fPT1 K AfliiDFORD MATli fPRtBUisTR W.nFOKT). OKKOON. TIlUKgmAY. IWHRUAltV 10, 1910, NEXT WEEK WILL BE SOM E BREAFAST SUGGESTIONS. Home Course In Domestic Science F! - IV.Vegotables In the Diet, By EDITH G. CHARLTON, la Charge of Dornejtic Economy, low State Collre. niul ballast nud uaslsts the notion f I . the Intestines, i j Third. Some vegetables, such ni po- 1 I tutoos and corn, are rich In stuicli uml ' Wtliitl I'lltl'M With I lltl tllMli.ttl f.ilj I - - . -- - .... ...... . . . I IVlMi'i I such its moat, tlslt niul eggs, serve to j balance the (Hot, j Prepartno Veotlablei Fop the Tablt. All green vegetables should ho fresh niul crisp when put ou to cook. If for any reason u vegetable has become soft or withered It should be soaked In very cold wnter until It again becomes plump and crisp. All vegetables should be thoroughly cleaned before cooking Cabbuges, cnulltlowor nml brussels I IN STATEMENTS Revenue Collector neatly to Recelvo Them as Basis of Corpora tion Tax. The eollootor ol' inleinnl rovunm is now foiuly to receive from tlrinn tteineiits HOOD RIVER CHANGES NORMAL SCHOOL PLANS noon invmi, or., i-vi.. 10. u. volopmonls iit' (lio ptiKt few days have caused tho committee on iioVinul Mihool of lln eoniuicieml t'luli to give up tho idea of opening u ciunpuign for n Kindle state noriual. In bo locat ed at Hood Uiver until (lie peoplo of Oregon have netunlly expressed llionitiolvort as nguinyt the contiini aneo of the three schools formerly i it a ii iir 1 CMiinueieu ttt .uoiituouui, wostou aiui Ccpjriahl. 1910. by Amtriun Trcu AnecUlion. T1IKKK ore three main reason for vooklug- vis, (li to develop Havers and make foods more imlatable, C!( to make some foods more digestible and 0 to kill germs. As u rule, simple methods for preparing foods are preferable because they preserve the original flavor. Yeg-' tables, which will form tho principal (subject of this nrtlcle. are belter when cooked simply without the accompani ment of other Ingredient. In cooking any food the first great resentful to success Is to be accurate j be more dlfllcult to digest thau when returned h (lie busts of i AOilniul. These dish-iel will utinottl sprouts should Ik soakwl. heads turued 1 ih,.ir I'oni.u-iiiinii iv. Aiwoiilin i.. Ii., ii... ,.,. ,i r.... .,a-.,ai-i i ..u i., SLwn:nS..?Jllu "tl Wnr ' Vl"lm ;n'1' U,,lm, Stu,ls v,,",,,u'' 0lK'1'' w-!iwp the ehotilrt at the next gen 2? TlKl'Srt ''-Umn with a no, trning of more era, election, and the h,w dooAo, . ... . .' Minn .5!lllilll i- tiol.l.i in n n.vi-i i.,i f .i... I ..II...,. .. .............. ....II'..... l'. ... .. ....... . Hii,'i.i ... . "..'. ......ii unit it im-unmi' v.nuiiu n.i n m'. i tho vecctnhlo tluv will miwl mil In . r. : : . i . . . .i half an hour or n little longer. - ' 1'"' i,,,n " uieome o.- To be cooked properly vegetables I feeding $111)00. require raptd cooking until tender, j The law ul-o reipiiiw Hint efteh Salt is -usually added to the water be- i corporation coming under the law fore the vegetable Is put In. except In the case of potatoes, which are better If salted Jnst before draining. It Is Ml.l...it I.AH.I. . MaI. ........... 1.1 .... 1 I"' i n.1. -it - .iV ... iro .Iarch gases formed In the cooking. If these. is""tflH0'" shall make a complete statement of its biisinesx'and send tte same to the ocul collector of internal revenue bo- 1 of each year. These s arc. in turn, sent to tho are retained they give the vegetable a 'commissioner 'd internal revenue, strong odor and flavor nud are Rome- , w'l0" " turn, computes the amount times found to be Injurious. We all of tax due, and returns the itateiuelhl know that cooked cabbage seems to in method. Accuracy in measuring .ud combining ingredients with a knowledge of the effect of heat on dif ferent food materials, combined with Interest in the task, can almost always l relied upon to insure a successful finished product. Indeed. It can be safely stated that there is uo such thing as luck in cooking. Success de pends upon a kuowlcdgc of certain physical and chemical phenomena which always occur under certain con ditions. It Is Ignorance of or lack of attention to these underlying principles 'which results In so many unsatisfactory and iudigesttble dishes being served on our tables. Composition of Vegetables. There are a variety of food mate rials which cannot be classed as nutri tious, ami yet they