop ment up and down from fig leaves to the costume of the modern Salomo dancer. and geographer, has located Adam and Evo'a old estate and ladies' and gents' tailoring establishments in the Harllab district, about 155 miles from Bagdad. This spot, from which the occupants were dispossessed after rasing Cain, Is an oasis In a vast desolate plain, traversed by four arms of the river Euphrates. These streams lend themselves readily to "shoot tho chutes" entertainment, and the fact that the Euphrates has four arms strongly recommends the proposed re sort to the numerous Mrs. Ishmaels, wives of Mr. Ismael Pasha, and to other ladles. The sultan and his ministry of pub lic works are receiving bids and pro posals for tho construction and equip ment of the new railroad. Probate, '" Estate Mary A. Ydiing,' annual re port of executor approved. Estate J. W. Clark; Moffda'y, March 14, set as d:.y of final accoun'ffng'. Estate M. 8. Welch; order confirm' ing sale of real property. Estate Martha J. Mlnnick; Sterling C. Mlnnick appointed administrator: W. J. Freeman, T. J. O'Hara and F. A. Harr appointed appraisers. NOTICE. All members of Pocahontas Coun , No, 20, bo on hand Friday eve cil ning, February 18, 1910. Special business and refreshments. ELLA SHOULTS, Keeper of Records, NORMA MARTIN, Pocahontas. It. A. Holmes, the insurance man RTLAHD HARDWOOD FLOOR COMPANY Largest stock of Oak, Maple, Beech, lurch, Mahogany md wainut FLOORING n the Pacific northwest. Manufae turera of Parquetry Flooring. We have a large force of Expert Me chanics and are in a position to give estimates of finished floor work. We also use a sanding and scraping ma chine for surfacing dance halls apd skating rink floors. We sell wax. wax hrushea, furniture rosta and ass sliding shoes. Write or call at 286 YAMHILL ST.. PORTLAND. MAY OSTRACISE ALICE'S PET SliAN 'Her Pet Monkey Is No Longer Per- sona Grata in Washing ton Society. WASHINGTON, Feb. 16. Mrs. Alice Roosevelt Longworth's pet man Ke 18 m danger 01 oeing OSiraciSCU I'ng n'8 disgraceful conduct at tho dinner Representative and Mrs. Lpng- nellus Vanderbllt. During the dinner last evening Mrs. Longworth recounted some of tho In telligent doings ot the little ape, and tho guests demanded to see him. His cage was brought to the room, but by mishap tho door flew open and tho simian, with one bound land ed on the center of tho table. After a preliminary cantor over tho damask, the monk "Belied a fistful of edibles and leaped to a chandelier, where he squatted and munched con tentedly until recaptured, making faces and grinning at the guests. Singe and Wheeler & Wilson sow- "F cs for sale and rent. Sup- r machines for sale and rent I plies and repairs for all kinds Ad- t dress 244 S. Grape. For the Best In harness, saddles, whips, odes, tents, blankets, wag on sheets, axle grease and gall cure, as well as all kinds of custom work, see J. C. Smith 314 E. Main. Another tho homo orartortnouieatro party, in fact most of tho In formal of falrd at homoaroonhancod by Its uso. It can bo attaohod to any oloctrlo light socket. ROGUE RIVER CITY WOOD PILE Man Takes Two-Hour Shift and Jumps the Job Two Others Pay Their Fines. Three vloliitdN of lao ordinances mado And provided that no jllsorJer ly contfott shall occur, wore arraign ed before Mfcyor Canon TiKftday. James Hogan was nssescod 10 for I'elng dlsorlerly, which ho paid. Henry Johnson, just plain drunk, paid his fine ct u, whereat tho Judge; nearly fell off tho bench, as he wai figuring on putting him on the wood pile. Gcorgo McCarty had neither mon ey nor friends, so was given two days on tho woodpllo. Two lionn sufficed on Georgo, who jumped t!o job and made his escape to other scenes. NOTICE TO HOOSIHItS. Thelloosler society of tho Roguo River valley Invite all Hooslers to rttend their meeting rt the Medford opera house on Febjuary 22 at 7:30 p. m. 289 E. p. WILSON, Secretnry. Wanted Second Hdud Oak Barrels j. A. P erry h CHAFING DISH PARTY ploasuro that comos td llghtod by Electricity Is xno uso or an liioctnc chafing dish. 