Hfm IffRDFOItP MAIL TRIBTOE, MEDITORD, OR KG ON", TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1010. 5 Hi ? '.t SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Attorney Oiih Newbury wh at iliKikNonviiln on prol'uHhionnl ImihIiiohh Boo tho Morrivold Shop for book, irmgiulnorf iiml fino engraving. T, V. Ohko'xI wiIh lit Jlll'IdMinvlllo Tuesday nn professional buMlne. TufHilny morning. You have tho guidon, wo liuvo thn garden tools. Modford Kanlwnrn Co. 277 V. V. Cnrnnhiin lof,t Tuesday moraine for tho Mine Lodge mine, to be gone several days, Mrs. Cn nul lum will remiiln In Mudfnrd until his return. C-U oorHotH. Meekor & Co. Yon have the garden, we hare the garden IiwIh. Med ford Hardware Co. t . 277 MtiJr Amlrus, Who bun bnnn !on tlcod to IiIh homii for several moutliH with nn itttnck of' puutitnonin ' iind coiapllcntlouH, Ih nblo to be ubont town again. Stationery, office mid school Miip plleh nt thn Morrivold Shop. Spring skirts. MnnkorM. United Stales Commissioner Canon it engaged toilny in houring evidence Tor tint defense in thn contest ease of tho United Ktutim vh. John X. Milter. Tho evldottoo for tho government wuh hoard Moino thin nuo, hut the hear ing Of L (luft'llHO WIIH postponed UK". jug to tho ill-htmlth of Miller. Miller i nun of tho plonoorn of Southern f i i . . 1 1 i . i vruguu mm ennuis nun ii any ieoii- nieiil iihiiuiloiuniiut of IiIh homestead has occurred ii It ii 4 Ik-oii due to hisj illness imil inability In niiuiiiu ho fai'j from inedieiil horviec. i.. f..i i . ooitio niaiion oi iimiiiu iiecr. inri; wale, lunujm "m, oatv of Ala 'Tribjitie oftlcc. DUlriet Altomoy I nil II AlnlKcy h In - IVIIM lt IIMIIIli .liiNt icceivcd if complete line of en- lllliol uiirn mill L'llnlinn t'niiiiuliiiiiry ! folium rn int itriit. Mii.1lrtr.t Ifn.'.l. .r. c, or? I Mr. II. M. Collin nlk'iil in Jaokitonville. ."pent .Mondav Wear Kidd'a Shoe. Mm. fliiiiil. nl Ih.. IV .! i1(lt JiiekftonvillM. w.im in t.,,lf.,r. f.. day mi IniHtieM.. ftn.v a finiin ranee anil tt the bcM. ForMilobyMedfordlfarilwaro Co. . '77 S. C. McClcnd one of the prom- Inent booHten. of Gold Hill, in in .Medford today. Kex ei.muol waro, low in piirn. bnl hitrh in onnlitv. l-'nr unl.i Uv .M..ltVr.l Jfiirdwiu'o Co. lorcph N, .Miller of Hutto Falls, o of (ho best-known pedagogues of one or tho best -known iodniroi;i Southern Oreiron, wn in Modford ot. Tiiosdav on his wnv to .laokonvilto to nllond tho Febnuirv o.Mimiiiation for Iciehors' eertifienle.. Mr. Mil lor has Immht m iiianv of Hie school. of (ho county mid is beMidiw nn ox-' IH'.rt in curd-wriliuv nud pcuinnti-Oiip. .Mulct-nil v ukirtn. .Mccker'i, '7fl IJihlie KitiL' mid Mack Ailaiu. vho loft here eeral months iigo for ll.o ofuiul mine, have reached llioir dos tliuilion mid Kd writes thai thoy luiye "lunded iob mtd like il line i"o. those ..i skirls. Mocker's. 27(1 , W. M. Colvig loaves Tuesday night! upon speeinl invilalini, from Ihe ciV vnliis Cninu.oreiai club lo addro-Mt Unit boilv mill lull llinm Iw.ii- M.i.tr.i-.! hits done thimrs mid Imu to Imild up! n oil v. After lonviiiir Corvalliw lie will visit his family in Portland bo-1 foio roluruinir. I Hiiutralnw nets. MookcrV. 