THTii MTCDFOIID MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, .TitNtLAUY HQ, 1,010. T3 Mill IIINltKI Of clvlo tlOVlllllll Wlilch m uiniromiliiK m litlvnll.m iimny. mv it ,,., , i,Krt,tM ,,f W"HHll Kill I I'llllMllt IM fllMlll- iHlllHUI.U lu tunny iKitM ihinI mill wi-nl, IIil mioviv lllltltl UlWUIll IIIUIllullll lH.llr.ll.. lirlK llllllll III (III. Wtllllllll'H it, ut,, W, "I I'KIIIIIIKN WIH III III! I'llKL. Hlllul yut (li kiicc-mh of , unrk mill Ih if ruiivoiiHM lliruiiKli lnt..lKi.Ml iirKHii linilUII NIIOll llllll htlH ll.t ox IllllH ( Mlllko (rnl (lllllilltllIMM Ih.Hh uud Iri-ii tlto niiff..rliitf,iif On. IhIkiiIiik VIBH, in IIWllkl'lllllK llf NKIltltllKII una out lulu wl.liT iicIIvIIIkn mnl ""r""'. UimiKII IMOilONl HCL.X mm liiriliiii, Iiun iiimli. It i(Hlit reimi-ii worn in it n timttur uf iit-rui infiiMMiitliiii Unit tlm rmi: it or inn jutrnllM tumrt mnl tho ..xiiotl u niore ami humum. Iuwh KovurnltiK i-lill.) iniior. Imtti uf which nr. nltliillil iicliti'Vi'ini'iil, urn tliitllr-nt Ion bly t'Urrd to Hi rteillt of tlm worn mm 1,'itin ni(iv.iii..itr Murh Iiun iiIno been tlnlin fur Hi itiili)lnni.Mt of titty liuraorlvM, fr. cIuhhh fur worthy Klrlii III MOIioolM nil J cuUme, wlillo tint pro irciltill mnl lilulltlMK nf IrocH, k ih iriiiiiiiuii of Kiiriilm, rimlMlnlifK, imta una tmlliN nivrniK to npttonl Iti n nncclnl way lu Hint liitliiullv land. Hint iiioh wuiimii hnvw tu nutim ilfKrr for Intnl ooim Knnli'liliitf, Tlm work uiii1rllten ly tlm luillfN of tlir (1 rioter Mpilfon! ciuu. in nitllatltiif tlin nmtirr of public urinkiiiK initmlm fur tuir.., ihi plan lug of u ptiblli' ilrlnkliiu fiiiinlnln mi r proiiilntiit conuT. tlm luiurovrinciit mnl maintaining uf tlm city purk. Ilir rr curlnir of morn latulu fur park pur hi.oh, tlm KlMliiimnt of tlm far rnunlilni: wurk In tlm roitiiutinlty uf Dm public llbmry. lu rl-iilon mnl tli rf fort tiliiK pul forlli to Hcriirn it IJO, 000 Cnmili. Ill.rwry. r nil In illrct Htm wild tlm chili work Imltie ttuim ItiroiiKliout Dm In ml hy tlm half million wotimn't rlul worker At Mil tUio, wIiph m putillrr mlml In IihIkk ftirollily turmxl to n innrf Keimrul coiutlilrrutlon uf Ilia uiiciitlim uf -ual miffrtikv, uml when vlnwit llffr wli(.y n tu the tnnrv Bilvmirril poHltlun of wnmnn. mnl nil Hint wort of tlilne. It woulil xirm thnt ttm Dplmrn of nrtlvlty outlltmil ly alvto tivltrriurnt mnl tlm Improvi'iimnl of aoolnl romlltlon rloitoly nlllnl with ntatn mnl mmtlt'lpitl proliliim, offirK woiimn u iiiowt tirnrtlcnl upporlunlty for (h ixrrrl of Imr litKlmnt nlitllty mnl cop or tlm Krntlflfntlon of it worthy protil mnliltlim nn wnll Mori' In it fllil In which wonmn lit m-mi tin rly mlnptej tu work; Imr htitimn nytiipnthltw, her itnn of tlm nrllntlo mnl Imr pnwf Ity for ilftnll Ktvi- Imr Inllliillvr, mnl ho limy IfRltltunlrly ilrvolf Imnn'lf to thin rmlmvor without nrconnirlly mti' rlflclnr miy of thimn initiiriil ilullfft Hint rponittllltlii. In tlm illnclmrKD of Which Urn Imr chlrfmt chnrtu nn wrll Imr (trnitrnt iiitrfiilimM. Tlm ilru'H HrntlmrhtMMl of tlm Molho Jilt church, nn orKouU'itlon luinitiHrlni: bout Nlxty, mnl whoiio vllnl Influvnco ) full In cvrry tlcpnrtiui'iit uf tlm church work, nvo n hituiimt Wi'thu'i iiY rvcnliiir, Jununry 16, lu tho vhiirch parlor, which wait nttrmh'i! hy ISS nirn of church ami coiiKrKntlnn. Tlm preparation ami nrrvltiK of tlm Imtnuii't waa tin tlrr tlm dlri-ctlon of tlm I.iiiIIi'n' AM, with Mr. ' II Corny, tlm effi cient vIco-prmliliMil, lu chnrKo of the varluu commlttfKN, mnl wnn nn tin qualified nucceipi from un nrllittlo mnl culinary utmnlpoltit AfKir-illnncr aixicclmji, liilfrxiTKl with vocal ami liiKtriimentnl iihihIo. worn fraiurcH of tho evrnliiK. .MImh Mlnnln Curry wn heiirtl In n vocnl nolo, ClareuCrt KelliiKr. tlm or;miy of the church, rendered a phiuo neltlon, nnd Mr. Kdmenda nnd Mr Wlmltei dellKht d tlm hamiuuterN with n tenor uud barltonn tluet Itarpvr MoKrclinlii prcalded mi toiiHl maalor nnd Introduced with pIi-ihIiik wtt the followlntr: 'Tlm I'urpono of the Mtu'i