OR Iffl ON, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY (i, 19 10, 16 THE BEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, TODFORP, L E Charles B. HanfortI Will Appear In New Sketch, Forsaking Shake pearcan Roles for a Time. SATURDAY 'The American Lord,"" n four-net' Milliner lliuelriRg recoil-oil bis comedy by Gcoiyc 11. Hrondhurst and contract for Mclntyro & Hcnth from Charles T. Daroy, is the offeriiiB for ,.,uw & Krlnnpjr yostordnV. Tbey ffiL'icnUforon. performance of 'In ford theater. J In brief, Uio story of "Tbo Ameri-1 Hnyti" at the Medford theater, Fn can Lord" is that of John Brouetor, da y, February IS, and a punrnnteo a North Dakotan, who is about to be nominated for congress, when he lpnms that tln-oujrh the death of Lord - , Breuster he has becomo heir to tno title and elates of the fine old Kin- ltsh house. He gives up his ideasnf going to Washington, and, although having little likinjr for some of tho ways of the English, crosses the ocean to claim his own. With his hereditary feud with tho houso of Wyeherly and his good-natured at tempts to introduce his American methods of doing things, Breuster fads himself folly occupied. Imag ine his feelings, then, when he dis covers that his daughter nud the sun of Lord Wyeherly are in love, and that his son has lost his heart to an girl! Breuster makes it "three of a kind" by tailing in love with an attractive Irish widow. Mrs. Wcstbrooke, and the story ends most happily. "The American Lord" is one of tho brightest, most wholesome of the stage offerings in recent years, and the excellent company will give it the rendition it deserves. The part of John Breuster is in the hands of Charles B. ITanford, one of the strongest actors on the American stage, and in it he is said to have found one of the most sympathetic roles of his artistic career. The Irish widow of the piece is Mis Marie Drofnah. a charming and accomplish ed actress who has been MrVlIau f ord's leading woman in Shakespear ean Darts for several years. The supporting company has been care iully chosen, and includes a number of players who have successfully ap peared with Mr. Hanford in the past. The production will be both elaborate and complete. Whether tho thing thai interests you today is a hair net or a hat pin, a parlor suit or a pillow top, the store ads will be worth reading. CURTAIN at 9 p. . Seats $750 IS TO Only Town In Oregon Outside of Portland Which Will Get Glimpse of "In Haytl" Attraction. that the company's share of the re ceipts shall not bo less thau $750. As .fnfnl in tbn nnlv town south at v w j w - - - - - - - - f j iortlaml that can give such a gunr- nnteo, this will be the only Htop the company will make between Portland and San Francisco. The date of the seat sale will bo announced later. TRONSON WILL TELL HOW HE DID IT H. B. Tronson, of Tronson & Guthrie, tho npplo kings of the world, hns been invited to deliver an address before the Agricultural college at Corvallis, telling how ho produced the car of apples which, by winning the sweepstakes at the Soknuo apple show, brought honor and fame to Southern Oregon. The exact date has not been set, but will be about February 12. County Court. Report of viewers of mad in town ship 3G, 4 west, filed and approved. Petition of J. M.s Achor for change of road on his. premises filed. Statement of county clerk for .bounties paid in January approved. Bonds of rond siiorvisors ap proved. Petition of IT. Palmerlee et al. for county road continued to March term. Petition for establishing road by S. S. Aiken et nl. continued to the March term. Report of viewers on rond peti tioned for by W. I). Moore et nl. con tinned. Resignation of G. W. .Taylor as eonnty entomologist accepted. Reports of county poor farm ap proved. Franchise for Evans Creek tele phone line granted. - J. J. Fryer addition to Eagle Point ordered vncated. MEDFORD Saturday, February 12th First Appearance in This City ot a Modern Play F. LAURENCE WALKER ANNNOUNCES THE ENGAGEMENT OF Nr. Charles B. Hanford THE AMERICAN Reasons Why You Should See This Play 1st. It is presented by an actor who has never yet disappointed an audience. 2nd. It represents the best efforts of two of America's best playwrights. 