TfJTC MmWORb MAIL TREBUNE, MKDIfORD, OKIWON, FRIDAY, MOBRUARY 4, 1910. FIND the sore-enough better place to live by answering want ads T PRICE APPLES: $61.80 BOX Paid Wenatchce Grower for 112 Wlncsaps Denver Claimed (ho Record With $52.50. SPOICANK, WiihIi.. Fob. 1.-Colorado In advertising tin) itnlo of .1 box of minion ill $52.50 ttt the rocont up pin mIiow In Di'iivn" 11 h (lii) hlnht'Ht prlri over pitlil for :i box of apples, hut a recent loiter from the Gibson i-rull company of Chicago wyH: "Our nttcntlnu has boon drawn to 11 ro port In trade papers relating to iv box of upplim Hold nt Denver ilurltiK npplo show for 152.50, claimed (In hlKliwit price over putd for a box of apples. On Jniinnry '.M. Il'OU, wo made returns to T. J. lllnelc. Wonnt iiIiimi, Wash., for covering a box containing II- WIihhwjih, which flKind 00 cents uplor.e On tlu Maine lay vh made another return to C. I.. Jri"in nf Wonatohiw for a box of the name r r 11 It for which wo received m so. ThitM apple with flint prUo wlir im nt tlin Hpoknno national ap ple show In Dwotnlior. l!Mx." Fruit lni4M;tor Darlington liaj mnito a ro tort on tlio prospects for it fruit crop ilurlliK tUtO Ho mtyri :tr.lll) cars will tit nwOMMry to ran) the coming crop, ootlmr.tlnit Hint It will require 1,320.0011 applu Iioxwm, or 21.000 euro: 700,000 poach lioxiw, or 700 earn, and 700 cur will bo required to carry fruit anil vogi'tMb'e of oth er kinds. Mr. DaillUKtou Iiiih pol nt od out that In luos. vhi-n th big gest crop of tlio valley wiih marketed, 101S cum wore required. 3'.i5 cars baliiK required to movu the poach crop mid' 2:t ears to carry tin ap ple and smaller fruit. Tlio great In crease in tlu bearing orchards will prodiiro nearly 75 per runt more crop than In 1908. WATKINS WHISPERS. Edward Spencer is Hpciiding the week oxportniK milling' iin)utt,v on Miiliili( Fork. Mrs. It. O'ilrii'ii in viiliiu; rcl ntivi'H ntnl fricmlrt 011 lower Api'lc unto. Our muiinl friouil. Cnnby Muck. i nt pro.Mont HojourniiiK at II. I). Ku lili's liutiirnlow mi (lie plmi sititt hltorun of Siiuiiw Lake, unit Im filling in la a iillc time Ici'ilinc ami ciinntr I'lir Mr. I.owilcn's entile. I'liinciH t'olliiiK", Ihc rcnouucil hour liuntDr, in in the Klliot iMcek vc inn liunliiiK liciir. .1. I1. I lai r iiml miii Hiu t i i'ccntl.v piir')iiii'il a tine tract of uiiinipinvci! Inuil of li. .1. l.aujilcy. They arc tin ninniK of briiitfhi).' Mvirul ncrcs of their nnwlv ueipiireil I11111I miller eul t i vi) t ion this Mpiiuu' and are Inihily ennu'i'ti in eleuriujr tlm kmiih. Sue odhh to our neiliborH. Wo wiinl nunc cnti'i-)iiihiun eili.eiiK like them. rruiik SlcphciiMJii, in company with W. li. Lmiilon, lin lieen trip piiiK lliir winter in (lie KiskiyniH. Whilo down from liU cmnp recelitly lio reporlinl very ;ooil wii'ww, us ilie uuuKuiillv colli weather liu hail n leuili'iii'V In improve llie iunlity 'if fur, while makinu tlio iiitimulh mnro Hiisceptilile to bailed trupn. The jrnivint wenreity of nearly all fur miimulh Iiiih iiIho euluinccil the price of fur tint it expert trappers can now inn Wo no oil wiicch. Mrs, .1. S. W. Louden has remov inl to Waldo, Or,, lo join lier hus band nt that place. V T '- MEDF0RD TIME TABLE. 4. 4. 4. 