Til 111 MEDFORD MAIL, TRIBUNE, M1CDF0RD, OUICOON, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY fi, 19.10. 13 FIERCE BATTLE ID MEN GREET ON IN NCARAGUA THEIR BIG CHIEFS Government Troops Havo Been Over Two Hundred Indians Enjoy the Stondlly notronllnu (or Past Two Days Bolli Armies Now In Oion Country. NUKFIKUW, Niearapiu. ? (WlroloHH to Colon,? -Tito liuliot' It Ki'owliiK Intro Unit tlio iIocIhIvo buttle ol' the Nioarautiun revolution in in -pmidliiK. Followitiu tlio 1'iKlitliiK of tliu lunt two dtiyn, tlio uovornmeiil troopn which bavo boon retreating nlowly nud fik'liti'iK' donpuratuly niueo Hid Kh tradniiH bvKnii tbuir advance, from Aooyapu, havo readied Tipltiipa, on tlio HhoruH of l.ako ManuKiin. Tipi tupit in hut '20 iiiIIuh from Managua. Until tlio pjvuniinuiit troop and tlio urniiin: rebel anny now ani in opou country, whom Hiiorrilii HhIiUm 1h iutpoiudblo. Should tlio crucial Imttlo ho fought in that auction, act ual force and Hitporiority of numbcrti mid equipment will lio tlio initio fac tor In llio roHtilt. Tlio iinoiiHincMH that linn pervaded thu capital iluriiik' the retention ud vaucu of the rehelH, accurdiiiK to re port from I hurt) early today, Iiiih in 3roaM'd alinoHt to a panic iim the rc milt of the itiHurKcut victory at Mo tion. Hcporttt of the caHUitltlos in tlii eiipiKcnieiit vary, hut it Ih ho licNed that between 11)11 and IWtt men wore killed. It it believed here that the govern ment budcrn in accepting a hattle til Moaon were trying to harritHH the reb el' ttilvaucc ami to learn na nearly tin MiNfili(. their actual Htrcnglh. If an actual attempt wan uiadc to xtop the iiiMnvciit ndvaiicc, it in apparent that it failed iiliMilutHy. Probate Court. HMute and gtturdianidiip of Clinrlen I., anil Ivan II. Ilockcrriiuith Order for oalc of real antato. Uuardiauhhip Holier! .1. Williaiin Citation t obcir to kIiow why real oMnlc lmllld not he hoI. Kxtate of .IiiIiii IViiingcr, iiimiiic ('itntitut to how ciuinc why mil v talc ltn.ild not he xold. IMute of Margaret A. Walker Kitty ltcumiti appointed adiniitirttra trix and unardian minor liotrv "Close Wa-Wa" and tlio "Hyas Closo Muck-a-Muck." I'ho Odd Followa hall, which had bean routed for the Oceanian, wan filled nearly to overflowing Friday evening by inemburri from the limit ing ground of AHhlaud, OraulH I'iihh, JaukHouvillo nud Mcdford, when the Hauhom'H guvol fell and the council fire wiih kindled. Heing a npccial inentiug, the regu lar order wan omitted and the "hijoo Mkoiikitm wa-wa" commenced at onco. Great Incohonoo Knrrar, tlio gucHt of tlio ovoning, gnvo a comprclicnidvo hlhtorv of thu order of Hod .Men and wiih followed by Walter Little, great Hiichom of Oregon. Brother J. It. U. Hell "happened in" and made onn of thono brilliant and witty abort talks for which this an cient puttl chief and pioneer preacher Ih noted. M. V. Mulkoy piiHRod back a few compliments handed him by Mr. Hell and told how he became a Hod Matt and what ho thought of the order. M. V. KggleHton followed with ft rthorl talk on hi experience with redincit while in the Tinted Stalex cavalry. About that time it wiih an nounced that tho "corn and vcniHon" wiih ready in tho "medicine tent," anil the chtefH and li raven lost no time in adjourning thither. The Hiirend wiih one of the finest ever Kct out on such an occasion in Mcdford. During the bauiptet ad drcHien were made by different 8vonker. Mr. I'arrar will lung remember Mcdford nud Weatonka Tribe, it he xaid that for cnltbniuKm and inter est in the work ho had found fow that would eittal it and none to excel. Investigate This, nit i 't .......... 'ii.. iv,., f.,.i. I ford, JIO acres fine bearing pears, 20 acre m'I to orchiitd. all line fruit J land, good jtoTtcc nud outbuilding; all ui'dcr Fib I.tike ditch; a bargain, 20.000. WVighl & Allen. 