t THE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREO ON, SUNDAY, FKMiUARY 15, .UilO. i PARIS SUFFERING FROM 02STE OF THE WORST FLOODS IN THE CITY'S HISTORY. 100,000 BAD ONES IN 'FRISCO SAYS .JORDAN Stanford President Thrills Audience ' In Los Anodes by Statement I Rcgnrdlnu Snn Francisco. ij I't'd ul liy Foi-Don unil UIh Kuropeau i ' Kxperts unil llloodlo HurgcuuH. u purt was d'Uilled to 'ntervlew Uiim very tiuhiuo character who is com ,LOH ANUtilitiS, Cnl., Kelt, ft. ! David Sliur Jordan, president of Sinn university, thrilled an audi onoo this uftnniouii during bi ad idrrxH on "Good (invornuient" before. ' tho City club, when liu stated: tc Sacramento ami the sur- "It would have la-en u good voiiuuiug country nave ucou mo stir if lOO.(HK) San KrnuclNcniis had died 'when the bubonic plague- threatened Snn Francisco in 1007 if yon tumid have chosen who the .100,000 were," J The remark va made ahrnjitly af tcr a lout: dissertation on good gov onnueut. in which he illustrated he points hy referring to the advanee of health governmental inenmires. Later in his address the educator defend ed fonnor chief fores, tor Clifford Pin chat, saying: "It's a crying shame that the j strongest adniinUtrative officer in the United States should have been forced out of office. Mr. Vine hot gone, but every man retained in the 'department i a chip off the old block 'nnd the great conservationists works 1 will i?i on." Ferdon's Medical Experts To Arrive in Med ford Monday IIIS MI'.IMt'.M, ItXPKIlTH AND IIM) UDIjIsHH Ml IKJKONM VV'..Uli DOC TOIW. lU'.MIXU Nil Till: NCIKXTINTH AND CONVINCK TDK NK KP TlfS ANIl WIHUACUKH -(THKH THAT WILL LIVK IN HIHTOUV. 'BENSON'S BARGAINS I Not since the. year 1740 lias the river Seine, which bisects 1'arlt). been so high u In I lie Hood which covered tho low lying streets of the French capital with muddy wnter, dnnuip.nl property to an nliuoct iiHukulabic extent and threatened with disaster many historic puildlng. In the city and In the provinces rlioiinndH were rendered homeless by the rising waters, and the government voted $-100,000 for their relief. Anions the fainou edifices round and near which the waters of the Seine swirled, undermining their foundations, were the lofty Ktrfel tower, the bridges over the river and the beautiful cathedral of Notre Dame. The wires on tho KIlTel tower from which were sent the electric Impulses used In wireless telegraphy were ordered down, by the authorities on the ground that they constituted a menace to the people. Much of the "city of light" was left by the Hood without the service of electricity, an the waters submerged tne dynamos. The electric street carervlce was entirely MusinMidcd. We are agents for Snowy Uutte tcn-i:re orchnrd trnctB. These tract arc In different singes of develop tuent from undeveloped land to full bearing orchard Those tracts aro I near Central Point station. Tele phone 541 for appointment or call at our office over Fruitgrowers' . bank for prices nnd terms. ' U'O acres In Sams Valley, 1-2 mile west of Ileagio postofricr; price f.10 j per acre. We will exchange this for other reul estate, preferably In or near Medford. What hnve yon to offer? GAME WARDENS GETTING BUSY GOLD HILL WANTS NEW SCHOOL HOUSE APPLICANTS ARE -NUMEROUS EOR JOB Two Carcasses of Deed Taken From River Near Gold Hill Chased in by Dogs Action Inexcusable. T For hunting deer with dogs, Chas Kinkel of Savage creek was arrested by Deputy Game Warden Sandry and brought before Judge Morelock in Gold Hill where he plead guilty and was fined fifty dollars. George Carter of Woodvllle, charg' ed with having venison In his posses slon, bat! a hearing the same day and plead not guilty. The meat was found In bis woodshed, 'hut he claim cd that someone other than himself put it there with Intent to get him into trouble. within the past few weeks the caraesses