4-4 4-4 444-4444-4 I Xoriliboimil " No. 20Portlnn T 7ncalT. , 8:01 n. m. No. iniOroKon Hxpi'ohh . . . C:2I p. m. Ko. HI'nrtlmid RxpreH.i.l 8::i0p. m. " I HoutlibouiKl I No." in;rnllfornln KxpreHa10:S5 n. nt. No, mR. P. RxprcHH. . . , 3:32 p. m. No. 10AHhland I-ontl. . . .11:22 pjn, " Mcilforil to .faclirioTrvTile. lfot'61r"cnrloavoB .7. . ." ." Slbd'n. m. Train lonvon jtOMR n. m. Trnln leaven I 3:35 p. in. Trnln loavcn , I 0:00 p. m. Motor car lenvoH 0:30 pm. Jacltonvliro'to cn'lforl. Motor loavos I ':o6 n. m. Trnln Ion von j 3:45 a. m. Trnln lonvoa 2:30 p. m. Trnln loavoa j 4:30 p.m. "Motor car Ioavoh j 7V30 p. m, PACIFIC HARTKIlN UAIWAY.' MnTonv"" Mo'lfo'''--' . .f8: 10 n, T, So, 3I.onvoa Modford ...j 3:00 p.m. S'o, 2Arrlvos Modfonl . . 1 1 0 : 10 u. in, No. 4Arrlvea Medford . .j 5:00 p. m, ."No. lArrIvo Bnulo Polnt 8:4Bn.nt, tfo. 2Loavos Knslo Point j 0:05 a.m. tfe. 3 Arrives Eagle Polntj 3:4Bp. m. so, 4Loatoa Magle Polnt 4;0p. m. 4 Your Ad Will Find The Right People Because the Flight People Are Looking for Your Ad If you COULD (although, OK COURBI! you can't) stop every man you moot on the MtrnrtU today, and nsk; "Do you want to buy a houso7" you might, find a half dozen who would nimwor In the affirmative. Perhaps no ono of theso, uowover, would want to buy tlio house you want to soil. If your Advertisement, however, were In on printed In theso columns today, It would "utop" BVKKY MAN IN TOWN WHO WANTS TO BUY 'A HOUSK and It wouldn't "atop" ANYONK who DIDN'T want to buy a house! That's the beauty or the udvertta 1 n 11 way of flndltu; n buyer. The nd finds the buyer through the ulmplu proofs, of being easily nnd readily found BY the buy or! And If, among the prospective huyern of property in thin city, there In one to whom your property would bo a bargain, or a "good buy," and if your ad is a convincing one, you'll sell what you want to tell. Want adi, 1 e'nt a word 6 Insertions for the price of flvo, , MEN AND SHEEP Two Men, Five Dofjs nnd 3000 Sheep Perish on Plains of Nevada In Severe Storm. It UNO. Nov., Feb. I. On Hie den- jUit near Doiuioley mountain, two I men, five dog, 11111I HOOD xhoup lie fmx.cii tn death in the snow, iiecnnl iiiK to 11 story told hern today by 11 I French sheephcnlcr who juxt arrived from Hint suction. According to thu liunlor, the nliccp were the property of II. l.aMi'ii. lie did not know the names of the two herders. A sloiin overtook the sheep while fur from the corral. Two feet of snow fell, iiiakint' it impoxsihlu for tint animals to proceed. They huddled loirolher and froze to death. The herders succumbed with them. It is reported also that l.nsaca hus :i()0( mom sheep in the Surprise val- iley which he offers to sell for 'J.') cciiIk a lieml, the buyer to tuke the chance of uellinu' the animals out of the country. LONG-DISTANCE WIRELESS RECORD IS SHATTERED WAM,A WAI.I.A. Wash.. Feb. I When Frank Moore heard Honolulu mill Point loum. the iiuismii'c boiiij.' simply. "Do you (,'ct moT 11 it niua tour loiiK-ilistanee wireless record for receivinir a wireloss was estab lished hero. The local commercial .station fail ed to hear Honolulu, but henrd Point I.oina call Honolulu. In mi air linn Honolulu is about 121 00 miles from Walla Walln. Moore V wireless aoparatits nlso received the Point I.oina iiicsmiko This is 11 world's loui;-ditunce on tindy overluiid record for mi niua tettr. Point I.omu is 1100 miles from heiv. This message wa heard difi tinctly nl hoth stations nnd wus, "How do you hear me loiuuhl f " " Real Estate Transfers. O. KoitRor to It. II. Toft, lot 1 and :t, block 1, Kind's ad dlt Ion to .Medfonl 1 C. II, lloxlu to II. F. .Mulkuy, land In section 1, towntihlp 37, rniiKO 4 W 1 C. F. Tllton to John A. NoIhou, laud In AHhlaiid 10 Id-nest Itlchtor lo W. II. Hum phroy, I acrofl ttt Mlnipin HubdlvlHlou to Modford .... 