Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 10, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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TlUJitTNK. MRDIfOlin. DIM.mnv
(intuo Warden Clins H. (Jay was hi '
tho Woodvlllo und OoM Hill districts'
ThiirMlfiy mi official htminoKH.
, ..... ...,...,.,, .,,. ,
liiiifMiinou mill film fn irni vlmr.
J eiiH at ( rioml'M. , Chliiuwuro al Ooodfriond's.
W. C. Luvor of Central Point, onoj District Altornuy Mulkoy will leave'
,', r tho loudliii; citlzena of Hint oily, I Friday moraine; for Gold Mill wlinro
was in Mud ford Wednesday, .Me, 'ho will atmuar for tho slnta In a onse1
of killing dnur nut n season, Th
CUHO It) OIK) Wlwro till) VOIliBOIl wart
killed for food l'or tint defendant und
his family, und u conviction on n
triul by jury in problematical. Judu'
Moroloolc of Gold Hill will preside at '
tlio trial. J
Mr, mid Mrs, A. J. Young of Pay
fiiivor is olio of tlio' original Hitllloi's
Of Control Point, lint lie Ifntf crown
with tlui ilty and country instead of
trying to remain in tlio rut of tho old
Stationery, office and school sup
plies at thu Morrivold Shop.
Tint Mud ford Morning Mail and
Uvciiing Tribune, ouch u ono-mucluu
publication, lutvo cuiibolidatod uiidur
thu iiaiiiu of Mail Trihiinu and now
publishes a Iwo-miioliliio fivo day
ovcning daily with a Sunday morning
odltiou. Thu now ooinhiiiatiou Iikh
dumped u groulnr wition of thu old
inatmialn and Iiuh installed tlio lienl
uowspnpor and joh plant in southern
Expedition Assured States Scientist
Will Sail on Albatross From
San Francisco In
NKW YOUIt. Kill. 0, A iirolim.
one, Jiiauo, nru noro looxing over ine;Uou M,,iitlon to tho Antarctic r
country. 1 rIoiis under tho direction of tho Pnlt-
nincfiH ai uoonirionus. ,.d Htnt,. government and tho Aiwr-
.1. K. Ardmoro of Pasadena, Calif., j lean museum or natural history or
Ik registered nt tlio Moore. Now York, will probably leavo Han
.lames Owens, county commission- Francisco next October. Tho nn-
or, whh in Medford on IhiuJiumh ( nouncomont wnn inado today that Dr.
Thuriiday. ' llormnn IluinpiiH of thu iniiMMim, who
w. If. (Jhapin of tin- Uppor Trad ! iloolnrod that tho expedition pmctl-
...1. .11 !. . r..i.j . ..
Ori'Kon. lutoniationtl TypoKiuphi-1 oruok ditriot, whh in Modford on n. rally Ih nxHiirud. Tho propoood .
oal .Journal. , ImihIiiuhh trip Thuraday. ! petition to tho noiith polar rloi
Tho durahhi auto tlio Bululc. 281 tusll, I'owlar whh hi .Mud lord troin will Imvo a double inlMHlon. Not only
V. K. Crowoll of tho Kirn l National ' 1,1,1 oSfudoww woetion Thurdiiy. 1 will tlio nclontlitm of tho party mako
bunk" Ih rouiHturiid at tho Hotul Kow
jtrd in ol'rtluud,
IMiono 2flJ, Ooodfririid'8.
Spring akirtn, .Muokar'M.
Mr. mid Mr, Win. Aikoii of Mud
ford woru cuusta at tho ploaHiiut
lieuno of Mr. and Mm. A. S. Furry
hint Tiii'dday.
Tlio car of Rorvioo, tho ltuink. 281
"lianiiiwarn ill OoodfriondV.
Mr. und Mix. W. S. Htanoliff won
viHiliiiU' at thu homo of Mr. and Mi.
Ed Hamlin hint Monday.
It. A. Holmux, tho iiiHiiruutx) man.
