MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE SECTION TWO PAGES 9 TO 1G I'OURTH YEAR. MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY A 1910. No. 281. IN MEDFORD'S SOQIAL REALM That tlio "I'railio State" whidi guvo tlio Million tlio immortal LiiicuU (tie indomitable Grant, thu eloquent and ctiHurml Dnugtitu and tliu state, uiuu Loiignn, has produced a dm of citizens, vntlitiHiiiKttot grout-henrf. oil, inventivo and loyal, was ovinced by tim gathering of IlllnoixiiiiH tlmt packed Bmitli'iJ hall to capacity Fn day, tlio iM'cnHinn being tlio find reg ular meeting f thn Illinois Society which took tint form of a Lincoln memorial. Tin evident that the ng gnwivn nplrit bred In tlai bono, tuns, clr and liratu fibre of IIiono joins of Illinoix. lod thorn to leaving tlio con ventional "cant" or "middle wont," an you plouo, and oomo to tlio untram melled wont to find expression for thi'ir patriotism, and nenpo for con-' Htructivo ability of high order. Watoli the Illinois Society in relation to McdfordV progress. Two preliminary incotingn have been held previous to tlio gathering litM night, the following' offioorH hav. inc been elected: President, Dr. C. It. Ruy; vice provident, Mrs. M. B. Worrell; secretary. Mm. Clara Moulden; trennnrer, Mr. .1. A. West orlund, After a social hour spent in extruding (ho circle of acquaintance ship, Dr. Kay called the meeting to order. .7. A. Wcstorlund, K. B. Wat erman rind Prof. CoIHiih of tlio high school niado interesting nddrcMscH, and the Illinois rpiarlnt, comjKisml of Mr. Churle Hoy, Mr. W. L. Valen tine, Mr. William Harris uud Mr. K. W. Hraincrd gave two selections, "The lllinoiH Song" and "The Old Oaken Hucket," with o reheat m an companimcnt tlmt were Inuirlily up tlundod. "Tlio Multo In Pnrvo OrohoMrn," croup of traveling muhician. hi' nod much to (ho enjoyment of the evening with hoi"j eVr.nic Hclecti'n ...none wVcl a if- tic- 'cit H'ow "Intenneriso from Cnvaleria Rusti cana." "Sextet from Luicia" and "Ln Paloma" opulnried by OP- wore h bnnd. A henrty wunncr contenting of cof fee, assorted Minnwichc., picules olives, enke nnd chooolaM t'e orcnii was sorved ami nrratigcmoiil made fur holding the next meeting Thurfl dav, February 'J-tth. The program committee, K. B. Wntormnn nnd Tv W. Brninnrd. Reception committee: Mm. Clnra Moulden, chnirmun; Mr. nnd Mm. C. H. Hay, Mr. and Mrs. M. 13. Worrel, Mr. and Mm. J. A. Wcst erltind, and Mr. and Mn. 0. C. Boggi. Tho bmupict will bo in chnrgo of tho gentlemen, with II. D. McBrtde, nhnirman. E. II. Fitzgibbon, field manager of the Jacobs-Stiiie oomiany of Port land, nnd a nativo lllinoisnii, wni prenent and spoke hetirtily of bin im pressions of the Roguo rivor valley and tho grit nnd gumption shown by tho Illinois Society. Tho regular mooting night of tho society will bo Thursday, in Htead of Friday, and tho plnco Smith's hall. The momborHhip list numbers one hunrcd and ton. -Til following song was composed by K. H. Wntiinnr.n f r tl.o ine of tho IllinoiM Society: OREGON, 0. Ship mo wast (lis Cusca.lo Mountains Whoro tho gortlo breezes blow. Whan t'.ioy hnvo no onsttrn cyleonos Ir. winter blizznvds and snow, To tlio groat Rngtio vivr valley Winro i!o silvery :;vein flow. Tako'ino Intel: to do;1'' o!d Modford, ; Tako tin back to Orog6n, 0. 1 cm. hoar tho hirdwing whirling, I jc;:ii hoar th . riflo crack, I onn luiir the sonthwinJ Htirrlng Ai d Pin longi'ig to go hnok Teaching the Boys and Girls of Should a visitor step into tho rec itation room of a grnminnr or high school grade, thoro is, an a usual thing, a littlo stir, u sizing up of tho visitor and n manifestation, slight though it may bo of intorost in tho visitor. Its (lifforont, howovor, in tho do mostio Bclonco and ninnunl training departments nt tho Medford high school. Tho girls undor Miss MoDormott's tutolngo nro nttonding strictly Mo businoss, and whothor thoy nro con cocting doliolouB viands from re ceipts given Jhom or following tho Jntricnoios f n "straight sown," Ihoy liavo no oyos for anything else np- Whmo the cii'Hccnt