Ilrothnrhood." Clarcneo Meeker, prealilenl of tlm Mmi'a llrotliprhood: Thn Sunday Rchool," Kd Hteepi "IMn ancen of thn Church," Jiiiium Cnuipbell: "Church Archlteoture," C O. I'owern; Thn Lndlen," K. V. A. Illlneri "Tlm City of Modford," Itev. M. V. Ilelkimp: "lllatory of !ln M. K Church." P. T I.awton. Mr. I.uwton Is one of tho few mnmhura of tint church who wiin llv Inif In Mvdford when Iho church wnn organised twenty yenrn ni;o with mamborfthlp of twenty, uud rememherN dlntlnutly tho dlfflcullleN under which thn church, with thn uld of tho hourd of elm roll creation, wiih hullt. The prnnont luoreiiHlni; ineinhernhlp nnd (lu gratifying nctlvlty In the work nio In iniirkud contriiHt to tho appreciable re. uttn to ho ohnervod lu tlnmo early dtiyi of nred-nowllllf. Tho rexular mcotliiRB o( tho nrolh rhood nro held tho necond nnd fourth Wediicarinyn of eacli mouth. Tho renulnr ineotlnif of tlm Wednes day Htudy club wiih held ut tho Com inorolnl club roonm Wedneaduy lifter noon, Tho font urn of tlm nflernoou wan a pupnr by Or, II, K. Morrhion on "Tho Wondorn of Modern HurKory." l'rofea loniil dutlcn pievented Dr. Morrlnon bolng prrnont, but hla iviper, which wnti an nhlu and IntvrcatliiR iIIboiihuIoii, bIiowIiik wlilo rcndlui;. profound Htudy and Intlinixto famlllurlty with tho nub Jeot, wnn rrnd with IuIhIIIkoiico nnd un dAratntidliiK by Mrn. Honry Hart. Tint club mootliiK next week In with Mm, 1''. Ti. Merrick, Kint Main ntreot, nnd tho cnaay of the afternoon will bo "An Hour with Witft Whitman," by Mih. V, V, HoIIIh, lly roferoucn In tho printed profrriiiiiN of tho year'n work of tho club It will bo neon that nn u mnttor of mutual convenience Mrs. Porter Neff and Mrn. IIoIIIn have oxchaiiRod datoH, Mra. it, IV IMatt, nnnlHtod hy Mih. T, 13. Pnntoln, Mm. Caroy, Mrn. ICInmimu, Mrs. Strang uud Minn Hernlcn Cam eron, delightfully tmtortnlnrd tho Guild mombora nnd their hunhnmln Thurnday vonliiK nt tho Amrlo homo, 000 Kant Main Btroet. Car (In uud iiuihIo worn on joyed till u lute hour, when light ro froslimontM woro iiorrod, A trio hy Mrs. IlaiolrlRg, Ilonrl Qunlaon and Kd Andraws was muoh anjoyud, as wero Nf9 nn T I In l7 S2 CTff 2 iiInii nnvnrnl plmin iiniiibetn teinlered by n . ... ..unit imriiiimu, Almiil nlxty wuru Piwnent, iiiiiitiiif whom worn Archdca t'unn I'liaiubrtrn mnl I'fhaler. illahoi) rinMlijl(-M riniinelal nctotury. Minn Hazel Knyarl, who Iiiim been vl. ItliiK iidatlven In (hlonn nlncn tlm firm of the year, on Imr way home from New Mrn. In now In Hall l.iiho City mid will ho homo thin week. Tho following clip ping from tho l.oKiiinipurt (linl.) pnper iieneriiien nn ncchlcnt In wlilch Minn Hn- yart narrowly enenped Nerloun Injury: "A hirgo cotulliic aled miming down ('ulleipt hill yenterdny nflernnon at it tapld rntn hecmnn iinmmiiiHenbht when part wity down and, veering to one nld, ntrimk a treo nloiig tlm nldewalk wnn riHtrrtii force. nverol panMiingern wero on tho nled nnd Mwtrl (Inlloway, who wnn ntotirlng, wnn thoiight nt flrnt to In. nerlounly hurt Mitt head ntrurk the tree, hi mmit wnn mitHlmd nnd lu received other brilllirn nhiitlt tho hrnd Hint rendered Mm uncnmiclmin. Thrt-o Klrln on tho aled wero hurt alio, Itulh I'ognrly, Mario . Kennlliig nnd Kdlth lliirnn, Minn Kognrty had nn uitly rmtli nut In her leg nnd wnn rendered uncoil ncloun hy Iho nhock. Minn Kennllng had her iirm ami two flugern hurt and Iho IlKiiumntn In Imr nnkttt lorn no bad ly I lit I nlm may Im laid up for nevernt weekn, Minn lluriiH wan nllghtly hurt, hut Jlnirnl Knynrl enenped without nuy Injury of coim-iiueniw. Nwirby n-nl leiicen wero turned Into temporary hun Pltnln mnl tlm tUmbled young pvipl were given relief that enabled them to later gel to tlmlr InnneH. rievcral Iiun ired petipie were on the hill entrdiir enjoying Iho upon nil day, but thin illn- treKMlng nceldeut cituiwl tunny to iilmn Ion the hill it ml return to their homen Tlm rereitoit given by the hitllen of Iho (lteuter Medford club tu the hitllen .f . H.t,ki..l ln,.,n..... m . .. ...