Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 30, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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    vbm itEfaixSiiD Miit liaBtrMi, AiMfrFORD, oregion. sTntiuft. .TAjniAtefe1 30, .torn
Medford MailTribune
A consolidation of tiu Mo-rfard Mall, established 150; tha Souther Oreaett
lan, tn. dished IDO:: tho Democratic Times. established 1872; the Ashlsnd TH
un, rMMbllahed 19S. and the Medford Trlbu establlahed 10J.
"Official Paper of the Cih of Medford.
GEORGE PUTNAM, Kditor .! Mauagcr.
,..,.i ... din matter November 1. 1."". "the. poatofflce at Medford.
OrcEon, under the a,ct of M.x.i 3, J87.
)ne year, br mall.
5.00 One moi i fcy mall or carrier....! 5&
Tlie unsportsmanlike North Yakima fruitgrowers, un--willing
to accept defeat in open competition, have circu
lated nun .'ous canards regarding the prize-wiunhig ear
of Spitzen'.orgs from the Rogue River valley at the Spo
kane national apple show. Every possible technicality
was trum . d up when the awards were announced., and
since then false statement after another has been cir
culated ngiiinst Rogue River fruit.
The latryt canard sprung by the disappointed exhibit
ors is to the v oct that one of their number followed up
the prize-waning car xo Washington and secured several
apples fron it, which he submitted to a government pom
ologist, by whom they were pronounced i:iaKed. As a
matter of J act. government pomologists are not authori
ties on fruir disease and never pass upon them, this being
left to the pathologist.
The Mail Tribune's Washington correspondent wires
that some apples alleged to have come from the prize-winning
carload, were submitted to jNL B. Waite, government
-pathologist, who reported that in his opinion dark spots
on the apples were caused by spraying with arsenate of
lead and that fruit so sprayed might appear oil right when
picked, but later show spots.
G. A. Bracket, government pomologist at Washington
wires to the Mail Tribune as follows: 'Want it distinctly
understood pomology department is not circulating report
prize apples were diseased."
P. J. O'Gara. government pathologist in cliarge of the
depjr tmenf work on the coast, who saw the prize-winning
api before thev were shipped and closely examined
the states' uit they were nearly perfect, and that lie.
doci mt b' Ii. that any government official pronounced
them : used. If diseased apples were submitted, he
. .. 4 .f .f .
The Indies of tho flrtmtor Modford
club, who moot next Monday nflor
noon, aro roIiir to take un thu ques
tion of parks. This Is norhnns tho
most Important subject In connection
with tho city of Medford. Wo taavo
ono nice Uttlo park now, and 1 be
lieve arrangements are being made to
park the Southern Pacific right of
way through the town. Thla Is all
good and beautiful, but these are
small parks, and even with our pres
ent population U has beeu demon
strated during the band concerts of
last summer that tho park was not
large enough to I old the poople oven
though they crowded almost as closo
together as In an opera house. We
must begin to look outside- of tho
present city limits for a park of at
least 40 or 00 acres 80 would bo
better. The city now owns a small
tract of land where the reservoir Is
located, and Just beck of It and ad
jacent to the city holdings la a beau
tiful knoll overlooking tho entire val
ley. 1 dare say this could be had
now at a very reasonable price. It
Is owned by Mr. Pierce, and ho Is a
public-spirited man. Then again,
there Is a beaittitul spot, owned by
tho Stewart estate, at the end of
Qakdale. This would make a beau
tiful park. Now, of course, no one
would advocate expending any money
on suburban parks at present,
but Just procure tho land, mako a
small paymeiit, enough to hold, and
then you caa Improve It later on. In
a short tlmo these grounds will bo
built over with costly residences, and
It will be no easy job to condemn and
buy all this property for park pur
poses. Don't forget that we. are going to
build a city here of 26.000 In the
next few years. When you look off
towards the hills, don't think that the
present limits are pormanent, De
progressive, use your vision; Don't
have your ambition bounded, as Ham
let declares, in a nutshell.
John M. Root Is going to address
the ladles of the Greater Medford
club and touch upon tho question of
parks and sanitation. Wo of the
Commercial club aro glad to know
that our sister organization has also
commenced the work In good earn
est. Came, girls.
Oh. H'a motoring liore, mid It'n motor.
