THIfl MBDypRD MAJL TKlBirNK, MTOlfoiq), OEKOON, TUESDAY, FEBIIUAJIY I, 1930. 5 Wife LUMBER YtS .V in SOCIAL AND PtRSQNAL See the Merrivold Shop for bunk, iiuigimiiun ami lino engraving. For asbestos flutlronn, sum Med fonl Hardware Co. 209 A niiloot lino of now initials nl the Morrivold Shop. '-! J. A. Waddle of Portliuid, who hns perhaps traveled over the Oregon niul California territory more often - iiuax any other oommorcinl man on tliu niiui, with in Modtord luonduy on ItU regular trip. k A. II. Jones of Hornbrook, Cnl., was in Medford on business Mnndliy. J. W. Holmes nnd 0. K. Motcnlf of " Kugono mil registered lit tho Nash f Frank Cameron, one of the lead ing tookn tsn nf tho Applognte mmi- lion, vim I,. .Mmlfurd Monday. S. J. HiiNcit of Chinook, WuhIi., in among tho guests nt tho Nnsh. , .timer t Kugoite is in Med ford on mm of his regular tours 1 ' Southern Oregon. I- t I Ins Meadows dis triot in tn Modford on n business trip. A. 13. Silsby 'of Ashland wan hi I Me. .inn looking nftcr business mat- ' ten. F. PoIoueq of Euglo Point spent ' Moiiilay in Mcdlord looking aflor V business matters, ' .i M.ii metal work ko to Mi'tlfnrd Hardware Co. L'U! i,' S. II. Morse of ItoM'hurg in regis- . v ttred nt the Mooro. t A bankot social will be given nt ajlJnleiPiihO miIiooIIiohho Friday, Fob nun - I. bi'mnnnig nt H p. in. A short fcmogrnin will bo rendcri'd. followed :hj tho auction snlo of bnskolH and a good time in gouornl. Slutil' W A. Juno wns in Mod ford Tuesday on official business. Floyd Ponreo of Jacksonville wns a Modford visitor Tuesday. Frank Kicssufor of Jacksonville was in Mudford on business Tuosdny, John 11ii:kiiii wiih in (!iit oily from Jacksonville Tncadny. ' lion. Thoo, ('anii'iiiii, cx-hIiiIo sen ntni' fin in JiuikKiin (-iiiiii I - lwiM i'ii turned from n trip to Onfjanil, fill., whero his 'hod, Don, h loeiiled. Mr. Cameron hii.vh that one of tho pleas nnt featnrcH of bin visit wan the dailv arrival of tho Mall Tribune, by- wljii'h ho wan nblo to keop posted on pasx iiiK ovontH in Sonthorn OreKnn. Soiiinlhinc out of tho ordinary in tho advertising lino iff being lined by Meeker & Co. II is known as tho "Mystory" ad, nnd i woll worth tho tin'io of nnybody in Aredford to lake Advnningo o fthoir offor and a look n (. their' east window will holp hoIvo tho myfltory. IToIbrook Withinprton has boon ap pointed roforoo In bankruptoy by tho ' federal court, vice John S. Orth, ro nlpniod, Mr. WithinRton now oeeu pioa tho nniqno position, neeordinpc to Vjitn own Btatcmcnt, of Uolnc; "tho only man in .Med ford whoso official busi ,noss depends upon someono olso go ing brolce." . ir. Withington was nt Jaeksonvillc Tuesdi,v on professional business, Clinrles A. Malboeuf left Monday night for his homo in Portland, W. H. Sanderson of Tnlont wan a visitor in Modford Monday. W, C, Stinson of Kaglo Point was a veeoul visitor in Modford. ' H. S. Falling of Ashland spoilt Tuesday it Modford. WAS OUR OllDEIl PLACED LAST WJBI3K h'OR 4MMI5DIATE DELOTDRY TO REPLENISH OUR . STOCK, WITH AN ADDITIONAL NUMBER OF OARS TO FOLLOW LATER. THIS MEANS OUR YARD WTLL HAVE 'NIK STOOK. BUT DON'T YOU THINK YOU SHOULD TAKE THE SAME PRECAUTION AND PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AND FEEL SURE OF GETTING WHAT YOU WANT WIIBN YOU WANT ITT REM EMBER OUR SOURCE OF SUPPLY IS FROM THE LARG EST RAIL SHIPPERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST, WHICTI ASSURES TJ IE BEST OF STOCK IN ANY DIMENSION AND QUANTITY. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY MADE ON ANY LIST SUBMITTED. . ines j Harry C. WilliiiuiH of Applegate spent Monday in Mudford. Mrw. Fannie Hunker, lately of Al- ttii..ii.p.iii.. f lina iiiir.tiiiuikil I.U . 