fim MfiDirORD MAIL TRU3UN1S, MEDFORD, OIMW OX, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1910. Want Ads Not Only Hunt Find Them uyers - - - 4 For But PARLIAMENT IS CONVENED After Bitter Election Third Parlia ment of K In ii Edward's Rclyn Assembles In Wcst mlnstcr. LONDON, Fob, ia. Aflur Iho Imrdimt-fuiiglil iileellnn F.iijtlnnd haw ever known, llic third imiliuiiieiit' "I Kuyt Kd ward's mi"" mhmciiiIiI(mI at Wontmiimter for llm Ho-ninn's Inmi- tie nl 2 oYlook thin nfleniiMiii. Un iiumN tlniH far Iium been unruly fur mill and four day will I'" oH'iipicil in mi miiri HoitMit I iointl way than swearing in Hie tnoinbeiH mid effoel inic the annul organinllou. lining l)Ma'l at Midnight. Tli.nifli the houHt'H did not I'lUi- vini until 'J o'eloek, tin door weit opened t iihiiiiI at midnight. anl all through the early limit- of the fore jiooa there wan the ouidoiiiury runli of the 1)70 member of tho I'oiuinon for the host, or, In fuel, for any at all of tin- .'00 neat in their I'hainber. Thi ntniniH-dc over. Ihf yeoman of the guard, in their gorgomt enrlei and gold Elizabethan uniform, went through the venerable faree of urchin tho iarliaiui'itt Inline vault lor e.ploive. The offieinl jiolicH had, of eoiitne. previnuly eon dueled m ri'iil enri'li. Even they found nothing dangeron. nor ex pected to KlIUI'lllOU ( TOM II on llaail. A 2 oVhx'k iipptouelied an enor mow crowd begun to gather in tin streets of "WiKtuiiuler to watch lh ttiiuljr nrriwil. Nolnble ilitieinn wt'iw KUiiorly looked for. riiani'i'llor of thi' c.xi'hi'ipior Lloyd-George n mo eiilhurfiiintifally greeted that it took a strong xipiad of (xil'ii'i'tnen t gel . him In n fitly from hi official nxidi'iicK Ht U Downing treet to tho hmie. I'riini' Minister AuiHt. tuorf Hppielieiiive emieeriihig uf- friwtte, who wore pretty promt iiHiitly in evidence in the throng, look no such risks its, the olmneellor, hut wont Huron from hi offlcinl rc-i-dotico hy way of the underground pannage provided for uei emcrgen oio. Swvurltiu In MciiiImt. Iimiil tlio house of common con fusion prevailed when the tedioii binine of swearing in began. One ly one tho new member inarched up to Speaker l.owlherV (aide to he in troduced hy more experienced friend lo thn presiding officer. TodnvV Httearinjf in wu interrnpl nd, an it alwny in. hy the arrival of the k'niilleman uhcr of the Black Kod. otherwise ' Admiral Sir II. Stophonoon, to miinmon the common to the liar of Hie limine of IoiiIh to hear "hi niaieslv'H eommission" read. I.lktoti to KIiik. In the upper ehataher the lord ehancellor, Lord Hoivhtirn. and hi fellow coiiimlKHiitnoiM. in full stnte rohiw and melted IihIn, xtood wailing on the Hleim of thu throne, whila thr rent of the lord nt around lliem, Imrehiiaded. Kvurvone heinir iiniHunt. the lord ehnnaollor, in olYiial tonnH, nwid tho "nommiwion," hrisfly coin mnndinir the "fnithfnl coiiiiiioiih" in the klnir' name to elect "a lit and proper iioroii lo thn officu of Mpeak r to pniiilo over their delihera tioitH." Hpejikcr Hleeti'il. ' Thn eoininoiiH iinniediatlv rotnni ed to their own ehiuuliur. whuro .lolm Hlli, a Lihnral, 1'onnnllv nnme and propoMud that James Lowthur he eleeled Kneakera mere form, inaa llitei a I lie Hiime Mpenker is oleeted tuiHHion aflor HOHHioii, retrardleHH of polilieu, 1 1 m iiMiially liupponw, lie re tire to accept a puerap'e and a neat in the Iioiihii ol lord, speaker i.ow tlier himself i now stiirtinir mi hi third torm, havintr heen