Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 30, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE MEDI'ORti JU1L ttfttfetffiii MJdDFltJ, OtIIMONf, aUN'QAV. j A tfAUV iW. MO,
1200 KILLED IN i
Poist Search for Two Well lresnil ltusslnn Trooiw Unable to Control
S '.angers AVro Forced Chauffeur g j Sttuntlmi Molitunmodaus War
to Aid Them With f -'on PurseeSun Wor-
POn'-LAXD. Or.. Jnn. 29. Posses to- ST. PKHKUSUUllG, Jan. Follow-
day are .farchlne for two eUWMcd r report, that 1300 persons haw bfjen
highwaymen who. plying thctr trade tn ' ""'
o ,,. ,,i,t ..i .... limmlans and Parsee sun-worship
v t..rrin-. iv..u. i,,- Pts. reinrorccmeniB are iraTniB iuuujt
Khortlx- after oVIwk. Th rnbh.m w. "r HOKliar. In TurKPSian, io join ui-
cured $100 from Mrs. Merrill, forcing mun "TOps la
th voman In nnn tho H-if Afli.r f In. t the Conflicts.
I.l.lno- tl.l. th. tan .no.. ,.m..,l Infnl lie 11UH1W1 CUIlIHimmcr I1W" mi.
fh tnvtont. nn.l r..1.l th W SllUOUOn IS OCyOHU VUllirui. BUU
to drive to the aeven-mlle nous, whew urBVs t,,e .rusnlnA "f additional troops.
nnother robbery was attempted. Hcrei ""'""""
they were frustrated by Manley Thomp'
son, a piano player at the ivrfort. who
& CO.
put up a stubborn resistance He was
ahot by one of the men and will prob
ably die. Following the shooting, of
Thompson the highwaymen abandoned
their second attempt at robbery and fled
serous the fields.
The two robbers forced the chauffeur
to do their bidding at the point of a re
About S:S0 o'clock last nlcbt the Or
egon Taxlcab company rvcelved a call
for a cab to ro to the end of the Mount
Scott car line. Fra- Haddley was sent
out with the car.
He declares
that the fanatical war lias spread)
through a portion of Afuhanlataa and
l reported to b ruglnif in Northern
.( Populace Hastltis.
Already the people of Turkestan are
becoming restive over report of ma
nacres and looting. Civil-war Is threat
ened to the northward of Bokhara
through Turkestan by the dismissal of
the prime minister, who was suspected
of Instigating the conflict. Dismissal
Of the official, however, has failed to
check the war,
-he foreign office here refuses to dls-
.1 at the end of the cu,s the p,.ans -f , Ru"U un'clLon
n t,.tc.t .... t- .n.,t...,..i mid xne movement or troops io me in
nr. ph nr.i. r him t h,,,,.. ,..dUn frontier. It Is known that there
....... .in. .....I mar be crave Questions behlud .tha
,v.c-...c: ...'..a. . H urn lie nun iuiui ... . ni
n: proceed m H, resort In a roundabout huaM Myolt- wn,ch may br " ""'"J
n .,.!nt... t-,nland England face to face with a prob-
th rolle house was reached bothlle mnelther nation la ready to solve at
men romird onr blnrlc,. nn.l ntlPesenl lnal 01 poiiucaj coniroi o. ra
th nolnt nf a w.v0lvr nr.w.1 i.. I Porta on the Indian ocean.
,.,,rr. .k.o.1 r ti,. i Xaay to a it Troops Xa.
w onlv two other men In the nlnrel Th holy War Is along tha right of
when the trio entered. One man atoodl-w5?f
'guard over Haddley nt the door while
the other ordered the customers to
throw up their hands. Then one of the
robbers scooped up all the money !
Ing" behind the bar. He then ordered
Mrs. Merrill, who was In charge of the
place, to open the safe. She did so,
whereupon the man took about $100
more. One of the men then, cut thetel
ephone wires and Haddley was. mads to
go back to the taxlcab and drive with
all speed to the seven-mile house. As
the cab n en red the resort. Manley
Thompson, hearing the puffing of the
machine, went to the front porch to
welcome the supposed customers, when
ha wan ordered to throw up his hands.
Ha grappled with the two men. ,ln..t,he
scuffle which ensued one of the high
waymen fired two shots, one striking
Thompson In the face and the other
of the new Russian railroad that
la- seeking an outlet on the Indian' ocean
through' Turkestan, Afghanistan .and
Baluchistan. The road la partially
completed through the territory now
ravaged by the Mohammedan and sun
worshippers. It Is an. easy matter for
Hussla to place large numbers of troops
In the troubled country on short notice.
It Is known here, however, that Kng-
land Is keeping a (Jealous, eye on the
progress of The railroad, and It Is a se
rious question In the minds or diplomats
here as to whether Hngland may not
protest agatast Jarga bodies of. Russian
troops being mi;
tiers In India.
assed so near br fron-
All ladles' wnUts at halt, price at
Meeker & Co. 'a.
