4 Tffl MKDFQRD MAUJ TRIBUNE, MfflDFORD, OREOON, SUNDAY, JANUARY HO, 1010. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Muulicr for IihikuIdii. Not) Hut Morriwold Kliop fur bonlm, nuiKiiciiiiiH null nun (uiirnivliijr. II, A. IIiiIiiioh, dm liiRtiranco limn, nt.MOKciilii l ho hlx (ntiipiuilmi, Itonni 1(1, JiiiilcHcm County Hiuilt liiillilliu;, IMiono 7Ht. 270 Sou It. A. Ilnlmt'ii, iliti liiuimuicu until. 270 Bnv It. A. Molincii, tlio Iiihiii aiict iiiuii, 70 W. IV Itolilnou, Konornl fri-litlit iKi'iit; II. U, Kmiiistiury, illHtrlct fiuU-.lit wit, (Hid II. A. HIiihIiiiw, tlHVlllllIU fl'ltlKlt'. IIKrllt. IUOHtll IWJIltfl on No. ),1 yi'Hturiluy. It. IIuhIm'ii. roitilni.iBtiir of tint H. i. coiiiimny, Miiit n ftnv hour In Muilfiml yt'Mtonliiy. A iiiuiiiihlft on "OrHiiinl Ihmtlim." by E. II. (Inilili lutH Ikioii IhhihuI by tlio rallioiul coiiipuiiy for fin illHtrllni tloii. 'I'll In piniiiililot covnrn tlm mat tor vury thoroughly uml hIioiiIi! provo of Krtmt vultio to our orclui'dlHtH. All luturviitml c:ti mum m !y ciiIIIuk on A. B. ItoNtuilritiiiii local ur.uiit Boutlitirn t'nt'lflc lomimiiy. Tin' Jiivoiillo DntirluK c I tt1 holiln lu iivxt im-ty at tint AiikI" Optint 1: uo WtMiu'Hi'h, IVhruar," !!. A. 8, Hoiit'iilmuiii wan In OrnntH I'r.n ttttvnilltiK tlm fuimrol of JiuIro J. O. Ilooth. M. V. Mwul! of (Irniitn Vixnn In In Mcdtord today nttoiulliiK tliu fmiornl of hU KranddiuiKhttr, tlio Into MIhh Union (i. Mtmdit. What Moeki'r Htiyii Ih bo. Try him. Mr. nud Mth. Ilort llariien of OrmiU I'nim am Iwru today, Mrn fluriHm. Ih a aUtor of .MIhh llcltm Mi'iulo, wIhiho funi'nil mourn (IiIh nf- tornooii. Wolhoin Ilt't'iiou of Talnut wiih a .Mmlford visitor Miturdny. Mr. mid Mm. W. V. Wiley of UIIIh- Ixtro u r i) hor to attri.I tlic fuiivral of MIhh llidnii .MaU. Mm, Wllny In n Hlwtor of Mix, MmiIii. Mr. nud Mm. II. W. Ilarron of AhIi Inml wore Mt'dford vlNltorit Hatiir- day. O, J Hell of llrowiiihoro, onn of thr InadltiK cl!inn of that Hwtlon, ?n In Mtilfonl H-.turday. Clnrouco . Itt'itniuM wan at Jack itouvlllo Baturday on IhinIiiohh uttfnro too tlrriilt court. ThoiunH Winy wan In Modford Sat urday from IiIh fnrm oaNt of tlm rlty. Attorney M. I'urdlu wiih at Jnek- ioiivIIIh on profoHMloual IiuhIiibm Mat urday. It. II. Dow wna In Mwlford Friday vi'iiliiK from Jiickno:ivlllii. M. M. Taylor of JarkHonvlllo n- turiind Friday inoruliiK from AMliland, wlioro ho liiul boon on IiuhIiii'im. II. U. l.uiiiHdi.'ii wna at Jackmui vtllo Kjtturdny on l'Kii IiiihIiioxh. KiiiII Drltt of JackHOiivlllo wan a Mmlford IiuhIiioom vUltor Haturday. Bhnrlff Jo lion wiih In Mttlford from thn county neat Friday ufti'rnnou, John P. Mlllur wan down from Jai'l:oiivlll Friday on IiihIiuhh. William Denoff Mprtit a ftw houm In Mod ford Friday aftoruoon look Intc after 1)iihIikhh tnattoni. A. K. Camon of (IrantH I'aHu, Mtato horllriiltural rouiiiitHNlono: , wna In Mmlford Friday in official IiiihIiihh. Tho ladlen of tho Mmlford W. 0. T. If, mot laHl TliiirHday afternoon. A