3rd. There is an air of patriotic sentiment that will make you a better American. 4th. It is a comedy full of bright lines and comic situations that you will enjoy. 5th. Your presence .will encourage the production of good clean plays. on Sale at HusKins Drug HIS INTRODUCTION -IS SOME EXCITING First Time Pioneer Saw Jacksonville, Man Killed Almost Under Horse's Fcot, 53 Years Ago. Fift'y-tliiee years ago, February 1857, I drove into Jacksonville for the first time," said 1). J. S. I'carcc. !"I was looking for some relatives, the ('numbers family, and halted in front of tho Table Rock saloon, thou conducted by the late lleriuiiu Helms.. While 1 was talking with Mr. llclius an inquiring about the proper direction to take, 1 heard a shut be hind mo and a mnu reeled out of the rivs -troet m trout oi wo present town hall and fell almost under my horses' feet. I was used to tho vet at that time, but I must confess. in.v first live minutes in Jacksonville were exciting. Tho man killed was Jack Driscoll, and he was shot by Walt Williams because he knew too much about the lawlcsi. operations of Williams and his gang. Williams es caped and was never heard fronr for yenrs, until he was seen in Idaho. He afterward met the Usual fate of the early-day bad man. What called my nCTcution to this almost forgotten story was that the 5th of February, 1857, was n day ns nearly like the 5th of February, 1910, as you could make them. The events of the day impressed the weather upon my juen ory." RAILROADS Fl RATE ON FLYING MACHINES SAN FltANTISCO. Feb. .V-Tho flying machine In all its variety, that of Paulhan. the Wright brothers and several other kinds, linn at lust been recognized by the rallrondB as an ar ticlo of commerce and shipment. Tho western clntuilltcntlon committee, which has Jurisdiction over nil the roads between Chicago and tho Pa cific const, has Just decided to put these machines in its tariff schedule. For purposes of shipment, they have been rated as double first-class articles. Thjs means it will cost $C per 100 pounds to ship them In whole or in part. across the continent. This action has been taken by the officials because of the numerous In quiries they have been receiving as to what It would cost to ship the ma chines between- certain points. Accompanied by MISS IN AN ELABORATE PRODUCTION OF GEORGE H. The Greatest Success of T Says Verdict Awarding Damages to Hat Manufacturers Is Against Purposes of Trust Law. WASHINGTON, U. C, Feb. 5. "Tho verdiut awarding $7-l,0UU dam ages to the hat iitunufncturern ot Daubury uud Nonvnlk and Bethel un ions is repugnant to the very pur poses of the Sherman anti-trust (law," declared Sampel Gompers, (president of tho American Federation ,of Labor, today. i Gompers said that the very thing for which the membership of the Hat ters' union have been fighting is le gal in the United States, i Tho labor president blamed tho I The labor president blamed the (United States uuprcme court In part tor holding that an organisation like lha of a labor union, which is not organized for profit, comes under the provisions of tho Sherman lnw. The damages' referred to by (lum pers were awarded yesterday by a jury to I). E. Uw & Co. of Don bury, which nsked $240,000 damnges from Martin Lawlor and .flMO.ono from other members of the Daubury, Nonvnlk and Belhel unions. The manufneturing company alleged a conspiracy in restraint of trade, fol lowing the so-called "boycott" of itn goods by the unions. The trouble grew out of the hatters' strike of last spring, which affected the hat indus try of the east. Pioneer Takes Last Trip. Ling Alexander Murphy died at his residence, WT Granite street,, Ash land, Friday morning. Febnuiry 'I, at 5 o'clock a. m. Mr. Murphy came to Southern Or egon in 1852 and has made his home in Jackson county nearly ever since. For many years he was a resident of this city, but Inter moved to Ashland. He was born in Knox county, Illinois Mny 8, 18-12, and leaves a family of seven sons, all grown. The fuiwrnl will take place Sunday, February 0. Services will be held at the late residence at 10 o'clock a. m, and the interment will take place in Odd Fellows' cemetery' in Medford at 2 o'clock p. m. Roth quality and quantity at Meek er's. . 