have a distinct value in the diet. For instance, fresh fniit and vegetables nre not especially nourishing us far as making blood and muscle and giving heat nnd energy are concerned, hut both should bo given an Important place in the dally bill of to the sending coi-ixmitiou. . The tax must ho paid by .July 1 of each year. Failure to send in the re quired statement or to pav the tux- is punishable by a fine ia proportion to the amount ol the tax and the oir-ciim-tmiee-? of the ease. eaten raw. This Is because the kettle Is generally kept closely covered and the gases do not escape. Cabbage con tains a relatively large amount of sul phur, which makes It indigestible and will cause flatulence when Improperly cooked. It Is one of 'the most useful vegetables, lielng avnllable almost any season of the year, when other green vegetables nre dlfllcult to procure. It Is therefore worthy of care In Its j iiittoimtm i , . preparation to stilt It to the Individual " usl l,,'''l)- M. .- tastes nnd nppetltes. The nulckost , 's ,,,,,;s'0 R'n, 21 ywir of age, ami simplest methods of cooking It are was instantly killed, an unidentified the best It requires plenty of boiling ,,,,. ,,,.. i. , ... water, n hot tire to keep: the water T f,lt.n,.,y ,,,,rt mHl M 'u',,,oBfl " bubbling nil the time and thorough riously injured when a Mibiuhnn eur MANY INJURED WHEN CAR PLUNGES INTO DITCH fat o.jr peoreu) x.g ASH I nvr loutacvn'-aotsvi'i CTt LVJLQ3X J.J. UtZNLftAT. .3 3 jHf.I" i i - - , r 1 t i r ventilation, that the strong smelling gases may be carried off In the steam. Voting cabbage will cook in twenty lire mluutes. Ijite in the season It wll! require at leost forty minutes. Overcooked cabbage Is dark colored, has a strong flavor and U a eaue of digestive dlstdrbances. When the cab bage has been cooked until tender It may be served with only butter and a seasoning of pepper, or either of the bronght tho injured to this eitv. . 1 1 . luuumiig bnuees: , ... Nb , Do you know that croup can be oauce no. i. prevented? Oivo Chamberlain's Cough One cupful of cream, one teaspoou- Honiedy ns iooa as the child becomes xui oi kih. oue-eiguru teaspoonrui or noarso or even nftfr ttm left its trucks nar Ilinsdnlo. cmsh ed down nn omlmnkment into rnil rond abutment. A relief nr sout to the scne of tho wreok fnun this city jumped from the tracks within a few hmidrod yards of the first accident. No one was injured. A Hccoud relief our state institution outside of Marion c.iiiuty to he suhiaitcd to the people until it has been acted on by the leg islature. Ah Oregon at present has no mirmal schools, Hood It'ivcr cill ens expiesscd theiuelves in n re cent mass meeting as in favor of a single schoool for tho whole sluio hero. Simm initiative petitions will he s'ent out unking the tl-usubli"h-meat of the schools formerly main tained by the state, Hood Uiver will ! await the decision of the voters nnd if they should refuse to vote money to run three uonnuls, the Icgislatuie will then be asked to establish a school here. f A T T and see us in. our New Quarters, 108 W. Main St., next door to York & Co. Realty Office. 2sRex MarKet s, Huth & Pech Props. Phone 3071 Plan Celebration. The Oregon Agricultural College will celeliittte its quurtOr centennial as n state institution at the close of tho present college year with the most elaborate funotion over held at the institution. REAL ESTATE A fw uiluutoa' delay In treating Jonie en ww of croup, even tho length of time It takwi to go for n dctor. often proves dnngorous. Tbo safwit way Is to kp Clinmberlnln's Cough itemeiiy In tho house, and at the first Indication of croun slve the child a dow. Pleasant to take nnd always euro. Sold by all druggists I HA VK AM, Ki.VOS Ol-' llltV COUDWOOI) KOIt SAM? CAHBOHYOltm-JS. e jsxrMjcr cur TVtOTSJO 0.9 Ml N. MAT. O-aa-i. riBtiX 1.8 J JW O.JT- nam 1ST' GUBcvnratATS, r17 j, .Wintr .9 JCX.TMCT.rf, I 1 I K 7 1S pxotcio aY 'CAK&OHYDRATt: tZSJA tiirunAT. 0.