THE BEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MlSDffOKl), ORKOON, THURSDAY, FMBRUARY 10, l!).10. REBELS TO ATTACK CAREY TELLS OF CAPITAL SOON JIM BILL'S PLANS Twenty-five Hundred Troops March ing on Managua Administra tion Troops Off to Give Battle. ltLUEFll.KHS, Nicaragua, Fob. 10. Noted Oregon Attorney Returns from East and Says Road Will Bo Projected at Once to Klamath Falls. Oniric. It. Carey, whu is well (By Wircloss to Colon.) Adviocs knoxva throughout Oregon a one ol from Managua today stale Oml it -Kits londins attorneys, and who. with almost certain that the revolutionists will attack the capital within IS hours. General Cliamorro has with drawn from Hoacn and i moving rapidly toward Managua. five hundred troops comprise his command. The main body of the administra tion forces were dispaluhed yester day to hold ChnmoiTo in check while preparations for the defense of the capital were completed. Johnson Porter, visited Crater Lake and Medford early in the fall, has returned to Portland from the cast with the announcement that the Or Trunk will build to Klamath Tito revo- ..... irgo" "".'- , ii.:.. ........ rmir mi: ,i-ii. It is also announced that the Hill interests have filed with the interior department at Washington, 1. C application lor a right ot way thiDUL'h the Klamnth Indian reser vation. This right of way will com plete the path of the Hill road from the mouth ot the Deschutes river Intionary force halted t..e ailiiriiii.-1 oanvoii to Klamath Falls, following t ration troops at Santo Domingo by n,t filiuc of a right of way throuuh General Menu's insurgents early to-1 the township. jn-t north of the re. day, and Cliamorro is virtually with-jorvatioii. The township filings were out opposition in his inarch. ; made nt Lakcview and give to the Connors arriving from the front Oreuoit Trunk a tlironclt lino from lodav continued the report of sweep-1 its junction with the Northern I'a ing rebel victories at l.a Oaritn aud cific roiul to the line of the Klam- Snnta Clam. They discredited the nth reservation. report- of administration successes i ym Connect San V'mncKrn. which cninnntc.l frotn Managua 1 KsjnHN )lf tlll ) Tnmk t Accuromi:." .. c.r smu-;" I K1UniU,, Ft)llf ,vi ,mi..tii-II.V give Chnmnrro at Hoacn was a dismal Krnnoi-eo in that by running a short j. , mi i I "" - laimrc. nc ."M.m ; Htn,u,h of from Klamath Falls easily broke thn.ngh the line- ud,to AunK )in(,, wmwlm mny pushed wetwnl towanl Managu.;. cs,nl)Iisho)l wU, ,he w,.storn Vtwirw, It is N.ssible that Lhaniorro will, , GouM lri,ns,.ollt;m.nlll, ,ilu( w.m ior , j,... ...... ,c....r mW amline ,.,,,,,.,; inovhn; upon the city. It i believed, liowcvcr. thai Cliamorro is strong cnoimh to take the city alone, and mav not wait for reinforcements. JEFF DAVIS IS FOR "OLD MAN PEOPLE" Has No Truck with "Those High-Col-lared Roosters," Bankers Postal Bank Debate. WASHINGTON. Feb. !. "Old Man People don't ever get much from the p.vcrnjnctit. The drippings fnmi. the sanctuary may strike everybody else, but Old Man People is generally mi'-sed. The eoiistilntiou i always invoked to prevent Old Man People from hccuring anything belonging t liiin. I have no patience with -.iicfi through the Sacramento valley to Al, in Northern California. - When the Hill interest, began heading for Central Oregon, it was genemlly fiirmiscd that San Fran cisco was the real goal, but confirm ation of reports to this effect wns not. obtainable, 'excepting as the work lirugivsied in the .-oiitherly direc tion, until today.'