TUKM1SDF0KD MAILTU1HUNK. MlSD.b'OlU), ORKGON, TUESDAY, IWIWITARY 15, 11)10. Medford MailTribune PUUMSHKD DAIL.Y EXCEPT SATURDAY. A consolidation of ttK Medford Mall, established 18S9: the Southern Oregon te.n. eMubllshd 1801; the Democratic Time, established lS'Si the AshUnil Trlb- in, omithHMied 189. and the Mcdrord Tribune, estADitsnca isus. f ficin) Paper nf the Cm of Medford. , GEORGE l'UTXAM, Editor mid Manager. mrKt am aecond clans" mutter November 1. 190?. it the potofflce at 15diSrd; OroBon, under the act of March S. 1879. r year, by mall. St'nSCRIPTl OX RATK3: $5.00 On month by mall or carrier. ..I .SO THE CRATER LAKE DECISION. God throw a pearl before swiue when he placed Crater Lake in Oregon. The greatest natural wonder in the world, the greatest scenic asset any laud possesses, and a people too ignorant, too provincial, too dense to appreciate , it, a people actually hostile towards making it accessible " -and a supreme court, as narrow as its constituency, cater ing for votes in its mossback environment. I eminent." J lore mo cmiom nog eariy got. in uis worn, mm tne state institutions are scattered all over, and the supreme court has sustained the unconstitutional scattering, includ ing its own sittings. But the constitution of Oregon is a sacred instrument and must bo literally interpreted except when it. interferes with the salaries, numbers and jobs of office-holders, in cluding the members of the court, when a broad view of the constitution is essential to make the jobs worth while. THE FOURTH ESTATE. LITTLE BABY'S NARROW ESCAPE "The Fourth Kstate," novelized by Frederick U. Toombs from the much talked of newspaper plav bv Jo seph Medill Patterson and Harriet Ford, a story of life in the newspaper world, and illustrating how the power of the press may be exerted to expose and prevent corruption ? i'i?.. ! .... . iK.. ..a i . iu puuut; .uuurs, uic siory oi a managing euiior a sacruice for the sake of principle, besrins in the Mail Tribune Wod- Salem hog and the Willamette valley piuhead. and their reactionary guide in the tall tower have been appeased and assisted intheir effort to hurl a stumbling block in the path o progress. The obsolete constitution of Oregon is a joke, and the supreme court's construction of the same is a sadder joke. Every case involving the supreme court is decided upon broad general lines against the constitution, but the narrow view prevails in matters involving the development of the state. Its membership, its salary, its place of meeting are All fixed by the constitution, and all flagrantly violated and the violation pronounce'd legal. The supreme court bases its decision against the Cr-ater Xake road' appropriation upon section 23, article 4 of the constitution, which reads as follows: "The legislative assembly shall not pass special or local laws for laying, opening and working on highways. " The supreme court holds the Crater Lake road to be local and special. In an eastern Oregon case (the case of Allen vs. Hirsch, 8 Ore. 412) the supreme court, after re viewing many decisions as to what are local and special laws, held as follows: "The general principle to be deduced from all the authorities seems to be this, that whenever an act of the legislature authorizes any public road or other internal improvements to be made or other acts to be done, which in its nature is more beneficial to the community at large than to the inhabitants in the immediate locality of the road or other internal improvement, such act' is to be considered a public, and not a special or local law." Should not the same construction have been applied to the Grater Lake road case? But consistency is a jewel the supreme court reserves for cases concerning itself, in which the constitution is always safely overridden. The Oregon constitution provides in article 7, section 10: "When the white population of the state shall amount to 200,000 the legislative assembly may provide for the election of supreme and circuit judges in distinct classes, one of which classes shall consist of three justices of the supreme court, who shall not perform circuit duty, and the other class shall consist of a necessary number of cir