-i,,.,,., KMlUMll.n III lt- lltltlll 111 it-clock In nn effort to hrlntf thn lntlle who are not member of the club, loin cloer nymtKithy with tlm civic lm- trovenmnt work, and through the nihil Ion of new member to the toil. In renno the working force of tho orgnii' union nun mid to It Inriueiii'e un n ruAiiir in it... .,.,i,, hi. ti t I work tu the city Tho club nctlvlty for .. ... m. .,....., i. ir. i, 1 1 n I tno immetiinto future in indni; taken up ndur three head) (1) Park work. (2) library work mid (3) ro.. culture and ri. planum; Any lady who In Inter- Nled lu miy phnnn of tlm wnrk I lit' Ited to attend thin reoeptlnu and glvo f her Intent fur the nupport of the work. A brief IiUhIiiohn whhIihi will precede iho recepllon and tin rendition f nn elnbonito nnd lnloretlug ihiihIoiiI I rogrtim. wlilch In given hrlnw Light refrenhumntn will ho nerved nnd tho utn of ten centn charged. Tho general I romtnlttee hnvlng rhnrgo of the nr-l rangem-nln will nerve an hontennen nnd ire: Minn Umlly Jmiuy, chairman: Mendamen Porter Noff. A. H Miller. O. Khld. W C Ileagtin. C 1) Imielrlgg. J- M Kirliy Miller. V. O Hmltli. r. W Htreetn. It. C Kentnor. K W. llollla Progrnm Oreater Medford club: Piano nolo, "Tournament" (Novln), MIhh Plorn Ornyj tenor hoIo. (a) "A ream" (llartlett), (It) 'Two l.lttlo Maid." Pletcher Klah; violin nolo, He looted, MIhh Ulln-l Crowoll, Mies retcheu (Crawford; rontllngi aolectctl. Ml Ornco Andrew; noprnno nolo, no- Ivoled, Mrn. Kd Amlrown; plnnfi .nolo, 'nl" (Hchutt), Mm. V. "TnaacHi net. "I Ptnl Thy Angel Spirit" (Oru- teu'lloffmitu), It. M. WhoUcl nnd J. C, 'MtueadeM, Onn nf tho moat enjoyable affairs lu church clrolen thin woell wan (lit nochtl and reception In new mouther given nt the Presbyterian church Friday eve ning by tho Ladle' Atd aochity. An hour of Informal sociability wan enjoy ed, when every one wnn made acquaint ed wllh Iho recent nrrlvnln In tho church, nftcr which tho following intij nloal program wan rendered to tho en tertainment of nil: Plnno duct. "Hhdgh HellH al.n." Mlsaen Harmon and gniy; piano nob. "Pay Dreams of Youth," Ml LttoiMo Yorltj violin solo, neleoted, Ml lone Flynn, Ml Hilton, ncoom panlat: pbtno nolo, "Wnltx Kubato," "Tho ('hum," Miss Mary Stevenson; rending. Ml Allco Kldur; piano solo, "O'er lllooinlng Mcndown" (Hlve-ICIng). Ml Flora dray: vooal solo, "Tho Hon- iirv11 llelll'l ntlllHOIl. Minn Allen Klder nlwnyn plenscn with I ' . I her churnctor recitation, nnd Mr, Oun hod, n professional singer, with talent of nn extremely high order,, nnng "Tho ltosary," by Novln, with nrtlntlp skill nnd n'lncqro oxprehm. Two young piano players, Mlns Luelle York and Ml Mary Stovonson, roudorod rtlffl- cult noleollons with accuracy, skill mid true iiiiikIc.i! feelliur. After the nrnurum 1 n dainty lunch, oonHlstlng of itnNorttMtl saudwlolies, olives, tiougimuts nmi cor- fii, worn sorveii. Mrs, IT. K. Chlpmnn Is nn notlvo member of tho Tuesday club of Port- land, an organisation dovotod to gon-, oral cul lure of Hn members along lit- ernry nnd nrtlatlo lines, At a recent meeting, when Hobert Hrownlug was Hio subject, hIio rend n pnpVr on "Tho Mo nologue," Illustrating It with character istic poems of tho author studied, that wan onthUBlastlcally received by her I follow club members. Mrs. t;i)rpman was also ono of tho hostesses at tho reception Wednosday at tho Masonic TeinpU for tho benefit of tho scholar ship loan fund given under tho auspices of eight womon'H organizations of Port land. t Tho scoptt of tho various social no llvltlcH of tho week Is shown In the Swastika dance Monday night, which was largely nttonded; tho booster meet ing at tho opera house Tuesday night of over n thousand men Interested In tho Commercial club; two popular shows, "nrowster's Millions" nnd "Sis Hopkins" both of which played to ca pacity houses, nnd the unexcelled Hhnkesiearcnn render, Frederick Ward. who hnd a lnt'Ko and dollghtod audience ..l,.l,f Saturday night. Tho wutk now hiilnir dniiu by tha Inrui clioi'llil choir of itli,'M(i(li(jdlMt .Komio pul