THE MEDFOtfD MAIL TlttBUN K. M RIWU I . OltlSaON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 3910. BABY TRAFFIC SC AN1J AL MUCH NORTHWEST GROWS IN LOS ANGELES TIMBER IS SOLD Mrs. Wilson May Lose Possession of Report From Portland Office Shows ADDITION TO HOME Other Children Aside From Her Quadruplets. LOS ANGELES, Cal., Feb. 8. It Is believed hero today that the grand Sales In National Forests Is Rapidly Increasing. A statement just received-at tin .l.ttmrltiimif itf intii.iillitiit fr.1111 lit.. Jury now Investigating baby traffic ' forest seniee office at Portland, Or. will brine Indictments against sever- shovs that tin timber sale buxine nl local physicians for the perform- tm national forests in the Pneifie nnces of criminal operations. It Is northwest is increasing very rapidly . t .! I - 1 Im ft t Known mat mo inquumunni uu "yams increase is regarded as an m problng Into thls. particular phase of ',Uie of the revival of business in the the baby traffic In this city vrhlcn lumber industry generally, and shows waB revealed when tho pretense of aso Jio growing ue of national for Mrs. W. W. Wilson to being tho!ut resources by the public, mother of quadruplets was exposed 'flu contrast between the amount recently. And value of timber sold during the In addition to bavins lost tho -jnst six months of 1001) and that sold "quads" owing to the action of the during the corresponding period in huronno socloty, Mrs. Wilson stands 1J10S is very marked. The figures In danger of losing control of tho just Deceived nre,for most of the nn three. remaining children In her pos-' tionnl forests in Oregon and Wash session, ono pair of "twins" and tho4ingtoi, and they show timber sales of only survivor of a set of "triplets," over 52,000,000 feet, for nenrly. to which she pretended to give birui.i$ii-!,Q0O, during the, last six months After It was learned that Mrs. Wll-.of 1000. This compares with sales son was not the mother of theso chll- ii .mi -.j ..ii. n1 I HAVE .Uili HINDU OV DHV uomnvooi) koh hale My best flv, J7.B0 nor cord. And 1 have Homo good fir for SG.fiO, ..nil If you wnnt It sawed Into nlovewood ii wilt cost oo contH per cord more. ' As soon ns romls nro bettor wood will bo cheaper. I rlno do wood Library Addition to Union Printers' rowing by the mi or by the hour. I also take orders for jour fa.l wood. Homo to Bo Dedicated on 1 will havo yo; r woo.4 cut now and dellvor tho s'tne to you nuy tlmo February (66. ' uoxt summer, nud ytju do not have to luy tor u uniu uonvoicu. or nir- 1 11 tin r luformu'len call ntui neo mo at 2l South (lrnpo ncn. .Wtttord, Or., Another Addition to the Union or Phono .v ,u ;' ,r. 'I'.: Printers' Home at Colorado Springs, ' l olo., is to ue tieuiviueti on . euues- day, February 10, and this dedication marks another stride forward in the work of tho Typographical Union in taking care of its aged and iutirm members, and shows what may be done by united and consistent effort. The library addition was creeled at a cost of $20,000 niouov voluntarily contributed by the membershiu of the. International Typographical Union.' it houses ju,uuu volumes, covering the literature of (he world, eontribut- FOR SALE Land 100 A err of Good Fruit t miles wot of Gntnt Van, Forty botch lots in Jacksonville d oy union printers ana employers, rino locntiou. m i . ii "... i a l a ine nurnry is one 01 utu lenmros have also gt pair of fine t the home that tho aged printer up-1 Cougar KitU-ns. five month old. preeiatcs. There are aged ana infinu which can be bousbt nt n rva.on.i.l- .. .1. . ....1?...!?... . .1. men in i ue insiiiuuun wnnso KUOWl- price. .t.i.. ..f i..,.,v.f :., ....... .....i ... i.,.