Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 04, 1910, Image 1

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Medford Mail
No. 274.
kJ 1 it 1 JuiJ
Japan Could Land 100,000 Veteran i
Troops on Coast In Three Weeks,'
'and Uncle Snm Could Not Say
Them Nay.
learned that the report of the K.-rioral
atnff of tln army wl: wlnt that tho
United Htntr Ik totnllv unprepared j inloroU is centering in the struggle t
for war at tliv prsent tlnn. mid tliutfur territory f Boiitlicni Oregon j
our elaborate const defense offoni'llt-1 and Northern California, ami uifor-
tlo security because of th ecountry's mutton obtained tion good author-
. dofonreleKunoM nglnt land attacks, jty today here loads to the belief that
Tho report, which Kioii Is to In tremendous huuik of tninc wiil bo,
submitted, In tho result of au Invea-Jojcpoudftd Jiy all three concerns dnr-
tlgntluu upon which Its authorH have
been working fur two years.
Will Sucki'M Plan.
It In understood that It will wl
forth a couiparallvo plan for reor
' KiutUntlnu of tl army with proper
ly proportloin'd and effective fighting
machine ah tho object In vlow.
' Ono of tho loading official of tho
administration In .HwuiMiiIng tin) ul
Joct pointed out some of our weak
iiohi.oh. I lt declared that nur posl
Hon an a world power really ban wn,
assumed and thnt Its cotitlnuauco do-1
ponds upon tho acuuloBi onto of for
nlcn cabinets and th" n-ornnnlrntlon
of Him army ho thnt tt can ho inoill
trod to defend our const from land
Hti.ndliig .triny Too Small.
Ill . - , . . ...t.ll. inl.l ,.1 tho report of H,o general ,
staff, sots forth thnt tho P.nt.
, , ..... tt ia.,1!.
not strong enough to prevent a for- "0 l" l, . Wdlo.s of s to
clgn foe from capturing our -tronn-''" ' '!,,U,M "'""
est const eltlMi
It would tako nix months to oven
prepare t" ropol fornl?n Inva.leri, It Is
said. Following nro tho arguments to
ho pot forth:
TaMiu Could Iind.
Japan could land lOO.Ono veteran
tronps on tho Pacific const within
thro weeks nnd. could put douhlo
that nunihor upon Amorlenn foil with
in ton dnyn more.
In two weeks (lormany routd plnru
a trained army of 200,000 upon tho
Atlantic const of the United states,
Onco Introduced In our const cities,
a forolBn army of 150,000 veterans
rould hold out Indefinitely nKnlnntol, ponVtf.
nvo timcfl iiiih numuer 01 Amoricnu
troopn, It lit contended.
Navy InntleqiiaU'.
It In ticilnted out that tho liinv ls
largoly dt'ondcd upon for coast do
fonso, hut thnt It. oat. defend only
one const, nt a time nnd under prosont
conditions It would ho lnpotdhl tn
proillot which const might ho attnok-
. Also It In urged th navy in essen
tially nn uhhiohrIvo weapon au.l
should not bo led up for coast de
fense, heca'uso nn Invader, unmolest
ed, might rapt tiro our luiilar uijh
nosRlons and then tid oiiiIshhi-Iois to
sign a peace pnet.
l)lHHii(Nfi(;(loii fu Army,
It Is n well known fact Hint thorn
! cnnnldornhlo dissatisfaction on tho
part of officers In certain branoliOH
'of tho army, who contend that tho
urmy hns not boon given propor nt-
tontlon In recent yoai-H In tho mat
tor of appropriations,
Some officials hnro nro Inclined to
hnllovo thnt tlm talk of diinpor to our
musts Is pnrhnps In porno degmo the
work of agitators lopiosonllnir these
fnellons of thn army, who donlro to
gnln largo npproprlntlnns. Tho gon
ornl staff, howovor, hns hnd Hio nint
i tor under serious consideration for
somo tlmo, nnd when their roport Is
submitted It Is roportod that lt will
' bo nn official document thnt will car
' ry much weight, nnd rocolve the most
' le'rlous attention.
