THK MEDFOUD MAIL TULHUNE. AUflDFOUU, OR KG ON, SUNDAY, RHBRUjUIY" (5, J910. -rtf ' ,1? Sr." "THE SWEETNESS OF LOW PRICES NEVER EQUALS THE BITTERNESS OF POOR QUALITY" : AND WlTl! THE FACTS liKb'ORK YOU THAT QUALITY ADOVK ALU WITH QUANTITY UNDIS PUTED AND PEICES ALWAYS THE LOWEST CONSISTENT WIT.ll (100!) BUSINESS, SHOULD YOU NOT DO AS OTHERS DO PLACE YOUR ESTIMATES WITH US'? TO (1ET QUALITY WE 11 AYE ARRANGED FOR STANDARD PORTLAND CEMENT. ACME CEMENT PLASTER. I'AliOII) PATENT ROOE.LNO, ALL OE WHICH YOU CAN GET AT OUR YARD AND AT NO OTHER. RE MEMBER OUR SOURCE OE SUPPLY IS EROM THE LARGEST RAIL SHIPPERS ON THE PACIF IC COAST, WHICH ASSURES PROMPT DELI YERIES OE SPECIAL STOCK IX ANY DIMENSION. BIG PINES LUMBER CO GDVERMENT PROBES KENTUCKY WRECK much right to the youth as has Mrs.J I Tin 10(111 t IT Adams. ... LLHI MUm HUIU "I notified hur Unit 1 took Mo iioyj a few minutes nl'U-r I had done so,"t snid Adams. "I inner knew that she was suing mo for "divorce until I read of the action in the newspaper-.. I.el me tell yon, it is going to he one hi; . fight hefore Mrs. Adams gets po session of my hoy." Shire Adams suddenly took out t habeas corpus paper.-, hero yesterday I while Vn route, to San Francisco with a San Francisco olie detective he ; hu- received 11 telegraphic draft for '$5)000 sent him hy his brother, Albert Adams, u Now York attorney. This money will lye used to supply any ne Government to Investigate Flounder ing of Steamer After Wireless Saved Lives of Her Crew. NKW YORK, Feb. ."i. Investigu- nito the onuses leading to tho foundering of the Alaska Const com- I !!ll . i r r .... t i t pany-i vessel jveiniicKy on uie mgu HBnrv i,..: mlA mn1nv leial talent to resist the attempts of the officers to take him to San Francisco. It is reported here that Detective (. Arthur MoPhee of San Francisco is ' t tin ft lino iiitii I tin uittii. M h'lllllHW ! llVIII III III! IHIIW- sens after wireless messages had sn'ved the Jives of ner crew, was he- gun today hy the government. Th government probe will be reeled toward uscertniniiir whether thib might have been criminal nugli-'""other warrant for the gence in granting the Kentucky her' rrCKt ni' Adams, The distance is clearance papers. . i nearly 100 miles and .Mcl'hcc will not it is reixirtcd in shipping ciroloi ' ,M ,l,'r, I,IV1'1' ,0::,' WHl Adams' that the Kentucky, which was first n",M,,,h '"'pm hearing at that time, commissioned 13 years ago, was not ! sil,tt l,is """' 1 Adams has been con in shape for her intended voyage 1 l""-''1 f'" i" hotel,, guarded around Tape Horn. She left this port 1 ''' Selective Taylor of San Fran bouinl for Seattle, but on tho way '-'lKC0 sprung a leak and was compelled to pRrVinFMT ctcci put in at Newport News for .repairs. VICE-PRESIDENT STEEL At Newport News she was over- TRUST ASKS DIVORCE hauled, given clearance papers mid started southward. KI-3NO, Nov., Feb. .'. Charges of It is rumored here that it was im- j desertion are contained in a suit posniblo for the ship's captain to get ' l-'"ding today in the local court in n good crew to man tho vessel, as J'bicli Charlos IT. Gayloy, vice-prosi-snilors were afraid to ship in hor. It 'lent of the United Steel corporation.; is reported that the wireless operator j seeks divorce from his -wife, Julia who shipiH.' from New York on tho , Gardner Oayloy. The complaint in Kentucky left the vessel at Newport!4'" Hll't the briefest ever filed in News, vhpie Operator Mcflinefisi'1 Nevada court. TO AVOID INSULT Girls, at Risk of Lives, Escape From Machine, Which Was Rapidly Bearing Them Into Country. SAN FRANCISCO, CuL Feb. fl.