Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 04, 1910, Page 8, Image 8

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Hwtlculturlsts Will Hear Reports of Win Decisive Victory at Boaca-
Mr. Whlslcr and Professor
O'Gara Tomorrow
President Hadrlz and Forces
Are Put to Hasty
The mooting of the KoBuo Hlvor WASHINGTON ion. .-a
int. ewnB i t bordering on panic today
Horticultural society to bo hold at o( mn,nwuh of 0on.
the society's hall tomorrow afternoon E8trmlR8 revolutionary forcoa
'promises to bo ono of the most lnrj;e- ,,on tj,e city. Nows of tho lnsurKnt
" W nttonded In tho history of the so- commander's appearance wan reeolv
c'lflty cd at tho state department today In
A deep Interest Is evidenced In an official communication from .lose
hearing Mr. Whlslor malto his report DeOltvarea. United States consul at
in person of tho dotnes of the Den- the NicaraKuan capital,
vor conforence. of his trip to Wash- Tho rebels won a decisive victory
Iniiton and the results achieved by at Uoaca yesterday, according to De
tll0 trp. Ollvares report. After two hours of
On this occasion ho will glvo a severe fighting the government forces
complete outline ot work accomplish- 0f President Madriz wore routed with
cd and to be accomplished. heavy losses.
Also Professor O'Gara will relato ; noaca Is but CO miles from Mana
thq incidents of his recent trip to RUn, and within an hour after the re
Callfornla, so fnr as they would bo 'suit of tho battle was reported there
ot interest to tho horticulturists of news came that the rebel lender im
Eouthern Oregon. ' mediately had commenced his mnrch
The meeting will open at 2 o'clock toward tho capital.
sharp in order thnt the Ashland aud
other up-tbe-valley delegations may NELSON WINS AGAIN:
catch the 3;20 train, after partlct-1 THIS TIME AT POOL
pating in tho meeting. TLerefore it'
is requested that everyone make it a J gAj; FRANCISCO. Cnl.. Feb. l. -polnt
to be promptly on hand. jfot oniy js Battling Nelson ehnro-
ipion lightweicht of the world today,
FRUIT COMMITTEE TO but he can point to having defeated
Supreme Officer of the Red Men Ar
rived Tills Mornlnfl Met by Del
egation Bin Time Tonloht
In Local Tepee.
Joseph Farrar, great iueohonee 'l
the Improved 'O. H. M. mid .Mrs. F.iv-
mr arrived on the tOs.TJ train Mtii
FOR $2.50 TO $3 BOX
PORTLAND, Or., Fob. -I. Whlo
the street i xtill rather liliernlly Mip
plied with I'rexli fruit and xeuvtuMtN
tviulu eondltioii xeuerully mo better
than a week iiko. TIio Improvement
ii in part due to a quickened demand
i ami in part to the fuel that but little
juluff of any kind Iiiih been brought
1 in from tho south nineo tfulurdiiy. In
i practically all limm himincMrt was ot
fair proportions today and prices ,u
a jsuuoitil way were well mumtuinud.
In Ihe fruit trade there h little
dtiini' outride of unnle- mid omniteH
nt tliiB time of the your, and both
for the liiuo are moderately active.
Speaking of Values
tns, No. 1, of Jacksonville still hold
il Tlnviil Prniiini.illl-r.
(I tt l u oui ae taui ijuiui iu .vu..v.. inn iiuuitii ..
MEET WEDNESDAY Alfred De Oro, one of the greate-t the -eeond great sachem 6t the re-
il. .1.1 :.. A..n a .. f f . . . . . t 4 ? 1 1 u mullt.
ik)oi piayers in me nu. ervaiiou ui uirK'n
The committee appointed to form enme of pool at least. iber.
..l tor tuo
morning on a visit to Weatonka lime Snm c,ollklililmmU t,r Hpltxenherg
of the Order of lied Men. nM other standard apples are com-
Aeeompiuiying the party wen ing in from tho Hood llivor and other
Waller Little of Oregon City, emit district, from time to time, and tliu
.aeheiu. and A. II. Htzgerahl, ,mst best of .hem are held stlfth,-at $J...O
11 ' " ' n . ,, to a lN. while apple that gmdo
great sachem of Oregon. Ihe lat e .. fir m,Um , U
was a resident of Medford when ho s'.'.U'i. Fancy Newtowns tlmt we're
became great sachem. ' placed in "forage in the fall are now
The party was met at tho train liy'lieing marketed at $2.t0 to $2.7.".