0000 II. W. Androwfl to Ooorgo IiituuHpnch, nr acroa In town Hlili 37 anil 3S, raiiKo 2 W 5500 II. Humphrey to 13. draco Ply inalo, lot 5, block 2, Wllleko aildttloti to Medford 250 P. II. O'Noll to W, P, Wood, part block 0, Galloway mldl tlon to Modrord 500 C. I). Brock to Miles S, Wnko man, laud In aoctlou t(l, town ship 30, rmiKO 1 W 150 444444444441-4-44444 FOR SALE. 44444-444 4 44444444 FOR" SALK 75 nores host fruit iaml tn north ond of vnlloy; 4 mlloa from railroad; 1-2 mllo front school: nhoiit 15 acros cleared; somo fruit In bcarluK; IrrlKntlnc ditch runa through middle of It; plonty of wa ter; with house, ham, woll and spring nnd 1000 cords of wcsid on It; a No, t road all directions; $4500 por acre; buy of owner. Son Colo mnn at clga rfnetory, 268 FOit 8A I M Now'cojtcrot o'iilock Tna chluo, cheap. Box 023 Modford, 280 FOR HAM3 atrawlizorry plants, val loy grown, host varieties, fair prloes. Box 8G, Modford, or telephone Farm er 1309, Jacksonville exchange. 4-4 ----- - - - - FOR SALE. 4444444 4 .4 44 FOR SALH -Choap, a nw strictly modern !)-room house. In good. lo cation. Ownor .iuctH to loavo city. Box ;07, Mrdford. 275 FOR SALE 5 and 10-ncre Kuot just within ami adjoining city lim its, at a bargain, 011 6 annual pay inui tH.IjlTosB P. O Box 418. ' FOR SALK Oak, fir unit pine cord wood, l'i urvl 10-inch; also dry rail wood; dry pitch for kindling. Phone order to Alain 4201. FOR SAL1? Young orchard in benr in. Mnt Calhoun, Phoenix. Or. FOR BALK Two 20-acrc tracts, cholco land, 1 1-1 miles northwest of Cootral Point. Address W. J. Harvey. R. F. I). No. 1, Central Point. Or. 274 FOR SALK- 1 r. acres of choice land close to the famous Helms orchard; SI acres cultivated, with water right; special low prlc for 30 days. About 45 acres, ranch, flvo miles front Ashland; 150 acres cultivated; 3A4 acres can be cultivated; 2 large barns, small house, running water, 2 springs, cent vela runs through the land; price for 3 if iaya $35 per aero; plenty ef free range for stock; terms. St acres 7 miles south of Ash land en ntnln highway; tine 9-room house, large barn, some water for Irrigation, soda spring on place, a beautiful country nome; a hargaln If sold wlthla 30 days. Call or address F. G. McWIIllams, real estnte nnd mines, Ashland, Or. 288 FOR SALK Dry wood for snlo on th stump by Rogue River Orchard Co. at Merlin, Or. 3000 acres now being clenrod, For particulars write S. W. Williamson, Secretary. FOR SALE--Cboico business proper ty nt 11 bargain, on long time; easy term jV'll'ejjB P O RoxjtlR FOR SALE Cheap, homcVtoad relin quishment on railroad, good spring, saw tlmhor and wood; will soil or trade for lot In Modford, Address T, caro Trlbuno. 278 FO"RlMLtf Now" porta bio t onFhouse 12x22, Fly and furnishings. Suit able dwelling grounds. Inquire at promises, 210 Olson st. 270 FOR SAL14 Soate good pieces of sec ond hand household fitrnlturo for sale cheap. Call on Wm. SUtcey, 4 02 Uoardman street, North Med ford. FOR SALE -Lot 514 x 140, with house 24x30, 1412 West Main wt. Inquire of Arthnr II. Davis at plnco of business, 211 West Main stteot 275. FO It" S A LB SO acros" 3 mffos Boiith of Modford on Phoenix rond; Im proved; 12 acros bottom lnnd; r amen fair nrchurd; 4 ncroR alfalfa; 20 acrcH In cultivation. J. S. Vnndorf, Phoontx, FOR 8ALB--IArl7odTdry woml, 12 and 1 it-Inch, come to 417 Oakdalo or phono to 491. Ordors promptly filled. 