Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 03, 1910, Image 1

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    rwjon Historical 8oc8ly
City Hail
Medford I
No. 273.
Will Ask Injunction Restraining Call
log of Special ElectionSays He
Is Prepared to Carry Matter to
Supreme Court Is Only Move to
Shut Off City Improvements.
Mayor II. N, Hnoll of Anhlnud,
whoso recall nt being nuked by bouio
230 petitioners fur tliu hciiioiiH crime
of being n progressive oltUon und of
ficial, spout Thursday in Mi-J ford on
bis way to Jacksonville to moot IiIh
nttornoy, A. E. Konmort, ami prepare
to go into court asking an injunction
to roHtrnin tho olty officials from
ordering a Hpoalal election for the
purpoHo of recalling lilui. Tint mat
ter trill bo carried to tho supreme
court, if uuct'HHary, Mayor Knoll ask
ing nothing hotter than to bo fared in
Is Progrwmlve.
Tho movo to recall Mayor HiihII
crew out of bin coiibtant uffortH
along progressive lines to secure
civic improvements for Ashlnnd. Ho
has ht'i'ti opxihil oti all xiilc-. and
vrbon he was successful in each in-
(Conltnuxl on pa J.)
Fully 500 Attend Banquet of Com
merclal club Celebrating Passln
of 400 Membership Mark Many
Attend From Medford A Mos
Pleasing Time Is Had.
Fully fivo hundred men and wo
men nut down to bountifully laden
tables in the assembly hall of the
new nntntorium at AhIiIiiimI WcdncH-
day at tho annual banquet of the
Ashland Commercial club, eelobrnt-
ng the panning of tho -100 mark in
Commercial club membership. The
tables wero tastefully decorated will
cut flowers, a choice menu wuh horv
ed, delightful miiHic won rendered by
the Ashland band and orators cuter
tnined with patriotic upeechcH. Men
tion of the proposed new state of
Sinkiyou brought forth great up
It wuh the largest affair of the
kind yet ntleuipted in .Southern Ore
gou, and its success HpeakK volumes
fr the cnterpriho and energy of the
Ashland Commercial club. Judge (!.
H. WatKon, president of the Hub, pre;
(goniinuta on ins o.i
Two Members of Pillaging Band Killed by Police When Found Looting
House In Flood District Several Clashes Between
Soldiers and Looters Reported.
PAKIS, Feb. 3. Two members of
n gang of pillagers wero idiot and
killed by tho police, who discovered
thorn looting an abaiidoucd house in
the flood district.
Tho officorH pursued the looters
to the banks of the river, firing when
they attempted to escape. The bod
ies of tho looters were lout beneath
tho thin ico that skims tho face of
the Soino.
At St. Cloud tho police entered
into a miming tight with a mob that
wuh trying to lynch several pillng
ors. Tho thieves were rescued and
tho mob disporsed.
A jiolice Hergennt was severely
wounded at Courbcvoio sltortly af
ter noon in n battle with river pir
ates, none of whom was captured.
Several elastic between the sol
diers and pillagers wero reported.
Ji fin Mitchell Suggtsts Features Which Should Be
Demanded In AH Mines to Prevent Such Trag
edies is Have Happened Late.
A revision of the rvjxirtii today Miomt the following total of
loss of llfw In coal mine during tho past four days: -f
Kovnuty-flvo ure dead mt the remit of the rcploftlon Jb tho Colo
ratio Fuel noil Iron coiiiuui's mlno nt Prinicro, Col. -' -f
HUty-lhivo inlncrH arc dead at La KHperunzas, Mexico, an the ro, .
suit of tho explonlon in tho I'AMlnu inhic htto yesterday.
Thirty ro known to Iks dead la tho Wliito mine nt IJrowder, Ky. -f
A total of 0110 hundred nnd sixty-three deaths, -f
And while rt'Mruo pnrtictt hits fruntlrully endeavoring to reach..
men thought to Ih) hurled nllvo lu these three mines, oUier parties -f
uro inaldux uu effort to recover the SUM) bodies In tho ill-fated Ht.
raid inlno nt Clierry, III., where over .'JOO men lost their liven late hi .
Novcmlier, lOOO.