'I.'ii Charles ,, NfnllHiiMif, iiimiugei' of ford Wednesday, Colonel Frank I..; tho Modford Land & Orchnrd eom-lTott Voile, mnuagor of tho Medfoid pnny, loll Monday ovoniiig for Port-1 Huiok company, luiying reeoivod n hind. Mr. Nralboouf is compiling n( notice from the railroad company o: coinplotc booklet iin.veiitiir ovary : this effect. The cars wil llio pnrad- ipU'slinn a prospeelive scltlor could ask rogardinu' the vallov. I,.co ourlaiiiH. rcokor's. 2711 W. II. Mowal of 'Ashland, of the IWInl Telegraph eompany'K force there, wah in Sredford Tuesday. rcCnll pallortiK. Meeker's.' 27fi John Schmcor of IVsert View, rWb lu .!. t"f t "Hill Tl Ifl (IIIII'IIU I till I mill I iff ' arrivals in MVdford. I f!II corot. Mocker's. 27fi Attirrnoy J. LUammersly of OnM Mill wnn In Modford lodav on IiIhI way to Jnokftonvillo on bufiinosH. I soil for double its money, nnd it can "" ' ' , " ATarcotV kid gloven. Mcoko.'H. jm H.icooHHfully climb on the hitfl. pear ' rr, P ' " tho urum l or ncpuly Mnrshnl ,T. IT. Hdlingor any hill in the Rogue River vulloy. '' xporU anrt how tho, loft Monday oveninp for Portland ou Tho Bovon.pHHonRer our 1 a won-1 "!: to health, " Is ho -.rfioial huHiucSR. 'dor for tho price. All who Imvo scon I m,,, Htor of MlkJ kasovltcli. who Tr,ifam. R. K S.niil. nf ni., i these earn or witnoHS Iho domonstra-. ,,VM at Q"y. California. " ....... 'r HnMo, ncooinpniiiod by Mrs. Bmith, l.v W, fi.Mtll. was in MWlfnrd Tuowtlny. Mr. Smith j win, on his way to JnekHouvillo to tnko Iho loiiohors' oxiunlnalion, mid1 in the meantime Mr. Smith will visit. rolntivoH and friondfl nt Afdt land. Missns Pooler nnd Mnhoney of Hutto Falls wore In Modford Tues day on lhoir way fo Jacksonville to takn the oxnminntion for n ponnit to touch tho ynunp idon how to nhoot. Join Wyo, who hafl henn oonfinod ,nn n hrend nnd watnr dint for ten dayH, wnn rnlonnod Sunday morning and invited to tnnke n noi?o like n dopartitro, which ho nooordingly did. TTo wnn tho Rtmt who refuted to work or pay ht fine, nnd ho renily fuoniod to enjoy tho hrond, nrul wntor Uet. II Ih lo ynur Interest to sec Vim de Car & liiHmnun'H illaiiiond and Jewelry lino bofnro pnrohnslttp, iih our now spih.g Hire contains ninny iiiunliors ho iiltrnelh" in both eluir n e I or nnil price Unit II will mon tly please yon. We manufacture nnil rnpnlr watches a I a vnr,v reasonable price KallHfai'llon guaranteed, 220 J'.iihI Main. Phiuw bhlg. 27(1 Messrs, M, M. Morris and M. M. Mehleiisleln of Sun Francisco arc hero in charge of I ho Hilar stock of goods, whleh will ho disposed of shortly, miiniiuioement of which will lie mado later. Horn To .Mr. ,niid Mr. Chnrlos Hrown, Tuoujiiy,, February 8, a Im pound girl. i4 .. , Prosecuting Attorney II. V. Mulkey has ,oimM i.Medfnrtt' .offices in the Jackson County Bunk Jmlldittg. Iv. .1, Plymv advertising manager of tho ."Northwest Architect." a monthly magazine published nl Port hinil for nrohitvotw 'mid liuildorH, 'ih viltit)(? 'Jfoilfoft; 1h lhi InTJiront of IiIh puhllrntlon, wlilclj (l nn nrilHtio production. " Attention Shooters! The annual niontinjr nud ofootioii of officer of Hie Med ford fJnn nlub will! r bo hold in tho parlor of the .Mod ford Couunerrial oliib at H o'eloek fharp this ovcninif. All nioinhoix mid I MriMMi nr.. In n.lnn.t. T. Iv DANIKI.S. I'rcHi.lcut. NotlCCi -. Tho .Moii'h oluli'iif the I'rOhbVtor-1,. 