United IVhh Apodal Ion. Full Ijoasod Wlro Itoiurt Tlio only papor In tlio world iiubllnliod In u city tlio ltn of Mtidfurd having a irmiiiI wlro. Medford Mail m.KWSMim.1, 4 Today nnlr Monilny--1,' Fnlr. Hnttinlim lilr.h Cr.,lor 42J faiio 4X, J FOURTH YEAR. MEDFORD. OKKdON, Sl'XDAY, JANUARY 30, 1910. No. 209. DEFEAT OF IS ASSURED LA FC ARI DM I tAIN BILL WBISLER CHIEF MOORE 10 AID VALLEY IN I Hecrefnry WIUou Hiin 1'nltitlng Mntlo of Itngiin Itlver H)llzfiihorg mid Hut It Hung In 1 1 1 Office, roi crly LnMetl, f RHIIULTS OBTAINED BY O. TO, f f f f WXIHXiBB W XXX. II lit WABH- 4- IMOTOJT AH THE XEFRU BBCTATXVS Or THB BOQUB bitbb rBurroBOWBsai Insured defeat of Hi" obnnx ioua Im Kean apple bill, Convinced Chief Mourn (if weather bureau of the need of u local station mid wum promised aid during front season. Hcrur.id pledge of Secretary Wilson to work against I.u IVan bill. Caused a spilt volo In conven tion of commission men In re sard to La lVuu bill. Proved conclusively Unit prrs- f r f ant box used by local growers t.t,l r.ill ....,. ..I a FIGHTING .r,. uii.iii'i. " . "f Mo primed the Oregon ilelcgil- 4 tlun with raelN ri'iriinlliiK fruit j,t f IniluMtry lirrn Unit lliey urn -n - i. ubU4 to make strong fight for f Interests of Southern Oregon. Mucin Dm lloaiin Itlver valley bolter known tlimi ever In Wash ington. t HHt HI t -r Willi til good linWM Unit III" lA l'Vuil bill for tlm regulation of the rli of boxes In whlrh tipples are In h puokrd Is Certain of ilefeut, C. IJ. Whlsler. del- 0 Hutu of tlio Itoirun Itlver vallny frolt men, turn roturiieii from bin trip to Denver and Washington. Not nloiin illil Mr. Whlsler Insure the defeat of the bill, but lie succeeded In iloluir Nevpml othtr things which will materially nbl tba valley, nolnbly tlio IntureMtlnir of Chief Moor of the weather bureau In local conditions uml securing hi pledge to alii local fruit men during the front aeuitou. Aa a reault of IiIh trip thla val ley In betler'knowu lliun over before for Mr. WhUtnr ilhl aomii very effeetlvo booalliiK, X.a rn BUI Sura of Sfat. Althouitli Mr. WblNler met with hnnl luck at tlm ImiulM of the Western I'rull Jobber III Denver, lie oompletely re Yarned muttora nml praotlrnlly luaureil Ui defeat of tlio bill by ntUHliitf u Hpllt In the runka of tlm Nupportern of the bill and by convlncliiK Keeretury Wll noii of the depurtinent of nit rlcul turo of Ita obnoxloua feutureH uml aecurlui; IiIh pldK to (me IiIh Influence aenliiMt The chief contention amed by the mip portnrn of tlio ineuauro was that the prevent bos In voun In Hokuo river uml other fruit eiillonn of tlio nnrtliweat did not contain u full btuhel of npplnn, Mr. Whlalcr ntteiided the convention of I lie National I. cumin of CommlHHloil Mcr Cbaiita, hold In Norfolk, Vu nml there he damoiiHtratrd by iihIiik a box' of up plea oml two ntitndard half bimhet mcasurea that tliu box contulncd n full bunhnl. TIiIn caiiNed u Mpllt In the con vention when It come to ludorxliiit the bill no that the bill wautd havo rouulier Bluildlllff In COIIKreHH. lBtrita Baoratary Wltion. Not content with thlti, however, Mr. Whlwler mioured un uudlcnco with Beo ratary Wllaon of tlio dcpnrlineut of og rloulture, and before him went throuKh ths Mumn prnatlcal dcmoiiMti-ittlnu. At Ita oonoliiHlnn the Meoret'iiry called for a copy of the bill, read It throuuh and then nald: i, "Mr. WhlHlor, there nro Htlll hoiiio bralus In coiisreRH, denplle the Kcuernl opinion of the public to (he eoutrnry. I 'do not think that HiIh bill will become i law." Beta Oblof Mooro. 