- Few Obstacles. t Iteiid ha been oiuted out as the southerly terminal of the Oregon Trunk, but men ae.piaiuted with mil 1 rond coiixtrucfioti could nee no good 'reason why the line should to there with every inducement to continue 'through a section rich in natural re source- and waiting for trnnsMrtn tiou fncilitic... The distai'ice from Klamath Fulls to Altunis would pnuiit few ob stacle, to construction, the topog raphy of the laud beiut; crhup more favoniblc' to railroading tliail any of the distance covered fnnn the Co lumbia river to Klamath, the stretch thronvh the De-ehutcs river eanyoii DEPUTY MARSHAL BELLINGER QUITS $12.49 Too Much Compensation (or Throo Months Work Allowed 12 Cents a Mile for Traveling But Only Gets 3-8 of It. Theic is a aeaney in the office of deputy U. S. marshal for the oSulh- ern Oiviron di-lricl. and any enter prising young man who wants lo work three 1110111111 and eover.n whole lot of territory under all ,orls of condition-, pay hi- own way mid wait thirty day.- or more after the work has been done lor the money, for u net compensation ol siV.'iy cents over netunl cxjicnses. can have a job, for Deputy V, S. Marshal .1. H Helliuger has reiigned, and the luiic iiage he useil when he handed the aforesaid resignation to U..S. Mar- slialjteeil wa- something more forci ble than polite. It happened this wav. Mr. Mel- linger was apHiiiited deputv lr. S. marshal for. this district when the federal court was created here. lie attended the meetiutrs of (he court regularly .tiring its sessions, .olu Such was U.e. dcolarnti.oi of Sen-' ,M,K 'I"' "'r1 Jl only from ntor .Jeff Davis of Arkaiisa. today In 1 " Kiuuonii point of v.ew bn also nnnouneimr hi opposition to thei WIUW . I,:..,L- l.ill nn, iii r"1,t-"' oulltctr mnoti.lincnt were adopted by which j who are al-., rushing con- ii... mo i..i.. i....,i- .. ii.....,. Minetion along the liauks of the river Uli- inn rni- ifiiiinr' ivii ii.-ii 1 and hard- with the Harriinaii moned the jury and in nil matters acted as officer of the court. In ad dition he made trip- to Klamath county lo sene government papers, iiicidcutnlly paying his own wav with his own omney. to Ashland on the same basis, to Siskiyou, sainethiiiu'. anil after his bill had been sen! 1.1 and the cheek returned for I lie amount the government thought due here is the way he figure I hut he has beu paid: For attendance on the If. S. fed eral court nine days, .:t.."4. For net compensation for an eight-day trip in Klaamth coiiutv, ..'i.lCt over actu al expenses paid by the government. I' or trip to Ashnlud to subpoena a witness to go to .liuieau, Alaska, .18 cents. Trip to Siskiyou. .?'M0. Pa pers served in Medford. 84c. Total, $V2.W. The law allows ileimtv marshals PJ cents per mile when thev trvael away fnnn their homes, ami a cer tain fee for serving paMr. This comprises their coiuimiisiihon. When Mr. Itellinger was at' Portland the first of the week he could not under stand the difference between his le gal compensation and what he actu ally hud received. "Oh. vou onlv gel threc-eighllis of that V2 cents a mile," he was told. 'Where does the re-l of it go?" demanded Helliuger. "It don't go anywhere," was the reply, and that was as far as he could get. From lutlum received from the de partment it is evident that his serv ices have been satisfactory respect, but ".fl'J.-IO and a lot of soft words don't buy woiul and brub" is the expression of the ev-U, S. deputy marshal. SURGEON RODNETT MAY WED CHIEF WITNESS IIOSTON, Mass., Feb. I).