a liuinber of the locnl Hod .Men and1
this evening a reception will he he'd OAKLAND HARBOR IS
in the Odd Fellows hnll to Mr. Far-! TO BE IMPROVED
rar and the isitiug gifat cJiief. At- . , e,M,x,,,,"T . ... .
ter the reception a banquet will be I WASHINGTON, I). C.. leb. 4.
held in the Angle hall. , nvow and harbors board
Mauv members' of the oitler from rceommenueu iu ui.oiu..n m
shlnnd. Or.uits Pas.. Gold Hill. pmjCQt for tho deepening ot unkinn.i
Jacksonville and other Southern Or-.harlior. Tho house committee acl
eeon points are gathering, ami the favorably upon the proj)osttion aid
"Indian sign" will be on MwIforO .hi. decided to fix $0,000 as the
. . Mint to he expended in the work dur-
.Iackon county stands high j;nig the Mt year.
Hedmansbip. OregoniHn-Vooahou
We Can and Do Show Them
This Is a tlmo of hlnh cottons lltoy are ndvnnclnu almost dally, or at
least from three to four times In n week. Now, hero Is the point
while cotton gootls both piece pot's nntf manufactured uoodshnvo
advanced somethlnn enormous yet, In tho face of nil this, we nre
not ndvanelno our cotton (jootts, and will probably not do so for two
weeks or thirty days. Now, It pes without saylnn that we aro rjlvlni
values iincnualcd In Mcdford you should Invcstlnate.
m nrrniliTlltlnit nf f rttlt TA1Avt nnrl Tin Crt in fl f rfplilll V
growers for the -whole Rogue River ich late yesterday played a 50 to
valley -will meet for final organiza- 49-point game of pool, in which Nel
tiont 10:45 a. m., Wednesday, Feb-' on had the long end. Tn the re
xnaryvO. At this time it is expected maining two games, however, the ex
thatplnns will he -perfected for a port table man caught his strid and
combination of all tho grower!?, Nelson was set down SO to 27 in one
wherehv thev can ho assured of a I mime and .10 to 32 in another.
reasonable share of the proceeds of i The highest run mnde by De Oro I
their orchards. j was 32 points and by Nelson 21
Hesidcs two rOftt naoheius of Or
(Imliuin eucotinteiel what Is claim
ed to b" tho uicanoftt mnn in Kan
Francisco yesterday vhilo llHlonlng
.iv-ni.iws. v".' r raiicincti yesionuif fii;i o
egon have come from Weatonka ! to Mmttiiony In tho dlvoreo suit
Tribe, h. L. Jacobs and .1. IT. FiU-! br(IUKllt uy 4,uio Uivelt m:itnst T.
gornld. " , p. i.uvott. an oxpert meclianlc. The
.. 13
Manager Hazelrigg Gives Large
Guarantee to Secure "In Hayti,"
, "i '
;, , . Best Show Coming West..
Manager Hszelrigg of the Medford
theater has suojeede '. In landing an
other of tho big Klaw ii Erlangr at-
' tractlona for Mediord. This time It is
Molntyre & Heath, who vrlll be re
membered for their enormous success
In Portland and Si.i Francisco last
season with "fbo Ham Tree."
This year the two stars have for
a vohlcle "Jn Hnyti," wliich they pro
duced in Xew York about September
1 and played continuously until
Ghrlatroas. For the first time this
season Manager Hazelilgr; ia obliged
to give a auaiantee. but Mediord's
willingness to paircnlze tho big at
tractions is well eatabllehed and Mr.
Hnzelrlgg has little fear of losing out,
authough this to perhaps tLe biggest
musical organization coming to the
coast, beside "Tho Merry Widow."
Must Be in San Francisco on Febru
ary 8 or Lose $1000 Left
England on Fast Ship.
NEW YORK, Feb. 4. JamerfCof
froth, the San Francisco fight pro
moter, arrived here today on the
Mnurotanin, on IiIb trip from London
to San Francisco, which he must
complete by February 8 or lose $1000
which he bet with Eugene Cord.
Coffroth immediately mnde ar
rangements to leave here on the
Twentieth Century Limited for Chl
cvjo, whore ho will board the Over
land Limited. This will put him In
San Francisco, If all goes well, on
the evening of the last day of his
time allotment.
Coffroth eagerly asked tho report
ers for details of the ta'UB of the
Gleason-Rlckard controversy, but
said little himself. He said that he
would brush up a bit on fight affairs
before he would have anything to sny.
