Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 26, 1910, Page 8, Image 8

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smiiim en iiffp iinhi fsamrfrin iran wins thick warde .
UilUULU UW UkLI Ull vbk Wllili uuui ii w 'iiibii uiiv iiiuv
Rorjuo River Territory Only Scratch
ed for Pocket Finds, Says Ex
perienced Colorado Miner
Who Is Prospecting.
Glavls Called Today Before Joint Puts It on Jacksonville to Tunc u
Commission of Congress to Tes
tify Regarding the Ballln-ger-Pinchot
W. G. Womuok, nn experienced a&hiamiw, u. v,., jan.
miner, now making his headquarters j, controversy bognn
nt Central Point, is opomng up a today .hon L R Giavu, who was re
number of Roruo river mines. Ho moved from the office of chief of tho
speaks of uiininR prospects in the i ftold division of the land office by an
19 to 7 Confident They Will
Win Next Game With
Comes to Mcdford Under Auspices
of Lyceum Course Splendid
vnlloy as follows:
"Am n practical miner.
i executive order from President Tnft,
I under-1 was called before tho Joint conimls-
nil formations, etc.. and havo . n or congress to oegin nis icsu-
vorked in mines all my life, for the j mony.
last 35 years. My undo was diseov- : Tho great public Interest was shown
crer of the famous Cripnlo creek by the enormous crowd which throng-
minim; district. Robert Womnck. 1 1 ml the committee room and all ad
huvo looked this country over that
is, Jackson and Josephine counties
alone; tho Rogue river, thoroughly
and find it has. a black eye on ac
count of pocket finds. Tho country
has only been scratched, and it needs
men like those in Colorado to go
down deep. for the gold, ns gold there
is. I have five mine prospects now
with men working them. The deeper
we sink the better tho prospects. One
prospect, named tho Blue Jay, on the
Forest creek and Applegate side,
within two miles of the Ruch "post
office. It runs in value from $70 to
$150 per ton free gold. I have three
claims and a mill site and ten loiisi
of ore on the" duiirin. This is a eon-
tact vein, granite footitiig wall and ! Ing.
i i ii :nnt,.i; !
poropury umig nun mi mvu
of tale on the wall.
jaccnt halls, anxious to hear a word
of testimony or see the leading par
ticipants of the afalr which has caus
ed so much confusion In high places.
Many Witnesses.
It Is not expected that all the evi
dence can be obtained and the report
submitted beforo tho next congress.
Scores of witnesses havo been sub
poenaed. The taking of evidence i
will place In the record tho most mln-!
ute details of the .manner In which j
the disposal of public lands has been
made under the. direction of Balllng
er and every phase of tho famous
Cunningham Alaskan coal cases, with
a vast amount of .detail regarding oth-
Xo hitjhor tribute has ever boon
iwid tho Lyceum movement than
Last night Medford high sohool j whn Frederick Wardo, the eminent
won irom trio Jacksonville nign oxponont ot alinkespenre nnd one of
school basket ball team to tho tunc AmoMcu's greatest tragedians, de
of 19 to 7. liberntoly forsook tho theatrical
Tho Medford boys havo done somo' stage for tho lecture platform. Many
hard practice since their recent do- of his friends feared that tho uudi
feat by Klamath .Palls and fully do- j wll f J'
t I Ittvttf Ajl lit ltU UltlttlMilllllltAAa ill ll tills
servd their victory. The game was f liclmrd m
played tn a nnrrow halt ann mst amt other fnmoU( Shakespearem
playing- was almost Impossible , n,v woM fnil ; ti,cir nHcginnco
.Meuioru nign rooicrs arc mucn en- nm Won d not bo interested in hi
couraged by the .showing of thulr i ,,ntform recitals, but Mr. Wardo was
team and feel continent moy win jnojtrnble in his purpose. When the
win from Klamath Falls on their ro- ( tleaision was mado tho news was
turn game Friday alght. In tho first , Hashed throughout Ainerien bv tho
game tho Medford boys were cauglit spopintcd Pre5t
with less than n ono week practlcoj
ami were uesuen, uie iviamuiu runs
team getting a lead in the first half,
the second half of the scoro being
even. In Friday night's, game Med
ford high. Intends to lcavo tho scoro
in both halves' with a balanco in their
favor. A rattling fast gamo ot basket
ball is expected.
cr cases, closed. nroDOsed and nend
sium, Australia, Jan. m.