'inn itliiiitOi u'lll lutotiuiiin t litr tiii'iO ' f ; 1 mt "u1 "i.v, i wuriiiu i . in reincmiiraneo or iiic ticiiui "i,n,T w Chmmco (low. 1 i a A. A A A A. A. A. LENT AT ST. MARK'S I CUT AT CT UAPI'Q EPISCOPAL CHURCH EPISCOPAL CHURCH I'nltiiu'iiiif tlii-t brlnf umiiinnrv of the ohuich vcar in (he oidcr of I.e..- Ion hcrvicch. AhIi Wcilncf-day, February l, holy i communion nt HI a. m.i evouinj; I "'' and aildix,'-, 7:.'I0 p. m. : of- teniik'H J bath service, tor iiiik- -i"'"- Thursday nl IMW p. .... Kri- "I ZSW p. in. .Sonieen ilnrinK the noxt and fol- lowing weeks: All WeduoMlayn. 7:110 , P. in; nil ThurHdayn. .I'-IO p. in.; all ' Fridays, !I:.'I0 n in.: flood Friday, three hours' service from 12 lo it o'clock. Seniees on Hosier day will ho aiiuou.iced later. , Tho coniontoiH' of the new church ' 'ill bo laid Tuosdnv. .March I. CAR OF BUICKS T Word Received That Shipment Irom . u.,,, D U.r-H nn Factory W1" ReaC" Med'rd 0,1 , Wednesday First Carload 1 ne Year. A cnrload of now Huiok 'itr of tho latest models is due lo arrive in .Mud - ( oil Uhiii Main Htrcut nK)ii thoir nr-: rival and nan ho noun at llodson's, garage, whore domonsrntio,m will ho by Mr. Uo.Wn. S "Tho now Huioks nre oars dosig,,-' ' cd espeoially to fill Iho nooda and j ; wants of the people of tho llugU" i Hiver valloy," said Colonel To,, Voile. IT,. .w..l.b. .lnrnhllitv. libtnrtKK. . T W Miti T HUud and ,s,wor. No o.ii-h of thoir price in the world e.,u.,ls them. Tho now Uuiok nvo.paBscnKor oar eon. tninn more power tha.unost nam that Illn.m nre. ond n t ie r nrn ses. "The farnnau Whlto ffti-unk. tin. DUE OMQRROW proved rind atreimthoued over Inst 1 'tt,n8 r,"ul' ,J oul (or " wnlk ycnr'H model, Ih too well known i "Thoy cortnlnly savod my life. To nood cominont. It is without doubt tho most HnlisfiieUtry oar over opor - ntod it, Southorn Oregon. Hv,rv owner in tho vnlloy sings its praise. It in so nimplo that any novice enn run it ami iu tho favorite our throughout America for light work. Tt dona not got out of ordor, mid, riinn like olookwork. "Nutok have been in constant use both for livery and private, uso for tho pnHt five yours and hnvo nvor ugod more miles at least coat to tho ownora than any other enrs. Thoy nre not a ono-yonr car, hut nre long Jiyotl and pood for four or five yenrs no. matter what thq two," . ''. 'I' UUIA MEDICAL EXPERTS Bankers, Merchants, Congressmen and Above All, Others Given Up to Die, Whom They HorJi Told; Itrra Wore ItHatVtir.bJttlioiiiiitaf, aH lmnu In a Junneroiift con? Tln Whom Fcr-Don'H Doctor Ciirrd After IHIipm 'Tl'tn If p. Mertford Ih Just' nov cnlcrtalnlnK Hoini'iof the unmtwit; mi.'illcal export that evnr ciirncd tho Kratltudo of ttio Mlok by rchtorliiK thoni to portcct heiillli. The Krtmt Fvr-Don' and IiIb Blaff of Kliropoail mudlbll OXportH and ihloodlexN Hiirj;ooiiH aro now licro and 'locuI'Ml at tlio. Mooro Hotel, and have already hoKiin a record of curoM that larux i ... ti,u tM .w . . worked in Han Kranc.lHco, I.om Aii- , earM In California. From alt thjne i ll ch come let tern mid lolcgrnuiK tnll- ,lnt; JuhI what kind of men l-'or-Don'H ' . ' . . . they have done. To all luiiulrleu ad- drowsed to the cltlon