cuit judges, who shall holoYfull terms without allitmcnt." Here the supreme court membership is limited to three justices. But the same legislature that passed the Crater Lake bill also passed a bill adding two more supreme court justices in defiance of the constitutional limitation, and the supreme court, in the case of the State vs. Cochran, decided, December 21, 1909, held: "The object and purpose of the law whether fundamental or otherwise must be con sidered and the constitution must not be interpreted on narrow or technical principles, but liberally and on broad general lines, in order that it may accomplish the objects ix j -j i fi t ... ... " jzuuuuea Dy it ana carry out the principles of government. In this connection it must also be kept in mind that the constitution of a state, unlike that of our natural organic law, ps one of limitation, not a grant of powers, and that any act adopted by the legislative department of the state not prohibited by its fundamental laws must be held valid, and this inhibition must expressly or impliedly be lijiiue 10 appear oeyond reasonable doubt." Broad construction in their own case, narrow contrac Hon in other cases. And here is another instance, in the mauer or salaries: Article 13 of the state constitution reads: "The governor shall receive an annual salary of iftlCArt XI J Mir... - V jp-iouu, me secretary or state shall receive a salary of $1500, ihe treasurer of the state shall receive an annual salary of ow, uio justices or tne supreme court shall each receive an annual salary of $2000. They shall receive no fees or perquisites wnatever tor the performance of any duty con nected with their respective offices. " The supreme court justices draw $3000 a year salary, in spite of the absurd constitution, and have decided it legal. And the governor and other officials also draw salaries unconstitutionally large. Article 4, section 3, of the constitution provides: "All public institutions of the state hereafter provided for by the legislative assembly shall bo located at the seat of gov- The court has chosen to take the narrow construction jnesday. It is the strongest and best or the many high- of the law, although less than a month ago it gave the law j class stories yet offered our readers. a violent wrench to sustain its own unconstitutional mem- Tn "The Fourth Estate" the effectiveness of newspa- bership swallowed a camel to strain at a gnat, tsut uiejpers m fearlessly exposing political and judicial corrup- tiou ana tne safeguard tney are to the public are interest-1 ingly ana convincingly set forth. A young, earnest news paper writer and editor is the central figure, and his bat tles with a dishonest United States judge against big odds is one of the most entertaining pieces of fiction of the day. That the false judge's daughter, the reigning beauty, in the fashionable life of a leading city, should play a sensa tional part in this gripping story of strong honest men -1 X 1 1 1 1 It aim oi strong uisuoncst men, iigntmg eacn oilier in a war of dollars, evidences the romantic possibilities of the narrative. This is a story of today's America, a fact story torn out of life's book, dealing with the most vital issues that con front every one of us. Romance and humor vie with stir ring action for supremacy in this instructive and fascin ating novel, which teaches that the path of dutv is the path to love and happiness and that in success, nobly won lie rewards of greater and most lasting value than in triumpeh ignobly and more easily gained. THE "BUYING POWER" OF YOUR MONEY. (l tiurvoH, n(,l'K ltf I'oellno bo- Oiiiinu or uon-nnHluilliitloii of fooil nil tlieao lmvo boon roatoivil In u few brluf woolen to rabtiat health, ItKMOVKS CMIjIATOXKM 1'HO.M PLEASANT RECEPTION BY LOCAL W.C.T.U. Many Attend Reception Given to Ministers of the City Many In structive Addresses Given. Tim ivt'ODtion held Monday nlirlit .MIIH. W. N. (OliIilNH Ol' COM.1N- by tlio Indlon of tho W. C. T. U. nt (U A VKTOItV SCOUKI) THAT nmU,U lml for tho mintMlorH of tho HICr.MKO IMI'OHMllll.i:. it you could get tour per cent lor your money in one bank, and only three and one-half per cent in another both banks of equal