eleeled nnilef tho eoiiHnrvalivo adininlHtralion of I'rnnwar Malfonr, which ended four yearn airo. Slnarl Wprlley, a eoii Hnrvalivo, ecoi'deil Mill' motion and the propowitioii wn uiinniiuoitHly iiai iind. The limine of lord wiir in formed of whal haif heen done iiud the Hwotirtiipr-ln proceeded. Rob Bank of $10,000. MLOOMINOTON. III., Feb. 1f. Five innwked handits ilyniimilpd tho vii til t of the (''ilizeiiK' hunk nl riiul worth, III., early today nnd eHcnped with u hirjfe Hiiin of money. Ae cordinp; to Ihn officer of tho haul., tho amount they Htolo whs ahnitl $10,000. A ahoriffH posHo iinniedt ntoly took jtp tho ptirfliiit, Homo day you'll rtnswor n wnnt nd, That will Inflttonco- plonBantly and profitably your wholo nftor-Ufo. LITTLE CONSERVATION VIEN Supporters of Reclamation Bond Is sue Will HaVc Hard Time Get tlnil Measure Through. WAHIIINtn'ON. Fob. 1fi.--Tho only uoimorviitlon li'KlMliitlon that will bo liuneil at thiN nfkitlou of ci)ni;rntM, hc CoiiIIiik to the iiiiimliei'H of Uio Iioiihii loiluy, will l.u a Koierul oliiHMlfleatlou hill, a hill for the wlthilrnwal of -tain IiiiiiIh and thu ritelamntloa homl Ikhiid net. It will bo aeciMmary fur miiMirtor of Hie reclamation limit! Imiic in fllit hard to pit tho hill tlirouuh tin: Iioiihii, uucordliiK to a ioinii(atlvii. Tin- iiidlratloiiN at llm proMiit'tlmu am thai thorn) three ineamiren will be tho limit on which tho leadr-cmi UKrou la coiiiieutloii with I'reHldent Tu ft 'h cotiHerviitlon plan. Thoro In a poHHllillliy lhi thai oim of tlnwo may fall of imunnKe. The diuiKor lontroiitliiK th( coiiHr vntlon program In coiiKroM are such that tlium U itllKht belief Hint mora thud throw moiiHiireM will bo pumhhiI. TIiIm will leave to the prowlilent tho (auk of preventing any riil land or water power ulto Krahi. A newnpnpei- la which th nw of tho world wait not rovrml would not bo a kooiI aewMpMpfr, Your tor- ad which fall to "covor" tin) iiuwb of your Mtorc Im not a kooiI kid re ad. Mop, Wool anil llltlcn. IIOI'S190S crop, choice 15c; prime to choice, ic,c; prime, 15'ic; medium. !oi; l!0y, choloe. 21c; prime. 20c; medium, 1 6 (J'llc. WOOl, Nominal. lVOD, Wllla- metto valley. 20 21c; aHtern Ore oii. 20t:3n. SI1KKPBKIN3 SbonrinK, 10 26c uaoh; short wool. 26tffi0u; medium wool, COcft $1 bach; long wool, TRctf $1.26 ouch. TALLOW Prime, per lb. d djf'4c; No. 2 nnd proasc, 2 Gil '4 c MOHAIR 1909, 23!B 24c lb. II1DKS Dry hldM, 17tf lS'.ic lb; Krenn. 9Vir10Ve; hulls, Kreen salt. 7c lb; kips, lOtflOo; calves, preen, Iflfl 18c pel lb. llutler. Kucs anil Poultry. EOnS Local, candled, wileot, 27 Vi IT 28c; looal utoraxe, 27c; wistern HtoraKo, 17C1 ISc. nUTTKR Extrn crMwory. S7 0 39o; fancy. 37c; store. 26e. POULTRY .Mixed chtckens, tSc; fancy hens. ISVc; roosters, old 134; Kcose, He for live. lCf 18c for dross'jil; ducks, 22 l-2c; tur keys, nllve. 22c; dressed, 27W29c: plReons. siiiuibs, $2.50 dozen, druss- ud chicken, 1 (fj 2c pound higher than alive. (rain, Flour nnd liny. HAR LEY Producers' pricclOOD Feed, $31; rolled, $33; browing. $30.50. .WHEAT Track, club. $1.0G 1.07; blue stem, $1.10; red, $1.08: forty fold, $1.10; Willamette valley, $.0G. MILLSTUFFS SolllnR price Dran, $27; middlings, $34; shorts, J20(B'27.50; chop. .$22029; alfalfa meal, $21 per ton. FLOUR Now crop, patents, $. 