Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 06, 1910, SECTION TWO, Page 14, Image 14

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Ooo ooo
Sermon by
Pastor Brooklyn
Chicago, Jon. 2. Pastor Iiusscll of
Brooklyn Tabernacle, New York,
prtnehed here twice today to large au
diences. The Auditorium of world
wltio celebrity for its size and excellent
acoustics, afforded the Immense audi
ence a superior opportunity to hear
Pastor Itusscll's discourse in the after
noon. We report his ovenlnp discourse
based on the foregoing texts. He said:
The opening of a New Year Is like
the opening of a new ledger. It is u
favorable time for. determining what
should be disposed of in the protlt and
loss account and for putting into effect
resolutions governing the New Year.
The fact that thousands of resolutions
will be made at this season only to be
broken later under the impact of temp
tation, should not discourage us from
making such resolutions ourselves and
advising the course to others. The
man or woman who makes no Hcsolu
tions or Vows makes little progress In
character-building. Foor, fallen human
nature needs all the bands and brace?
and supports which a well-directed will
can give it. We are not advocating
hasty, and sometimes unreasonable,
vows and resolutions and pledges
thoughtlessly taken. What we do ad
vocate is thoughtful, rational sitting
down and counting the cost, and then
and there resolving with the full
strength of the character, with the full
determination of the mind, to pursue
tho way' which deliberate Judgment
tells one Is the proper course.
A Christmas Vow or Resolve.
A Christian, like other men, can be
benefited by such Resolves to himself,
which should bo sacredly kept, In pro
portion as be respects himself and
would be respected. These Resolutions
may apply to sundry affairs of life
his home, bis business, his personal
habits, etc. But when the Christian
comes to consider his highest Interests,
he at once recognizes that they are
those by which bo is related to his
Creator and his Savior. At the very
beginning of his Christian experience,
after ho had longed for righteousness
and turned from sin; after his eyes
bad Been Jesus as his Redeemer; after
bis ear of faith bad beard that he was
reconciled to God through the death
of his Son and had forgiveness .of sins
through faith in bis blood then came
to him the most Important moment of
his life. For God, through bis Word
Invited him to make a full consecra
tion of himself (including every earth
ly interest and affair) to the Lord and
his service.
The proposition, in the language of
the Savfor, was that he should lake up
hla crow and follow Christ; and that
as a reward be should have in the
present life tribulation from without.
but the peace of the Lord within, and
in the future life experience a share
in tho First Resurrection. That change
to glory, honor, Immortality, the Dl
vine nature, means Jolnt-helrshlp with
his Redeemer In his great Otiice and
work as the Mediator between God
and the world during the Millennial
Age. Tlw teems are clearly stated,
self-denial, cross-bearing, service for
Christ, faithfulness unto death. The
rewards also, as clearly stated, are
crowns of life and membership in the
Royal Priesthood, a seat with the Lord
In his throne, an opportunity of being
one of the judges for helping and up
lifting mankind during the Millennium
While stating the conditions clearly
and distinctly, through his Word tho
Lord did not urge cousccratlon, but
said rather that each should sit down
first and count the cost. After having
counted the cost, whoever chose to ac
ccpt tho proposition did so by making
a Vow unto the Lord a Consecration
Tow of full submission the full sur
render of tho will. This was to the
intent that thereafter uot only tho
conduct of life, but the words of the
mouth and the meditations of the heart
should bej&ceptablp to the Lord- This
comprehensive" VoW is Symbolized in
baptism, which, rightly understood, as
explained by St. Paul, Is u buptlsm
Into membership In tho Body of Christ
(the Church), and this by baptism or
'Immersion "Into Christ's death."