dependability you'd deposit in the one which offered von the four per cent wouldn't you? Even if your balance were small, you'd feel that the prin ciple involved was the same. Well, that is the way "bargain hunters" feel about the money they spend. They proceed on the theory that if store competition means anything at all it means that the ad reader can save money far more than the difference between rates of interest paid on investments. And this theory of the ad reading bargain hunters is perfectly sound! AMERICANS CLASH WITH M0R0S ON MINDANAO MANILA, Feb. 15. News of a fight between an American scouting party and a band of Moros, in which two American soldiers were serious ly wounaea, reacnea uere today in the province of Lano, on the Tsland of Mindanao. The report stated that a party was dispatched into the mountainous country near Lake Lano, where a band of Moros were committing a sc ries of depredations. The natives fled further into 'the mountains, where they were followed by the troops. The fight occurred when tho Moros made a .night nttnek upon the Amoricun outposts. Several of tho Moros were report ed to huve been killed. The rest nf the party was driven buck into the bills. Lenten Services at St. Marks. The services this week are ns fol lows: Wednesday, U:30 a. m., holy communion; Wednesday, 7:30 p. in., evening prayer and address; Thurs day, ladios' guild at 2:45, followed by evening prayer and addross; Fri day at 2:30, woman's auxiliary; at 4:30, Litany without addross. Out! of tho moot gratoful nntl hap py iiiotlicrH In thltt Hoctlon of tint roil n try l Mrs. II II. JolirHon, living at 2721 WuIiiihIi iivonuo, Onlc Park For aliuoR' tw yoar hor haliy daugh ter had boon slok. Various phynl- claim wore railed In and everything pojHlblc wax done for tlu llttlo Buf fo ror. Iitu no material lionoflt was notlrol until It wuh taken to tho offlc'a of Fcr-Don's Medical ICxport SpoclallBts nt 10 in Klglith ntroot, Snc rnmento. Aftor that Its rocovory was rapid, and today It Is an loimil and well ux any br.by. Tho facts In tho cam aro Dost told iiy .Mrr.. joimaou hersolf, who nnyp; "Our br.by Ib now twenty-Mx montliH old. and over since It was three months old It has boon III. Uh logK woro Hwoilun and Its bowels wore hard and bloated, llaby was as heavy ax load, and 1 could hardly loft her. My husband nn.l 1 decided to tako hor to Fcr-Don'a Kxport Spec ialists as a last resort. Thoy treated her for only a short tlnio a.td now nho Is entirely curud. It Is no trouble to carry her now, nnd my husband and I feel like wo cannot say too nuch In prnlso of tho good wk dona by them, an wo firmly bollove thev saved our darling baby's life Even tho most skeptical are con vinced. They lmvo hoard from the Hps of the lady who was relieved by tho rcmarkhblo Uuroponu Kxporls. Tuesday afternoon, February S tit. Mrs. W. N. Collins came to tho of fice o( tho For-Don Medical ICxpeits ut the Moore Hotel, Medford, Hho jsald who hud treated with a number oi mo iiohi pnysicinns and she was steadily glowing worse. Sho would bo suddenly attacked with terrible , pains nnd suffer unbearable agonies for a week at a time. Hho had given up hope wl en sho saw by the Med ford papers the wonderful success of tho For-Don doctors. So sl.o was re solved to try their methods. They gave her a dose oi a peculiar medicine Tuesday nt n. in. and I Wednesday morning a large number jof gallstones paswed. Mrs. Collins returned Thursday, Fobruary lOlb to Coallngn happy and praising tho For-Don Kxperta. ftrval Work Will do On. I The work will still go on with the For-Don Medical Kxperts. They have I got sottled In the city and have cans- led consternation on all sides. Their cures are talked of everywhere and nobody dares dispute that there Is something sensational about tholr work. They have performed miracu lous operations and effected cures before, the eyes of thousands. In their offices they take humanity In the worst form of disease and con vert It Into health. They cure those afflicted with stomach and kidney trouble; they euro appendicitis; they remnvo tumors nnd enncera; they re-, Hove tho deaf and dumb; thoy r move huge tapeworms nnd gallstones, The Kuropenn Medical Hxncrts