THE M.EDJFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OR10OON. TIM3SDAY. FERRIWRV 13, 15)10. !tr FINDS THAI OR Model Residence For a Modest Sum In Case qf Sickness r n o n b ;i (. ii MED FORD PHARMACY Near Post ()lfio All Night StmM Krco Dolivory Savoy Theatre TONIGHT IS BETTER KNOWN Many Young College Men Coming to State In Near Future, Wil liam Murray Says. Dcsljtn 803. by Glenn L. Saxton, Architect. PORTLAND, Or., Feb. 15. Con-1 vincinp evidence of eubrttnnhnl re rhH" from tho aggressive x'ublioity rntpnigin eonilneted by Oregon coin ing -cinl orgmnmtioim in behalf of the si ii if wore found throughout the cast by William McMurray, general pa- 1 AMont lor the Hurriman Hues in 'his territory, who returned tenlny nfter an absence of six week-, in Uie states oust of Hie Mississippi rivsr. Mr. McMurray went to t lu onaro as n representative of the llar rimtm system to attend a meeting of tl- Transcottivntl I 'avenger asso o;" ;on, frohi hii'h h -urnl -pe-oi"; Hxeurvon rate from eaniern 1hV- for the Mppmaehing rose fes tiv ' in th- -ity. The Passenger ns socintion 1m established sitlisfnc tory colonist rates for the coming season. ' i "When the paengcr representa tives concluded their session," said Mr. McMurray yesterday, "1 spent several days visiting St. l'aul, Min neaolis, Philadelphia and New Yrc. At these points, and all through the cast. 1 found the representatives f the Hammnn system, iuehidintr our agents intensely interested in our publicity Work in Oregon. Portland snd.thc entire state are receiving much advertising throughout the cast and. .through lha co-operation of the railroads, nil pnhlioity litera ture scrjt from this tate is being distributed where" it will uo the most Rood.. , "Aninns: the evidence.. of practical results from the publicity cumpaiifii in Oregon thnt come under my ob servation was the faot that, included among the many eastern people who arc planning to join the army of liomeseek'ers for the . Pacific coast states, are an unusually large num ber of college graduates. A large share of thee desirable yonnjr men PEUSPECTIVB VIEW-raOM A PnOTOtJRAPII. j Pi uvnciwen ! I T cnAHBtn 1 IJ ixhih hAii r I it--ir-r ucovi i I IU" " BAlCOflY I J t II ft P q chlnery MORTGAGE. LOANS I Money on hand to loan on Real Estate City ami County Warrants bought. Fidelity and Indemnity Bonds Furn ished. Fire Insurance. JAMES CAMPBELL 209 FRUITGROWERS' DANK BUILDING. New Divorce Case The Engineer's Romance. Ashes His Vacation. EXCELLENT MUSIC. Ono Dlmo. Wm. E. STAGEY & GO. REAL ESTATE AND EMPLOYMENT. District Agent for ALADDIN LAMP Local agents wanted. Lamp on exhibition nud (or sale at the following places: Mod ford Garage, Allen & lloagnn's. Wurner. & (lore's nnil Weeks & McOowui'h and Medford Furniture Co.'h Stored. ADDRESS BOX 826. MEDFORD, OR. Medford Iron Works E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. Foundry and Machinist All ir'r. of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps. Boilers and Ma- Agents In Southern Oregon for FAIRBANKS. MOPSE & CO. FIItST FLOOn PLAN, SECONT FLOOR PLAN. Clocks Clocks All Kinds and Styles. I have a New Line of Traveling Clocks that is Worth Seeing. Martin J. Reddy The Jewler Near Post Office Here Is planned a home that should make the heart of an;- housewife glad. It has all the conveniences of a residence costing many times the esti mate here quoted, yet can be built for a modest sum. The living room covers practically the entire side of the house, but. a sort of dlvlslou made with a column archway allows the back of the living room t be used as g den or library. It ts now planned to lw used ns a library or den. with book shelves bnltt In on each side. These could be left out and seats put In if so desired. The first story Is to be flnlsued In red oak or birch: second tftory In pine to paint. The size Is 33' feet C Inches wide by 2T feet i! Inch? Imve selected Oreon as the nroner Jcen OTer ma,D Patt- 11 nas a fuU basement. The Drst story Is nine feef 'V I ( t. . I a i ...... a ...... ..t.,..., i i ....... place to locate, and with others are 8ecouu -"'Kul icei lue t,cari urai lur uuu smngicu on ouisiue. Aiienuon is caneu 10 me oaicony in me secomi siory, ample to seat eight or ten people and also