Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 15, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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' TciiH ill nomlfiiiinil'H,
(IiuihIim llooloir, an nucil. woll
known (I. A. K. uuiiIIuiiiiin, !h lyitiu i vulloy land
(Imiil-i'iimihIv Hick al IiIh H'hIiIiiiici' on I Mr. and Mr.
(lie ioiiIIi nIiIo of WohI .laotiNoti
Sliiliiiniuy, iiflicti am) nuIiooI mip
pllim at ilia MorrlvoM Shop.
limn Fnbriiar.v 1!), In tliu wlfo of
'Mr. ami .Mim. U. I). Kllms of North
-Central uvaiiito, a iliuinlittir.
Phono UIJIU, Goo.lfrloinl'H.
Mn. Mary MillL'iui, llm hiicoijuh-
ful lady i'arinor of Mound illwtrict,
vIMti'd Imr ilanuhtur anil family, Mr.
nml Mrn. llonnuy, Batiinlay.
Spring nklrtn. Moukor'H.
Tim olil I'li'ctrln juiIch on North
Cent ml aviMiiti) nro lining rnplnooil
with iumv oncx.
See tho Morrivohl Sliop for hookn,
timifiulticH anil fiim Microvilli;.
llllil'kH COt ll'MH.
r.crt Orr luu rolui'iii'd to liin )ioim
on North Ctmtrnl nvoniiu from Port
land, whitio hit hart livoii attoiitlinj.'
nndcrliiKciH' hoIiooI for tho pant
month. KIiIiI'h KhooK.
T. A. DIuhk ami family, accompan
ied hy MIhh Niittii' .loni'M of HoiikIc,
V. H, MiiCiunn of Loh AiikoIch Ih'
a i neon t arrival at tliu NiihIi.
Mm. I), M. MoNitHHor of Alhn-i
ipiunpio, N. M,, aoaoinpaniml hy Minn,
I'VanuuH MuNiiHflur ami Mi km Kit i
Packard, nro in Modl'ord for tho
pnrpoHi) of invoHtiiiK in Kngno Kivnr
(Coiiliiiuud from Pao 1.)
,1. A, WcHtuilund
leave (IiIk uvuiiing on a viwit to Portland,
ow.or man in mo coutiry, was in torial roa,lrt in varioMH
Mmlfonl from Willow Spring flirt- ritory, nil phbcm1 withii
l!', ' , ,,,,H!rio1 ,Ih r,Kl 1,1 lUo ihan u month, imlicatii
"Colonel" holt, hut Jorry Ih of tho ioir.rollinir amomr tho 1
'Jim Opinion.
Tho pertinent jrnrtu of tho duciHion
I'liMuiiif n in i Itiliiri'iinitiir vimru III!
Nlolioliw Jorry, tho niiKKt kitiit, CHBion of territorial loKiHlitturo of
woo pen iipH i ih momro ri mi rooiiov,8C0.01 wo fllld o!(lt H,K3Cjnl nclH
lied up in goM iiiikkoIh than -nnv ,mti,.lri.,iL, n, n tnvinc nut nf lut'r!.
other man in tho country, wa in torial romlrt in var'ioUH ,,artH wf ,cr.
un Hpaco of leH
tiK practico of
nfr.riillitiir iitiwimr Itui fi.Hw.fci ,,f Id,
liollof that a niiKKOt king will heat a Htat0 wa(? nol Cotifiiiel entirely to
.... l V. . ". -K ""u' "'"i Pocio of thu employment iiocch-
Milo Luton and SihiH McICco of Bnry itl 0jonrlnB up l0 jrrCKI1r
I-riroHt crook wore in Medford T.iuh- fannH It is u fact that
day Hiding with ocal inorclmntB. fow of tllUH0 roml( wlich in t10 nR.
Kohort h MiiKi'iro, n , yomiK attor- Kretcto mtlHt ,1UV0 C0Ht inflint
noy, ately of Portland, Iiiih aHooi- community n coiildornble wmi of
aled lumnelf with tho lirm of Colvm , f- i,.i.... ....i i -u....
f f .i..ii I llllll UiMAIHU,
.Mr. .MfiKUirn nornoH well ,vnro -..- nf 11V ,.rn,i
i. !.f I v
. . . X . " I'ohiuomh UH0 I)oyon,j ,ho cmolumontH they fur
rewarded by Colviij & ItonnmH nlBhed to tho commiBsionors am
'iilar point; nocund, that it nppointt
n commiHHion to Hiipervine not only
tho oxpendlturo of the nam appropri
ated hy thu Htato, hut that appro
priated hy thu coimtieA interested,
mid to hnvo entire clmrrc of. the
coriHtniclion of the road, whioh i"
oxprcHHly declared in tho net itielf
to ho a county road.