ItiK there.
It'n motorlitir, niolorlwr. everywhere,
Tho liable In tuotorhiK carriage ho,
The kMs soon will const on ttui silvery
In nutomobobs un steep nutomoslldes
In wildly hilarious uutomorldc.
Our dancers are danctni: gy automo
JIkr. Our doctors drive round In their auto
And those who would perch on fauia'a
hlk-hcst bars
Now hitch up thttr waguni to automo
Thu farmer la smiting hit harvest to
When loading his hay on hta automo
Wain Or cnrrlni; the earth with hi autorao
Or milking hi anoUnr automooow;
Or Minting the choremau frith automo
To gather ouch tnorntiiE tue frash au
'Neath the automatical lu tho automo
To the tun of the ;rootrs shrill sU
"White h Who plays golf will tvjolce
at the call
Of the automocaddy who
MAUN A lmTlNtt--
-r -f
lly Kd Andrews.
Miss Hobo Molvlllo drow n 1Ir
houso last ovonlng to sob her c.liurnc
turlsutlon of Sis Hopklhs, AVhen ono
crltlcUca a play llko that 'Of Sis Hop.
kins they, must tiptoe lightly, becattsu
it is a pertarmnuco that Is dear to thu
hearts of tho p'eoplc, It Is a story
of honiely llfo. 'Llku Will CarUou's
'poems, It deals wtth people and
things that nre dear to every heart,
The old farmhouse with Its fireplace
and the good mother who makes
mince pics.
There la no doubt that tho play of
Sis Hopkins Is a picture of rural lite,
and the only criticism thnt could bu
offered la tho colors In which tho au
thor has painted the picture. He has
used 'glaring reds and bright hues.
While this quickly catches tho public
eyo, o,nd so far as thu masses nre
concerned It spells success, but one
who Is a lover of real tert could not
but wish that somber hues, tints of
brown and gray, had been selected
by the author. Sis Hopkins as played
by Miss Molvlllo is a caricature rath-
chasca hla r than a character, for to tell the
truth no sttch e character as His Hop
kins ever lived In tho heavens above.
The outomocamul will aoon ld th Van in the earth beneath, or the waters
Prom Automoahba to Autoraodati. . unuer tue earm. Every speech, even
Ami down In th. kitchen, by hook or m ner nrst appssrauco, snows ner to
by crook. he a gin or unusual good sense; he
Som day we'll rejole In an autotno- Bluoa nor laiuer and mother aro char-
cook acicrs representing good, sensible
Who mor than a wk In .the houta-' (arm people, a little above tho aver-
holtl will atop age in in.c.icci, ana tor tus to snow
To Joy in the jeata of th automocop, I up so lamely and unfanblonablo
Tea. It's motors by Uay and It's motors atriKes one as a on inconsistent; out
by nlcht: i1"" aieixuio starieu out years ago
Wherever we look thera's m motor In to please me people, and sho has suc-
lSht. icoedea. aao nan made a fortune.
All ov.r the land they ar qulta thai ana carries nar automobile wiik her
ana enjoys lire so wntus tno user
And every old barn haa becoma
a gar-
auaiBxrr visa bxata.
A frngllo Uttlo TungHlou ltuup wnu ulmvo tho hendu of tho thiiiK "
boliig uutigly piii'Uod at th" lump
works, lu ti Uttlo box or hot own,
then Into another box, and curried
by tho guui'shoed shipping olorli to
tho trti'n.
Sho rodo and rodo, comliiK ut lant
to her Journtiy'ti end, nnd wiim not
hurled from thu cur, lllto it common
trunk, hut gontly placed on n truck.
Kvuryouv who spied tho label, "Tuiik-
Hten" on tho box looked up with u
bentltlo smile, llko St. Cecilia ut tho
plana, lly and by an exproKmuau
sho hud heard they worn Htiuh un
couth men picked her up gingerly
nnd took hor to it iitore.
Thure they unswathed her, and
tho dapper clerk mild: "Why, thero'M
u Tungsten," nnd quickly put her
Into an "anyold-ockot" on un "old
time fixture," and lo, nnd liuliolil,
sho shnuo forth lu a blnxu of glory
llko an Knuteru dentin,,,
How loud thoy Nang thu pruluex of
Tuugstuul Tho proprlutor wits over
heard to say thnt It tho Ctuiont-wav-lug
kejit up, Inutend of liavliii; u bill
to puy tho lluhtlug company would
be owing him money.
