THE MEDFOUD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEPFORD-, QUEUON, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 0. 19.10. '4 M Rniron.n M ATLTRTRTJNE .Mtt: XTJL.iJLJL -v- J-xy a -..- . I every mm of them cloven tongues . -;uu-w-8UU0iAIIjT BXCUlT 8ATUUOAY. A eon.olttl.tlon of in. Mdfonl Matt. "V, Un. establish ISOJt the Uemoentle Time.. ublU hd IS . : ! th A-l,lml Trl trtafalUhed 1S9. ami Uic Muttonl Tribute thrte 1.0 Official Paper o the City of Medford. - QEOKQK PUTNAM, Editor and ManaRer. iV " OMKon. Under tho net t Mnrch 5. " " SUnSCRlPTI ON HATRd; $5.00 One month oy man or crr,,.... ALUMINUM, ELECTRICITY'S PROTEGE. -Fifty venrs ago aluminum, the lightest of all uU niJtals, exited from its ores by an elabo a than thirty-five cents a pound. .. t.i tlw 1.011111101'-. Elect rioitv has maae aluminum " - - rial-world and, co-incidental, aluminum, because of its SStSit and great-strength, alreadynhs net K iiuvut. dnsira e nierai in niu ummu.i-i- ii4..:....i ,,rv nd electrical -apparatus " A urn ton "to quite common now, thanks to its patron ,uut electricity, but a tew hundred years ago its presence vifomy suspected, although it is one of the metals in the world. But so cleverly had Dame Natu.u hidden away this metal that it was hundreds of fore it was so niueh as seen by human eyes. In the brx-; teenth century a scientist named Paracelsus, a native or SwiSrland, and a man famed for his knowledge of al- of fire. Symbol ol 1 1" agency lv wliieli tho world should hoar Iho uiosmigo of tho Uospel and bo saved. This was tho fulflllinenl of tho Max tor's promise before his departure; i'Tnrry yo in Jerusalem until yo re ooivo tho promise of tho Father which I will solid unto you, For John bap tised yon with wo tor unto repeat unoo. hut 1 will bupti-o you vith Iho Holy Uhost not many days hence." Then follows tho lone Tritpty, son son. extending" until Advent, and so tho ontiro year is .oovorod by! tho-o oighl soaons so briofly mentioned and explained, f In tho great truth" ami,, faots tiuiL'lit and omphasixod by the'ehuroh your wo.havo tho trulhs and Joels of ttyristiiA,Hy presented to usi.iiot as h 's,Vslij; ot dogmatics merely, hut ratltor as it convincing and orderly tirni.v, of historic truths. PAgmnties may io controverted and disputed, but faots are stubborn .things.. W moans of tho oliuroh your, Sim dnv sohoid and pnlpil toaohiiifr is mai1o.i!o.miooted,, and ordorly and symniolrioal. Ono doolrino.or faot ix not oxawratod by uiuluo proud neni'o at tho oxpouso of sumo othor oouallv iiaiHiitaiil doolnuo or faot Hut oaoh and ovory faot in Iho lifo of on? Lord roooivos its sluins of oou sidoniliou. And so tho ohurch yoar booom'os a sort of rolfciotifr pano rainio passing in annual roiovv tho main fonturos of tho Christiuu faith. LV.It ...t.... II. it t. !. uiiitiiiiAiitt i.f it'll phornv. llliUie a IIOOU kucss m ' "" - ; , , ,o o hure h voar i tho onlor oj I. ennmnw he was examining, but even he c.otihl not exuncr t0ll Mrvi,os if Tt v: a habit with those ancient scientists to call any-i Ash uvdmday. K. bn.ary u. tiling of an earthly nature "alumeir or alum, ,lM:;".nn.muon ... in , holy , ovonuiu ! ... ..' .- . - . . am. i. .iiiiiinriiiin iiiiixm nun imuiriw , m.. m- thev could not otherwise memny. tm rfpri, M, l)(,tll wn.l10K f,jr mU. Came bv its name. . , ,shm. Thurvday at :i::io p. m. IVi It was in 1828 that the new metal was lirst seen In mi- jdny , n::io p. m. T ..-.,. ncHv1..ihnrjitorveXl)eriment the HUH.- Sorvioos durim: the uoxt nud fol lli,ui t l. - ; " , , S tb s,.ieutil'ic world lowing wooks: All Wodnosduys. 7:110 al Avas produced in a nine srarc ,inu i u ki Thursdays. o P. n..: all was astounded to hear that a new and wondei ti metal 1 1.1 a j,. n,,0 p nj . Oooa VMi been found which was very strong yet so light that a eum ;lhree holI1. rvi(,,. fnllll VJ t(, 3 tliail loU polllUlS, WllUC a nunc mum 'oviocp. rvioes on Kastor lay will linroli p.