vlutro Fer-Don Ih known, the reply every tlnio l " ' ;',' '. " ' word, and IiIh oxperlH nre wonderful limilein iy lu'eatiH of their new Hiiro- ,,., nM.,,0I nt t rent merit, not n com- ken "'elr word or failed to do everyihl.iR thoy pror.ilt.ed. Not a hIukIc Htate- n.ont that thene medlcnl etperlw ever underlool. u crnm that they did noy cure If curable. And who are thou who vouch for their Integrity, their manhood, their power and tholr skill In which they cure dlseaael The ob-' sen re. the unknown, the Irrcspons- ble? Not one of, them. Until: proa I dents, mayors of cities, editors, biu. , lnis- men. hniiifi'wlves, who have ' Known what II Is to loo); death sipum ly lu the face the palleutH thev have saed. These are the best vouilu' mi) man can have,' and Fer-Don's ex perls have. thorn by the score U w of these (-oinmendations arc glvi a herewith,, and the. history of a t w liundierK of cases that have beta cured. Some told by the path tits whom they have cured, some by . Hablo poplo who know the fatt;i la the eases: ' ' " ATM NOTHINt; FOIl DAVS i ' ,vh mn "-'"' Was Cm-rled From the Hospital .tit .Fori Ion's Wonderful Story From the Up, of .Mr. .Mike Kasovltcli. - ' - r , wltl f ! , f,ch m"x tu ' ,r"H ' '; ' W W "tn and M.ul- , , ' H',,c tm' for ir . " ' ot food; lying ihUS in "lO hSpltll III l hel.lCSS ilil i m . ii '- w tllf " ' ' nn w f h, ffl(,tl Phyulclans which w t ondlng ,,. rlendH Rve me ". " t tho last moment i ee.-iin tixporia mo an ripiu, i tlti... r-..... a.. -n xoInlniotl Mr. Knsnvltoli as he was owe . m rol ll01" Siatituuo ww8 a,,noHt ' 'whou hranKht boforo hoso master exports. For days and ' ,,aJ'fl 1 W,,B I" hospital suffering 1 in,,,w nilsory, taking dIftoR'nt klndH of medicine nloht and day and Just think, I couldn't out a bite of food for fifteen duys. Some, ot my frlonds road In tho Orovllle dally papers nbout For-Don's modlcnl exports and tho wonderful cures they have made and T made, up my mind then and I), route told that ho had beoti car rying around a monster tape worm thoro to go and sec those exports, My nurot) told mo I took my llfo into' my hands If I attempted to leave the EP Saved From Death dltlon and was not nblo to hi moved, I M.-ild I might as well take the chance to my rrWnd Immediately made the arrangement! to take rao to For-Don'n experU. I wnfi then carried to the, Pnlon Hotel and thoro given a room, Ker-DonV expert examined mo care (ally nnd found ray fever wan 101. 1'er-Don'n docton watched my cane clonely, and after two days' treatment, tny lemperntnre wmh normal, I wa nblo to sit op nnd eat my meals. I have liven lakluK treatment of Fjjr Don's export h for five day now. and I am cared. I out regularly and my fever Ih j:one. I owe my recovery to Ker-Don's medical experts." Ker-Don's medical experts request the readers of this paper to .yrJte to Mrs. l Tlntel, living on SiiunyHlde street, .Melrose, California, and let ber tell you hint 'thrtvf nkllled cured her Utile daughter of Ollndnosrf. . Ti:i.US OF .MONSTKU l'AUASITK. his experts." exclaimed .Mr. Jack Uhcr (Irovllle .Man Itclates KN-ierlenre of Orovllle Inst Saturday as he walked Possibly the most remarkable fea- f the stairs of the Union hotel bulld tine of Ihe peculiar power of For- Ins leadlni; to the offices or Fur-Don's Don's eperls over dls.t.e which Is ' ,ltdleal exports. A large crowd was arousing much Interest In Orovllle. i n.a,t,a(, , ,,10 rt.t.fi5,ton room. each tbe fact that theo doctors drive out I ..... rron. Ihe human system all parasites! "t,r,0,, "Vi,,,,nK hU w ,,ur. t,,rn to s'c of every dlscrlptlon. The latest proof For-Do n't, doctors. Just then For given v.