nhort iiroKram wait ri'ndorod. A nkutcti of FraucoH Wlllard'a llfo wiih kIvdii by Mm. Muck, which wan vury lutorivtltiK Tho uroHldimt, Dr. Myr tlo Luck wood, tirKd tho Union to Bludy tho llfo of ItH jsrnit tondor, PranccH Wlllard, morn nloHtdy, Mm. DavU kiivo a koihI talk to tho moth ora about Buiiiiihoii nud IiIh urcat atrniitttli and how no Kot Into tho wroiiK ,(,"d of company, and IiIh tranittli loft him. Hun knld tho Un ion Htiould watch that ItH groat atrtinittli Hho.Md Htny with It unto tho oml. Tho ntnto ptoHldont. Mm. Un ruh, will bo In Modford Fobruary Wl and H. Hho will Hpcak twlro on tho Uth, place to ho nunoiincod Inter, and thou nIio will visit tl'o nchoola on thu 14lh. Tho ladle nro koIiii: to utvo a rocoptlon on tho ovonltiR of thn Uth for tlio mlulHtom and tholr wIvoh of tho town at Hmltti'H hall, on Orapo Htroot, It Ih hoped t IiIh will bo bUKlimliiK of tho V. C. T. U. ki1 tlmeii, Hlinor A Hlcka inado n Hhort Iiiih Iiiiihh trip Hoiith Haturday. J. Forcy WoIIh, county hcIiooi hu ptirlnttiiidtiiit, wiih In Modford Satur day on IiIh way to AhIiIiiikI to remain ovor Mummy. H. t!. (Jarnolt rotiiriiod from n bim Inowi trip lo Foitliiinl I'rlday. Mm. ClinrloH F. Yoiiiik rotiiriiod Hnliinlny iiioiiihiK f 1 0111 a vIhII to i olnt I von and frloudii at. Aiililnnd. Frod Furry of Phoenix wiih In Med ford on bunliiOMii Hiiliirdny. Carl 10. Illckii of Hacnimonto, Cal In In Modford vImHIuk blr, brothom, lOlnier A. IIIcIih of tho Oiokoii Oran ltd coinimiiy. and Harry II. Hlcka of tho Modford Mall Trillium. Mr. Illcltu Ih on IiIh vny to l'o;il;ind. For uomo yenm ho him boon connected witn t Ho Hacrainoiilo Duo. William II, HIiiih or (IrantH Phhh Ik lookluit ovor tlil oml of tho vnlloy. H, A, I'attlRou of tho L'ontral Point Horuld wan In Metlfonl Halurdoy. Harry WIIkoii of Applcxi'to wnn In Modford on Hiitiirdny o.i route to Portland. II. N. llondomou if Tnill la vlnlL-1 inn wiiu ronuivoH in .Motirord, llunry O. McOoo of Illicit Hpont Bntuidny In Modford on bUHlnt'im. II, I), Vf 1 1 la iiih of 'nlunt wiih a ro- cent vlaltor lit Mudford. 0 Tlm blilltdiiy of Itov, W. I '. Hooilu wiih cidoliiatetl I'rliluy cvt tli-tt ut dm Hlnr rootniiriiiii wllli it kii Ih rl;.i: of ratnlty uml frli'inlN uml tut ililorulo lilrlliilny HUppor m ii r itililnlnlil An Inforiiiul iiiukIiiiiI (itiitruiii w.in ptiJuyiMl mid mi oildrvNH Hiilliil to IIk- (it'ciiMlon clvi'it Uy Ilrjy. V., J llilirlliHluii. Thumt piitaiit wcroi Mr. und Mm W. Mlllliruti, Mr and Mm. J. V. UniU. Mr and Mm. (. V Moyori, Mr. nnU Mm. K, I. llurrlnxton, Itr. unit ' Mm. -V. IS.. Oortde, Mm. Vny Anilnrnoii, MInn-h IJva laid Mntnlii Uooile, plalr WIIIIuiiih, Maria anil IJurotlty Moycm, Memm, I.ouIh IIIkuIiih, Uer CuHlck uml Di-llmrt Aiidurnon. MnnroRD i.ohbh oamh BY A OZ.ORB B0ORI3 TJi. Modford IiIkIi otool liankottiill tw in met ltn Nidiitil itofi'Ut ut tlm hands and feet of tlm crack IClmimtli 1'uIIm tm in 1 rhlny nluht at tho nkntlim rink on pi Mil lit mnit, by it neon) of 33 lo 