moon it- gloniniii,; O'c tho hillnp whito with k:iow, Oh! tako i:p back to M-idford, Titlic mo back to Oregon, 0. Can you hoar (ho pine tvecs murmur In tho l'nrefl pathway din 7 (Vn you hoc the waters cpavkling Whmo the l'il.i'M love (o swiinT Can ,ou hoo tho stormy heavens nrd Tho inoraiiif's ha" " "lowt Oh ! tako mo whoro my heart in For my heart's in Oregon, 0. (Chorus.) For its out '.:i Oregon, 0 Where the hills nro whito with snow Acd tho vallcv filled with blossoms Whoro tho summer blow Take mo back to dear old Modford, Where world's famed pears and ap ple grow, For there's gold in all tho moiinlaiiH Near to Med ford. 0, Tho TiOO Club was entertained by Mrs. 0. L. Schennerhorn, 103 North flrnpo street, on Friday afternoon. The first priro was won by Mrs. An- tlo and the second bv Mrs. Perry. The club meets next week with Mrs Perry, (104 West Main street. Mrs. I). II. Drcwery will sing "Tho Dawn of Itedemptinn" by Hamilton . UT1I.Y, ni uio rrosuyierinii ciiurcu Sttndny morning. Tho North Dakota Society of tho Iloguo Htvcr Vnlley is mnking elab-t orato prcpnrathins for their second i annual reunion nnd banquet Thurs day, February 24, at Angle opera house. All Dnkotans, whether mem bers oftho society or not nro re quested to meet in tho hall for an hour of sociability at A o'clock. At G:.'10 dinner will be served and n pro gram of toasts and music will bo on- joyed from 7:00 to 0:30. Mrs. J. B. Watt of Modford i the chairman of the banquet committee, D. W. Luke president of the city, nnd John Car- kin secretary. The Hridgo Whist Club played Pri dny nfemoon at the home of Mrs. F. W. Hollis, North Onkdnlo nvcnlte, sixteen Indies being present. In the nbsenco of several regular members of tho club, Mrs. Cnroy nnd Mrs. W. J. Earner were nmong those sub stituting. t Mrs. William Davis' is vory ill with norvnns disorder nt bur homo on Hnrtlett street. Mrs. Ida Jacket of Albany is the guest of hor sister, Mrs1. II. Q. Wort man for two weeks. Mrs. ITnrrington, mother of Mrs V. T. McCrny nnd Mrs. James Camp bell, and who has bedn vory ill for several weokH, is decidedly improved. nnd much hopo is entertained for her tiltimnto recovery. Mrs. 0. n. Mo.yors was nil Ashland visitor Wednesday. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. J. Roborts nro spondiug a fow weeks in Cnlifornin for tho bonefit of Mrs. Robert's health. After a fow days in San Franoisco thoy nro now in Snn Di ego and Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Woodford lmvo gono to Oakland nnd llorkcloy for a fow weeks visit with rolntives. Mrs. H. E. Hoydon, Mrs. II. N. Hutlqr and Mrs. Chnrles Strnng hnvo gono to tho Iltirko Sanitarium, Santa Rosa, Calif., whoro thoy hopo to bo hotiofittod by a course of troatmont and outdoor living in pleasant uatur- pnrontly. In tho boys sido whoro A. F. Wott hor prosidos tho sniuo thing is no tioenlilo. Tho hoys piano, saw, nail things togthor and altogether work as if nothing olso mattorod oxcopt tlmt partioulnr job upon which thoy nro working. And tho beauty of it is, thnt tho tenchors lmvo instilled n dosiro to succeed, n lovo of tho work, so that thoy nro not putting in ho many hours, hut uro plnnuiug ac tual work, and enjoying tho occupa tion. "My boys," snid Mr. Wotthor, "fre quently cotno to mo with drawings of things thoy wish to make, and so far ua praotiocblo I nllow thorn to work JIHNHIHHHRHHHHHiiHHIw MISS CARRfE REYNOLDS WHO a surroundings. Tho "Experience Social" planned by tho Indies of tho Christian church for the ICth, has been indefinitely postponed on account of tho interest taken in tho protracted meetings. The laying of tho comer stone of tho new building erected by St. Mark's Episcopal church will take placo March 1, nnd will bo conducted with n ceremony suited to the im portance of tho occasion. It is ox pootcd thnt tho Right Reverend Chnrles Scadding, bishop of tho dio ccso of Oregon, ond othor church digiiitnrica will bo present. From a business, ns well ns n religious point of view, tho enterprise is one of con sidorablo import ns it