9 Hut Mr. WhlHlur did not content him fnlf with flHlitlniT the I.u l'Vuil nppln blll'Ulone. Ho called upon Chief Mooro of tlio weather bureau and IntcrcHtcd hint In the ofortH of tlio Itonue Itlver valley frulturowurn to xectire u weather atatloii In thlH city. Mr. Monro e Illhluud tlmt It won llio pulley of the TVt ndmlnlHt ration to cut federnl ex pinmeH uh much iih poHHlble, und for that rejiHOn ho believed that the matter for the tlinu bulutr at leaHt nuiHt roHt. How ever, he Htated that IiIh hureuu would oo-oparato with tho local men durlUK the fruit flouBou, und to that end ho or dered KoieciiHter Ileal of I'oitliuid to come to Medford nod confer with local men for tho purpoNo of limiting noiuu ariunueiueiitu to ud them, Mr, llnul MS GOOD WORK L HOLD WHIP HAND At 1'ivnoiii Conservative Have 2711, l.llM'iiilM ii71, Hut letter Control NotiiuiiillNt Volo of Kit Homo Kulo for IrMi, LONDON, Jon. !!. With ench aide iiniurrd of :7 arnta, the tlo between roimervnllVPN niwl Hi.- I.tbenila In lhi' ptrlliimeulury elecllonH reiualiiM un- j broken today. Korecaiern urn busy IIiIn nfti-nloon eMtlmaUiiK the final airvnuln or the oon tendliiK Hirllo, While nit obaolotely iircunttn prediction, of courne. la liiipon Hlble, peraona coiiverH.int with the eon- dltloiiN In the owiNtltuenelew yet to vote any that tho iirlgmurnt In the next p.ir llitnii'llt Will be nbolll ON follow: CouaervntlveN 73, l.lberula 271, HUll NiitlunallNlM to, l-aliorltvH 40. If this prediction hold kou,I, the Mb itiiIh with their allien undoubtedly will be bupreme. Rijolclnr Otnarat. Amoui; the NatlonulJHlN rejolclni; la lieliernl, for With the eiill iIIvIhIoii of the two i; renter mrtliN the Imluuoe of IvKlHlatUe power will tie In their huudH, Thoy bellevo that their position to en force nethoi on tlio home rule bill will LIBERALS WIL PARLIAMENT M iinaaHUllable, nllhouuh tfmy 'artiiilt '- ' "dUiK out If powlbla who there In little ohnnoe of Un piaaaKe at '"' Kovomment ncenta wero who wore the coniliiK Hoaalnii. Klvlnit nut departmental Information. Kind. e II war ainonif the Irlah and McO Jiad told Hermann that the re theii the aelanre of the Inland by unmn ' lHlrl Indicated ono of tho blcffciit uutl-KiiKllali power iih n Imalx for oper- , iniuua over, purpeiniuu on mo innn oi nlloim iikiiIiimI lit tin In In Home that hor- j "ro' rlfl.il Coim-rvHtlveN my thev forewe na . Attorney WorthlnRton objected to thla a reault of tho predicted I.lberny victory at the puIlM lu the Htlll not ipilte com- plelml llrlllnh pnrllMioenlHry election. Stquanco of Victory, lrldli homo role, If tho Liberal imrly fiilflllH. un It h-c in h likely to do, the mile- election pledu" of ItH lender, Pre mier Aaiitllth, will bo n Ncxiieuce of thla I.lbeml victory. It Is trtlo that the j premier did not promise complete imio- pendeneo for the Irish. Ho expressed utuiNeir na iiisunciiy oppoen 10 urnm- cftminlsalonett of tho general land of Iiir 'hem tho rlRht t take any hand In, tle(, the emplreV inialn on colonial or I Tj.i. ..... ,,tmo nruHmlnory to the In- financial affairs. All ho offered was aelf-Kovernniont under an Irlah parlia ment every net of which should; be nubject to the Imperial parliamentary vein Tluuicli llm innMKoB of the Irlab did not cotiHhler this enoiiRlu - fhi lr' po litical orctnlr.iitlon decided that It would do for a start and accepted the premler'H proposition. The ('oimerviitlveN say It will be enoiiKh, too, to brliiK about all the ovIIh they prophesy iih n roNiilt of the Llbernl leaderH' pb dRe. It Is, hesldeH, they ur Rite, only I he entering wimIro for n com pletely fri Ireland. fluminlnr up the Nltuatlnn In n phrase for which he rIvcn credit lo John lied mond, the Irish leader, tho Dublin cor respondent of the Conservative