Hill, Harrlman and Gould Interests
-Give Promlse'of Flnhtlnrj Fiercely
Over Southern Oregon During the
Coming Year.
SAN FRANCISCO. Cnl., Feb. 4.--
h'he triangular railroad warfare ho -
twcmi the Hill, llnrrimnn ami Onnld
ing the next summer in tho efforts
ol enoh to jjaiii n load over its riv- has boon completed. With tho opon
i.Ih. itiir of HiiriiiL' eo that irradinc can bo
it i imdonttood that tho Soullicrn ,
I'acifio has already completed plans j
lor uMoiiNiniiti Hint will cost it
000,000 In Western Nevada, North-
oni t'nlifoniia and in Oregon. This
nnuouitccmi'ul. followiui: the plnn-'
t'uK of an iiKreeiuont by which the
Hill nnd llarriniaii interests have
nrruiiKcd to occupy jointly the nar
row Korx vof tlio Doschutos river,
means that it is now no open race
for the opening of new territory.
IK"ohiite War.
Foe nm li v . lilimv rnmllia ,1m tim...
Klo between Hill 'and llnrrimnn fori
IM,,soKion of the JWhutoa cauvon, ,
whieb control tho from the ,
Columbia river torriUiry into a vast
nH '."l1 of 0r-Vn'.!l"K ,," "
"11 "'Ht tho Southern Pncilie be-.
tiouthwnrd into California and to ex
tend the Hnrlinjilon road westward
from Wyominp to a junrtion with hi,
system somowhorc in this stnto.
5ouht a p'netor.
Tb completion of Oould's AVcst
oni Pncific thrmiKh Nevada into
NortliOnl rnlironiin, down Jo Snu
Francisco, which soon will He in act
ual oporation, is one of the most im
portant factors in tho present situ
It is oxpcoto.i that tho Western Pa.
oifio very soon will bo running' ",0 housekeeper m tho present tiu
throiiL'b trnms nnd will I... In n..!,!,,! ' nncinl crisis brought nhout in the
competition for transcontinental !
traffic throiioh it o.iiiiuu.d'rtnc nu
A Southern Pacific of- i
fioial hero mail., tho intorestii.ff
stntomont that Thomim fl. Walker. L
I the Inmbor kinr. donn not own tli. !
Fredmn'n Pmhh. M-hiidi iu lb..
tho npproaoh from Oregon into the, vmt uwo J"st ,,s '0(1 iW n lollnr
r .. - . 'at tin I- Willi itm ...l.i:.... ..A ....
encrnmento vnlloy. Wnluor has nn-
notinccd several limes ;hut ho pitr-
elinsed lliln li-noL ami tha htA,.,i
Mint ho does not now own it cauRe.l ' ll,!0 """"K1" B0("l iionrishing so ip
a flullor of surprise in railroad ir.for f"l- Then, afler the
oics. It was pointed out, houver.
thnt oven if ho did own it, tho rail -
rond niighl possibly make use of i
1 , .'.
uirnugn ennnemna ion nroceed iils.
ino iiarrininn project, winoh hns
been surveved, and which if is un
dorstoo.1 will ho slarlcd very soon,
inphulcR 00 miles of rnad lo ho called
llm Cnlifornia Northeaslcrn, lr0
miles fo ho called thn Oregon Ensl-
'111. . . . . .
crn, 80 mlloR called tho M'odoo North.
cm, IfiO miles called tho Goose T,nkol!'
Sonlhorn 111111' VJ0
Fornloy & Lnrsen.
miles called tho
SANTA ROSA. Cnl.. Fob. I.-Wil-
lord Thoinns nnd his wife, Mary Ohio
Thnnms, nro under indictment chnrg-
od with the murder of then' Infant 11
few hours after its hhlh on Decem
ber 18, non.