15; straight, $5; Imkoru', $5:950 6.15; Willnmotto valley, $6.70 hn!.; export grades, $1,50; jjrr.liatn,' 1-4s, $5.70; wIiqIo vheat, 36.75; ryo, $6.76; bales. $3.16. HAY Producers' prloo New tim othy, Willnmotto valloy, fancy, $20; onllnary, $19; eastern OroKon, $20021; mixed, $16; clover No. 1, $15.6001(5; wheat, $10M7; cheat, $10 017; alfalfa, $17. OATS Spot dollvory, now, pin- ducorH' price Trnck No. 1 white, $310$32; gray, $30031. Fruits and Vegetables, FRESH FRUITS OnuiKos; Now navels, $27,3.00, Raunnas, 5 5 He lb;' lomons, $5.60 0 0.00 box; grapo- fruit, $1; ;ioars, $1.25; grnpoB, $1, 76. POTATOES Soiling, now, $1.15 0"l.25; buying, custom Multnomah and Clnckamns, 80 085c; Willnmotto valloy, 70 075c. ONIONS .lobbing, $1.50 per cwt; garlic, 100 12o per lb. APPLES ?1. 25 0 $3,50. REANS Small whlto. $6,50; largo white, $1.50; pink, $1,85; bayou, $(!; Minus, $5; reds, $8, CATTLE Rest steers, $5.50 05.- 75; good uteors, $5; common stoors, $4.26; medium, $4, 3G 04.60; fancy hotfers, $4,00; medium cows, $4.00; poor cows, $3.0003,50; bulls, $2,50 03,75; stags, $2,5003,00. HOGS Dost east at tho mountains, Some of the Want Ads "Were Written for You" In tho coiirH of a year a certain number of want nd aro WRITTEN FOR VOL. That Is, they have a greater Interest for VOL' than for anyone elno In the city heaco are. In effect, "written for you." Hero'ii tho tantalizing part of It: You wiu't powdbly know whon they ure U bo printed tin 1om you pay the prl"o. Tlio priio In IntelllBont vlKllance In roadlng the ct.iMlffcd ad. No ono can do It for youand find tho ad that werw "written for you!" You mum do It your Klf or mln thoin. And to keei iiiImhIiik the ndH that wore '"writ ten for you" In lo keep aloof from the atmos phere of hiiccowi to kcp your oelf out of toil'., with tho prosporltiK peoplo, the winning people, the worth-while people, After :o,i find a few of tho ads that were "written for you," you'll begin to find Mime of the c !,hi lok nnd opportunltleK to prosper which dally life In thb city hold FOIl YOU! One cunt a word. Six luBortlotm fo rtho iirlr.u of flvo. JO. 00 0.25; fancy, S.503 8.75; stockers. 17.00: pIks, 18.00. SI1EEI' Met wetheni, $C.OO; or dinary, 15.50; sprlnK lambs, ;G,.r,O0 H.7B; straight ewes, $6.25 0 5.50; mixed lota, $5.60. CALVES nwt, $5.75 0 0.00; ordi nary, $6.00 (it 6.25. MEDFORD MARKETS. I'rillti ami Vi'KL'tables. I Prices paid by Mcdfrod merchants.) APPLES 2 0 4c. lb. Potatoes, 1 lb. ni.lon. $l.r0 cwt.; cnbbdKe. 2c; turnips, l'.ac; parsnips, 1 to 1 i--clb.; squas, (1 to $1.26 dozen. Hotter, i:u and Poultry. (Prices paid by Medford merchants) Ranch butter, 324c; fancy cream ery. 4tjc. Fresh ranch srs. 25c. Mixed poultry, 100' He; spring chickens, 15(1 18c: turkeys, 17c. (Prices paid producers.) liny Timothy. $10; alfalfa. $15; Krass. $14; grain hay. $10. (Jraln Wheat, $1.20 'bushel; oats, $30 ton; hnrluy. $30 ton. Reef 3 1-2 to 4 l-2c; pork, 7 l-"c; mutton, 7c; lamb, fc: veal (divs.l) 7c (Selling prices. ' Rollod tmrley. 2 r.wt.. $38 ton; bran. $1.07; middlings, $1.S5C1.90; shorts, $1.S0 1.S5. FOR SALE. .4.4-.-4.4.4-'-4- - -t-4 KftH SALK-a nnd tO-ncrc tracts just within und adjoining city Inn iiH. at a hnrpiiii, on f annual pay met t Addnws P O Hox 418. FOR SALE Exgs, thoroughbred Iiugg (irplngion settings, $2 per 16 AddnwB Pino Troo Poultry ' Ranch, Gold Ray. Oregon. FOR SALE New. strictly modern 5- room bungalow. W. G. Davidson, 1144 W. Tenth. 