128 Knt Main. GLEASON AND TEX S0ONJO MEET Will Then Decide Definitely as to Lo cation of Bio Fistic Event in July of This Year Will Meet on Tuesday. MISSOULA, Mont., Teh. fi,--Jak OleitHou and Tex Klukard will meet in Halt La ko City noxt Tuomlny to di ouhh tho battle-ground upon which' Jeffrie and JoIiiihou will Kettle their grudge, and incidentally the heavy weight champioiihhip of the world. OloaHon, according to reporlK ent out from thiH city ycHterday, hail held n wiro conference with Hieknrd and arranged that the fight would go to. Han Francisco. OlotiBon today denied that there wiih any truth in the re port. "Home reporter numt hnve iniHUti- dornlood mo," ho Hnid. "I wfali tho report wore true, but bo far it in not. What really Iiiih happened in this: I tried to arrange a meeting with Rick ard in Unite thiH week. Hickard wired mo he would be unable to get there and HiiggcHled Hint we get to gether at Salt Lake next week. The cnnferoimec wan. fixed for TucHda;.'. I can t predict what the rcnult of our meeting will be. Merger and .Toffrie tiro iriHiHling that lite matter be net tled at onco. and I will mako every effort lo bring tho dmctiHsion to an end. I hope the fight will go to San FranciHoo. TIiiiCh all I can say." PLAIN CLOTHES MEN ARE AFTER WILY SMUGGLER SAX FHANCISfO.'Ciil.. Feb. -AgentH of the treiiHitry department, aided by the San Francisco police nod dozens of plain clothes men, nro fonrchiug Chinatown todnv in an ef fort to locate "Chick" Wallace, al leged backer of no opium Mtumgling ring that ban been. suceef til in itn txirting illegally thounud? of dol lars' worth of the contraband opiy product within the last few month. Since Hie recent pannage of strin gent lawn against the importation of opium, nmuggling operation have grown at an nlnrming rate. The government ituthorilieH are certain that n well-nrganir.ed gang work ins.' to escape the enibnrtro. i FIENDISH CRM E SHOCKSJEATTLE Rollers Force Carbolic Acid Down Man's ThroatDeath Inter venes as Act of Mercy. Reeling HHATTLK, Wiwh., Feb. 0. Seized from behind by two or inoro men. gantcd, dragged to an alleyway, robbed and thou deliberately killed by having carbolic acid poured down IiIh throat a bo lay on tho ground, itncouHcioiiH, wnH tho fate that befell Charles A. Gunatcad early, today. Hi dend body wiih found at 2 o'clock thin morning on l'ost street, near Yeslcr ..... r i i ir...:.. r.. uvt oy uri'tft iiiiiiiuu .uutiiu .hoi- nick, and now lies nt tho morgitn nwaiting advices from tbo man's rel ativeK, who livo In St. Paul, but whose, nddrcKK i unknown. An in Ouet will he hold today or tomorrow. Tho murdor of Onnstead is one of the in of. t uniiHual and fiendifih crimen tjint Iiiih ever been committed in Se attle. There is not n mark on tho man's body snvp the acid burns around his mouth, and be is n man of Hitch iMiwcrful build that it is cer tain that ho would put up a hard fight before being overpowered. Yet the coroner is positive that bo did not commit suicide, but died nt the hands of others. When tho body was picked up by Dcputv Coroner Hill the man's cont and vest had beetj pulled up around his neek. while the under side of his clothes showed beyond nny possible doubt Hint ho had been dragged along the muddy street for at least a block. The theory regarding the strange crime is that several men came up from behind Oniistend. bound nud gagged him before be could summon help, dragged him to the dark nlley known as Post street, find rifled his pockets of nil hi moiicv. Carbolic acid wa then pour ed down his throat and after he wan belpless be was left to die a terrible death. flunstead's itockcthnok hnd been cleaned oT all of the money it con tained and bad then been stuck hack in hin trousers' pocket. Several letters were found which showed that he hnd made application .for employment to various firms in Seattle. One letter was from thi Is much cheaper than shingles better than iron more durable than tin superior in every way to all other brands of roofing. Why? Because it is the original roofing made in the best equipped factory in the