MM I K M Ml KOttl ) MA 1 1 Till BUNK, MIOD.KORD, OKKfiON, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 11, 1010. 6 80 ERUPTION Scientists See In Outbreak of Pons a Reign of Distrubances in Pana ma and Central America. PdKB UMON, 'Costa Wen, Fob. 11. Imports received 'today from the TillnROS lyiiiR about tho foot at the volcanic mountain of Pons stated that cic.hty porsnVereskillcd during its eruption rfyttlus wok. ) t.J . All tho deaths -won? caused by enormous stones that wore belehed from tho orator. Considerable proper ty dnnmse also was done. Scientists see in the eruption of Pons which was the severest in its history a vraniinc of terrestrial dis turbances in Central Ainorien and the Panama ennnl rone. Official wnnnnps have been sent to tho canal authorities to strengthen the vulnerable points nlontr the con struction lines in preparation for quakes the Costa- Kiean scientists predict. REPORT ASSAYS JOSEPHINE COUNTY ORE ARE FAKES CZARINA VERY ILL; DEATHMECTED Suffering Terrific Hysteria and Mel ancholia to Which She Has Been Subject for Years. GRANTS PASS, Feb. 11. Pros pectors in Josephine county hnvo been n little excited of late ovr supjHxcd find's of ores containing tungsten, platinum and tin. Some of tho?-e as says show ns hih as sixty per cent tungsten, thirty pre cent tin and thir ty ounces of platinum per ton. Thoc assays were taken from ore that did not show mure than one or two ounces of mineral, nnd made by an nseayer by name of Johnson, who claims ho has discovered p. secret process. Par ties who hnd assay mttde by him. sent samples of the same ores to A. A. Hank nnd other assayers who found the same to contain but a trace of gold and silver. Min'u;: man are sat isfied that the nssays are purely fnko? and that tli being defrauded of a good deal of money by these false certificates of assays. Effort'- have been made by parties to have s ome of the local pa pers exitose fraud but without result. KYDTKUUNKN, Hbssia, Feb. 11. Tho cxari'na's ilfnosk took u serious turn today and she wns unable to roco&nUo the wear and tlwir children. Slio is uffuring :terrifie listeria and moluncholia to which she has boon subjoot for sevoml years. It is feared that her death may bo a question of but n short time. Dispatches coneerniinr the ciar iun's condition nre being strictly consored, WATKINS WHISPERS. CENTRAL POINT RAILROAD BUSINESS SHOWS INCREASE CENTRAL POINT. Feb. 11. Freight and passenger trafie at the local Southern Pacific station for the month of January shows a mark ed increase over the corresponding month of last year, according to figures furnished the Herald through the courtesy of C. C. Crowe, the rc idnt agent. During January, 1010, Ih'ere wns handled from this station nounds of fremlit. the charges for which amounted to $.1. 480.0:2. its ngainst 1.000,47:1 pounds shipped during January. 1000. an in oinse of 192,2o0 pound in weight nnd .$01.V3 in receipts. Ticket sales for the month jn-t closed amounted to $8230. as against $C07.'20 for the corresponding mouth n year ago, mi increase of S31G.20. BANDITS LOOT TOWN GET ONLY $500 CASH P. .1. Sullivan of the Blue Ledge dis trict has returned from Med ford where ho has been receiving medical treatment. S. S. Jolly is suffering with a -o- vere cold which ho contracted while trying to get n look nfComet A.' John Byrne made n business trip to lower Applogute recently. Ernest Dorn is reorted to June trapped a largo ground hog. As it is the only ground hog known of in thesi parts, the old-timers nro predict!!)': a sell of good weather. "Silent Sam." mayor of Eileen, passed through here reontly en route to Siskiyou home. Sam is very glad the industrious citizens ot his bun; cannot work the recoil pe tition on him, or he would surely lo-e his job. David Dorn is now in British Co lumbia where he wont to join 1U ; friend, John Berjr. who is operating .i diamond drill in that territory. Mrs. F. E. Edward of Mutton bus returned from a visit with friends 'n Jacksonville. Messrs. Bert and Ernest McKce spent Sunday in Yutkins and called at "The Big Showman's" art studio. Francis Mengnz. one of our home guards, was down from his mouutniu rniHth. Tuesday, and reports every thing in fine