Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 09, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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FKBFflJAR.Yfc 1910.
yi u nun
Utm'lM, IW IW&. Vf tbf UI4r Unfair
ell, MM' I l
Kl;ili;i)l,(. wiih mi mic In IiIn union,
oxit'iiili-il ill t'liM- iihiii ii limit
fliiilr. mi niiuiiiiiii unit a mool,
ulu'ii I in upon Ii! in. A
puriiMiioim vnliiun- win in ti In inp nnd
n prnllllc pipe, miiiuKIiiu up from lit
Kim i cloud of lii'iml. ciivi I In- DiiiiI
ifitlliv io tli' IIU'iu'ck In iIium pro
ne n I cd of n rniiuu or lillU cndlnc In a
"I fifl Hint you know uif at leant
wrll oiiuuuli." I Ix'KMii rutln-r liwtltut
lnjly, "to lie nun' Hint I would nut,
for tint world, miike any effort to In
trude In your nmilra or Mr. Baffrcn'o."
"You r our frlftid. Wo know It,"
ho mutwernt,
"Very well." 1 puraued: "then 1
apeak with no fenr of offendlni;. When
you Unit cuim to the Inn I couldn't
linlp mi-pIiik thiit you took u nreiu innny
prfcniitlotiM for xeereey, nnil wlicu you
nftiruuril expluliifd tliette preniutloiw
to mi'- well, I could not help neelm;
Hint your explanation did not corvr
all the fround."
"It Iji true-lt did not." tin ran lil
htiKi' Imud throtiuh the heavy wlilto
wnTfH of hi hair mid ahooU hl head
lKorounly. "No; I know It. my dear
air. Thl much I can any to you: Wo
plnnntlim, liicri'illhlc. hut pontile, ntir
fked Auythlim vmh polnlf, I thought,
tvlth llilx dreamer
"My tin wlldfKt chnnce." I gmtped.
"you don't iiii'im that you wanted him
to full In love"-
"Mn, my dear lr," he Inunhed. "you
linve Miild It! Hut you knew It. Vou
told him to come to me mid tell inc."
'Hut I menu Hint you-thnt you had
elected the lady whom you know dm
Mine. d'Arinnnd,"
"Again," he xlioutrd, "you have wild
"I'rofenHor Keredec," I returned, with
aaperlty, "I have no Idea how you came
to conceive nuch n preposterous
Mheme, but J njree heartily that tho
word for It In uindnes. In the Drat
place. I mtiKt tell you that her name in
not even d'Armuud."
"My dear air. I know. It wnn the
mUtako of that tihuurd Amedco. Bbo
1 Mm, II n ruin u,"
Wit $crmmed Unit tie wu killing hr
nurry" wnn tho word 1 would haro
a. hut It mopped at "hur." The
I second ayllable win never uttered.
There camo a violent outcry, raucous
and Nhrlll na tho wall of a captured
t hen, and out of tho pannage actom tho
' courtyard floundered n woman fanuis
' tlcally dreHNi-d In ureen and gold.
Hhe wan iibuiiditntlv fat, double
"Vou knew U?" 1 cried, hopelcaaly i chinned, course, groauy. amenred with
confuned. "Hut Oliver utlll apeaka of '. (,,. pcncllf nipt, carinlno. enamel aud
her mt Mniit, d'ArmtmiL" j rouco.
"lie diK-H not know. She Imn not told j ,t t. Hcream BnlTren turned. Hhe
Mm." . iiKide Mtnilcht at him, crylnu' wildly.
"in the meniitime." I nam anarpiy, liniln! Mou murl. mon iimrl-;'eit
rnol! Cent til fernme. mon uncurl"
I M Itimtl f.lrt.ll , Ml. .MM,, u tin I
ttlt'ii' in ii m i ll invvu jvuuj, u,u n i,w
look a room In the Inn thin inonilnv
and who linn come to npy upon you, 1
"Whiit l It you nay V
He cume to a Miiddeu ntop.
1 liml not meant to deliver my lutor
matloii iiilte no abniitly, but there
wan no help for It now, nnd 1 repeated
the statement, Klvltif Itlni a terue no 1
Hhe threw hernelf upon him. her
nriim nbout It Ih iiik'U, with a tropical
ferocity that wan n very pnroxynm of
Umbrui"e mot. I.nrmbl! UmbrnaHe
rnol!'' nhe cried.