NEW YORK. Fob. 3. John Mlt
choll, former president of the United
Mlno Workers, nnd ono of tho fore
most mluliiR uutliorltleH In the world,
today declared IiIh belief that tho
chntigontilo atmospheric condltlonK
usually prevalent nt this time of tho
year, are responsible to a large extent
for tho three sreat mine disasters in
America this week, which up to to
day havo cost tho lives of 1C8 men.
Mitchell explained that cold air en
torlnK tho workings meotn the warm
or nlr from tho depths of tho mine
and In tho contact tends to create
dangerous exploslvo gas.
"Most mine disasters, could be
averted if all the men were compelled
to servo nu apprenticeship of three
years nnd certain regulations were
strictly enforced," declnred Mitchell.
Ho suggested that tho following
features Nliuuld bo demanded under
tho strictest regulations:
Proper ventilation for tho work
Emergency escnpo shafts.
Bounding pipes, through which liq
uid food could be poured In cave of
men being entombed.
Telephone systoms which would
make it posslblo to communicate with
the lowor woi kings of a mlno after
an explosion.
Compartments built throughout the
mines In order to provide places of
retugo for imprisoned minors in case
of disaster.
With these provisions for meeting
emergencies, and with trained minors
capablo through experience and train
ing of accepting tbe responsibilities
placed upon them, Mitchell said that
a great majority of tho lives sncri'
ficcd could havo boon saved.
MEXICO CITY, Mex., Feb. 3
According to est Imp tea made today.
63 miners-lost thoir lives and between
30 and 40 wero seriously injured by
tho explosion that wrecked tho Pau
lau mlno at Los Ksperanzcs late yes
Fifty-two bodies havo been rocov
ered from tho third lovol of shaft No.
3, whero tho explosion occurred.Mles
cucrs today are exploring tho lower
levels, whero it Is feared other bodies
may be found.
Putting Things Right Toilny to Start Professor of Sociology Is So Badly
Training for His Battle With j 'Beaten That He Is Not Ex
Wolgast on February 22. pected to Live.
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 3.-Unt- CHICAGO, 111.. Feb. U.-Hecauso
tllDK Nolson wont out to Mlllofs 10 ,iuuU0(l President Tuft for dis
training quarters at Colma today nnd m'lilAult chief Forester (lifford Pin
not things In Hhnpe. Tomorrow lie will c.tot from tho forebt Ken-ice, Stnn
tnko his pnrnphornalln to tho enmp joy Flydriohowic,, former profesHor
and remain thoro until called upon to 0f j,i,i00Ky philosophy of tho
f'Bht, Uiiivormty of Vienna, is dying hero
Tho Hattlcr is moro determined jodny,
than ovor to forco Wolgant to pin uu 'n10 fomor profebsor has boon in
u fCOOO Hldo bot, und whon tho little , Aomricti for several moulliH fltudv
flghtorH meet In Promoter Mentor's jK Bociological conditions, ire'en
offlco tonight to nrrango tho flnnl (oro,i a 8lloon tp(u; ol.(ior0(i a
dotailB a warm eosslon Is promised. BinHg f ,U()r, wiiilo waiting for tho
"This boy has- bflon wining top ' bovotaigojio bogan nn .nrgninoiit on
much about our 10-round mooting in n,0 ,,0tirtn. of tho proaidont in dis
Loh Angeles," nrdd NoIhoii, "and has minning Phioliot.
stated so ofton that ho whipped mo. Flydrichowicz contended that tho
that ho Is uHtimlly boglnnlng to bo- ,rOHlont had douo wrong in oust
liovo it hliniiolf. I admitted nt tho UK Piol,ot nnd oritioined tho, ohiof
conclurJon of tho fight that ho mndo executive in a vigoroim nmnnorl
a good showing, nnd 1 still admit U.j Robert MoCall and John" Ilorold
but he didn't whip mo thou, and ho;nro nllogod to havo takon exception
Isn't going to whip mo on Wnshlng-lto tho former professor's remnrUs,
ton'u hlrthdny. , and a fight followod. Tlioy nro no-
"I'll ho rondy with' my $5000 to- oimod of boating tho prosidont's orilio
ultjlit, nad Wolgnst 111 httvo to C91110 R0 badly that ho cannot recover from
through or ucknowlmlgo liliaiiolf to , liin injurioH.
hp a four-fliifihor. If ho Ih so Riiro hO Both aro mitlor nrrost. It is al
cah'whlp mo I can noo no roueoii whyjlogotl that tlioy nttnolcod Flydrioho
ho Hliould hfoltnto to mnlto his bluff wier. with chairfl and Iciiockod him
h'ood." g to tho floor. Tito RooiologiHt wan un-
l consciouB whon tho police arrived.