283 FOR SALE Oak, fir and pine cord- wood, It and Id-inch; nlso dry rail wood; dry pitch for kindling. Phone order to Main 4101 FfrR SXLB-AVUI sell my "black mare 11 years old, 1200 pounds; good to work; flue tinder saddle; porfectly sound; only $160 cash. Call nt 1009 W. Main street. C. T. Har mon. IT)R SALE 40 ncro of good timber flvo nilloa from Medford; all down hill. Mnt Calhoun, Phoenix, Oro gon. ' FOR SALE Fine new C-rnom bunga- low nt No. 041 North Riverside avo nun; houso all modorn and oast front: mnplo floors; corner lot; prlco $2000; halt lmlf cash, balance tonus. This will make you a fine homo and Is an oxtra good buy. C. II. Piorco Son. 3S(1 FOR SALE Or trndo, 40 acres on Mitalopo crook, half bottom land; this Is undovoloped fruit land; will trado to halt value; price $800, C. C. Plorce, Medford. 2 80 FOU SALE GO acres, fln'ost bullding silo lu tho volley, lueludlti; 30 acres Kood, fruit laud; nhenp and terms right. II. C. Maltby, Palm Hldg.. Main an.l Front. F0"r SALE Household furnlturo. Inquire 214 W. Jackson iiL 2 SO FOR SALE Ono" brand now Oliver typewriter, with all tho Litest Im provements, $85 cash, cost $100; this machine has not boon used. Ad dross K, caro of this offlco. L. L. Klnnear. FOit SALE Thoroughbred Rhode iBlnnd oggs, $2.50 for 1G. W. Theo. Mntlock, WUllo streot. 285 FOR SALE A neariy now, throo Address Box 285 Inch wagon, complete, 724, Modford, Or. -'fi. . . ............. . . POP RAI F FOlt SALE75 acres best fruit land In north end of valley; 4 miles from railroad; 1-2 mile from school; about 15 acres cleared; some fruit) in bearing; Irrigating ditch runs' through mlddlo of it; plenty of wa-1 tor: with house, barn, well and spring and 1000 cords of v.cod on It; I n .No. 1 road In all directions; $45: pet aero; ouy or owner, bee cole man nt cigar factor'- 20S FOR SALE Or exchange, modern j residence, seven rooms, bath and : basement, Portland Heights, Port-i land, corner lot, magnificent view. ' Will sell on terms or exchange forj Rogue River or Medford property. ' Inquire G. Putnam, Mall Tribune office. FOR SALE A beautiful home In a good locality; a well finished nine room house; nice lawn, email or chard, shade trees, good barn and windmill; pipeline on one corner. Inquire of F. X. Musty, Tolo, Or.304 FOR SALE On North" Riverside Avenue, 5 room huso. barn r.nd ,onc-half acre of good garden la:d all for $1600: Address P. O. box, 378. .Medford. Or. F6R SALE "Timber. How would you like to got C40 acres with 10 million feet of saw timber for $7000? Wo i ivo It for sale. , C.t II. Poirce & Son. 284 ; FUITSALE -Jersey cow nt 1300 con- tral avenue. North., Medford. 2SS FOR SALE Or exchange, good se cured paper to exchange for small ranch or Medford city property. Ad dress I. V. N., care Mall-Tr!hune.2SS FOR SALE For n tow dnys. C-room ' houso. one ncro cholco land, well located; a money maker at $2850. Lot us show you. Wright Allln.2S I FOR SALB--On "ncro." "one ""block from Main; hair sot to fruit; dandy gnrdon: grapes, berrlos, cherries, cholco location for chickens, $3500; terms. Wo can show you. Wright & Allln. 128 E. Main. 2S4 j FOR S A"LE Good lot In splendid j residence section for less money than ' a smaller lot will bring a greater dls-1 taico from buslnoss section, Ad-i dross Y, euro of this offlco. I FOR SALE Good steam'wood saw. Address L. O. Van Woven, Medford, Ore. 293 FOR SALE Choice business proper ty at a bargain, on long time; ens terms A.U-e P O Boy 118 ' FOR"SALE-S0 acre33 miles south. of Medford on Phoonix rond; lm-i proved; 12 acros bottom land 4' ncros fair orchnrd; 4 acros olfolfa' 20 acros In cultivation. J. S.Von-, drof, Pheonlx. 