Ilorrltled, outrnj;ed. hN eyes blazliiR.
he iIiiiib her off with n violence nur
piiHnliiK her own mid with louthlnc un
coil in of my two encounter with the npeaknble She xereuinil that he wan
'Thcr i a krni ciJ youfiu man cho '
ho roirio io npu on you."
camo here nt a rink, but I llKitiplil
that with ureat care It mlRht be made
little." 1
"It wan In connection with tho rink
you huvo iiieiitloiied that I eiime Io
talk," 1 returnetl, with Home emputmln. ,
for I wan convinced of the reality of
Mr. Earl Percy. "I think It tieeeHHary
that you should know"
Hut the profennor wan launched. I '
mlRht an well have swept the rlnlnj; ,
tide with a broom. He talked with
Binenlflccnt vehemence for twenty
mlnuten, bin theme beliiK nomo theory
of bin own that the Individuality of n '
soul In Immortal and that eveji In per
fection the noul cannot ponnlbly niertre t
into uny Nirvana.
"And o It In with my boy," he pnv
claimed, coming nt last to the cane In
band. "The nplrlt or lilin, the rral
Oliver Saffren, that ban uover chntik'c!
Tho outnldo of til tit. thone thlni; that
belong to III in. like bin memory, they ;
have cliniiKe. hut not hlmnelf, for him
nelf In eternal and unehaii;eable. I
have tnucht It I tit. yen. I have helped
hint KCt (he x i ii it 1 1 things we can ttdil
to our poKHriodoii a little knowledge,
maybe, a little power of Judgment.
Hut, my dear nlr, I tell you that nuch
tliliinn nre only pohki'shIoiih of n mini.
They nre not the man! Bo with Oil
ver, He had lived a little while, twen
ty nIx yearn Mrhap8. when- pftl like
that, he became hIiiiohi an a baby
iiKiilu. He could remember h6w to
talk,, but not much more. He had lout
bin beloiiKliiKH. They were iwm from
tho lobe of the bruin where be hud
wtore t lie in. but he wiih not mine, No
part of the real lilninclf wan larUInt;
Then iireseutly they nend lilin to me to
make new bin belouulucn, to restore
IiIh iioNueHNlotiH. Ha, what a task to
take blni with iiotliliij; In the world of
his own aud nee that he i?et only jrood
ponnennloun, Komi knowledue, Kood ei
Ierlence I took him to the piouii-1
tains of the Tyrol two year, and there
hhi body became utronj; and npleudltl
while bin bntlii wiih taking In the
btores. It wub quick, for bin brain
hnd retained some biibltH. It wan not n
bnby'n brain, and Home tunall part ot
Its old utoren bad not been lost, Hut If
anything umcIoks or bad remain uc
empty It outI and (hose roouutain
with their pnro air. Now, I say he Ib
II (tocMl and tho work was good. I am
proud! Hut 1 wish to recto re all that
was pood It) his life. Your Keredec m
snmvthltiK of u poet. You may put It
much lh old fooll And for that
rcatt rentoratlon of all I have
broiiRht my boy buck to France."
A hulf IlKht had broken upon me an
he tiilked. we-Ur. the Hour, thtindertni:
kin iMeiiii ol itlitiiiiili Only vne i.x-
rattlnh youth and adding
"He nccined to be certain that 'Oliver
Hnrfreu' In an iimiiiiic1 inline, aud ho
mnde a threateului: reference to the
lawn of Franco."
The elTect itjiou Keredec wan n very
dlmlnct pallor.
"Ho you think he camo back to thu
Inn? In he here nowV"
"I do not know."
"We must learn. 1 must know that
at one;:" And he went to tho door.
"lA't me ko Inntead." 1 suRKCSted.
1 stepied out to the pnllery, to dis
cover Mme. llronnard emerslni; from
a door ou the opposite side ot tho
"Mme. llronnard." nald the professor,
"you havo a new clleut today."
"That monsieur who arrived this
momlnc." I suja:entel.
"He was an American," said tho
hosteii. kulttlne her dark brows, "but
I do not think that he was exactly n
"In he at tho Inn now?"