chhrch would do credit to it much larger city Minn Meilfiird, Friday nlgl they lcgnii lehenrnlng on Omirn microti cmilutii, "Tho Holy City." which they will glvo lii.,I'obrUy, Tliln la nn rtab ornlo mimical pioillnllon, bettig minio I linen chtnacd an nn urntorlfi. J 'or wiv ernt yearn It Mart mitllitallied lln piml lion nn bolng one of thp moat popnln ciiiiladin -boliig porfortnpd hy Iho jhont cliolrn of,' thn hirgtr clllon throughout tho country. ' At tlm morning ao'r"vlc,o Hiimlay yrjjr will g vo Wfnt'n VTlin ilortl In ami at tho union temperance service it tlm oveplng will nlng' "TK6 Ilaillarit Mom llnth I'liMNtid Awny," hy Wood wnril, Tho dnten for tho nix lemalnlng dancing pnrllen of tlm Juvenile Dnno lug ,clib, which connlntn of So married men and their wlven, nro iim follown nnd nro not NUhjepi to chnuge; Wttdnonimy nvenlngn, February 2, Kebruary 10 March 2, March U, Mnrch 30, April 13 April 27.' On Milrch' 301 heoHimo'nf an othur engagement, nt the nporrtr houne, thn lluzulrlgg orclmntru will not ha able to piny, hut good mualc will bo pro vhlril nnd a nlwiaant uveulug In tin Niireifdn'thhi an well uh each of.the'l other dateif. .Mauler Paul JUridy, tho teti-yettr-oh aort of Dr. and Mr, J. 1". Xlcddy, 320 Houth Oiikdnle nvcuu, celehnttetl bin birthday yuttlorday with u hlrtlnlny cjtko and dlnuur nrnoon, to which were Invllwl twelvo of bin' young fnem! Tin. bourn wero from 10 it. in. till 4 p. in., nnd a iiioh I happy uuy waa npeiu In playing game., TIiokh prunenti Fred erlck nnd nfllle Uopkltin, Vnleittlnl1 Itlchnril nnd Itudolph Hinder, JmntrH and John Urophy, Halph Dorn. Wllltuul Hlco, William cubberly, . Hugo Dally, Clnlr Bccley nnd Paul Hoddy. Tho memlwra of tin- l-'lrnt Mlnptlnt church have ciilted Dm Rev. A. A. I Inline, recently of Corona, Cul , to the pimtornle of the locnl church, t( nucqecd thn Ho v. Q, Icroy Hull, nlRtmtl. Tho Indie of tho church will tender ltev. nnd Mrn, Holme n reception.- nt tho church Thurnday evening, Knbruury 10, to vhlcl; fill membar of thn church and congrqgnttou are Invit ed Plan urn tnntur)ng for the com Klety icnovullon .of p Jntorlor of the church, to bn undertaken noon by tho l.adleti' Aid noclety. Ilr. J. Whltcnmb llroughcr f the af I'lrntT llaptlnt church, Portland, who In weirwtowii locany inrougn inn cnarac- terlntlc lecture, hn rcnlitned hi pan tnrutn and leave noon for I.oi AngelV to tnke up the duties of tho church left without a pnntur through tho lllnena of Hob Uunlotle, Many farewell reccp tiona: iinvo been civen nr. mm Mm . . "'""KlU'S whoao departure In a mntter of nlncertT regret. Owing to. tlm lllnenn of Mr, McCmy'n mother. Mrn llnrrlngtnn. Mrn. McCray wan not able ti enlertnlli tho recently orgnnlxfd Indlcn clup of eight nicmhcM thin wink, no Mra, W. I. Vnwter threw oiii her hotpltnbli homo Thurnday nf- teritoon for tlm I'lttnrtnlnment uf the IndlceX Tho ncorc (curd it were dainty delft wntur color, tho work of Mrtt. II. IK. Morrison, and dollcato rofrenhmvutH wero BiJrvetL ; t . .j ' v -- - it-nme rimnter. o v a. l nrranclne f,,r .. r..Mniini. mnl ocini ..iht nt m. L0nc jm) Kebruary 9.vwlth Mrn. H. C. iCentnnr nn chnlfin'an of tho committee. and tho following aanlntantn: MvndnmeH Holla. U II. Warner. Mr. n,nd Mrn. Will I in to., Mr. nnd Man. II. C. ' C-amolt. I.ewl Warner, It. J. Woodfti-d nnd C. I. Hutchinson. Tho I.adlon' Aid noclety of the Pros- bytcrlnu church wnn hOHpltnbly cnter- tnmed nt tho homo of Mrn. V. T. Km- inerlck Tuenday afternoon, with Mrn. V. V. Olflncawnii naslHtlnir hontcN. JPIann ;fyr tho jtocopUon tb niomborn Frl- itu' uvDiutii; ,viu tiiti.viitei uriier ut hiiHtnesn. Light refrenhmeutn were nerved and a delightful afternoon npeitt. Tho Five Hundred club won charm ingly entertained Friday nfternoon at tlm homo of Mrn. W. If. McGowun, 35 North O.ikdnlo avenue. Tho first prize. a gold nouvotilr spoon, wits won by Mr. Irwin, nnd tho second, i silver souvenir npoou, by Mrs. K. 1). Elwood. Nrn, J. A. Perry will bo tlm IiohUh next week. Mr. nnd Mrs. William Andrews have