I ton,! or ltinfl(.
Ft in uracil that the coiiHtruction
of tho road hero proposed would he
of reat public utility, which in n
House ifl probably true. While the
routo indicated in the net docs not
fiiiKBOHt that tho road would be of
(Crent commercial importance and the
(Covornmcnt publication Htihmittcd in
evidence biikkohI that owin to the
altitude, a portion of the countrv
& Koumofl
ami in
iin a material addition to the firm.
33 1-3 ncrai, clono to Medford; 30
acre C-year and 20 acre J?year'
pears; bent commercial varlotlcHj 20
acres ready for planting, A No. 1(
locality nnd under ditch; 120,000; j
83 1-3 acres fruit land; 26 acre
pears, apylcn and aprlcotB; 60 acrc
undor cultivation; oprlcotr, will bear
heavily thU year; about half undor t
ditch; a ea fo buy at 114,500; good
S-room modern bungalov:, Just fin-
truvcrficd by it would be obstructed Bi,od: 4 lots': very desirable locality:
by heavy Hnowfalls for part of the on, ,)lock from Qakdale; a money
year, still there can be no doubt that mnUor at moQ. c turict f taken
HiinoyorH doBiKiintod to Helect Ihe
route. Under those circumHtances it
was no doubt thought by tho "rnmerH
of the constitution that it would bo
woll tj divorco the Htate from the
business of spccinl road building nnd
leave that matter to bo attended to
In tin? following Innuuiiee Sir Henry
M. Stanley denrrlle an attack of na
tives upon tils party ilurlni; one of lilt
African exM.'lltloim: "The luvlathnu
bears down on us with raclnc snccd.
ItH coimortH on -ll linr lliink miurtlnt.' bv tho counties litulor iron nml Inu-u
were sliopphijr in tho city Saturday. I tho water Into foam nnd slmotliiB up Mill,. Itoml Work.
Phone SOOt. OoodfriendV Jjl. S;''.'!;,1;;,,, For Boveral years after tho adop
H. M. Chotlstor nnd family of ; T'"'.'' " . .7" 1.!" tion of the constitution tho state leL
North Peatty street moved today ;n i'reMitly Urn i.oIh1 sncars nro took littlo or no jmrt in the
the nroperly they recently aeipnred Inunched. and a second Inter my rltles construction of roads from ono part
respond with a rlppliiK. rmkiliu: ex- of the stnte to another, except in
plosion, nnd the dark bodies of tho en- those eases where state wns made
noes nnd piiddlcrs rush past us. trustee of some grant or fund itro-
Tor n sliort time tho snrnpes nro vMc,i i... ,,. ,, ..'..,
iwralyxwl. lint they soon recovpr They ..,, m. n ,, ,
find there Is denth In t).rs,o flnmlnjr nH T,,e IDn,,eI" n",J Cn"nn d"t.v
tubes In tho hands of the strnnKors. ''llln"y road and others of like
nnd with posslhly Krenter enerKy thnn 'haracter. In Allen vs. Iiirsch, 8
they ndvnuced they retreat, the pur- Or. 112, tho majority of tho court lav
sued becomlni: tho pursuers In hot special stress upon tho fact that tb'o
chnso. My Wood Is up, It Is n mur road was to be built and paid for
on I fie east side of Hear croak
Cmlory and Klasswaro at Oood
friend's. William Staoy of North lioardmnn
and Alice streets is having it four
room cottiiKo built on his property
for rout.
Oranitewnro at (loodfriond's.
Tho Juvenile Dancing club will
hold n dnnciiiR party in Anlo opera
house tomorrow ni)lit. Thin club is
comiosed of somo f0 marriod cou
pies nnd hnvo very cnjoynblo danc
itik' parties.
'meals at Ooodfricnd's.
Peter M. ICorshaw has returned
from n business trip to Qrnnts Pass.
Coffee at Ooodfriond's.
The city council will meet in reg
ular session this ovonlnjr.
John H. Carkin, attorney at Inw,
over Jacksonville Hank.
Honrv C. Crnno of Woodvillo
Bpont Mondny in Medford on bus!
Full niiHortment of Whitmnn's caii-
dle at Tho Momvold Shop.