London Post saldr "Tho Intention of tho homo-rulers In to overturn tho forclRn domination of our land' for nn Irish republic 'after tho fashion of tho United Stales iih to con stitution.' " It Is, of course, Clermany that tho Conservatives have In mind. "What the Irish could do Is not tho question," tho I'OHt'H: correspqndent ild, "but what they could cnablo oth ers to do. Ireland could not break tho peace, but iiPMiiinliiK tho penqo broken, she mlRht easily mako tho detormlnlni: factor. "A few (lerman oxperlH could soon make Ireland n Rreat flRhtliiR power." Tho Liberals poo-pooh this Conservn- tlvo scare. Mindful of PromltT Ah- qui th's pledRO nnd urged by their Irish nllloH, as, of course, they will be, to mtiko It ((nod, will bo In Medford within the next two Weeks. Whllo In WoshliiKton Mr. Whlsler presented Secretary WIInoii with sumo ery fine Hpluenhei-R npples. ono or hese wiih so fine tlmt Heerotnry Wilson directed that It bo painted and the palutliiR Iiuiik lu his office, properly la nded. ThlH will prove of ureal value o I ho valley. Mr. Whlsler reports that (hero In the Kreiilest Intermit In tho oast, reRardlni; un vnney linn nun mo vituey may wen be proud of ItH reputation In tho east. Tlioso Sour Orapes, In reRiird to tho report that soma of tho prUowlimljiR apples woro diseased, Mr. WhlHlor HtateH Jhat whllo nn lit- empi wiih iuiiuo to riiiii hucii ii report, that thoro wiih not litiu: In tho enso. No fuiiRUH dlHenHo wiih found, a wuH'klat- d lu tlm dispatch to tho Mall Tribune from WiiNhlnirtou Prldny. WASHINGTON DEFENSE IS TO START ON CASE EARLY MONDAY WoMliliiKlon ltiiiiifitM Adjournment In Ordi r Tlmt Ciiko Mny llo Vn mml for SM'fily l'rom'iitntloii (u Coiirf. l'OltTI.AND.'Or Jan. 2. Tho pre mmlalloii of rteatlniony by the defenae In the llliiKcr Horinann trial will atnrt In ciinii'Mt Monduy mornliii;. Prosecu tor I. J. Henry rested the cuco for th Kovernmeut late yentenlay, nfter rftd InK tho dlHpuled portion of tho McUe tenttmony from tho .WiihIiIiikIoo trial, Tliln lentfinony .hud to do with the roiive riwttlou between McCIee and Her t munn over tho HolaltiKer report on the Hyde-llAnann fraudn lu California. Mc llen te-itlflcl Unit hu had tuken the HoInIiikw reMirt to Hermann, na com inlaalo'ner,' nnd that after dlcouioilni: It find Niixi;eHled that the iiftentlon of the aecreinry of th Interior ahould bo cull ed to the mutter. ' Hermann told Mc'ee, ao ho tcMlfled, that he waa coinmlaaloner of the land office and tlmt lie would follow up the InveNtlcatlon In IiIn own' department, lie had accordingly directed that McOoo yrlte ii Nfcond letter tv HolalnRfr In itructliiK IiIh Koine Into' the matter !n I Icatlionny bolim- put In. contondlmr that It did not blivo nnythluK to do with the Illue Mountain cnuuplrocy. Jinlne Wol- verton held that the testimony went to ahow tho knowledge of Hermann of the fraudulent practices obtatnliiR In the creation of reervcH lu tho u of cer tain IuiiiIm. Colonel WorthlnRton nt onco, bPRnn .i.,, nr..H.,iitatloii of tho riefenan bv ToaA .. tl,lmi1(.r of domnnenlN nnd nnniial r,,,)0r,s ii, ,y Horummt whllo ho wow troductlon of'testlmony, 'Colonel Worth lnRton requesting nn ndjnurnment of the court until Monday morning nt 10 o'clock In order that tho defense might have an opportunity to frame up Its cose for speedy presentation. WOULD LEARN WHY IS IVl roleu in Mnkei'N Association to Ask for OouuroNsloiml Inwstlpitlun HcKtiiillnn PJm'inilioIln. MINNEAPOLIS,- Minn.. Jan, 29. Seaklnif to learn why tho government Iioh failed, to ' tnko up a "boycott" against tho Stnmluril Oil company that .was recommended by Secretary Dickin son of tho war