r-r NEW OMINF FOJtlflSTIfiK AND MEN UPON WHOM TIE WILL MAKE WAU, THIS MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, ORKOQN, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1910. TAGOMA RAILROAD ' -j . v i III (UvUrliiK at I tier furi'Well liliittot nlvcii lillli ill New Unveil ttiut tin piTi-rlvcil ahead of lilm "tunny windfalls, ninny drifts to Imi cut tlimiiKli. tuunc whkIiuiiU ntMi, mill very prolmlily it taw rotten tree to lc flit down," Henry 8, (Jrnvcii. tin- newly njumlnted rltlef foreMer, tuiiiiuitii ! IiK nyiiiittlty with tin policy iiirnMl liy lilx prilnttir (IfTiinl I'liuhol ulw vn removed by Pnnldmit Tnft. For evenil year Mr it rove wan i lnety iitMliitcd with ,Mr. riiiolmt In tin formtry nervlce. In iuitiliii; tin pulley of foiiHcrvntlou of ilie imtl.in' rvmiurt'ON It l not the intention of .Mr (imve in war umhi Hhim nlin inn Id- legitimate inte of the country' fnifHtN. tun iiui iln- inn. who destroy tree wantonly without tnkltij: nny uk'uhiiiv to iviiiiv thcni. Thiei of ttii until who tire tliu ilrpli'tlui: the coiintry'M tetioiiivt.x iitir Miohii In the pletur. GERMANS PASS TARIFF BILL WITH UNITED STATES liri'M'iiti'il in tlm n.'ifliMiiK, wiih piidH ctl without alteration. It Hiicceptiince , FoimmicIi of tho three tciiiiri'il rciitlitij: in. klin. r,. Ti.. i.iii nm(iM limilimulw. TIlt. ,llv loivnitf lli v'i'M'niiiifiit'K Innff ur-.ir m- were front III.- extreme t'mi- ruiiuouifiit Willi tin' t'uitri! SlnteH, Iriorvntiven. OFFICIAL FINED Supreme Court Affirms Finding of Lower Court and Superintendent Must Pay $100 Fine. TACOMA, WuhIi., Feb. fl. P. A. Uoiilcllo, fliipcrintnnilont of tho Tn cunitt Itnllwuy & Power company, re cently fined iJilOO in (ho police court for nivhiK tho people poor norvico 1y rcfimlnp to run cam every fivo rnin utcn on certnin Huch, iih required liy a city ordinance, loHt his appenl in tlm Hiiporior court yt'Htonlay nfter iioou ami thu lino wiih affirmed. Iinlo HiiHtcniuy, in randcriug liin iWiriion, held thnt n five-minute cur nervico on tho Much in question wbh not iiuiciiKoiitiblc, mid further hold thai n city Iiiih the rilit to reflate itx public service eoncernH. Tho onno will likely bo taken to the Htipreine court. RAILROAD COMMISSION TO HOLD HEARING SOON I'HOTKOTION FROM uvnot,H. Itut'Klarn Hlmn Hlectrli: Hourc. MRhtrd liloctrlc light frightens thlovo. The hravent hurglar will Moo when you touch the button and flood the IiottH'j with electric light. HouiKvbrcakcrB nro but cowardu at the bent, and a button thul lights the electric lnmpn located within easy reach of your bed Is hotter than"a giittllnK Run! Then, olectrlcalfyilRhted houHe are rnur.h more likely to be equipped with modern miliar nlarmw. Hnution no wired are practically trapn for tho burglar. Ho may be working on tho ground floor, for example, when tsomo member of the household In a chamber above Is a ro used and fancies that ho beam someone movlnR about bolow. At once the man of tho hotmo reached for an If you nr a nockor of Inventuientu In the ItoKiie Itlver valley, It will he to your InleroHt to nee iih heforo buy- I'urHiiant to the provlnlotiH of nff tloim L'f, and 2H of chapter ":! of the Heneral Iiiwh of On'Kon for tho year IU07, tint coiiiiiiImhIoii Iiiih on ItH own iiiotlon Invi'HtlKiited the exUtliiK rK ulatloiiM and mien Koveiulng the dc- llverltiK, KWltchlni;, vvelfililtiK, londltii; and tinloadliiK of earn now enforced In the riiilroiidH of tho xtttto and ban determined that Hiifflclenl Krotimlff xlHt to warniut mi InveHtlKittlon and lu .irliiK an tit the wild reKtihitloni ninl Ihk, an wo handle all proportion on .a iiilfH. to the end that If on Hindi In- . , , , . , iHtralK il leKltlmate fommbmlon basin. veHtlKHtlou and iKtailliK It hIiiiII ln-l found that any or all of teiid exIntlUKi No Inflation of listed price or "rake- riih'H mid regulation are In any re-' ei!t iinjUKt, 'iiureaouahle or tin-r"'" JiiHtly dlHiTlitialory that reaHonablc mien and lusulatloiiH, not luconidHt- ent with the provlnlonH of Kortlon 26 of Mild ehupter, may he made and ' mtahllidii'd liy Ha Id rommlmilou. to he followed and olwervi'il In lieu of' nny no found to he iinJiiHt, iinreaKon nhle or tiuJiiHtly dlHcrlmatorr. The coiiiiiiIhhIoii Iuik f Ixm Tiien- day. the 8th of Ktdiruary. 