I'lioiiM 781. m 28 1
A noniliinntion of npucd, powor and
htri'iittth, tho lliiick. 281
A. S. Shorinun, oiut of TuliuilV
old pioui'itrn, died nt liic lioiiiu in
lalnnt IiihI Sunday, ancd aboiu 80
yoarri. Mr. Shorniun linn Ihmiii in n
ht'IUf. couditlon for thu pan! fivv
.yearn, hoinj; affliulod with palny mo
1mdly that ho had to bo fed. Hi
noii Cliiuli'K Iiiim been Iiih oniintant at
toudaut. Iiiicnnciit Monday in
Slnri coii'tory at Taloiit.
.luoli ol'rti;r arrived homo
Tnortiinir from CorvnlliH, Or.
You need a Huick.
County hmponlor Myon of
tral Point, whh Iuto WViluosday look
intr ovor a Mliipmont of truon from
Nile. Culif. Mr. Mynm found tlm
trflflH niuoli bitttitr in ovory way than
IWvioiiK Hliipiiicnt)i had boon, how
ini; that thu riid iimpi'i'liiin nl t irnt.i
KhlpinciilH had iudicatod that liv.-s
miint ho froo, ovon from miopioion.
bofii Ihoy would bo paxM'd.
If. A. Ultimo, tho iiiMiinuii'i' man,
jivos bin ontiro titnn to firo iiiHiiranoo
and will jrivo you hotter norvioo. Hon
hi mahout Sponinl ratos, Ifoom ttl,
.laukon County Hank Hldu. 281
Will (J. Stool f tho (Valor I.ako Co.
arrived from Portland Thumda.v
Your wjfo wnutM a Ituiok. 281
H. P. Mulkity wik in Modford
Ihurwdny on offioial buHinc.
Hon. .1. .Mornl ol tontrul roint oxtofiHlvo KooloKioal and bloloKlral
wii8 a Mcdfonl vinitor Wodiiiwlay. obm'i vatloiiH, but thoy will attempt
Qooricu H. Morrilt of Contrul Point to ro-oHlablbili doflalto bouudii or
!h at .laukKonvillo on a vinit (Imh week. Wllkonland.
J. P. Carroll wart nrroHtod Wcdnoii- WllUowhind whh roportod dthcovor
day ui(;ht in tho nut of purloining va- od In 1 S I 0 by Conimaudor Wlllsen of
vrioiiH food HtuffH from tlio Htoro- iho Unltvd Htatim navy, but thin dls
lioiibo of tho Iiuvro tUHtaurant. Ho rovory litis hIiico boon dUcn.-dlUvl by
wan fitiod $5 by Judgo Canon nud IIHrllllfiih oxplorom,
Kontoncod to kJx niontliH in jail. Tho
jail Huntoiino wan runiittod, howovor,
on condition that Carroll make a OTTO 11 DflOT h I D I UV
uoiHo liko a departure. The midden- OLLU III lUul AL DAUll
uuhh with whioh ho oompliod in be-
lioved by weatberwiso eitizem, to he PDfAT UflllfV TDIIQT
the okiiho of tho ineipionl NiiowNlonn. , UllLn I inUIlL I I illlu I
We have a lot of Waists which we must Hell rjtiirkly and have priced tho
ae!Ot'dingly. We have arranged tliem in six lots. Thev urc neat, stvliwh ar
up-to-date jmtteruH.
ui)-r.o-(iate j
'I'll is lot includes all
washable Waists, plain
tailored, embroidered,
et., values to $55.00;
sale f I 1Q
priec P 7
This lot includes fancy,
both white and colored,
values to $4.o();
sale -v
13 f TCfi
This lot includes washa
ble linen Waists , fanev
up-to-date patterns;
values to $G:
sale price
This lot includes silk
Waists in taffetas, ines-
salines, etc; all coloi-s:
value to $8;
8a!e S4 69
price T V
This lot includes all fan
cy silk Waists, plaids,
etc.,; value to $10.00;
price $5.69
This lot includes all fan
cy Brocades, designs,
etc.; value to $12.00;
sale 6 98
price 0v7U
s. Mtuiiirh ,iiod voi v mid- Senator Heyhurn Fears that Incomes
'obruaij Mi'. Mlnnleli had'
Will Be Endanoered by Low
dinl)' I
I. on lo I. O. O. nioollni?. whlbi
.Mr. Mluiilelr ronialnod at homo with
bor Kraudelilldren. Mr. Mlnulck io
turnod about in oVIook at.d retltod.