large enough to be sereem-d In and used for an open air sleeping room, being accessible from the alcove, which Is planning to make the chance as soon in? they can arrange their affairs. The colonist movement to the Pacific coast this year will be record-breaking." MAUS MUST EXPLAIN REMOVAL OF OFFICER SPOKANE, Wash., Feb. 15. Brig adier General Maus, commander of the departmentof the Columbia, must make clear and positive explanation of his reason for removing Lieuten ant Colonel W. B. Abercombie from the command of Fort George at Spo kane or the colonel will quit the army. This was the ultimatum issued to day by the colonel, who explains that this Is his reason for asking for a suspension of the order of Maus for his removal to Fort Lawton until his retirement by the war department can be acted upon. The suspension has been granted and the appllaction for the retirement has gono to Washing ton by wire. "The intimation haB gone forth in the newspapers," said Colonel Aber combie today "that my adjutant, Lieutenant Sykes, and myself were Temoved for other reasons than the housing of Industrialist prisoners at the fort. I want them to out tho melon and have u full and complete Investigation." J practically a ball space or can be used for a sewing room. Cost to build, ex , elusive of plumbing and beating. SZftTiO. By special arraugement wltb me the editor of this paper will furnish one t complete set of plans and specifications of design No. for ?2T. GLENN L. SAXTON. t PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating. All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. I. F. MOORE AND E. E. SMITH Old Tribune Building. Phone :.931. AUK YOU GOING HAST? 10 10 00 10 Any goods which cannot be sold In this city through advertising In this nowsimper are not salable here, and should not have been brought to this market. MEDFORD TIME TABLE. - - - Northbound I No. 20Portlarid Local. . . 8:04 a. m No. lCIOrcgon Express, . , 5:24 p. ra. No. 14 Portland Express. 8:39 p.m. Southbound No. 15 (California Express10:35a. m. No. 13S. F, Express..,,! 3:32p.m. No. l'JAshland Local. . . .(11:22 p, in. .Medford to Jacksonville. Motor car loaves 8:00 a.m. Train leaves 10:45 a. m. Train leaves 3:35 p. m. Train leaves j 6:00 p. m. Motor car leaves j 3:30 p. m. " Jacksonville to Medford. Motor"loave8 iiOOa.m. Train leaves j 8:45 a.m. Train leaves j 2:30 p.m. Train leaves j 4:30 p.m. Motor car leaves j 7:30 p.m. PACIFIC & 15 ASTJ2 1 IN " 1 1 A I WAY. Real Estate Transfers. A. P. Taient to K. R. oatmau, lot 2, block 49, Med'jrd.. Maggie Burougbs' to Queen . Anno addition (inc.), lots and blocks In Queen Anne addition Anna Lane to L. A. Seymour, lota 3 and 40, block 7, Park addition to Medford 1C00 Ruth A. Barnett to Wm. M. Abbott, acre in Ashland.. J. N, Manning to P. C. Allen, land in Ashland LGeo. N. Hesselgravo to Lucy D. Williams, 30 acres D. L. C. 55 Jos. Stephens to J. J. Lane, land in Talent J. W. Dressier to Rose M. Poole, lot 2, block 3, Roie addition to Medford Jos. A. Smith to S. C. Leonard lots 1 and 2, block 30, Medford 2500 J. W. Sllnger to L L. Hamil ton, 384 ncros, section 31, township 30, 3 oast I. L. Blndlc to A. J- Klngo, 7-8 acre, section 5, town ship 39, 1 cast Lucy E. Payne to S. P. Ralph, - part section 10, township 39, 1 east A. P. Weiss to Edwin F. Rob inson, Iota 15 and 16, block 2, Frultdale addition to Medford C. W. Palm to Joseph H. May hew, lots 13 and 14, block 1, Whitman park B00 W. I, Vawter to Medford Pear-Apple Co., 1413 acres, Bectlons 19, 20, 21, 29 and 30, township 37, 1 east 7500 10 Dr. Lovott of the Harvard Medical school is right In declaring that cor sets of the rlyl.t kind are helpful for modern women," she Bald. "No wo-j man need have a bow back, a bulg- lm, CnmnMi - n fin. nlwkU. If ulli.) .wears the right kind of corsets. Tho day of the craze for tho atralght up and down in feminine figures has passed. You'll see hips and busts this spring." Have you a friend coining west? You ought to bring ono to Med ford. Call and see us. Tho colonist rates will be effect shortly. Lot us talk routes and rates with you. Information cheerfully furnished. Phono, address or call on Southern Pacific Company, A. S. Rosenbuum at Medford. i CURED WITHOUT A KNIFE. About