276 FOR SALE This woolf only," 6 very largo lots, $10 cash nnd $5 month ly; will advance 50 per cont In 0 months sure. Also one Vory largo lot, east front, on Central nventto, North, near Jackson st.; n bargain for cash. Humphrey, Kin East Main stroot. Phono 1 15, 276 FOR. SALE Somo good plocos of fruit Innd for snlo cheap, Address S, caro of this off Ico. 262 F"6r SALE" "Sonio soroh'd-hanil stool tire biiKKlos, urroyn. hacks and wagons, mowing machluo, rnko- and harness. Address Ferguson & Murrny, Central Point. Or. 274 FOR STL!! Almost new house,' good well, woodshed, 4 lots, plonty of room for 3 now houses, close In; biggest snap la Medford at $2000, Inquire at North Pine Street Gro cery. 274 - - 444444444444--44444 FOR SALE. 444 444444 4t-4-444 FOR SALK OR EXCHANOK Hotel in Sweet, Idaho, for Medford prop erty, either town or farm Innd; val uation .$0000. Address William Woody, Sweet, Idaho. 278 FOR SALIC A nonrly now, three Inch wngoii, complete. Address Box 724. Medford, Or. 285 FOR SALK--Ninety acros, 30 In one yoar old npplo and pear treos, 100 Inches of wator, 2 1-2 miles from railroad station. For terms write "Ovucr." caro Mall Tribune. 201 FOR SALE 5 acres of good fruit or berry land, one-quartor mllo from railroad station. Address C, cure 1 Mall Tribune. 278 t t ' f4444444f4444--4--44- I WANTED. i44444444t444 ' WANTED A Idny solicitor to sell . eleotric heating, cooking and Iight t ing devices. Apply at tfee Condon I Water and Power Co. WANTED Experienced iptarry man. Address P. O. Box -118, Medford. Or. WA.NTKlT Plain sowing, Prleren Konable. Inquire 502 South King at. 27C WANTED To Borrow rnonoy on farm near Rogue River. Good prop osition. Address "Wm" care ot this office. 276 W A NT El 7 Young man desires board In private family. Will keep paid In advance. Address P. O. Box 206. 276 WANTED Gentlo driving mare; must weigh not less than 1100 and price reasonable. See W, at Mail Tribune office. WANTED--A good Jnpanoae cook and for general housework. Apply 906 West MabX; WANTEDTeam, 1300 to 1500 pounds, well broken nnd mated; mures preferred. 1 1-2 miles south of town on Ashland road. W. G. Gordon. 275 WANTED 1 Ifnvo front $2500 to o000 to Invest In n good foothill tract; owners only answer; give full description and location. Ad dresa "H," c-i.0 Mall Trlbuno. WANTED -FivoTrTlxoarders."Call at No. 117 Front street. 276 WANTED i'o; Itlon as Btonographor or any kind of offleo work. Ad dress 878 Medford. 278 WANTED To rent, 2 or 3 rooms, furnished or unfurnished, closo In; must bo good. Phono to 1651 or ad dress I, euro Tribune. 27S WANTED Pntituro for horso for about throo months, Address 157, Medford, Or. 274 W NTE D To "rent 4 of 5-room. 1101180, cloco In. Address X, enro Trlbuno. 278 WANTED--5000 to 10,000 acres cholco laud In Rogue River valley for nn litigation project , whoro price of land and securing water would not he prohibitive), between Central Point and vicinity of Ash Intnl. from owners direct In writ ing; no agents, James II, Crandoll, Medford, Oregon, 276 14-444444 4 4 4444444 FOR RENT. 1444444444444444444 FOR RENT Furnished rooms with board. No 10 North Grape street. i j FOR RENT Partly furnished house with bath, ate, 3 blocks from Muln, I $30 por month. Inqulro 240 So. firnpo or phono 4172. FOR RENT 2 r(mtn'7tiTtol)firioin)rn rooms for light houoo kooplng, Mrs. Joe Thomns, 222 South Holly st. FUUTuoNT Houso, all furnished, 6 rooms; electric light, tolephono, hnrn, woll, city wntor, largo lot and gardon, $35; louso for ono year. J, H, Payette. 