About a half hour lutor M rti. .Mlnnlck
wit up and Ktrui;led. Thon foil back
and roHlntod alt effortH to nrouoe bor.
She wan nboiit ". votirn old. leaven a '
himlmii'l and luru" faiull of grown '
hlldroii and Kniiidelillilnui. 'I'li.i clill-d-en
are .1. I' lluaulun.l, Hone Flue.!
Mih. .Mnlllo 'A'altorH, .Mrn. Alice Wl
inor, .Mtk CanHln ('nnwoll. .Mrn. Iau'
dora Koeh. Shn lived horo about 30 .
yoai'H, mviik well known nud loavon
many frloudM.
Interest Rate.
WASIIINOTON, Feb. 10. Tlio ad
mlulHlratlon, nu rovlKcd to
day by loadorfl of enato and homo
and kIvoii tho Ht amp of Whlto Hougo
approval, comprlfoN the followhiK
Statohood for Arlxoun and Now
.Moxlero In tbc form of tlio Konnte bill
which provides for ratification by eon '
fcr.oxn of tho constltiitloiiH of tho nowj
HtatoH after approvnl by tho presi
dent, t
. Postal navhms bnnkH, with safe-1
RitardH iiKaliiHt fundx being trannfr
rod from Mentions whoro originally'
depOHltud lo tho moiioy rontora.
ltn attract Ivo faBlde reforto. famous medical Hprlmra, maKntficent tourist hotels, picturesque scen
ery, dellKbtful ellniat", nnd opportunity for all kinds of outdoor pastime, such aa hundreds of miles of
auto driven through oranKO KroveH and along ocean beach boulevards, make this favored region The
WVit lilV (Jroatest Winter Jtcsort, roaehed. via the
and "Itiind of a ThoiiMitml Vomlen" 1 -'
Low round trip rat are In effect from alt points In the Northwest, with long limit, stop-over prlvl
1oi;ok and flrst-claHH accnuimodatlons.
Medford to Los Angelesand Return, $47.50.
With n final return limit of vx months, and stop-overs In either direction.
First class, up-to-date train with the latest equipment, unexceled dining car service, and everything I
that goes to make the trip pleasant.
Attractive, interesting and Instructive literature telling of the famous winter resorts of California
can he had on application to any O. It. fc X. or S. I Agent, or by writing to
VM. Mo.Ml.'lUt.W. (.'enoral Passenger Agent, POFiTIjA.Vl), OHKGON t
ntvlng tl..,,presldont authority to 0 s Convcted of Consplr.
; withdraw from public entry lands do- r
acy to Defraud Government
T TT' tslrod for coiiKervatlon purposes or for
i elasslflojitlon, tho withdrawals to ro-
I main In forro until revoked by him
or by nets of congress.
Wear Kfild'h Hhoes.
Kxtrauta at Goodfricud'H.
A. C. Housli oC QrantH I'rhh was
in .laukKonvillo Tuesday on profes
sional biiHinosH.
John WatkitiH of Knjrlc Point w.ih
Sentenced to Prison.
YOUK, Feb. .10.- Oliver
oonvioted of eonspiraoy to
the irovorntnent in coniiop
Pittsburger Proves 20 Is Below Lim
itDoctors Busy, Mother Angry
Fiance Is Silent.