-vf wf ?f M-5rhiwi loss; win ui ii " of conner weiuhs 530 pounds, and cast iron iau potuitis. ,i.o aimo.moo.. .a,or. Oltujil"1. "' v " ' . ' ;f, uli.rhf hlnili title , Tho ooruers ono of tho now Aluminum is nearly white, uth a slight I) ibh win , . h M , It is as hard as silver, very nmlleable ; and duetile--ean be , drnwn into a fine wire. Lt is equal- Notce. UotoU 27S ly as strong as copper and the melting point is high. Alum-: 0n mcomi of , w-lUf; nMv , inmn is oiie of the most abundant metals known to nianK0( Smith's hall on Thursday vo. e if ..Annnmi in noarlv all the earths, especially 111 elapj Kobniary ID. tho Illinois dub has banks, and is nearly always found mixed with the other ji.,.n ,wi,himm1 to Kridav uvo. Fed luetais in their native ores! "But the process of extracting jnmry 11. and all iiiinoUuus am in. thix metal, which is so light and yet so strong, is very te-ivitod t, aitond. di;lsaa,.nstlvrnnnMlw w, or iron, so it win w umu .-. ..v...... n)01Il ,i(jl(St. a u a). (,aro Na8h own in the metal world. . . To most people aluminum is best known in the torn, of kitchen utensils. There is no reason why the cooking ( pots and pans should be so heavy when they can just as well be made of n metal equally as strong and lasting. Aluminum devices weigh only a fourth as much as the old, iron kettles and pans. The automobile business was a great stimulant for aluminum as the metal is extensively used; in the power driven vehicles where strength and lightness; are demanded. Hut bv far the greatest demand for the' white metal is in the electrical world. , ' I Though the mvthical groundhog saw his shadow on i February 2. it didn't feaze the weather in the Hogue River' 'yalie.v for balmv air and sunshine have prevailed ever; TWENTY THREE ACRES AT $4600 Part ot Medford Hciflhts Sold for $200 mi AcreWill Be Cut Up Into Residence Lots and Placed ou the Market. A. t'onro V'loro and MM. Oooro llarxoy tuwo purolniNod from 0. II. IMorort 'Jit aoro: on Modfortl llolxhtu, ictjolnlim tho city rosorvolr, puylim thorofor 20t nu noro or $4000 tw oil. Tho laud l as jot ontlroly uulm proved, hat thu Intention of the now owuerti Is to out It up Into auttuuto tract m and il:io It on the market ! wltli a ,vKmv to inaktaiT the Hulghto one of the oholce reslttonce dlrttrlcts of Medford. . . Man From Redding, Cal., Tells of Fer-Don's Experts Mr Hon Johnnon, llvliu at Uod,mo my old liver wan old of ordor .IIiik. rulironilu. kuvo tho .J..ropean " medloal export thin following ttl-ll""-' '"' H't tho only hope mliv M J of a euro waw In koUIiib that ur(tn "Kop tho past ton year- I have 1.u , wrk'K m' a Muffoter from ohronlo diarrhoea f '"'"'re of Mr. M Itcholl will bo and Htoumch trouble, 1 hnvo boon "; ' """"'"K undor tho care ot Hovurnl doctor- and ! rhuiimittlHin. anil l hotter told liu.l not been cured, but had thoBoj1" rrt',: attackH ovory Tow weeltn. On the "There lit no oompai lNoi hot ween 4th day of January, 10 to, placed my-'tho way I fool now nf tho ngony I xolf under tho treatment of the Kor- wuh In with rhoumntUm whoa I Don Medical KxportB and at this llmojciHuo to tho offlcon of ForI)onfl rued I urn well, better than I have boon fori leal exportn. I felt nil-orablo all ovr W,rH. hvhen I boKan trenjiuen) with these "I am very grateful to.thoui utidjmen. Itut look at mo now, ns HtralRlit hop that, anyone who l affected , hh an arrow, not a pain, and foellnK like I was will take ail van tune of,.KO i unou to feei iteroro I wim Hlcjt. their skill and R(-t well an I have, "1IHN JOHNSON. lleddltiK. Cal.' I was taking a Mtoor to market tut week nud It brolto nwny. A frlond of mine hnppetieil to pass by on the New Officers Named. ' Wo wmli very much like tho road, roail Jut an I had tnkou my larlnt The new officers of the Southern .ori, , Wrltotlil's mnn for your own and Inmated the nteor, whloh wa Oniou distriel fair for tho yoar 1I10 Mitlufncllon. runnliiK at breakneck upeed. 