tTHE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MIUDFOR-fo, OREGON, StTNDA Y. JANUARY 30, 1910, SPIDER KELLEY IS HEARST BACK OF GENERAL BADLY Baker's ALL TO THE GOOD SLOGAN TED-1 2"; HURT IN BATTLE vs. Splendid liO-ltoiind Klfjlit Seen by Sun Francisco Fiuih Olcnion I.oaes For N'ortli to See Jeffries. . t .Hi SAN FRANCISCO. Cal..- Jan. . '58.-4 (pldcr Kelly, ably nklcJ and nbetw-rt ijr Tommy McCarthy, stood Cyclone onnny Thompson off for a twenty ounJ draw nt Dreamland last nleht after one of th bustrat, most blUler. UUgen Starts Doom for Koosovt lt I Mont Trusted Lieutenant of (icuci-itl Would Link Independence League lth In siit-gents. ' K.-trmln Led ChnrKP Turned Tide iiml Umlly Wounded, Whlrh Is "MINNRApT tS, Minn.. Jan. I1LUKP1KI.D9, Nlcnrngua, Jan. 29. UOIOlH'l ineotiorv ItOOSOVell Ul Cn- nnrill rhnmimirm th , Im.t.ul dldato for urealdcnt lit 1912. through a and efficient lieutenant of the revolu ooaUtton of the forces led by William tlottary commimder. General r.trml. IV Hearst, tho Independence Liusu i... ,,,rlouslv wounded In a liosi.ltnl At luni uuntri1 i . . . . ... in flht ever witnessed In n local .V T"- " " " " 7 u,r lrom accormiiK in uikikuciici. - - - mnq iw i. t n a minimi' imrin nitnt iruinv ivil. . a t . rlnir The statement that Kelly cnfnetl , ' ... .. . I OTOlKl ""ro lotuiy. wniunmnrro per mit.. uiriuiiti mm "") l Thnmn I. ltlacxn tvlio tt-n Ihs llrtnral I .... . . i. I ... . . .. . . . . . a i ... ...... ...... i aiiTi:iii i f. i inn niinri; iiik.ii inn I'lii.irii. nominee for president In 190S. ment imaltloii near AraniM dnrlnir lh bloody battle of Juiumry 83. In whloh manv fial.i- that (t.e .rtwt eehond hta T ' '- ."- racn iu. iosi mor limn 3U0 men KIIIWI " - 1 rntin rtr non Yviin in in rltMil i . - . ... i ur wuunuru. did h work nn hard an he worked "".3 . "'".. n' "L,ur" battery at the center of the Mmlrii to v. McCarthy from Oefeot. ,md it.r.r... itnninn nt nf ""r". ""r"."" rowmmfni iroopn" ueiense. II wa the draw In made advtsvdly. for it over a man foucht n creat battle It was the Spider. Never once In nil off wnrn nr rm ,u,n,on. u u, , rf t ,a , aUf.,mt to UgM ,e - accordlnc to the insurconts bv l1Le ft n I 1 T "opubllcan nomine alngle- SjT InsurtuUi.. b .'-r. . .... . . . '. .. . nn Jiwssn, rapi mr as i.c u nun inr r,mt .l.nAn.M im.ui n... oil.., ml,,.. iijrowinK neart ami pouy in o Mr .f ,lw ,,- .,,, mnka " .V '". : "v' r - ' : iui uienr Riinv. uie Kenerui leu a iiemru Inc MtCa hv In the last .even rounds ww n' "lns mo power mai mtnt at upo , u. flUV of of t totU b! "hi- .SarVlwnX W0U,oppV,l.,oh,in4 tt withering fire. Me wonde.l vfee and llarncv kent un the flchthic W' Bpnk,nB for the mP-"'- twice, but did not retire until hi flk M.Bnof hfrV. Pull mT. fTC F"- .',"r's "fA n,! "r,;nn- "een accompl.shed. The capture ef 1411 rn i n iv ifnAiitiH)iT ami wiinm.i . . . . . . . . . mnm- ,. i.i.i i,ni .h,.v.,l him whn nn.l :. ,w" . V ' ' " "" -line nailery uirneu me inie in rovor or ....... I tilm rnr IIk I.-n.l.T in 1U1" II rmnM. I w. jre to eren thins j n the end w conr(lienee khnt ,h insurgent Repuh- ""W- naa tno saunacuon 0l ge.ung a lltn:wUK their larw following would lrura "terrr. ... jwS.., ... sf,tlD;rJ nn.l that tnB SScC.