-1ih when .Mr. M. H. Klcher. llv-l)on himself came out and met Jtr. Ing In Orovllle an old resident woU known by all cltlr.ens and one of t'ncle HainV. mall carriers ou an It. F for several years and had tried many plPslclaiiH but all bad failed to rv i - ' - kl ' s .lIS' . ,:.vf x; fci , -iS Miss Tlntel of F.ltuliurst, California. Cured of lllliiilness by .Vi-Don's Med ical Kxperts, Hove bin, of tho honlhlo monster. He said, "I suffered all kinds oi mental agony, my appetite wns Ir regular, dull feeling, tired at times bloating ot the stouinch, dU.y feeling and no one knowB how I felt nnd what a grout change came over me when I wont to see Fer-Don's med ical exports. Fer-Don's doctors knew what ailed me as soon us thoy saw io. They gnvo n.e Jusi one doao of u pociillny- looking and tasting med icine, nnd told mo to go home nud when I got rid or the tape worm to bring It back to tholr office. Well, I followed their .ulvlco tind wont to my house, and 1 was not home over two hours before t wati rollovcd of tho monstor tape worm. I was so glad that I thon hurried back to toll For- r,...- ,.h..i orts what had hai- poned and to show then vhat thelrpevUj could have doue me aB much NDORSE FER-DON'S AND THE woodortul treatment "bad accom- pllflhed for me. '1 can recommend i . ' Knr-Don8 medlcit experts to' every body as they cured me when all other doqtorn failed, and I dm not the only one Fer-bon'a cxpertM have cured In Orovllle. "There are hundreds of pmominent people here who owe their recovery to tho skill of Fer Don'a medical experts. They cured and I know they can cure everybody wfio soes to see them." onovit.iii-: ciciiriiK W.U.KKf) Tintr:i: MII.KS ,lHfk I'lier, lnrnl-7el for Vear; Two Trt'iitmeiiN by Fer-Doii'n ..Medlcnl IJMrtH worked uonders. j "I Just vaiit tu thank For-Don and ()j,L.r and told him to taken seat for a .fi,w nlJtwH .., . mlA Mr Uhep i juni ii itr i. -ii juu nun i am :t.iig niong h crowd gathered. ' losely to near what he had to say. 'You see, Fer-Don," he said, "I am the man who came ro your doc tors when you first came bote. I was all crippled up with pnralysls. I could hardly walk; my arm and hand, also my left side, were ns cold as If In tho clasp of death no fooling or sensation was apparent. For yearn I had been unable to got around or work. Well, I have just received two treatments from your experts, nnd I am so much benotlttod that I walked three tulles this morning and Just loook what I can do." And ns Mr. I.'l.er said this he raised his paralyzed arm above his hcud. "See" he ex claimed, "I can ralso my arm, some thing I couldn't do before. I saw For Don's experts. If unybody had ever totd mo that For-Don'a medical ex- iflgBfi good, I wouldn't have believed it. But It Is a fact. I am getting better every day. Bee, I can also whistle." And Mr. Uhcr began