When Thomas was ohnrgnd with
tho crime by District Attorney Lon
ho is alleged lo have admitted it. T,n
tor, nciuirdinir to (ho officer, lie ne-
it".i.,( h-' vile of complicity,
Dirt Flics Fast on Pacific & Eastern
-Right of Way Will Be Entirely
Cleared .to Butte Falls by Febru
ary 20 Bad Weather Delays.
Over 701) men are now at work on
1 tho noifio & Fasteni mid constrtio-
tioii work is going ahead more ran
idly tlinn nt any previous time. More
men ore buinj added to the In rue
number already engaged daily, tfnd
when tho spring really opmiH fully
3000 men will bo at work.
Tho right of way, at far us Uutte
Falls, will bo entirely cleared by Fob-
ruary 20, and much of tho rock work
done moro advaiitnuoouKly, tho work
will omvo alonj; much faster,
Thnjtichout tho winter, which lin
been mi iiniiHtial one, difficulty haH
boon experiencod in obtaining; men to
curry on thu work. Hetter woathur
moans it will bo much unMcr to ob-
tulu lubor.
Somo time in May it in expected
that tho mad will Lave Iron complet
ed to Uutte Falls. Amu from in
creased busiucMH, this moans much
to residents, of the valley, who in tin
hour or two can reach a fnvonte
emvmu pwin. Husmess men will
n i"''ll to MH'iid Sunday m
H,'n lutt? W1,,h t.1,"'r f,,mi',w'
still attend to bu-iues in Medfor.l
Says Ten-Cent Soup Bone Will Fla
vor Half Bushel of Spuds, But
All Lies In the Cooking.
Tho advice of Dr. Harvoy W. Wiloy.
:ohiof of tho f chomistry, lo
nm'1' Prs hy tho high cost of li
" abstain from worry and
uu" "vorytning sue hns boon buying
on V not 60 mun of it.
A l-,rt soup bono will flavor
I,n,t ft 0,1H"01 r potatoes," said Hr.
Wiloy todny, "nnd will, if cooked
"1' i "-
,nn' n Clirrrtt ,um1 n Hln' ' Vnroy
hnt soup bone can bo mnd to pr
I "'L1' mivn a mum ino niuu
!'1'"' ''"'I lt ,1ow11 tho ,i,l1 vi,h
Ul mon, Tlll, J'011''! v n 'p
' rincM tvlitnli P IKKIn ...!M l.
v """ .
fit to sot boforo the president.
canned goons ol all kinds
oheapor than over before in our hi
Jory. Prices of pons hnvo not risen
in prico nnd make tho food for m.m,
Wheat flour nt the price it is nw
selling is tho cheapest food that c m
,,0.""'' aml oor 'ma not chuii,"d
in in ice uir 1110 inst ten years,
"If thn Amorionn cook would Vtmly
tho methods of tho French cook who
uses up nil tho loft-ovois,' you would
not hoar so much about tho increas
ed cost of living."
Body Fount! and Lost.
(j SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Feb. I. -Tho
body of n woman, uceidenltdly
found yesterday and lost again, is
boing sought todny by Coronor Snw
yor of San Rafaol, according; to 11
message roceivod at local jiolioo
The remains wore found yusffxduy
h two youths of San FruiNco
Landscape Gardener Has Already
Surveyed Land and Is Preparing
Plans Will Undoubtedly Stand
Two Blocks North, as Was Pro
posed. Ttw hlof engineer of tho Southern
I'iidfic In Portland luio wined A. H.
Itietilinuni, I oral apent, to inU'ivt
I'Kt'.l cciiitracloni in building the new
hu(Jii'ati I'.irlfit: p4Ksi(;cr uKit.
t hus local int-y will pet chance at
the work.