Now It happened that in tho same
train there wnu another box contain
ing another llltlo ,Tunr,H(en--somewhat
opinionated, who liuil heard of
tho suffragist ticket, woiuuii'h rights,
and tho "square deal," nnd wuh going
to get It, Who'i they unimeked her
and edged over to tho drop cord, nhe
said: "HOLD! It Is not enough that
you admlro me; I would be cherished
as well. nm ho Ithy but delicate.
Call me a poached eg;r If you like,
but 1 want u piece of tonst to sit on,
"I pine for company and eok my
affinity a very proper reflector--that
we may revel lu each others
glory, the whole giving you more ra
dleuco; for whllo I nm but 112 with
this reflector on I wilt- look llko r0."
The Mtorn keep stood hack urn1
mused; "There Is much renxou lu her
Haying." and right nwny started for
young and beautiful, let's pull togeth
er -and we will ao wonders.
E. M. A.
HAN BRRNAHDINO. Cl.. Jan, J9, n'" eiectricty Rhnp to spend some
But for Deputy Sheriff Trarabla'e aklll money, when the bold little Tungsten
ful us or h lariat. Thomas Wppln. his urrented IiIh arm saying; "Htny I
wlf and thr children probably would would speed) with thee further.
b lying dead under the qulcaamla of This glad raiment I auk of thin In for
tha MaSoT Valley wash today. tiilno good, that 1 mr.y nerve thee bet
Th Poopln family wan drlvlnr to tur. Thou shelterest thy hnrxo thnt
Porhaps it Is that Texas la bigger their ranch when they -attempted to he may do more work for thee And
nnd needs more public roads, but It Is fdrd a harmless looking stream. In I even ao It Is with me.
for you are nil Inn Interesting fact that in 1909 toe moment tha two horses drawing the I fancy thy generosity ho much
One can tell by the sentiment ex
pressed that the good roads move
ment Is here In dead earnest, and, as fected In each county. Is concentrated
Lone Star 3tnto Issued more bonds vehicle wera caught In the grip of thirl that I am willing to he hung up, high
for good roads construction loan any Quicksands. Tha struggling beasts
other In the country, and Is keeping I Were quickly swallowed and tha wagon
up the lead this year. land Its human occupant wars follow
uond issues for roads OKKrejcatlnr ling rapidly when Tremble arrived
SiT. 000. 000 were tnado oc'.autnOrUed I Tremble, uncoiled bla huso, threw It to
to be maJe by Texas counties laatlPeppln, who fastened tha rope about
year, and under the spur of. public hta wifa'a waut. flha wa drawn to
sentiment, as expressed- by concen-1 safety and tb others followed. I'eppln
trnted orsanlzatlon throughout the I was thu last tu leave. As ha waa
state, road development Is Ixlngl dragged from tha aeat of tha vehicle It
pushed as rapidly as conditions and I disappeared beneath tit onda.
the supply of cash will permit
i n la organisation, mora or less per-1 AttaU t Heat Brtaeall.
NEW TORK. Jon. Abe Attell,
which l will Hltoil liiHlriiiis tiutihcnmit,
anil yel koep out of their vliilou."
"Hut why Hhoilhl I ImiiK tlo !.
niutied tho calico eiiller. '"TIh fule;
I miiHt. ho mi Initialled," rejoined IJio
TiiUKHten, "II Ih ao decreed."
"For Iheo 1 will mako ovnry sacri
fice, and hang with my foot down
forovermoro." "Hut. sorrowfully
said thu muruhaut, or thin TuiiHuton
so uppenled to htui, "thnt means a
rixliur;." "IJulto so," quoth thw
Tiiugstoii,. "Unruly tho goodness of
thy heart Is not hounded by thy pumi
utrlngH? (lei theo bunco unto u
TuttgHtoltur agency und undor thy
arm thou caiiut curry it Foldlnu Tunt,
Htoller for which 1 yearn, und can bu
forever happy with. One with link
HimpeiiHlou, uud when my fancy mux
toward outdoor dlvorslon, I will
think or tho (golf) Miilco ulovo mo.