Will Await Return of Mayor and J And How Ho Interpreted the Forest
Councilman Welch Bcforo Re
ceiving Attention on Part
of City Dads.
Broker to Jail.
IIOSTON, Miibh., Fob, 3.-OhnrlQH,
SAN FltANCISCO, Fob. 3 Wlillo
fl. aiimuilngB, formorly n promlnont, waiting for a huge silicon bag to bo
brokor, wna seutoncoil today to sorvo 1 como inflated with giiH so that ho
from' five tofolght yenrs In state's ' could mnlco nn nsconslon, C. A. Fnrrnr
prlHon upon couvletlon on tho chnrgo'wns ovorromo by the carbon monox
of lai cMiy r.tul ntttrlnc :rr:?d cVtxska. Ido nnd was found dead today
Klmor C. Johnson's application for
iifrnuchiso to construct a gas plant
for cooking purposes in 'tho city of
.Medford was Kidolrncked Wednesday
afternoon by tho city dads sitting .ib
a oommitteo of tho wholo, until bujIi
timo as Mayor V. II. Cation and
Counoilmnn Welch roturn from
Southern California, whero thoy arc
investigating pavements. Tho city
dads douidod to allow tho matter to
rest until it onn obtain tho attention
of tho full taomborship.
As far as can now bo doterniinedfl
liiu niattor will bo allowed to go to a
voto of tho pooplo, Mr. Johnson
ngrooing to pay all of tho costs of
a special oiootiou.
Reserve Law Attorneys Battle
Over Admission of Hitch
cock Testimony.
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Fob. 3.-- Tho
Boloction of St. Louis, Mo., today for
tho noxt meotlng place of tho Unltod
Mltio Workers of Amorlcn ondid a
tumultuous eosslon of tho4 convention
horo nt 3 o'clock this morning. Tho
clashes of tho closlnij Bosslon woro
causod by tho airing of grievances of
Individuals ngalnst officors of the va
rious unions and, although in mpet
cases tho dlsputoa ooncorned trivial
mutters i jy.., ,
POItTIVKD, Or., Feb. 3. Today
tho attornoys for tho prosecution nnd
defenso in tho trial of Binger Ilor
manu nro battling over tho introduc
tion of tho tostimony of former sec
retary of tho Interior Hitchcock, iijw
dead, or somo statements mndo by
him in that testimony givon nt Wash
ington which will still further, if ad
mittod, tend to discredit tho tosti
mony givon by Hormaim on both his
direct and cross-oxnmination.
Most of tho morning sessioif 'o-
dny wns takon up by a verbal strug
gle between Honey nnd Ilormiiuu
ovor Hermann's intorjirotntion ot tho
forost rosorvo law and tho powor of
tho prosidont to oxoludo or include
difforont soottions of privately own
ed land within tho outside bound
aries of any proposed rosorvo nt will.
Honoy prossed Hormaim for his iu
torpretation for tho meaning of the
law or of his boliof in tho powor of
tho president in establishing tho
boundaries or withdrawals by proc
lamation under tho rosorvo law in'
Hermann explained that in his he
liof a rosorvo could bo created by tho
proolamntioii of tho outsido bound
aries and tho inclusion of all public
and unclaimed land within theso
boundaries as boing within the re
serve, to tlio exclusion of all private
ly owned or claimed lauds-. In thi
Statements Called far by Comptrol
ler of Currency Shew That Depos
its Have Increased During Past
Year Over $800,000, or 46 Per
Cent Great Strides Are Made.
January, 1905
January, 1906
January, 1907
January, 1908
January, 1909
January, 1910
Increase during 1909, $602,
137. Percent Increase, .48.
-f-r-r -r
M. Bellinger, Whese Birthday Falls
on the Same Day, Tells ef Years
of Watching Actlsns of Hated
Weather Prophet Who Hits It
About as Often as He Missee.
Tho year ending January, 1909, is
tho most prosperous ever experienced
by local banking institutions. During
thoso twelve months the number of
banks In Medford has been Increased
to four, two havo doubled their capi
tal stock nnd deposits have grown
(Continued on pas- C.)