1910, at lite hour of 1:30 o'clock In the after niHiu an the time and ItH office !n the rnpltnl lit Salem, Oregon, an the place when and where the Bald matter will he InvextlKittcd, heard mid di'tfrmln- electric Hwltcii and turn on the llsht nitlon In. nhoot without belnpc shot lit for the lowor floor, so that the bur- Thin protection In yours when you Klar. flndn hlmclf In a blaze of llht, ; ''' -'li-ctrlc light, while the man of tho houtie, a gun In i Oon't leave your family alono ovo hnnd, Ih Hereon ed by the darkneHA. jnfngn without an electric porch light. Thin ptitH the houtieholder In a po-'i HOOUK HIVBIt KLKCTltIC CO. Aylor Barnett Next I)Mir to Mali Trlliiiue. No. tttWfl, fCKPOKT OK TIIK COXMTIOX OF ME0FORD NATIONAL BANK nt Medfonl, in tho Htnte of Oregon, at the dmo of buil- news, January .11 Nt, 1010. KKSOUItCKH. ' LoanR and dlncounU $271,738.28 OvordraftH, necured and unsecured 20,654.61 U. S. bondH to oecure circulation 49,300.00 Premiums on U. S. bondH 1,795.87 Hondn, HecurltleH, etc 27,592.26 Danklng houne, furniture and fixtures 35,071.14 Due from national banka (not rcHervo agents) 759.99 Due from Htato and private lankH and bank ers, trust companion, and savings banks.. 3,946.15 Due from approved reserve agents 123,297.86 Checks and other cash Items 2,044.16 Notes of other national banks 4,010.00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and conts , 155.20 Lawful monoy reservo In bank, viz: Specie $29,360.30 Legal tender notes 50.00 29,410.30 Redemption fund with U. 8. treasurer, 5 pr cent of circulation) . 2,490;00 Cold dust on hand ' S9.71 Total $572,905.53 MAHIMTIKH. Capital stock paid In $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund : 10,000.00 Undivided profits, less oxponHes and taxes paid 6,325.74 National bank notes outstanding 49.800.00 Due to other national batiks 531.69 Due to state and private banks and bankers. .. 7,312.22 Individual deposits subject to check 419,379.96 Demand certificates of deposit 24,281.24- Tlme certificates of deposit 5,274.72 Total $572,905.53 State of Oregon, County of Jackson, as: I, John S. Orth, cAshltr or the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge nnd belief. JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier.. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of February, 1910. , , (Seal) ' C. 1.. ItKAMES, Notary Public. . Correct Attest: , ; , F. K. MERRICK, ' W. M. COL.VIO J. A. PERRV. ' " Directors. i -L Tract "E" of the Snowy Butte Orchards Contains 481 Trees r, Do not wait 10 years for an orchard to come to full bearing. Do not take chances on an untried district with its possibilities of failure. Sound judgment is to buy a fully developed high-class orchard in the ROGUE RIVER VALLEY READ THIS. TRACT "E" J77 full buarin Spitzouboi'g treis. 25 full bourint; Win tor Nolis pear trees. J57 oiglit-yoar-old Uomiuo oar trees. (i!) four-year-old Js'ewtown Pippin npplo trees. 100 tbreo-yoar-old Jiose and Cornice pear trees. 7H one and two-year-old Bose, Coiuice and Barl.lot.ts. The first payment, on Ibis traet is $2,500, or one-fourth the total cost.' Other payments may bo made in one, two and three years. Rased on past records this tract, ought to product) in .1010 a not profit of $3,r0S.25. This, understand, is after all expenses have hern paid. M The World's Premium Fruit Section The Snowy Butte Orchard holds the world's record for pear production. Our other 10-acre tracts in bearing will yield corresponding results. There arc 2(5 oiUhcse tracts, one-half of 'wh'ieli arc in bearing. The young orchards are from 1 to f years old and will come into bearing successively after 391.1, inclusive. We will contract to care for young or bearing orchards for you, upon strict scien tific lines if you wish. People from every state in the union are locating in the Rogue river valley to share in its amazing progress and opportunities. Trai't " 13" will produce in four year a net profit of $14,010. This same tract will have. cost you the purchase price of $30,000, leaving a not gain of over $4000. In other words the tract has cost yon nothing at that time save the interest on the. investment and you have a profit of over $1000 to be applied to this interest account and the deed to that tract of producing orchard is yours, aaul it is good for the same kind of crops for an indef inil e period. There are apples and ptoar tree's in the Rogue River Valley which htlve produced fruit for from HO to 50 veal's and they are still producing. No person sewns to know (he life of a pear or npplo tree in this valley. Medford Land & Orchard Company No. 9 North Front Street Medford, Oregon i : 31 t it