After Accident Ttire Was Not
Single Unit of Light in City of
VxVNCOUVEK, Tt. C, Feb. 10. -In
r 1 1 i ai
If A TTnim.. ti... i :' leuioro iiie.suay on a ihihuio-ni
ropnwoiitn tho bur eompanies. Phono '
H1. Idiom Kl. Jno,vi,h County
Hank Bldtr. o.s
Oooruo A. Stool, of Tlin... Pin...
.Tophinn oonntv,
was iu Modl'oul ,,.!,, ....
i . i
iiiimon.v nn a iiixohh trip. !
Your family need u Huiok. 2SI
O. S. Tliitlur of AHhlnnd whh at j
Jaokuiiville Thurdav iiilonlou-li...
d. I..- .. ' " i . William ou dor itei eu wuk in
1 .uiiiMMiir. . . , , . ,
.Tolin n,.,i.; . . .'icoioru lroiu r-ugiu i-oiiu on ouni
.f1i, nit .y, over .iiim.-. .. ... n.
h1 Countv Hank . nesa uosnay.
uuu, i no oauner year
Modfont'K nopulatiou doubl
lots iu thu Queen Anno
PITTSBURG. Feb. 10. -William i
Thaw, tho favorite counsui of Harry a dcspe Wf&t from a dondly aro
K. Thaw, whoso mother two venrs nso of vcr thirty thousand toHb nt Br-
' .. ... .. ... . . . . . .. . i..t,. i.. r x-.
Ettrnal Reian Over One. half tion with tho woiptuup ol supar mi-1 ucgun court proeecuings to unvo niiu"' 'fl
of Her Globe. , H)itnlioiiH, wns seutenccd loduy by, declared an halutuiU drunkaxd, UasilnHinnuy K1,,p" nnu m eorapan-
m utnrti eifH K ttto Pric Ikms. J. Dexnnstcr unil II. Smith, had
Jiiil aaflortmonl oi niutmnti s onn-. nnc avrnaHt?v r.k unnii.w i ixhii : vMtAM4:n 4 ! nUn.. u:mn their flash &?rionsIv burnoil nnd nra
'"Mn'tJnJ!!?. ftordi."'; . thootherlnpcrpctult-turuedwayAttflnu. 'conforrinr: -nrtth her attorneys rccard- m ih hospital here tridayj
" o. wv. o. ; uilll cause a Niaio of tltlnw of which o;i.. .. r i.. .i : ..:.. : t. i" t.. ifor trontmont. Tliov o.iinnnt n-nnw.
k . .-1111 IM" MinillTIV IIP MMIN'I IIlll'l II- All IT llllllllll fll'rilll'SL. lit I' Willi !! " " ----- ........... -
vniMi oi nn innao. soP uie , Vvo tuti furt;j but r.'ii.i i-oiiociitiou from
lioul Wood) aril.
SiMfl. 1-Mr jitreut, bet,vveon
and Third streotH. (lonld k I.indlcy.
proprietor. stil i
. William You dor llelleu
out of
I'lioiik! ; what m Uiiou on onrili HtVod for
it nitons ii'itiiniif i'iiii. .t 1 1 tt tin iiniiiii . company s
th sunward faeo must If unslitcldwt j
lie a Tiiphet surp'tlui; our powers ad- '
eipintely to portray. And unshielded It on December 17, 1000
must be. an wo stmii presently ec. The ohookers were John C,
i Sugar liefini.i; fore beKKed off on proinise that he I Immediately after the accident thoro
nt Willianibtu-.'. 1 would bo jjood. !wus not 0,10 m,5t of ov IH,wor
With four checkers nt tho docks, ho Tho record of sixty-eight brandies m nnconver. itio portormnnces at
wn found jjuiltv bv Juduo Martin nnd soda wns established recently by ",1 "'pni-s earao to n dead stop and
William Thnw 3d, and ho has only i oowmowo wore eom-
Povln. now honn rolnnRod frnm tlm .. P,l,0,le'1 ' w"lk home.
tint v CoiiunisHioner Patterson
wa in Modford Thursday morniii),"
on huninpsy,
Your lnisiiii-.s nooU ti,..