-. v,v .ft I'iriinn IB mm Mill, .tliupt; (Ifl- HNniTIllf i.l-v.t, 111'.. UL ,;IU'U llll'lilllllT! IH Mill keen. They do not even bulk at the classics in the original tongue. In addition, the new building eon-' tains an up-todate kitchen, with all modern appliances, such as refriger ator, bakerv, etc. .11-1 . . ..' . L'.'i "l"illi'JWMI"Umlllll'( ."I.HI"' 'I 'l'.II..U. I'l ' 'U-?1' '"J '- ' fT G.N.Lewis of about 17.000,000 feet, for a total dren no more than sho was of tho of $27,000, during the same period in "quads" the humane socloty threat- 190S. cned to tako them from her. ; Tho local officers of; the depart- Tho matter was partially threshed ment are very much plensed "xvith the out In court yesterday when the Wll- fact that the demnnd for national son petition to adopt the girl "twins" 1 forest Umber is inerensinr? so tl.V.i.l- and the little boy camo beiore Judge edly. The prospects for the coming The membership of the Typograph- IrlPAflirilll Wilbur of the Juvenile court. Netbh- six months are regarded as promts- im hmnx now comprises over S0.0U0 flICliiK!IIIIVlIIr! bors offered testimony that Mrs. Wil- j intr even better jllnn what has been J members and covers the whole of the UWIiaVIIUHO son treated tho children "harshly." j realized in the period just pnst. This ; United States and Canada. -- - ; Mrs. Marsters, Mrs. Wllson3 moth- inerensing timber sale husiness opens m er. stated that she "would not like the way lo management of the nntion-j "Incompatibilitv" between a bonrd- j H l rfTilUtl C l?Ar to bavo any more children trusted to nl forests along the best lines, hy per- er and his hoarding house often nris-1 l tilHO JL Jl her daughter." . miltine .the removal of over-mature ! es and a want ad makes a "divorce" , As a result tho Children have been and decadefit timber which has prne- ea.-y and feasible. , "D left in Mrs. Wilson's care, as depend- lienlly eome to n standstill in point . If 11 Vff ents, pending tho outcome of tho. of growth, and allowing replacement ! PORTLAND DETECTIVE DEAD' ! WUJ VIO court proceedings. .or tliee tre: with 1 fully stocked' ACCIDENT OR SUICIDE? : snino oi rapidly growing young trees. ----- 4- -f GOLD Iflhh ITEMS. -f (By Spectator.) Miss Myrtle Blackburn was down from Medford Sunday visiting home-'home. hi Snernmento after a pleas 140 ncrct, .$125 per nerc, one mile PORTLAND, Or,, Feb. 8.A. T. 'frm S,ntit", n11 ck'ro,1J names, an employe of the Thiol l)t- ,,, lective Service company, either com- r JJ " ""rfr' V!mkJro f '"i mitted snieide r was kill...! l,v M. mAalMln and apple land; at a aeeidentnl ilUi-luin.i. nf l,ia i bargain. Georce Bstclle has returned to his late yesterday in the writing room ' CITY PROPERTY. ot the company. Hesidu Himi.w. : WOOllVIIiLE 1THMS. f " 4.4.4. 4. C jAl 1 and see us in our New Quarters, 108 W. Main St., next door to York & Co. Realty Office. Rex Market 4 Huth & Pech Props. Phone 3071 REAL ESTATE there was only one other person in fclks. innt visit with- relatives here.' Dr. J. F. Reddy and James Woods Miss "Mary Jones has entered "10 ro0'" nt ,nu t,"mti Chnrlos! Mupc, of Medford were-here 'on-buslnosn! school here. Mies' Mary, i-j Hie" n'so e'Plycd as a detective, Ac Monday, ' j ? 'younger sister ojf T, 1). ' jnies a ',,1'1'K lj Jin pes. Dames held the D. P. Blue of tho! Centennial Mlno promjnent Wood'yiHe ' merchant. K".n '"s own 'ini"l when it was on Kane's crce: visited his family at The semi-monthly meeting of the r,'L'' t"0IIK" Mnpes is nneertain Ashland several days ago, returning Ladies' Aid society of the Presbv- w,, ,,,e sm,t wiis aecidmilal or iionuay. i teriati olmn.i. T.i.i ti....i ",,H "r(-'il wiui Htiicuinl'uitentions. Bert Kellogg of tho Cove ranch ternoon at: the home of Mr T Ti y""HW,'"K a Hiorougli invesligation above Ashiand was here Saturday1 OTTair, .on Pine street A vcrvl ,""r. " Phce are detain fishing in the Rogue. pleasant nflernoon wns ' sment inR. M"perf wit,10' M. T. Howard and Rex II. Lamp-ithopc nresnnt. A n lnini,n,,i,:i.. A "'"rough examination . . Xl.t.llk f .... .uijuua; tu reircsnmeiiih were served hv the Woodv,,,- , hostess, assisted by Mrs. Gornm. JV'EVlT0n0SnmVey' Mis Ada Gilmore spent .S,,dnv was doing