world made by men who have been making and studying roofing for twenty-six years. Malthoid is made to give satisfaction and does, no matter where it is used. It's free ni IttL A r ta4 nlwbU "Cat of Rooting." V mutr vktt two fffeflcac hu Urft of vbit tooint ft kHT( (Mi, 1 tit txrut cartel k. Scatlnc Made by The Paraffae ?M Co. G-ARNETT-COREY HARDWARE COMPANY Frye Druhn company, where he bad been working for tbo past week. It was u notice of discharge and hnd been accompanied by u check for $18. The Greek who found tho body no tified It. C Hecker, night fireman at the plunt'of the Seattle' Electric company. A few moments before Becker lind heard h scuffle jtiHt out side his door, but bad been unable lo investigate nt the time. Gunstcnd was about 42 years l age mid unmarried. lie was a fine Hpeeimeir of physical manhood. widow who is reputed to be worth at least $30,000,000. When Mrs. Leeds today entered a laughing denial to the report that Paget was coming to the United States to press his suit, tho names of Lord Alexander Thinno and Jas. De Wolf Cutting of Now York wore suggested in a similar light. Mrs. Leeds immediately declared that then' is nothing more between her and these men than there is betweer her and Paget. MRS. LEED MAY WED YOUNG ARMY CAPTAIN NKW YOItlv, Feb. 5. Rumors of the possible marriage of Mrs. Wil liam B. Leeds,, widow of the tinplnte magnate, to Captain Albert Paget, son of Goncral Sir Arthur Paget, wcro revived today when it became known thnt the young Englishman was scheduled to nrrive here this af ternoon on the liner Adrintie. The captain's mother is coming with him. When Mrs. Leeds was lat in London Lady Paget did not do much in n social wnv for the tretl' Real Estate Transfers. Anne M. Parker to .1. Grieve, Iota 6, 7, 8 and 9, Parker Place Addition to Mcdford.$ 1,000 Iutisa Coffmnn to R.'H. Toft, lot 9, block 2, Kendall ad dition to Mcdford 1 J. A. Lyon to Louisa Coff- mnn, lots 8 and 9, block 2, Kendall addition Medford. 200 J. A. Lvon to Lorn .1. East man, lots 1 and 2, block 1, Hunker Hill addition to Medford 10 Anderson-Grcen Co. to Bert Anderson, part block o."i. Mcdford 10 The Buick Is The Car For You THE OAR THAT STANDS THE TEST AND GIVES THE BEST SATISFACTION IN THE FOGUE RIVER VALLEY. ASK ANY OWNER. SPEED; DUR ABILITY, POWER COMBINED. MODEL 10. The Famous White Streak . In Rumble, Surrey and Toy Tonneau. t arm l' i Bini r x i remits ,!iaw: AUTO RECORDS Made During the Past Year SPEEDWAY $1150 F. O. B. PORTLAND. Tho iriiiuuost, staunuhcBt small Touring Oar on tho market. MODELS 16 AND 17 DISTANCE Quarter mile Kilometer '. , Mile livo miles Ten Miles Twenty miles Fifty miles One hundred utiles... TVY0 HUNDRED MILES TIME 0:08.38.. 0:2(5.20.. 0:37.71., 3:17.70.. 7:01.04.. . 15:31.80.. . 40:14.03. .1 :22:35.35. 2:46:48.47. PLACE .Indianapolis. DRIVER CAR . Christie Christie ..Oldfiold Benz 120 Indianapolis ..Strang Pint 120 Atlanta ..Strang. Flat 120 Indianapolis Strang Flat .120 Atlanta .Robertson Flat 60 Atlanta .Robertson .Flat 60 Atlanta .Robertson .Flat 60 Atlanta CHEVROLET BUICK 30 ATLANTA I "MODEL 16. $1900 F. O. B. PORTLAND. This ear may have oquals l'or power, performance and speed, but if so they will coat at least $1000 more than tho Buick. ROAD RACING EVENT DIST,, MILES DRIVER CAR AV. MILE HOUR A7auderbilt eup 27S.0S Crant Aleo Six 62.80 Wheat ley Hills 180.60 Tlarroun Atarmon 59.70 Massapeqne enp 126.40 Matson Chalmers-Detroit 40 58.50 Lowell trophy 31S.00 Robertson Simplex 54.20 COBE CUP .'. 395.60 CHEVROLET .BUICK 40.90 Tndiana trophy 232.70 .Matson Chalmers-Detroit 51.40 Fairmount Park eup 200.00 Robertson Simplex 55.40 Riverhead Class 1 227.50 Do Palma Fiat 62.40 RIVERHEAD CLASS 4 113.75 CHEVROLET BUICK 30 69.60 Fortola Class 3 254.16 Fleming J?ope-Hartford 63.72 LOS ANGELES-PHOENIX 480,00 J. &L. NTKRENT.. BUICK 30 24.80 THE BUICK WINNERS COST FROM $1000 TO' $4500 LESS THAN THEIR COMPETITORS. MEDFORD BUICK COMPANY HODSON'S GARAGE ---