-Uiy QOOd X-ighttr. na1ltln wn.O.I Mrn. .n.h vn!. tn t no. 11,1, .r.n-ral imnr.lnn amnncl I ojnipaiiuxeni wnn me nvo uiion are en who l av. f"well tl St arfw,t l,h th" r'C,1,ar " Wller In their denunciation today of the en wno nave rouoweu me jikhi game i ,. i-,,mnc,i- Pnni, ,ia,-. I . . ... . Scvolutlanlsta Stuounca V. S. i HlAlKPlKLUS. Nlcanigue Jan. 29 sympaililieDi with the revolution are men In Ban Francisco for years that with a bit more seasoning and experience Mc Carthy will make the best of them hiirrr. The bricklayer displayed a' coolness that wou.d have dono credit to Nelson and a kick with either uand that bodes 111 for a man of less Iron than Thomp- t n. Tho first four rounds wera Mc Cartby'a, without a doubt. Until th eleventh matters wer even, SlcCarthy punching away the lead Thompson gain cd by his pushing tactics. The twelfth and seventeenth wert Thompson's, with McCarthy fighting rnvely and determined to star. In id final two periods the local boy, al lough so tired even his teetli were eavy .waked up and landed punches LOCATION OF DISTRICT ATTORNEY n. P. Mulkrr Will li-rtti Here Per manently After Feliruury J Offiees .Voir FJttinl Up. attitude toward the Madrls government au . the stand which hns been taken by Reir-Admlra! Kimball. They tieclare the statement warning. Americans to take no part In the war . he Issued, was an Indirect Justification of the execution by Zelaya's men of I.e- roy Cannon and Leonard Oroce. Amer ican clttxens, who cast their lots with Estrada's cause. Sseh a stand, they further assert, he would not dare to tako unless he wero absolutely sure of the position of the stjte department of the United States. It It they profess to see a veiled ap proral of Madrtz by the United States. and predict that If the government's troops aro successful In keeping tii revolutionary troops from Mnnngua. Madrlz will be recognized ns ruler of niafrlf IHam.v ll.illr.. will V. . u int mailp fven the cast-Iron -Cyclone! hi. main nfri. in i.irnr.i ntt I Nicaragua. hi. had. i o. n . ,, I roiiuwinir uie uiooiy rallies or iinma nef .ree Hanlnn'a decision waa rleht. nr rn .1- Klan" ?cero, wnen nelil liospmus lo care t rnnliln-i l,sv hem anvthlne else. I Th. n,n.An..,in Ior "e nunureos or wounueu Were es MeCnrJhv demonstrated that he has a I win i,,v.' i.i. fi. , tv. I tohllshed and operate,! under the dlrec right in the futuro to meet the big men county Bank building, adjoining those !,on of ,n A"- Admiral Kimball l hi. cla.s. Alreadv thav are clamor- f xv it nnr. rti,..i o,.. i..lbc"m a Popular hero alike With rebels Inn- fnr nnnther match between the two. .innn. .,.t- 'r .,- "nl loyalists. Indignation against him r - u w v f w. tnu titu ui ut I unnlnr II aisasoa to rorua&O. the city and police Judge, so that the Jock Oleason leayes for Seattle to- "powers that be" will be in position to morrow night to have it out with Sam j see that the wheels of Justice keep Berger ui.d Jim Jewries as io tne proD-1 turning, albeit slowly at times. ablu battle-ground for the Jeffries-1 Mr. aiulkey recognizes Medford as the i,Johnson flghu In making the an- center of the, commercial, and, con Re nouncement uieason xooay gave nisiQUenty ho legal, transactions which Iirst inumauon mat ne may ibii inio mly be broueht to h a. attention durlnel SAN KnANCISCO. Cal.. Jan. a Af. line with Tex illcKaras way or uiuik- his term of off ce. and naturally desires Iter fllitlnsr nlcht and dav for "3 davs ing and permit tne Dig ngm io taKei t0 jio on. the firing line. Hence his move to keep their little craft afloat, the members or the crew of the schooner Eva are resting here today white the ship hi being made seaworthy again. The Eva put out of Mahukona, Man! T. If., for Eureka. January 4. The fol lowing day Captain Olsen discovered four feet of water In her hold. Realizing the danger he was running. he decided to try to make San I'ran Cisco before putting Into port for re pairs. Off the California coast, how Is running high among the soldiers to I day because of tho unfriendly attltud I he has assumed. BATTLED TOK S3 SATS TO KEEP SCHOONER Art OAT HAS TREES 1U CA2 Vace In Halt Lake, to the principal city of Southern 0:e- ' wnen 1 gei to aeame, saiu juvk, i gon. , . . will have a long talk wim jenriesi and Berger and get their