And I deiilre und aiillvlhrutor which
will break the Jar,, even no thy rub
ber heels relieve the strain on thy
iiplue. Thou canst tuko thru or four
of my kind and put Ilium In tho satuu
fixture, which will glvo un ubumlnuco
of light, uud dispel l',i gloom round
about' this area.
"For light Ih life and ho who Im
parls light to another, has not there
fore Ictm light, but wulks by a uumbor
of t oi Chen Instead of one,"
The good store keep luarvulled ut
the wlsdoui of the loquacious Tung
Hteu, but went forth and did hur bid
ding, mid put lu Tuugutollura, com
plete, thereby transforming his store
Into u place of woudurous beauty
Their reflection Is now radiated tu
the Joy of his coiiutouancv, and hu
rejolcen hi doing what tho Tuugstun
told It 1 tu to do.
The moral of which la, that le
lobster Ih the wise guy nftur all. And
If you glvo the TuugNttm a fulr chauco
and lined It an ll should bo used, with
proper reflectors and In u properly
i-oustructed Tiiugstoller fixture, grot
hlciiNlngH (and Huvlugs) are In store
for you. You can quietly rvad tho
"t'hargo of tho Light Ilrlgado" whllo
your rival storekiMipiir slaus the
"Hong of Sixpence."
Notable dtapluy of wash rubrics at
Meeker & Co.'s
Wen r KiadTit Shoes.
For plumbing, sen Medford Hard
ware Co. 269
v must have come from some other source, and
. . - - i x n ii. i 1. ,1 J. xi . i. -""s ""-i i"" imiu6 lunum iu . c.,!. uuumiciuui unu.,,,u icrampion leainerweigai 01 uis worm,
he Stal.- emphatically that lie does 110 iee tliat anv,wlch we shoui bend our enorgles Association, which Is now gathering announced today Ida acceptance of a
s the procuring of suitable laws so I statistics on public roads, preparatory letiallenga by Jem Drlacoll. champion of
that the different conntles tuny be to still further syatematlelng the I Koaland. Tha match Is scheduled to be.
at U ralae funds. (campaign of encouraging road build-lhsid in San Fronolaco soma tlma in
A to who will build the roads. Ing In the stale. I March and will go 19 round.
trat U u simple matter. The United Kach county Is being asked to I Atteli'a acceptance followed a cabl
, fault ct.niu be found with the prize-w:lining apples.
It w-.h tlie concensus of opinion of those who attended
" the apple how as well as the unanimous judgment of the
. - . ., m . ,. . ii iui i isuim gareranieni win senc an en- uirnisn iui-hu siniisiics, wuicn, wneuigram from pro tno I
JIUlgeS, tUa L tlie XronSOU A5 lalltlirie Cil I' was JUSUy enilllCU I glneer hero, who Is not only compe- comploto, will bo printed In map Ban Franclaco. who arranged tha reatoh
4- xi, w,,:tc, iem if uis proiesaion as engineer, iorm, so mai comparison ueiwcea i worrrotn is exsected to return from
aeucj ,-nn.- -. .v-..,. . Dnt , 3 pracuCal road builder. Ho counties can ho readily made and theiEuropw soon.
will col i with tho experience of the stato or progress be seen-at a glance,
eastern ntates that have tried all Commercial clubs throughout Tex
of time It takes to go for a doctor.
No Hit Yakima has a very bad attack of sour grapes.
and it latest action does not place the district ,bef6re the
world in a very favorable light. As a matter of fact, al
though the Rogue River has never before exhibited a
apple shows, it could have won the first prize any year
it had desired to make an exhibit, and will probably win
tlie sweepstakes at the next apple show, for there is no
country in the world that grows a finer Spitzenberg or
Newtown apple.
The Southern Pacific has issued a pamphlet which may
be had on application to local agents upon orchard heat
. ing, containing suggestions for protecting fruit crops from
early spring frost, written by E. II. Grubb.
The booklet gives the history of the recent experiments
in the Grand valley, Colorado, where last springs crop of
frui, !ucd at two million dollars was saved and market
ed, t i ii the i acords show the temperatures outside of the
1; rchnr.'s were as low as 19 degrees above zero.