have their offices ot tho Moore Mo tel. Medford. upstairs. One dollar Is charged for examination. Office hours, 10 to 12 noon, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. ui, S til ami their wivom was well ut teudod, Tho gnosis woro rocolvod by l'rusldont Dr. Myvtla Loukwooil, as t.il by Mr. (Iiiv Leonard, Mrs. Frank Lorior, Mixer nnd T. A. llowcl. A good program was rendered. A u"ii o mil Mollit solo by Miss Vo netii Hamilton and Hone Ollu, n reading by Mrs. Achoro was woll given, nntl nlo Alius Mary Orr guvo one of her splendid readings. Moth painted n vorbnl picture of tho cry ing need of prohibition in Oregon. Mrs. Holmes gave two vooal solos ipiI lier reeling wny td a -lory in song of sin and pardon freely givn unto nil who will boliovo. Mrs. Uu- ruli gave nu ndilrens. She nt wo have boon on dross parade, but now we were on fighting ground anil had no timo for dross. Wo nro fighting for prohibition In the coming elec tion in November nnd wn nro going to win. She laid out plans for hor forces to follow nnd when tho com mand comes every one will bo nt his place ready to charge. Light refreshments were served a ml a good social time was enjoyed by nil. SIX WILL RECOVER EFFECT OF EXPLOSION SAN DIK0O, Col., Fob. 15. It was nnnotitiuccd today nt tho IiohpU tn I whore tho men sonlded on tho torpedo-boot destroyer Hopkins were tnken yesterday, that thp six sur vivors were expected to live. Some doubt was expressed, how evor, in tho case of L. H. Carlotillo, tho second-class firotnuu, who wns so badly burned nbotit the head and chest. II. K. Taylor, first-class fireman, succumbed to his injuries Inst eve-niiig. A coroner's inquiry wns to bo held nt Snu Diogo to determine tho cause of the accident. The torpedo is scheduled to nrrivo hero Friday af ter target practice at son. PKOl'LK OF MKDFOKD AND SUHUOU.NDIXO TOWNS who woro sulfcrlng from '.orpld liver. constipation. Kallstonos. kidney trou ble, tumors, rheumatism, Indigestion,, and shnttored nerves lmvo been cur ed since Fer-Don's Medical Hxpworts opened tbolr offices In this city. Tho results are simply astomU lng. but tho testimonials published In the newspapers irom time to tlmo, hun dreds of wMch nro on fllo In tholr offices here, will convlnto tho most skeptical tint theso doctors do all and evon moro than thoy claim. Mon and women who for years have been unable to oat r. full meal without Brent suffering; who havo boon tor tured by rhoumnttem, racked with fear of tho asylum through sbattor- No Auction Here m It is not necessary to hold auctions to dispose of first-class stock, but we can sell you an Elgin or Waltham Watch 7-jewel, 20-vear crold plated case $10.00 17-iewel. with 20-vear case $14,50 15-jewel, with 20-vear case i.......!.........."."!"!!!!!!!!!!! $12!o0 Solid gold cases $25loO in either movement. Special bargains in Diamonds, Cut Glass, Gold and Silverware. IN ADDITION TO THrS, 1 EMEMBER we are permanently located iu Medford. The inoney wo mike is .fepthero to help upbuild the 'town. Beside we keep your watch in good repair free of charge and if at any time your watcli or jewelry does not prove to be as represented wo are hero to hold the manu facturer to their guarantee and see that you receive satisfaction. AGAIN Reliable movements are sold the world over at stated prices, and you gain no advantage in buying one for a cut price, as they are not sold by reliable dealers for less than the established price, and what is more, if you stand by your local dealers they will stand by you. In this way you keep your money at home and thereby receive a double .benefit. i Van DeCar & Jasmann MANUFACTURING-JEWELERS, t $g a -mh.j 'mrhmk PHIPPS BUILDING MEDFORDOREGON Taint No Use Lookin' for Fiah, Honeys under a 'lectrical cooker. I turns on de switch and de 'lectricity cooks de oatmeal I Cooked evenly all over without no bother and no Fuss. De cutest HI cooker you ebah see r Why should any housewife drudge over a kitchen fire when General Electric cooking utensils as simple and inexpensive as this cereal cooker can do the work for them. We will be glad to show visitors how to coolc with electricity THE ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. 1 at