views as to HOOVrB Dl:vn:a that Hie Ijame grounu. ix i unu inui iloj Will be satisfied to fight in Salt Lake I will go to the Utah capital and see Governor Spry fo- the purpose of sat Isfying myself as to his attitude. He has ihe last word, and If he says the fight cannot take place In Utah, well L. E. Hoover denies the Implication that he has fruit trees In the car of California frees held up by the ,lnspuc tors. and good, but If he shows an inclination ..,.. .... I ever, the Eva encountered a aerlpn . iu ic uw w ... of trees In this valley." said Mr. Hoover. I "i'u winus. accompunled by unusually nor do I Intend to. I had a few crane I "' vy "er orncers and crew were and gooseberry vines In that car. andlal,nost Pnt by the unending vigil and they are In the same fix as "old dog 1 101 1 over ln pumps or the long three weeKS. fighters will fight there.' In connection with this statement by Gleason, the old rumor was revived that the Rickard-Gleason Joint debate is merely a scheme to smoke out local capital with which to finance the battle. As the story goes, Itlckard, "low down,1 Tray' caught in had company." 77" Greatest bargains you ever hoard of would rather have the fight take place at Meeker & Co. b. here, but he wants to be shown. Halt Lake merchants have promised sub stantial backing, but as long as San '"ranclsco fails to coma through In kind 'ex Is going to stick by' the Mormons, fuwever. should San Francisco money ct behind hlra, he will not hesitate to ome here. For garden tool", see Hardware Co. Medford 2C9 Captain Olsen declared today ho will finish his run when his ship h again ready for sea. On November 16, 190C, the Eva also crept Into port In n badly waterlogged condition. : -f in thf unni n nr riHAunr 4 --' ITKAIMXEW XrSEMT AZ.X, PEDEBATION INTEKrEKENCE T CALLS NEW PASTOR Asclatd Bank Statmnt. NEW TOItK, Jan. 2. The statement NEW YOItK. Jan. 2.-Alleged inter ference by the American Federation of Labor with the affairs of the trainmen and conductors of the railroads of the east .Is , being, resented by railroad cm ployrs. President Lee of the trainmen of the Associated banks, Issued today, "?ld .t.h"t .hla ,men W01"" "0t u,,mU to Is as follows: I dictation by the American Federation In meir iiuiicimii'i wiin me railway mm- lleserve nn nil,, t m inn I panKS, Iteservo on. all J(lennlt ... Hecently the men demanded nn In other iimn tt R'Vn.ii. - izstra I create of wages, but the demnnd was Ir.n.n. " i f. it itiM, I refused by the railroads, The road Itev, A. A. Holme, Late of Corona, 8n , ji'J,,',,. I flclals, however, offered to meet n I of- mdy Call., AV1II Succeed De'. Ii. (I. Hall Heceptloii( I'luiinwl. I Legal .tenders .? ...... .i..' 72,000 meposlts .?.V..T'--tt-.f .. 27,004,400 Circulation' ; , . . Ci,000 Total loans 1,218,475, 00 The members of the First Baptist church of Medford have tfilled Itev. A. A. HoNiies of Corona, Cal., to succeed Itev. O, Leroy Mall us pastor of the church, Mr. Hall's resignation was ten dered some time ago, but his successor has only recently been selected. On the evening of February 10 a re ception will bo given ut the church to Mr. and Mrs. Holmes by -the ladles nf the congregation, to which all -inenibpra , of the church and congregation are In vlted. Plans are also being considered fcr the complete renovation of the In Decrease. The surplus of the banks Is $34,078,- 000, os against $28,605,050 last year and $55,782,725 two years ago. of the trainmen In conference for tho purpose of adopting a cnmprnmlHo wage schedule. The trainmen decided to do so nd negotiations are now under way with fair proHpects of amicable term Inatlon. ITSW MOHSTEK ENOIWES TO OZiXMB 8I3XZTOUS Tl 1st rnnr(iaf1 that Mia flnutliiifn T w n. BWOU. I nlftn will unnn ...nil ixun f 41. M. nTTtrt rtrt tit -r at - - . I -wwt --- " " " " ,lHl,AUy, ill., JUM, iff. JianiCO Ol mP n4U f-ll n nn.m.l Ar..lnnu wheat nurki-t was rather small today est etperlment , Mon'Bter lo'comotlv.M, and reflected a ed condition In the to AgUian(j( to ho put ,n ,he ,ieIppr mr. ?' I. i T 7. vice across the Slsklyous to Ilornbrook. "'"" "lu riway, The.e monster mnMilnoM Imvn n w,.lh At the opening of the market s-ntl- of 390(000 poun()), on tne (lrlv nut war in ta Vnt II,a v .u. tt t.iiw-l ' - .... ' ... agomst 180,000 ror the big moguls now s were not very far opart. In May ,,, nmmnn .a m,. on Urtor of the church, to be undertaken staT Jul J ? Sn- l geent htth IonB nnd on BCCt"'nl ot t,,ls ox,remo by the Ladles' Aid society. L , '' , y , ., c,entw h,sther UngUi the engineer's cob Is placed In 5 . hfn yesterday, while September was front Bnd anea(1 of lfc b b i -i ueiu lower. Bonis Tunn.l Op.ue.J. Liverpool wow not very brisk, closing The long tunnel on the California & values being down to l-8d h gher than 1 .J ..e There l nV, Worthwstem railroad near Dorrls, has yesterday. ? J. "e',' ere ' no unilahle vfe-i.t..i n,i iri... . ' on the Shasta division at present large HtBt?(tArough It. The shpo-fly track Market acts Support. WHICH' nas servea ror temporary use in NEW YOIUC, Jan. 29. The stock To every woman in our city Not every night, but often, you feel tired, worn out, ns though you didn't have strength to do another thing. Have you ever stopped to think "What is the cause?" You feel this way most when you have been on your feet most, the days when you have stood or .j j i of ten, SHOES are) vos being completed, Is now being torn ip. The Dorrls tunnel la nearly half u nlle lonr. jroslng the summit while the tunnel murket today was tendered aggressive1 support, It apparently being fears of the government's decision of continuing the Union Pactflo suit would cause fur titer liquidation. In' addition to this support, It seems only natural that the shorts who have made considerable headway during the last -week should desire to secure some profits, and In accordance with their operations for the moat which contributed to the better feallng during the day's session. A wealthy coterie were reported as having changed their attitude toward' the market, and as a result bought free ly during tho iluy'u session. enough to handle one of these mounter machines which would have to depend upon a "Y" track to make a turn. Wkat Yea Know About That? A Marlon county farmer's soven cows produced butter fat. during December last to the value of $91.08. The dairy s only ii side Issue on hla farm, but It came In very handy for the first winter month, uud the cowa.oro lumping up the same gult for the current mouth, For building bird ware, see Mod ford Hardware Co. 209 Spring bargains at Meeker & Co'fl An attack of tho grip In of ton fol- I lowed by a porlstont rough, wlilch.ll to many proves a great annoyance. Chnmberlaln'B Cough Roinedy liuu been oxteiiHtvoly uned and with good buccoms for tho rollef and euro of this cough, Many cases liavo been cured after all other remedies had full ml. Bold by all druggists, All kinds of plumbing, lioutlrig and motal work by Medford Unnlwaro Co. 209 Meeker for silks. i Now glngbatuu ou uulu at Meokor I fr Cn 'a H walked a good deal. In nine cases out responsible. Let us fit you in the Red Cross Shoe. It entirely prevents thef i ; . j , t.1 1 uuiuuig, uruwiug iuiu utiiinK tnac stiff soles cause. It is wonderful how it saves your strength. Tanned by the special Red Cross process, the sole is flexible, it bends with your foot, relieves all the pressure on the delicate nerves and ten dons, giving a feeling of freedom, case nnd comfort found in no other shoe. Let us