1 Only such as make this Vow are ac
cepted at all as members of The Christ,
and anointed with the holy Spirit. It
Is respecting this Vow that St. Paul
urges, in tho words of our text, "I be
seech you, (Justiiled) brethren, by tho,
mercies of God, that ye present your
bodies living sacrifices, holy, accepta
ble to God, and your reusouublo serv
ice." Our contract with tho Lord Is
entered into, made secure, by the Vow
of Consecration, and the remainder of
life Is merely u testing of the conse
crated one, to determine to what de
gree he really meant the Vow; to what
degree he uses bis every endeavor to
be dead to the world, dead to self, dead
to all earthly things and aUre toward
God and the Interest of the Millennial
Kingdom to which he has consecrated
himself as a "member" of the Dody of
the Mediator of the New Covenant
(Jeremiah xxxi. 31; Gnlatlans, ill, 20).
"I Will Pay My Vow."
Let no one, lightly undertake a Vow
eato the Lord. It carries with It
weighty responsibilities. It would bo
better every way tlmt nono should
taknthc Vow without n"r8t(uii(lorfffiii(l
iug the mutter ui)iWiiUirlrig"f ully Info,
the spirit of the resolution be innkev
"What Shall 1 Render Unto the Lord My
Cod For All Hit Benefit Towk1i Merfl
Will Tke the Cup ol Slvatwa and Call Up
on ihe Name ol the Lord. I Will Pay My
Vow Unto the LonT (Palm an. 12).
"I Beseech You. Birthrrn, by ihe Mcreiei
o( God, That Ye Prevnt Yout Botliei a Litng
Sacrifice, Holy and Acceptable Unto Cod and
Youi Reasonable Service" (Routant ui, I).
O OQ- ..
Once made and accepted by, the Lord
through the lmpnrtntlott of' the holy
Spirit, it cannot lie annulled. Rut wh.t
should wo wish to annul the Vow?
Why should attyouo who puts his hand
to the plow look back? To use tho
Apostle's Illustration, why should the! hand in the Kingdom
sow mat was wasinxi return to wal
lowing In the mire? Why should wo.
after having renounced the world utul
received tho begetting of the holy Splr
It, and after having tasted of the good
Word of God and the powers of tin
Age to come. lose the precious tnstt
and appreciation of these. and return
in craving to the beggarly elements of
tho world? Surely there hro no good
reasons for so doing. Surely the Joys
of the present life, us wll,us the hopes
of the Kingdom to come, all should en
courage us to fully "set our affections
on things above and not on the things
The world, tho 'tlesh aud tho Adver
saryall exercise Influences contrary
to our Vow or Resolution to the Lord
to bo dead to the world and to self
that we may be ullve with Christ und
share his glory suffer with hlut. that
we may reign with him. The poet has
expressed the rjroper thought herersay
lug. "My soul, be on thy guard.
Ten thousand (oca arise;
The hosts of stn nro prossJnjj hard
To draw theo from the prtxe.'"
Much of our success in keeping our
ow or Consecration depends upon
two things:'
(1) The clearness of our grasp of the
situation when we made our Vow and
the thoroughness of our Intention; the
amount or weight thereof; the wilt
power exerted for righteousuess.
(2) An additional feature of great
weight in the matter U the degree of
our knowledge. It Is in line with this
thought that the Scriptures declare
"My people pcrtsh for lack of knowl
edge." God has given us his Word
and informed us that It Is "profitable
for doctrine, for reproof and for cor
rection in righteousness, that the man
of God may be thoroughly furnished."
lie has advised us to search the Scrip
tures and to forget uot the nsseui
bllng of ourselves together. And
where his advice is followed and tho
Scriptures are searched dally, uot in
a formal manner, but with a desire to
know and to do the Lord's will and to be
guided In his way, a strengthening of
the will is effected. Correspondingly,
there is a weakening of the evil In
fluences which oppose us us New Crea
tures and our Vow. Tho Word of God
Is so arranged as- to provide "meat In
due season" for all of his faithful peo
ple, whether old or young, In every
time. As "babes In Christ." as young
men aud as full-grown sons of God, It
Is for each of us a storehouse of Grnce
and Truth, to make us strong in the
Lord aud in the power of bis might.