30, which wimn'l ho limt, nf Ut all. rltn IihjiiI IiiiIh hold tholr inoro rxnur b'lii't'd oppdiii'nlH down until the lioit of tho Hpcond half, whMl kunwIiulKo of tho Kuinii uml thu fact Uml the ICInmiitb FuIIn tram Inn! tholr own nifcrotf, on iiIiIimI them to win by a nurrow our- Kin. Thr ruiiik wnn a clrmi onn throtlKhout, lint no rcffri' can help kIvIiik IiIm own lioya thn nlimlo thu hi'ttrr of It I In wotililii't u much of it liouiiiT If hu illil uins Hnr.rn msauu to BE BURIJD SUNDAY Tln fiiit(ral of MIhh llnlrn Clriipvlrv .MiiiiIo, ilniiKhtnr of Mr. and Mr, It. V. Mpilitn, will tiil plmv Humluy aftnr- nyoii. Itv IlKlkimp of llir- M church offlclnlliiir. .MINN lli'lnn Tn II )arn mot 'J liimit hi old ut thu tlilto of Iit ilrnth, unil hud burn ,t iphMi-iiI hfre with lo-r pur- rlllH for tho pit Ml 13 llioilllm. THREE MBit NEARLY. BURIEp ON BAST BIDE A cavp.lu In lh Irnicli for the new pt nIiIp upWit Hnturilny cnuiu ni-nr clulmliu; thri-u liven. An It wn. thrpp iin'ii wirn luirliMl pnrllnlly unit mta IIiiip wiin,r'iltrl lii'foru thny were ilui; out. Slolllan Bumtd to Btb. HACItAMKNTO, Cu!.. Jan tV Thu txiily of Aiiki'Io l'Vvlu, a Hlcllliin uiirli- iik uinii, wiih fotinil hitilly linriifil In a Imrn In tho rror of IiIh home which wan ilimtroyi'il l.y flro toility It Ih Ih'IIovimI Unit I'evlu wuut out lo fi'ud IiIm liorttoH Mini iiiinot a ciiudlu .In tho hayloft. Willi" riiiltllitif thu flru he U belltvd to havn liriHithvil In the fluniiM uml fiill.'it ilowti the hay chute. HI hotly wiih liiirnrd lo ti orlni. Shouldn't rood With VSg Tools. Minn Carol 1'Ull. u Hltldioil af the AhIi Inml IiIkIi Hcltnol, mul n pnpulnr mem- tior of tin' Ht'iilor cliin. wiih nll.MiipUni; to Hplll a Hllrk nf wooil Into klintllitK tit Iter homo hint ovi'iiliiK. whea mIiu iiiIhm.iI oiilculutloiiH mul thu ux cllppi-d off the ioil of her thumb. The attention of a miruenii wiih required lo reputr thu iliiiniiue. AHhlnnil TliltllKX. Xrbrtrlnn Church. IVcuchlmr nt II a. m.; Hunday iichool at 10 a. ut ; C. K. Moclxty at 0:30 p. tit.: union tcutpuruiicu nervlco at the M. K. uhiirch at 7:J0 p. m. Itov. W. T. (Joul- drr of the M. i:. church Hoitlli prcnchcM thu Hcrmoii, Mookor for UliiKhniiiB. If troubled with IndlKOHtlon, con- Htlpatlon, no uppetlto or fool bllloiiH, Klvo (Uiamhorlnln h Htomacli anil i.iv- r TablotH :i trial and you will bo ploiiHod wl h tho iMiilt. TIh'ho tab- Iota luvluoi'ito tho Htomacli and liver and HtroiiL't'ion tho dlt:oHtlon. Hold by all driiK' Ititn. Keep yoi r oyo on Mookor & Co. Tho IlrldK" Wlilut club wiih cnlir- jtulnnd I'rliluy nflnrnoou at thn hoinri of Mm. It, U. (lulu. In tho aliHunco of Nivoral iiiiitnhvrii, Mth, J; K. Mimdyy Mm. w. W. Harmon, Mm. JunnlnBH and aIImh Ida l.i-v Ki'itlnor were kukhIn of thu club, Mm. CharluH Drown, Mm, UuvIn, Mm, Munily uml Mm. Harmon wcr'o voted mwnlium of tlm club, tltua coniplullni; tliu'nliinlxir Mlxlreu. The woiiiuii'h uuxlllury wuh nddrpnmrd nt the nplHuopal cllttrch Krlday uft;r noon by llbihop