of two deer have been tak en from tho river at the Oregon Wat er and Power plant Just north of Gold I1I1I. A big four-point buck that floated down last week was shot In four places and had evidently been run by dogs. To know how and when to adver tise a good boarding house Is about an Important to know as how and where to conduct one. You ought to bo "up" on tho high phases of bus- Idceh. ELEOTIUO WINDOW DISPLAYS. As a man Is judged by his clothes, so Is a store judged by Its window displays. You devote Jots of time nnd care ' to the trimming of your windows. Yet the most of the people that pass your store during tho day pay but Ilttlo attention to your windows. They haven't time. They are too busy. It is during the evening hours that many sales aro decided upon, are started, aro made. It is during these evening hours that your show windows should be well-lighted jivlth good, brilliant, electric light," Electric light attracts attention, and Is your active, silent salesman. Electric light displays your goods to the beat possible advantage. Make your windows bright with electric light and draw tho trade and the dollars. , JIOOUH RIVER KLKCTUJC CO By Good Majority Voters Decide to Purchase New Grounds and' to Vote Soon on Bond Issue. Ry a vote of forty-eight to thirty two the voters of the Gold Hill dls trlct, nt a spec.al meeting Saturday, authorized the board to purchase new school grounds, confirming the vote of a former meeting. As a committee appointed by the board selected a tract In the Dekmn addition as tho most desirable site, Gold Hill new new central high sclnol building will doubtless be located there. A 'special election vill bo held February 12th to decide whether or not to vote the Issue of $14,000 bonds to build the new school. Twenty-four Applicants Were Exam ined at High School Building by Local Secretary Warner. 40 acres 10 miles north of Med ford: S acres cultivated; 4 acres la fruit trees from 2 to 10 years old: on two good county roads: small house, barn, vegetable limine. 2 wells, this can all be canity cleared without n foot of wnsto land: 25 ucres enclos ed with :'a'e wire mce; prlco $2100: .strongly Improves you with half cash, or will exchange for Med-1 wouderful winning personality. ford city property. lug our midst for n short time, yet I venture to suy Is luiown to every man, woman utnl child In California i ml will ".(.on bo known In Oregon as well. Mr. J. F. Foi-Don, (better known nr. tLo (iieat For-llon) lr a man who his He I Intends to open offices at the Mooie Five room modem bungalow onj,,otwl' whorw 1,18 l,)Cor wl" b rwuIy i ' o lecoivo an wuo come .Monuuy, Buy a Lornin ranee and get the best. For sale by Medford Hardware Co. 277 West Tenth street, 13r.0: cut front.! Halt rash, balance In tine year at per cent. Tenth street will soon be paved. Nine room bunualow on Orange near Onkdale avenue, lot. Price J38D0.. Terms. North Large FIvo room bonne In ilenson addi tion. Lot 50x125, facing east. Price $800. $400 cash, balanco $20 monthly. Jturt comploted. Will J. Warner, local secretary of the civil service, examined twenty four applicants for the position of census enumerator at the high school building this afternoon. The applicants wero from all por tions of tho county. Medford, Jacksonville. Gold Hill, Peyton, In fact nearly every section of the county being represented. No definite information of course. Is given out as to tho names or stand- 9 !2 ftcrM ncar Central Point, 3 Ing of the applicants: that bo for tho!ncre .which Is In 2-year-old Hart civil service commission to decide. Vts. Price $2850; 1-3 cash, balance 1, 2 and 3 years at e per cent. Twenty acres of bearing orchard, less than 3 miles from Medford. Price, $13,000; terms. . YOUNG MAN WILL RECOVER FROM ATTEMPT AT SUICIDE ASHLAND, Feb. 5. Lawrencn Hatiglian of oPrtland, who came to Ashland on