'As a moans of amu3omont, tho chaf Itie dish has more dollghts stored away for Its possessor than almost any othorartlclolnthohomo. More over, It Is useful. A dalntv lunchnnn ELECTRIC CO. LOS ANQELKS, Cul., Feb. 10.- j Hy virtue C a two to ono nowMpniw decision. Low Powell of Sau Fran- oisoo is being hailed today h tliu i conquoror of George Momsio. Two morning papers deelared Powull the winner, while tho third gave tho palm to McmHic, following their ton-rouiu' engagement at Nauil Junction laxt , night. Notwithstanding his defeat, Mem-1 sic showed by his gritty work that ho is getting back to his old-time form, and his haokors, far from being dis couraged, express tho opinion that the httlo Bernppor will yet roach th top of tho pile. Powell won on points only. Mem sio showod that ho was tho superior whon it cntno to infighting and aggressiveness. It was a splendid exhibition and the fight fans arc anx ious to sco tho boys come together again. 1 It is probablo that Low will re main hero for several days until ho irocovora from a decorated optic. It is understood he will challenge tho winuor of tho Wolgast-Nolson argu ment at San Francisco Washington' birthday. AT YOUR GROCER'S tntLAB ruvi MILL Co . roxuijio.Otiao REAL ESTATE SNAPS 30 acres tru't laud, 20 planted to pears, with poach flllors, close to school nnt. poatofflco, J8500, ono- third, balanco long time; no Im provements. 102 acres, 7 miles from Modford, 12t an aero; good Irrigation ditch; ono-thlrd down, balanco long as wanted. Good city lots, closo In. Monoy loan. tc cunt front lots, 50x108, half 1 off of street to bo paved this lilnpt year $' ,)0 cncl1' cloBO ,n' ,ial v,own balance yar 8 ot cwt' '' SiskiyuLandCo 206 PhJpps Bulld.'n0' Moord, Or. FioMr- WW it innkes flood lgl I fobroiulaiulhi.scMiitH." im ml Mother. IM iAliHoluioly JUL j ml clean and pure, ! rf.wliolcwmie unci -TniaM" j ml nutritious 5HiiLCi j innilo from Be- ' .fljZuUjJiy Si western wheat i l Olympic J lSfx if CALIFORNIA CCA PO.H WINTEE TOUEISTS HnrinKs, magniricont touriHi iioioih, piciurunuuu ov-u..-IM attractivo soasido resorts, ' r""J"8 moJ lB'ot outdoor paotlmo, suph as hundreds ot miles ot doifzhtful cllmntn. nml nnnnrfi 'Ulty lor all )tln. . . , , .,. .(, ,,a fnvnrnil rncrlon TllO cry. delfKhttul cllmato. and onnorh. auto drives throuKh oranao ki-ovm I World's Greatest Winter Itcsort, roacho v,tt tho 02"nd fsya U tow round' trip rates aro in effect Ibgluff and first-class1 accommodations, 7 50 ' " Medford to Los Angolos aiJtf Rotuiift. $ n. Willi a final return limit of six months, and stop-overs M o'lthor dWdfitl. car Borvlco, and ovorythlng First class, up-to-dato train with tho latost oquln moivt ifn'bxcolid1 dlHlh,. that goes to mako tho trip pleasant. 'ut0r resorts of California A'ttractlvo, Interesting and Instructive litoraturo (foiling o'frtho fatn'iiKir'' Wk. can bo had on application to any O. R. & N. or S. P. Agimt, or by1 wHtllhr tti' P0HTLAND, OlUIdON Wfli, maiuiuwvi, ueiierai russeiiger BOOM IN Five Sold in Two Days Everybody wants ono the best cars in the valley for the money. See the various sizes now on exhibit tit ITotlson's Oarage. MODELS v MODEL 16, $1900 I. 0. B. PORTLAND, This car niny have cqimls for power, performance nfld speed, but if so they will eost at least $1000 more than the Buictf. 'k THE FAMOUS WHITE STREAK In Rnmblo, Surrey and Toy Tonnoau. ins t - - " $1100 F. O. B. The trimmest, Rtaunchcst small Touring Car on markbt. Medford Buick Co. Tou Velle, Manager Hodson's Garage, Medford I a. nd n,0DB ocoftn UOaCIl UOUlOYUiun, SHASTA OUTE 'ondcrs" - iV . U T Jd Ji xt Jf AL U. iw from all ioln In' tlio ti6V Agent, 'IFIO CO 16 AND 17 1 M ' PORTLAND. uiunu n.t- .... .-a 'iwost. with long limit, stop-ovor prlvl- W V V