Only by appropriating this spiritual
food can we have strength to fulfil our
Vow, to finish our course with Joy and
to attain the Kingdom. Item by item,
as our minds ure able to grasp its un
folding prospects of glory, honor and
immortality, we ore thereby strength
ened by the Lord's might In the inner
In proportion as we realize tho facts
of the case we may appreciate what a
great largatn the Lord has offered us
we surrender in consecration our
earthly rights, privileges and pleasures.
and receive in return more happlfylng
spiritual blessings In the present life
and the Inheritance of tho unspeakable
blessings and glories of the future. It
should, therefore, become much moro
easy to pay our Vows with a willing
heart, as we grow In grace and iu
knowledge of tho Lord and his Word,
Indeed, as tho Apostlo suggests, It is
possible for us to reach tho place wbero
we can "rejoice In tribulation also"
knowing that thereby our future bless
ing is increased.
"What Shall I Render?"
As the consecrated believer consid
ers what God has already done, and
what he proposes yet to do for his
faithful, gratitude wells up in his heart
and bis inquiry is, "What shall 1 ren
der unto the Lord for till his benefits V"
The moro he considers tho matter, tho
moro he realizes thut his talents and
opportunities are necessarily small, In
significant. It is from this standpoint
that tho poet wrote, "O for n thousand
tongues, to slug my great Redeemer's
It Is well indeed to show our npprc
clutlon of God's grace by songs of
thankfulness and praise, but wo uro to
remember that not merely poetic ca
dences are our acceptable songs, but
that from tho proper standpoint life
Itself is the proper hymn of praise to
bo continually rendered to the King
of kings, "Singing and making melody
in our hearts unto tho Lord" will imply
that our works will be In Imrmony u
song of life" (KphesiaiiH.v. 10).
Taking the Cup. '
The Psalmist's answer, prophetically
represents the attitude of heart of all
the faithful. Uach Is expected to say,
"I will take the Cup of Hulvutioii and
eall upon the nauio ot the ord"
(Psalm cxvl, 13). The eup of salvation
at the present time Is the "Cup" which
opr Lord proffered to his disciples, Buy
ing, "Till Is my blood of Ihe New
Covenant sbi'd for tunny for the remix
tion nl slut, iniiili y uJI of It" (Mai
thew xxvL 27, 28) It is n "Cup" of j
suffering, self-dunlal, self-sacrliico, as i
respects the earthly things which wo
give up. surrender, that wo may at
tain the heavenly thlims as Joint-holm
with our llodcwiier. There might bo
danger, however, of some getting tho
wrong thought on this subject, There
Is a peculiar pleasure In drinking of
the Lord's "cup" of self-sucrlllce, which
those who Imvo never partaken of can
not hope to understand. It Is tho
pleasure of fellowship In his suffer
ings, as St. Paul explains. And a part
of the pleasure connected with that
"cun" U the associated hope of drink-
I.... ...t.l. ...... T ...1..... I"
iii wiui our im ui in: iMiu-r m
Joy apd glory and blessing In the King-1
dom. ns be promised. i
The necessity of pnrtaklng of this ;
"Clip" of the Lord Is shown by the 1
Savior's words to two of his disciples
who Inquired, saying. "Lord, grant that
we may sit with thee, the one on thy j
right hntul and the other on thy left j
Our Low's
reply was that they little realised what '
this high privilege of sitting lu the Mil- i
lennlnl Throne with hlni would cost.
Ho Inquired. "Are yo able to drink of ,
the cmj that 1 shall drink of?" (Mntthow j
xx, 22- the eup of suffering. Ignominy, .
dishonor, death ?"nud to bo baptised
with tho baptism that I a in baptized
with?" not the baptism Into water.
My best fit, S7.G0 por cord, Ami
I have tuniio good ill' for ?(.ri), , ml
If you want It sawed Into
i will vout cu coats pur cord moro
As soon as roads nro hotter wood
will he clioapov. 1 rlso do wood
anwlng by the cord or by tho hour.