1, l , wit .p I'".' - from A. Hail twenty aurcs Adjoining, tho fniuoim lluiek ranch of K L. TlHI Vulle. Iiortll of Central Point, for JfiSOO cash. Ten acres of this tract is hot to thrco-year-old Newlo.wnsrt.8idet of Qucmes Island, near Ana- and SpiUeuborgs. Tho land is some cortcs, who has mysteriously diKiip - of tho finest in tho valley and Mrs. ,)0arcd under circumstances that lead, Hawker has made an excellent buy. t. officers to believe that he has Sundiry a number of local anglers been killed. braved the cold waters of tho Koguo, Tho old man was worth $80,000, aqd though n fe' strikes were re- and is said to have kept much of his ported, the baskets wore empty on wealth hidden in his place. Yostor- their return. Albert II. Johnson will leave thi ovening for n business and pleasure trip to Los Aneelcs Colonel George V. Minis 1,f Tolo is u.w....ti.. c..ri ,T,,vu M.wHW.1 The colonel stntcn'that the roads in,""" " "J "- " his .-..i ... p !..., i i i section jieed some of that bond issue. Several carloads of poles havo ar rived for use of tho now Homo Tele phone company. C. V. Taylor loft Monday evening for n short business trip to Port land. Henrv I). Andrews of Denver, Col., is in Medford spending a few days with his son. J.'W. llryan of Peyton was in Medford on business Tuesday. John It. Wilson of Grunts Pass is spending a few dn.v in Medford with friends. W. K. Crane of Hueh was n recent visitor in Medford. Mrs. F. W. Curnnliuii bus roluriipd from n short visit to California points. Mr. and Mrs. Camnhaii will leave in a few davn for the Blue I.edgo mine. , ' C. Green bus ,returned from Portlaiul, where he visited the auto mobile show. "Shorty' Miller, formerly a base ball star of more or less magnitude during the days of the U. Jt. V. league, was in Medford frotn-Ashlnud Tuesday, Charlie Bnrnum, who was here sev eral years ago in the employ of Jhe Iowa Lumlior company, returned from a trip to points east Tuesday morning. ' Mi'H. A. A. Davis, wife of tho well- known capitalist, returned Monday from a several months' visjl at Port land, Kirby S. Millor has purohnsod from Carl Noidormoior oight and nno third noros adjoining tho district school botwoen Medford nni Jack sonville which ho will plant nnd build Hpon a bungalow. The price paid was $200 an aoro. jiiRt n rair amount oi porsisionco hnlf enough to win nt most othor thliiRfland your rhiRHltled advertis ing campaign will soil your property. If thoro'a n classified ad tn this Is sue which Is worth a dollar a lino to you, wouldn't tt ho worth "looking upT" Do you know that croup ran ho pro von ted? Olvo Chnmhorlaln's Cough Itenieily an soon as tho child heroines honi'so or oven aflor tho croupy oiirIi nppeni'H and It will provant tho attack, It Is also n certain euro for croup and has never been known to full. Hold by nil druggists, Typowriter and oarhnn papor and gouornl offico supplies nt Tho Jlor rivold Shop. 271 Lumber AGED MAN IS KILLED FOR HIDDEN TREASURE HHLLINQHAM, Wash., Feb. 1. I t onomi oiovcns ol OKogii couiuy, lea by n paok of hounds, today is trying tn finH umnn Irnnn of ttm untituiulV .mir,!nn. r A,n,, .t.,lwn,. ,ri.l day a neighbor went to the place to "orrow some farm machinery. o everything about the house ,in HMOn shape that it indicated the man hn "t Intended to leave. His lint nml cont w?rc on a peg in the room j e it.. i- me man nun dccii aena lor some ! , , , ,. . , . days, ns his livestock was suffering for want of enre Find n fow want nda that arc worth niny bocomo a member by the pay answering today and anavrer'thom nienj. to the librarian, Miss Janney, today, Instead of Just Intending to! o? $1. The uso of all the books pur- v chased with this money is restricted RECALL FIGHT IN ASHLAND. (Continued from paa 1.) tially true. I did remove a man in charge of certain work in connection with the new electric lichting plant. Hut ho was not competent, ans, so fur as I know, has not involved the city in a suit ovor, tho matter. even if ho does sue the city, must Ashland be iniKised uikhi by incom- potent servants for fear of being in- volvcd in n snitt The fourth charge is also partially true, in Unit 1 may have shown incompetency in appoint- ing certain committees, but it will be up to the committees to disclose bv their future actions wherein 1 have made poor appointments. Xo Charge Made. "Psuhaw!" ho continued, "tho pe titioner have not stated a single ronson for their notion. Tho fact is, the real motives do not appear in tho petition, hut tho people of Ash land understand the situation nnd I urn willing (n Icnvo it to thorn. 