279 444444444 444 4 4444 FOR RENT. 44444444 444444444 FOR RKNT Three partly furnished rooms for rent. 510 North Rlvnrsldo nve. FOR RBNT And farnlture lor sale, 8-room house, No. 3 Fourth, corner P-ront. 32 rOW" KENT Modern furnished rooms at C04 West 10th or 124 King street. fW-RKNT Oniyhotel In town ot 1000 population. Call at Condor Water fc Powor Ce 209 West Main at root. FOR RRNT -Modern furnished rooms. "The Polms." 274 FOR RBNT Farms, frem 40 acres upward, suitable for fruit, alfalfa, stock or general farming. Inquire at offtco Condor Water k. Power com pany, 209 W. Main street. TOKnT?NTTraclH of land from one to forty acres; with water for irrigation, auitable for raising po tatoes und garden truck, also suit able for chicken and turkey raising. Owner will furnish a reasonable amount of lumber nnd poultry und other fencing for improvements if lessee perform labor of erecting same. Call nt office of Condon Water and Power compnny for par ticulars. -4-444444 44-444444 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 44444-4444444444--44 Tea and Coffee Houses. GRAND UNION TEA CO. Any va riety of tea or coffee grown can be had from their agent, S. Kemp thomc, 237 Riverside avenue. Phone 3871. Tickets given with every purchase. ; Restaurants. CHOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDI CINES will cure rheumatism, asth ma, paralysis, sores and private dis eases. These remeaies may be pro cured at lhe store of Wah Chang on A street, Afjtland, Oregon, where they will be sold by the proprietor, Chow Tonng. . Tin Shops. J. A. SMITH Tin shop. Tin and shcettron ware on hand and made to order. 128 North G street. Attorneys. WITHINGTON & KELLY Lawyers. Palm Bnildiag. PORTER J. NEFF Attorney-at-lnw. No. 9 D street,, ground floor. COLYIG & REAMES XT. M. Col vig, C. L. Reatnes. Lawyers. Of fieo Medford National Bank Build ing, second floor. B. F. MTJLKEY Attorney-nt-Law, ffiees Room 30, Jackson County Batik Building, Medford. Transfer and DrayapA H. S. BRUMBLE Brnyago and transfer. Baggaee stored. Office C nnd Seventh. Real Estate. BENSON INVESTMENT CO. Real Estate, Loans nnd Fire Insurance Office, snito 205-206, over Fruit growe rs' Bank. Phone f41. ADAMS & BRIGGS O. Adnms. C. P. Briggs. real estate, insurance, farm nnd city proporty, timber. Butte Falls. Or. Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. hns the best equipped job offico in South ern Oregon; Portland prices. "7 South Central nve. Opticians. DR. GOBLE The only exclusive op tician betweon Portland and Sne rnmcnto. Office on Wost Main Bt. and railroad. Brick Companies. G. W. Priddy. ,1. T. O'Brien. O. D. Naglo. THE MEDFORD BRICK CO. Brick manufacturers nnd contractors; also time, commit and plnstor in anv quantity. Offico, Medford National Bank bldg. Phono Main 545. Undertakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day phone 351. Night Phones: C. W. Conklin 3C01, J. II Butler 3571. Photonraplters. MACKEY'S STUDIO "Pose with Mncko.v and dio with joy." Over Al lon & Rongnn's store; entrance o.n Soventh street. Stcnonraphcrs. FLLA iM. GAUNYAW Palm blook. Stenogrnphto work" dono quickly and woll. Hospitals. SOUTHERN OREGON IIOSPITAL 344 South C St., Modford, Or. E. W. nisoy, Matron. Official hospi tnl P. & E. R. R. Dentists. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOC, Dentist -Offico in rooms 203-204, Fanners' & Fruitgrowers' bank building, west f the trade. 