Tuesday of this week, at tempted to end his life by slashing his throat with a razor Wednesday evening. That ho was not success ful Is duo to tho fact that assistance was closo at hand aud prompt med ical attention has mado it probablo that be will live. Haughau hue been 111 for some time and only recently underwent un operation in rortiana. ills re turn to health has been slow, and me mea mat no was becoming a burden on his pareuts scorned to have derided him to end It all. .Ho is only 32 yeirs old and unmarried. iho tragedy was enacted in tho home of Mr. Jlndger on Sixth street where he hod secured a room only that day. Mr. Badger had followed him to his room and was horrified when Haughan stepped Into tho clos- t, only to stagger out almost Inline' uiatoly, with a terrible gash In his neck and a bloody razor In his hand. Badger socured the weapon and wrap ped a towel around tho man's neck. A physician was hurriedly summon ed and found that tho knife had bare ly missed tho Juglar vein, but hnd en tirely severed tho largo muscle In tho neck. The patient was taken to the hospital where tho wound was dressed. peoplo hnvu been uotl JO. .1 Uaugbau's p . j fled. Book on Irrigation Free. The Union Pacific railroad is pub lishing a book on irrigation that will doubtless provo of interest and as sistance to both the practical and prospective irrigntor. It will contain about 100 halftone cuts nnd l&Q pages descriptive of many irrigation plants in tho west. This book will be sent free to any address on application to the pas sengor department of the Union Pa cific railroad, Omnlui, Neb. Fer-Dun is a man, young, vigorous In the prlmo of. life, hair slightly t.nged with gray, and eyo that seem to ruud ones Innomiost thoughts. I't'uy sparklu and daucu as ho talks to you. They command your atten tion and hold It nil the while you are ImptohHcd wllh lao typo bo repre sents a strong, muncular , red blooded mnn, whoto Indomitable courage and will-power stops at no obstacles, "i'.u to buay to talk to you," ho said, but after another word tie Invited mo to bo seated. You liavo stirred un this commu nity as no other man hns ever done," ''vat my Introductory onunont. Ho smiled. "It la truo, Mr Fer-Don, I continued, "that yon aro a strong b Irlvor In charity, anl that a largo portion of your earnings aro devoted to charitable work among the de serving poor? And I hope that you v III pardon jno, If I seem porsonnl, but it Is a fact that you recently give n poor family In Oakland $500 in ;ohIT Uuy n Lornin range nnd get tho best. For salo by Medford Hardware Co. 277 Are you a conservative Investor? Do you know values when they stare you la tho face? If so, wo want to meet you and show you that wo are selling good residence lots for $260 that aro as deslrablo from every ' For-Uou' face 111 up and a nuillo standpoint If not moro so thnn lots (broke across bis honest couutennucu, ducement wo will only ask you to nay . ,JU ' o many words. $25 down and $10 monthly. It will pay you to boo us. DO IT NOW, "I don't enro to talk about those thing.," Mild FtM)on. "Yes, WoMinvo beou in Ooklund over a year now." "Can you refer inn to sonto peoplo your o.xpci'ls litivn cured. In Oakland, as the people here In M'tr'i'd want to know facts?" ' Yti," replied Fur-don., "I unii give you the name of thousands," and In a voice full of feeling and pathos he related lb" story of little Kuther Goodman of (1HS Madison street, Otik Innd. She enino to Fer-Don'H Hum ponn exports with her bond twltod. Tho child's neck was stiff anil tho con's were so contracted that tho I bond was resting on the Ilttlo one's shoulder. These eminent mtiii treul Cd the little girl. Bhn Is now nblo to move her head aud twist her neck as any oilier child can do. TalMng with this wonderful char acter, the committeeman found him tu b a legulnr globetrotter, philan thropic and