1 cannot boliovo that thoy want to turn the city over to tho little coterie of soreheads who havo been working for almost n yenr past to got signatures enough to put tho maehinory of the law in motion to further their own porsonnl aims, nnd thnt, too, nt the exponso of everything that means progress foAshlnnd." Many who opposed Snell Inst elec tion are slinking hands with him to day and assuring him of thoir sup port, nnd from tho ninnnor with which the peoplo nro r6oeiving the nowfl of tho filing of tho petition, it looks ns if Spoil's whole opposition appenrs on tho recall' petition. LADIES' CLUB OUTLINES WORK (Continued from peo 1.) lions to bcoomo such today. "Tho Tiowis nnd Clark club wns founded tho 20th of April, 1003,1 nt tho rosidonco of Mrs. W. I, Vawjor, Mrs. Tu B, Hubbs boing eleoted prosi dont, Mrs. J. D, ITonrd first vico prosidont, Mrs, G, II. Ilnskins second vioo-presidonit, Mrs, M. L. Alford soorotnry and Mrs. I. A, Webb trens- uror. "Tho purposo of tho olub was to raise funds to Lave Southern Oregon adequately represented at tho Lowis and Clark exposition and to act us an nuziliary to the board of women managers. As this work, did not .keep the members very, busy, on the 2uth of April, 404, Mrs. J. A. Whitman , proposed thut the park, which had hitherto becii devoted to the raising of jottoM. he planted with gross cc.' . .. . . . , .V"? as" V10 KU"iinR of the ,ufbf " e1 ? . a"d .0c,0,bcr 24' 100'1.,t ft object hav- becn accomplished, it was voted . .c-hB"f?f'l,?e "amo J? ,thte- "r t IJedf ord club.. A jnonth later, on the . 3Jli of kovcmb'erV the library, then a, private one, was tpken' over by the cjub and the, work for n public li brary began. Much has been, ac complished, but there is yet much to do. "Of cdursc, tho principal difficulty is the lack of funds. At the Iijst meeting of the Greater Medford club a Book club was organized. Any one to the membors of the Book club for six months, at tho end of which time Iho.v become the property of the pub lic library. "Tho Greater Medford club, stand- big as it does for civic betterment h many tasks before it. The park must be finished, a large park ae quired, tho streets nnd avenues need to bo lined with trees, the parkway on the streets should bo filled with roses, and last, but bv no means least important, our back yards and alleys must" ba, mndo snnitarv. All of. this requires nmnv willine work ers. Vo have not enousih. Today we hope that not one lady will leave the hall without becoming n member of the Greater Medford olub, the Book club or both." ! The program: I Piiiiio solo, "Tournament" (Ncv- in),-Miss Mora Gray; tenor solo, (n) , "A Dream" (Barllott), (b) "Two Lit- ,tlo Maids," Fletcher Fish: violin solo, -sciecioo, iius i-iinei nxiwoa. .mhs Grotehen Crawford; soprano solo, "O. Dry Those Tears" (Del Itiego), violin and piano accompaniment by Miss Crawford and Miss Crow-ell, Mrs. F.d Andrews; piano solo, "Vnlso" (Schutt), Mrs. W. F. Is aacs; duet. "I Feol Thy Angol Spirit" (arnben-Hoffmnn), II. M. Whotxol nnd J. C Kdmendos. Fi'hriiary Committee. Mrs. L. B. Kent, chairman; Mes dnmos F. K. Merrick, Mnrsh, Kirby Millor, Fred Pago, K. B. Pickcl, Y. I. Vnwter, V. G. McCreo, Compboll, Rdgnr Ilafor, C. R. Ray, Louis Ruu dj'.'IIoraco Nicholson. Mn nl i Committee. Mrs. W. H. Canon, chairman; Mes dames M. J. Millor, McCain, M. E. Worrell, Shirley. R. O. Oalo, W. A. Goff, F.d Andrews, Gordon Seher morhorn, Hurry Tuttle, Georgo' Da vis, Bert Harmon; Miss Mutnnin. Commlttco on Turk Sites. Mrs, F. E. Merrick, chnirinnn; Mesdames B. P. Theiss, II. C. Kent- ner, Charles Hnzelrigg, J. E. ratt. l'liru iiuprovcnieiit loiiiiniitec, Mesdnmos W. I, Vnwter, Frank llollis, C. R. Ray, E. B. Piokel. M. h. Alford, II. W. Lumsdcn, II. C. Kentnor. Coinmittoo to arrange for tho immodinto improvement of tho how half of oity purk. Company ---f-f-f-f-f-f BUSINESS LOCALS Wear Kidd's Shoes. Full assortment of Whitman's can dies at The Merrivold Shop. Bulck In tho king of tho au'o world. Who doesn't sigh tor a Bulck? Linens on sal eat Meeker & Co.'s. For wood of alt klndo, see the Square Deal Woodyard. Phone 2C01. Fir street, between Second and Third streets. Gould & Ltndley, proprletorsi 261 No one knows, how long a Buick will last, for no Buick has ever worn out. Th first ones are still run ning. , ? , y 258 Now is tho time 1o make your gar den. Get garden tools from Med ford Hardware Co. 2G9 What is life without a Buick T 280 Steinhardt, the artistic tailor, G South Fir street Reasonable pricjs, easy terms (o responsible parties. 