-7 ACID3 PKOTIZJZ) JX6 CAKJSOHYhxATC-t JtlN.ftAT. J&'A CrL4.UJ.OOB. 74 pepper, one tnblesoonful of tlour. one tablespoonful or butter, one egg yolk and four tnblcsiioonfuls of cheese. Melt butter, blend with dry lugre dlents; add cream. Cook until mixture thickens and pour gradually over egg lyolks. Add grated cheese and allow to molt. Sauce N. 2. Serve with ouc-quarter cupful of melted butter, oue tablespoonful of lemou juice or vinegar, three teaspoon fuls of Worcestershire sauce and one tablcspoouful of chopped pimento or red pepper. Universally as potatoes are served cough appears nnd It will prevent tho nttnek. It Is also n crtaln euro for croup and has. never boon known to fall. Sold by all druggists. OVER .u iuc iuuic uuaoiuieij uuui lu . tj,e e iin mat on Of nil l.m.lu ,u.l.l.. When kept in a closely covered 1 enr ent,ny, ... .... . I . .el or allowed to cook In unbroken lfr B.Cttlc Ut i ? w,thonl ns thPV will iMVnm,. nnrt .InrL- "le va'" " lorcStS as COM- oompooitjon or rilUlT8 AMD VEflKTAULBS. U. Composition of potato. 1 Composition of cabbage. 3, Comfioiltion of turnip. i. Coropoultlon of carrot. S. Composi tion of cucumber. I. Composition of ap- . pie. 7. Composition of walnut) fare. There are also some food mate rials which, while very nutritious, re quire a considerable effort on the part of the digestive organs to make them arntlnhtc for th ttrxlv. tin It Is cfar that one must know something about Pnful of salt, one-eighth teaspoonful the structure, composition and food Pepper, owe cupful of milk, one value of uny material before It can be j fourtu -uP'u of cheese, grated, and imniiiMi infPiiipmitu- v,i- wfmt nhont ot tablespoonful of parsley. Melt ,000,000 ACRES QF FOREST RESTORED f WASHINGTON, Feb. 10.--Six hundred thousand acres of Oregon nnu Washington national lorcst acres will be restored soon, and -170,000 ncres in Idnho, ns a result of tho policy adopted by Pinchol, when for- CMcr. jjunng tue past year survejrt of boundaries had been comi? on im. there Is no Tcgetable which Is moro of-1 der Pinchot'H direction, looking to eaL vesse ski ..... nnj " f w . , ,,, , . and have a rank flavor, if put on in ,""i oi stream now nml to pre cold water or allowed to cook slowly )v"t erosion. so as to become water soaked the pota- toes will be most unpalatable. Few I While It Is orton Imposslblo to pre vcgetabloj are more popular or more j ,vVnl n" "ecldent. It Is never Imposal- dcllclous while baketl toughened slon in the family circle. For baking select medium sized po- , tatocs. scnib well and dry them. Bake In a shallow pan in a moderately hot , oven until soft about forty-live mln- 1 utes. when soft presa between the fingers to break the skin and allow the steam to escape. . Creamed Potatoes. j Wash, pee and cut lu dice of uni- t form sixa two cupfuls of raw potatoes, j Cook in boiling water until tender, adding salt Just before draining. Drain, return uncovered to fire to dry off; then odd one cupful of -white sauce. Cold boiled potatoes may be used cut in dice and reheated in milk. White Sauce. Two tablespoonfuU of butler, two tablespoonfuls of flour, one-half tea My best fi;. S7.B9 per cord And I liavo seine rood fir for $(5.60. lid If you want It sawed Into stovowood will joat no cent per cord more s noon ns roads are bettor wood will he cheaper I r Iso do wood- nawlng by tin ro:d ei by the hour. crotipy ( j also take orders for jour fa.l wood. i win liavo yo r woo., cut now and deliver the s-tno to '-on nny time next summer, and you do not hnvo to pay for It until dollveicd. For fus. tin r Informu'lon call aa'i c me ut lUl South Orapos'-c-i. V 'ord. Or., or phono f..:i n : r. .,. ateln. ig than a potato property baked. '".':... ""' "oi noyouu one that is heavy, watery or of r mhri,i. . TCfn, . until the skin Is thickened' an.. ' 0Za, Is snlllclcut to cause dlssen-, bruises and llku' Inturioc k,.i.i ,.: - ----- iVIU UJ all druggists. For the Best vegetables and their preparation 'for the tableV Practically all green vege tables contnlu a largo amount of wa ter, with a smaller percentage of starch, a .very little protein, some sugar, gum and woody fiber, The older the, vegetable the harder the woody liber becomes until the veg etable which bus been left In the ground till' late in the season can be torn apart like coarse threads. It la butter, add flour and seasoning and when blended pour on milk gradually, stirring constantly until boiling. Potato Salad, Three cupfuls of cold boiled pota toes, four tnblcsjiooufuls' of oil, two tablespobnfuls of chopped parsley, two tablespooufuls of vinegar, one table spoonful of onion, ouc-hulf teaspoonful of salt, one-fourth teuspoouful of pep per and two hard cooked eggs, iileud 1 In harness, saddles, whips, odes, tents, blankets, wag on sheets, axle urease and Ball cure, as well as all kinds of custom work, see J. C. Smith 314 E. Main. REAL ESTATE 900 acros best sticky laud In val ley, closo to railroad, S30 ucro, one halt cash. 30 acres fru't laud, 20 planted to pears, w'th peach fillers, close to school nud pnntofflce, J8500, ono thlrd, bnlnnco long time; no Im provements. 