great social order man. Hesldes being a thirty-second de-gnu lluson, a Shrlner and a member of tho IC. of P., he Is also an Klk nnd connected with niiitiy other social and fraternal organizations. Al though of French and Irish descent. j Fer-Don was born In tho United Htntcx nnd Is mighty proud of K lit Investigating grout discover! lu medicine nnd surgery Fur-Don has spent a fortune, aud In securing the services of the efficient corps of Ku ropeau experts and Master .Special ists thousands upon thousands of dollars havo been spent. Fer-Don bns thus made himself n great public benefactor aud offers lu further proof to present $10,000 to charity If tho testimonials ho has from time to time prcfteutf'd of cures effected and relief given the sick nnd afflicted anr not genuine. "Why, you know Joe doldberg?" Fer-Don went on and told how after one or two treatments Joe was re lieved of hip Joint disease and nblo to walk without crutches, which hud been u part of him for seven long years. "Another case In point," continued Fer-Don, who was now getting warm ed to his itubject. "Mr. W. H, Har vey of 2C3 Kureka street, Ban Fran cisco, bad been a sufferer from gall stones for years. Doctors couldn't help htm, didn't know what was tho mntter with him. Our experts did. They gave him one dose of our prep aration and he was relieved of over 200 gallstones In a few hours. "Mrs. Lucy Parker of 1707 Tenth street was also relieved of 150 nail stones lu sixteen hours without tho use of n knife, or drawing a drop of blood. Crowds besieged the offices In Sac ramento every day and there Is tu qucxtlon they will do u large business lu .Medford. It Is Impossible to count those who como to consult tho Medi cal Experts. No big fees tiro charg ed, Their buslucKs Is to get you well as fast as possible, and they honestly toll you whether they can help you or not. WILL DUPLICATE CASKS IN MKDFORD. Fer-Don Minted that before m month's time horn In Medford. "You see," replied Fer-Don, "tho offices of my Kx pui ts nt the Moore hotel will be crowded dally," conservative, inr-siguiea men novo ( prophesied that 1000 hounes will boj ouiit in .Mcuioru nun scuson. w hub In truo hadn't you bettor got biiBy. Put $10 a month Into n lot; perhaps tho other fellow may want your lot' to build his bouoo on. , SOUTHERN PACIFIC WILL ISSUE IMPROVEMENT BONDS NEW YORK, Feb, 5. Southern Pnoific officials announced hero to day thnt they are plnnning to issuo bonds to be secured by the Bay Shorn Cut-off in Snn Francisco, to provide funds for further terminal improve ments in that city, Tho statement was ns follows: "The Southern Pncifie comrmriv bns n largo amount of money in vested in the Hay Shore line, an ex pensive cut-off, and other terminals in Snn Frnnoisco, all of which aro Tree from hen. We are now merely taking advantnge of tho nnhunl meeting to bo held on April 0, to ob tain tho consent of tho stockholdnru for nn Jhsuo of bonds to cover this investment, nnd such future imnrovo. ment of terminals as may bo found advisable, without tho dolay nnd ox., penwo of calling nn extra mcniing. No u the hood ix cunlcinnlf,!,.,! ,i Hie i)re-ei time." i LA 1)1 IK L PAItIC Is a now addition placed on the mnr ket for tho first time January 28th. It commonces ono block went of tho 11th street storo, nnd jotno Highland Park addition on tho south. You will llko Laurel Park. Wo reprcsont flvo strong old-lino firo Insurnnco companies, nmong (hum bolng tho California Insurance Company and tho Protector Under writers, both of which paid Sun Fran cisco fire losses In full. Insuro your automobile against tiro and theft. BENSON INVESTMENT COMPANY Offjcf over FruHgrowers' Honk I'honu 41. Our Shoes HAVE THE STYLE, SNAP AND DASH THAT PLEASE THE EYE OF THE CRITICAL AND THE WEAR THAT SATISFIES THE MOST EXACTING. WHEN IT COMES TO PRICE, WE WILL MEET ALL COMPETITION, I i) i