dopartmmit, tho execu tive comuiltteo of tlio Independent Pe troleum Makers' association of Amer ica Ih preparing today to ask for a con gressional Investigation Into tho wat te r. ltecenlly Secretary Dickinson declar ed against tho purchase of Standard oil for army use, nnd In this wiih upheld by tho executive committee of tho In dependent oilmen, Tho government, however, In splto of Secretary Dickin son's recommendation, continued ItH use of Standard oil over tho protests of tho Independent oil refiners. FINED TOR AN ATTEMPT OH HIS OWN Lirn POUTLAND. Or., dan. 29. Nicholas Tliulia wiih today fined 350 for attempt ing to tnko IiIh own life. Ho Ih unable to pay tho amount nnd will servo 25 ihiVM on Ihn rooknlle. Tlmbii Ih n llul. garhiu and lived lu a hoardlng-houso on CllleH avenue. Timlin locked tho door of his room anil attempted ,lo out IiIh throat with n rusty pocket knlfo. When this foiled ho used u ptHtol, Tho wounds wero not deep enough to causa death. After ti few days' treatment at tho hospital ho was arraigned lu tho municipal court for discharging flreuniiH In tho city. Ho pleuded utility. MEDFORD nil LIST I'aj-B Worts Tovi-H, Tlmn Anlilnnd hy IjHI.OOO Topi livery Bi-ctloii of JiKkNoii County When .JKoIl Im Jliulf. . That Medford Is the Urce.it and wealthiest precinct .ln tho county la shown by tlio amount of money to- Ihj collected for taxes from the residents ond property owners of this precinct. Tho money which Medford will pay Into tho tux fund la lll.J68.67 greater than tliut of Ita neurvr competitor, Aaliland, which 1b due for- I8MI7.6S. Mcdford's proportion In divided ua follows: Ktate taxes, 120.1S1.S3: school. 123.711.09: road, 10,ICl,5il; city, 32.80.05; total, 92H.S5. The 1909 aaaeHsment roll was turned over to the sheriff for collection Hatur- ilay afternoon. The totul taxublo property In the county, nn euuallxed by the stato board of equalization, -la' I6.43S.C66. Of this aasuasmcnt $10,120,000 In aascaaed on tlllublo and non-tlllablo lands. Improve ments, town lots und Improvements thereon. The balance of $11,318,606, or thereuboutH, Is aaaeased to the several foreign corporations doing business In the county. Following Is tho apportionment for the several precincts outsldo of the ptoiwrty usavaned to tho corporations obovu mentloiini: ' Antlocl 1,807.92 Appleeato 2.439.C5 Anlilnnd , & 1.047 38 Iturron 0,706.51 lilt,- Huttc ...... 4,460.59 13.668.44 1.094.27 6.S40.6C 4,911.16 2.001. 4S 4,883.10 17,340.20 2.810.5S 1,940.02 92.914.S5 3.62S.33 Central Point . . Climax Kaglu Point .... l''!6unco Hock ... I'ootH Creek Oold Hill Jacksonville , . . . Lake Creek Meadows ...... Medford Mound Phoonlx Hock Point .... Hoxy Sam's Valloy ... Sterling Tulunt . Trail Union , Watklns Willow Springs . Winter Woodvlllc 7.754.9C 1.322.50 4,455.45 3,621.82 2,493.74 7,768.06 3,164.04 1,933.82 1.047.24 2,495.94 6,509.90 3,060.76 BEAR STATE LEGISLATOR Many Claim Tlmt Avowal to Do Awy With IliiM'Imll .Slavery Is Only n Weak -lolco. CHICAGO, III.. Jun. 29. Chicago baseball ufagiititeH today refuso to ills ouss Herluusly the umiouucement of u California senator that ho Intended to Introduce u bill In the California legls laturo attacking tho reserve clause In tho contracts of baseball orgauUatlons with their players. Tlio Caltfornlan'H statement Is re garded us n vain threat, many of the baseball men hero claiming that the oonstltutloinilltv of tho reserve clause can appear only with tho consent of the club reserving him, has been tested and upheld. Thoy dens that tho reserve constl. tutcH tho virtual enslavement of players and deprives them of a means of liveli hood when the magnates