Hcaddlni;, who outlined tho work for thn HprliiK mul niinuniT montliH, kIvIiik many won) of .loyal en couniKi'iui'iit for thu i;ompltlon of the iplumllil work now' In lirolcrpim anil In thu micceNH of which tho ladle hear ho Import nut u part. Th fourth danclnir jmrty Klvon by tho HwuHtlku club Monday viiIiik wuh one of thu enjoyable oveutN of tho week. While thu uttrnduncn wiih not ho lurse an on pruvlouH orcnulonp, the muilc by IIiizi'IHkk h orehi'Hlra wan all Unit could be di'nlri'il, mid the ilancfrH appreciated tho iiih) couifort of more floor npitce. MIhh Itoxol Davlx, . n, Hiuilor In tho Portland IiIkIi nbhool, Ih. HpendlnR tin1 onmi'ittnr vucallun with ht-r ptirciita, Mr. and Mr. Q. I.. l)nvln. IIIiIh Wiiiited on Keivcr uml Wtr Connect Inns on Ktiininlt Avenue. For laying nml connect I i.k 720 foot U-ln. auwo" tile, i- O-lnili to 4- Inch Yh, 7L0 fool 1-ln. w.itor plpo HldH opeiiiHl at noon Fobn.ary S. For part Ionium call on II. Khun, offlco roar Commorclni club rooiim. "il Whllo It Ih often ImpoHHlblo to prin voul an accident, It Is nuvor Impoisl" bio to bo preparod It Ih not boyond anyone h iiumo. Invost -Ti couts In a bottle of Cliuinborliiln'M I.Iiilnient nud you tiro prepared for HprnliiH, brulHoH uml llko Injuries, sola ny all driiKKlHlK. llliN Wan ted on t'oticroto Walks anil Curbs mi Summit Avenue. 1MM) feet 6-foot cohcroto walks, 1RGU foot curb walk. IIIiIh openod Fobruary u at roon. For particular nro H. Klum, roar Commercial club roouiH. 271 For pocket knlvos, razors and u It earn, boo Modford liardwaro Co.2GD TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. FOIt SALKSomo ?ootl jiloces of sec ond nam! liouseliolil furnltiiro ror Hale cheap. Call on Win. Stacoy, 402 Hoardiunn Htroot, J,'orth Mod ford. .! ' FOIt RAl.K Good fresh milk cow. AddroRS Uox 775. 273 FOIt ' UKNT Modorn furnished rooniB. "Tho Palms." 274 WANTKI) Twain, 1300 to 1D00 pouniu, well broken and in at (Hi; inaroH proforrod. 1 1-2 miles south of town on AHllJand road. W. Q. Cordon. 275 FOH HAI.U Somo Bocond-liand Htcol tiro biigKloo, itrreys, hacks and waRoiiH, mowing machine, rnko :inU ltarnoss. AddroH Forunon & Murray, Central-Point, Or. 274 FOIt SAI.1:--Hoi:bo mid tot. 50x 125, t blockrt from poloffice, $1200. Apply ClaiiBliiK, 331 W. fitlt Bf. 270 WANTUIV-I hhvo from $2500 to $5000 to Invest In a uood foothill tract; ownnrri only nnswor; jjlvo full doHcrlptlon mul location. Ad ilrosii "II," c-io Mali Tribune-. Now slllc walBtluK at Mocker's. 4- 4-4-4--f'f4 T miniiirnn innnn : mmm luualu : V-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f---f-f-f4-f t Wcitr Kidd'H Shoou. IluIcK Ih tho king of tlio auto world. Who docfin't Blub tor a iiulck? For wood of all ; klnda, ho tho Huuaio iJeul. Woodyard. Phono 200 1, Fir iitrcot, between Second and Third MtrootB. Gould & Llndley, propriotom. zoi No one known liow lout; a Buick will lnut, for no IJuick has ever worn' out. Tlio first onea are sliil run- iiinj,'. 