W. W. Cnrdwoll of HoHcburj; is in
Medford on businoss
Itobort A. Cook of Foots Creek
was in Medford Monday.
Huicks stand tho wear.
Linkiim K. Whitinjj rotunicd Jfon
dnv oveninc from ma visit to tho
Hivorview rnnch.
Miss lined Cox, who has boon
quito ill for tho past fow weeks, Is
reported to be ooiivnloscinjj.
Huicks win the races.
W. F. Austin, Jr., who is ono of
the joint owners of tho famous Brad
nhaw orchards, arrived from Now
York a fow dny ago, accompanied
'by his fnthor, W. F, Austin, Sr., nnd
Ills sisters, Misses Lidn E. nnd Clnrn
L. Austin. Tho oldor Mr. Austin nnd
his dniiKlilers.havo leased n rosidenco
property in Weest Moodford, wlioro
thoy will inuko llioir homo, while W.
P. Jr., takes caro of tho orchard
Huicks do tho work.
T. It, Taylor has purchased from
Our Miller throo lots in block 2,
Lumsdon's addition to Medford for a
consideration of $3200. This prop
orty lion on South Central avenue,
nnd adjoins tho prdsont homo of Dr.
Huicks aro necessities.
O. W. Myers of Central Point,
county fruit inspootor, wns in Mod
ford Tuesdny.
Huicks nro worth whilo.
C. M. Specks and W. E. Hrnyton
of Spokane are reRiiteti'd nt tho
Nash today.
Huicks aro durnblo.
J. M. Wilson of Fromont, Or., was
in Medford Tuosdny to tnko n look
at tho Roruo Hivor vnlloy.
You nood n Ruiok.
Lot-tin phono 000, tho Medford
'Oroonhouso, for lottuco. 287
William Jonninirfl of StorlhiR was
In Jfodford Tuosdny morning nt
tonding to businosfl tmittors.
Thoro's a boom on in what! In
H. F. Mulkoy was in Modford from
Jacksonville Tuosdny.
Mr. nnd Mrs. E. B. ITnnloy of
Jnoksonvillo product woro Modford
visitora Mondny,
Mrs. O. II. Ilnskins wna at Jaok-.
Bonvillo Tuofldny intorviowinp; tho
tnx collootor.
Itobort A. Cook of Foots crook
was a Modford visitor Monday,
C. C. Wnlkor, tho tall Byonmoro of
Ashland, wna In Modford Tuosday on
n short business trip,
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. D. MoKny o
Drninnrd, Minn,, nro in Modford
looking over tho vnlloy. t
Clnudo 0. Downing of Ashland was
in Medford on business Tuesday.
dcrous world, nnd I hnvo Pcruii to ou, 0f ,ho fl pcr cctufn f
tmtff the fll hy. vulturous shoals who nrflPrt.tu r ' , , . .. , ,
Inhabit It. proceeds of sales of public lnmh
"I pursue them upsin-nm. up to their H 'V 01 nct ""mittmir Or
village. I sKirmisii in tnelr streets. " " """ '. were 10 oe no
drive thorn pollmell Into the woods be- voted to internal improvements ami
youd and level ihelr Ivory temples, from the proceeds of sales of swamp
With frantic haute I tire their huts lands sutxesting that no genornl tax
nnu uuu uio scene oy iowinK u.eir en- ,, the people wns involved in tho
adrift." , expenatture.
. -n n. 1HHO HKtory.
IUU LHIb IU ULMOOITT. I Tin. I..,.wl,iti.r.. f 10QO , I' .1
VOM HUNT- Seveu-rooui furnished' Uh1 lUlrc of 188n- ,nk"fT
IKM- Heveu-room turnisncd : - t
also furnl.lKHl room. 322 So. i!" f.rnm ,he ",e'n in Allen vs.
il avenue. 287 il,,r8c' pnsscd nine road bills, ap-
KOH SAl.K New S-room modern :L....P,UKm nmounis
l.oiiKo. furnished comnleto. east imm wouu o iiiu.uuu and nRrrc
front, a flno hnmo: also ono small lBttXm ""Iorn lc above .$100,000
houso nnd lot and ono nlco vacant
lot; will sell part or i)H nt a bnr
Knln. Apply nt 203 Olson fit. 2S4
KOJt SAl.K 40 flno settliiR turkey
hen for sale. Inqulro of John An
derson, mnnnKor Westorlund Or
chards. Telephone Farinor S3. 299
WANTED Customers In Modford for
seeming to fairly open the flood
gates for unlimited inerenso of such
npproprintions until the decision of
this court m Mnxwdl vs. Tillamook
county, 20 Or. 40.1. which arrested
further appropriations of this ehnr
ncter until the last session of tho
legislature. Since wo consider that
I iiflwa iIaiiiuika n it... A t
Koo.1, rich Jersoy milk nt 10 per' , . "."'"w " a onr we
quart; mornh delivery. C. A. Orr, 8hn" ,nof,,y rif","10 P'ts sf."