"No. monnleur. but two friends for
whom he engaged npartmcnu have
Just arrived,"
"Who nre they?" nsked Keredec
"It In a lady and a monsieur from
Paris, but not married. They havo
tnkeu separate apartments, nnd etio
has a tlomentlc with her-a necress,
Algerian "
"What are their namesT"
"It In not ten minutes that they are
Inntalled. They havo uot given mo
their nanien."
"What Is nheV" demanded Keredec
Impatiently. "In alio blond? 1b she
brunette? In she I'Tench. English,
"I think." said Mme. Bronnard-"!
think one would call her Hpnulsb. but
she In very fat. uot young, and with
a great deal too much rouge."
Hhe mopped with an audible Intake
of breath, ntarlng at my friend's white
"M. Haffren nnd 1 leave at once," ex
claimed Keredec, "I shall meet him
on (he road. lie will not return to tho
Inn, We go to-lo Troiivllle. Heo that
no one known that we have gone uutll
tomorrow, If ponnlbla I shnll leave
fees for the NerviiuU with you. Oo
now, prepare your bill and bring It to
mo at once. I ahull write you where
to M'nd our trunks. Quick! Aud you,
my friend." be turned to me "my
friend, will you help uaV Kor wo need
"Anything In tho world!"
"Oo to Here Haudry. Have' him
put the leant tired of hH three horses
to bin llghtcM curt and wait In the
roud beyond the cottage. Stand In the
road yourself while that Is being done,
Oliver will coi;u (hat way, Detain
him. I will Join yon there."
I strode to the door and out to the
gallery. I wan halfway down the
nteps before 1 huw that Oliver SalTren
was already In the courtyard, coining
toward me from (he archway with n
light and buoyant step.
He looked up, waving bin hat to me,
bin face lighted with a happiness most
remarkable and brighter even than the
stroug midsummer sunnhlue (laming
over him. DrcHted In white as he was
and with the air of victory he woro,
ko might have been at that moment a
from some marble triumph,
Ul, cooquerlur, crowned with
But entering from tke road, upot
the trail of Haffren and still In tht
shadow of the archway, 1 was startled
to nee the dtttcordaut fineries and
Uatcbet face of the ex-pedrstrlan and
tourist, my antagonist of the foreat
J had opeued iuy mouth to call a
killing her. culling lilin "huHbitnd." and
tried to fasten bcoelf upon lilin again.
Hut he leaped buckwlml beyond the
reach of her clutching hmidn mid,
turning, plunged to the steps and
staggered up tlicin. the woman follow
ing. I'rom nboxe me Icnned the ntrlcken
face of Keredec He caught Haffren
under the arm and half lifted htm to
the gallery, while she strove to bold
him by the kneen.
"0 t!od!" KuMd Haffren. "In thin
the wotnuiiv'
The plant nwitng him ncronn the gal
lery and into the open door with one
great Mwecp of the arm, strode In after ,
him and cloned and boiled the door, I
The woimin f,. in a heap nt iho foot
of the niepH. uttering a cracked simula
tion of i lie cry of a broken heart. '
"Name of u name of Ood!" she
walled. "After nil tiicsu year!- And
my htmbntid Ntrlken mer '
Then II wan that what had been In '
my mind nn a monntroun Hunplclon be- I
tame n certainty, for I recognized the
womrfn. Hhe wan Mnrlana-ln bella ,
Mn rhl ua In .Mumlaun. i
If I hurt ever known l.nrrnbee liar- ;
man: If, Inntend ot the two strange '
gllmpuef I (kkI caught of him, I had !
bwn tnmlllnr with his genture. walk, i
InloiiUloii; even per tin pn It t had ever J
heard bin voice, the truth might have
come lo me long ago.
Ijirrnlx-e Hiirman!
"Oliver Hnllren" was Lnrrnbco liar
Timber and Coal Lands
B H, Harris & Co.
Office in JacKouu county Bank Upstairs
(To be continued.'.
Probate Court.
Untitle of John T. Luylott--Order
lor iuIiiiiniHtrator t mnko ileed.
KhIuIc of .JoHeph Welch Citation
to show cattle why real property
Hhotilil l ot be Hold.
Business Chances
For Hnle G room liouno, lot 100x100.
For Bale - 7-rooni buugnlow.
For sale r,. room eottuge.
For snle-x-room bungalow.
For salf--rj-room bungalow.
For flali -C-room bungalow.