'Well,' are: I'rosidont. h. It. Hall of tlrants i exclaimed my friend, M eo you can Pass; viee-prertidont, J. A. I'orry. (imi,. owner and ltltymaii fiireil of He your arms again.' 'Yom, replied Medford; soerotary, II. I,. Andrews, Mr. Mitchell, "f wan cured of my of (Iranls Pass; treasurer. U. V. 1 UlieiuoiUUm. rlieuinathiiu by I-'er-DouV medlrnl ,x Kinney of flrauls Pass. Orantsl . .... k portn." Mr. Mitchell stated that he Pass was chosen as the plaee tor the ; .,.,., o.xpirlenced no pulti kIiico he rerelr- 1!10 fair. Elwood & Burnett Dispose of Jewelry Stock. The entire jewelry slock of the bankrupt stock of Kltwuod & Muruott and .1. M. Kllor, eousistiuu' of watches, jewelry, diamonds, silver ware, cut k'uss, musical instruments, clocks and fancy art ware and fix tnrcs have been turned over to Messrs. hiehtoustean & .Monis of, San Francisco by their ro.iHielive creditors. The joint stocks are now on tho premises of the fonuer Kl wood A- Burnett store, 115 Main street, wltero they will bo sold out ut public auction. The sale will com mence Saturday morning nt 10 10 o'clock nud continue daily ai 10:'.I0 a. in., 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. It is the intention of (ho nbove cntlcnicn to closo out tho two stocks, aiuouiitin In about .f 10,000, within one week or less. This is an opportunity to buy jewelry at your own prices, as the entire stock and fixtures will abso lutely be "doMid without limit or reserve. Mrs. II. I.. Young of tlrowtisboro, who has .icon In the city for several days, has returned to her home. .. ,.. V I I.. tm 1U ' v "' ed the tioatmentH. "and If any porann Mr. O. M. Mitchell, who has one of ,,Uffrllw ,, mtuo nH , wl))h , know the finest mining claims of 1(!0 ncron, more about my rnn a letter will nl- Jnst a mile ami a half from Hrnm "ays roacu mo ny ninirciiMiiig u. Al, Valley. Mr. Mitchell also Is prrprle. O llox firtl, Nevada City. tor of the Human dairy, and for yearn haa imppllcd the eltloH if Ornm Valley and Nevada City with milk, cream and butter. I presinuo there Is not a mail, woman or child that Is not familiar with Mr. Mitchell, as he ts a man of strong personal charac ter, anil u sort of a liuiiiorlut, arf It Is said, In a joking way, that Mr. Mitchell has made many a man take water. Hut the life of a milkman and imIikt Is not one of sunshine and rones. It's working night nud day, rain or shine, nnow or sleet, and the in t nt n I it tit climate Is not the host In winter. The constant expomue soon began to tell upon Mr. Mitchell and he was attacked with a severe case of rheumatism. "I was full of pnln from the top of my head to the soles of my foot." said Mr. Mitchell. "I was discouraged to the iioliit of des- Mitchell, V Cal." Might Hvn nt Officii. An Incident occurred today ai tho offices of tho IVr.Doii Kiirnpcau med ical experts, nt the Moore Hotel, which proven thin ntntement. Ilrotight by loving and anxious friends, n woman suffering from an lucttrnbl disease. She was examined mid wtien the doctors discovered that her din oas was Incurable they then and there told her so and would not ac cept the case. No fnlne hopes, no promUes Impossible of fulfillment, were given. The truth was told and the ease refused, For-Don says: "Tell the truth," and this In how we have built up a reputation for houenty, truth and Integrity. rerl)on'n Medical Hxperts have lo cated offices at the Moon Hotel. Their waking room J a at tho bond of pair. I could not use my right arm ; the stairs In the hotel parlor. He to any advantage for years, could not milk the cows at times, and as for working In my milieu It was utterly makes a charge of one dollar for an examination. Ills office hours are from Id to 2 a. m., to I and 7 to K Impossible. I-Vr-Don's experts toldiP- in. He makes no calls since. An innovation is promised at the Commercial club meet-; ing tonigbt, when delightful music will bo rendered byj Signor Joseph Bestolfi and his orchestra. This with the' important business to be transacted, should insure a large j attendance. 