whistling a tune. "W&en I waa first paralyzod It took away my -speech also. And I am so glad I am getting well. I can foci new lite coming back. . I can feel the blood coursing through my paralyzed nlde." The crowd having heard Mr. Uher'a story and seen with their own eyes, calllBlod- . became convinced that Fer-Don'a medical experts deserved great credit In the case of .Mr. Jack Uher of Oro vllle. UKMKVKD OKVILI.K .MAX OF A TtJMOK Mr. C. It. Kugiin, Living nt Iff Mitch ell Avenue, L'ndergoe; HloodJeua 0eratioii Xo Knife W'uh Used, Xo Mood. Xo Fain KxcpricncoJ Fer-Don's Mlicnl KtTtj Did It. The people of Orovllle perhaps saw for the first time the wonderful method of bloodless .surgery deraon- jstrated In public before the very cyc3 Gf excited thousands who attended the i If - miif TAr.llnn'A nnhllr flnninnutrn. ,:y Hons. A great deal of talk had boon going around that Fer-Don's bloodless surgeons were going to remove a tu mor In full view of the public, nnd in fact the whole elty turned out to seo for themselves. As Fer-Don stated, no knife was to be used, no blood to bo seen, and no pain. It almost seemed Impossible to do such :i thing. Different Strata of Hunmnity. Consequently n large crowd of peo ple turned out. It wiir a good natur od, motley crowd, mixed here and tnere with different strata of human ity. You could see tho merchant and Ms wife, banker and hard working men standing stilo by side, all eager to bee. One professional man was heard to say. "I have read and heard o' Professor Lorenz, the great Aus trian bloodless surgeon, but I never saw the work, and don't bolleve any t .imor can bo removed without using a knife." Mr. C. 11. Eagan, who lives at 15 Mitchell avenue, took a seat lu front of the public, submitting him self to Fer-Don's medical experts. A tumor In tho right side of Mr. Engan's head wns exposed in full view of the audience, tm then nppenrcd Fer llon's bloodless surgeons and, without using any knife, they removed tho tumor In less tlutn five minutes. Kot on ''rop of blooyl wns shed. The tu n.or was pnssd out Into tho audience for public Inspection. The largo crowd stood dumbfounded for a rao noiit. Then jou could hear remarks - "Isn't It wonderful!" "Fer-Don's medical experts nre marvelous." After tho operation Mr. Eagnn was I surrounded by muuy excited people. all ongor to ;tsl: htm questions. One woman Bald, "Didn't It hurt you, Mr. Eagan?" "I should say not," replied Mr. Kagan. "In fact no more pain than got tin, a shave ut the barber shop. I am glad I nm cured now, and I can hlghl;' praise the vo.-U of For- ) Don and his medical oxporta." FHlt-DOX I XMHDKOKD. Sluco Fer-Don has arrived lu Mod ford and established offices at tho Moore Hotel for his medical exports, thoro has ben a stoady swarm of peo ple flocking at their headquarters. So much 1ms been said nnd talked nbout Fer-Don nnd tho wonderful euros his exports have accomplished tho last threo years In California, ov cyhody is nnxious to seo them, It was rumored that yesterday over n hundrod people called at tho offices at Hotel Moore, Modford. A churge of. one dollar la made fur examination. Office hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 4 nnd 7 to S p. ro. I VkVf VV i i.i't -v,