Will Visit Sections. ! Johnny Summers, the English light-
In addition to the hearing ot the weight, nnd Rudolph "Boer" Un-
! -1 L OA A I L t
iti n . evidence here, tho committee will iz mei in a -u-rounu ooiu ncre
lialf miles from Central Point, Four make a trip -into the northwest In the today. The fight was anything but
summer and win go to Aiasua wnere !'"""" v...
they will acutaUy investigate first j standpoint and resulted in. n draw,
hand the charges that tho government Summers' speed dazzled Unholz nil
Is being defrauded of the most val- through the fight. Flo danced around
uable coal deposits. It is believed 1 the Boer, who was constantly on the
in..H..ntinn win nrnprMqiaRRressive, but could not connect
somewhat slowly at first as tho com-1 wth his right hand
feet between tho walls on the sur
face was $8 ore; in 34 feet wo find
$80 to $100 ore. This mine will be
stocked. I have another mine work
ing on Williams creek, adjoining the
Tip-Top mine, two nnd one-half
miles from Williams uostoffice. Fo
Neither con-
feet between the walls, $40 free mill-1 mltteo evidently Intends to go into
ing ore. Two men working on it. , tho matter systematically, wltli tno
Hank Fentherly and Geo. Farlow, purpose of clearing up every phase
hotb of Grants Pass. This mine : under discussion beforo passing onto
prospects twelve hundred feet on the
vein, irom ifix to au ore.
"I have four men on Dr. Ray's
property, running to hit tho pay
tho next feature.
Attorney Gcorgo Pepper of Phila
daplhia appeared as counsel for Gif
ford PInchot, tho removed chief for-
(Contlniua from imte 1.)
but over 1000 boosters were present
at the meeting.
Good Itoads Discussed.
President Colvig first brought up
tho subject of good roads, outlining
the purpose of tho club. Ho then in
troduced Porter J. Neff, who dis
cussed tho matter and then proposed
the motion that tho chair appoint a
committee of three to draw up the
proposed nmendment to tho state
constitution and prepare the peti
tions asking that it bo submitted to
the neoDle in November. Tho motion
was carriefl unanimously, and Pres
Went Colvitr appointed as the com
wlttee Z. B. Phipps, Porter J. Kcff
ami 0. L. Reames.
Fenton is Tluinked.
l&r a unanimous vote tho club vot
.Ite thanks to Judge William D.
. Fwiti of Portland for tho nsdist-
hm 1m bad rendered the club in
MjtawTto the Crater Lake rond.
Jde Uon has given much of bis
tw te'fce suit without compenpa.
ti'on anla8 last evening Rivon a
vote of aoiation. , x
The club 10" voted its apprecia
tion to FreAy, Medynski for his
work in s4ur new membeM to the
Commercial el He secured 44 new
members durwl,H.e campaign and
says he will eai jt 50 before ho is
M.o Tn nlmnt ton dnvs we will ester, former Assistant Forester
strike the pay chute of from $400 to I Price and former Assistant Law Of
$1000 per ton. One now can see fleer Shaw ot tho forestry service,
gold in tho rock where they are The public expects that PInchot will
working. Dr. Ray gave me appear in person and give -oico to his
terms and t find him a man that is j grounds for complaint against the do
trying to help the country along. partment of the Interior, expression of
"I expect to be in this part of the which led to his dismissal and that of
country all summer, opening up pros- his suborJinates.
pects. I find better values on the j
surface through this mining district' ......
than they have in Nevada. The loca- LV PQI UTV I llfiF
tions aro good, plenty of water nnd LAUUU!l I I UUUUL
timber, which is half the battle, nnd
just as good values in gold as ever
was in Nevada."