Mvx. Nolllo Newhttry of Jnnkm'in
nlle hiik a MHfor.l visitor Thursdiiv.
j Wear ICidd's Shos. '
Col. Oeorjfo P. Xlmn of Maven
- Oaks, was a .Modford visitor Wednes
day nnd Thursday.
Phono 2(10.1. Ooodfriond's.
t OeoiW H, Oilletto of Ashland wiih
in Medford on a business trip Thurn
dny. The oar for use, thn Buiolc. 281
Mrs. T. F. Fifor nnd Mrs. Krnest
hIchi wnro hostesses Wednesday aft
jninon to mombnrs of the Woman's
florae Mission Rooiety of tho M. K.
flhureh South. A vory )lonsnnt time
wns provided with musln. esnnnlnllv
piano and voonl seloetions. rendered
... i.ii. n. mernerson. IfoIIowiiif,
thin one n dainty lunnhoon. Proscut
iw MorfdnniOH P. j. Hnlley, A. 11.
Wflllnms, U TT. Sites, Snmw Swen
iilnff, S. ArcPhorson. Frpnl- nnindon,
Chnrlefi Kirk. Wm. Wiser, R. L. Tay
bir. T. P. Fifer, F.n.est Ttieo and Minn
Ninn TCIrlc.
Cereals nt Onodfriend's.
Ti, H. TTinniun of Cedar Rapids, J,,.,
lias purchased n fivo nern trael of A.
C. Jlurpress, pnyinr $mo. The frnet
is planted to ono-yoni'-old Comloo
nnd Bartlotl pears nnd hns upon it
n splendid IninRnlow.
Thn lowest priced nttfo on tho mnr
Kot. the Huiok. o
L. A. TTonlc, nun of the prominent
'horticulturists 0f the Kaulo Point dls.
trint, spout Wednesday nijrht n Mod-
Coffee nt floodfrinnd's.
Fd IT. Wall of ,Ta uloion villo was a
Modford visitor Tliui-sdny.
triple in viiiiiu. I'reseut price
nud upward. Cash or tonus.
Ihtnsc Itouao of Ashland wns
Medford visitor Tuosday.
Pooplo that want flcurln
iioversely tlio other must W n nvitor-tnii t-i .i n..i. i u i j 1 lie three mun ware ineixliii!' a dond
, ... i-iuuuiiit nvtiut:. ihihiihi i. ituvit- hum ujaiuuniQ un nnu uuu iu ilium xor . - "
wiii LhZ'n'IZwV;;, J- Hennessey. They were many day after this feat. I ' J"er that carries the
WaLdi K'"H ',"perate nli.ale. for upon T 1. c . . , . n,..,. ihich nower w re from tho coucrntin?
0 ,,. one wnolo hemlHphore of Voun, the ; Z"r?-L. . V" ,1 "V station over Bnrmd Tnlot. Snddon:
...uiiiAn i ,I,n never sullies, never so iiiticti a,i ' "ihcmhhi miuu -uivai, xuouiuuuuic uiuuitiiuun in on ..... ... , .
audition sm.i.i.ui h.wWo... i inil. about Pitshnnr. was tbu soono. Tln.w.,v ,he llV0 wm' l,int wa3 snpPb'Jnff
plantliii: sliado trees and have not
ot their orders hooked hotter, con
sult II. It, Patterson, tho Quaker
Nurseryman and Rot low prices Of
fice In Hotel Nash Office.
t NlRht eternal rolgiw over half of her: Beentisc of Spitror's illness, his nppenrs to hnvo resented the insinn-' m "r0Ke nnrt u,p, wa3 w,nrt"
, clolM. Tho tbuUL-lit would npiwll tbo;fiontenoe wns not pronounced nt tliat.ntion that he could not drink twenty i ,np R,Hre, aa """"''f formed. Tho
time nnd ho was placed under SQ,- brnudios und soda nt ono sitting nnd""T . "u ;,u , ,
000 boll. Ho appoared before .Tuiltre ' with a fairly good millery ho started a "a.h6ir way touched lie corrn.