281 FmrSALE Somo good ptecos of fruit land for salo choap. Address S, caro of this offlco. 202 FOR SALE Ninety ncr. SO 'n on yoar old applo nnd poar treos, 100 Inches of water, 2 1-2 inllos from railroad station. For terms wrlto "Owner," caro Mall Tribune. 2G1 . FOR SALE 4 CI acros of tho very best freo soil land lu tho valley and only 5 miles from Medford for $C5 1 aij ucro. bonutlful homo of S rooms nnd 4 ., ...i, i aercs miu uuu uuu-iuui nines uum Modford, a beauty and cheap as dirt. D, II. JACKSON & CO., Opposite hotol Mooro. FOR SALE Roguo' River Valloy laud of tho boat poars, apples, poaches, TOKiiy grapoa; jiu.uuu iuauuii; tlmo) wll lmndlo ovor 200 ncros; closo to railroad; about 27 acres In 12 and 2-yoar-old orchards; unsur passed, idoal location for fruit or alfalfa; has rlvor froutngot water rights; boating, ftshlmj and Irriga tion on place. Addroso Box 23, caro Medford Mall Tribune. I WANTED A man who wishes to work a ten-acre tract of land, close in, for truck gardening. Call at 141 North Fir street. WANTED To buy or rent, house of five to seven rooms, with one to five acres of ground. Address II, Mall Tribune. 285 GRAFTER WANTED At once ex perienced grafter wanted at the Wagner creok nurserlos, Talent, Or egon. Permanent position for re liable, compotent nurseryman; man with family and some capital pre ferred; a partnership offer would bo considered. Wclborn Beeson, pro prietor Wagner Creek Nurseries. 283 WANTED Drlvor for tea and coffee route. Apply at to S. Kemp thorn, 237 Riven dj avenue, phono 3S71. 97 WANTED Experienced stone cutter and quarry man. Call at Condor Water and Power Co's. office. ' WANTED Competent girl for gen era! housework lor family of three, P. O. Box C87. WANTED About 10 acres good ap ple land wanted from ownor. Glvo particulars. 32, care Mall Tribune. 2S4 WANTED Housekeeper and cook, mlddlo-agod lady preferred; seven lu family. Addross or apply to S. G. Van Dyke, Phoonix. Oo. WANTED Agent to handle house hold article; big money maker to right party; information Box G43, Medford, Or. 2?3 WANTED A lady solicitor to sell electric heating, cooking and light ing devices. Apply it the Condon Water and Power Co. WANTED lionet, energetic, relia ble niuti and . omun :o take agency in your own locality for quick-selling guaranteed sooodb. Write for Infor mation to G. C. Kenney, Hugo, Ore. 281 WANTED A position on a farm by an oxperleueod lady cook, to take charge of ;ie culinary department; also for a practical man to do farm work. Address X, caro Sunnysldo Hotel. Eagle Point, Or. WANTED To trade, a 3 1-4 wagon for a 2 1-2. Phone 1242, city. 283 FOR RENT. 4. FOR RENT Five acres neir tlei city, house, bnni and pnsture, spp'lnt; w lit er. Want Uiant with goxl toam n-d firmlug oi tflt. Can rnt mo'o land near by. C. II. Pierce & Son. 283 FOU RENT Tracts of Innd from ono to forty ncros; with water for irrigation, suitable for raising po tatoes nnd garden truck, nlso suit able for chicken nnd turkey raising. Ownor will furnish a rensonnhle amount of lumber and poultry and othor fencing for improvements if lessee perform labor of erecting same. Call at office of Condon Water nnd Power company for par ticulars. FOR RENT Farms, ttora 40 acros upward, sultablo for fruit, alfalfa, stock or general farming. Inquire at office Condor Water & Power com- Pny. JOU ,w. wain street. pou RENTHo,18ekooplns rooms 45 North Bartlott street. 285 FOR RENT house, closo houso, $8.00, aventto. Sovon-room modorn In; also four-room 322 South Central 287 FOR RENT 5-room houso in good location. Call on W. L. Cassocks, 10G N. Front at'. 