(Continued from pagel.)
tees from contracting debts for the
city in excess of S25 came up for ac
tion and was defeated.
The long-looked-for petition for
tho recall of Mayor Snel! was not
presented, nor has it been filed with
tho recorder. It Is doubtful it the
required number of names can be se
cured as it begins to look as If the
wholo matter was more of a personal
quarrel than a question of public
weal, and tho people do not care to
ueo a good law used to gratify the
spite of a few chronic obstructionists.
testant was badly used up when the
affair was over. No doubt they will
bo matched again.
In holdings of 10,000 acres and
over G3 Individuals and corporations
own 174.4S5.96C arej of ' land,
which Is about one-thlrtpenth of the
'United States, In which their proper
ty is situated, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa,
Missouri, Arkansas and Rhode Is
land, all put together, would leave
out a little ranch of 339, 850 acres.
Speaking recently of that time, Mr
Wnrtlo remarked: ''I made no v
tnke. Shakespeare still lives. I i
meeting those in this work that I did
not meet ns an actor. Thon I was
apart fro mthe public tho footlights
separated us. Now I am close to
them thev are around me nt chau
tnuquas, even on the platform-. I
speak to my audience as to a family
it is human and, best of nil, mv
old admirers .are loyal to me. They
tell mo they like me hotter on the
plntfonn. I feel that I am doing thr
work of my life. No greater encour
ngement could any man have thnr I
have received. I am jii'.t'v"
Mr. Wnrdo rome to th ' '
theater. Saturday, January 2i. up
der the auspices of St. Mnrk'tf GtitV.
as the third attraction in the L.
ccum course.
Seats on sale at Hawkins' Thurs
day morning nt 10 o'clock.
. They Woyothnucror timber trust
' rt f i nitu . . i I.. t I
nun i,vhhp,muv ncii'H in inuu in uit
gon nnd Washington nonrly nil of
It el ulco timber Inud nnd coimtnnlly
I' ci ,i tug In value.
Not a Mlood l)pciiRr fuml by Oil of
Wlntergnu'n (Vimpoiuul.
For ninny years eozomii whs sup
povrd to bo a blood dlxcaso nnd wns
orroiincutiRly treated as such, but
now tho beat authorities agrco that
cozoma Is only a skin iIIuciiho nul bo cured through tho skin The
eminent skill specialist. I)r H l
Dentils, first discovered tlo cczciiui
germ and Ms discovery wns quickly
taken up la both Gorman) ami
To kill the eczema germ and nlj
tho smite ttmo heal tho skin, Or.
Dennis compound oil ot wlatorgroon,
thymol, glycerine, etc. Tho remedy
I xii liquid, not u more salve, hcaco It
ttnks right Into the pores ot tho
kln Washing with tllli oil of win
'tcrgreon compound seems to take
the Itch away ut once; mum tho xcuU
drop away and the disease disap
pears. Tha prescription has now
been used o loag as to Iihto proven
Its nliynltite merit uud wp do not hes
itate to express our confldonce In D.
D. D. Preserlptlou.. For salo ly
Modford Pharmacy.
There Are Reasons Why
You Should Buy a
Coat or Suit
and Right at This Time
First Thoro will bo but littlo change In tho spring
suits from thoso of tho wjntor soason. Of courso tho
mtaorials will naturally bo of lighter shadoa, but our
stock now contains many light suits, and all aro light
woight. Socoiul You can buy now for a small sum what
you would havo to pay almost doublo for lator.
ThirdAs most pooplo buy a suit in spring with
tho oxpoctation of using it for two succossivo sea
sons, suroly no hotter chanco was ovor offorod for
doing that very thing and socuring quality and price.