menus ns sub stantial improvement for tho west sido ns well as increnscd facilities for furthering tho work for which tho church is organized. Tho annual roll call of tho Baptist church Thursday night wns also mndo tho ooension for n reception to tho now pastor, Row A. A. Holmes nnd his wife who began their minis trations to tho church last Sunday. A roprcsontativo number of the church nnd congregation wore pres ent, crowding tho spacious auditori um of tho church. Responses to roll call woro made with scripture1 out thoir iden8. It givos them indi viduality and mnkos them moro solf roliant, if thoy find thoy can con struct something of thoir own plan ning." Tn tho drawing department, no duughtsnmn's offioo wns moro silent nnd workmnnliko npponving. Tho lads ongoged in tho work woro no moro to bo disturbed than tho big gost salaried man in nny achitcct's office Thoy woro buoy, not boonuso thoir pny cnvolopo dopondod upon it, hut for tho roason that thoy onjoyed tho work. In tho domostio scionco depart mont tho snmo thing provnils, "Tho girls nro all oagor to lonrn." said WILL DELIGHT MEDFORD SOCIETY FOLKS ON FRIDAY EVENING. texts or short addresses, according to individual preference, proceeding which the following program was rendered: Piano duet Miss Vcnitn Hamil ton, Mr. W. B. Fields. Vocal solo Mrs. Etta Bates. Prayei" Reverend Dyer. Address of welcome to Pastor H. C. Gnniott. Response Rev. Holmes. . Address Stnto Missionary Rev. F. C. W. Parker, sta,te superintend ent of missioYis, Portland. Pionn solo Mr. Field. Vocal solo E. B. Waterman. " Tho entiro company then repaired in a body to Smith's hall where un der tho efficient direction of the Ladies Aid Society of tho church, a bnnquot had been spread. H. C. Gnmett presided ns tonstmastcr nnd with geninl wit nnd poiiitcd nneo dote, .elicited responses from A. A. Holmes, Rev. W. F. Shields, Rev. F. C. W. Parker, Rev. Bolknnp, S. L. Bennett, Mrs. G. G. Shirley repre senting tho ladies, and Mr. Morris Reed tho Ono Hundred Club. Tho hall wns simply but effective ly decorntcd with festoons of fir and tho national colors, undor tho direc tion of Mr. Hnrry Boswell, while tho tnblos woro mndo nrtistio by Miss Enid Hamilton. Tho spirit of tho occasion was that of hearty enthusiasm and a fine im Miss McDormott, "after they hnvo ronlly gottten into tho work It is difficult, of conrso, to interest n young girl in mnking certain length Btuetios or tlio nctunl Inbor of kcop-, ing kitchen utensils clenn, but they soon got tho idea of learning a thing' thoroughly and aftor thoy Oommonco 10 jonrn una lmvo n vista of that which is to oomo, thoy cannot pro gress fnst onough to suit thorn selves," Tho rogulnr domostio science clnss OOmprisoS tho eicllth erniln nml Hin freshman olnss. Tho hieh school girls compriso a spooinl olass and noarly every high school girl is a member of it. Thoy cook ono woek petus is felt along every line of the church work. The W. C. T. U. havo plans laid for the entertainment of the ministers of the city and their wives tomorrow evening nt Smith's hall. About eighty members and friends of Reames Chapter, No. 60, 0. E. S enjoyed tho social after the routine business of the order Wednesday ev cuing at the Masonic hall. Miss Durham, a recent addition to the Medford rausioal circles, was hoard in a pleasing piano solo nnd Mr. (Tess Marshall gave a humorous reci tntion, original in style nnd manner, j Valentino post cards out in two ir ( regular parts, were matched for sup per partuers. Hot chicken patties, I cnnr1ttfiAa rtinlrloe tnl-a n.1 nrtffnn L'l.i.u "i .v...