--Ltircd into an automobile and driven in the direction of Ocean I loach re sorts, two .sisters, Josephine and Martha Jeusoti, employes of the cus toms house, lcuxd from the machine at risk of their lives today to save themselves from insult. Josephine, who is 18 years of age, sustained a fractured ankle, while her sister, two yours older, escaped ten ons injury. Hoth girls arc at their homes here suffering from the ex citement of their misad venture, while guardianship of Louts II. Miiiumer smith, who was instructed hy the court to M-e that she has everything she desires from the income derived from her husband's estate. The court removed Mrs. Ida A. Killey as guardian of Mrs. Tiltou. She had testified on the stand that she had made no attempt to itiiet title to the estate under the McKn erny act, and told the court that she had no objection to tin appointment of llammersiiiith. The proceeding which resulted in the release of Mrs. Tiltou and the safeguarding of her entitle from loss through failure n ipiiet title, was in stituted by the Apollo Lodge, No. .'I. of the Independent Order of Odd Fel lows, of which Mrs. Tilton's husband had long been a member. Til 1 1 Tld'H TKHT. Tiled in Mciirord, It 'I'cU. lias Stood i lit- "look'a chance." shipped for the Pa cific const run and later was instru mental in saving his comrades. According to wireles ojMjraloin, tho fieanis began to Jot tho water seep through shortly after tho steamer had passed tho Virginia Capes. As she went southward tho Jenkage increas ed, tho Hoams began to opon and the .water to rw in hor hold. The crew of tho Kentucky, 47 in number, are aboard tho Mallory liner Alamo, now speeding southward .along the Florida coast to southern jort on her regular run. Gayley alleges that his wife loll i passing. him in July, 1008, and went to live I At Ootnvin street the driver was The bardcHt test Is tltc test of ttnre. and lloiiu's Kldnov t'llttt have me iMiitce are seeKing Meir woulil-Du I stood It well In Medfonl. Kidney abductor. sufferer can hardly ask for strong- mo gins were wailing lor u street er proof than tlio following: car to take them to their ofheo when the unknown chauffeur drove up. lie ascertained that they were going to work and offered to take them to the customs house. s soon as they wmo seated in the automobile the machine headed out McAllister street toward the ocean beach. The girls remonstrated, threatened and then ploaded with tho chauffeur. lie rescinded by in creasing tho speed of tho automobile. Tho girl' screams wore heard as the shouts of "j".V ridors," and no ar- teittinn was paid to them hy persons ADAMS SAYS HE IS NOT GUILTY OF KIDNAPING TUCSON, Ariz., Feb. 5. Louis Adamrf,-who is under arrest here, charged with kidnaping his 8-yoars old sou, John, from his divorced wife, reiterated today that ho bus as Thero are three chil Mary, the wife of with relatives drcn. One is ( omit emu of Rome. Tho other two, Agnes and FJorenco, probably will go to tho custody of their moth er, as Oayloy's complaint signifies his willingness to assent to that plan. Tho couplo have been married 20 years. Gayley is one of tho foromost authorities on iron and steel produc tion, and while hero froquontly lec tured on those subjects before the X'uiversity of Nevada. If troubled vlth Indigestion, con stipation, no appetite or fool bilious, give Chamberlain's Stomnch and Liv er Tablets a trial and ydu will be pleased with the oault. Those tab lets Invigorate tho stomach and llror and strengthen the digestion. Bold by all druggists, Wear Kidd's Shoes. compelled to slow down, in order to turn u comer. Josephino took ad vantage of this, sprang from the ma chine and rolled over and over on tho pavement, where she lay uncon scious, Uudaunted, hor sister fol lowed and tho chauffeur sped away before tho number of his car was learned. WOMAN CONFINED AS INSANE, IS FREED SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Fob. fv -After five years in the asylum for tho insane at Napa, Cal., Mrs. Chloo F. Tilton, widow of the late California pionoer, is freo today, hy order of Superior Judgo Coffey, who, aftor n brief examination, pronounced tho aged woman perfectly . sane. Mrs. Tilton wus placed under the SHELETON PROVES MYSTERY TO POLICE Unnhlc to Determine Identity of Wo riian Found on Slopes of Mt. Tn malpals, near San Francisco. S.VN FRANCISCO, Cal.. Feb. The list of descriptions of missing persons on file at