eight years ago, after hav ing consulted several physicians who failed to cure my wife, I called !n Dr. ing of No. 725 J atreot, Sacramen to. Cal, After mnklng an examina tion, ho pronounced It a case of ab scess of the bowels, for which he ac complished successfully a cure with out a knife. About a year ago he alHo treated her for heart trouble. with which he had tho same success. ! Some time bnck he cured me of a case of kidney trouble. Anybody I wanting any reference can address me at No. 523 Oak avenue or Anto-' lopo, Sacramento county. II. J. ATWOOD. January 8th, 1910. The "too liimy" folks are not an Hwoilng any want nils nor shnrliiK In any of of the profit that comoi to want ad ucHwerora. But they find time to grumble. ( REAL ESTATE SNAPS I 30 acres fru t land, 20 planted to :enra, w'th peach fillers, close tn school iind i I'fofflce. $8500, one- third, bnlanco long time: no lm j provorncnts. I 1C2 ncros, 7 miles from Medford, S125 an acre; good Irrigation ditch; nnoriiiird down, caianco long an wanted. Good city lots, closo In. Money to loan. i- i;iipi limn inn, lliliivil, HUH I REAL ESTATE Farm Land Timber Land Orchard Land Residences City Lots Orchards and Mining Claims Medford Realty Co Room 10, Jackson County Bank Building Vltl fl rrt Ml,, "ufilufl-rtlfinnt.ap" fir , , block off of street to ho paved this ' your own personal sorvlco, and should .... . , , , .. . , i i , i .i year, $300 ench, close n, half down, bf a good classified advertiser. , , ' --.--. balanco ono year 8 per cont. 10, 1 10,000 HIP AND BUST LINES AGAIN TO BE IN STYLE WASHINGTON, Fob. 15. - Hop' gleamed onc'o mdro on tho counte nances of 2,000 straight-fronted wo mon who gazed today at the now plyle corsets display at the National OlotliGB Show at tho Arlington hotol The owners of tho hlplosH, hustlesH V." lLeaves Medford ... 8:10 a. m InunrhlesR forms saw that the fem $a, 3Loaves Medford . . .1 3:00 p. tn. Iinlne waist lino Is again coming into Vo. 2Arrlves Medford . ,10:10 a. m. STo. 4 1 Arrives Medford ..j 5:00p.m. Vo. llArrlvos Eaglo PoInt 8:45 a. m. S'o, 2Leaves Eagle Polntj 9:05 a.m. No. 3 Arrives Eagle Polnt 3:45 p. m. (vo, 4 1 Leaves Eagle Polntl 4:00 p.m. I. For the Best In harness, saddles, whips, ofces. tents, blankets, wag on sheets, axle grease and gall cure, as well as kinds of custom work, see J. C. Smith 314 E. Main. SiskiyouLandCo 206 Plilpps Building, Medford, Or. 1 1 RESOLVED The bent resolution for you to make in to eotnn to iih for your next uit, if you want tMimothing out of the ordinary. We do tho best work nnd chnrgo the lowest pricoH. W. W. EIFERT TII2 FUOUBKBSIVB TAILO 9 - - --- - The JACKSON COUNTY REALTY COMP'Y 604 WEST TENTH STREET, OR 124 KING STREET. MEDFORD OREGON Its own. Faint protuhoiances lndl cated that hi pa and busts will again bo do rigour. i Every woman at tho show llstoned In raptures to the talk of tho lady ex-1 hlbltor In chargo of the corsets. Olympic Floor is an aid to rather than a teBt of your ability." Mother. If you don't get toe baking retails IT A yoa should try a QSVkUsLuu saoic oi uiTwmo ir It lwys makes good thing! to eat. It' "better tbau ever." r w AT YOUR GROCER'S foaimiB rMOBBie usu Co., roanuiip, 0moi Wanted Second Hand Oak Barrels J. A. P erry Office In residence, corner West Tenth and Kino Streets, Always prepared to show you tho best Jack son county has-In the real estate lino from the unimproved land to the best bearing, orchards, farm land or stock ranches; also city property. The manager has hail ten years' experience In tho county, which will aid tho prospective purchaser, icuinn is knowing. We also have modern rooms to accommodate our patrons. ' Following are Some of our Good Buys 10 acres Ncwtowns and .'() acres 1 1-2 miles north ,,r.rl,a 1 nflO r.Mi-. OL I'WU'-1' "IS.II'H terms; just ready to hear. 10 acres Newtown and Spitz apples, 4-ycar-old trees; $5000, easy terms. Several nice small tracts near town just coming in hearing, easy icrms. 200 acres south Kagic Point, $10,000, easy terms. House, two lots, well locat ed; price $1700; terms. 2911 acres near coal mines, $9000, easy terms. AI.KO AOKN'P VOV THH SNOWY HDTTH OttCMARD. Two lots, fine location, $1000. Sovoral aero tracts, fine lo cation to sub'!)- ' !nis- for sale. J