condition. Mr. Arsmsith nnd himself recently cut u fine bee tree and extracted a large amount of delicious honey, so they nro now liv ing on milk and honey. Miss Maud Marr is visiting friends in Jacksonville. In Case of vSicRness 1' H O N 10 :i 0 1 1 MEDFORD PHARMACY Nfitr Post Otfioo All Nilit Sorvico Krou Dolivury MORTGAGE- LOAM Money on hand to loan on Real Estate City and County Warrants bought. Fidelity and Indomnlty Bonds Furn ished. Firo Insurance. JAMES CAMPBELL 203 FRUITGROWERS' DANK BUILDING. - - FBI Wm. E. STAGEY & CO. REAL ESTATE AND EMPLOYMENT. District Agent (or ALADDIN LAMP Local nEontR wanted, Lump on 1" exhibition and (or salo at tho following places: Motlferd Garage. Allen & Hcagan's, Wnmer, Wort.nm & Goro's nnd Weeks & .McGowut'n and Medford Furniture Co.'s Storoi. CALL and see us in our New Quarters,. 108 W. Main St., next dooi3 to York & Co. Realty Office. 12Rex Market Huth & Pech Props. Phone 3071 ADDRESS BOX 826. MEDFORD, OR. -- - Medford Iron Works j E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. Foundry and Machinist I Ail k'ni of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ma-t chlnery. Agents in Southern Oregon for I FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. I v- i -- - - -- IJt'TTK, .Mont.. Fell. 11. Bandits looted the town of Divide last night according to a message hero today and obtained &') in cash and a eoir Hiderable amfnint in Mamps and jewelry. There were two men in the hold tip and both were maskd. They en tered the postotfice, blew open the sfe and stole its contents. They hurst open the general store and took vcrything of value that could he quickly changed into money. The thugs then went to the Divide hotel, held up the night clerk and Secured Mnnll sums of money, PLUMBING; t Steam and Hot Water" Heating. t All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. I. F. MOORE AND E. E. SMITH Old Tribune Building.' Phono U931. REAL ESTATE Farm Land Timber Land Orchard Land Residences City Lots Orchards and Mining Claims Medford Realty Co Room 10, Jackson Comity Bank Building MADRIZ STARTS BANK ACCOUNT IN NEW ORLEANS NEW ORLEANS, La., Feb. 11. A personal account in the nnme of Jose Mndriz, president of the NicaraguniJ republie, was opened in u Joeul bank lodny. It was stated on good authority that the initial deposit was f lo.OOfl. This move is taken here to mean that Madriz believes his position in Managua to be insecure and is pre paring to flee if the rebels capture tho city. I Buys Ranch Two Days Too Soon. 1 HOOD R1VEK, Or., Feb. 11. W. Winter, who cum a her recently from Salt Lake City, and bought a pieeel of orchard land in the upper valley! last week, lo-u the dwelling-house on his new ranch by fire tw.i days nfter! be had purchased it. Mr. Winter had i not yet moved in and the house was I occupied by J. Jlailoy and family, wiio 1 lost all their bou-chold goods. .Mr. Winter will rebuild, and expects toj move to the ranch as soon as he cau complete a hoiife, j ASHLAND CONSIDERS : ENTERING BALL LEAGUE Cutlery and glassware at Good You need n Butek. 281 I IIAVK AMi KINDS OF MlV COHDWOOI FOR SAIAJ My best fir. J7.50 per cord. And I have some good Mr for $G.50, . nd Sf you want It sawed Into atovowood . will oBt 50 cents per cord moro. An Boon as roada are hotter wood will bo cheaper. I rlso do wood onwInB by tho cord or by tho hour I also take orders for our fn.l wood. I will havo yov.r woojt cut now and deliver the. s -mo to you any tlmo next summer, nnd you do not havo to pay for It until dellveie'd. For fur ther Informn'lon call anu eco mo ut 421 South Grape f-eei.. .Wrtford, Or., or phono M.n ti" '. ? Rms. stein. I ASHLAND, Feb. 11. With the ap proaching season, local fans nro looking iibout to note the standing of the great national )ort in this vi cinity, and what chance Ash'und tands to enter the houtliern Oregon After torrifving the inhabitants, 1 league. Tht?r is an abundance of the outlaws rode from the town, A t good material here, and no reason,! posse started in piiiviiit shortly aft-, except lack of sufficient local en-j orwnrd. 'couragement, why Ashland should j Divide is thirty miles from here not ,if'in forces with Grants J'usy and local authorities are preparing Central Point, .Medford and Jaokson fo join in the hunt if the bandits are ville in attaining requisite stnudin'r. reported to be heading this wny. 