For nalo Iotg on Grapo ctreet.
For nolo Two lots on Oak.
For calf or trade li-room honne.
For sale ri-rootn tottaggo on OaJ;-
.(lnlo avoiiue. i
For sale - R-room cottage on Oakdalo
For stile- -8-rootn bungalow on Otfk- 1
dale avenue; modern.
For aalo 2 acres on Itoosovelt ave- I
nuo; 4325 an acre. ,
For sale 97 1-2 acres. '
For sale- -9 ucres planted to applea i
and bearing; Improved, i
Wanted- S ranch hands. j
Havo you horpoa to yell. List them ;
with ua. j
Houeo tent for sale J
F. A. UITTNElt, !
SQK Itilpi Illdg.
All Work Guaranteed Prices Reae-ona'
11 Nortli I) St.. Medford, Ore. Phone 3( '
riione ll tl. i
J K. ENYA'RT, Prosident
J. A. PERRY, Vice-PreKident.
W. B. JACKSON, At-b't Cnhie
Safety boxes for rent. A general Banking Business transacted.
We solicit your patronage.
In tho homo equipped with electricity Comfort
Is tho prosiding goddess. Tho illumination of tno
interior may bo augmented by a lighting arrangp
ment on tho porch that will add Immeasurably to
tho Joy of tho homo on hot summer evenings.
Aside from good lighting a houso wlrod for
electricity Is propared for electric fans, whoso
soft breezes aro llko balm on humid nights.
Fans are portable and may be connected wltn
electric sockets either indoor or on the veranaan.
Send for the estimate man and Tet U8 Drtng
beauty and comfort to your home.
t ,
$12,525 Eleven acres in Cornice pears, 10 years old,
nine acres in Bartlctt and Anjou pears, 1 to 3 years
old: close in; pood soil. Terms.
$12,000 Eleven acres in Cornice and Bose pears, 14
years old. These trees are in full bearing and will
pay a good income on the uriee asked.
$24,000-A-Thirty-two acres in Bose and Anjou pears:
trees are from 4 to 7 years of age. Complete set
of buildings. Close in.
$7000 Thirty-five acres of black sticky, three miles
from Medford, all under the ditch and can be irri
gated. $1.1,000 Thirty-two acres, close to Medford: eight
acres in Newtowns and Spitzenbergs 5 to 7 years
of age; 14 acres in alfalfa: thrc.c acres in peaches:
two acres in berries; irrigated: buildings.
$13,000 Twenty acres: 16 acres in 7-year-old 7ew
towns and balance in 3-year-old Bartlctt pears; no
$7500-Ten acres, all planted to Newtown andSpit
zenberg apples, 7 to 11 years old.
$18,000 Thirty-five acres, about 25 planted to apples
and pears, in bearing. Trees aro from 6 to 15 years
old; buildings; four miles from Medford.
$14,000 Thirty-five acres; buildings; exceptionally
fine place for a home; twelve .acres in apples u d
pears. 3 years old; about an acre of bearing orchard:
11 acres in alfalfa; all fine deep free soil.
$150 to $200 per acre Stewart aero tracts; two miles
from Medford; tracts are from 10 to 25 acres in size.
Fine building spots on all; can all be irrigated:
cheapest tracts in the Medford neighborhood; easy
$300 per acre Finest five and ten-aero orchard and
garden tracts in the valley; easy terms.
$35,000270 acres; buildings; 26 acres in healing
Spitz, Nowtowns and Comico pears; about 60 acres
in ono and two-year-old apples and pears; fine or
chard land.
Opening Third Unit
Of U. S Government Lands, Uma
tilla Project, at Hermiston, Ore.
. February 10, 1910
For the above occasion the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co.
and Southern Pacific Company linvs in Oregon, 'ill make an
cren rate of
One and One Third Fare
for the ronnd trip from all points in their lines to Heiiulston.
Tickets on sale February Cth and Tth, with final return lim
it February 20. 1910.
Free booklet, Is ued by the government coutslnlnj; lull in
formation as to cost, how to filo, water rights, etc., may be ob
tained from aay O. R. & N. or S. P. Agent, or by writing to
WM. McMVimAY, General l'nt.seiiRrr A sent.
Office: 209 West Main St., Medford, Ore.
Operating Quarry at Gold Ray, Oregon