258 Wear ICidd'u Shoea. What in life without a Iiuickt 280 Stoiniardt, tho artistic tailor, G South Fir Htrccl. HonHonuble priceH,' easy terniH to rcHpoiiBible parties. 270 Wear Kidd' Shoes. 0J0, thu haulier year. Watch Modford'n population double and lolx in the Queen Anne addition triple in value. Present price $500 nml upward. Cash or terms. ' Full iiBHorlrnent of Whitman's can dicH nt The Merriwold Shop. Bowors & Hunter, u real estate firm of Payolt, Idaho, has purchased tho timber claim of J. II. Jfessler on Evans creek, paying $4000. They nlHo contcmplntc makinf; further in vestments in the valley. People that want figuring on plnutltiK shndo trees and have not got their ordem booked better con sult II. II. Patterson, the Quaker Nurseryman and get low prices. Of flco In llotel Nash Office. r I HAVi: A Lli KINDS OF UltV COHDWOOl) KOIt HA I.K My best fir, $7.50 por cord. And I linvo somo good fir for $6.50, :.nd if you want II sawed Into Htovewood It will ioet 60 centB por cord moro. Ab soon as roads are better wood will bo cheaper. I also do wood- oawlng by tlio cord or by the hour. I also take orders for your fall wood. I will havo yo: ! woo.' cut now and dollvur tho mo to you any time next summer, and you do not have to pay for It until delivered. For fur ther Information call and see mo at 421 South Ornpo street. Mcdford. Or.. or phono M?ln 491, C. F. ReUh Htoln. 2C9 I. (). O. F. Notice. Monday nlv! t will bo the annual roll call of numbers. All members and vlstlng Odd Fellows are urged to bo proKont. Now Is tho time to make your gar den. Get garden toolB from Med- ford Hardware Co. 2C9 Uncus on sal eat Meefcer & Coa. Monday the last day January Don't Fail to Gome Monday Monday is the last day of our creat January Clearance, and we iuvite vou t Clearance I come and shore in the remamiug bargains. You can't afford to miss coming see these good things. You know that we never disappoint you. While you not find all that you desire, you will find go.q'd specials on every hand. Espc is this true of the jeady-to-wears for women. SUITS, CO'ATS, SKIRTS. WA AND ONE-PIECE DRESSES SACRIFICED. Here Are a Few Good Specials You Should See Monday JUST A FEW OF THE MANY SPECIALS FOR MONDAY SELLING: 6 i REMNANTS OF Prints, Ginghams, Mus lins, Outings, Linens, Dress Goods, Silks, Oil Cloths, Flannelettes, Sheetings, etc., etc., -and all at the lowest prices known compatible with' the high prices of raw materials. ONE-PIECE DRESSES W rfan't Urge you too strongly to buy these beautiful, stylish and very desirable Dresses and to come now. The styles are dandy for spring prices , VBOUT HALF. ABOUT HALF FOR , Odd lots of Underwear, i Pe'.Mcoats, Hosiery, '"Waists, Coats, Umbrellas, keckv. ear, Jewelry, In fants' Wear and many oth er things. The Hutchasoto 6bmpany Formerly Baker-HutcmVsoh Company BZJLOK KAXD XXMBBSS esr tmrx sertshob TOLEDO. O., Jan. 29. Found Bullty of Implication In a Black Hand conspir acy) eleven Sicilians and Italians today wera sentenced . today to serve