engagement of their onnounc thg ong diuighlvr, QnAie, .to A. Co nro Flero, n capitalist of Chicago, who hns'becomo Interested In ltoguo Hlvcr orchard lands? Mian Andrews In a potlto brunolta and Is posacnavd of tnnrkod dramatic tulont. Former residents of Illinois nro ro- qucHtcd to meet at tho Trcsbytorlan church Tuendny ovonlng, Fobrunry .1 - - - - ' - - T.' . - T" to complete tlio'organliatloii' of ttie Hit noia society, it is Hoped tmu arrange incuts can bo mndn for tho obsorvanco of Llncoln't blrthdayj Mrs, F, W. Streets httn kindly opened her pleasant homo on 'West Kloventh street for thd Swastika card party 'on Tuesday nfteriloon, February 1, when Afrn. Helen Kinvllcor. Mrs. William Al tuiuhngCn hurt lrs. It C, Kentnar will putertatn. Miss Inn Cioodnlo, nsslstant book- keeper In thn morcnntllo store of tho Ilutohnson companny, entertained .her fellow - workers Tuesday uvenlng homo on West Klovohth Btreot. K. N. Wurnor, president of tlnrAVar- been In Kugeno this wok In attend unco nt Hut State, Hotnll Oroceru' iibso- cluttuit. Mr. and Mrs. J, I). Heard entertained tho Hlght liovorond Charles' Scaddlng, bishop of thu dloueno of Oregon, during his official tstayof Vrlday. and Hatuf- day. A fc . Noxt Tuesday afternoon ho Woman's Missionary sooluty of tho Presbytorlau ohuvch will h)(ot'ut thu homo of Mrs, Cllbucmy on North Oakdalu uvenuo. Mrs. Mary lVtor of Jacksonville and her daughter. Miss Alary, woro amoutr thnso aitondlnt; "His Hopltlmi" Friday nlfiht. Hon, William 81 drowoll of tho First I National bunk' la 'oiwiidUn?' tho .woolc In lYlnl1nR.' ' V; . . Want Ads Will f -f 4 FOR SALE. -f f -rf FOIl SALU Zi ltirwo lots, clone to JnokBon wtreot, Cheap, C por cent, loiiK terras, nau Iltimphury, G 18 I'Jast Msl'i Htrtxjt, l"Dlt HA'liU Ohi)u), a now Htrlctly inodurii 'J-ruom liouse, In tiood lo tut I on. Owner expoctB to leave city. Box 007, Medford. 276 I 'OR SAIiK--Choice huuineBa proper ty ut a bargain, on lonK time; eany tennH AildrcHU P. jtKHox lB. l-'OIt BlLU Oli EXCHANGE Hotel in Sweet, Idaho, for Medford prop erly, either town or fnnn land; val uation $0000. Address William Woody, Sweet, Idaho. 278 FOR BALK HouBe nnd lot In Hood Hvcr, Oroson, or will trade for properly In Medford. Addrcsa A. I. EinorBon, 114 Tripp street, Med ford, Oregon. 271 I'OK SALE 0 and 10-acro tracts just within aud adjoining city lim its', tit a bargain, on C annual pay ments. AddrcB P. O. Box 418. VOll SALE Unlit oprlng wagon. 12C S. Oakdalc. 259 FOU SALE Oak, fir nnd pitie cord- woou, 12 nnd lG-meh; oIbo dry rail wood; dry pitch for kindling. Phone order to Main 4201. FOR SALE Youur orchard in beur- inp. Mat Calhonn Phocuix Or. FOIl 8ALE-"-Two 20-acro tracts, choice Innd, 1 1-4 of Central Point. Ham-, It. F. D, Point. Or. miles northwest Address ,W. J. No. 1, Central 274 -Qood lot of second band FOlt SALE lumber. C. H. Plerco & 8on. 2C9 FOIl SALE A bargain, a new mod ern 5-room bungalow In Tuttle ad dition, ono block from South Ook dale. Apply 90C East 7th. FOU SALE Or trade, A 3 1-4 horse power Indian motorcycle. See or write C. C. Plerco, Medford. 269 "Oil SALE Four acres Inside city lltnltB, with 850 feet front on S. P. railroad right of way, half aero fruit in bearing, small bouse, barn; price S2500, terms. How's this for an In vestment? C. H. Plorco & Son. Med ford, Oregon. 2C9 FOU SALE Two cornor lots, good G-room houso and bacn, near cor nor 11th and Fir streets. This Is a good buy. Prlco S2550. C. H. Plerco & Son. 269 FOU SALE 100 acres of choice land closo to tho famous Helms orchard; SI acres cultivated, with water right; special low prlco for 30 days. About 450 acres, ranch, flo miles from Ashland; 150 acres cultivated; 300 ncrcs can bo cultivated; 2 largo barns, small houso, running water, 2 springs, coal vein runs through tho land; prlco for 30 days $35 por acre; plenty of freo rango for stock; terms. 