Contrnl Point. Or. 288 C ,,J.Pe,n"
(Quoting from 20 Or., page 503
I Tim tVcfmnt Case.
Now, applying tho foregoing doe
4. 1 trine to tho enso at hnr, tho act op-
crates only in two counties. Jackson
f nm, Kimnnlli. and hns no forco or of-
j foot in any other county in tho stnte.
Wear Ktdd's Shoos. ; Tlpro 110 wnpo from the con-
Extrnots nt Goodfriond'a. 'hifion that it is n local Inw.
Linens on sal tmt Meokor & Co.'g. We think Hint the constitutional
For wood of all klndo. boo tho provision invoked in this enso was
Squnro Deal Woodynrd. Phono nnaBni, . ,,., ........ ..
KOI. Fir otreot, hotweon Second "
and Third streots. Oould & Llndloy, 1,10 Bia'e t the reculnr method of
proprietors. 261 Inyimr out. opening, working nnd su-
Singor and Wheolor & Wilson sow- porvising highways provided by soil
ing machines for snlo nnd ront. Sup- ernl laws, nnd thnt this nct violates
plios and ropnirs for nil kinds. Ad- tho constitution in these particulars,
dress 211 S. Grnpo. first, that it requires the proposed
Spicos at Ooodfricnd's. county highways to begin nt a partic
tho wonderful fonnntion and tho
grandeur of the scenery at and ii,
tho vicinity of Crater Lake would
attract to this route great number
of tourists from every' part of tho
country. Hut this cannot niter the
fact that the act interfere-with the!
plnns defiiod by tho general Inwx 1
for tho "laying out, opening and
working of highways," and in that
respect is special and local. Whether
Ihe stato by general laws may enter
upon the construction of public
highwnys to bo built, owned and mnn
aged by tho Btale, is not before us
for decision, nnd upon thnt subject
wo express no opinion. The fact
thai locks have been built nt Oregon
City nnd n. portage railway a Ce
lilo by moneys contributed by i
state, and that these improvement
are in a sense highwnys. is nlso for
eiu'ii to the question hero under con
sideration, ns it is very evident from
an examination of section 23. nrticL
IV t' the constitution thnt the hgh
way therein alluded to are road-
King IHsscnlN.
King, in n vigorous dicnting
opinion, says:
"I am of the opinion that the de
cree of the trial court 'Iiouid be re
versed and one entered dismissing
the suit nnd the importance of tho
ouestion presented and far-reaching
effect of the conclusion announced
by the mnjority demnnds thnt I state
the reasons impelling me to differ
from my associates.'"
Tho Koncrnl rule to be deducted
from nil the authorities is that a con
stitution must not he interpreted on
nnrrow oc technical principles, but
must ho liberal and on broad general
lines in order thnt it may accom
plish the objects intended bv it to
enrry out the principles of govern
ment and the legislative department
of the stnte, unlike thnt of the na
tional government, may enact nnv
law not expressjy or impliedly pro
hihitcd by its constitution and in de
termining whether nct i3 in conflict
or insstont therewith, nil reasonable
doubts upon tho question must bo
resolved in favor of the law thus assailed.
at on co.
Wo can show you.
Wright & AUiii
128 Ea Main Strcot.
sees her loved tines pass out of the
dodnvny that needs no tunnel entrance
to keep chill airs away, for presently
the door Is sealed with snow. The
chill of deatb pierces through ber en
veloping furs. Her tomb Insures that
no Iour tarrying will be hers. Tho
soul, companioning with her. may re
fresh itself with food; but. starring:
and freest ns. her feeble body will wit
ness even that soul's departure and
know that Its hour ban come to perish
alone. Harper's Bazar.
i Paying For thu Spots.
"1 conceived a perfectly dandy
scheme for saving: my table linen and
touching Jack to be dainty about his
carving," said a young married wo
man. "Every time he gets a spot on
the tablecloth I have him cover It with
a coin. The larger the snot the larger
tho coin, and more often than not it
takes paper money to cover it all. Then
No rah ta.kea up the money when she
clears the table, and wo save It up to
buy kitchen u'cnslls." New Vork
Tommi MUUke.