business at Grants Pass n.;,i, Ar;cu t...... o .. . ""iv .nuii uii i mo sireei. Saturday. Bart Carter was down from Sar- The 'l Steven property, jnst of tho bullet wound in Hnrnes' hen.! hv Coroner Nordcn tended to substanti ate the theory that his death was duo to tho accidental discharge of the 1 weapon. PATIENT IN HOSPITAL NEARLY BLOWN UP dino Saturday and went up to Med-' nprofs. Evnns crcek ''"""gl hands ford on some business matters. , Inn T,' consi,lernlion WH Frod Penincer of Central Point 1,,0- v as here Saturday renewing old ac-. Professor Reehnrt took some fine j . SANTA ItOSA, Cnl., Feb. 8. Po-qualntances.- views of tho new Kchoolhouse Sat- nt'e today are endeavoring to pierce BenJ. J. Dreisner. the well known I ""v. . uie mvsicry surroundinir an exnlon drug clerk, formerly of this place, is 1 Mrs. Wcntha Stnrr returned to her ion of ,l.vnftmt in which Mrs. Lu- engaged In mining over in California home alter a visit with the fnmilv of J e"" n',t"' P"tient of the Hnekr a few miles out from Hilt. He has ! Howard. snnitnnum near hero, wns seriously . . I .1 mi . . some very rich placer round which , jmjuren. ine woman and her child is proving very promising which ho yh" 't Is oftea impossible to pre- were sleeping in a tent .on tho nuni located several years ago and several, Me torS nn'"m f onmlfl, 1,10 cxP,0fiio quartz ledges in the same locality. anyone's purse. Invest 25 cents in "t;c,,rre1' nt'cordmg to her story. Alex Kyle and G. W. Collins, who,'a bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment . HnVH H,,e remembers nothing tin are located !n Colvig Gulch opposite 2nd, you ae Prepared for sprains, til revived from micoiiHcioiiHneh.H. Rock Point, were here Monday show-' Jn'SgBlsf. 'nj"r,e8- S0".'. T'' '.V,,OHio" b,cw t flor- ing some very rich ore specimens, . iuK to pioces and destroyed a por- from their claims In that district. 1 FAVORIT MAY TELL 'i h"". ' "' U',l,' Lynn Purden of the Herald at " nF MUCD -,...' Whether orno miscreant ntternpt- Central Point spent Sunday hero vis-! - IMNcn COUNSELSIed to kill the woman and child or Itlng friends. . . , Plirn.nn ,TT c t, ' w,,e"IPr l'1"' lyami(e hi her n ' t IIICAGO, 111., reh. 8. It wuh, mouth and ignited the fuse ,,ler f fiOHK THROAT. 7". f,uou ""'"oniy iciiay mat ; iiirowmtr H 1mm her before It ex- for $2500; with terms. Now fivo-room modem bungalow on lung street, for $3000 10 acres adjoining the city limits for $000 per acre. Thin is n splendid proposition, for nubdtvision. HUNTLEY-KREMER CO., 214 Fruitgrowers' Bnnk bldg. Phone 3491. REAL ESTATE SNAPS A bargain 41 aorea fruit or al falfa land, 2 miles from station. Fiacat fmit and alfalfa rasek in AppUgata valley, ditch and waUr right with place; $60 an acre; cany terms. AO ACRES of timber seven miles from Medford for sale or trade. Three limber and homestead relin quishments for sale cheap. Mosoy to loa& on city property. SiskiyouLdndCo 206 Phlpps Building, Mdfrd, Or. Farmland Timber Land Orchard Land Residences City Lots Orchards and Mining Claims Medford Realty Co Room 10, Jackson County Bank Building RESOLVED The best rennlution for yon I to tenke Is to coino to nn for your next suit, If you want something out of the ordinary. We do the best work, and chnrc the lowest prices. W. W. EIPERT TUB FBOOXfegaiTX TAJJLOm SEE, US FIRST When in need of Electric WirUg, er Fixtures, and save Money by grt ting beiit werkatanokip. Dynaaao Itcpairiug a specialty. FLYNN BROS. MEDFORD'S PREMIER ELECTRICIANS. 