Mftriin In Innrn thn nuniiUv nmcllin in nuts thn mnrlf nC tu-dnlv A fiuv . R"lC(I iron MMtlng OI 1P tOWOr.
most Intrepid of our arctic osplorers
j and prevent nt Usist everybody, from
pole, or, rather, what
on .jrolnif to tlio
HouJ. .1. Prelsnor, tho woll known
drui; elorh, formerly of thla plnco, Is
oitRaKod in mining over la California,
hero replaces it. "tlnouali the dark
continent." It fxeninllrto.s the even. 'Pny'
tual efftvt.' of a force In astronomical
mechanics the Importance of which Is
only beclnnliiL to ho nimroclatcd. tldnl
friction. It has hmimhi Venii as a '
World to tlio deal lily pass wo have cou',N
teuiphitod together Start hm merely
as a brake upon her rtitutliui. it tia.i
ended by destroying all those physical
Spitrer immediately annouced tli.ti
lie will npteal tho sontouee.
I sixty-eiflht ho collapsed.
n fow rullo.1 out from Illlt. Ho baa conditions which enablo our oa
Bonio viiry rich placer ;roimd which' wor,rt to ,,l w,"t It Is. Nls'ht and day,
Iu proving wry prumlslnR which ho I
located sevornl ycara ago acd sovoral
qiuiTtir. ledRCRi In tlio sawn locality,
KOH UKNT Two front plate plans
window, officii rooms over Model
ClothliiK fitoru. Knaulro Uronory's
Bluillo, SHU afiilu, room 8,
POlt SAIilC -A beantlfuV'liotiio'ln'a
Kood Monaltty; nice lawn, snmll or
chard, shudo treen, K'od barn mul
windmill; plpollno ou ono corner.
Inquire of 1 X. Musty. Tolo, Or.304
i',6ir8Airre "CirKo" ioi; T5xi78,w;
Central uvouuoi n eunp nt 1050. Ay
lor &. Tlurnntt, nivxt door to Mall Trl
butio oftlco. 279
FOR 13XO FlANGH For o'tty op "qouh"
ty property, 240 aercn flno tlnibor,
14 inlloa from Medford; wilt crulso
four mlUlou foot. Aylor & Harnett,
KOH BALK Find IiutlrttnB"lolrt In all
parts of the city; monthly paymento.
Aylor & Oarutitt. a?0
ituiuniiir and winter, heat and cold, arc
rltal vicissitudes unknown now upon
our sister orb. There nothing elianKco
whllo the centuries pasa. An ctornlty
of deadly UciitlilcswneKii U Veuus' stat
ueaquo tot. Dr l'cn'lval Iowll la
Popular Science.
Think It Ovr.
Fudily What a happy world thla
would bo If more of ua Rot what wo
wan tod! DudyYes, or eluo fower of
us Rot what wo deserved. Boston
Comfortlno thn Sick,
Louise .1 ebb-And tell Tom not to
worry about mo.
Mury1 did. Ho uuld ho woaldn't
"Tho horrid brutol"-Ltfo.
Tho eonjr that norves a nation'
heart In In Itself u deed. Tcnuynon,
No Ditfrne.
3nsiblo Sandy.
While passing In jilt old fashioned
lun In Scot la ml thc-tiourfcts were at
tructwl by an aiu-ient bnpplper. who
was tootliu; atrocious rounds tbroURti
an Instrument that was both dilapi
dated and s.pieaHy "Umat Jericho.
Sahdyr', escliiluied oue tn desperation.
"Why don't jeu hai'o your biiRplpes
l-epalrwl?" And the old iaaii ceasod
playbiR and looked up in astonish
ment. "Havers, men. yc dlnna uuder
stand! If nut bnupolpes wor In sod
tunc the tun moii wluiia Rlvo mo
tihlllluRH to move on."