80 acres 7 miles south of Ash land on main highway: flno 9-room houso, largo bam, somo water for Irrlgatlau, soda spring on placo, a beautiful country homo; a bargain If sold within 30 days. Call or address F. G. McWIIUams, real ostato and mines, Ashland, Or. 2S8 FOU SALE 22 target rifle-, $2.75. L 125 S. Oakdnlo. 262 FOilSALB Logging wagon; first class condition. Palmer Investment, Nash Hotel. 269 OU SALE 20, 40 or GO acres, all undor cultivation; good deep soil; near Eaglo Point; $125 por acre for quick salo. A, caro Trlbuno offlc e. rOU SALE Nino-room bungalow, near paved titreet, $3S50; largo lot. nenson Investment Co. 271 OU MALE Ono 2 11. l Fairbanks and Morso gasollno engine, Jack of All, and ono rotary pump; ono 7 H. P. gasollno sawing machlno, saw ing machines made to ordor. M. M. Mnlno, city. 273 'OU SALE Ono whlto I'omoranean puppy, G months old, nnd ono ladles' blcyclo and tools. Address Lock Dox 85, city. 273 I?OK SXLE Ono pair mules, 6 years old, with good harness and wagon; mules Bound, truo and well broken. Inquire of Anderson-Croon Co., of flco over Rlttor & Dunlnp. 2G9 FOU SALE A nearly Inch wagon, complete. 724, Medford, Or. now, throo Addross Pox 286 FOU SALE Flvo-room bungalow, nenrly coiuploted, facing east on G0 foot Btroot; prlro $800, half cash, , balance $20 monthly. Conson In- vestmout Co. 271 FOlfSAL'E Aliiiost ntHrhou8o, good woll, wootlKhod, 4 lots, plenty of room for 3 now liousos, closo In; biggest snup In Modford nt $2000. Inqulro nt North I'luo Street Qro cory. 274 FOlOfALE Two lots G3x 105 feot, nlcoly locatod, a bungalow, $10 cash, $5 monthly pnynionts, limn phroy, East Main Stroot. Phono 115, tttttt FOR 8ALE. FOU SALK Ninety acree, 30 tri ono year old applo and pear treea, 100 Inches of water, 2 1-2 milt from railroad station. For terms write "Owner," caro Mall Tribune. 2C1 KOH" "BALE Uoald'ence "property, cIobo In. 8eo owner and save cotu mlsKlon. 228 South Ivy St. 2(! FOIl BALE Some good piece of fruit land for sale cheap, Addrwn 8, care of tbla office. 262 FOJTSALE A flno ho'mo andlnvoliu rnent on North Central avenue, fronts 2G4 feet on Central avenue, Is near!' TOO feet In depth; C-rooin liouiio nna barn; price only $4000. Look this up. C. II. Plerco & Son. 209 FOIl SALE Cheap, an A No. 1 la dles' riding saddle. 429 North Cen- Jral. 270 FOIl SALE 7li acres best fruit land In north end of valley; 4 miles from railroad; 1-2 rnllo from school; about lit acres cleared; some fruit In bearing; Irrigating ditch runs through middle of It; plenty of wa ter; with house, barn, well and spring and 1000 cords of wood on it; a No. 1 road all directions; $4500 por acre; buy of owner. See Cole- ,mnn at clga rfactory. 2C8 FOU SALE Let 514 x 140, with houso 24x30, 1412 West Main Bt Inquire of Arthur H. Davis at placo of business, 211 West Main street 2.75. WANTED. WANTED A good second hand ht-ck, Addree "E", Caro Tribune office. 2G9 WANTED A lday solicitor to sell electric heating, cooking and light ing devices. Apply at the Condon Water and Power Co. WANTED Experienced quarry man. Address P. O. Box 418. Medford. Or. WANTED A girl or woman for chamber work and assistant cook ing at a lodging and bonrdlng Iioubo tho employment will bo steady. Ad dress Mrs. F. H. Gregory, 2G5 4th St., Ashland, Or. 2G9 WANTED Representative In Med ford and Ashland, lady or gentle man; pleasant, profitable employ ment: references. Box 1S5 Central Point, Oregon. 270 WANTED Gentlo driving mare; must weigh not less than 1100 and price reasonable. See W, at Mall Trlbuno offlco. WA"NTED Experienced salesmen. Benson Investment Co. 271 WANTED Man and rig, can have good position. Apply nt Moore Ho tol. Ask for Mr. H. 270 WANTEd To rent, 5 or 10 acres near town, sttltablo for garden truck, potatoes, etc. Address "Uouter," caro Tribune, glvlnc ftrtl particu lars. 269 WANTED To buy, Team from 5 to 9 years old, mares preferred; 2 good frosh cowks, Jorsoy preferred, and 3 dozen Leghorn chickens, whlto. Ad dress whore same can bo seen with price. Box 73S. Medford, Or. 271 WANTED A good Japaneso cook and for general housework. Apply HOG West Main. WANTED Boy wants" position to work betoro and after school In offlco, storo