I also tuko orders for jour fn.i wotnl,
1 will Imvo your woo.t cut now and
dt'llvot tho 8mu to you any tlmo
next Ritnimor, and you do not have to
iwy for It until dttllvutcd. For fur
tbi r tnfornmMoii call iuiu roo mo at
121 South Orupo i-o. AVdford, Or.,
or phono .m.v.i: ! r. tii .
isteln. ".Mitt
! UM Acres of Good Fruit
j I utile) west of Grants Pass,
j Forty feven lots in Jacksonville,
(luo location.
, I have also got a lmlr of fine
but Into that which Is symbolized tiv ! 'iigar jvmen, nvo month oiti,
the wnter -a baptism Into his death, which tun bo bought ut a rwmoimblo
The npostles Indicated their willing
ness. And we enn do no more, if ;
left" to ourselves, undoubtedly the con-'
tract would be 'moro than wo would
bo sufficient for. Utir sulllclency is of
God's providence our great Redeemer '
Is our High Priest and Advocate, able
to succor us In every time of need,
and able to provide ways of escape
from trials too hard for us; able to
strengthen us when weak; able to give
us the "meat iu duo season ;" able to
make us strong in his might; able to
bring to our nttcutiou the great mid
precious promises of God's Word. Yen,
says St Paul. "I can do all things
through Christ, which strcugtlicueth ,
me" (Phlllpplnns Iv. 13).
"In tho Presence of All the People."
In the context the prophet declares.
"I ..-III nn,. I'.,., .a ,1.,,.. .1... I .....I I.. I
. .IJJ w t o mill, int.- 114
the presence of all the people." Pub
licly, openly, I will espouse the Lord's
Cause. I will remember Ids words,
"Whosoever shall bo ashamed of me.
and of my words, of him also shall tho
Son of Man be ashamed, when he com
eth in tho glory of his Father, with
the holy angels" (Mark vlll. ;uji. 1 will
bo faithful In the performance of my
Covenant to such a degree that my"
loyalty shall be known to all the broth
GJ. Lewis
Bargains For
140 acres, $V25 por ncre, one miloj
from Btnliou, nil cleared; will subdi
vide. 3;iVi neres, mileH from Btntton;
finest nlfnlfn mid apple laud; ut n
and see us in our New
Quarters, 108 W. Main
St., next door to York &
Co. Realty Office.
iRex Market
Huth 5 Pech Props. Phone 3071
New five-room house nntl four lots
rcn ns well as to the Lord, who reads I for $2500; with terms.
the heart- Yea. and the worldly should
know of tho faithfulness of God's ieo
plc. even though, uot appreciating tho
matter, they should despise them aud
count them fools for Christ's sake.
Vows of this kind are not for the
worldly, even though they be morally
disposed. They are yet In their sins,
If they reject tho offer of Divine for
giveness upon Divine terms of coac
eratlon. Such mny not think to take
Vowa of consecration to the Lord until
first they have renounced wilful sin ,
and accepted redemption through faith
in the precious blood. Until then tlioy
remain amongst tho wicked. "Unto
tbo wicked God said. What hast thou I
to do to take my words into thy mouth
las a yowl seeing thou bntest instruc
tion and easiest my words behind theo"
(Psalm 1, 17). All who do not wish Di
vine instruction, all who spurn the
Lord's Word, nro in this sense wicked
in a wrong condition of heart. We
are glad that there is no truth in tho
theory that they are liable to eternal
torture, but, oh, how much they are
missing, nevertheless, of the Joys ot
tho Lord in this present time and of
the glories and eternal blessings of tho
In closing, dear friends, let mo sug
gest to you n little Vow unto the Lord
not as Instead of your Consecration
Vow, which Is all comprehensive, but
as supplemental thereto as specifying
certain matters, which are Indeed part
nnd parcel of your Consecration Vpw.
The thought Is that by this Vow theso
particular features of your obligation
will bo dally moro prominently beforo (
your mind. It Is my belief that the'
taking of It earnestly nnd soberly, and 1
the keeping of It, would bo one of tho
wisest Now Year's Resolutions Hint'
God's people could make most helpful I
to tnem in the peculiar tlmo in which
we are living.