One Piece Dresses
Our pieco dressos are tho coming rago. Soon it will
bo possible to go without a coat if you havo a boau
tifully fitting one-pioco dross. Wo aro offering an
exceptionally largo lino of tho newest stylos for ex
ceptionally low prta. GET OUR PRICES NOW.
TKe Hutchason Co.
Formerly Baker -Hutchason Co.
If you wnnt quick returns on rc i'
estate, list your property with
Several eastern buyers will arrive i"
a few days that desire large a.'d
small tracts. Siskiyou Land Co.. 20C,
Phipps building. 200
In California 35 men own 1S.32G,-
055 ncres of lani, and therefore
some people think California Is overcrowded.
ia an aid to rather
than a teat of your
If yon don't get
tho baking rwulU
yon should try a
aok of Olymplo
it always makes
good things to eat.
It's "better
Savoy Theatre
( Putin v, I should say.)
(A scream.)
(Solig Thriller.)
John 0. Booth, ex-County Judge andj
Prominent Citizen of Josephine j
County, Dies After Illness.
Hon. J. O. Booth, ex-county judge
of Josephine county, and one of the
. ..? o n z i Ti -
prominent citizens oi uranis ruas,
died this morning at 3 o'clock nt his
homo in Grants Pass.
Mr. Booth has been prominently
identified with the growth and prog
ress of Grants Pass and Josephine
county for nearly thirty years.
Ho served four years as county
judge and was one of the leading
business men of the city ever since
his. coming there.
Mr. Booth was about CO years of
ago and leaves a number of rela
tives, among whom is Senator It. A.
Booth of Eugene.
Mr. Booth wns also commissioner
nt the Seattle and St. Louis exposi
1 :
level as tho result of the torrential
rains that descended upon tho vicin
ity ycXterday and today, Reports
from tho interior state that flood con
ditlons prevail In many sections.
The Portugese coast is being swept
by a gale that at times last night
reached tho proportions of a hurri
cane. It !b feared that many lives
.were lost at Seamh. Advices from
.Oporto Indicate that tho vineyards
districts havo suffered heavy damage.
Tho storm is reported to havo ex
tended to Gibraltar.
Hits Copenhagen.
COPENHAGEN, Jan. 26. Bliz
zards aro raging today thrpughout
the Danish, and Scandinavian peninsu
las, Tho west coast of Jutland, ac
cording to dispatches received hero,
was the Bcene ot several wrecks dur
ing tho nlght and it is feared that
many lives have been lost. Many
fishing vessels aro believed to have
Clearance Sale of
Ladies' Skirts!
We have a select line of black all wool voile skirts on hand which were not
included in our memorable suit and coat sale during the first of tho month
which we have determined to move in order td havo. the room in our cabinets for
new spring goods which are now enroute nnd we are confident these prices will
not leave one in our store and for
Three Days Only
Thursday, Friday and Saturday They Will go at Following Prices
$8.50 Skirts
They come in waist sizes, ranging from
23 to 30, and are absolutely everything tho
moat fastideous buyer could desire as re
gards quality of material and workmanship.
Q uality
Offers an especially good foothill orchard for a low
prico and on good terms. In theso days of advancing
prices, it will pay to look into this.
It pays to deal with the "Man Who Knows. " When
the Rogue River Land Company Rold tho Tronson &
Guthrie orchard at Eaglo Point to tho prize winning
owners, four years ago, the salesman, W. M. Holmes,
assured the purchasers thoso Spitzonbergtrecs would
produce the world's best apples, and subsequent events
prove tho soundness of his judgment. By tho way:
Did it ever occur to you that most of tho men who havo
won out in tho Rormo River Valley, bought their win
ding orchads through the Rogue River Land Com
W. M. Holmes, Manager, is always at your service
for a good buy.
KYou Need Any
thing in SILVER
WARE I have it.
Martin J. Reddy
THe 'Jewlr
Near Post Offtce