The promoter'8 chief Interest lay
In the winning of tho bet, by which
he expects to establish a new record
for travel between Jondon and San
i i n i i . t i
Asserting that their names were "e ie" onuon ibbi rnuay aigm,
'included in a list prepared by mu- waking the trans-Atlantic voyage In
nicipal authorities and ordered post- j o fastest ship in tho world. He
ed in all the saloons of the city, twoi """" today ono of tho fastest trains
notions, each for jJlVJOO damages,!011 tartl1' and altogether is doing a
have been brought by W. It. Den-1 whlrlwlnil flash over the water and
nflm n lint ol,n nnil Prnnt- Hnll : lanQ
This year an last and as In year to i Judge did not hesitate to express his
come, your store Is to grow la tho I opinion of I.ovett when tho wife tw
mm wav and proportion that join Wt that the clothes In which she
advertising grows. In accord k."p- dressed her Infant babe shortly after
InK stejv-are these two thing. 'hth were tahon from an old
idoll, bocauso I.ovett refused to buy
fttirnifiitx, although ho hud $8000 on
deposit In a Vallejo bank.
"i'ardon, me, mudnm," said tho
Judge, "but your husband Is tho
meanest man I know, If what you nay
lean be proved."
It wasn't only tho dremilng of my
baby In doll clothcH that ho compel!
See Window
We aro flolng to close out and
clean up our present slock of
skirts and tor the next ten days
will make prices thnt cannot be
duplicated In Orcuon unless uoods
are sold away below cost. You
sl.nuld see those skirts In the
See Window I
Wo have 200 Waists more than
we should have and must dispose
of them. They are good, clean
styles tho best made and of the
best materials and worth every
cent of the former prices. We
have decided to glvo them away
window and those Inside the store, j and only ask you to pay a part of I
4 M. ... I Hi a met
iui tocr too v vm
The Hutchason Co.
Formerly Baker-Hutchason Co.
bant Mild le wni too poor lo buy lw,tl, problem of the iniiiunl
them He had $8000 lu the bank. ,(l0rtUK,) , tt apple packer! of ixmn-
Ho .old me It waH cheaper to buy vuve,
meals thnu 1.00k ut home and ho gave . ,
, ., , iu ...... Last year capable packers with hi
mo a men ticket fur "1 meals and. .' , .,
told me It must lust for myself and , ,
mw for " "10"th- and clKoivhero to got men to help
. ,.--. tbnm out, especially during the up
Walla, WiimIi., with the co.operatiou
Sl'OKANK, WiihIi., Fob. 1. Ho-j0f Walla Walla valley grower, Iiuk
mor J. Sbinn, one of the big nipU' instituted u free paoklug school for
. .. . ... .. . I vi. mu. iiii.ii uViii'li tn liii't'litli with
deulera of Snoknne. aud Hen nie, .". . . . . ., .
ioao in nun iiuiurn i mi l mi iniiiivii-1 oeaierH oi oiiOKane, ami urn ni'. " , , . - , .
led mo to do because of IiIh nnggard- HM.wlurv ot the Kut.oual ppl . great MiceehH, and it ih behev.n that
Mysterious Affair Baffles Bay City ' llness," nho added, "but when theHlloWf MPB advocating a pa. ki.irf a -iiuilar ...Ht. ....on hero would be
. dm-rnr kbI.I 1 nknulil out eite mv htlH-i . .w.l-..n ....nntv tn liiiln of great bclietll.
" " " - " " ' n.'ilirir V nvwmn - - ' j
Police Woman's Remains Are
Found on Mt. Tamalpais.
NOIiTU YAKIMA, Wart.,' Feb. 4.
against six city eounoilmen. At tho
.fiamo time the lint was posted it is
ohnrged that orders were givm all
saloonkeepers not to sell limior to
ftny of the men listed under penalty) EL PASO, Tex., Feb. Pctec
of having the saloon licence revoked. I tive C. H. Taylor of Ran FrnneiHCo
Tho phiintiff declare that they I is on his way homo today with L. II.
each have boon slandered and do
inand damages to the extent of $.15,
000. They also threaten to bring
eiiif agaiiirt Afavor Annbrn-itor and
Chief of Police Story.
HELENA. Mont., Feb. 4.A. J.
Flake, a pioneer newspaper man of
Montana, and the man who first sent
to tho world tho news of tho Custer
massacre, died at his home here to
day. Fiske croBscd tho plains from
Minnesota in IWW, following his
completion of a term of inliatment in
the Union Army during tho civil war.
lie was once Helena's poBtmnstur
tand was n past-commander of tho
G. A. II.
ITave 300,000 briok on hand for
JpAncdinte delivery. Albany Hrick
Co., Albany, Or. 270
Adams, Adnmn' 8-yenr-old son nnd
tho Adams' nurse, Nora McLaugh
lin. Tho nurse and AtiamB' private
secretary, Nat Murphy, nro ulleged
to havo kidnaped tho hoy from bin
mother and to havo brought him to
this city. v
John Adams is said to be heir (o
about $300,000, left him by a rela
tive of his mothor. Tho custody of
the boy was granted his mother
when she applied for a divorce from
Adams. Tho final dooreo ha not
boon inmied.