- II was reported here loday that Aisistaul Surgeon Alisey Hamilton Kobnett, l S. N and Miss Dorothy llesl'er of Kvanslon, III., will he married when the verdict of the court uuirliul Hint tried llohuett 011 u charge of eon- duet unbecoming an officer and u gentleman is made known. During Miss Hosier's testimony he fore the court umrlinl her engage incut lo Kobnett last November was told, ltobnett's defense made one of its strongest points of the fact that when Itnhiiott and Paymaster (I. P. Auld had their memorable interview, with Dr. Fdwnrd Spencer Cow lex j during a dance in Huston, Itohuettl was exercising his right iu defend-1 iug his fiancee, Kobnett alleged thitj Cowlcs has appropriated a photo graph of Miss Hosier and refused to I return il. j (1 . PLUMBING Stoam and Hot Wator Hoating. All work gtmrantood. Prices roaaonablo. I. F. MOORE AND E. E. SMITH Old Tribune Building. Phono U931. Medford Iron Works E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Pronrlclor. Foundry and Machinist t All V'n.' of Englnos, Spraylnjj Outfits, Pumps, Boilers nntl Ma Jchlnery, Aoents In Southern Orcoon for X FAIRBANKS. MORSE & CO. t't'llt!!) WITHOt'T A UXII'Kc About clht years ago, after Uuv-' lag cousulteil several phyHlehuis who fnllml to mire my wife. I calleil in Dr. Illug of No. 1'iTt .1 street. Haerainen-; to. Cal. After mnldim un cxauilna-, Hon, he inonouuced It a cnno of ab-j .foss of the bowolH. for which he ac complished Hiicecssfully a cure with out a Unite. About a year ago he, uImo treated her for heart trouble, with which he bail the same huccchk. I Homo time buck he curc.l me of a ease of kidney I rouble. Anybody wanting any reference can nddrcHH me at No. riiiK Oak avenue or Ante lope, Sacramento county. : II. .1. ATWOOD. I January Stb. 1010, Attention Shooters! The annual meeting and election of officers of the Medford Gun club will be held in the parlors of thu Meil-i ford Commercial club at 8 o'clock sharp this evening. All memberm aud sportsman arc requested to ntteud. T. K. DANIELS. President. r Wm. E. STACY & CO. REAL ESTATE AND EMPLOYMENT. DlHtrlct Agent for ALADDIN KAMI Locnl Eent wanted. Lamp on exhibition and for h.iIo ut the following pliue.. Medford OirKo, Allen UeiiKan's, Warner, W'ort.ti in & (luro'n and Week . Mellow ui' f limit tin Htore ADDRESS BOX 820. rRDKORI), OR. : MORTGAGE LOAN Money on haml to loan on Real Estate. City and County Warrants bouoht. Fidelity and Indemnity Bonds Furn ished. Fire Insurance. JAMES CAMPBELL 203 FRUITGROWERS' BANK BUILDING. : WKAIv STOMACH. Tet Sample ir Ml-o.iu. Stoiuacli Tab IcIh I're.- to All. 4 If you have IuiIIkcsIIoii, djHiepHla, sour stomach. illr.r.lnejts or IiIIIouh-! j in, ninttiix 1tju. Imiii' at m ml 1 111. T liwn, in iii4i -.- ioh r ' Ml-o-mi atomach Tablets wilt cureor j your money back. 1 Thousands are nettluk rid of ludlt Kestlon liy usIiik Ml-o-na. Here b what one man writes: "t want to1, speak a ood word for Ml'O'iia and what It has done for me. I suffered Homethlin; terrible with dyspepsia and Indigestion. It was almost Im possible for un- to cat auythlni; Day) after day 1 would ko without eatluK' n'tythliitf- One day I read your ad luj the llaiutor Dally News. I not a box, and before II was koiio I could Hit down to .the table and cat anything, thuiikH to MIo.nn."-r Herbert b. Pat terson. Hrewcr (MaiiKor) Mc. I OOP j Ml-o-ua Htomach tablets are inudut in every 1. i,.,i , writ. I .ril.l. lirni- (ii 1 . In Case of vSickness P H O N Ii 3 (I d 1 MEDFORD PHARMACY Nwir Pout Otfico All Night turviM Frou DoUvurv miplil receive local dcpo-iilr. Senator 1 toward Head and the biji central Or- Davis made n brief but characteristic 1. : i.:..i. 1,.. .1... - hxcept annouiieiu'.' the cxIciihioii J-lftf,,! Ill "111. II il ri. .n... iiiv , thumped his de.k an.Uaid, "All, sir'-' ''f 11,0 r.",u ," W'imnlli ',,l'J" Mr until the doors rattled, lie laid ju-t ; '"",I '"' vns " l"Htinii