4- LENT AT ST. MARK'S : EPISCOPAL CHURCH f Thn h'isioneiil chnrchc of flips tcndnin have for inauv centime i"o ocnized nnd observed certain enson-' oh comprising the oceloiaslieHl or church yar. A the secular nalon dnr is made up of the twelve mouths from Juminrv to Doooniber, so tho church year hns its eight seasons, befrinnintr with Advent nnd closing with tho lonsr Trinity senium. Tlo names of the months in the secular onlendar are chiefly pairan. The names of the HensoiiB of the church year nro Christian. We nil recopmir.c the pront value of teaching" hy menus of objfii?. le" Fons. Our text hooka in thn f.ohiols nrc freely illustrated to teach through Hie eye oh well as through the car. JJn our church yenr is like nn unfolding: panorama, bringing be foro Hie minds of Christiuu people tho groat fncfa of tho Ohristinn re ligion in nn orderly and impressive manner. Tor oxamplo; Tho Advent season comprising tho four RnndnyH immediately preceding Christmas. Thifi church penson tenches two importntit leisnnfl: First, it hi n period of prep-Jtrntion for the great fact of tho Ino motion, Hie birth of Jesus Christ, thf revenlment of Deity in the porson of Hio Christ. The Advent season, hv !t tonch inors.Nnlso seel.-a to .eranhnsir.o the second coming of otir Iiord as the jndg f 'nanWnd, nnd by Berioluro lessons adinonisbes to a fit ad eon-. stnnt preparntioh for that coming. Then comes the Christmas Octave;, then tho Epiphnmy season, the show-, ing of .7osu Christ to the wise men 1 and others. This season i very lit tinglv the church's missionary sen son, when she emphasizes her mis- sionary messnge. Then comes the Penson of Lent, commemorating those 40 days our, Lord spent in fasting and prayer, amid the olitudo of the desert, from ' whence the church hours her Mas-1 teis voice saying, "Come yo apart , into a dosort place nnd rest n while." ; Good Friday closes the Lenten sea- son, even as Ash Wednesday begins, it. And the church hears tho plain-j tive nnd yet triumphant orv from the: cross, "It is finished, nnd Ho guw) up the ghost." j Following tho sadness of flood i Friday comes the joyous triumph of Faster. "He is not here, for He is risen. Come seo the place whore the Urd lay." At tho close of 40 days Iho church fitly celebrates the joyous festival of the nscMision, From Olivet Jesus aseonded, followed by tho surprised nnd eager gnze of his chosen disci ples to whom nn nngol enmo aud said: "Why stand ye, gazing up into hpnven, for this snmo Jesus whom; yo sen nscond into heaven shall ho come in like manner." Ten days later, while the chosen disciples nnd their fellnw-boliov,oiN woro assembled in the number of 120 in nn upper room in Jerusalem, "There was henrd n sopn! us of a mighty rushing wind which fillod tho PUBLIC AUCTION 'VUF, UNTimO JKWUWiY STOCK OF ML WOOD k HCUNIiTT AND Til 10 HANK- .mm1 stock of .r. m. ioller, (jonsistinci of$io,ooo woirrn of watch iss. .niJWKI.RV, DIAMONDS, SUiVlOTJWAitlO, HOLLOW WAT? 10, FliATWAUli;, CUT frLASS, CLOCKS, AltTWAKK AND M USICAL fNSTUCMENTS, AND 'PI Hi FIX TURES AND SAFE OFUOTH STORES WILL UK SOLD AT IMJRLIO AUCTION ON TDK FORMER PREMISES OF ELI WOOD & BURNETT, 1 10 MAIN STREET, THIS WILL BE Til 13 OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME TO BUY .JEWELRY AT YOUR OWN PlfclOE, AS THE ENTIRE STOCKS WILL ABSOLUTELY BE OLOS ED OUT WITHOUT LIMIT OR RESERVE. BEAR IN MIND THE TIME OF SA l.E, AS Tins MEANS MONEY IN YOUR POCKET. Sale Commences Saturday, Feb. 12, 10 aim, AND AVJLL CONTINUE DAILY AT .10:110 A. M., 2:30 AND 7:J$0 P. AL UNTIL EN TIRE STOCK IS CLOSED OUT. MAKE YOUR ARRANGEMENTS NOW TO AT TEND THIS SALE. WE PROMISE YO U ONE OE THE GREATEST SUR I'ftfSES IN JEWELRY SALES. NEXT SATURDAY AT 10:30 A. M., EVER KNOWN IN MEDFORD. M. M. LICHTENSTEIN, Auctioneer ' ; . .' ' ' " ::t!'?',. n 5- main street m t , tl CM