Work on tho new $40,000 passen
ger depot of tho Southern Pacific
company is to bo started immediate
ly, according to un announcement
modo by officials of that company
on Thursday in this city. In fact,
the wek of planning the parking of
the right of wuy being already under
v.ay, J. A. Gilbertbon, the landscape
gardener of Ashland, spending
Thursday in Medford looking over
the grounds. That tho depot is to
stand two blocks north is assured by
tie fact that Mr. Gilbertson is work
ing on that presumption.
On Thursday afternoon u largo
party of Southern Pacific officials
were in Medford on their annual tour
of inspection. The party included
M. J. Buckley, general superintend
ent; L. It. Fields, superintendent; T.
W. Younger, assistant superintend
ent; C. C. Blood, assistant superin
tendent; J. M. Seott, assistant gen
eral passenger agent; J. F. Mycr, car
service agent; Messrs. Miller and
Hughes, roadmastcrs, and W. II.
Jenkins, traveling passenger ugeut.
While these officials did not make
any positivo statement as to tho lo
I cation of the new depot, they evi
dently assumed that the depot was
to ho located two blocks north.
I Work is to start in tho immediate
iuiuro. uamonng ut material is
uow under way.
Mr. Gilbertsoii, landscape garden
er, is planning & splendid arrange
ment for the parking of tho right of
way through tho city, which will be
n great improvement.
n . Ait .i
Luscious Oranges and Juicy Grapes
Grown In California Make Jur
ors Hungry in Land Case.
PORT1.AND, Or., Feb. 4. Lus
cious oranges nnd juicy grapiss
grown under tho skies of Southern
California and a trip iu a special
enr whetted tho appetites and tho
imaginations of tho jury listenm
to the trial of tho Ringer Hermann
Jlluo Mountain conspiracy case to
day, But tho grapos nud tho oranges
had long since been oaten nnd the
oar hnd-long sinco boon rid don in by
Henunun. Onjy lettors nnd testi
mony, mostly vory dry nnd uninter
esting, told of the plonsnrcs of other
Tho letters wore written to P. Fal
lon, forest superintendent of Califor
nia in 3(102, thnnking him for tho
presents of choice fruit sent to tho
commissioner in Washington. They
wore put iu to add another link to
tho contention of Prosecutor Honey
thnt nermann know Allen's hribory
oaso nnd must hnvo hnd his attention
ospocinlly interested when tho Hol-
singor roport on tho nydo-Rcnson
frauds, chnrging Alien with having
bribod, onmo bofore him. The enr
trip come in to assist in tho refresh
ment, ( llciii i.i' incntiirv n viil-
Attention of Postal Authorities is Galled to Circular
Letters Sent Out Advertising Sutherlin Land
Claiming for That SeGtion LoGai Records
The attention of tho postal au
thorities has lecn called to the
fraudulent letters sent out by agents
handling landB in the Sutherlin val
ley in an endeavor to put an end to
tbo fake advertisements. If tho pos
tal authorities take tho mutter up it
will not be long before an end is put
to tho circulating of these "state
ments of facts" in which Rogue
River valley fruit records are claim
ed for Sntherlin.
Two of Opposition Are Arrested
Charned With Sedition
Diaz Certain ef Re-
' election. i
MEXICO CITY. Mex., Feb. 4. A
furore has developed throughout the
country today ati tho result" ar
rest and Imprisonment of Samuel
Muntoras. tho leader of the opponent
to the ro-elcctlon of Vice-President
Corral and the imprisonment of Unr
ein CVwleva, an orator for the uVuio-
oratiu party, which opposes the
election of Dlar and Corral.
Tbo press Is bitter In its criticism
of the action, calling attention to the
stntoment of Dlar that ho was glad
to see tho people exorcising constl
tltutlonal rights.
Chnxgl TPithe Sedition.
Both men are charged with sedi
tion. The re-election of Diaz is favored
by a great number of citizens, and It
Is believed that there would be little
or no doubt about it.
Corral, however, Is unpopular, an.'
there Is n strong sentlmeut about him.