Father Come, young man. Get your
jacket off and come with me. Tom
myYou're uo t going to lick me, aro
you, dad? Father-Certainly. Didn't
I tell you this morning that I should
settlo with you for your bad be
havior? Tommy Yes, but 1 thought
It was only a Joke, like when you toM
the grocer you was going to settle with
him. London Tit-Uiu.
"We are never completely happy,"
said the ready made philosopher.
"Of course not." said the practical
person. "A Uy wishes he were a
man so that he could have all the
mince pie he wants, aud a man wishes
be were a boy so that he could digest
lt."-Washlngton Star.
No Argument
Pa'tronlzer of the Cheap Restaurant
Look here, waiter, this coffeo la cold.
Polite and Intelligent Walter-Quito
right, sir. This Is a quick lunch cafe,
and if the coffee was hot you couldn't
drink it In a hurry. London Scraps.
ST. PETERSBURG. Feb. 15. Tho
Rubs today prints a dispatch from Te-
hornn, Pcrsln, saying that more than
200 passengors nnd the members of
tho crews of two unnamed passenger
steamers had beon drowned when the
vessels foundered In a storm on tho
Persian gulf.
Tho dispatch states that a mer
chant steamer also wont down. Tho
vessels wore bound from Bushire to
Tho Preference.
"Sly dear." said the farseclng par
ent, "that young man may be a trifle
tedious, but he is a coming man."
"Perhnps he Is." sighed the weary
maiden, "but I'd rather he had more
go In him." Baltimore American.
Giving Pa Away.
Ma So pn took advantage of my
absence and searched tho bureau
where I keep my diary? Ostend Yea,
ma, and pa said that was what be
called a "bureau of Information."
Chicago News.
nil D.It.
Miss Armstrong of Jacksonville tf v.m imvB valuable oil nalntinc do'
wns n Medford visitor Saturday aft- not hang it unywhere where heat la
crnoon. liable to wrlnkl the canvas
White ($X Trowbridge
If you wish ono of thoBo 10-acns
tracts of tho Perry Sub-division (No
bettor in Itoguo River Valloy) at the
present prices. See as soon.
White & Trowbridge
For sale Tent house and furniture; a fioe .buy.
For sale 2 acres, close in, $325.
For sale 1 1-2 acres, close in, $900.
?or sale Furniture of 5 rooms, a bargain.
For sale 20 head of horses. '
For sale or trade 5-rooin house.
For sale or trade 22 special Winchester trifle, feaflc
for chickens.
For sale 5-roorn cottage, $2300.
For sale 8-room bungalow, $2300.
For sale 5-room bungalow, $2250.
For sale 10-room bungalow, $5000.
For sal(i 2 lots on Oak street, $1600.
For sale 2 lots on Oakdale avenue, $25001
For rent 9-room and 6-room house.
Wanted T hree ranch hands.
Wanted T wo dining room girls.
Wanted T wo cooks for boarding houses.
Wanted Two girls at once; no house werfc.
Wanted Four women for general housework.
Wanted Those who wish to borrow mtmcy tto Kuffl.
vaniea uiie gu'i ior ornce worK. uome a-rraramg.
Phipps Bldg. Phone Main 4141
New Line
Just received this week, import order
all linens in white, natural and colors.
White Linens in flat and round tLrreaS
weaves, at 35c, 50c, 75c and $1.00 par yaaiL
Natural color Dress Linens at 30c, 25c,
35c and 40c per yard.
Mercerized Linens in all colors, 36 mefees
wide, at 50c yard.
Mercerized Half linen goods in. all fso&
colors at 25c yard.
All Linen Heavy Coating, Linen Crino
line, all Linen Stiffening, etc.
Nothing ever shown like our Muslin Oa
derwear and white goods specials.
New silks, new white waists, new drese
goods, new Henderson corsets showm !&&
Van Dyke's
Dry Goods
jgifi'pt Copyright. 1000. by Joseph Medlll Patterson and Harriet Ford. Jjt, -ini
From the Much Talked About Newspaper Play by Joseph Medill Patterson and Harriet Ford
Realistic, Thrilling, True to the Life of Today
It is ono of tho strongoHt tilings ovor written dosoriptivo of tho world of nowspapordom nnd is roalistio in the last degree. The ploy is Iho rago and the story tfe taiigos3
wo havo ever ottered.