Stationery, office and school aup-
penetratlng the left i side and passing I t Morlwold StaOD
near tha heart. In life ejtcltement Hadd-lP"ea al tne alenwola aHP'
ley escaped with the machine and
robbers took to the woods.
Lace, Emdroidery and
White Goods Sale
You are invited to look at our new line of slkls,
new novelty wool dress goods, new waisting,
dress ginghams, Galatea cloth and" chillies.
The Best 1910 has to offer.
kfci LaL. $ iris
and see us in our New
Quarters, 108 W. Main
St., next doon to York &
Co. Realty Office.
2sRex Market
Huth & Pech Props. Phone 3071
-. ran
Madame Root
Demonstrating at our store every day next week, one
of the greatest preparations for beautifying the skin
Bloom of Roses the skin beautifier of the ago. Madam
Root has. met with great success while staying with us
Invitation is cordially extended to all.
Saw Police Will Xot Trouble Willi
Astatic Morals, but Will Look Aft.
ter Protection of Citizens.
SAN FRANCISCO, Cat. Jan. 29.
Plegow, fantan and other Chinese gam
bllng games will be allowed In China
town by the present administration of
Mayor McCarthy, providing the Chinese
do not openly violate the law, accord
ing to statements attributed to Mayor
McCarthy today.
"The police department will have
enough to do In protecting the Uvea of
citizens and their property without look
lng after the morals of the Asiatic,"
the mayor la quoted as saying.
"The Chinese have as much right to
gamble tn their home as has the white
man In his club."
Mayor McCarthy promises that there
shall be no more door smashing by po
,We are agents for Snowy Hptio
ten-acre orchard tracts. These tracts
aro In (lllferent stages, or develop
ment from undeveloped land to full
hearing orchard. These tracts are
neai Central Point station. Tele-
phono 541 for appointment or call
at our offices over Fruitgrowers'
bank for prices ?.nd terms.
120 acres In Sams-Valley, 1-2 mile
west of Beagle post of flee; price $30
per acre. Wo will exchange this for
other real estate, preferably in or
near Medford. What have you. to
of Mr?
40 acres 1C miles uortn of Med
ford; 8 acres cultivated; 4 acres In
fruit trees from, 2 to JO years old;
on two good county rasas; umau
house, barn, vegetable house, 2 wells,
this can all be easily cleared without
a foot of waste land; 25 acres enclos
llcmen In the CIIna auarUr J.d ?d ,w,th ? a.wl?1 ?B,i; priC?J2;
declares that the "hrnllnir" nf PhInM a" ". or "cuauu i",:u
will not be tolerated. This Is taken as rrd c,tr Pperty.
an intimation to the Chinese tnerchanta
that so long as they are orderly "and
quiet they will not bo moleHted.
Recently the Chinese residents here
complained that they were being', sub
jected to unusual psplonage and per
secution by the police. They threaten
ed "to move to other cities where their
countrymen were receiving more fibers!
treatment, and to forestall this It lsbe
lieved that Mayor McCarthy will direct
the police department to cease Its lie
terference In the quarter.
Are. yoaiaconserYatlve ,InTtor?
Do you know values when they stare
you in the face? If so, wo want to
meet you and snow you that we are
telling good residence lots for f2S0
that aro as desirable from every,
standpoint if not morto so than lots
being orforcd for four and fire nun
dred dollars each. As an extra in
ducement wo will only ask you to pay
S2f down and ?10 monthly, It will
pay you to seo m. DO IT NOW.
Consprvatlre. far-sighted men hare
prophesied that 1000 houses Will be
built in Medford this season. If this
is true hadn't you better get busy.
mssul ?h s Mnie fur Jt month Into a lot; perhaps
masted schooner Susie M, Plummer, :,. tilf,P fiinw mav want vmir lot
which ha, been a de.lct since early in XM?&Y,a?. " " '
December with her crew gone, Is again
at the mercy today of the sea, having
been up and towed by the steamer Toes
to Cape Ilussell, where she was anch
ored, The United Hes llfeaavlng
itamer imohomlsh reported to Pach
ena by wireless last night that after
finding and towing the derelict for a
short distance the hawser parted and
during the darkness the Plummer dls-
appeared, later being reported drifting
past Vancouver Island before a south
west winu. wne is a uangerous menace
to navigation.
Too schooner s deck was gone and
1 most of her seams open. The greater
iwri or her cargo of lumber has been
washed away by the waves, which con
stantly break acrcxw ,lier.
to bui)d his house on,
.Is n new addition placed on the mar
ket for the first time January 28th.
It commences one block west of the
11th street stow, and iolno Highland
Park addition on the Houtti. You will
like Laurel Park.