1C2 acres, 7 miles from Medford, $125 an aero; good Irrigation ditch; one-third down, balance long as wanted. Oood city lots, close lu. Money to loan, SiskiyouLandCo 206 Phlpps Bulldlnu, Medford, Or. Farm Land Timber Land Orchard Land Residences City Lots Orchards and Mining Claims Medford Realty Co Room 10, Jackson County Bank Building RESOLVED Tho best resolution for you to make in to come to tin for your next suit, if you want something out of the ordinary. Wc do tbo best work nud ohnrgn the lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT Tim rnooKiisarvB tailor SEE UvS FIRST When in need of Electric Wiring, or Fixtures, nnd save, money by get ting best workmanship. Dynamo Repairing u specialty. FLYNN BROS. MEDFORD'S PREMIER ELECTRICIANS. 13? WEST MAIN STREET. m I Decide Now Values are Increasing 7-room bungalow, modern conven- iuro apart jme i-ourae lurrnun, M.i l " .-, ii....... alr,u ir,.,,,i. . this liber which renders vegetuhr..- j Carefully and allow to stand on Ice for j "? .1" . . '. M' bard to digest and which necessitates cooking iu order to soften it. Most Vegetables coutaln some mineral mat ter and certain volatile essential oils which give them their characteristic flavor. If the cooking Is not properly performed tho essential oils may change in their character nud the orig inal flavor of the vegetable be de stroyed. Vegetable are useful in the dfot for three reasons: First The mineral salts are needed to keep the blood pure aud for boae formation in the young. People who are denied freeh frultn and vegetable tot any length of time are likely to d reJop cerialu skin diseases. Second. The wody liber, Just be cause of Its Jiidlrestllilllty. hn a value In the diet. Jt furiilsbc waste matter one-half hour. Combine with boiled dressing. Chop whites and grate yolks. , Potato Apples. Two cupfuls of hot mushed potatoes, two tablespoonfuls of butter, ouo-tblrd cu;ful of grated cheete, one-half tea. spoonful of salt, a few grains of cayeonej a llttlo grated nutmeg, two tablespoonfuls of thick cream and yolka of two eggs. Mix Ingredients in rder given uud beat thoroughly. Shape as small apples. Roll In tlonr, egg and crumbs. Fry in deep fat and drain on brown paper. Insert a clove at both stem and blossom end. Tbcro are numerous ways of prepar ing all vegetables; but, as previously stated, the simple methods arc tho best Tho main point to remember la rapid epoklng In .constantly billing wn. cr nmil 'teiid'oV'' tnent; $3000; good terms. 7-room .modorn bungalow, just completed; 60x150 corner lot; t-ait front; you must uco this to appre ciate it; for a short while $4000; terms, 6-room bungalow, among the applo trees; largo lot; n homey homo for $1800; easy terms. 83 acres fruit land; flno locality; 2C acres bearing apples, apricots, pears; 35 acros plowed; llf under FJsh Lake ditch; a money maker at $14,500. WE CAN SHOW YOU. Wright 6 Allin 128 Mas Muln Slmjt. The JACKSON COUNTY REALTY COMP'Y 604 WEST TENTH STREET, OR 124 KINO STREET. MEDFORD OREGON Office In residence, corner West Tenth and King Streets. Always prepared to show you tho best Jack son county has In the real estate lino from the unimproved land to the best bearing orchards, farm land or stock ranches; also city property. The manager has had ten years' experience In the county, which will aid the prospective purchaser. Seeing Is knswing. We also have modern rooms to accommodate our patrons. Following are Some of our Good Buys 10 ncres Newtowns and Spitz apples, $.16,000 easy termB; just ready to bear, 10 acres Newtown and Spitz apples, 4-year-old trees; $5000, easy terms. Several nice small tracts near town just coming in bearing. 360 acres 1 1-2 miles north of EiurU '.. .18,'000, easy terms. 200 acres south Eagle Point, $10,000, easy terms. House, two lots, well locat ed; price $1700; terms. 293 acres near coal mines, $9000, oasv terms. II t ; Af,NO AOENT FOR TUB SNOWY BUTT R OnrilARU. Two lots, fine location, $1500. Several ncro tracts, f ino lo cation to. suMivi . lots for yale. ,v.i-. .am wit rw i iwi riawMtrri vMaa