-'. f.wai.?, .nv ...... VW were served and a delightful evening spent. Tho committee: Mrs. H. C. Kontnor, chairman; Mrs. Soliss, Mr L. B. Wnrnor, Mr. and Mrs. Will Bates, Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Garnet t Messrs. K. J. Wooilford, C. I. Hutch ison and Lewis Warner. Tho hnl' was attractively decorated with red hearts and native green, while the musical selections by Hazelrigg's or chestra of fivo pieces added much t the pleasure of the guests. Au oration on Abraham Lincoh will be delivered this momintr at tho Prcsbytrian church by Rev. W. V J the 2ity nnd sow tho noxt, and its n stand off as to which poriod thoy enjoy tho most. Tito kitchen in tho domestic science department is ono of tho neatest cul inary dopnrtmcnts over soen. Each girl has nn individual drawer in tho long tnblos in which a full out fit of utonsils for hor uso nro stored. Sho is required to kcop this absolute ly elenn. Each girl has also nn indi vidual oil stovo; besido that thoro nro two ranges, ono a coal range do nated to tho dopnrtmont by II. C. Garnett, and the othor an elootrio rango presontod by tho Roguo Rivor Electrio company, which company also furuMios freo of chnrgo the Shields. This is by request of the 0. A. R. post, which will attend the 'services in n body. Mrs. Gertrude IJrowcry, who has mndo many friends in her short residence here, will sing 'n solo nnd spccinl organ numbers will add to the musical part of the services. The Wednesday Sfndy Club, which met nt the home of Mrs. R. E. Gale this wcck, spent the afternoon in the study of tho life of Abraham Lin coln. Mrs. U. G. Smith gave the lending paper of the afternoon on the topic, 'Who, in Public Life Are the Abraham Lincolns of Today," which was an excellent discussion of the work and influence of prom inent men of the day. and n keen comparison with the lofty and un selfish standards set by Lincoln. Mrs. Tuttlo gave a 6hort talk on "Lin coln's Career," Mrs. Mundy discuss ed "Lincoln as a Friend." and Mrs. James Campbell's subject was "Lin coln as President." Mrs. Helen Snedicor discussed "Lincoln as n Man," while Mrs. Gale read a poem, "The Death of Lincoln," nnd anec dotes' illustrating the character's many sidedncss were told by other members. The ladies were appre hensive lest the session should not prove interesting since practically the same ground was covered a year ngo by the club; the fact that no more varied nor profitable meeting has been held this year bespeakes the porenial interest felt in America's greatest statesman. Next week Mrs. M. E. Worrell will entertain the club, the subject of the leading" paper be ing "Southern Writers of Today," bv Mrs. E. B. Pickcl. The attendance at the first of the series of card parties given by the Pythian Sisters at the K. P. hall Tuesday afternoon promises well for the success of the following gather ings which will be held each Tuesday afternoon during the Lenten season. Ten tables were played and light re freshments served. The committee: Mrs. J. H. Butler, Mrs. I. L. Hamil ton. Mrs. Fred Luy, Mrs. J. F. ntuchason. Mrs. Hubbard, Mrs. B J. Trowbridge. Miss Stella Schuler and Mrs. Ben jamin Garnett entertained Saturday afternoon for their Sunday .school classes in the basement of the Chris tian church. The afternoon was pleasantly spent with games, a pro gram of songs and recitations was rendered and refreshments of hot chocolate and cake were served. The following were present: Bentrico Larimer, Elsie Palmer, May Fischer, Nina Harris, Violet Roberts, Eva Loosley, Marie Seeley, Beulah Fnn cher, Rachel Robinson, Angie Robin son, Nora Norris, Olivena Coleman, Alice Holbrook, Grace Schultz, Le nora Roff, Frances Loosley, Helen Pierce, Alico Lj'ons, Gladys Finch, Lucile Mntlock, Ba Walker, Ruth Schuler, Lois Quizzenbury. Miss Ruth Nye has beeu the guest of Mrs. J. E. Watt during the slight illness of her brother, young Master Stephen Nye, who has now entirely recovered. Tho Afternoon Club was enter tained Thursdny afternoon at the home of Mrs. F. W. nollis, 143 Oak dale avenue, North, nnd will hold its next meeting at the homo of Mrs. Wnkeman. One of tho pleasautest dancing nurtios of tho season was that given by the Swastika Club at Anglo's hall Tuesday night. Dancing began enrly in order that tho hnll mioht bo closed Practical Work electricity to do tho necessary cook ing. Tho ndvanco class is arranging to servo a sorios of dinners to be pro pped entirely without instruction and served by them, when thoy will demonstrate tho