Wo represont fire strong old-line
flro Insurance companies, among
them being tho California Insuranco
Company and the Protector Under
writers, both of which paid San Fran-
cIbco fire losses in full. Insure your!
automobllo against fire and theft.
Painting Time
yoar home or other bmildtag taking on that
fadel, "scen-better-days" appearance that
reminds tou that a new coat of color is due ?
Time to call iu a painter and arrange or
ut this time set a lailinr palatini? a
that will keep its brichtnesa and beauty years
V longer than ordinary paint, and that will fail
gradually, leaving' a smooth:, even, "paintable" surface.
Lowe Brothers
"High Standard" Paint
Gi-des "Best ResulU
It Is ready-to-use, thus saving painter's time and nuking ears that the
nixing is mechanically right.
"HIGH STANDARD" PAINT is made of materials a third-of a-centwy of
paint-making experience has proven to be right, scientifically mixed and
ground to a wonderful fineness. Unequal cl in covering power, spreading
capacity, beauty, wearing quality and proved to be moat economical,
There lialowe Brothers paint for erery requirement Beside "KIOU
STANDARD" LIQUID PAINT, (here U a Lowe Brothers laletlor
t Knsmcl for woodwork and will?: Hard Drvlar Floor Paint for Ooortt
SBj Vcralast tKaia for aoori, woodwork) "Little slue flag" VaraUa, etc aajl
For tSale By
Nicholson Hardware Com'y
Marriage Xlceasas.
Vernon Bartlett aid i Genevieve
son, January 20.
"Aaron W, Clark and Mabel V.
bey, January 28.
Do you know tlmt croup can be
provonted? Give Chambei'lain'e Cough
Remedy as soon, as the child hecompa
hoarse or erwtafter tho .crowpy;
cough appears and It will prevent the
attack. It is also a ccrtalu euro for
croup and has never been known to
fall. Sold by nil druggists.
Office over Fruitgrowers" Bank.
Phons 641.
Opening Third Unit
If U. S Government Lands, Uma
tilla Project, at Herniston, Ore.
February 10, 1910
Ror the above occaalon the Oiojou Kallroad & Navigation Co,
t ' J) ' .,
and Bquthern Pacific Compunyiluei in Oregon; will make an
open rate or
One M One Third Fare
for the round trip from all points In their liner to Ilermlaton,
Tlcketa'on sale February' 8th and 9th, vth final rut urn lim
it February 20, 1910. ::1
Free booklet, issued by the government, 'con'alnlnj! full in
formation as to coat, how to file, wutor righfr, o:c, may bo ob
tained frpm any aIt. & N, or B, P, Agent, or by wrltluK tp
WM, McMUHKAY, Gencntl P(K.iBer Agent.
160 Acres of Good Fruit Iud
4 utUea nest at Gratitt Pass,
Forty aevea lota lu Jacksonville,
fine location.
I have alto got a pair of flee
Cougar Kitten, five nonttta old,
which cau be bought at a reaaoaablo
price. '
GN L0 Wis
Farm Land Timber Land
Orchard Land
Residences City Lots
Orchards and Mining Claims
Medford Realty Co
Room 10, Jackson County Bank Building
Tho bout resolution for you
to itiako Ih to I'omii to ua for
your next null', If yow want
MimotliiiiK nt of tho ordliinry
Wo lo tho IichI work nml charo
I hit lowent pricoH.
tiib rsooRiiuaivn tailox
I Medford Iron Works
I E. C. TROWOniDGE. Proprietor.
Foundry and Machinist
. .ol Eiiijim-s, Siiayliii Outfits, Pumps, Boilers nnd Mi-
Jclilntry 'Agents In Soutliern Orotnti for
$ All
Office In residence, corner West Tenth and King Streets. Always prepared to show you tho host Jack
son county has In the real estate line from the unimproved land to (do licst liearlnu orchards, form land
or stock ranches; al city property. Tho manager lias had ten years' cxpcrlenco In the county, which
will aid the prospective purchaser. Seeing Is, knowing. Wo also have modern rooms to accommodato
ur patrens. J
Following are Some of our Good Buys
16 cre8 Newtowns and
Spitz apples, $16,000 easy
terms; jnst ready to bpar.
10 acres Newtown and
Spitz applejB, 4-year-old
trees; $5000, easy terms.
Several nice small tracts
near town just coming in
360 acres 1 .1-2 miles
of Eagle Point, $18,000,
easy terms.
2'00 acres south .Eagle
Point, $10,000, easy
House, two lots, welllocat
ed; price $1700; terms.
293 acres near coal mines,
j. A . '
ipyuuo, easy terms,
Also city properly, nearly
two no r8, with good
buildings, well located,
modern improvements.
Prico $.0J.
Two lots,
Xino location,
Sovoml aero tracts, Pino lo
cation to subdivide for
lots Tor sale.
f 9