fit you. 7 y. tsr Home Made Bread Wo liavo lioiiic-iimde broad. Which would you ralhor oat, houio-iimdo or bakers if A foolish question Io ask, Tor most pooplo. would bo willing to pay twioo (ho price for hoiuo-inado bread they pay for baker's, but you can buy tho good old-fashioned home- ' made bread at iho U'ox (Irocery for thosanie price as baker's. Largo, well browned loaves, both nourishing nnd palatable, and linked from the best flour in tho city. "Yakima Best" Take a loaf homo with you and be con vinced. Rex Grocery Get Oxfords. $3.50 and $4.00 High Shoes, $4.00 and $5.00 Best Groceries Style and Comfort Get Both KIDD, The Foot Fitter UI.1.JLU1 SEE US FIRST When in need of Electric Wirinp;, or Fixtttros, nnd bbvo money by gut tin best workmanship. Dynamo Repairing ti specialty. FLYNN BROS. MEDFORD'S PREMIER ELECTRICIANS. I" 'At.'i MAIN STREET Wm. E. STACY & CO. REAL ESTATE AND EMPLOYMENT. District Agent for ALADDIN LAMP- Local uguntu wanted. Lamp on exhibition unci for Halo ut tho following places; Allen & Iteaguu'a, War ner, Wort inn a & Qoro'a and Weeks & McGownn's furniture store, Office 8 South Central Ave. MEDFORD, OR. At Prices Strictly in Keeping with the Quality of Our Stock which is Unexcelled A Trial wil .Convince You Allen Reagan The Square Deal Grocers $12,525 IOloven acres in Ooniioo pours, 10 veal's old, nine acres in Bartlett and Anjou peal's, 1 to 3 years old: in; good soil. Terms. $12,000 Kleven acres in Cornice and Bosc peat's, .I'l years old. These trees are in full bearing and will pay a good iucomom the price asked; $24,000 Thirty-two acre's in Bosc and Anjou pears; trees are from 4- to 7 years of age. Complete set of buildings. Close in. $7000 Thirty-five acres of black sticky, three miles from Medford, all under the ditch and can be irri gated. $13,001) - Thirty-two acres, close to Medford; eight acrts in Newtowns and Spit'.cnboi'L's 5 to 7 veal's ,.( . i ..ip.. ir. " ii :: i hi iii,rr; i t utjiua in jiuuua; inreo acres m peacnes; 1 ! I " A .1 1 .. ,1 1 ... i mi .teres in utu'iiL's; irrigaiea; ouuuings. $13,000 Twonty acres; 10 acres in 7-year-old Hew towns and balance in 3-vear-old Bartlett pears; no Dunuinys. $7t00 -Ten acres, all planted to Newtown and Spit- enij.' tr uppics, 7 to 1 1 years old, $18,C00 Ihirty-five acres, about 25 planted to apples and pears, in Ijearing. Trees are from (J to 15 year? old; buildings: four miles from Medford. $14,000 -Thirty-five acres; buildings; exceptionally fine place for a homo; twelve acres in apples mil pears . years old; about an acre ot bearing orchard; 11 acres in alfalfa; all fine deen free soil. ?iou to ij)H00 per acre btowart aero tracts; two miles irom iMedtord; tracts are from 30 to 25 acroe in size. Fine building spots on all; can all bo irrigated; cheapest tracts in the Medford neighborhood; easy terms. $300 pei- acre Finest five and ten-aero orchard, and garden tracts in the valley; easy terms. $35,000- 70 acres; buildings; 2G acres in bearing Spit. NTwtovns and Cornice pears; about GO acrea m mi i n l two-year-old apples and pears; fine or chard h id. SELLING AGENTS FOR SNOWY BUTTE ORCHARD TRACTS. W. T. YORK & CO NAP In Business 100x100 on one of our best business streets A good stock ranch of 200 acres for rent. THE ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY Fire Insurance No. ! 1 North Central Ave. PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Hoating. All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. I. F. MOORE AND E. E, SMITH Old Tribune Building. Phono u931. DRIVERS? that know the country R(GrS'that cover the country QUIOKIiV AW) WITH COSH'' MM? TO YOU AIUC ALWAYS TO UK k KOIWI) A I TIIH If vaulow a nowNiNo, oiioouuvrons. WEtST SIDE STABLES I'llONU 2 Ml H. flUAI'n STItKET