4-44444444444444444 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 4-44444444 44 444444r Piano Instruction. HARMONY, sight reading, musical .form. Mrs. E. E. Gore, Metropolitan College of Music. Miss Flora Gray. Studios, 144 South Central avonne. Phone 403. Civil Engineers. WILL take by contract, on reason able tonne, afl kinds of work; also irrigating, planting and calrivating, etc. Landscape gardening. First closa references. William Peters, Civil Engineer, Phone 1801, 322 E. Main street, Medford, Or. Bill Pasters. VERNE T. CANON Bill Poster and Distributor. AH orders promptly filled. Room 7, Jackson County Bank Building, Medford, Or. Billiard Parlors. S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gnrs and Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Young & Hall building. A nice coo' jilace to spend the hot afternoons. Architects. J. K. A. BILES Architect und Builder. P. O. Box 480, Medford. Or. Your building respectfully so licited. Furniture. II. F. WILSON &, CO., dealets in new nnd second-hnnd furniture and hardware. Agents for Mound City kitchen cnbinet. 323 E. Seventh st. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th nnd Holly sts., Medford. Mission Furniture made to order. Cabinet work of nil kinds. A trial order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cook Stoves and Ranges. New and Second-Hand Furniture. Ends' old stand, 18 W. F st. South. Phone 91, Medford, Or. Nurseries. QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees arc budded, not grafted. Our stock is not irrigated. .We gunrnntee av erything put out. We are not in the tmst. II. B. Patterson, office ia Hotel Nash. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSWtY Growers of high-grade anrsery stock. C. F. Cook, Prop. R. R. V. depot P. O. Box 841. Phons 1281, Medford. Carriage and Auto Palfittof. VALLEY -SIGN AND CARRIAGE WORKS High-class work guaran teed. Signs. Riverside avonne. Phone 801. Cement Workers. B. J. ADYLOTT All work guaran teed strictly first-class. Residence No. 406 Beatty street. A card will bring me to you. MUSIC. MRS. E. E. GORE Piano instruction Metropolitan College of Music. Miss Flora Gray. Pkne 493. 144 South Central avenne. Building and Loan Association JACKSON COUNTY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 0. C. Boggs, Acting Secretary, 128 Enst Mnin street. Carpenters and Builders. A. D. JOHNS. Contractor and Build er 225 Riverside avenue. Phone 2471. F. E. HILL Will furnish plans and list of all timber io bo put in bm'.d ing. Medford, Or W. G. HOLMES Contractor and builder; plans nnd estimates furn ished. Inquire Star restaurant or address Box 818. Physicians and Surgeons. R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposite Jackson County bank. Night calls promptly nnsworod. Office and resi dent phono Main 3432. S. A. LOCKWOOD, M. D. "MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Offices in Haskins' building. Phono Mixiii10pl. CONROY & CLANCY Dffice in Stewart Building Physicians nnd Surgeons. Offico phono Main 341; Jirivato Jiltono Main 612. S. R. SEELY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Modern equipped operat ing rooms. X-Ray. Offico hours: 10-12, 2-4 p. m. Office in Jackson County Bank Building. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Ostoopathio Physicians. Mission Block. Phono 201. Modford. CALL ON DR. E. J. BONNER, Eve spoeialist, when others fail. Offico in Englo Pharmnoy. Mnin 233. East Main nenr D'Anjou. Cinars and Tohnrrns. IRELAND & ANTLE Smoke House. doalors in tohaooo, cigars and smok ers' supplies. 'Exclusive agents of Lewis Single Binder, El Merito and El Palenoin. 212 West Main street. Messenger, Service. MESSENGER SBKVIOR Messoh- Ho 11 rnisaoa at all hours of day and till 9 p. m. to any part ot elty. from 10c to 25c. PhoKe M!n 1813