A Vow Unto tho Lord.
L Our Father which nrt In Heaven, hal
lowed bo Thy name. May Thy rulo come I
Into my heart more. and more, nnd Thv ,
will be done In my mortal body. Relying 1
onhe asaUtance of Thy promUed Brace
to help In every time of need, throuirh .
Jesus Chrlit our Lord, I register thin
vuw. i
r-t n 1 1 .. ...mi . , . . .
- avuiijt niu x i ciuciuucr ni mo ilirono I
of Heavenly draco the Kcnernl lnteret
of tho liarvcft work, and particularly the
enaro wnicn i myieir um privileged to
enjoy In that work, and the dear co-laborers
at tho lirooklyu Tabernacle, and
3. I vow to mill wore carefully. If no.
Bible, rcrutlnlzo my thoughts and words
and dolngi, to tho Intent that I may be
the better enabled to serve Theo und Thv
dear flock.
4. I vow to Thee that I will be on the
alert to resist everything- nkln to Bplrlt-
um ana uccunuin, anj mm, remember-
ric that there are but the (wo masters,
hall reslit these snares In all reaion
abla ways, as being of tho Adversary,
6. I further vow that, with the oxcep
tlon below, I will at all times, and In all
places, conduct myiielf toward thore of
the opposite ex In private exactly as 1
would do with them In public In the
presence of u congregation of the lord's
(. And, so far a reasonably posalble, I
will avoid being In the same room with
any of the oppoilte eez alone, unlei the
door to the room stand wide open.
7. Exceptions In the case of Urethren
wife, children, mother, and natural sis
ters: In the case of Bisters-husband,
children, father, and natural brother.
Should auy of those who take this
Vow unto tho Lord desire to inform
me of the fact, I shall be very pleased
(0 lii'tir from them ut my lirooklyu ud-dress.
New five-room modern bungalow
on King street, for $2000.
10 acres adjoining tho city limits,
for $600 per aero. This is n splendid
proposition for subdivision.
214 Fruitgrowers' Bnnk bldjf.
Phono 3401.
A bargain 41 acres fruit or ul
falfn land, 2 miles from station.
Finest fruit nnd alfalfa ranch in
Applcgato valley, ditch nnd water
right with place; $00 an acre; ensy
00 ACRES of timber seven mllos
from Mcdford for salo or trade.
Threo tlmbor and homestead relin
quishments for salo cheap.
Money to loan on city proporty.
206 Plilpps Building, Medford, Or.
Farm Land Timber Land
s Orchard Land
Residences City Lots
Orchards and Mining Claims
Medford Realty Co
Room 10, Jackson County Bank Building
Tho best resolution for yon
to make is to como to us for
your next suit, if you wnut
something out of tho ordinary.
Wo dn the host work nnd charge
tho lowest prices.
When in uecd of Electric Wiring, or Fixturou, nnd savo Mouoy by get
ting bent workmnnBhip. Dynamo Repairine u specialty.
Office In residence, corner West Tenth and Kino Streets. Always proparcd to show you the best Jack
son county has in the real estate Hue from the unimproved land to the best bearing orchards, farm land
or stock ranches; also city property. The manager has had ten years' experience In the county, which
will aid the prospective purchaser. Seeing Is knowing. We also have modern rooms to accommodate
our patrons.
Following are Some of our Good Buys
16 acres Newtowns nnd
Spitz apples, $16,000 easy
terms; juBt ready to boar.
10 acres Newtrmi and
Spitz apples, 4-year-pld
trees; $5000, easy terms.
Several nice small tracts
near town just coming in
360 acres 1 1-2 miles north
of EaeJc IV. $18,000,
easy terms.
200 acres south Eagle
Point, $10,009, easy
House, two lots, well locat
ed; price $1700; terms.
293 acres near coal mines,
$9000, easy terms.
Two lots, fine location,
Several aero tracts, fine lo
cation to subclfvi.
lots for sale.