'g. tho danger period of 19Q9, 70 per cent oJ the
' oE t! o Grand valley weiv heated and without ex
ception these .-.r .-hards had crops, liilc those that did not
heat, the orclum! lost all ofnheir cn'p. Tlie experiments
went an far that trees protected by the heat on one sjde
and unprotected on the other bore fruit on the protected
sido and none on tlje other.
'J lie Grand " " experience proves . nclusively that
fruit fin be saved lini'i the ravages of t'wy frost, and that
all fruit growers should equip heir orchards with appara
tus lo protect their crops Iron, .ho late frosts.
It is only in the last three years that killing frosts have
been known in he Grand valley in the spring. The first
year practically the entire crop was lost, the next year ex
perimenting started on a large scale. Last year the entire
valley turned out and used every conceivable method of ar
tificial heat with a large measure of success. The experi
ments demonstrated that "gas oil," a refuse from the re
finery, after the crude oil has been distilled, gives the best
results as a fuel, putting off a gas which mixes readily with
tho air, and gives a good heat, and is easily regulated.
Tho Grand valley method is described as a combination
of boi'' rinciples of heat and smoke, the smoke being a
grat assistant1? "i Maintaining the heat. However, the
main point is to rise the temperature. Description of
the various kind. of letters .is given as well as the cost,
and the booklet w a vai liable, one f or orchardiata. i
A few minutes' delay in treating
condition i. besides tho many govern I the head of their list of proposed
meat testa hat have been going onlaciilevemonts for tho new year; and
for years. This engineer will be sent J they aro enllctlng every possible
out n the xpenzo of tho government, public or semi-public organization In
we, of eo-i-ifi, must get a unity of tho work.
effort alt ;i!i,ng tho line from Port-I Georgia nnd other states which use,
land couth. This is already being their convict labor In road improve
taken up b the Commercial club, and I ment have an advantage over Texas.
a good road.4 convention will bo held! which has only Btatute labor, usually
in the not i'J distant future, which I commuted by payment of road tax.i
snouia navi lepresentatives from ov-ltn addition to taxation and bond le
ery road district In overy county be-1 sues.
tween here and Portland. Coos conn-1 Yet Texas has made strides In the
ly nan neeu noiuing meetings or this public road improvement In recent
Kind, and lie writer attended a vorvi veara that must comunl admiration.
enthusiastic convention last fall at I It has been done by organized ef-l
uoquuie. uougias and Josephlnol fort and the Inculcation of a favor-
counties aro equally nnxlous to Join (able sentiment which recognizes the
In the movement. Douglas county Is I Importance of substantial highways,
in ravor or a urai cuss morougnraro and gladly provides tho means of se-
tram Portland to tho California lino, curing them.
often proves dangerous. The 'safest
way Is to keep Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy In thv bouse, and at tho
first Indication of croup give tho
child a dose. Pleasant to take and
always cures, hoiu by an draggists.
For asbestos, flatlrons. aee Mod
rora Hardware uo. 2CB"
It tu gratifying to know that Medford.
as usual, is in tho lead.
ox CK&xas oy ssebssy
Oregon's commercial bodies might
do similar orrectlvo work in this di
rection, ir thoy would tako deter
mined and persistent hold oa it.
SHATTLE. Wash.. Jan. 29 Frank H,
Holshimer, deputy prosecuting attorney
here. Is preparing today to defend him
Self from a charge of having received a
bribe. Holzhelmer was arrested last
night on an Indictment and was released
later on bis own recognizance by Judge
The chcrgs was mads by R. J. I.eav
Ut, a Lo Angeles automobile dealer of
W.oalth, tuat be gave Holzhelmer and
special agent from the nroxecutlon
attorney' office 91000 to waive his ex
tradition from f.os Angoles to Seattle.
Leavltt at the time Was wanted In tit-
attle on charge of manslaughter, hav
ing been accused of running down and
killing- u .strtaweeper In tho summer
Of IS 01.
Leavitt declared that the accused of
flclals had promised to drop extradi
tion proceedings.
For tin and sheet metal work ro to
Medford Hardware Co. z9
Money Lost
G-room modern bungalow, but and
cold water, electric lights, cloiu In;
a fine home; $3500.