declare tho bill became a law In California and offenBo bo mndo a dlsmeanor uh planned, tho no tion would have llttlo effect on organ- lr.ed ball throughout this country. SROUQKBB LEAVES TOR LOB ANGELES BOON PORTLAND. Or., Jan. 2!). Dr. J. Vhltcomb Hrougher, who recently 'fr colved a cult front tho Temple liapttst church of Los Angeles, where ho will occupy tho pulpit left vacant hy tlio III health of Or Hubert Hurdetle, will leavo for his new pastorate Monday ovo nine. ' Dr. and Mrs. Hrougher wero last tve nlug Klvcn an official farewell by tho oongregatlon of the White Temple, tho .pulpit of which ho occupied for several yqurH, MARTIAL INS TO THIS STUNT OF FLYING SAYS J.D. HEARD Loral Man 1 U-turns Prom Visit In Lob AtiKeleii Says Ten Machines for Medfonl AVllhln Sfxt Two Yearn In Dead luwy. "Bay! You take It from me, this lit tle stunt of aviating about the merry. merry bluw sky Is -like stealing a blind man's pennies or taking candy from a kid." HtAtes J. V. Heard, who lias Just returned from a visit In Los Angeles at the- first American aviation meet. I tell you what 111 do I bet a stack of blue chips that within two years the Wonder City will have grabbed at least ten of the birds. Why. they'll be -cart-In' the hay home evenings In 'em. And safe? Why. you don't take half the chance In 'em that you do in bumpln' the high Joints on Ttarnum's limited." "This conversation about 'em smash ing records makes me weary. Of course they smash records. Here's the why- fore of It: This bunch of sky artists! get together und dope it up. They; know these heaven scratchers will bo' thicker than 'Ftlsco fog inside of two years, and so if they get awuy with the Jack-pot they have to do It in some rush. So each one picks out some stdnt ' one takea-distance, another speed and. sun anoiner aiiuuuc. men mey kh out and smash records and pull down' prlr.e money. Each day they do some new stunt, but never yet have they done what they could. They must save some of the mustard for the second handout. 'There's nothtn' to 'em but a little canvas and an engine. Any old englno will do. I'll bet the local boys grab some of 'em soon. "Some muts have Bllppcd It to me Hint they don't want to go so high. Then go low. You can sail two feet off the ground. Jump the fences and sagebrush Just as easy as you can go high and scrape the blue." "Are you going to buy oner' Jeff was asked. "If the Crater Lake road bill Is put to tho bad," was his answer. HOT SPHINQS, Ark., Ja. 29. It was learned here today that James J. Jef fries, Frank Ootch. tho wrestler, .and Dr. B. F. Holler will spend some time, at Hot Springs after the middle of Feb ruary, when the present engagements end. PORTLAND GETS A GLIMPSE OE COMET Several Cities In Oregon Are Treated to nilmpso of "Comet j A-1010." I PORTLAND, Or., Jan. 29. Amateur astronomers of Portland nre today dis cussing the comet "A 1910" with renew ed vigor, for they obtained tho first glimpse of it last evening, it became visible at sundown, and was in vlow for almost two hours. Several hundred people went to Coun cil Crest, a high eminence overlooking the city, where an excellent and unob structed vlow of the comot was had. Tho comet was also vlslblo last eve ning at Vancouver, Salem, Albany und Corvnllls nnd other smaller cities of this state and Washington. WOMEN PLEAD NOT OUILTT OF OBXXB NEWARK, N, J., Jan. 29. Tho mother, and two aunts of Mrs. Ocey W. M. I Smuiil, tho EuBt Orange bathtub vic tim, pleaded not guilty today when) they wero brought 'Into court for tHal upon the charge of murder. I The defendants, Mrs. Carollno B. Mar- tin. tint mother, nnd MIhh Vlrclnlu 