police headquar ters is being searched today for a chiw that may lead to tho, identifica tion of the young woman whose skel eton, with its skull crushed in, was found on the slopes of Mt. Tiiuuilpais two days ago. Sheriff Taylor of Marion county visited police huiidqiiarler today, following tho discovery of two slight clews which may lead to the Identity of Ilia murdered girl aiul of her slayer. It has been learned thai the watch the girl wore bore a jeweler's mark, "I0HII-W." It Is believed to be Mrs. J, II. IloiiMsuni, Contra I ave nue, Medfonl. Or., says: "1 was so bad off with kidney trouble that l!"1 " .lwolrt although it may could not do my liousowork. My'"' ,Ik' ,mu'1; of juwuler i ' back was weak and painful and M I lrt of tho country. The number of the morning when I got up I was'""' w," H'-". of the case, V Inmn mid sore. The kidney micro-1 the case bears an cngra (Ions passed Irregularly and my health Htwidlly ran down until I was hnrdly able to got about. While In Unit condition, I rend about Dunn's Kidney Pills and got a box nt Ilas klns' drug itoro, I felt better from tho time commenced (heir us and It was not long hoforo I was cured. I am In a position to recommend Doan's Kidney IMIls highly to anyono afflicted with kidney complaint." (Statement given September 14, 1007.) Permanent Cure Justifies Itc-Kuriorsc- incut. Wlion Mrs, IlaiiHHiim was Inter viewed on October 2fi, 100l, she said: "My formor endorsement ot Doan's Kidney J'IIIh still holds good. Hlnco this remedy cured mo I havo had no further attacks of kidney complaint and I have enjoyed good health. I do not hesitate to say that. Doan's Kidney Pills are a specific for all difficulties caused by weak klduoyu," For sale by all dealers. Prlco no conts, Fostor-Mllbiirn Co,, lluffalo, N. Y., solo agents for the United States, Remember tho uumo Doan's-- aud tako no other. h.v lug of a collage surrounded floral design, T f , i ,. insiue i no case was originally a photograph, but the elements him worn away the likeness and a plio- . i it t ii lograpuer ai nun naiaoi toitav was iiuahle to restoro it. The other clow, which mny prove of value later, is tho finding of an emplv whisky flask a few yards from the body. Th namo "FJito Saloon, 21 Kearney street," is blown in tho glass. Investigation by District Attorney Boyd of San Itnfaol rovonls that tho girl probably rodo to tho Mt. Tauial pais tavern, at Iho moiinlaiu lop, hor causo hur shoou woro now and prac tically unused. It is holiovod that she was accompanied hy a man to tho spot whero irdui met hor death, the couple having set out from tho tav ern. KinployoH nt the tavern, how ever, fail to recall a woman drossud in the clothing found iiisttt the kclo ton. Chinese Thief Caurjlit. VICTORIA. M. , Feb. ft. Four gold uilehes, nine ring, several chains, a ho. containing '.M gold nug gets and a ludv's trawiUm? hmm imh among the articles iceovcicd by the police today as a tomtit of the arrest of a Chinese named Jung Pong. Jung, who lias resided here for several years, was candil redlmnded bv the oeeupaiiiits of a house he was loot ing. I lie iniIii'o were i inumoiied, mid when lithe Celestial was searched a quantity of jewelry was found on him. lie uiis taken to the iiolii in. tiou and officers wsilcd his home, where more jewelry was dix'oveied, It is a varied assortment, nineim from wnlohoM. rim: and InaeeleiM to oveieoals nnd buckskin gloves, mid will run tiilo hundreds of dollars. - Don't forget the liatuaiu festival nt Meclier's or- We have jysj received a car of drain tile. Med ford Hardware Co. 4X9 Keeping to tho straight and nar row path of the truth payatako, for oxample, tho fnlhor of our country. We're slicking to the path in tho ad vertising of tho many splendid valuos we havo in men's furnishings, in hats, shirts, underwear, hosiery, neok wear, etc. A few ot our specialties in low prices and good values is Men's Pants. lTosierv nnd Rli buy direct from tho factories. You oan economize it ml got quality tt "THE WARDROBE" 210 WKST MAIN. i