1910, the banner yenr. Watsh Medford's oopulntion doublo and lots in tho Queen Anne addition triple in value. Present price $500 and upward. Cash or terms. Bowers & Hunter, a renl estate firm of Bayctt, Idaho, has purchnsed the timber claim of J. H. Messier on Evnns creek, -paying $4000. They nlso contemplntp making further in vestments in the vnlley. People that want figuring on planting shade trees and have not got their ordess booked better con sult H. B. Patterson, tho Quakor Nurseryman and get low prices. Of fice in Hotel Xnsh Office. For pocket knlvos, razors and shears, seo Modford Hardware Co.26i TW0SC0RE PERISH IN MINE. (Continued from pape 1.) ors' lamps wore missing from tho racks. Tho mine officials believe this to havo been tho number of men who were la thoshnfts when tho explosion occurred. Othor miners, however, de- claro thnt there were many more. Mnny of the dead probably will novor bo identified. Tho operatives were entered In tho company's books by numbor. Many of them wore not known by name, oven to tho other minors. Tho explosion occurred in the main tunnel of tho four that comprlso tho mine. It blocked tho entrance from tho main shaft, and until tho dobrls can bo clenred away it will bo Impos sible to lenrn whether or not any survived. Tho rescuers, howovor, nro heartening on another with tho slo gan "Romonrtior Cherry," apparently believing that It tho mon who wero Imprisoned In tho wrecked Cherry mine lived until nld reuched them, thero Is hope that thoir comrades hnvo survived. Tho hoart-rondlng scenes that fol lowed tho Cherry disaster when wives and mothers rushed to tho shaft to ! await the news of somo loved ono caught In tho death trap bolow wore re-enacted horo today, Tho man gled bodies of flvo men, blown almost to ntoms and scattered about tho mouth of tho shaK, wero viewed with fearful apprehension' by many womon who almost oxpocted to recognlzo a brokon body of a husband or son. r . .; . MAN WHO STARTED ADE DIES IN SALT LAKE SALT LAKE CITY, Feb. 1. Win. Inglehcart, former manager of tho Salt Lake Herald, died at his homo in this city today after a long ill ness. Death was due to lung trou ble. Igleheart was a native of Ev ansville, Jnd., and for many years wns engaged in newspaper work in Chicago. While on the Chicago Rec ord he wns the first employer of Geo: Ade, since famous as a humorist and playwright. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. WANTED First-class carpenter. C. D. Woolverton, room 22, Jackcons County Bank building. 273 FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing room. 125 South Oakdale. 275 FOR SALE For good, dry wood, 12 and 16-Inch, como to 417 Oakdale or phone to 491. Orders promptly filled. 2T6 WANTED Five or six boarders. Call at No. 117 Front street. 276 WANTED At onco. good cook. Ap ply The Diamond, cor. 6th nnd Cen tral avo. FOR RENT House, all furnished, 6 rooms; electric light, telephone, barn, well, city water, large lot and garden, $35; lease for one year. J. E. Payette. 279 B & C Cash Store Groceries, Produce and Dishes. Lard, home made, pure, 3-lb. pails 50c Lard, home made, pure, o-lb. pails 80c Lard, home made, pure, .10- 11). pails $1.60 Bacon, home cured, heavy strips, per lb 18c Bacon, flight strips, choice 20c Ham's, country euro, lb..17c Shoulders, country cure, per lb ,. 13c Apples Baldwins, 4 1-2 and 5-tier box $1.25 4-tier box $1.50 Spitzenberg, 4-tier box $1.50 Fall Pippins, 4-tier box $1.50 "White Peannain, box ..$1.25 The store that serves vou best by telephone 2351. ' B & C Cash Store 223 W. Main Street. I