'wnrdlaw, und Mrs. Henry 8neart, the aunts, are alleged to havo entered a plot to bring about the death of Mrs. Ocoy Snead In order to obtain Insur ance upon her life. They, are sisters, their family naino" being Wnrdlaw, Tho Indictments brought against tho sisters are In two forms. Ono charges each of tho sisters with being a prin cipal llu causing tho death of Mrs, Snead by drowning. Tho other Indict ment cuargoH the three sinters. NOTHIN LAW DECLARED TORM-SHAIIIRED PARIS SIS HOPKINS IS LATEST JO JIN LOCAL.MONY Medford' Theatrical Folk Hare Vai . liable, AddltloH-r-.MIsa. .Mcli'.Uo, .to Thl,C!tjr Hays City ,ProjertT. ' The latest to Join Medford's theatri cal colony la Sis Hopkins, otherwise kpown to , fame as Miss Ilo Melville. A year ago when "Sla" played to her delighted auditors abe fell In lova with the Rogue River valley, and this year she cut out her performance scheduled for Eugene In order to spent- an extra day in Medford, where she baa many friends of her childhood days. Before leaving this time she authorized tho purchase of an orchard and a parcel of city property. Mfss Melville was a schoolmate of Charles HazelrlJCC and 'well acquainted With Mr. Andrews and other Wmbers lteves Medfprd h'aa a' great fufura ami thinks frultraislns the most Ideal of occupations. SOCIALISTS RAISE ; EUR8REHICHSTAG Speech In Furor of Absolute Mon archy Creates Great Stir la . German Parliament. RERLIN, Jan. 29. Socialist members of the Relchstage today started a riot when Ilerr Von Oldenburg, a supporter of the kaiser, made a stirring spch rj favor of absolute monarchy. When the tenor of Von Oldenburg's speech became apparent, the Socialists began a demonstration in which infurj luted members shook their fists in the faco of the speaker, overturned tables and desks and attempted to dratr Von Oldenburg from his seat. Other Socialists mounted their chairs or desks and yellod, "Down with ab so'utlsm!" The tumult became greater with every attempt of Von Oldenburg to speak. Finally order was restored when the speaker surrendered to the handicap of noise and disorder, " It Is believed that Von Oldenburg' speech was Inspired by Kaiser WUheltn for the purpose of ascertaining thi number of Socialist adherents and also for other political use. WILL GO IR JAIL , AS HUMAUAf! Young Map. Will, AJloyrUmself to o Arrested for Irioo of Study ing Question. BERKELEY, Cal., Jan. 29. Robert Lebrlck, a senior student In the Uiilvei1 slty of California, Is going to Jail for the suko of suffering humanity, Soma time within tho next two weeks the young collegian will cause himself to bo arrested and wR be taken to the Alu meda county Jail, whero ho will con duct a quiet Investigation during his incarceration Into the conditions preva lent thoro, , Lebrlck Is enrolled In a course of so ciology offered by Professor J. L. Reed. In ti.e cluss a discussion of prison methods and treatment was precipitat ed, und Professor Reed elicited the In formation that r.one of his students ever hud spent a night In u, penal Institu tion. It was decided that some member of th duns should permit himself to bo arrested and Jailed. After serving what ever terra, was Imposed, he would re turn and report to the class, Several students were mentioned for the, unus ual sacrifice, but their spirits, faileq. Lebrlck finally volunteered. The prisoners In the Jail of course will bo In Ignorance that q reformer and martyr Is among thejn, IS 'PITIFUL AMONG POOR CLASSES Danger Interne From lJloa Helao. Continues to Fall DrMaM Water Is Scarce Cities Tabs Stern to Afford Relief. PARIS. Jan. 29. Martial , law was proclaimed In Paris today. The author ities