285 FOR RENT. FOU HENT Threo partly furnished rooms for rent. 610 North Itlversldo avo. t'Oll KENT Nicely furnished rooms for rent with board; transients ac commodated by the day or week, No. 10 North Drape street, next to Fruit Orowors' bank. FOR RENT Light housekeoplnB rooms, 525 South Ivy street. 286 FOR RENT Only hotel la town of 1000 population. Call at Condor Water and Power Co., 209 West Mala street. FOR SALE A bargain in 200 acres best fruit and alfalfa land In valley; 160 acres In cultivation. For par ticulars see owner. Box 798. 287 FOR EXCHANGE. run K.c'HAiNUB 15-acro young orange and lemon orchard, In best condition, near Los Angeles, Cal want land In Rogue River valley; object, must change climate; what have you? Address J. W. Arm strong, Covina, Cal. 285 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. t- f Tea and Coffee Houses. GRAND UNION TEA CO. Any va riety of tea or coffee grown can be had from their agent, S. Kemp- thorne, 23 Riverside avenue. Phone do i j.. iickets given with everv purchase. Restaurants. CIIOVV YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDI CINES will cure rheumatism, asth ma, paralysis, sores and private dis eases. These remedies may be pro cured at the store of Wah Chung on A street, Ashland, Oregon, where they will he sold by the proprietor, Chow Younir. Tln Shops. J. A. SMITH Tin shop. Tin and sheetiron ware on hand and made to order. 12S North G street. Attorneys. WITHINGTON & KELLY -Lawyers, Pnlm Building. PORTER J. NEFF Attorney-at-law. No. 9 D street, grntind floor. COLVIG & READIES W. M. Col vig. C. L. Rcnmes. Lawyers. Of fice Medford National Bank Build in l. second floor. B. F. MULKEY Attorney-nt-Law, Offices Room 30, Jnckson County Bank Building, Medford. Transfer and Drayage. II. S. BRUMBLE Drayage . and transfer. Baggaee stored. Office C nnd Seventh. Real Estate. BENSON INVESTMENT CO. Real Estate. Loans nnd Fire Inxurii . Office, suito 205-200, over Fruit cn.wers' Bank. Phone 541. ADAMS & BRIGGS O P. Briire. rea! estate, Adams. C insurance, lartn and city Butte Falls. Or. property, timber. Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best tquinpod lob office in South ern Oregon; Portland p. Ices. 37 South Central uve. Opticians. DR. GOBLE The only exclusive op tieian between Portland nnd Sne ramento. Office on West Main st. nnd railroad. Brck Companies. G. W. Priddy. J. T. O'Brion. O. D. Nngle. THE MEDFORD BRICK CO. Brick manufacturers and cootrautor; also lime, cement and plaster in aty quantity. Office, Medford National Bank bldg. Phone Mnin 545. Undertakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un- dortakers. Day phono 351. Night Phones: C. W. Conklin 3001, J. II. Butler 3571. Photographers. MACKEY'S STUDIO "Pose with Mnckey and die with joy." Over Al len & Reagan's store; entrance on Soventh street. Hospitals. SOUTHERN OREGON HOSPITAL- 344 South C st Modford, Or. E. W. Ilisov, Matron. Official hospi tal P. & E. R. R. Dentists. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOC, Dentist - Office in rooms 203-204, Farmers' & Fruitgrowers' bank building, west of tho tracks. Stenographers. ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm blook. Stenographic work done quickly and woll. f-f-f BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Ptano Instruction. MISS JENNESSE BUTLER Piano instruction and musical history. Studio. No. 8 S. Orutigo St. Phone Main 2401. HARMONY, sight rending, musical form. Mrs. E, E. Gore, Metropolitan College of Music. Miss Flora Gray. Studios. 