at discovered that no ,H.stal saving '""J. ' -'lv' ',,rtlf"r '' nionov could be deKt-ite.l .in any bank m" lo"' unless it was subject to piveri.inm.t uilii Siiminer. or stale supervisiun. lie proceeded! ''The On'on Triinl; will build to to offer an amendment slrikinir out 1 Klamath Falls this summer." said that proposition. Ho admitted that: Mr. Carey, "and trains from Central itli the 1 and would be willing to have stale exam-'other points in the Pacific norllnve-.t ination he replied: 'as soon as we can jM (he bridge "I do not know anything about i across the Columbia river at Cclilo those high-cidlared roosters, I am j completed. Work 011 the bridge will not in the confidence of bankers. All j be rushed as rapidly lis (Missible, and my affiliations are with (he common j Un intention is lo have the roud to people." jKlanuilh ready for operation by the Mr. Davis declared that the bill j time the bridge is completed, was aimed to help the national hanks, "Wo have rievoral surveys for tho ten they cure to stay cured. They' relievo dlHtroHH"d . Htniunrh In a few 1 , inluiiteM. ibey arc sold by druggists! In every town In America, and by ' at this tin... 1 v. '('has. Strang A Inrgc box costs but I net route Hint will inl.e.. .... ,.i . f0 cents. Test wimples , iienil." free from Month's MIo-na, Uuffalo, N V illdi proposition. 1 in aiimitiiMi inaii.or. inrey, ami iraiun irom c no Buiiervision wns required in' Ar-j Oregon will be connecting with knnsas. When asked if the banks) North Hani; road for Portland which are "cormorants seizing our wealth." lie said the is-ople are awakening to their condition, ndd the legislators will call "for the rocks and mountains to fall on them and prevent the people from destroying them." Tho Davis amendment was reject ed, 0 to 43. Senator Smith of Michigan ?aid the bill virtually mnkes the govern ment a partner with bunking inter cstB. Tic considered it a leaning in I he direction of paternalism. He said tho people woujd hereafter hold tho govomment responsible for nil fin auclal trouble. line from Head to Klamath Falls mid I could not give out any definite in- Clocks Clocks All Kinds and Styles. I have a New Line of Traveling Clocks that is Worth Seeing. Martin J. Reddy YoujjCouldn't Head It Off With A Gatling Gun THeJewler Near Post Office Mudiunl will lmvc 2.1,000 peoplo in 1012. Tho point is: the 30-ncro tmoi we offer for a song mljoininu townsito now, is the snap of tlic vcar. S(t iiH al oh(!. W lmvc two j'oorl bn.sincs.s oppor tunities. THE ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY j Fire Insurance No. 1 1 North Central Ave. I ------ . I Best Grocerie NOTICE. All old soldiers are roijucfitcd to assemble at the Anglo opera houso Sunday. February 13th, at 10:30 o'clock a. ai . and igarcli la a body to tho PniBbyterien church to attend nnrvlco3 tn honor of the aonlvor.sary of tho Mrth of Abraham Lincoln. Ad tlrosa by Itav. W. F, Shleldn.. We es FOE AN IDEAL HOME PLACE OR A PROFITABLE INVESTMENT YOU SHOULD BUY A LOT IN Oak Park Addition to Central Point Large, smooth lots, good soil, fine oak shade trees, close in to business center. Reasonable prices. Easy terms. , These fine lols will be placed on tho market SATURDAY, . FEBRUARY 12th. Free ear fare from Hertford and re turn for all lot buyei-s. Come down on the morning local and get first choice. Kaliler & Pattison, Owners CENTRAL POINT OREGON S l At Prices Strictly in Keeping with the , Quality of Our Stock which is Unexcelled A Trial wiHConvince You Allen Reagan The Square Deal Grocers pecially luvlte all es-couftjJerato sol diers to moot with un. 278 O, H. TaiOHMY, Com, I), N ANDItUS, Ajt.