Now 7-room house. r rooms fin
ished, electrlo lights, paved street
soon, lot 100x109, dandy nhado trnes,
south front; a flue Investment; $2 00
terms &00, rest monthly payments.
Desirable lot ono block from Oak-
dale, 4xl30, east front, a few day.i
at sb2(.
Lots of lots at right prices,
The Walk-Over Habit
Habits arc hard to break. There is one habit
which it is impossible lo break tlie "WALK
OVER" habit. When a man has bought a pair of
"WALIv-OVKK" shoes and has had our words
substantiated by his own experience he acknowl
edges that for elegance and ease, style and service,
worth and wear, "WAl.K-OVMIt" shoes are uu
equalcd, and he thcrcaTlcr becomes a devotee of
the "WALK-OVKR" habit, l.ct that next pair
be a "WALK-OVKU." We are Medford 's exclu
sive agents for this shoe.
fright 6 Allin
128 Bast Mala 8 treat.
MM.iU UXJrcz UMU ITUAT IBr IU Br-or irrralun I
AwsraxooTBB srxxl nnt in renruj ftccnnwi
CHICAOO, III., Jan. 2. The police THAT PLAfiPR HIM nil A PAIR
today prepared to raid a camo of bvdA nn rUMUtO HIM UN A PAIII Thornton, III., 20 miles south of Uh UISTINCTIVELY WELL-SHOD
ibis city, in tno nope or recovering- cTnAN PAQII V sir FHHUn
CUra Kile, a Gyearold child, hellevod rttl UM "-AOltT ut rUUHU
Now Open
Ilverrtliluj; lu DriiKS, Mi'iIUIiich, DiiiukIsIh' HiindrlcH, Toilet Articles,
I'erfiiiiit'M, Aliiiilciiro ActfhNllli'M, Nick Kooiii Ncccssltli's,
AccuratH Proscription Work Ouiiriintcoil, Toltiliono norvlco. I'lonipt
delivery, What you want, wlimi you want It. Vou mo cordially In
vltiid to Htp Hi mid liisiKirl. our utoro,
I'lij (,, .MnmiKcr.
CUra Kile, a 0-year-old child, hellevod
to have been stolen by the tribe.
The Uttla slrl disappeared recently,
and from what the police learned, she
itfi takn fratn thla cltv liv fllic irlv
aleji. The camp and country In Its vl-l I A Uaraitl 41 aorea fruit or al-
cunty win be searched carefully by de SPECIAL ATTENTION IS CALL- ftt lau- 2 n-le from station.
,h!;;, run f-vln-v" V.w ,ii ED TO THE DUALITV ANFl LOW I et fruit and alfalfa ranch in
tho ,nly one presented to the authorities! pninpo ujc Mtuv nil UlfiU- Applejfato valley, ditch und water
taat appears plausible. '" , " "T "..IL rikbt with place: 0 an acre: oasv
I I If. Mr UU V H V1V T L"J kll HpR ' - ' '
" ' ' -" terms.
i.4 I Bljnrn otr nr. rnn imrai I
-k.bhwvi-.-jib WW. M-uv. I iJIlUL-O. O C C 113 f ' 1 1 ff I Mill IT. A . f rl . 1 I . . . Mn .
iTTaferfAfi t,0 . .Ia:, t, r.r,r.. . .... - "..rLiiE..v? " oom .ana, YO in
- " - - r - -f w ' '"-I linil.llllP N'N UN I IllVV 1HIIP a l.IU .1 1 !1 fltl f . t a
ascend itisi m bin the last six months w,i,n -,,7i.Jr,; , ! A . 7..? lru"' u ,n mn alla
..- . . - ..... . .. .. .1 lUn UtTM'O Cllnklloiliimo Irt t...!l.i: . aannnn. i .
luetmernuera or ine XNaiionai union m nn niun o ruiiiiianilYUa. iiwiv uuiiuuiko, vuu.vuv koou isrmu.
Qussworkers have received today a Jfi
per 'cent Increase In Wajes.
OoliiB to build? Qet your build
Ing&hardware from Medford llard
yfare Cd:" T ' -2C0
The Wardrobe ssk'y0liLando
208 nm iuiwim,
MMitrii, or.
Savoy Theatre
Afternoon and Evening ,
Entire Change of Progran
.MATIMSB 3130 V. U.