of tho Uko. Inqulro of tho Sttprlntondont of tho high school. WANTED Orchard Job by youug man having bad sonic oxporlenco in almost all lines of orchard work. Address "H" caro of this office 2G9 FOR RENT. ufl j FoTTUENT FurnlBhod rooms with board. No. 10 North Qrapo stroot. FOU RENT Farms, from 40 acres upward, sultnblo for fruit, alfalfa, stock or general farming. Inqulro at offlco Condor Wator & Powor com pany, 209 W. Main stroot. FOR RENT Tracts of lnnd from ono to forty acres; with wator for irrigation, suitable for raising po tntoos and garden truck, also suit able for chicken mid turkey raising. Owner will furnish a reasonable) amount of lumber and poultry uud other fencing for improvements if lossoo perform lnbor of ercotiug same. Call nt offioo of Condon Wnter and Power company for pnr tioulnrs. FTJlTirRNTElght-room houso, tUreo blocks from depot; $30 per month; furniture for sale. 3 E. Fourth St., cor, Front. 2G8 FOU RENT Onlyhotol In town of 1000 population. Call at Condor Wator & Powor Co., 209 Wost Main Btreet, Retain Your Luck --4 --. -4.44...-. 4-4 -4 V 4- FOR RENT. F7jll REiNT And furniture for sale, 8-room bouse, No, S Fourth, corner Front. 202 FOR KENT Modern furnished rooms at C04 West 10th or 124 King street. T f 4 LflRT. I.OHT The parties that boi rowed by plow pleaso return Immediately, If not I will bn looking for the tame, A. C. Edwards. No. 5. 1 1th st. 270 r RIISINFSS DIRECTORY. Tea and Coffee Houses. GRAND UNION TEA CO. Any va riety of tea or coffeo grown can be had from their agent, S. Kemp th'orue, 237 Riverside avenue. Phone 3871. Ticket given with every purchase. Restaurants. BEE HIVE RESTAURANT Meals 15c; beds, 15c. Oire us a trial. 29 Central avenue, upstairs. CHOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDI CTNES will cure rheumatism, asth ma, paralysis, sores and private dis eases. These remedies may be pro cured at the store of Wah Chung on A street, Ashland, Oregon, where they will be sold by the proprietor, Chow Young. JTInShops. J. A. SMITH Tin shop. Tin and shectiron ware on hand and made to order. 128 North Q street. Auctioneers. E. F A. BITTNER, auctioneer, will be found in room 208, (Taylor & Phippa Bnilding. Attorneys. WITHINOTON & KELLY Lawyers. Palm Building. PORTER J. NEFF Attorney-at-law. No. 0 D street, ground floor. COLVIO & READIES W. M. Col vig, C. L. Reamcs. Lawyers. Of fice Medford National Bank Build in:, second floor. II. F. MULKEY Attorney-at-Law, Offices Room 30, Jackson County Bank Building, Medford. Transfer and Drayagc. II. S. BRUMBLE Drnyage and transfer. Baggage stored. Office C and Seventh. Real Estate. BENSON INVESTMENT CO. Real Estate, Loans and Fire Insurance Office, suite 205-200, over Fruit growcrs Bank. Phono .)41. DAMS & BRIGGS 0. Adams, U. P. Briggs. real estate, insurance, farm and city property, timber. Butte Falls. Or. Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped job office in South ern Oregon; Portland ptices. "7 South Central ave. Opticians. DR. GOBLE The only exclusive op tician between Portland and Sac ramento. Office on West Main st. tuul railroad. Brick Companies. 0. W. Priddy. J. T. O'Brien. 0. D. Nagle. THE MEDFORD BRICK CO. Brick manufacturers and contractors; also Jime, cement nnd plaster in any quuntity. Office, Medford National Bank bids. Phone Main 545. Undertakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day phono 351. Night Phones,: C, W. Conklin 3001, J. II. Butler '3571. Photographers. MACKEY'S STUDIO "Pose with Afaokoy and die with joy." Over Al len & Reagan's storo; entrance on Seventh streot. . Stenographers. ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block. Stonographio work dono quickly and well. Hospitals. SOUTHERN OREGON HOSPITAL 344 South C st., Medford, Or. E, W. Hisev, Matron. Official hospi tal P. & E. R. R. Dentists. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOC, Dentist Office in rooms 203-204, Farmers' & Fruitgrowers' bank building, west of tho tracks. Collections. SOUTHERN OREGON COLLECT ING AGENCY Will attend to tho oolleetion of any accounts anywhere in tho state or out. Room 208, Tay- lor & Phipps Building. Messenger Service. MESSENQEU SERVICE Messou gors furnished at all hours of day and till 9 p. m, to any part or city, from lOo to 25c. Phone Main 1812. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. piano Instruction. HARMONY, sight rondlng, musical form. Mrs. E, E. Gore, Metropi .itun College of Music. Mi as Flora Cray Studios, 144 Sonth Central avenub. JPhone 403. Civil Engineers. . WILL take by contract, on rcuon, oble terms, all kinds of work; nHo irrigating, planting und cultivating', etc. Landscape gardening. Firat class references. Will. am Peters, Civil Engineer, Phono IHUl, 322 ii. Main streot, Medford. Or. Bill Posters. VERNE T. CANON Bill Poster nnl; Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 7, Jackson County Bank Bnilding. Medford, Or. Billiard Parlors. S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiard, Ci gars and Soft Drink). Up stair? Young & Hall building. A nfre cm' plai-e to spend the hot jffrno n 1 1 -c. Architects. T J. K. A. BILES Architect A Uuilder. P. 0. Box 480, Mnlf.. Or. Yonr bnilding respectful! V- . licited. Furniture. H. F. WILSON & CO., dcalcis in n .w and second-haud furniture nnd hardware. Agents for Mound City kitchen cabinet. 323 E. Seventh st? MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th nnd Holly sts., Medford. Mission Ftirnitnre made to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order- solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cook Stovtjs and Ranges. New and Second-IInnd Furniture. Ends' old stand, 18 W. F st. Sonth. Phono 91, Medford, Or. Nurseries. QUAKER NURSERIES Our treea are budded, not grafted. Our stock is not irrigated. We guarantee "jv erythinjr put out. Wo are not in the trust. H. B. Patterson, office in Hotel Nash. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY Growers of high-grade nursery stock. C. F. Cook, Prop. R. R. V depot. P. O. Box 841. Phono 1201, Medford. Carriage and Auto Painting. VALLEY .SIGN AND CARRIAGE WORKS High-class work guaran teed. Su;ns. Riverside avenue. Phone 801. Cement Workers. B. J. ADYLOTT All work guaran teed strictly first-class. Residence No. 400 Bcatty street. A card will bring me to yotu MUSIC. MUSIC AND LANGUAGES Mrs. H. L. nuillier, 707 Main streot West. Private lessons in singing (method Rossini) and languages French, Italian, German, Spanish. MRS. E. E. GORE Piano instruction Metropolitan Collego of Music. Miss Flora Oray. Pb-ne 493. 144 South Central avenne. Building and Loan Association JACKSON COUNTY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 0. C. Boggs, Acting S6eretary, 128 East Main street. Carpenters and Builders. A. D. JOHNS. Contractor nnJ Build er 225 Riverside nvenuo. Phono 2471. F. K. HILL Will furnish plans mid list of all timber o bo put in hiuld ing. Medford, Or. W. G. HOLMES Contractor nnd builder; plaits and estimate funi-' ished. Inquiro Star sostauiM-it or address Box 818. Physicians and Surgeons. It. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposito Jackson County bank. Night calls promptly answered. Offico and resi dent phono Main 3432. S. A. LOCKWOOD, M. D. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Offices in Hnskius' building. Phono Main 1001. C0NR6Y & CLANCY Office in Stewart Building Physicians and Surgeons. Office phono Main 31L; privato phone Main fll'3. S. r7sEELY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. 'Modorn equipped operat ing rooms, X-Rny, Offico hour: 10-12, 2-4 p, m. Office in Jacks in County Bank Building. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic Physicians. Mission Block. Phono 201, Medford. CALL ON DR. E. J. BONNER, Ec specialist, when others fall. Oi'tVa in Hagle Pharmaoy. Main 233. Er4l, Main near D'Anjon. Cigars and Tobaccos. IRELAND & ANTLE Smoko Iloue, dealers in tobacco, cigars and amok ors' supplies, Exclusive ngciis of Lewis Single Binder, 1 Morlto and El Paleacia. 212 Weat'Main streot.