On Jnnuury'SO, while on his way
to Hchool, John disappeared. Detec
tive Taylor was detailed to find him,
which ho did, aftor following Private
(Secretary Murphy to this city.
Tho three were tako.n to tho po
lice Btation, where they wont into
consultation with an attorney they
had called. Taylor was in posseH
eion of a bonch warrnnt, for them,
and he decided to return to San
Francisco without making a fight i
' extradition.
SAN UAFAEL, Ct . Feb -S. - Cor-i
oner Sawyer, with a party of volun-,
teer warchor."tnrtoii up Mount Tn-:
malpaU from Mill Valley today In j
pearch of tlm skeletou of a woman,
which was found by mountain climb
era yesterday and which it In bolloved
will rovoal tho result of a myBterloiiB I
murder or snlclde.
The remains worn found by Alfred
Eckstein ami Wllhelm Kimcke, both
of San FranclHco, after they hnd mlflB
ed tho trail and wandered up on an
unfrequented hlope of the mountain.
Upon one wrlRt was a gold hrncelet
sot with an Imitation amethyst. Aj
gold filled watch and chnln lay inj
Biich a position as to indlcato that It;
had been worn upon the breast or
the woman.
A straw hat had survived tho ef
fects of the elemonts and gave signs
of having boon rather handsome. The
particles or clothing Indicated that
the woman wore a blue silk drees.
Strands of hair showed thnt Hho
wns a blondo nnd tho skeleton Is that
of a rather largo woman.
The skeleton lay nt the crest of a
little knoll from which a far sweep
ing view of the bay and surrounding
country was obtained.
The picturesque spot and tho mys
tery tlmt surrounds tho Identity of
the woman, with tho various conjec
tures ns to how she met hor donth, 1
have given a thrill to tho work of the I
searchors, who aro proparc d to reveal j
a shuttered fomanco, a unrk crime
or perhaps a strange accident.
Tho two men who found tho re
mains failed to take accurate account
of tho location nnd could not advlso
tho officers Just how to roach the
Tho braselot and watch woro tak
en to San Frnholsco, whore tho cnso
was roportod to tho police. They
woro brought back bore and turned
over to Coronor Sawyer today.
Aaron M. Clark of Conlial Point J
nnd Mis Mabel H. Libby of Phoenix
woro married at the latter place lntd
Saturday nt tho homo of lite bride's j
sister. Tho happy couple, arrived in (
Central I'omt Mummy and thrtt evening-
woro nccorded n rousing jooerl
tinn by a crowd nf Mr. Clark's
friends, who gave the e.ouplo nn old
fashioned charivari after their re
turn from church, Mr. nnd Mrs,
Clark am .oficupyiii.g h(i,F, J'. Mooid
bouse on Second street,
AffCid! pallem . Moei
1 Cent to $1.50 Each
We will put on sale here tomorrow the finest line of fancy Valentine ever
own in Medfont a complete line a Valentine to suit every taste and am
Hosiery Specials
10 dozen boys' extra
heavy 1x2 cotton ribbed
Hose: most all sizes.
This is our regular SHc
hose. Saturday, price
3 pair for 50c 3 pair for 50c
10 dozen ladies' heavy
fleece lined Hose, seam
less, fast black, ribbed
garter top; a H5c quality
most stores. Saturday
10 dozen boys' or
misses1 seamless, fast
black Tlose: the best lHc
hose in Mod ford. Sat
urday price
10c per pair
in sizes 01-2 to 01-2.
$1.50, $1.75 AND $2.00
Men's Nap-a-ite
Genuine horsehide gauntlet Gloves,
everybody knows what these goods
are. Saturday, price
$1.25 a Pair
- Buy them tomorrow; regular fcf
10c, 12 l-2e and 15c qualities; closing
out price Salurday,
2c and 5c a yard
Per Cent
Discount on all ladies'
Fabric GJovcs, Satur-day,
Fleeced Vests
High cutjicck, long
sleeves, in full cut, extra
largo sizes, 25c each.
Child reu's lc each; la
dies' plain and fancy,
fic and 10c each; men's,
10c, each, a for 25c. You
should see the quality to
judge the price.
Nl ' '