137 WEST MAIN STREET Colds, Coughs, Croup and Catarrh v.. Kclieved in Two Minutes. v Is your throat soro? Breathe Hyomel. Havo you catarrh? Breathe Hyomel. Havo you a cough? Breathe Hyomel. Havo you a told? Breatlio Hyomel. i i.iviu .u. rnvonie nnu ins son, wil-1 pinned, are ucstioiiH tho jxilicu are hum. the head of the Independent ! iiivctigatini'. Thov nrn nnnl.ln Beef company of Philadelphia, will j account for the presence of dvn be two of tho most important wit-! mite in the tent in followiiiL- (!',.. nesses at tho present investicrntion . tcmnleil of the "beef trust." Both Favorite : and his son are ex-employes of Ar-' STUDENTS WRECK. JAIL .moiir & Co. of Chiengo. The elder, TO RESCUE THEIR PALS , i jivuriiu now is one oi tile leading . packers in tho United States nnd was iono of the rnoht trusted employes of u. armour, tlo wn admitted to OI1ERMN, 0., Feb. 8.Workrieu today aro repairing tlio city prison, which wns wrecked during n raid by n 1 tl S I I The JACKSON COUNTY REALTY COMP'Y 604 WEST TENTH STREET, OR 124 KING STREET. MEDFORD OREGON iiii'iiuiu iiyumiti, ,11, .. . .. , : ...,.inh 11 mm uy Hyomel Is tho best remedy for all tZ TlFt ,,e'!nl,ro of 0beri'" l-I'-"ts i , that he will offer tes imonv 1 when thov mbi-hpI in r n.t nose, throat and lung troubles. It(0f il, i . " i -. w. iiiuu ruin does not contain any cocaine or mor-' Zt , oA -It 'T" "0)'1or I r",,es w, "T8ted on phlno and all that Is neC0mry Is to " t,IC """"to ,,00,;s of of intoxication. The young breathe It through tho llttlo black '"B. i. JJ?" w,' nre In jnll wero J. D. 11,-rr, nni,t Inhnln. ... .. ....... ... "OVCrKH 1118 v . . v wiiivo uuuji i ....... a r . M outflt riiiuur ;0. nnont live years A complete outfit costs only $1.00 7?,' th, S? hl.' ,ofL,,'.e tirm' at druggists everywhere ani at Xm. ft""' wilh 4?fficin,B of Strang's and Hyomel , ? hen started time and extm bottles of Hyomel can 0W TALENT RESIDENT bo obtained from druggists for only l I in AT eca-r Samplo of Hyomel and The funeral of Salisbury Sherman of Talent wns hold Monday nftor- conneofion!23 yenrs of age, and Tfobort Waters. io, a Hiinient in tun neadomy con neeted with tho college Waters recently was expelled from the academy hecnuso of misconduct, to euro catarrh, croup, coughs, colds, , Y"Z : , T 'J " iVa" ovomn n n soro throat and bronchitis or money " . """-"v Kw me in- ucnis nceompanied him to Elyria for .back. A Hyomel Inhaler lasts a Me-1 , cf'.c"n before his departure ior nis norao. , Returning to Oberliu nt a lnf hour, Waters and Herr were arrest ed. Their companions recruited a small army of Titudents ! aim riihiied tho nail. Overcoming the attendants, (he students Bwnrmcd into tho corridors and libqrated tho two prisonon?. flo groat ws tho destruction they hf (l. .....I... I. 60 cents, booklet free. Address Jlotth's Hyom el Co., Buffalo, K. Y. noon, John A. Lcmcry of Ashland of It wonld be a sunmsing thing if ' fieinting. any one who contemplates buying real J Tho pnllbenrors wore all veterans estate m or near this oity should 'of the civil war, as Mr. Shormnn was overloolc a single1 real eslafo ad in a veemii. TTe lm.l liw.J t.. 'p,.i,i -i . . g xti ,, , . . , ' " hi iMioiii mi iJK'if iviinr linn uiMh II It'll win jjH,Hr. Of course, ,( migh, hap- sin,, 1877. lie Mas aged 70 years, , summoned early lo'lay to , J j," , ". . , 9 months and ii.1) duys. daiuago. , Office In residence, corner West Tenth and Kino Streets. Always prepared to show you the best Jack son county has In the real estate line from the yntmprevetl land to the best bearing orchards, farm land or stock ranches; also city preperty. The manager has had ten years' experience In the county, which will aid the prospective purchaser. Seeing Is knowing. We also have modern rooms to accommodate our patrons. Following are Some of our Good Buys 16 acres Newtovrns and Spitz apples, $30,000 easj terms; just ready to bear. 10 acres Newtown and Spitz apples, 4-yeav-old trees; $5000, easy terms, Several nice small tracts near town just coming in bearing! 360 acres 1 1-2 miles north of Eack .?:. 1 8,000, easy terms. 200 acres south Eagle Point, $10,000, easy terms, House, two lots, well locat ed; jrice $1700; terms. 293 acres near coal mines, $9000, easy terms. ALSO AOBNT FOP THE SNOWY RUTTB ORCHARD. Two lots, $3500. fine location, Several aero tracts, fine lo cation to snh'li id iots for salo.