terras ranglnc from two to .sixteen years In state's prison. They, were tried by a Jury In the federal court. Salvatore ZJiaa, ha rlnsleader of the plot, received a.l-yeaf sentence. Acas tlno Margheal. Tlncenzo Arlco and Sal-' restore Rlzzo. who ')0 were declared l b entity, were eratiled new trials. The men were nllKtfd to be members of a cane that oprrattd in various OhU ojtiia for many months. They were al leged t have collected trlbnte from nearly a dozen wealthy countrymen. High Grade Picture Fraifting Having purehased the picture framing business formerly owned by the Medford Furniture company, ad having just received a new and select liiie of CUTTERS, !MATTS, MdULDIRGS 'etc., I ara now prepared to fill all orders in my line in a most satisfactory manner. To make room for new stock, will r ady-fram-, L ed pictures all this week for ' Just One Half Price Late shipments of this season's wall papers now on hand. Also fino line of kigkvjrade Paints, Oils, Glass, Brushes, Varnishes, Tints, Stains etc., always in stock at- METCALFS 318 EAST MAIN STREET if r ' MEDFORD ; 1 1 i i ii- i i I "r i i ii i ill....! , , , Hosiery LADIES' HOSE Our regular 2.r)c quality wool, (Mill on and fleece lined. MISSES' HOSE All our regular 25c qual ity wool and cotton, sizes 5 to 8 1-2. MEN'S HOSE All our men's regular 2.rc. quality, wove and cotton. INFANTS' HOSE All 2fic goods, wool or cot ton, CHOICE Monday and Tuesday assorted any way.' 5 pair for $1.00 Hosiery 25 dozen boys' heavy rib bed, seamless, fast black Hose, fleece lined, sizes 01-2 to ) 1-2, on sale Monday and Tuesday only at 10c per pair 100 dozen men's and la dies' Hose, best value in Modford, 15c per pair 2 pair for 25c LACES INSERTIONS BEADING, ETC, VALBNTINE POST CARDS SWELLEST LINE IN MEDFORD. ALSO THE LARG EST LINE, FLORAL, COMIC, BIRTHDAY AND LO OAL AND OREGON VIEW CARDS, EACH lc Monday and Tuesday WE PUT OUR ENTIRE LINE OF FINE VAL., TORCHON AND COTTON LACES, INSERTIONS, READINGS, ON SALE TO CLOSE THEM, OTJT. REGULAR 5c, 10c, 12 l-2c ND 15c QUALITIES, OVER 5000 YARDS TO SELECT FROM, IN WIDTHS FROM 1-2 TO 2 1-2 INCHES WIDE, . At Your Choice, 2 Lots 2c a yard and 5c a yard THIS WILL POSITIVELY BE YOUR LAST CHANCE ON THESE GOODS AT THESE PRICES. f HUSSEY'S Every Day Needs fanej Siting Dishes, regular qualities good, larre size, Monday and Tuea- day 19c each; 2 for 35c 10 dozen clear glass, post bottom measuring Cups, ey er3r cook needs one of these; sale price, each 10c 10c each . TOILET PAPER iFull size roll, tough and extra light weight, tdc each; 3 for i5c Men's Gloves 'A standard maker's regu- r for $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 quality, gauntlet Glove, all new perfect gooda, all sizes, Monday and Tuesday, choice $1.25 per pair 25 dozen men's canton flannol Glores, with tight fitting knit wrist, well made, full cut, 10c pair; 3 pair 25c D6N'T FORGET TO LOOK AT OUR EAST WINDOW MONDAY, IF YOU ARE WANTING A SNAP IT WILL BE HERE. BlEST YT T. , 4. f f r i i ft