144 South Contrnl avenue. Phone 403. Civil Engineers. WILL take by contract, on reason able terms, all kinds of work; also irrigating, planting and cultivating, etc. Landscape gardening. First class references. William Peters, Civil Engineer, Phone 1801, 322 11 Main street, Medford, Or. Bill Posters. VERNE T. CANON Bill Poster nnd Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 7, Jackson County Bank Building. Medford. Or. Billiard Parlors. S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up Btairs, Yonng & Hall building. A nice coo' place to spend the hot afternoons. Architects. 1. K. Ai BILES Architect aud Builder. P. O. Box 48G, Afford. Or. Your building respectfully so licited. JOHNS & TURNER, Architects an8d BuiWers, office 7-8, 235 Main. Phone Main 3471. Residence phone 2471. Carriage and Auto Painting. VALLEY .SIGN AND CARRIAGE WORKS High-class work guaran teed. Signs. Riverside avenue. Phone 80L Furniture. H. P. WILSON & CO., dearcis ia new and second-hand furniture and hardware. Agents ' for Mound City kitchen cabinet. 323 E. Seventh Bt. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th aud Holly sts., Medford. Mission Furniture made to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cook Stoves and Ranges. New and Second-Hand Furnitnre. Ends' old stand, 18 W. F st. South. Phone 91, Medford, Or. Nurseries. QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock is not irrigated. We guarantee jv erything put out. We are not in the trust, n. B. Patterson, office in Hotel Nash. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY Growers of high-grade nursory stock. C. F. Cook, Prop. R. R. V. depot. P. O. Box 841. Phoue 1201. -Medford. Cement Workers. B. J. ADYLOTT All work guaran teed strictly first-class. Re-iden :e No. 406 Beatty street. A card will bring me Jo jy ou. MUSIC. MRS. E. E. GORE Piano instruction Metropolitan College of Music. Miss Flora Gray. Pb-ne 493. 144 South Central avenue Building and Loan Association. JACKSON COUNTY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION- O. C. Boggs, Acting Secretary, 128 East Main street. F. E. HILL Will furnish plans and list of all timber to be put in bmld- ing. Medford, Or. W. G. HOLMES Contractor and builder; plans nnd estimates furn ished. Inquire Star restaurant or dJressBqSia, Physicians and Surgeons. R. W. STEARNS, M. D.-Optwsite Jackson County bank. Night vmIU promptly answored. Office und resi dent phone Main 3432. S. A. LOCKWOOD, M. D. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Offices in Haskins' building. Phone Main 1001. CONROY & CLANCY Dffice in Stewart Building Physicians and Surgeons. Office phone Main 341 private phone Mnin 012. S. R. SEELY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Modem equipped operat ing rooms. X-Ray. Office hours t 10-12, 2-4 p. m. Office in Jackson County Bank Bjilding. t DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia Physicians. Mission Block. Phone 201, Medford. Cigars and Tobaccos. IRELAND & ANTLE Smoke nooe, dealers in tohaooo, cigars and smok ers' supplies. Exclusive agents of Lewis Single Binder, El Merito and EI Paleneia. 212 West Main street. Wessefffw Service. MESSKNaEritllVICB 'Mm4 gers furnished at all hours of day and till 9 f, m, to any part of city, from 100 to 26c, Phose Mala 1811.