vnluo of the train ing thoy hnvo roooivod. Medford is indeed fortunate in having such a department in tho lo cnl high school. It is tho only ono of its kind in tho stato outside of Portland and thus offers advantages not to be gninod olsowhore. Tho domostio soionco looturos which aro now appearing tho Mnil Tribune, propnred by Edith G. Charlton of tho Iowa Stnto Collogo, nro being closely before midnight, the next tiny being Ash Wednesday. Mrs. Chnrles Haas clrigg was tho chairman of tho dec oration committee nnd sho wns as sisted by Miss Putnam, Miss Porter, Mrs. Sehcrmerhom, Mrs. Bnrncburg, Mrs. Harmon, Mrs. Caroy and Mrs. Davis. The hall wns very pretty with festoons of red hearts and evergreen. Mr. and Mrs. M. Purdin nnd Mr. and Mrs. John Barnoburg served as re ception committee. Hazelrigg's or chestra of seven pieces furnished de lightful music and tho ntcendanco reached two hundred before the cloio of the evening. The affair was a successful finale to the formal fes tivities of the ladies guild which will give nothing of a public nature dur ing Lent. m w m 3Ir. H. H. Tuttle entertained the fifteen members of hor Sunday school class Saturday aftornoon Feb. 3, at her home, 706 Oakdah avenue, South. Games were playe and a delicious lunch consisting pi sanwiches, veal loaf salad, pickles, jelly, ice cream, cake and chocolato were servd. Those present: Jessie Daily, Edith Daily, Sidney Ncal, El la Rawlings, Zellc Morrison, Flor ence Walden, Eunice Davis, Etha Payne, Lottie Parker, Lorainc Law ton, Helen Lawton and Adelfa Clark. The soDhomoro class was inform. ally entertained by Mr. Emerson Merrick Friday eveniue at tho Mer rick homo, 843 E. Main street. The affair was a Valentine partv and red hearts and arrows formed an attract ive decorative note. Those nresent: Misses Loraine- Bliton, Rnby Burke, Jessie r'urdy, Mildred Antle, lone Flynn, Hazel Armstrong. Mamie Douel, Jeannette Osgood and Frank Hay, Lari Hanson, Norman Merrill, Paul Leonard, Vernon Garrett, Cur tis Anderson. Carlton Shir ev. Teas Marshall and Frederick Heath. The Ladies' Aid Society of tha Presbyterian church will hold an all- day session at the suburban home of. Mrs. Etta Stevenson on Tuesday, February 15. Work Tor tho Easter bazaar will occupy tho day and din ner served the guosts. The Juvonile Dancing Club will meet Wednesday ovning Februar. 16 in Angle's hall. A largo attend ance is expected. Miss Josephine Root has sent on invitations for aValentino party to morrow evening. Thursday aftornoon Mrs. J. F. Mundy entertained tho first division of ladies of the Prcsbytorian church, 106 S. Orango street. A dainty lunch was served and while enjoying social couvers the ladies busied themselves with needlework. Thoso present: Mrs. Ray, Mrs. Canon. Mrs. Emerick. Mrs. Hart, Mrs. Merrick, Mrs; Wor- rtll, Mrs. Maltby, , , Twenty young frionds of Mr. Chas. Ray were charmingly entertained W Mrs. C. R. Ray, 1101 West Main street on Wednesday ovoning. Tho decorations woro pink carnations and tho dainty placo cards woro of flor nl design. Refrshmonts of sand wiches, pickles, olives, ico erenm. enko nnd cocoa woro sorvod and a most jolly ovenimr oninvml. Tim guosts: Francos York, Lucilo York, uutn Warner, Ksthor Wamor, Laura Pngo, Mildred Antlo. Hazol AnnHn Margaret Roberts, Zoarm Anderson, Annotto Wnkeman. Stovon Nvo. tor Brandon, Arthur Roborts, Lloyd Williamson, William Vnwtor, Her bert Alford, Robert Gibbony, Chns. Cnrr. followed by tho girls who nro takiiii tho domostio scionco course at th high school. Sovornl of tho girla who missed tho back numbors havo called for thorn nnd nro olosoly wntching for othor locturcs which nppoar from timo to tirao, nnd aro proving of practical value, "Tho expense of maintaining the departmontt is not great," states Superintendent Smith, who first sug gested adding tho courso in tho lo cal schools, "and its vilno to tho boys and girls is great, It not only tenches tho girls prnctlonl house work but. it instructs tho boys in tho uvt of using ovory-day tools and makes them practical men."