The campaign was proceeding with a
semblance of freedom of speech and
action which was praised by the lib
eral press.
Tho arrest of the two nntl-Corrnl
lendorB and their incarceration came
as a rnthor sudden shook and has
tcrved to embitter moro than ever
tho opponents of tho tilnz govern
ment. ItetaiN Not Given.
The details of the charges ngHinm
the politicians were not given out,
but lt Is gonorally believed that their
alleged "sedition" will bo contmled
upon tho complaint that they attack
ed the methods of the administration
under Dint.
As the two mon wore opo nlu their
political raovos and, wore taking their
action publicly In tho campaign, tho
charge caused gret surprUe
If they were engaged In nny plot.
tholr friends said today, they did not
confldo their purposes to anyone,
Montoras nnd Cndonn aro bolng call
cd patriots and martyrs by the lib
erals nnd such open condemnation of
nn act of tho government has seldom
boon heard during the Iron rulo of
N". G. Rates, until recently employ
ed in Whisonnnt's harbor shop in this
city, hns purchased tho shop in the
Oregon hotel nt Ashland.
ing a trip ho mndo to Fresno to in
spect oilfields there, upon whiah oc
casion he wns mat by the oil men in
n special car nndtnkon to tho fields.
This evidonoo was also gloaned to
show thnt Hermann had paid par
ticular nttention to tho ohnrges mndo
th, Mo'.ipnot I'i'itci'ii.
The matter was recently referred
to in tho editorial columns of tha
Mail Tribune, and since that timo h&st
been ' a subject of discussion,
throughout the valley, and tho wild
cat methods resorted to by the land
agents is condemned.
The agents claim all of tho higlf
records made by Rogue River, in
cluding that of Hillcrest of $10.08 a.
box for Cornice, $2250 of Bear Creek
for d'Anjous nnd others equally wui
Hurje Canal Planned to Carry Sur
plus Waters of Seine In Future
Canal Will Encircle
J .; ' Entire City.
. PARIS, Feb. A bill to, provide
an appropriation or JlS.000,000 for
the coastractlori of a canal south of
tho Paris fortifications to carry oft
futuro overflows of the Seine was ii-
troduced today in the chamber of dep
uties. The original plan proposed hy en-
1-lneorR wnc fnr tli nnRtrnHnn nt b
liarce ennal to enetrelo Pnrla an.-! Its
" " w"
118,000,000 TO
tinvlr0UB In order to gliard f
future inundations, lt Is believed nr w
however, that a cam. I o the so . r
the city will be sufficient protection
from further flood damage.
RfttAL I Wu I
Conditions in Parts Flood DUt.
Rapidly Improving Bastile
Is Closed.
PARIS, Feb. 4.-Tho Seine con
tinues its steady roottesion today,
and it was predicted by the fluviut
deporamtuu that it would roach it
normal level within 11 weok.
Conditions throughout tho district
stricken by tho flood were geiionill.
improved today nnd tho work of mm
istering to tho homeless and htingrj
was greatly facilitated.
The July column in tho bastilo wo.
closed to tho public, this aftornoor.
Mnny of tho great stonos sealing the
tombs under the monument v
found to hnvo been loosened by thu
notion of tho water, nnd tho author
ities ordered the public burred uti,:l
thoy can he replncod.
CHICAGO, Feb. 4.-The statement
by Charles h. Warrluor, convicted
treasurer of tho Dig Four rnllroai.,
that ho paid Kdgar S. Cooke of this
city a monthly sum for promise not
to reveal Warrlnei's thievery, wtu
tenned a "Joko" todny by Cooke.
Cooko, who wns treasurer of the
company before Wurrlner wns accus
ed on tho witness stand of receiv
ing moro than $100,000 from him. for
Cooke, howover, declared thnt tr
statemonts of Warrlnor nppcarod to
bo those of a recklcaa man wfl" hnf.
J iiuih!nvr to imirt.