75 THEATRE MARIE DROFNAH BR0ADHURST AND CHARLES T. DALEY'S GREAT COMEDY, Mr. Hanford's Career Store. January 8, at lO SAYS COMPANIES HAIE "YELLOW DOG" FUND Senator Alleges That Eight Largest Expross Companies Maintain a Fund to Fight Legislation. NEW YORK, Feb. 5.-Thnt eight of tho Inrgoat express companies op erating in the United States have what ho termed a "yellow hg" fund for use in influencing legislation, was the allegation uiadu today by James Muuihuu, attorney for State Senator II, L. Sumlhci'g of Minnesota. Suud herg is complainant in an inquiry in to tho business methods of the ex press companies which is being eon dueled by Kjtunlncr Frank Lyons, of the interstate commerce commission. Muuihuu declared that the larger express companies have parcelled territory, uud are bound not to en eronoh upon distrluts assigned to onch other. Ilo compared the alleg ed methods of the companies with "old-time" insurance methods. -f t 4- AT THE CHURCHES. Talent St. K. Church. Sunday school at 10 a. in. Dr. Forbes, superintendent. CUirhoh to suit all kinds of people and peoplo! of all ages. Church servlco nt 11 a. in.; subject, "Tho Little Things of , Llfe." You are Invited to these Borv-ple in tho city, whether member of lce. 'the local church or not, are eordiollv 'invited. After tho rollonll the con- It'tun In Tnlcnt. Igregntlon will repair to Smith's hall. Attorney U. F. Mulkey will deliver n North Grape street, where a re al noted lecture, entitled "Tho Win-'coptlon to Mr. nnd Mrs. ITolmcH will dom of tho Ancients," In Conway hull I bo held. Saturday, February 5 nt 7:30 p. m.j Proceeds to be used to- purchano lots : Christian Science, on which to erect an- M. E. church. fUrvim,. r,i.. mtn. - if - Aumuiancv. auuits . cents, cnudreii;0tc,oekt gnbJect of eHfton.Bonnoi. ,c cnw- ."Spirit"; Sunday school at 30 r- ii. j. a L . 'o'clock; testimonial mooting WedneM- Free Methodist Church. t&ay ftt 7:30 p. m. All are welcome. There will be no sen-ices nt the 128 North Grape Rtroet, north Sher- r ree Methodist church Sunday, as mnn-Clnv wnslo house. tho pastor is attending district quar-i terly conference at Grants n.s Rcv. A fflW ,. , rmUnK B. mnget, tho missionary secretary, i name cases of croup, oven the length has also withdrawn his nppointmcutlof time It takes to go for a doctor. for Monday night lrrbytcrin Charrh. Proachlng at 11 a. ra. The subject of tho eriuon It "Tho Herolim of the CURTAIN at 9 p. n. LORD Prophets." I'renchlng nt 7:30 p. m, Tho Hitliject of tho norimm Is "Tim Having I'cnw" Sunday school ni 10 a, m, 0. 10, society nt 0:n0 p. in. J. O. R society at 4 p. in, Ladles' Aid moeiii Tuomlny nt 2:.1U p. m, ut Mrs, (I, William Ullionoy's homo, cor ner Onkdalo and Hamilton. Christian Church. At tho Christian church, comer Sixth uud Ivy streotH, revival meet ings will begin on Sunday, llibla school at 10 a, in.) preaching hoivIoo at 11 a. m. and 7:110 p. in., G. H. at 11:30. At tho morning service tho pnHtor will preach on "How to Havo a Great HovWnl." In tho evening tho subject will bo "Tho Illggost Fool in Medford." SubjeotH of the week: Monday ovo, "Tho MeunoHt Man In Medford" Tuesday eve, "The Rest Man in Medford"; Wednesday ovo, "What About Jonah"; Thursday eve, "What Would Hnppon if Medford Should Come to ChriHtT" Friday eve, "What Would Hnppon If Christ Should Come to Medford 7" Mvery- body invited lo these KorviecK. Good iniisio and short, energetic sermon. W. Then. Malloek, pastor. - Baptist Church. Rov, A. A. Holmes has arrived ut Medford and will begin his. work an pastor of the Bnptlst church Sun day morning. A cordial invitation is 1 extended to tho peoplo of tho city to a i worship with us. Especially is it re- j quested (hat every member of tho church nnd Sunday school bo pres ent. On Thursday evening, February 10. the nnniinl rollcnll meeting will be held. It is hoped that every mem- jber of the church and their fninille- will he presont; also all Baptist peo- semi often proves dangerous. Tho safest wny Is to kep Chamberlain's Cough Remedy In tho house, nnd nt tho firm indication ot croup giro tho child n dose. Pleasant to toko nnd always cures. Bold by nil druggists. a. m. 4