Wind Velocity.
Tho majority of pcoplo ure uuublo to
deternilno the wind's velocity. When
tho Ninoko from a chimney moves In a
straight, vertical column, it means that
a ono to two miles an hour breeze Is
blowluR. A throu miles an hour wind
will Just Milt the leaves on tho treesv
Twenty-live miles an hour will sway
the trunks; at forty the small branches
will break, nnd It takes a mile a min
ute gule to snap the trunks of big
trees. - London Answers.
JtnksWhlcli women lutvo tho worst I does"
ompfrs, blondM or bniaottcs? Rinks I i.m..
Nobody listens to udvlcc."
"You're- wropR. Ono fellow always
My wlfo has been both, and I could
not see any difference. New York
"Tho fellow who' iftvlutr tt." Cloye-
land Lruder.
Clantcal Player, but He B.
witched His Henrer.
The truth Is that Ole Bull wns not a
classical player. As l remember ltlm,
be could not piny In strict tempo. Like
Ohoplu, be ludtilffitl In the rulmto und
abused the portamento. But be knew
bis public. Ainorlcj. partioularly lu
tho regions visited, wai not In the
mood for Fonatas or eoucertos. "Old
l)an Tucker" and the "Arknnsaw Trav
eler" were the mode. Hull pluynl tbuui
; j botb. playcsl Jls nnd old tunes, roused
we ccnoes wuu rue "ntur Hpuuitieu
Banner" and Irish melodies, lie play
ed audi tliluRs beautifully, suit It
would have been musical snobbery to
say that you didn't IIUo them. You
couldn't help yourself. The Rraud old
follow bewitched you.
He was a bmidsoino Merlin, with
touch of the rhurlatan and u touch of
Uszt In bis tall, willowy tlgure. small
waist and heavy bead of hair. Such
white hair! It tumbled In musses
about bis kindly face like ono of hi
nartre Norwegian cataracts, no was
tho most picturesque old man 1 ever
saw except Wnit Whitman, at that
tlmo a steady uitemlnut of the Carl
Gacrtiiei' strlm; ipianet concerts In
Philadelphia. (And what Walt didn't
know about music Im mndo up tn liH
lovo for stray ddRS. He was seldom
without cniiluo company.) James Uu
neker In Kvcrybmty'B MaRSxIne.
i This wns hiphly clinrJ and till three
! worn insensible whop i oseited Tjy eoa
rades outside.
Tlio tower caught firo from the eor
t rent hut this was son controlled.
I Gluttony of Solimsn and the Appatlt
of Louis XIV.
Touehliis the matter of citing, tho
storlei told by I bo old chroiilclers anil
historians of the abnormal appetites of'
certain and oriental men of
note fairly- stiiRifer Isillef
(iltibon tells of tollman, a caliph In
the elshtli century, who died of acutts
Indigestion In his camp neuv Ohalcis,
In Syrlu. Jut as he was about to lead
an army of Arabs against (.'onvt.nitiiio
ple. lie taut emptied tw baskets of
eRgs and fls, which he swallowed
altertiatply, and the ivjwist was tlnlxli
od with marrow and siic.iii' Iu a pll
KrlnittRo to Mecca the mine caliph liutl
eaten with impunity nt n single moat
seventy iHUiiegrannte, a kid, six fowls
aud a Inure ipinutlty of the grapes of
Sucb a statemout would defy belief
were not others of a similar chnra for
well avouched. T.cuh ;;iv i-niilil h in.
ly boast of an nppil;c as niveuous as
Sollumn's, but he would cat at n sit
tltiR four pltilei'uls of dlft'creiit spups, u
wliolo pheasant, a partridge a plnto
ful of aalnd, nmttou UusUt-d with gar
lic, two good slices of htm,
dish of pastry aud Unlab this asaplse
repast with fruit And sweetnia,--,
Loudon Stt'tunlay ReTlew.