came to the conclusion that tfels was the only means of rigidly coatrel ling the situation. Hungry refugees from ths flooded districts increased th4r attack, upan the food shops this afternoon, and lu many instances openly defied the po lice. . The added danger was apparent wbea the engineers announced that (he fa mous wubway under the Seine was" hi danger of collapsing. Loss $SfiO,OOO.oeo. Final estimates this afternoon placw the total property loss at 1206,669,000, with the probability of an additional $50,000,000 resulting from the under mining of the city. The breaking of sewers 414 new carn age today to the Place de la Syara, which was roped off yesterday wheni it was discovered that there was dangar "ot a. cave-la. , affsrlas Intense. Suffering, especially among the poor er refugees. Is pitiful. In one house vis ited by the police today Xlve eblldrea. the eldest of w) m was but 12 years of age. wera removed from a room. in the second story, wherd they had taken ref uge. According to the story they told, they had' been commanded to remain there until their father, who had gone for food, returned. It was learned later, when the grief-atrlckun father found them at police headquarters, he had been prevented from returning by tke officers who were guarding that sec tion of the city. Sfamlly Taken Ttom Xatt. A family was rescued from a frail raft in tho river" after drifting about for five hours, exposed to the cbllllng rains, of yesterday. They had taken to the craft, which was hastily constructed Cf doors, when the water had risen about their house near the river front, and the parents had feared they would be unable to care for all the children should they try to roach a place of safety by wading through tlio rising flood. Ono of the children, a baby Rlrl of 2 years, was much weakened by ex posure. The transportation problem within Uio city wan solved partially today by the action of many' wealthy Parisians, 'who placed private' equipages at the dispos al of the authorities. The Rothschilds . wero among the.t! public benefactors. Aato Aid Xticst Work. Many sections of the city today re semble the wake of an earthquake. In the streets under which subways er sewers have been broken by tho force of the waters great fissures have ap peared, In other places the pavements have settled, forming sinkholes luto which the yellow waters havo rushed, carrying with It debris and refuse, Sarth Bulges. Hummocks of ea Mi have appeared lu publio parks, and n private grounds. In places these hills have risen uudar the buildings, wrenching many of them ou their foundations and twlsttnt their walls as though they had been grippes by. a giant. Following tho official announcement by the authorities that th,e flood )i reached Its crest and the crisis, la past, tho pcoplo of ParlH today are rejoicing In a frenzy of thanksgiving. Seine rails. At 16 o'clock the riotous Bolne had fa en three Inches below ita Highest point during tho last terrlblo week, und was still receding. The therniomeier registered 32 degrees and general weather conditions were mora favor able than for many days. Although the danger of further dam ago Is believed to be passed, the -itreots In the river districts and the lower por tions of the city present scenes of de struction that are qppatllng. Hexror Hhooks. Whllo the hysteria of immediate per sonal danger no longer grips tke'wholo city, the people are beginning' to awakwi to a realization of the fact that the days of actual suffering and of real danger of a nature mora horrible than fjood confronts thoai, The sanitary conditions In the flooded dlatrloU ara frightful. s UFFERNG