"The ground hog is up to the stan
dard of the ordinary weather
prophet, and I have closely followed
his career for the past 77 years,"
said JL Bellinger this morning, "jly
birthday happened to fall on ground
hog day and hence I have always
taken an interest in the youngster.
"According to the old story, Mr.
Groundhog on yesterday found his
hole again in a hurry, for if he
didn't see his own shadow he's blind.
According to him we are due for six
weeks more of rainy weather, but to
day is somewhat of a reflection.
"The groundhog, I have observed,
hits it somo years and misses it on
others. By some little study I could
give somo figures, but it is about nip
and tuck with him as with other
wiseacres who foretell the weather.
One thing is certain. Ho can't tell
(Continued on pace 5.)
Congress Has Under Consideration Bill to Premote Arctic Explorer and
Place Him Upon Retired List Would Be the First
Honor of Its Kind.
WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 3. To
make Commander Kobert E. Peary a
rear-admiral and place him upon the
retired list, in recognition of his dis
cover vof the north pole when he
planted tho Stars and Stripes, was
proposed in a hill introduced by Sen
ator Hale of Maine.
The bill, being submitted by the
senator 'from Peary's stnte, is un
derstood to have received in advanco
tho favorable comment of a largo
number of congressmen.
The measure would empower the
president to promote Penry and
place him on the retired list by an
executive order.
Such a course has been under dis
cussion for somo time, and if it is
carried through will be tho first time
such an honor has been paid by this
government for exploration work.
. i
Commander Robert E. Peary Says-Gleason Announces That He Will
T. R. Would Be Ideal Leader In
an Antarctic Expedition.
Positively State Location for
Big Fight Within Week.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 3. A Jump
from tho torrid to tho trizld zone was
suggested for Theodore Roosevelt by
Commander Robert E. Peury. In nn
Interview tho polar explorer stiRgtt-
ed that Colonol Uoosovolt would mnUo
n Ideal lendor for tho Ant-Artlc ex
pedition which tho Penry Arctic club
has proposed to undertake, providing
tho National society
sbnro In tho venture.
Ponry'a ship, tho "Rooiuvolt," in
Ijvhtch ho mado 1 Is voyago to tho north
polo, would be placed nt tl o disposal
ot its famous namesake
WASHINGTON, Fob. 3. Tho sen-
nt finance comhilttoo today reported
favorably Sonntor Lodgo'e resolution
providing for an Investigation Into
tho cost of living by a apodal commit
too ot ttvo senators, Tho resolution
thou wis rotjrrod to tho commttteo
on eoutlngtmt oxpeiua so th.U tho
funds nucorKary for tho Investigation
might bo pr nldod.
way, nermann claimed, a rosevvo
i-ould hi. cronlod .ind the nrivnte
holdings still included, even though!
they wore onliroly surrounded by
the forest lands to gaiu access to
tho outside domain. All claims or
holdings excluded, normnnn hold.
coidd thus bo exempted from the op
eration of tho lieu land not and could
not ho used for hnso in making se
lections without th" roseivo.
SOPANE, Wash., Feb. 3. Promo
ter Jack (ile.tson of Sun Francisco this
afternoon nuuouuced that within a
v.'m k f. o;u toduy he natUlvoly would
mime tho phico' of meeting for the
Jeffrios-Johnsm fight,
"Tex Rlokard promised mo at the
Knlekorhockor hotel la New York that
I could n mo tho in wt In plncu, nn.l
Sam Rergor will bear uie out In this.
I lovo tonight for San Frnucuieo and
i pon my arrival there vrHl immediate
ly nrrange for a meet lag with Rlckard
and we will tokeatein on the place
for the fight. San Eransleco will un
doubtedly be namod. The public is de
manding that Rlckard and myself get
down to bUBlnoes, nnd I am satisfied
that uftor I havo had a talk with the
Novadan that ovorythlus will bo sot
tied satisfactory."
Wlvon Sam Rorgor was asked if ho
was prosont wt-en Rlckard agrood to
allow Gloauon to name the city In
which tho fight was to bo hold, Man
ager Borgor said:
"Yes, Rlckard did promlso to lot
Gleason namp tho mooting place of
tho fight, for I was present whon ho
snld posltlvoly that Glcason could
uamo tho city."
NEW YORK, Feb. 3. Justice Goff
tho stornest Jstlco in New York, will
preside nt tho trial of Jack Johnson
on charges preforred against him