'As to grounds, it is understood that the familiar roadrond tract is avail able at a merely nominal rental. 05' I For the Best In harness, saddles, whips, ofaes, tents, blankets, wag on sheets, axle grease and tall cure, as well as all kinds of custom work, see J. C. Smith 314 E. Main. REAL ESTATE SNAPS 000 acres best sticky land In vnl toy, eloso to railroad, 230 aero, ouo lialf cash. 30 acres fru't laud. 20 planted to pours, w'th peuch fillers, close to school nnd ptmtotflce, $8500, ouo tblrd, balance Iouk tlniu; no Im provements. 1C2 acres, 7 miles from Medford, $125 an acre; good Irrigation ditch; one-third down, balance Iouk as wanted. Good city lots, clow In. Monoy to loan. SiskiyouLandCo 206 Phlpps Bulldlnu. Medford, Or. RESOLVED The best resnlmicyi for you to make In to eomo to uh for your next nu!t, if you wnnt something out of tho ordinary. We do the best work and chargo tho lowest pricuH. W. W. EIFERT TUB PKOQRtBBXVU TAILOE SEE US FIRST When in need of Electric Wiring, or Fixtures, nnd nnvo money by get ting hefct workmanship. Dynamo Repairing u hpecinlty. FLYNN BROS. MEDFORD'S PREMIER ELECTRICIANS. 13? WES I MAIN STREET. Cliinaware at Goodfriend's. To Restore Large Acreaye, WASHINGTON, Feb. 11.-The joint plan formulated by Secretar ies Ballinger and WiUon and now npproved hy the president will ic tore 4,000,000 acres, now in ie Kerres, to public entry, aud will elim inate from the reserves 470,000 acres in Idaho nod about ,r00,00 ucres in Oregon. The lands involved in the resolu tion for settlement are thone not Hnitable for forest purposes nnd lepi resent rooie than 2 "per cent of the total forest area. As three-tenths of- the forest domain still is unelahs iffcd,H is diffioult to efdimate'whUt Avill he. the totul limiuation when the 'holfiiarefl- Ins hvty cut- oouro, u grand stand is needed niuii the grounds ought to bo fenced. This i locality is easily accessible via Oak' street, and with moderate o.poiiKi the surroundings could be convcrtel into an ideal baseball park us well as a commanding Mtuntinn for gon erul althletic events. Steps are bo ing taken to exploit this movement and nil lovers of baseball nud kind, red sports will do -well to lend if n boosting hand. An Albany View. (Albr.ny. Democyat,) Rbfkiyou riluto is really lieing pro jootod to1 be tiindc up of the southern pnrt of Qt'QgQn and the luirfliAni pa''! of- Ocljroniia,. fitipgril .-iiow. Decide Now Values are Increasing 7-room bungalow, modern conven iences; well located; a safe JnveU ment; $3000; good terms, 7-room modern bungalow, Jen completed; COil&O corner lot; taut front; you must see thin to appre ciate It; for a short while $4000; terms, G-rooin bungalow, among the apple trees; lareo lot; a homey home re $1800; easy terms. I'i acres fruit limd; fine locality; 20 ncres bearing apples, nprlcots, pears; 35 acres plowed; hnlf under Flfib Lake dltrb; a money maker at $H,500. WE CAN SHOW I'OU. Wright 6 AJlin - -'m ESiKt Itfnln Btroeti The JACKSON COUNTY REALTY COMP'Y 604 WEST TENTH STREET, OR 124 KING STREET. MEDFORD OREGON Office In residence, corner West Tenth ands Kiny Streets. Always prepared to show you the best Jack son county has In the real estate line from the unimproved land to tht best bearing orchards, farm land or stock ranches; also city property. The manager has had ten years' experience In the county, which will aid the prospective purchaser. Seelny fs knowing. We also have modern rooms to accommodate our patrons. Following are Some of our Good Buys 16 acres Newtowns and Spitz apples, $16,000 easy terms; just ready to bear. 10 acres Newtown and Spitz apples, 4-year-old trees; $5000, easy terms. Several nice small tracts near town just coming in bearing. 360 nfcres 11-2 miles north of Enelc- Point, $18,000, easy terms. 200 acres south Eagle Point, $10,000, easy terms. House, two lots, well loeat ed;.price $1700; terms. 293 acres near coal mines, $9000, easy tefmfl. ' ALSO AOJSNT FOR THE SNOWY BUTT 12 ORCHAItD. Two- lots, fine location, $1000. Several acre tracts, fino lo cation to subtil vi'" lots for sale. T I